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Confident Windows 10 torrent user.

Yemen's husitis rebels threaten to strike the united Arab Emirates, representatives of the rebels told Associated Press. He stated that the Husites "have dozens of goals" in the UAE, ...

Trump called war with Iran "extreme option"
We are talking about the war with Iran in the light of the attack on oil facilities of Saudi Arabia, there are many options, the US President Donald Trump said on Wednesday. "There are many options. There is an extreme ...

Pentagon called Russia the largest challenge of the United States in the field of security
The head of the Pentagon Mark Esper said that Russia is the largest challenge of the United States in the field of security in the near future. "Russia remains the largest challenge for us ...

Attack not from Yemen: Saudi Arabia accuses Iran in an attack on the refinery
The authorities of Saudi Arabia publicly presented fraction fraction and other aircraft, which were released on the state refinery on Saturday night, September 14. In the Ministry of Defense of the Kingdom ...

Ukraine again set the conditions for the implementation of "Formula Steinmayer"
The Ukrainian delegation on a regular meeting of the Contact Group held on Wednesday in Minsk again put the stringent conditions for the implementation of the political points of Minsk agreements. This confirmed ...

Klitschko arrived at the bridge, which blocked due to the threat of an explosion
The mayor of Kiev Vitaly Klitschko said that a man who threatened to blow up the Metro Bridge in Kiev is in a drunken state or under the influence of narcotic substances. Earlier, the head of the police of Kiev ...

Smuncher criticized Belgians accused of drunkenness
The heads of two cities in Belgium demanded from the chairman of the European Commission of Jean-Claude Junker to officially apologize for the statement that in Belgian cities Intrampimically belong to the French-speaking ...

Netanyahu put the Israelis before choosing
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu commented on the preliminary election results, on which the Nationalist Party "Likud" ranks second. The corresponding post appeared ...

"Formula Steinmayer": Kiev went on concessions for Donbass
The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Vadim Kamysko agreed to the use of Formula Formulaeier to resolve the conflict in the Donbas. This initiative provides for the provision of a special region ...

United States returned to Russia abducted decrees of Nicholas II
The United States was transferred to the Russian side of 16 decrees signed by Emperor Nicholas II during the solemn ceremony in the residence of the American ambassador in Moscow. Historical documents were abducted ...

While you did not fall asleep: the Central Bank found a legitimate blocking of Russian accounts
"Self will run": new plan On the "return" of Crimea RIA Novosti Krymchan will run to Ukraine, if it does not stick them and create a window of possibilities. About this, as reported by "Federal Agency ...

Media: Netanyahu canceled a trip to the UN General Assembly due to the political situation in the country
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will not go to New York to participate in the general political debate of the 74th session of the UN General Assembly due to the political situation in the country ...

Ukraine decided on the special status of Donbass
The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Vadim Barzko spoke about the agreement reached by the "Norman Four" participants on the so-called "Finemayer formula" on the provision of special status of Donbass. About it...

In LNR commented on the refusal of Ukraine to sign "Formula Steinmayer"
The authorized representative of the Lugansk People's Republic, Foreign Minister LNR Vladislav Daine said that the refusal of the Ukrainian side to sign the text "Formula Steinmayer" was set ...

Trump found a replacement Bolton
The new adviser to the US President on National Security will be Robert O 'Breyen, currently holding the position of a special representative of the president of hostages ...

Ukraine prepared for the dismissal of troops in the Donbas
The Commander of the Operation of the United forces (OOS), Vladimir Kravchenko, announced the preparation of weapons on the distinction line in the Donbas. He told about it during a meeting with constant ...

Terms and "Road Maps": Plans for the integration of Russia and Belarus
The integration plan of Russia and Belarus can be approved by the Presidents Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko by December 8. "Road Maps" are developed in 31 areas. Until November 1 Moscow ...

The winner does not decide: who will form the Government of Israel?
Extraordinary parliamentary elections in Israel have not revealed a clear winner of the race, although, according to the preliminary data of the CEC, the right block "Likud" is ahead of his opponent - ...

Kiev put a meeting of the Normand Four at the threat of a breakdown
Kiev at a meeting in Minsk refused to sign "Formula Steinmayer" to consolidate a special status for the Donbass. This was announced by the source familiar with the negotiations of the contact group ...

A military aircraft fell in Spain
Two people died as a result of the collapse of the training aircraft near the coast of Murcia. This is stated in the Spain Air Force Account in Twitter. "The instructor and student died," the department announced, ...

The update will be ready in the fall and it will receive the owners of PREMIUM packages and "VIP". What does it mean?

This means that if you do not need additional coursesTo be added in the fall, you can buy the version "Standard".

Here are the courses that will be added later: "Installing Windows 10 virtually on windows database 7 "," Transfer of bookmarks of popular browsers "," Installing drivers. Full collection of solutions. "

If you need these courses, then choose the version "Premium". If you need individual Skype support, you choose the version "VIP".

How long can I go to Windows 10 for free?

Free update to Windows 10 is possible until July 29, 2016. After that, the update will be paid.

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Unfortunately, my account in the 2Checkout system, where there was an opportunity to receive payment via PayPal, closed, so to pay, use other ways: Western Union, payment card, SWIFT and others.

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No. Cash on delivery (and delivery on disks) in currently not available.

What courses do you still have? I would like to order with this course also previous ones.

"Comprehensive PC Protection", "Confident PC 2.0 User", "Computer Assembly from A to Z", "Silent PC". Start the ordering, fill in the delivery data and the next step will be "Cart", where you can add other courses with 50% discount.

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Yes, you will now fill out the order form, reach the choice of payment methods - the account will be saved in the database, and then you can pay it. At email you will receive a link with an account status in which there will be a link to pay.

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No, but you can pay the card ..

Video Course " Confident Windows 10 user" - this is detailed guide by new operating system. Passing this course, you can not only "correctly" go to Windows 10, but also learn to effectively use its new features.

The author of the course - Andrei Kupriyanov - PC user with 10 years old. Currently works by a programmer. The author of articles and video tutorials of the computer site "PC is easy." Helps to sort out computer subtleties. Main destinations: Configure, assembly and computer security.

The "Confident Windows 10" video card has all the necessary installation, setting, configuration and operation instructions in this operating system. You will not need to spend time searching for information - there are most answers to your questions. When creating a course, the author focused on novice users of any age. Lessons are made as simple as possible for perception.

- Preparation for work with Windows 10
If you decide to go on your own on Windows 10, this section will tell you what is useful in this system. You can understand for yourself the subtle moments of preparation for the transition to the top ten. You should never neglect the phase of preparation, because then it turns out that passwords are not saved and the programs with the necessary information are lost.

- Stages windows installations 10
Armed with knowledge from the first partition, you are fully prepared for reinstalling your old windows on a new one. In this section, touched upon so subtle moments that you can even reproach us in the fact that it is so "chewed" information? But the course is designed for students with different levels of knowledge, so you will study everything in detail and with examples. In addition, not only reinstallation, and the options for the correct combination of several systems on one or more disks is important.

- primary system setup
The most important section of the course, where you get a lot of recommendations for setting up the system after installation. After all, after reinstallation, problems with drivers start, with installation necessary programs and with the setting of the system itself. Here I will lay the foundation for safe operation in Windows, configuring the correct user to the user environment.

- work in the system
The largest section according to information. Here you will learn a job in the Windows system, as they say "from A to Z." After all, it is important to know how it is convenient to use the system and how to apply new features. You can often work for a long time in the system, and not to know the most important and useful. In the lessons of this section will be considered the work of the taskbar, the "Start" menu and other windows components 10 so that you do not miss any usefulness in their use.

- Additional Information
Interesting add-ons that were not included in the first sections of the course are located in this section. Frequent confidentiality issues of information, auxiliary tools For frequent tasks you will find here.

Bonuses to the course:
- Work in BIOS
- Recovery to Windows

Video information
Name: Confident Windows 10 user
Andrei Kupriyanov
Released: 2016
Genre: Video course
Language: Russian
Released: Ukraine
Duration: ~ 11 hours

Format: ISO, Autorun, MP4
Video: AVC, 1280x720 / 1152x720, ~ 258 kbps
Audio: AAC, 158 kbps, 48.0 khz

Operational windows system 10 - an updated product that has a number of advantages over your predecessors. It provides a higher speed of the computer and today it is possible to install it for free than the millions of users of the whole world did not fail to take advantage of it. If you want to become one of them, you will have knowledge gained in the learning process.

Advantages of Windows 10 OS:

  • High speed computer device. Developers paid great attention to the optimization of the new OS, so even outdated models computer equipment Demonstrate high speed.
  • Free updates. Receive updates for previous versions The OS was possible only if you have a licensed product. AT windows version 10 There are no such restrictions.
  • The wider functions of the "Start" menu and the starting page of the screen. In particular, the developers offered to set the labels of the desired programs in the "Start" menu, which made it possible to completely clean the "desktop" from them.
  • Functional fast access panel.
  • Ability to use several virtual tables At the same time.

Maxim of the Nights helped more than 50 thousand people find instructions and useful advice Up to use software. In this tutorial All questions that may arise in the process of installing and using a software product are considered in detail.

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