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How to use Kingo Ruth program. What is root rights

If you read this article, then most likely you have heard such a word "root-right", and probably want to know what it means and why in general, to get the right of superuser on your smartphone, pass through the whole of this incomprehensible process. We will try to explain in more detail what ruting and why it is cool.

What does it mean "get root rights to Android"?

If briefly and in a nutshell, it will receive root law means that you get the right of superuser or simply speaking to receive admin rights on your phone. If more, it means that you can edit all the system files that are not available. ordinary users. That is, you or any applications that work only on routized devices, you can access and change such system Programs and chips, such as a flash of the camera, lanterns with notifications, etc.

You will remove all restrictions, you are given to you stock firmware. Get root rights on Android, it is also a jailbreak on Apple devices. On the windows computers This is a change in your authority from simple user before the administrator. Perhaps you will be more clear when you read the full article. So stay with us.

Will I lose the warranty after receiving the root?

Of course yes! It is a fact. Similarly, lose warranty owners iPhone., after jailbreak. But, fortunately, return to the stock (standard) firmware of the manufacturer ("roll back to the drain") and remove root rights is also easy. Therefore, after such manipulations, no one guess that you were installed root rights and you can further make a claim for warranty.

Advantages of obtaining root rights on Android smartphones and tablets

Administrator rights reveal us new horizons to customization and total gadget configuration, and moreover, helps you become more experienced in working with a smartphone. Below we present you a list of advantages with their detailed explanation.

1. You can make full backup Files on your device (make a full backup all device)

Let's start with the most huge advantage of obtaining root rights: the best backups. With a routing device, you will most likely want to reconfigure the entire system, install a custom ROM or applications that require root-right. As you will change the root system, it is very useful to have backup Applications, user data or even a whole system. And moreover, it never hurts to have a full backup, since you accidentally remove an important system file.

The most popular application for backup system and individual files is Titanium Backup. Although the PRO version costs about 7 dollars, the program deserves. The application will help you make a backup of all your installed programs and system data.

Another way to make backup your device is called "Nandroid" Backup. Realization of the system with such a backup copying is very similar to the restoration of the Windows OS recovery at the time of the last system backup. So if your gadget stopped working correctly, the programs stop responding and loaded, then the "Nandroid" backup will return you exactly to the point when the backup has been made. It will protect you if for example you want to put another firmware or kernel, and something will go wrong, then you just use the "Nandroid" backup to correct the situation.

2. You can automate all

If it comes to automation, Tasker is the only one need app. With him you can automate well, just all. The program also works on devices without root, but with less opportunities and options.

The application has exactly the same philosophy as the online tool "Ifttt), but works in a more complex way. For example, you can turn off / turn on WiFi every time you come home or go somewhere, or turn on Bluetooth and Google Maps when you connect your gadget to the car docking station. And these are only flowers.

3. You can follow the device, even if someone does "Factory Reset"

Loss of smartphone or tablet is always big problems. Especially if the device was not lost, but stolen. Of course, it is impossible to prevent the abduction, but you can track your phone even without installing special applications Against theft ("anti-kidnapping"), especially since they are noticeable on the device. This means that the thief will be able to simply delete the application or make the "Factory Reset".

When you have root rights, you have the opportunity to install an app for a smartphone surveillance, such as CERBERUS. At the same time, the program is installed in the root of the system. So this program will survive even after full reset Devices to factory settings. You can also set the disguised version of the application, so it will be hidden in "applications".

4. You have the opportunity to put on your smartphone Custom (modified) android versionwhich are called custom firmware

As it is clear from the name, the custom firmware is an adapted and configured version of Android. It often has unique features and improvements that you never get on the standard version of this OS. The most popular custom firmware is Cyanogenmod, Paranoid Android and AOKP. It is only a couple of examples, and there are much more. If you want to get a more flexible and understandable system, a stable robot, greater performance and long life of the battery, then you just need to try all these firmware and choose for yourself the best, suitable for all your requirements and desires.

5. You can use the "XPosed Framework" to configure your device.

Xposed - This is the basis for all available graphic modules that allows you to configure appearance Systems. That is, you can get all those settings and features of the work that is on castomous firmwareBut for this you do not need to put such a firmware. Enough to configure stock with "Xposed Framework". Also, this framework is suitable if you do not want to put a whole firmware, because you need to set up only several individual functions. You will simply have a certain module. Moreover, the framework is easy to install on the phone or tablet. In addition, it works on custom firmware.

6. You can increase the performance of the system and increase the duration of the battery

With superuser rights, you have the ability to change the frequency of the processor on your device. Processor acceleration (overclocking CPU) will give you greater performance, while the UnderClocking CPU will increase the battery life. Test the setcpu application, which is available on Google Play. for 2 dollars. it excellent programwhich has a lot useful features, for example, create a pair of CPU profiles that switched in automatic mode Depending on the established conditions.

Advertising is very annoying, especially on smartphones with a small screen. If certain applications bore you with tons of advertising, you can use blocking utilities and applications ,. But you need to know that the developers sometimes have income from such an advertisement, and if there is no advertising in the application, then most likely it is paid. Therefore, do not block all the advertising entirely, support developers, because without their work there would be no free software.

Also see:

If you get root-rights correctly, this is not a risky business, and of course, the receipt of administrator rights has a large number of advantages in comparison with non-served gadgets. Tiled firmware, or standard android - this is very good systemBut to have an unlimited number of features in the setup is much better. In this article, we just clarified you the essence of such a thing as root-right, but we hope that you have realized the full potential of your device after receiving them.

Kingo root - convenient program For quick getting Root- right on Android. Extended rights allow you to make any manipulation on the device and, at the same time, with improper handling may well undergo its danger, because The attackers also receive full access to the file system.

Now consider how using this program to configure your Android and get root.

1. Device setup

Please note that after activating the root rights, the manufacturer's warranty becomes invalid.

Before starting the process, you must produce some actions in the device. Go to B. "Settings" - "Security" - "Unknown sources". Turn on the option.

Now turn on USB debugging. It is located in different directories. IN recent models Samsung, in LG, you need to go to "Settings" - "On Device"Click 7 times in the field "BUILD NUMBER". After that, get a notice that you have become a developer. Now press the arrow back and get back in "Settings". You must have a new item "Developer Options" or "For the developer", Crossing in which you will see the right field . Activate it.

This method was considered on the example of the Nexus 5 phone from LG. In some models from other manufacturers, the name of the items described above may differ slightly, in some devices "Developer Options"active by default.

The preliminary settings are over, now go to the program itself.

2. Running the program and installation of drivers

Important: An unforeseen failure in the process of obtaining root rights can lead to a device breakdown. All the following instructions are you performing at your own risk. Neither we nor the developers of Kingo Root are not responsible for the consequences.

Open Kingo Root, and connect the device with uSB cable. Will begin automatic search And installing drivers for Android. If the process is successful, then in the main window of the program Buden displayed icon "Root".

3. The process of obtaining rights

Click on it and wait for the completion of the operation. All information about the process will be reflected in the only program window. At the end stage, a button will appear "FINISH"What says that the operation has passed successfully. After rebooting a smartphone or tablet that will automatically occur, root rights will be active.

Here, with the help of small manipulations, you can get advanced access to your device and enjoy its features fully.

Kingo Root app is designed to get root rights on android phone with a computer and android application! In this article we will tell how to use Kingo root for Windows PC To get root rights on android device.

Step-by-step instructions for getting root rights on android using Kingo Root for PC:

  1. You must enable USB debug on your Android phone or tablet:
    - In the settings of the phone, find the item "For Developers", activate there "USB debugging" item.
    - If there is no item "for developers", then in the phone settings, find "about the phone" (it should be at the bottom), then click on the "Assembly number" field until the window appears with the message that you have become a developer .
  2. On your computer, you need to turn off all antiviruses and firewalls, since the Kingo Root application can be determined by them as a virus. Do not worry, it's not a virus!
  3. Download Kingo Root to your computer (version for PC!).
  4. Run the kingo program Android root. On your computer.
  5. Connect your phone or tablet to a computer. Attention, you need access to the Internet! Download drivers for specifically your android device will begin. You can jump out a request to confirm debugging by USB - check the "Allow always" checkbox, click "Yes." Next, the phone can reboot or disconnect and connect again, it is normal.
  6. If the installation of the drivers has passed successfully, the window will pop up with a proposal to get root on your device and the root button. Press it.
  7. A warning window will appear, read it. Press "OK".
  8. Next, your device will reboot and the process of obtaining the root of rights will begin.
    - When the inscription appears on the phone Unlock Bootloader."Press" YES ". To select, use the volume buttons on your phone or tablet. When you have selected" Yes "- press the power button to confirm the selection.
    - When the Recovery menu appears, you should restart the device. To do this, use the volume buttons to select "Reboot" and confirm the selection by clicking on the power button. * This menu may not appear if your phone restarts automatically.
  9. In the application window, a message appears that Root rightand successfully installed. Press the "FINISH" button.

Video instruction how to use kingo root for pc

Video instructions How to use Kingo Root for Android (APK)

If there is no computer at hand, and the root right must be obtained, you can use the app for Android Kingo Root in the form of APK. How to install, use, all step by step instructions In the video:

Gadgets on android platform Weave the lion's share of the engineering market. The developers are constantly improving the OS, trying to maximize it to the needs of users, but from year to year admit a tangible oversight: they prohibit the owner to the owner to the "filling" of his gadget.

And it is for such cases that the Kingo Android Root program exists.

Why the user needs root-rights

Obtaining administrator rights may even be needed to be an inexperienced user. Fault great amount Residential applications embedded by developers in the OS shell. Sooner or later they begin to adversely affect the performance of the gadget, and returned it to the previous state, only to get rid of them.

Without the presence of root rights, this action will not be undertaken, since initially Android does not provide for deleting or changing the "system files". Essentially getting account Administrator in the system, the device owner removes all restrictions. From this point, the user has access to all OS secrets and the ability to change it at its discretion: from the design of icons and applications to the processor clock frequency.

Thus, programs like Kingo Android Root expand the functionality of gadgets and in some cases give them a "second breathing".

Preparation of the device for ruting

Despite the fact that the developers of the software declare it as absolutely safe for the device, they will not give any guarantees. Because the device does not turn into a useless piece of metal and plastic, its owner should be abandoned by the safety of data and system files.

Unfortunately, full backup It is impossible to make systems without administrator rights, however, to transfer important files on an SD card. Contacts and mail in most cases are tied to google accountIt is enough just to synchronize between it and the device.

By completing these simple actions, the user will not regret that I downloaded Kingo Root to the computer and took advantage of it, even in case of data loss.

First steps in working with the program

Installing the utility passes easily and does not require any skills from the user, in addition to the presence of a PC with Windows. Download Kingo Root in Russian or any other language is recommended on the official website; This will protect against an unwanted supplement in the form of a third-party software.

Otherwise, no difficulties arise. Once the program boots to the computer, it will be enough to click on its label to open the standard installer.

When the installation is completed, the utility will be ready to use and requires the device to connect to the computer.

After the PC recognizes the gadget, you should enable it in the menu and "Installation of applications from unknown sources"So that the Kingo Root program (how to use it, even a newcomer will be able to see it. Next will understand using.

Kingo root: how to use

Kingo positions itself as software capable of providing the rooter of root-right in one click. Of course, this slogan is some exaggeration, nevertheless, the program requires a minimum of time and effort when working with it.

As soon as the driver boot to the device is run out, the "Root" button will appear in the window by clicking on which the user starts the process and it remains only to wait for a while until the utility does everything.

If during the receipt of administrator rights on the routing gadget, queries will begin to appear, you should always be responsible to "Allow". When the software is completed, the window will notify the successful completion of the operation and please reboot the device.

To check whether the root was received, the user would be enough to go to the device menu and search the SuperSU icon there. After that, the device can be disconnected from USB and close Kingo Root. How to use the privileges received and change the settings of the device in the future, the owner can learn using various manuals on the network.

Advantages and disadvantages of Kingo

Like any other program for ruting, Kingo has its advantages and cons. From advantages can be noted:

  • ease of use;
  • nice design;
  • the appearance of the Kingo version of this modification of the program will tell you the clear and simple interface), which is installed directly on the gadget, without using PC;
  • the possibility of not only the administrator rights is obtained, but also to remove them from the device and restore its former state;
  • a wide range of supported devices.

The disadvantages of utilities include the likelihood of data loss, removal of the manufacturer's warranty from a rutted gadget, stopping firmware and human factor: curiosity and careless operations of the owner are able to grow up the device.

Nevertheless, the listed kingo root flaws are not so significant and are easily compensated by the use of acquired privileges by the user.

If you have a desire to maximize the possibilities of your smartphone or tablet running on android, it is possible to think about getting root rights for your device that will expand the functionality and get full control over the device.

What is root rights

Android OS is built on the kernel operating system Linux, where it is highly delimited by file access rights, which allows you to protect important system files from their unintentional damage or modification. Thanks to such policies, no program will be able to contact particularly important system files In order to change or delete them. This method is achieved by the reliability of the system, as well as protection against malicious applications and rash actions of an ordinary user.

In Android, the ordinary user does not have a complete control over the system. To have such an opportunity, you need to have superuser rights or other root rights. After receiving root, the user receives unlimited control over the system and, accordingly, above its device. However, you need to be an experienced user And it is clearly aware of every other manipulation with Android, produced with the superuser rights, for in case of any erroneous actions, you can get an inoperable apparatus.

To be clear how accessing access is working, you can give an example with preset applications on a smartphone or tablet. Almost every owner android devicesand faces such a phenomenon. The smartphone manufacturer sets branded programs that often do not need the owner and simply annoy their presence, and also occupy a precious place in internal memory apparatus. However, it is impossible to remove them in the usual method, because The user does not have rights on it. To get rid of them need to have root access. Be a superuser to which everything is allowed. And how to get root? In this article and consider this interesting question.

How to Get Root Rights With Kingo Root

Kingo Root is one of the most popular applications that allows you to quickly and easily get the right of superuser on a large number of Android devices. With supported models can be found on the website of the program, and this is not full listwhat a developer warns in the header of the site - " Please Note That This List is incomplete."Not Listed" Does Not Necessarily Mean "Not Supported" (Note Attention, what this list is an incomplete. "Not Listed" does not necessarily mean "not supported".) The program is issued in two versions: for Windows and for Android.

Getting ROOT Android Rights through Computer

  1. Download Kingo Root by clicking the mouse button on the link " Download from ftp on kingo».
  2. Run the downloaded installation file And wait until the installation is completed.
  3. Run Kingo Root.
  4. If the option "does not include in your smartphone or tablet USB debugging", Then turn it on by going to Settings\u003e for developers. If you do not have such a part, then activate it tapping 7 times by assembly number in Settings\u003e About Phone (Tablet).

  5. Connect your smartphone or tablet to a computer into a free USB port.
  6. Kingo root will find a connection, and Android on the device will ask the resolution of debugging from the computer. Give permission by pressing the button " OK».
  7. The Kingo Android root application will be installed on the smartphone / tablet, with which the program on the computer will rut the device.
  8. With a good conjugation of a computer and a smartphone / tablet on a computer monitor, a window will appear with the button " Root." Click on it with the left mouse button.
  9. The program on the computer will issue a warning that will be established Custom Recovery.that will cancel warranty on your phone, and can also cause your device malfunction or to download it, so it is strongly recommended to back up your data not a gadget. Click " Yes"With agreement with this prevention or" Cancel", Unless you agree. Serious warning! But do not be afraid, the main thing is that electricity does not turn off during the process and then everything will be ok. If you do not want to lose a guarantee, it is better to postpone the ruting until the end of its term.
  10. At the end of the Kingo Root procedure, the message will withdraw RootSucceeded" Click the " FINISH.».

Your smartphone or tablet Install SuperSU Support, with which access is available. multiple applications. Check the success of the root, you can enroll in the application menu and make sure the SuperSU is available. Mark the arch File Kingo Root and install it on your device. Before starting the arch of the file, give permission to install from unknown sources: Settings\u003e Security\u003e Unknown Sources.

Now, having received the root of the rights to Android, you have more opportunities to expand the functional of your device, some of them are given.