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Getting Ruth Right. How to get root rights: Step-by-step instructions

Increasingly, users are interested in how to get the root rights to android tablet or smartphone, as they provide almost unlimited possibilities in the field of disposal management, and can also help solve various problems with it. To get the superuser's rights is not so difficult, because for this there are many special programs. However, some difficulties can still arise.

What are the possibilities of ROOT rights?

Before receiving the root of rights, it should be understood in purpose. So what is rOOT rights - In other words, these are the possibilities of a superuser that can receive the owner of the gadget on the Android platform. Why do you need root rights to Android: With their help, you can install various programs on the device, as well as fully monitor the performance of the platform, make changes to files and folders of the system type, edit them and much more.

Opportunities that provide superuser rights:

  1. Data recovery.
  2. Deleting embedded applications and games.
  3. Change fonts.
  4. Elimination advertising announcementswhich often arise in free games and programs.
  5. Creating backups.
  6. Setting graphic parameters.
  7. Hacking games.

How to make root rights - you have to take advantage special programs. It should be remembered that antiviruses regard them as malicious, since there is a high risk that an inexperienced user, having obtained the right of the superuser, damages the system, as a result of which the device will stop working correctly or fail at all. It is also important to remember that installing root. Rights cancellation warranty on Android Gadget. To return the warranty, you should remove root rights. In case of damage system settings Or these apparatus will require serious repairs.

There are two main ways to download root rights, choose among them the one that is more convenient or affordable:

We get root rights through a computer

Obtaining the root of rights through the PC involves connecting to it mobile apparatus, as well as work with special software. If you have not previously connected a gadget to a USB PC, this process should be established, and it is also necessary to take care that the tablet or smartphone cannot be switched during the connection, and all the time were active. Programs with which you can get the root right to Android 6.0 through the computer:

  • Root genius;
  • Kingo Android root.

Root Genius program

Instructions for working with software:

  1. Connect your smartphone or tablet on android to a PC via USB (Pre-Make Usb Debugging in the settings active).
  2. Run the program, wait for the download.
  3. Genius provides an opportunity and make root rights, and remove them, but you choose the Quick function. The ruting process takes some time - the progress in the percentage ratio is shown in the window, wait for it to complete.
  4. Upon successful completion of the procedure on the PC screen, a green tick will appear.

Kingo Android Root Program

How to rut the device with Kingo Ruth:

  1. Before installing the program to the computer, turn off the antivirus temporarily (it blocks some files).
  2. Connect your machine to the PC by activating the USB debugging.
  3. Run Kingo and wait until it recognizes USB connection.
  4. The start button will appear on the screen, click on it. If you have already tried to get a superuser, there will be two buttons on the screen: remove (removal of the Superwater) and Again (re-rutting).
  5. Wait until the operation is completed. In this case, the device must reboot, and "Succeeded" appears on the PC screen, indicating the successful completion of the process.
  6. Press the Finish button.

Expert Tips: Installing Ruth Access from the computer Be sure to download drivers for your device otherwise it will simply be able to rut!

With third-party applications

If you can't connect the device to the PC, you can resort to applications for Android:

  • Baidu root;
  • Framaroot;
  • Kingoapp;
  • Oneclickroot;
  • SuperSU.

Baidu root.

The program is used to get root, changes in the platform interface, delete built-in media files, creating firmware, device optimization, battery settings. Instruction:

  1. Download for free and install Baidu on your gadget. In the installation process, the inscription "The file contains the Android protection code" (or similar to it). Allow the installation and give your consent to the user agreement.
  2. Run the utility update if this message appears on the screen.
  3. As soon as the program is ready, click on "Get Rut Ruth", after which the download will start, the rutting operation will start. It takes its execution time.
  4. You will be notified of the success of the procedure.


The program allows you to get root on Android tablet by several clicks without a PC. With it, the installation of SuperSU or SuperUser on a smartphone or tablet occurs. To start working, copy installation file In memory of the device and launch it. Instructions for obtaining the capabilities of Superwater:

  1. After starting the framarut, select between SuperSU and SuperUser. It happens that one program does not cope, and the other in a few minutes it rolls the device, so you should try both.
  2. Start the rutting process.
  3. If the display appears with an emoticon and a message about the successful outcome of the ruting, it means that everything went successfully - you have root rights. If the smiley is sad - try to experience another program.
  4. Restart the gadget.


The program is available in two versions: for PC (Kingo) and Android 5.0, 5.1 (supported and early versions) - You need the second, you can download it from the official site, and then install on your phone or tablet. Instruction:

  1. After installing the utilities, run it on the device.
  2. If you have not tried the root right to get earlier, an appropriate inscription will appear on the display.
  3. Run the ruting process and wait for it to complete.
  4. Check the apparatus for the successful receipt of the root of rights.


The presented utility is also available in computer, and in mobile version. You can download it from the official website of the developer. Pre-make sure that your device includes permission to install programs with unknown sources, as well as activate USB debugging. Use the program is easy, as well as other utilities:

  1. Run the application on your smartphone or tablet.
  2. In the middle there is a green button, click on it.
  3. The program will independently select the most optimal routing method for your gadget. Wait until the operation is completed.
  4. If everything goes successfully, Oonclickroot will notify the completion of the procedure.

After ruting, the firmware flew to mobile device? You will have to reset the settings on the tablet (smartphone) or recovery to standard parameters manually. The same should be done if it does not turn on.


The presented utility has a slightly different destination - it is used after the device routing. However, the newest version allows you to get an appropriate user on Android 6.0. The program is the application manager using it you can manage all software on the device. In addition, using the SuperSU application, you can temporarily disconnect the root rights without deleting if the need appears.

Checking the presence of root rights

So, you have already used one of the proposed methods, picked up most suitable program And the routing procedure was completed successfully (in any case, this message was given a utility). There are other cases: for example, you bought a used smartphone or tablet, and now do not know how to check the root rights on android.

It's easy to do it, and another program will come to the rescue Google Play.. The utility is called Root Checker:

  1. Download and install the program.
  2. Run it like any other application.
  3. On the main screen there is a Verify button, click on it and wait for the check.
  4. The program is not Russified, so the inscription: "Congratulations ..." indicates a successful ruting. The message starting from the words: "Sorry ..." speaks of the opposite.


If you performed all actions strictly according to the instructions and carefully read all messages on the screen, then there should no longer have difficulties as to how to install the root on android. However, much depends on the model of the device and version of the OS, since most programs work with only the most popular and well-known devices. If you belong chinese tablet Or a smartphone, difficulties are possible to obtain the root of rights. Also completely different tools are required if you want to rush the Android emulator.

If you are an enthusiast operating system Google Android, constantly testing some interesting functions his device; or advanced user seeking to establish and check more new programs on your smartphone or tablet; Or even the usual user who needed access to some hidden function of the operating system of your mobile device on the Android OS, you have been faced with the concept of "root rights".

This concept is very important in the Android operating system, and by obtaining root rights, you can open access to a variety of very interesting and useful settings Your phone or tablet. What is "root rights", how to check their presence and get in the absence, and in general - for which this root is needed, you can find out by reading the following article.

What is root rights in the Android operating system

ROOT user rights, otherwise called superuser rights (SuperUser in English) came to the Android operating system from UNIX OS. In this OS, the superuser has the right to perform any operations on the device. Accordingly, in the Android operating system, when you receive access to the Root, all possible operating system settings are becoming available for the user, including those that were hidden before. List briefly, why do you need root?

SUPER USER Mobile Device on OSAndroid has the right:

Change any hidden and system files OS;

Change, add or delete a screensaver that appears when loading the operating system;

Delete OS applications included in the firmware by the manufacturer;

Embed into firmware your own applications;

Change appearance OS interface, including themes, appearance of elements system interface etc.;

Control the frequency of the processor of your mobile device;

Create backup copies of the device firmware;

It has the ability to put a custom (unofficial) firmware;

Optimize system speed and time autonomous work Devices with fine adjustment hidden functions OS.

As you can see, a list of features for the user who managed to open access to the root on its smartphone or tablet with Android OS, impressive, and the point of trying to get root rights on its device clearly.

What do you lose, getting access to root?

Before making irreversible changes on your phone or tablet, keep in mind. When trying to getrOOT rights You lose a guarantee on your device!This operation is considered to be the manufacturer that interferes with the provided functionality, and any attempts to pass their "killed" during attempt to put root smartphone In official service center Most likely come across a completely motivated and legal refusal to maintain. In addition, even if you contact the warranty service with another problem, and engineers will discover that your smartphone or tablet has previously been "rutted", you can also encounter a failure in warranty service on quite legal grounds. So, if you still suite you all in your android device, think if you already need to install the superuser rights on it.

If something went wrong

If after you set root rights, your device starts to behave incorrectly, often hang or produce program errors, you can try to return everything back by resetting the settings. You can do this by going to the "Settings" menu and then selecting the "Restore and Reset" item.

If the program led to a serious crash of the OS and your device refuses to load at all, there is a way to reset the settings using the Recovery menu. First you need to find out how you can go to this menu specifically for your device. Usually it is some kind of combination of the hardware volume keys of the volume and turn on your device. Then, hitting the RECOVERY menu, go to "Wipe Data / Factory Reset" and confirm your choice to erase all data from the device. After that, select Reboot. Navigating the menu items is carried out using the volume keys, and the selection of the inclusion key.

Sometimes after receiving the superuser's rights, the anti-virus application installed on the phone or tablet begins to swear to the presence of viruses in the system. You should not be afraid that the Root program has brought something bad to you on your device. Anxiety raised by antivirus is related to the fact that applications used to obtain root work through various vulnerabilities in the OS, thereby exciting the suspicion of the software protection software. If you have something like that, you have the best on your device that you can do is just install another antivirus, which will relate to the presence of a root right.

How to check if you have root rights?

The newbie, reading the grand advantages of "ruting" of his smartphone on the Android OS, may have an irresistible desire to find out if Root is right on its device to get access rights if necessary. Check if it is activated on this device Superuser, you can a few quite simple ways And without a computer.

To begin with, we recommend opening the menu android programs And to see if there is a label of the application with a typical name, such as "SuperUser" or "SuperSU". Many Chinese smartphone manufacturers, going to meetrs, can put root into their firmware from the factory, significantly facilitating our life. And the presence in the system of this application signals us that "ruting" has already been made and to manage root-rights, the manufacturer has installed the appropriate application in the firmware.

If nothing like this was found, it's not a fact that the root right you do not have, just in the system there may be no application for their control. Try to check availability root. Using software methods. For example, you can download free app Terminal Emulator for Android and in the command prompt to enter the command sU.. If after entering the command you received a message "Permission Denied." Therefore, root rights on your device are missing. When after entering the command sU. icon $ at the beginning command line turned into an icon # , Congratulations, you are the superuser of your Android device.

You can also install a simple Root Checker program from Google Play Market, the only task of which is to find out if the right root is activated on this device.

After such a few tightened entry finally, it was time to find out how to open access to the root of the right to android on the smartphone or tablet with the Android operating system.

Immediately, let's say that because of the huge variety of mobile devices on Android OS, as well as firmware to them, the universal recipe for the operation of the superuser does not exist. Each android device has its own characteristics that need to be considered if you are going to "rut." You may have to try several programs before you can set root on your device. Below we will tell about the most popular ways to get root rights on Android.

We strongly recommend that you make backup copies of your contacts, applications, user data or even the entire system, to subsequently do not bite the elbows, if something goes wrong, before exercising any manipulations. How to make backup different types You can read data on Android in our site.

We warn you, dear readers: all actions related to obtaining root rightson your android device, you do at your own risk! The administration of our site does not bear any responsibility for any possible damage or loss of functionality of your hardware as a result of your actions!

One of the popular applications that allow you to quickly and conveniently get root access to your mobile device is the Kingo Android Root program. The program is free and allows you to get a rattle in several clicks.

1. Install the application and connect your mobile device to the computer (on which the Internet must be output), in USB debug mode (it must be allowed to install applications from unknown sources);

2. The program downloads and installs drivers for your device automatically;

3. After that, you will see the "root" button that needs to be pressed;

4. The system will put the right of superuser and will overload;

5. If everything went successfully, you got the root on your device.

IN mobile phones HTC and Sony companies Before getting ROOT rights, you need to make another additional operation - unlock the bootloader. It is done easily and simply, in addition, the operation is reversible and at any time you can backlock the bootloader if you need, for example, pass the phone under the warranty in primevarial form.

Applications for unlocking the bootloader also produces a Kingo company already familiar to us, and you can download them from their official website:

All you need to do after this is to connect your smartphone or tablet to a computer (which must be Internet access), select your version of the Android OS, and activate the debugging via USB. After that, the program will automatically install the driver for your device and establishes a connection to it. Press the "Unlock" button and wait for the operation. In the end, the only thing you want to do is press the "FINISH" button. Access to root on your device is open.

The aforementioned method is suitable for most devices, but its only drawback is the need to connect your mobile to PC. What to do to those who want to "rut" their mobile assistant without a computer? Below we give examples of several most popular programs for getting root on different versions Android operating system, allowing you to get the root of the computer's ride. Before using them, carefully read the instructions.

for Android 1.5-2.2:

Universal Androot (not on all models): The application must be copied to the flash card of your device, install and click on the "Root" button. We overload the operating system and enjoy the root rights received.

forAndroid 2.3:

Gingerbreak: A USB debug must be enabled on the smartphone ("Applications" menu -\u003e "Applications" -\u003e Development -\u003e "USB Debug"). Copy Gingerbreak on a flash card, and become an application for your device (only in the main memory). Run it and click the "Root" button, wait until the program completes the necessary operations. If everything went fine, the device will reboot, and the SuperUser application label appears in the Android program menu.

for new versionsAndroid (from 4.x):

Kingroot: app on chineseBut the interface is simple to disgrace, so it is very easy to understand how to install and activate root rights. KingRoot included Kinguser program that controls root access to run. Applications.

Framaroot: The list of supported devices is limited, but it can be suitable for users who, by virtue of some reasons, does not suit Kingroot. Alshgorithm Action on activation Ruta is also very simple:

Install the program;

Run it and select the desired application, SuperSU or SuperUser;

Choose a character;

A window with an emoticon appears, indicating a successful installation;

Restart your phone;

Enjoy the root received.

After receiving the root on your device, applications "SuperUser" or "SuperSU" can appear. These programs themselves do not provide access to root, they are intended to control the provision of superuser rights for each application, which can request them. When you start the application to which you need root rights, "SuperUser" or "SuperSU" ask you, do you agree to open this application Access to root, and you must confirm your choice.

Keep in mind that simple installation Application data without prior "ruting" of your smartphone or root tablet does not provide rights.

How to remove root rights to android if necessary

Above, we have already written that getting the root on your smartphone or tablet with Android OS when contacting the official service center may be regarded as interference with the design provided by the manufacturer, and this will serve as a refusal of warranty service. Or, perhaps, you want to give your device to someone to use for a while, and you don't want to have too many options to change the OS system files and make too much with a smartphone or tablet. In any case, it will be useful to know how to remove root rights with Android.

If you installed root rights using the Kingo Android root application, you will find the "Remove root" button to return the system to the factory parameters. Or you can delete root from the OS from the SuperSU application settings.

A universal application that allows you to return your device on the Android OS to the original state without a computer is the Universal Unroot program. Its interface is extremely simple. You only need to run the installed on your mobile application Universal Unroot and click the "Unroot" button.

Agree with questions that the program will ask you, and wait for the OS restart. You deleted root rights from your system. If you want to block the bootloader, which you previously unlocked to get root (as we wrote above), keep in mind: Universal Unroot will not be able to do this. In this case, use another way to remove root.

You can also try to remove the superuser from your device manually. For this you need using file Managerhaving access to the system area (root explorer, es File Explorer. etc.) go to the folder:

System / Xbin / and delete busybox and SU files there;

System / App / and delete there SUPERSU.APK or SuperUser.apk files;

Reload Android.

So, we figured out what the root is needed on the mobile device, they learned how to check its presence and how to install the superuser's rights to your smartphone or a tablet with both a PC and without a computer. Ruth rights to Android open new and very interesting features of the device, and using this with the mind, you can make your Android device much more comfortable and functional. Be careful and careful, and everything will succeed. the best way. Good luck!

Modern operational android systems Often are equipped with a set of multiple pre-installed programs that are not needed by the user.

However, they occupy a lot of space on the device disk.

Therefore, often the owners of phones are wondering how to install the root of rights to android correctly, to remove unnecessary programs or make the necessary changes to the operating system?

There are many ways to achieve this, try to consider the most simple and most reliable of them.

Ways to install root rights for Android users

There are two options to add root right for Android:

  1. Using a PC program and connect to a computer or laptop.
  2. Using the program, directly from the device through the installation file.

There may be situations where only one of the types of ROOT right can help, so we will focus more on each.

How to get root rights for Android using a PC program

One of the most versatile, and therefore very popular utilities for routing android devices is Kingo Root for PC.

In order to download it, go to the company and click on the link "Download for windows", After which the download will automatically begin.

Then open the downloaded file and follow the recommendations of the Windows Installer.

  • We set the mark on "i Accept the Agreement", press "Next".

  • Correctly specify the folder in which the software will be located or leave the default folder.

  • And then we constantly click "Next".

  • Then click "Install."

  • We still expect the program to be installed on your PC.

After the application is installed, proceed directly to the installation of the root of rights to android. Run Kingo Root.

In the window will appear "Please connect the device using a USB cable".

Connect the phone correctly to the computer, allow debugging using a PC on the phone, putting a tick in the menu that appears, or go to the USB connection settings.

Attention! Do not turn off the program, do not disconnect your computer or phone, even if it seems to you that nothing happens. For the installation procedure, the root is right toAndroid For a long time, take patience.

Getting ROOT rights using the program installed on the device

If there is no way to rush the phone with a PC, you can use the application installed directly to the device.

Go to the site and download last version programs.

If you use Google Chrome, the browser can make a warning that the site is insecable to your PC - in this case ignore it and download it.

The resulting file with the extension.apk move to the flash card of the phone or its internal memory.

In order for you to install the application to your phone correctly, you must give permission in the security settings android to install third-party applications downloaded not from Play Market.

Now you can start installing the program.

With the help of the conductor, we find a file with extension.apk and open it, agree to the installation and wait until the application is activated on the phone.

Open the application and select the software to install the root rights on Android SuperSU or Superuser, at your request, as well as one of the fabulous Boromir or Legolas characters or any available.

In case of successful completion of the procedure, you will see the smile ":-)".

Otherwise, the application will notify you that the ruting failed. You should search for other ways to get the right superuser rights to the phone.

What you should know when receiving root rights on android

After you received the root of Android rights, your device management features will increase significantly.

You can delete any applications, including those that were pre-installed on the phone along with the operating system.

Important! Since now you can delete any applications, there is a risk. Delete one of the components of the system, which can lead to the fact that the system will stop working correctly. Try not to delete applications whose appointment is unknown, because removal system components It can lead to the final failure of the system.

It should be borne in mind that many programs are associated with an operating shell, and their removal can lead to the fact that other applications will work incorrectly.

These applications include, for example:

  • Camera and gallery.
  • The calendar.
  • Android keyboard.

These components are desirable to leave unchanged.

If you act carefully and deliberately, and correctly get root rights to the phone, you will have an excellent opportunity to control the device with the superuser's rights and make any necessary changes to its operation.

Video on the topic:

Kingo Root - How to Get Root

Getting ROOT Android Rights With Kingo Root

The Android operating system is rather open compared to its opponents, is not limited to prohibitions and restrictions. Normal user will not be able to unbelly intervene in the work none system Program, Change the settings to potentially dangerous or delete any important files.

However, the taboo is removed if the owner of the device becomes the owner of the superuser's rights (root), thereby opening the wide opportunities for managing its device. In this material we will tell you how the Android establish the root rights, about the nuances associated with obtaining root rights, the dangers and "pitfalls" of possessing such rights.

Under the definition of "root" should be understood by the built-in account system administratorhaving advanced work opportunities with OS Android inaccessible to simple users. The routing of the device is used to remove the restrictions installed by the manufacturer in order to protect the device from malicious software, potentially dangerous modifications of system settings and ensure application protection from unauthorized copying.

What give root rights to android and what they need

The main goals of the routing (rooting), i.e. Getting Ruth Or Super User Rights on Android devices - Removing the manufacturer's prohibitions or communication operator for manipulation system applications and launching programs and applications that require administrator rights. Root-right winner receives unlimited access to any system files, despite the exhibited access rights limitations. Simply put, having root rights, you get full control over your device.

  • Access system files, labels, topics, programs, etc. With the possibility of their change.
  • Installing applications requiring root for your work (emulators, drivers, etc.).
  • Removal, replacement or blocking pre-installed unnecessary programs.
  • Activation additional features Android OS.
  • Installing various mods or third-party firmware.
  • Ability to create backup copies and transfer data.
  • Control operation of applications (blocking sending SMS messages to paid rooms Dangerous software or calls).
  • Other privileges.

Please note: the presence of root rights in no way provides any advantages, but only makes it possible to perform certain manipulations with the device.

What is bad in getting a superuser?

Various Internet sources are singing with all sorts of horns against root, but for fairness it should be noted that they are not read. What minuses in this regard should be noted:

  • Depriving manufacturer's warranties (does not apply to all devices).
  • Disable the official updates of the device system (firmware) via the Internet (OTA or FOTA).
  • The threat of the exit of the apparatus in the case of inept use of SuperUser rights.
  • Disabling protection against malicious on the phone system and unresolved access.

There are many ways to get root access to Android. Moreover, for each of the devices there are methods with which you can get acquainted in highly specialized forums. We will try to tell about our material about universal methods Getting Roots that can be used for most gadgets.

To begin, get acquainted with the existing types of root rights:

  • Full root is the root right of without any restrictions, permanent and complete.
  • TEMPORARY ROOT - temporary root access used in the absence of the possibility of obtaining a full root. With a reboot of the device disappears the rights of the superuser.
  • Shell root is also constant root-rights, but without the possibility of changing the \\ SYSTEM folder.

For some gadgets, due to the NAND LOCK, which is not allowed to make changes in Section / System, there is no possibility of obtaining a full access root, then it is possible to use Temporary root or shell root.

On other devices to ensure a full level of access, there are SU programs (Soc. From SuperUser). The routine procedure usually does not represent special difficulties if you follow the exact compliance of the instruction.

The most common program that allows you to rush a large list different devices - Framaroot. It makes sense to try it even in the absence of the name of your gadget in the list of supported, because the probability of obtaining root-rights is quite high.

Installing Ruth With Framaroot Without Computer

  1. Last version aPK fileand "Framarut."
  2. Install the downloaded APK file to your device.
  3. Run the application. If your gadget is supported by the application, the list will appear on the main screen. possible actions, among other things, the options for obtaining or removing root. Below will be the names of the exploits available for use.

4. Next, it is proposed to install SuperSU or SuperUser applications. There is no difference between them, so it all depends on your preferences. In addition, the possibility of manoring (Unroot) will be indicated, i.e. Removing the available superuser rights.

5. Click on the selected item. Waiting for the appearance of a message about the successful end of the root-rights procedure (in case of failure, try using the second option)

6. After successful ruting, reboot the device.

Installing Ruth With PC

There are many programs that allow you to get root rights using personal Computer. It:

  • Kingo. Android root. - Supports most gadgets, simple routing.
  • VROOT - universal utilityallowing you to get a root for a large line of devices.
  • SuperoneClick - excellent app, distinguished by the support of a large number of devices and simplicity of installation.
  • Other.

The principle of obtaining root access via PC is identical for all programs and is reduced to the following actions (on the ROOT example):

In the settings menu, go to the "Developer Mode", turn on USB debugging:

Routhing (process of obtaining root):

  • Download and install on the PC application (Vroot 1.7.0).
  • If necessary, turn off the antiviruses.
  • Install required drivers On your device (if not installed).
  • We run Vroot and connect the enabled device to the computer. On the gadget, you need to include "Installation from unknown sources", "USB debug" in uSB connection Remove ticks with "Camera (RTR)" and "MTP". If not happens automatic definition Smartphone changing the connection type.
  • After determining the device, click the "Root" button.
  • We wait for the message about the successful operation, disconnect from the PC and reboot the device.

Attention! Some devices require Bootloader unlock.

In conclusion, I would like to note the important points:

  1. If you can not assign yourself to the category of advanced users, and do not imagine it very clearly, for which purposes you needed root rights, then it is better not to avoid more troubles and not to experience the fate experiments with the routing of your device.
  2. Antivirusmen usually determine the utilities for getting root as viruses or trojans. But, in fact, such applications due to penetration into the core of the system are such and are. Therefore, as a rule, downloading and installing such programs requires disabling antivirus.

As always in their publications, we invite you to discuss reading and handling us about the emerging difficulties. Good luck!

If you want to "dig" in the Android system, you may find that many applications require the availability of root rights. Recently, there is practically no need to receive superuser rights, but still some applications require root rights. This article describes how to open root rights to Android and why they may need.

Why do you need root rights to android?

Android is based on Linux. In Linux and other UNIX-like operating systems, the root user is equivalent to the administrator on Windows. User root. It has access to the entire operating system, and can do anything. By default, you do not have root rights on your Android device, and some applications do not work without superuser rights. Like other modern mobile operating systems, Android launches applications in the sandbox for security purposes.

The user with root rights always exists in Android, simply does not have a built-in way to access it. Getting root rights means you get access to account With superuser's rights. This process is often compared with the jailbreak on the iPhone or iPad, but getting Root Rights and jailbreak are different actions.

Root rights allow you to make a lot of useful things. With superuser rights, you can delete or freeze the preset applications, start the firewall, turn on the modem mode, even if your operator locks it, create backup Systems and use many other settings that require low-level system access.

Applications that require root rights is not difficult to find on Google Play Store, but they will not work until you get the right superuser. Some applications have functions that work on devices with root rights. Therefore, you need to learn how to open Root rights to Android to take advantage of these functions.


On the Android devices ROOT rights can be obtained for various reasons. In fact, manufacturers of devices are trying to prevent android gadget. And that's why:

  • Safety: On the rutted devices of the application, when working beyond the frames of the sandbox. Applications may abuse the superuser rights that you provided and climb into other applications, which is usually not possible. Therefore, Google does not approve using Android Pay on ROOT devices rights.
  • Guarantee: Some manufacturers argue that after receiving root rights, the warranty disappears. However, the receipt of superuser rights will not break hardware. In many cases, you can fulfill the ROOT rights procedure and the manufacturer will not be able to find out whether the root of rights were obtained or not.
  • Breaking: As usual, you do it at your own risk. Getting Ruth is right, usually, this is a safe process, but you make it yourself. If you spoil something, you will not be able to count on free warranty service to fix it. If you are worried if everything goes smoothly, we recommend first to search for information about the successful superuser's rights on your device to be sure that there will be no pitfalls in the process.

In addition, getting root rights may result in cancellation of your warranty, at least for some types of repair.

Several ways about how to open root rights to Android

There are many ways to rush android, and which you need to use depends on your phone. In general, getting root rights will include one of these processes:

  • Unlock bootloader: Google and device manufacturers officially do not officially support the receipt of root rights, but provide an official way for low-level access to some devices, which allows you to get the right of superuser. For example, Nexus devices are designed for developers, and you can easily unlock the bootloader using one command. And then get the root of the right to archive containing the file to receive rights through the recovery screen. Nexus Root Toolkit utility for nexus devices Automates this process. Other manufacturers also offer ways to unlock the bootloader, but only for certain devices.
  • Use of security vulnerabilities: Other devices are blocked. Their manufacturers do not provide an official way to unlock their bootloader and intervene in them. software. These devices can only be routing using security vulnerabilities, which allows you to install the desired file in the system partition.
  • Installing CyanogenMod or other custom firmware on Android: Technically, this is an expansion of one of the above methods. Unlocking the operating system bootloader and security vulnerabilities allow you to install custom firmware, such as CyanogenMod, which are often routing. CyanogenMod has a simple switch in the settings that allows you to enable or disable root access. Update new version CyanogenMod or other custom firmware will not turn off the root right if the firmware is already routing.

In this article, we will, first of all, use the first way to enter into the unlocked loader. If your phone requires the use of vulnerability, then we will not be able to help you since this process is different for each phone. You can search for information on how to open Root on Android on the XDA Developers forum. You can use Kingo Root and Towelroot applications that allow you to get the right superuser rights in one click.

Before opening root rights to Android, you will need to unlock the bootloader in the official way, and then set the TWRP recovery environment using these instructions. We will use TWRP to rush your phone.

How to upload supersu on your phone and get root access

So, you have unlocked the bootloader, and you installed TWRP. Excellent! You practically did everything. To get root rights, we are going to use the SuperSU program. it best appwhich can provide root access to other applications. SuperSU is also available on Google Play Store, but this version will not provide you with superuser rights, you can use it only if you already have root rights. Fortunately, SuperSU is also available as .Zip file that we can upload with TWRP. This will make the superuser rights and install the SuperSU application.

So, first, go to this link to download the latest version of SuperSU. file to your computer, Connect your phone via a USB cable to a PC and download the SuperSU to the phone.

Next, download the phone in TWRP mode. On the different phones This is done differently, but usually you need to turn off the phone and press and hold the inclusion button + the volume key for 10 seconds, then using the volume keys to go to the "Recovery Mode" point and click on the power button to select it.

As soon as you do it you will fall on main screen TWRP. Click on the "Install" button.

Note: You need to make Backup TWRP before continuing.

The next screen will appear. Scroll down and go to the zip file that you downloaded earlier.

Click on the zip file and you will see this screen. Spend the slider to confirm the installation.

When the process is completed, click on the "WIPE CACHE / DALVIK" button, which will appear and spend the slider to confirm.

When the process is completed, click on the "Reboot System" button to start the Android system again.

If TWRP will ask you to install SuperSU, click "Do Not Install". Sometimes, TWRP cannot determine that you have already installed SuperSU.

Root Management Rights with SuperSU

Now that you learned how to open Root rights to Android, you need to teach the disposal of these rights.

After rebooting the phone, you must see the new SuperSU icon in the application menu. SuperSU distributes the rights to the applications that they are required. Whenever the application wants to ask the superuser's rights, he must ask your SuperSU application, which will show this request. To make sure the root rights work, you can download the Root Checker application to check the superuser rights.

For example, open and add the Clean Master application, which allows you to clear your device from the accumulated garbage. It requires the root of rights for more efficient purification. After starting, you will see a message that you need to provide superuser rights. Click "Provide".

To manage root rights, open the application menu and click on the SuperSU icon. You will see a list of applications that were provided or prohibited by the superuser rights. You can click on the application to change its permissions.

To delete the root of rights, open the SuperSU application, go to the Setup and select the option " Full removal Root. " If this device is applicable for your device, the root of the right will be deleted.

Now you know how to open Root rights to Android and how to remove them. Good luck!