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Install the connection between android and computer. How to connect the phone to WiFi network as a network drive in Windows

Expand the capabilities of data exchange between the home computer and the device on the android platform using the file manager. Preparing the "File Manager for Android" stumbled upon a cool Android connection function local network Windows. So, we will examine on the example how to do it.

Dano: Wi-Fi dot Access, computer with operating windows system (in my case it is Windows 7), android gadget with the installed file manager, which has a SAMBA server function (I have ES File Explorer.).

Step One: Create a new user on the computer

This is not a mandatory step, you can use the data of the already created users, but I decided to make a new one, especially for authorization through my android phone.

To create a new user come in: Start - Control Panel - Adding and Delete Accounts.

Everything is simple here, the only thing to account with the usual access. After that, in the account settings, be sure to create a password.

Step Two: Create a shared folder on a computer

Not necessarily folder, you can connect a whole partition, for example, a C drive with the right mouse button on the document or folder to which we want to open access, go to the "Access" tab and click "Common Access". In the drop-down menu, select the username that was created in the previous step, and do not forget to set the level of read and write permissions.

The general section to which we will connect from the android system is created.

Step Three: Create a server in the file manager

We run ES File Explorer, go to the LAN tab. Press the "Menu" hardware key, then "Create" in the dialog box, click "Server".

There are many of all sorts of incomprehensible settings, but if you figure it out, there is nothing terrible in them.

Now everyone is in order:

Domain: Leave empty

Address: Here we drive the IP of our computer (this parameter can be found in writing to the console Windows team ipconfig how to get into the console is visible on the screenshots below)

Login: Name account From the first step

Password: Password account from the first step

Name: Leave empty, or invent any name for our server

After you have entered all the data, click "OK". Candle! The server is created, now we can go to the computer directly from our phone (well or tablet).

The simplest solution to connect android phone To computer via WiFi - ES Explorer. The application is free and has understandable interfaceHowever, most Android phone owners are limited to its use only as a file manager. To open the network capabilities of the program, it is necessary:

If the connection is successful, all computer directories will be displayed available for public.

To open files from your phone on a computer via WiFi, it is recommended to use another menu item: "Network -\u003e FTP". Authentication or choice of additional settings will not be required. The application will create an FTP server on your smartphone, will open the required port and provide a ready-made link to connect.

You can view or download files from your phone via WiFi in any browser. Just enter the specified data in its address bar.

If you want to download from viewing files android devices or download folders to it, you can do it through standard applications operating system. To do this, it is enough to enter the address of the server that was provided by the program directly in the "Explorer" string. The directories that are located in the memory of the smartphone will open in the same way as the files with folders on the computer itself.

Important! The most complete use of the smartphone file system when connecting this method can be provided with specialized FTP clients, such as FileZilla or SmartFTP. But even when working through the standard File Manager "Explorer" in Windows, you can copy files from the phone and on it.

Using Airdroid application

In addition to viewing files on your smartphone, this application provides full phone synchronization with a computer. Connecting to a computer via WiFi is performed in several steps.

It is important to remember that the device on Android and the computer must be connected to the same network. In this case, if a router is used, a wired connection can be used for a computer, and the smartphone will be connected via WiFi. If there are difficulties at the synchronization stage, it is possible that the smartphone is connected via mobile Internet.

After confirmation of the synchronization, connect to the phone. Almost any actions that can be performed, you can do remotely through the computer and. The interface is made as a separate desktop. The upper right corner displays information about the device and the amount of free memory. Just below - the control panel, with which you can send files and folders to the device.

Icons on this desktop work as menu items on the phone. For example, the call log displays the full details of the calls. Synchronization is performed in both directions - with the ability not only to view the records, but also to delete them. Changes will be applied on the phone.

When opening contacts, all numbers are displayed in the smartphone's memory. People from the notebook can be sent SMS or call using the computer.

Of interesting functions Applications can mark the use of the camera on Android. The practical applications of this feature are not so much, because the phone is and so is within the distribution of WiFi signal.

In the same time streaming video, the device is connected to the device screen via WiFi. When updating information, a delay may occur, but it is not so big to prevent the work.

Airdroid also opens full access To the file system of the smartphone, like the ES conductor. Data on the phone is transmitted via WiFi for both reading and recording mode.

Solving possible problems

If you do not manage to connect the phone to a computer via WiFi none of the proposed methods, restrictions can be installed by your router. In some cases, in its settings, a mode can be set, in which various devices on the local network do not have a direct connection between themselves, and are used exclusively for accessing the Internet.

You can change the settings in the router control panel.
For Huawei: "Home Network -\u003e WiFi Settings - WiFi Encryption - Enable Access Point Insulation."
For TP-LINK routers, the corresponding item is in the menu: "Wireless Mode -\u003e Advanced Settings -\u003e Activate AP Isolation".

In the case when the connection via FTP is successful, but in the ES Explorer menu, the smartphone does not displays other devices, it is recommended to change the parameters general access on the computer.

Useful video: The easiest way to connect the phone to a computer via Wi-Fi

Step one: Creating a new account on the computer though, if you already have an account, you can use it, I decided to do this to specifically authorize your computer via the Android phone. If you still create a new user to do it like this: Start, Further control Panel and after adding and delete accounts.

There is nothing complicated here, only create a regular account. At the end do not forget to set the password.

Step two- Creating a sharing folder on a computer I would like to note that you can only connect the folder, but also wheels, for example C. Select the folder or section and click on it twice, then enter the tab " Access"And click" General access" In the drop-down menu, write the username. Important, the username must be as in the previous step, also select reading and writing.

The general section to which we will connect is successfully created.
Step Third- Creating a server in file mode For further work, we will need a program ES File Explorer.Install which you can in Google Play. Downloaded? Then we go to the program itself and choose the LAN tab. Press the " Menu", After" Create"And in the dialog box, click" Server».

Here you will see many different settings.

I will tell you what to do. Field Domain»Leave empty, but in the field" Address»Enter your computer's IP (if you do not know it, write to the IPConfig console, the screenshots below).

Field Login"- This is how you already guessed, the name of the account, it must be entered the same as you led in the first step. Password also enter the same as in the first step. " Name»You can leave empty or call, as your fantasy tells, for server.
After entering all data, click " OK."And, about a miracle, the server is created. Now you can go to the computer from your phone, or the tablet.

Now we can start the process of shaking the folder in the Android device itself.
Smartphone and PCs must be in one Wi-Fi network
We take a smartphone and go to your computer, choose a folder or file, clamp the icon.

Now select the action (for example, copy or cut) and go to the PDA tab.

We choose the folder where you want to insert the file - and voila, you have in your phone.
The same can be done with cloud servers. Select the tab "Network".

We add the server in the same way as added to the computer, only here you have to enter your account credentials in the cloud service.

Enter in the search string eS File Explorer.and press Search:

In the search results, select the application ES conductorfrom the developer ES App Group:

Click Install:

Click To accept:

After downloading and installing the application ES conductor(or ES File Explorer.) Press Open:

Setting ES Explorer (ES File Explorer)

Applications have three screens:

  1. Homepage (Homepage);
  2. Device;
  3. Net.

Go to the screen Net By scrolling the onset and press the button in the lower left corner Create:

In the list, select Connection Type: Lan.:

In the settings window Server Specify:

  1. Server IP address;
  2. Username;
  3. Password;
  4. Display Name (optional)

and press OK:

In the list called Lan. Your computer will be added (it can be a laptop, server, network storage, in general, any network device with a drive).

Using ES Explorer to access a computer over the network from the Android device

Press the icon of the newly added network device (see Fig. Above).

If the login and password were specified correctly, you will see a list of network folders.

In our example, we opened the necessary network folder with media content under the name. Media. Therefore, we go to the network folder Media:

In it we see the video:

And audio records in the folder Music:

Check music playback - click directly to the file in network folder. A window appears with the choice of player. Install the check Set by default And select your favorite player:

The record will play:

You can switch the display folder to the list or table using the button. View:

How to copy a file from a computer to an Android device

Long click on the file, turn on the selection mode.

Mark the files you want to copy from the network disk to the Android device.

Press the button Yet and select Copy to:

Select the folder on the Android device where you want to copy files from the network folder, and click OK:

Create another folder in the folder or just click OK To copy files directly to the current folder:

Copy files:

Most of those who first become the owner of the Android tablet or smartphone, sooner or later wondering: how to connect an Android device to a computer via WiFi?
If you are tired of transferring files from a personal computer to the Android device and back using a flash drive or a memory card, or you dream of watching movies and listen to music from your PC via WiFi, you will help these couple of ways using well-known programs from Google Play Market A.

Download the latest version of the program ES File Explorer. And install it on your Android device.
After starting the program, you will see the main menu of the program and the list of files on your SD card. If the card is not inserted, the program will give a message that the map is absent. In this case, you can switch to viewing files in the internal memory of the tablet by clicking on the left above the large button with the image of the memory card.
In order to display the network environment, click on the small button with the "PDA" inscription, located in the upper left corner of the window and in the menu that appears, select the "LAN" item (local computing network). A new empty window will open to display the list of network resources.

To scan the network environment, press the button with the image of the magnifying glass, after which the network scanning will begin.
After the scan is completed, a list of servers (computers) with their network addresses will appear on the screen.
If your computer is not found when scanning, you can add it manually. To do this, go to the menu -\u003e Create -\u003e Server, and in the window that opens, enter the computer's network address or folder on it, login, password, server name. If the login and password are not needed, we put a tick opposite the "anonymous". The name of the server is not necessary. If the name is not entered, the address entered in the first field will be displayed in the list of network resources.

We press the OK button, and we see how a new server appeared in the network resource list, tapping on it, we will see its folders and discs to which network access is open.
Everything. Now you have the ability to copy and open files on a remote computer via the local network.
If you can access a computer running Windows-7, please try on the control panel -\u003e Network and Shared Access Control Panel -\u003e Advanced Sharing Options Put a box next to the "Disable Sharing Common Protection" item. And make sure that the option "Enable Network Detection" options are included and "Enable sharing files and printer" options.
Also, do not forget in the disk or folder properties to which you want to access the network, enable sharing and set permissions for users if this option is available.

Total Commander.It is known to be a classic bipoon manager, and in order to copy the file over the network, we need to open the folder on the computer on the same panel, and on the second is the local folder of the tablet, then simply drag the desired file from one panel to another.

First of all, we need to install the application itself. Total Commander. You can download.

After that, you will need to add a plugin program to work on the local network. To do this, click on the main window of the program to "Add plugins (download from the site) ...":

After that, the window opens, with the offer to go to the plug-ins:

Click the "OK" button, after which the browser will start and the following page will open in it:

We need to choose the second LAN (Windows Network) Plugin and tap view Download + Install
In the window that opens, choose Play Market

The LAN plugin window opens in Play Market. Click on the "Install" button
After installing the plug-in on the main screen Total Commander. The LAN icon will appear (Windows General Network Catalogs):

With this item, you will switch to files and folders of your computer. However, to begin with, we need to access it. To do this, click on the above icon, and add a new server to the list of computers, tapping on the appropriate icon:

In the window that opens, type:
The name of your computer, how do you want to see it in the list:
Network name of a computer or his network address, username and password:

You do not need a username and password if you open network access to folders and directories for all users.
To find out the computer's network address, click on the WiFi icon connecting the second mouse button and select "Status", and in the window that opens, click on the "Details" button.

In the Row address IPv4 you will see the network address of your computer.

Everything. Now you can access the folders and files of your computer through the local WiFi network.

If you get access to a computer running Windows-7, please try to "Control Panel" -\u003e "Network Management Center and Common Access" -\u003e " Extra options Shared access »Put a tick opposite item" Disable common access with password protection ".
Also, make sure that the option "Enable Network Detection" options are included and "Enable sharing and printers" options.

Also, do not forget in the properties of the disk or folder on the computer to which you want to access the network, enable sharing and set permissions for users if this option is available.

I'll probably be right if I say that every second owner of a tablet or phone on the Android operating system at least once, and thought about the question - how to make friends my mobile gadget with a home local network so that you can download video and music from a computer or laptop And in the reverse fold pictures and removed rollers. Unfortunately while this operating system There is no built-in support for the SAMBA protocol, which runs a network environment in Windows. But as the Baron Munhausen used to say: "There are no hopeless situations"! In principle, there is a very simple and rapid solution that allows you to connect Android to the LAN WINDOVS network using an excellent free utility "ES Explorer".
True, it is necessary to clearly realize that to implement the idea, a homemade local locker should be organized through a WiFi-router (or at least a wireless access point must be present, with which the phone or tablet will be connected. The connector under the cable is not!

We find it in the Play Market application "ES Explorer", install and run.
In the main menu of the program, you need to select the "Network" section:

Another submenu will open in which the LAN section must be selected:

Otherwise, run it manually by clicking on the "Scan" button. The program will detect your computer and show it in the list. In fact, this is an analogue of a network environment in Windows.

Click on it. If guest access is configured on the PC, the entrance is automatically made with guest rights. Otherwise there will be a request for login and password:

The simplest solution to connect the Android phone to the computer via WiFi - ES Explorer. The app is free and has a clear interface, however most owners ...

Let's set up your phone now or android tablet so that he gets access to shared folder On the local network? After that you can quickly exchange files without the need to access the Internet. We will configure access to the example of Windows 10.

This article is suitable for all brands producing phones on Android 9/8/7/6: Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, LG, Sony, Zte, Huawei, Meizu, Fly, Alcatel, Xiaomi, Nokia and others. We are not responsible for your actions.

Attention! You can ask your question by a specialist at the end of the article.

Android Connection Features to LAN

Connecting to the local network, you will have access to the device Android to the Windows network folders 10. For example, you don't need to throw it off to the gadget, and it will be played directly from the network. Also significant facilitates the transfer of files between the gadget and the computer.

This guide is applicable in a situation where the computer and the phone on Android are connected to a single wi-Fi network. First of all, you must configure the local network on the computer, even if one computer is used. Then you should provide access to the necessary folders, such as music and video.

Configure Sharing Local Network Windows 10 folder

To organize data exchange between different devices In one local network, you need to configure sharing to the folders on your computer. To open a shared folder access, perform actions algorithm:

Access rights

Now you need to determine who will have access to a folder and what rights to the user will be endowed. Click on the "Permissions" button, the window will open where the "Group or Users" list needs to highlight "all" and set a tick to "full access". Now click "Apply" and "OK".


Adding a group

If there is no "All" group, it must be included in the list. Click "Add", then in the displayed window in the "Enter the names of the selected objects" add "All" (in quotes), then "OK". Now we act according to the already described algorithm.


Restricting the rights of users

To limit user rights while working with network resources, for example, prohibit deleting folders and files, you need to use the Safety section. To do this, allocate the "All" group, click on the "Advanced" button. In the displayed window, you need to select "All" and click "Edit", after which at the top right click on the "Display of additional permissions" string.


Unnecessary permissions turn off by removing the ticks. Confirm the actions by clicking on "OK".


This completed all necessary settings Security and access.

Login and password

During the first access to the network resource, the system will offer to specify the login and password. Just enter the name of the computer to drive the disc, and the password. If there is no password, leave the field empty. Do not forget to put a tick next to "remember the credentials".


Eliminate possible problems

If the system displays a warning that the network resource is not available and "swears" to the settings, you need to check the general access parameters for different network profiles on the computer network resource you go.

We pass along the chain: "Start" - "Parameters" - "Network and Internet" - "Wi-Fi" or "Ethernet" - "Changes in Advanced Common Access Parameters". All parameters need to be installed as screenshots below.


Connect Android to Windows LAN

In the example for connecting from android to the local network, we will apply free file manager ES Explorer (ES Explorer). The utility functionality has everything you need to access the network folder. Download File Manager from Google Play.

Of course, mobile Internet is pretty useful technology that allows you to connect to the worldwide network almost anywhere in the planet. That's just for home use 4G, the standard of communication is not always convenient and beneficial, especially if the subscriber has a high-quality modern router.

And in this article we will analyze how to connect the phone to the router, and how home wiFi Internet more profitable "classic" mobile connection.

At the same time, they will immediately "get rid of" from several common delusions:

  • - First, you can connect to the WiFi network almost any modern phone: the success of this operation is in no way does not depend from the manufacturer of the gadget (samsung is it, Nokia, Fly, LG or a simple alkatel) or his external view ("classical" push-button phone or modern sensor);
  • - Secondly, the connection of the "mobile" wi fi also does not depend on the Internet provider: if the WiFi access point exists, then it can be connected to it. And who provides this resource: Rostelecom, MTS, Byfly or a millionaire - no value.
  • - Finally, the operating system installed on the cell phone (Android, Windows Phone or iOS) only affects the method for configuring the connection to the local network.

So what phone can be connected to the router via WiFi?

Correct answer: phone, in the hardware component of which included special wiFi module.

There is such a Wi-Fi inscription on the device packaging or the corresponding mention of the user manual.

What WiFi Internet on the phone is better than 4G connections?

  • - Benefit: why additionally pay mobile trafficWhen there is a "free" home internet?
  • - "Unlimited": When WiFi-connect to the Internet, you do not have to "count" spent megabytes.
  • - "Independence" from cellular operators: In the absence of a signal, mobile communication can be safely use the Internet (on some devices, even with a missing SIM card).
  • - Battery saving: Wi-Fi app less energy-intensive, rather than work on the LTE or 3G network, so when working with Wi-Fi, the battery is discharged slowly.

Consider in more detail how to connect the Internet in the phone through the router on the main mobile OS.

How to connect wifi on your android phone?

Connect Android-dunches are carried out almost equally for all models cell phones and smartphones: the differences are not significant.

1. To connect WiFi, you must first unlock the device and go to the main menu.

3. In this window, you will appear in front of you the main setup menu: here (usually the first item) are settings Wi-Fi - go to Wi-Fi submenu.

(For more "old" versions of the android, first need to go to "Wireless Networks" and choose there "Setting the Wi Fi")

4. In the settings window:

  • - if the Wi-Fi adapter is enabled - appear available for connecting the network;
  • - If the Wi Fi module is turned off, the system will prompt you to enable Wi-Fi to view available network connections. Connect the adapter can be slider (usually, in the upper right corner - see picture).

5. Select the network you need from the list, and in the dialog box that appears, write a password to access this network.

If you incorrectly entered the password and connecting to wireless network It did not happen - click on this network again and in the dialog box that appears, specify "Forget", after which it is necessary to re-enter the necessary authentication data.

How to connect iOS phone to WiFi Modem?

1. To configure the connection to a WiFi access point on the IOS OS, first need to go to the main menu and select the "Settings" subsection there.

3. Install the touch slider to the "ON" position to search for available WiFi access points.

4. From the list of networks, select Your home network And enter the authentication data.

If all is indicated correctly, in the future your phone will automatically connect to the homework network.

How can I connect WiFi on the phone with Windows Phone.

Connecting such phones almost identically setting up Wi-Fi On Android devices.

The only difference here is the visual design of the menu interface.

If necessary, enter a password for connecting to Wi Fi - the phone is ready to work in the home network.

The simplest solution to connect the Android phone to the computer via WiFi - ES Explorer. The app is free and has an understandable interface, however, most Android phone owners are limited to its use only as a file manager. For opening network features Programs need:

If the connection is successful, all computer directories will be displayed available for public.

To open files from your phone on a computer via WiFi, it is recommended to use another menu item: "Network -\u003e FTP". Authentication or choice additional settings No need. The application will create an FTP server on your smartphone, will open the required port and provide a ready-made link to connect.

You can view or download files from your phone via WiFi in any browser. Just enter the specified data in its address bar.

If, in addition to viewing files, you need to download from the Android device or download folders to it, you can do this through standard operating system applications. To do this, it is enough to enter the address of the server that was provided by the program directly in the "Explorer" string. The directories that are located in the memory of the smartphone will open in the same way as the files with folders on the computer itself.

Important! The most complete use of the smartphone file system when connecting this method can be provided with specialized FTP clients, such as FileZilla or SmartFTP. But even when working through the standard File Manager "Explorer" in Windows, you can copy files from the phone and on it.

Using Airdroid application

In addition to viewing files on your smartphone, this application provides full phone synchronization with a computer. Connecting to a computer via WiFi is performed in several steps.

It is important to remember that the device on Android and the computer must be connected to the same network. In this case, if a router is used, a wired connection can be used for a computer, and the smartphone will be connected via WiFi. If there are difficulties in the synchronization stage, it is possible that the smartphone is connected via the mobile Internet.

After confirmation of the synchronization, connect to the phone. Almost any actions that can be performed, you can do it remotely, through a computer and connect WiFi.. The interface is made as a separate desktop. The upper right corner displays information about the device and the amount of free memory. Just below - the control panel, with which you can send files and folders to the device.

Icons on this desktop work as menu items on the phone. For example, the call log displays the full details of the calls. Synchronization is performed in both directions - with the ability not only to view the records, but also to delete them. Changes will be applied on the phone.

When opening contacts, all numbers are displayed in the smartphone's memory. People from notebook You can send SMS or call using a computer.

From the interesting features of the application, you can mark the use of the camera device on Android. The practical applications of this feature are not so much, because the phone is and so is within the distribution of WiFi signal.

In the same time streaming video, the device is connected to the device screen via WiFi. When updating information, a delay may occur, but it is not so big to prevent the work.

Airdroid also opens up full access to file System Smartphone, like ES Explorer. Data on the phone is transmitted via WiFi for both reading and recording mode.