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What is a root of the right to android. What is root access and superuser rights on android

Unlike the iOS, the Android platform is more open and militant for the so-called deep control. But there are some restrictions with prohibitions. An ordinary user will not allow the system to interfere in its files and experiment with potentially dangerous settings.

These restrictions can also be bypass if you open root access to Android, that is, to get the right of the superuser. Such interference in the system can negatively affect the platform, especially when it comes to newcomer experiments. So it is worth thinking several times before getting root-rights and access to Android. The consequences of OT. inappropriate action May be the most sad. But everything is about.

How to get root rights?

From our article you will learn how to get root-access to Android and what tools for this will be needed. We will analyze the main stages of this procedure and give several useful Soviets. The latter will help to avoid critical errors.

As a "experimental" we take one of the most popular gadgets of the medium-season segment - "Xiology of notes 3", turn on the root access to Android, we will try on it. But for starters, we will conduct a short libez, which for beginners will clearly not be superfluous.

Why do you need root, or superuser rights?

Such rights are needed to get full access to the system and its files. This allows you to upgrade the "Android" platform for your needs to perform some specific tasks. And speech here not only about mobile phones and tablets, but also about other devices running this OS.

For example, if you enable root access for Android on a TV console, then you can install a noticeably larger list of applications: codecs, file managers, games, and other not available or somehow limited to installing software.

Features of the rutted gadget:

  • thin configuration of the interface (fonts, animation, icons, sizes of elements, etc.);
  • removing the developer / manufacturer of applications built-in
  • free shopping in gaming applications;
  • backup all files, including systemic (for future experiments with the platform);
  • block the built-in advertising (Aliexpress, taxi service and other);
  • install programs on memory card.

The consequences of obtaining administrator rights

But before installing root access to Android, it is worth knowing that you can harm not only your gadget, but also add headaches.

Possible consequences of obtaining root rights:

  • loss of warranty;
  • the possibility of obtaining updates "by air" is lost;
  • there is a small probability of failover of your device.

So, before turning on the root access to Android, think a hundred times, but do you really need it? It is possible that there will be some specialized applications or other tools to implement the tasks that do not affect the platform system files.


If you are going to turn on the root access to Android, then to begin with, it is worth preparing your device to this procedure. This will avoid the loss of important data, such as contacts, passwords, working files, some notes and so on.

Before routing the device, be sure to back up an important information for you to external media. This procedure can be performed by both specialized software and manually by local means.

Creating a backup (Consider at Android 6.x):

  1. Open the "Settings" - "Memory and Backup".
  2. Click on "Copying and Restoration".
  3. Then call the Backup window.
  4. Utility will suggest you choose a place to save (choose external storage).
  5. We put beacons on the data you want to copy.
  6. We agree with the procedure and wait for its end.

Also take care that your gadget is charged at least 80%. If the process of obtaining the superuser's rights will be interrupted due to the seed battery, that is, disabling the device, the probability of "dropping" of your device grows at times.

Features of the procedure

Also, it will be useful in the settings to allow the installation of applications from unknown sources. If you are going to turn on the root access to Android through personal ComputerYou need to activate USB debug mode.

Installation from unknown sources:

  1. We open the "tincture" - "prints and safety".
  2. At the bottom of the list, you move the toggle switch to an active position in the section "Unknown sources".
  3. Restart the gadget.

USB debug mode:

  1. Open the "Settings" - "About Phone".
  2. 6-7 times with a row with a firmware version until the message "Now you are developer" appears.
  3. Open the "Settings" - "Special Features".
  4. Select the item "for developers".
  5. We switch to the toggle switch in the "USB debugging" line to the active position.
  6. Restart the gadget.

Get administrator rights from a mobile device

To begin with, we will analyze how to enable root-access to Android directly from the phone. To do this, we need a program from Chinese Kingroot developers. You can download it from the official site. In the case, if necessary, you can find a crack. The latter is not the most the best wayTherefore, it is better to do the native - the English-speaking version, because there will be no special difficulties here.

This application Compatible with almost all popular brands of smartphones. The developer assures that the chance of "collision" of the device when using its software is extremely small - about 0.1%. Judging by the reviews of users, it is also: on a hundred users only one or two complained about the fully spoiled gadget. And then after the proceedings, it turned out that some conditions and items of obtaining root-rights were violated.

Rooting process:

  1. Download the application to your device and install it.
  2. Run the program and wait for the end of the analysis of your gadget.
  3. If on the main window there is an inscription root access is unavailable, then click on the TRY TO ROOT button.
  4. Wait for the end of the ruting process (time depends on the performance of the device).
  5. If the operation has been successful, it will appear root succeeded.
  6. Restart your device.

Sometimes some problems may arise when ruting, instead of the inscriptions about the successful administrator rights, the program issues logs with errors. It is often complaining of gadget owners from Samsung. Brand and its branded firmware provide more reliable protection Systems from this kind of "penetration", so the program can be tried to start once again.

Features of the program

The fact is that the utility uses different and not always compatible one with another ruting algorithms. That is, they are performed alternately. Repeat launch of the program may well be more successful.

Also, many are asked: "And where to find root-access on Android?". In order to find out, your device is routing or not, it is enough to run KingRoot and one of the inscriptions should appear on the main window - Root Access IS Unavailable or Root Succeeded. In the first case, administrator rights are not established, and in the second - successfully obtained.

Obtaining administrator rights with PC

Advanced users consider routing through a personal computer more reliable, and the likelihood of successful administrator rights in this case is higher. Judging by the reviews, the Kingo Android Root program can be called the most popular, and at the same time an effective tool.

The developers of this software are engaged in searching for the vulnerabilities of the Android platform, so that they know their own, and some serious missions have not been noticed for them. You can find the program on their official resource.

Rooting order:

  1. Connect mobile device via the USB interface (USB debug must be enabled on the phone).
  2. Wait until the program defines your device and installs the appropriate drivers (check the internet connection).
  3. On the mobile gadget in the pop-up window, allow the connection by clicking on the OK button.
  4. Already on the computer there should be a basic window with a large root button at the bottom.
  5. Click on it, wait until the process of the ruting process is completed (time depends on the performance of your mobile device).
  6. In the case of a successful implementation of the procedure, root succeeded will appear!
  7. Disconnect the USB cable and restart your mobile gadget.

The program works with a large list of smartphones, tablets, TV consoles and other devices running the Android platform. If the utility could not determine the model of your device or required drivers It was not found, then in this case it is worth looking for a proprietary application from the manufacturer to synchronize. You can find it on the official website of the brand. If you have an ultra-budget noname-device from China, it is better to get administrator rights in the first way, that is, directly from the phone.

Removing root access

This section may also be needed, especially those who want to attribute their gadget to the warranty service center, or if after ruting there are some serious problems in the device. To delete the administrator's rights, we will need a SuperSU program. You can find it on the "Play Market".

Rut Access Removal:

  1. Run the utility and wait until it determines the gadget model and check the presence of root-rights.
  2. Go to the "Settings" tab.
  3. Click on the "Full ROOT removal" item.
  4. The device will hang for some time and after will reboot.
  5. In the pop-up window, an inscription should appear that the removal of root-rights has passed successfully.

Data-Lazy-Type \u003d "image" data-src \u003d " 500w, Content / Uploads / 2015/08 / Android-root-300x127.jpg 300w "sizes \u003d" (max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px "\u003e
If you discovered this article, then you will certainly have at least some idea of \u200b\u200bthe superuser's rights. But at that rare case, if you are the usual Android user and opened an article from idle interest - a small libez.

The superuser's rights, they are root-rights (from the English "root", which means "root") is the ability to record, change and delete information in the system (or root) section of the file system. This concept similar to the administrator rights on Windows and is used on operating systems based on UNIX (Linux, Android, Tizen, etc.)

Root rights can be obtained almost on all Android devices and we will definitely go through the most popular ways to receive them, but first let's answer two very important questions: is it safe to do now, and whether it is worth it.

What consequences entails receipt of root-rights

Data-Lazy-Type \u003d "image" data-src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang: Please note" width="145" height="121" srcset="" data-srcset=" 300w" sizes="(max-width: 145px) 100vw, 145px"> !} First of all, answer the question - did you read the warranty agreement that attached to your phone? If you read - then you know that the receipt of root-rights is a gray zone and whether your warranty will remain with you upon completion of the process depends only on the manufacturer's policy.
Next, remember one thing - the superuser gives you full access. FULL. That is, if you suddenly fail to remove important system files - no one will stop you. So carefully follow, what programs will receive rights from you, as well as consult with others, more experienced users Android before doing some nonsense.

What advantages can be obtained if you have root rights

Data-Lazy-Type \u003d "image" data-src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! Lang: benefits of getting rights" width="159" height="50" srcset="" data-srcset=" 300w" sizes="(max-width: 159px) 100vw, 159px"> !} A list of what can be done in the presence of root rights is just huge. Just take a look at the most popular causes of superuser rights!

IMPORTANT: In brackets specified a program that allows you to perform this action.

  1. Deleting pre-installed A la Facebook or Twitter programs from the system partition (Titanium Backup);
  2. Transfer of cache applications with internal card memory to external (FolderMount);
  3. Transferring partition with applications to the memory card (XPosed App2SD);
  4. Global interface modification with the ability thin setting (almost all XPosed modules);
  5. Disable advertising in all applications (Adaway);
  6. Hacking purchases in applications with PlayMarket (Freedom);
  7. Disable license verification in non-flame applications, as well as hacking (Lucky Patcher).

See also: How to use a smartphone or tablet on android newcomer

And that is not all! In fact, having root access to your phone, you can make almost anything from it. And if your mock has not yet cooled - let's turn to the process of obtaining root-rights itself.


Data-Lazy-Type \u003d "image" data-src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! Lang: Routized Android" width="165" height="91" srcset="" data-srcset=" 300w" sizes="(max-width: 165px) 100vw, 165px"> !}
Unfortunately, just to enable root-access on Android You can not - the manufacturers have tried to protect their creations from the curves of the hands of users and this is, in fact, correctly - otherwise the number of appeals to service centers would grow at times. But this does not mean that it is impossible to get root-rights at all. Moreover, for most phones, this procedure is extremely week and takes only a few minutes.

There are many ways to get root rights and as in our other instructions, we will go from simple to complex.

1. From the device itself

Data-Lazy-Type \u003d "image" data-src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! Lang: Google play Market."width \u003d" 92 "height \u003d" 100 "srcset \u003d" "data-srcset \u003d" 405w " Sizes \u003d "(Max-Width: 92px) 100VW, 92PX"\u003e Despite the fact that many manufacturers close access to their smartphones as much as possible, hackers from around the world, from time to time they find loopholes that allow you to get the right to just with one click on the screen. And other manufacturers simply trust their users and even publish their protection algorithms. It is at such principle that various automatic Root rights recipients are based, the most famous of which is Kingroot.

All that is required to get root rights on the device with using Kingroot. - It is pressing one button. From the shortcomings of KingRoot - not the most familiar to the old users Android manager Right. Instead of the usual SuperSU, KingRoot uses its own program, which, however, is not particularly different from SuperSU in functionality.

In addition to Kingroot, the Framaroot program is popular with popularity, as well as numerous other applications for android devices, such as VROOT,

2. With PC and Special Programs

Data-Lazy-Type \u003d "image" data-src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! Lang: Connection Android to PC" width="150" height="129" srcset="" data-srcset=" 473w" sizes="(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px"> !} If you can send the instructions for unlocking from within the Android system, it is impossible, this does not mean that this cannot be done at all. At least, according to this principle, they operate such programs as SuperoneClick, Kingo and many others. As the basis of its work, they use a USB connection of an android smartphone and a PC through which commands are served.

See also: How to restore android device

In order to be able to do it, you need to enable in the settings of your Android-smartphone "Debug on USB" option. She is B. hidden section "For developers", and to open this section (if it is closed), go to the "On Tablet" section and tet-fifteen times click on the "Assembly version" item.

After you have turned it on simply connect your Android smartphone to a PC (in Mass Storage mode, naturally) and run the program you selected, then follow the instructions for working with it. About what kind of program to choose and how to use it, you will have to think independently - the number of Android devices is too large so that you can say with confidence which one of them is working with one program, and which on the other.

3. Using a PC and ADB terminal

Data-Lazy-Type \u003d "image" data-src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! lang: connection phone and computer on the ADB protocol" width="150" height="129" srcset="" data-srcset=" 473w" sizes="(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px"> !} If the manufacturer of your smartphone really loves his paranoia and is quite successful to afford to hire a lot of talented programmers for a few people who need (especially sinful Sony) - get root-rights with Kingroot or Kingo will not work. Just as it does not come out and get root on devices with non-standard stuffing (let's say on the ASUS Zenfone line or Chinese android tablets built on Intel Atom). In this case, you will have to use the help of the computer and the ADB interface.

For those who do not know what ADB is, is responsible. ADB is a special protocol that allows your android device to receive instructions from a computer over a USB cable. Due to the fact that ADB is part of the most android systems, such teams in most cases have a higher priority than protective solutions Phone manufacturer.

For normal operation ADB with your phone you will need at least:

  • Computer with operating room windows system 7 (more new OS can work unstable or do not work with the necessary drivers at all);
  • ADB drivers for your device (usually issued by the manufacturer);
  • USB cable;
  • Actually, the smartphone with the "Debug on USB" option is enabled in the settings;
  • Unpacked in the folder "X: // ADB", where X is (preferably) a non-system disk, an archive with an ADB terminal.

The Android operating system is rather open compared to its opponents, is not limited to prohibitions and restrictions. Normal user will not be able to unbelly intervene in the work none system Program, Change the settings to potentially dangerous or delete any important files.

However, the taboo is removed if the owner of the device becomes the owner of the superuser's rights (root), thereby opening the wide opportunities for managing its device. In this material we will tell you how the Android establish the root rights, about the nuances associated with obtaining root rights, the dangers and "pitfalls" of possessing such rights.

Under the definition of "root" should be understood by the built-in account system administratorWith advanced features with OS Android, inaccessible to simple users. The routing of the device is used to relieve restrictions installed by the manufacturer in order to protect the device from malicious software, potentially dangerous modifications system settings and ensure the protection of applications from unauthorized copying.

What give root rights to android and what they need

The main goals of the routing (rooting), i.e. obtaining the rights of "root" or "superuser" on android devices - Removing the prohibitions of the manufacturer or telecom operator for the possibility of manipulating system applications and running programs and applications, which require administrator rights. Root-Right winner receives unlimited access to any system files, despite the exhibited access rights restrictions. Simply put, having root rights, you get full control over your device.

  • Access system files, labels, topics, programs, etc. With the possibility of their change.
  • Installing applications requiring root for your work (emulators, drivers, etc.).
  • Removal, replacement or blocking pre-installed unnecessary programs.
  • Activation additional features Android OS.
  • Installing various mods or third-party firmware.
  • Ability to create backups and data transfer.
  • Control operation of applications (blocking sending SMS messages to paid rooms Dangerous software or calls).
  • Other privileges.

Please note: the presence of root rights in no way provides any advantages, but only makes it possible to perform certain manipulations with the device.

What is bad in getting a superuser?

Various Internet sources are singing with all sorts of horns against root, but for fairness it should be noted that they are not read. What minuses in this regard should be noted:

  • Depriving manufacturer's warranties (does not apply to all devices).
  • Disable the official updates of the device system (firmware) via the Internet (OTA or FOTA).
  • The threat of the exit of the apparatus in the case of inept use of SuperUser rights.
  • Disabling protection against malicious on the phone system and unresolved access.

There are many ways to get root access to Android. Moreover, for each of the devices there are methods with which you can get acquainted in highly specialized forums. We will try our material in our material about universal ways to get root, which can be used for most gadgets.

To begin, get acquainted with the existing types of root rights:

  • Full root is the root right of without any restrictions, permanent and complete.
  • TEMPORARY ROOT - temporary root access used in the absence of the possibility of obtaining a full root. With a reboot of the device disappears the rights of the superuser.
  • Shell root is also constant root-rights, but without the possibility of changing the \\ SYSTEM folder.

For some gadgets, due to the NAND LOCK, which is not allowed to make changes in Section / System, there is no possibility of obtaining a full access root, then it is possible to use Temporary root or shell root.

On other devices to ensure a full level of access, there are SU programs (Soc. From SuperUser). The routine procedure usually does not represent special difficulties if you follow the exact compliance of the instruction.

The most common program that allows you to rut a large list different devices - Framaroot. It makes sense to try it even in the absence of the name of your gadget in the list of supported, because the probability of obtaining root-rights is quite high.

Installing Ruth With Framaroot Without Computer

  1. last version aPK fileand "Framarut."
  2. Install the downloaded APK file to your device.
  3. Run the application. If your gadget is supported by the application, the list will appear on the main screen. possible actions, among other things, the options for obtaining or removing root. Below will be the names of the exploits available for use.

4. Next, it is proposed to install SuperSU or SuperUser applications. There is no difference between them, so it all depends on your preferences. In addition, the possibility of manoring (Unroot) will be indicated, i.e. Removing the available superuser rights.

5. Click on the selected item. Waiting for the appearance of a message about the successful end of the root-rights procedure (in case of failure, try using the second option)

6. After successful ruting, reboot the device.

Installing Ruth With PC

There are many programs that allow you to get Root rightand using a personal computer. It:

  • Kingo Android Root - Supports Most Gadgets, Simple Routhing.
  • Vroot is a universal utility that allows you to get a root for a large line of devices.
  • SuperoneClick - excellent app, distinguished by the support of a large number of devices and simplicity of installation.
  • Other.

The principle of obtaining root access via PC is identical for all programs and is reduced to the following actions (on the ROOT example):

In the settings menu, go to the "Developer Mode", turn on USB debugging:

Routhing (process of receiving root):

  • Download and install on the PC application (Vroot 1.7.0).
  • If necessary, turn off the antiviruses.
  • Install required drivers On your device (if not installed).
  • We run Vroot and connect the enabled device to the computer. On the gadget, you need to include "Installation from unknown sources", "USB debug" in uSB connection Remove ticks with "Camera (RTR)" and "MTP". If not happens automatic definition Smartphone changing the connection type.
  • After determining the device, click the "Root" button.
  • We wait for the message about the successful operation, disconnect from the PC and reboot the device.

Attention! Some devices require Bootloader unlock.

In conclusion, I would like to note the important points:

  1. If you can not assign yourself to the category of advanced users, and do not imagine it very clearly, for which purposes you needed root rights, then it is better not to avoid more troubles and not to experience the fate experiments with the routing of your device.
  2. Antivirusmen usually determine the utilities for getting root as viruses or trojans. But, in fact, such applications due to penetration into the core of the system are such and are. Therefore, as a rule, downloading and installing such programs requires disabling antivirus.

As always in their publications, we invite you to discuss reading and handling us about the emerging difficulties. Good luck!

Root rights or superuser rights allow you to get unlimited access to file System Gadget by android platform, including access to system files and folders. And without that such an open and customized system, in case of obtaining these rights, becomes even more changeable.

What are the types of root rights

  1. Full root - means a full root, these are constant root rights that are opening in front of the owner of the device absolutely all the possibilities operating system and apparatus.
  2. Shell root is the same rights as Full Root, only access is closed with them to the system section of the System, that is, there is no possibility to record and overwrite this section.
  3. Temporary root means temporary root, that is, the rights disappear after the device is rebooted.

Getting root rights

The process of rutting may differ slightly depending on the device used, but inherently one and comes down to adding system folders Multiple files and SuperUser or SuperSU applications.

To become a superuser, you usually need to go through the following steps:

  1. Preparation of your device. For example, you need to unlock the bootloader on some smartphones and tablets, transfer files to the memory card, etc.
  2. Launch special software Directly on the device itself or on the computer to which the device is connected.
  3. Copying the SU executable file that is installed in / System / XBIN / SU. It is he who is responsible for root.
  4. Setting the rights of access to files and directories using the chmod command.

The most necessary programs for root users

  • The list of Must-Have programs opens the Root Explorer file manager. It will allow unhindered to operate system filesBy making your smartphone or tablet even more personal. For example, it will be possible to transfer programs, cache and other data on a memory card Even if such an opportunity is not provided.
  • If you want to remove unused system applications, you will need root uninstaller. When you delete, be careful - some supposedly unused applications can actually be vital elements of the system.
  • Frequently performed tasks can be automated using the most powerful Category application - Tasker. A slightly confusing interface with interest is compensated by the richest functionality and practical program.
  • Greenify is another significant solution for a routing phone. Allows you to "freeze" the work of programs in the background and thereby saves the precious interest charges of the battery.
  • BusyBox - makes it possible to use the familiar Linux commands to control the smartphone.
  • Titanium Backup - allows you to back up the system, including contacts, SMS messages and application data.

Having at its disposal the right of the superuser, you can change the system bootloader, install an alternative RECOVERY menu and custom firmware.

SuperUser to control the steered device

In order for all the power of new rights not to be used not for its intended purpose, but for mercenary purposes, control measures are needed to limit the use of these rights. The main control of the steered telephone falls on the shoulders special programs, most often - SuperUser. It allows you to provide and restrict access to super-rights of various applications. For example, during the first startup of the same Root Explorer, a window will appear, where you will be asked to provide file manager Root-right, and if you refuse, then access to the hidden elements of the built-in memory will not receive.

The SuperUser interface is intuitive: the main screen is a list installed applicationsIn general, in principle, they may require root-rights and displays, which powers are given a given program. When you select a program from the list, the permissions menu will open, where you can provide advanced rights for the time, forever or to prohibit their use.

What disadvantages of routine

  1. Loss of warranty on the performance of the device, if it is still valid.
  2. Loss of updating the operating system "by air" (OTA update), but not on all versions of firmware.
  3. Disabling branded chips of some manufacturers.


If you are still thinking about getting root-rights or not, then our answer is unequivocal - do it now. Superuser's rights will use any owner of a smartphone on Android, because they turn your customized apparatus in a truly limitless field for creativity and practical solutions. The risk of obtaining an inoperable device under compliance with all instructions is almost as minimal as the likelihood of spontaneous "oxyching" of the device. In addition, at any time, if you wish, you can make an entry, that is, to remove the root law.

Dare and use your device 100%.