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Why is there no sound on the computer. Why does not sound work on the computer, how to fix the problem

How to restore sound on a computer.

Imagine this situation, you, as usual, turn on the computer, but instead of a pleasant iridescent melody, you are greeted only by the hum of a working system unit... No sound on the computer! What to do, why the sound on the computer disappeared? You, in the silence of your speakers, enter the Internet and enter the cherished question: "Why is there no sound on the computer." This article covers the main causes and how to fix them. You will find out the answer to your question, namely, step-by-step sound recovery on your computer.

This is the question - why is there no sound? And where is the answer to it and some instructions to find?


Why is there no sound on the computer?

The reason for the lack of sound on the computer can only be in the hardware or software environment. That is, you either have faulty components, or you have problems in the settings of the operating system or individual programs. It is independent of the operating system. Such incidents can happen with Windows XP, the sound can disappear in Linux and even in the latest system Windows 7. Moreover, speakers, headphones and sound card can be the most modern and expensive.

How do I restore sound on my computer?

The first step is to find out the reason for the missing sound on the computer. This can be done in several ways, but you should start with the simplest.

So, sound restoration step by step. Each subsequent step will bring you closer to the result.

1). Try restarting your computer, it is possible that the sound will appear when the operating system starts. This happens.

2). Check if the speaker plug is plugged in. When disconnecting, plug the plug into the socket.

3). Check the switch on the speakers to see if it's turned off. Unmute the speakers by turning the knob clockwise. The LED on the column with the control knob should be on (available on almost all models).

Are the speakers turned on - usually one of them has a power light on

4). Look at the taskbar and find the speaker icon. It should not be crossed out. If so, then turn on the sound simply by clicking on the "Turn on sound" button.

The sound is muted on the desktop. Click on the speaker logo

5). Check the speaker level, can be lowered to the full minimum - to zero. If the sound is reduced, then simply raise the sliders to the desired level.

6). Check the performance of the speakers on any sound source. On the player, on the phone, on another computer. The other computer can be a laptop, yours or your friend's.

7). Check device manager for unknown devices. Such a device is displayed with an exclamation mark. You can open the device manager like this: Start -> Control Panel -> System and Security -> In the “System” column, find the inscription “Device Manager”. All devices there should be recognized in this window, there should not be any exclamation marks. If there is such an icon, then you need to install the drivers for the sound.

The reason for the non-working sound can be found in the task manager

eight). Install sound drivers. A sound processor can be built into motherboard or be installed on a separate sound card... Download drivers from the website of the manufacturer of your sound card or processor.

nine). Try to insert a known working sound card into the system unit. You can take it from a friend for a while. If the problem is solved in this way, then try the next step or buy a new sound card.

ten). Try to restore a previous restore point in the operating system. In Windows 7, this software environment is located in the Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System Restore menu.

When the sound disappears, it may be worth restoring the system from a restore point. Suddenly a sound appears.

eleven). Try reinstalling your operating system. And install sound drivers first of all, immediately after the drivers for the motherboard chipset. Possible hardware conflicts. If the sound appears, then gradually install the hardware and programs further. The sound can disappear at the most unexpected moment. This can be either a hardware conflict or a software conflict.

12). If all else fails and the sound does not appear on the computer, then the only option is to contact a specialist, or take your computer to a service workshop.

What if there is no sound on the computer or the sound is bad?

Before you start to act, remember what you did yesterday when the sound on the computer was working. What programs did you install on your computer, perhaps the problem will be solved if you remove it. Or maybe you have deleted some desired file from a computer. If you have not done anything like this, then follow the steps above. Surely something will help you. You can also try using the Help and Support section of the Start menu.

Help and support section - Music and Sound, will help you find and fix the cause of the lack of sound

If the sound is quiet, wheezing or something else, then try to do some manipulation with software setting sound. Or maybe you just added some kind of effect to the sound, which is why your sound on the computer goes like a pipe, wheezes and hisses.

If there is no sound only in some a certain program, then you need to look at the settings of this particular program. Also, you can simply reinstall the program, the sound will most likely appear.

Don't get discouraged. Everything is solvable, everything is in your hands. Today, buying a simple sound card can be quite cheap and affordable for any normal person.

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If you turn on your computer once, Windows has loaded, all applications are running, but there is no sound, rejoice, it could be worse. It is better to let the sound in the computer not work than not turn on at all.

What could have happened? One of two things is either software troubles or hardware failure.

How to find the cause of no sound on your computer

First look at the bottom right of the screen - the speaker icon should not be crossed out. If it is crossed out - most likely, the sound was just accidentally turned off. Click on the speaker icon and turn it back on. Check the settings at the same time. There will be no sound if the output power is set to zero.

Now look at the speakers themselves. One of them should have a power indicator on. If it does not light up, it is possible that the connecting wires have fallen out or the switches on the speakers are turned off. Check and turn it on if everything is really turned off.

If your speakers have volume controls, check to see if they are minimized to zero. Turn it on to the maximum. To make sure your speakers are working properly, plug them in to a different source. Alternatively, unplug your speakers from your computer and plug in your headphones.

If sound does appear on tested devices, then there is a malfunction in the speakers themselves. There is very little you can do on your own. The most is to replace the broken wires. If the wires are intact, it remains to give the speakers for repair or buy new ones, which at today's prices costs about the same. By purchasing new speakers, you have the opportunity to improve the sound quality. And besides, you save time and nerves.

Sound does not work in the computer - system problems

Often, newly connected equipment conflicts with previously installed ones. This PC can be "silent". Have you connected anything in recent days? Or installed new software from dubious sources? Computer viruses are often the reason for the disappearance of the soundtrack.

  • Turn on your antivirus and run a full system scan.
  • Run the cleaning utility and remove junk and unnecessary files.
  • Open the System Restore interface and find a suitable rollback point. Return the system to one of the previous states. During the recovery process, lost or damaged files will be restored. And the unnecessary ones are removed. After restoration, sound may appear.
  • If sound does not appear after system recovery, check if the computer detects the connected speakers. To do this, open Control Panel and search for Device Manager. If there are speakers in the list of connected equipment, the drivers may be damaged. If, instead of the speaker manufacturer's name, you find in the Device Manager list exclamation marks in the yellow triangle - it is likely that the computer has stopped finding the connected speakers.
  • Turn off your computer. Disconnect and reconnect your speakers. Perhaps there was poor contact in the connections. Turn on your computer. The system itself should detect the newly connected device. After that, the Connect New Hardware Wizard will automatically start.

Still no sound? Try reinstalling the drivers. To do this, go to the device manager, find the tab of your sound equipment... Now find and click the Uninstall driver button.

Where can I get new sound card drivers? There are three options here:

  1. The drivers are already on your computer. Then you just need to click the Install driver button.
  2. Download drivers on the website of the manufacturer of the sound card or motherboard, if the sound is built-in.
  3. if you have installation disc Windows, you can download drivers from there.

Nothing again? What remains is the radical cure — reinstalling Windows completely. Most often, if the equipment is in order, after updating the system, everything starts to function normally.

Sometimes there are conflicts between software. To test this option, in the process Windows boot, try to install the drivers for the card first.

When the drivers for other devices begin to install, watch the sound. As soon as problems begin with the sound, it means that the device for which the drivers have just been loaded is the cause of the conflict.

Sound card malfunction

If you checked everything consistently, everything turned out to be correct - there remains a problem with the sound card itself or with irregularities in its connection.

First, check if the card is turned on correctly.
Inspect the connectors for physical damage.
Remove the card and carefully clean the contacts from dust and oxides. Re-insert and check.

If all else fails, it would be good to check the card on another computer or insert a known working sound card into this system unit. If after installation new card sound will appear - the old one is out of order and must be replaced.

Application problems

Sometimes there is no sound only on some programs. For example, the audio player suddenly stopped playing. Then the situation is not very dire. Updating or reinstalling the problematic program usually helps. If you've tried everything possible options, but still nothing helps - all that remains is to take the computer to the workshop or call a specialist at home.

Problems with sound reproduction are not uncommon. Their nature can be varied: a damaged or not enabled service, an incorrect driver, a faulty sound chip on the motherboard, a virus, an outgoing speaker or headphone contact (you should make sure of this right now). In this article, we will discuss what may be the reason that the sound disappears in the system, that is, media files are played normally, but after a while they stop doing it. All the reasons are listed, from hardware to problems with codecs and drivers.

To make sure that the sound is not dropping because the audio chip wants to "give its soul to God", try booting from any Linux Live CD with full graphical interface for example the most recent version of Ubuntu and check that the sound works. Use this distro multiple sessions to catch the hardware fade out, if any. It is clear that if the sound also disappears in Linux, then the built-in one should be replaced with an external one, the problem will be solved (do not forget to disable the built-in one via BIOS). You also need to make sure that the motherboard is not "crumbled". See if there are any capacitors swollen on top of it.

Only after determining the programmatic nature of the problem can we get down to business. A common reason for missing sound in Windows XP is malware. Therefore, download the antivirus with the latest databases, Dr Web Cure IT is perfect for this purpose, boot into safe mode with the support command line and check the system thoroughly.

It is also strongly recommended to use Zaitsev's Anti-Virus (AVZ), specially created to clean the PC from such a cunning "evil" (one of the manifestations of the already ancient Net-Worm.Win32.Kido). For Windows XP with the above symptoms, install Windows update XP-KB958644-x86-RUS, after cleaning the PC from viruses and with the network disconnected. Also, through the "Services" section of the "Administration" icon, you should disable the "Server" and the work "Station". For the future, you should generally close the ports through which this virus penetrates. A good solution would be to use Windows Worms Doors Cleaner (wwdc.exe), which completely closes ports 5000, 445, 135, 137,138,139 and prevents future infections of the system. You do not believe, to your naivety, that all the vulnerabilities on these services have already been found ?!

And in more modern systems than XP, sometimes Windows 7 is no exception. Everything listed below should be taken on the "seven" in order to localize and eliminate the malfunction associated with the inability to play media files.

Think back to when the problem first appeared. If this succeeded, then roll back to the restore point before that date. If for some reason there is none, then open (Win + Pause> Hardware tab> Device Manager button) and make sure that there are no devices opposite. If they are there, then remove them and restart Windows. Virtual devices should be "found", and the sound should be earned.

If this does not help, then install the most new version driver for your You can find out the version of the chip from the documentation for the motherboard. The most common codec is Realtek AC 97. Another common reason for audio dropouts is "dropped" windows service Audio. You can view it through the "Services" icon of the "Administration" panel. It may not start for some reason. You can view the reasons using the "View Events" item. Then you drive the error number into a search engine and get a description of the problem and measures to fix it on the Microsoft website. It should be noted that the most common error is 1068, which the system issues when there is no Power Service enabled.

Quite often, if the sound on the computer disappears only in the video, there is a problem with the codecs. To fix it, use one of the stable fdshow builds rather than the popular non-professional K-lite Codec Packs.

The computer has long ceased to be an exclusively apparatus for work and calculations. Many users use it for entertainment purposes: watching movies, listening to music, playing games. In addition, using a PC, you can communicate with other users and learn. Yes, and some users work better with musical accompaniment. But when using a computer, you may encounter such a problem as the lack of sound. Let's see how it can be caused and how to solve it on a laptop or desktop PC with Windows 7.

The loss of sound on a PC can be caused by various circumstances, but all of them can be divided into 4 groups:

  • Acoustic system (speakers, headphones, etc.);
  • PC hardware;
  • Operating system;
  • Applications that play sound.

The last group of factors will not be considered in this article, since this is a problem of a specific program, and not the system as a whole. We will focus on solving complex problems with sound.

In addition, it should be noted that the sound may disappear, both due to various breakdowns and failures, and due to wrong setting serviceable components.

Method 1: speaker malfunctions

One of common reasons, why the computer does not play sound, there are problems with the connected acoustics (headphones, speakers, etc.).

  1. First of all, carry out the following verification:
    • is it connected correctly acoustic system to the computer;
    • whether the plug is included in the power supply network (if such a possibility is provided);
    • whether the sound device itself is turned on;
    • whether the volume control on the acoustics is set to the "0" position.
  2. If possible, check the performance of the speaker system on another device. If you are using a laptop with headphones or speakers connected, check how the sound is reproduced by the built-in speakers of this computer device.
  3. If the result is negative and the acoustic system does not work, then you need to contact a qualified technician or simply replace it with a new one. If it reproduces sound normally on other devices, then it’s not a matter of acoustics and we move on to the following solutions to the problem.

Method 2: the system tray icon

Before looking for faults in the system, it makes sense to check if the sound on the computer is turned off with standard instruments.

But a situation is possible when the crossed out circle is absent, but there is still no sound.

There is also an option when the icon in the form of a crossed-out circle is present at the same time and the volume control is lowered to the limit. In this case, you need to alternately carry out both of the above manipulations.

Method 3: drivers

Sometimes the loss of sound on your PC can be caused by a problem with the drivers. They may be incorrectly installed or missing altogether. Of course, it's best to reinstall the driver from the disc that came with the sound card installed on your computer. To do this, you need to insert the disc into the drive and after starting it, follow the recommendations that will be displayed on the screen. But if for some reason you do not have a disk, then we adhere to the following recommendations.

  1. Click "Start"... Next, move to "Control Panel".
  2. Move on "System and safety".
  3. Further in the section "System" go to subsection "Device Manager".

    You can also navigate to the Device Manager by entering a command in the tool field "Run"... We call the window "Run" (Win + R). We enter the command:

    Push "OK".

  4. The Device Manager window is launched. Click on the category name "Sound, video and game devices".
  5. A list will drop out where the name of the sound card that is installed in your PC is located. Click on it with the right mouse button and select from the list "Update drivers ...".
  6. A window is launched, which offers to make a choice of how to update the driver: perform an automatic search on the Internet or specify the path to a previously downloaded driver located on the hard disk of the PC. Choosing an option "Automatically search for updated drivers".
  7. The process begins automatic search drivers on the Internet.
  8. If updates are found, they can be installed immediately.

If the computer fails to detect updates automatically, you can search for drivers manually via the Internet.

  1. To do this, just open your browser and type in the name of the sound card installed on your computer into the search engine. Then, from the search results, go to the website of the sound card manufacturer and download the necessary updates to your PC.

    If there is an exclamation mark next to the name of the audio equipment in Device Manager, it means that it is not working properly.

    Method 4: enable the service

    There may be no sound on the computer either because the service responsible for playing it is disabled. Let's find out how to enable it on Windows 7.

    1. In order to check the health of the service and, if necessary, enable it, go to the Service Manager. To do this, click "Start"... Next press "Control Panel".
    2. In the window that opens, click "System and safety".
    3. Then go to item "Administration".
    4. The list of tools is revealed. Stop your choice on the name "Services".

      You can also open the Service Manager in another way. Dial Win + R... A window will open "Run"... Enter:

      Push "OK".

    5. In the drop-down list, find the component named "Windows Audio"... If in the field "Startup type" worth the value "Disabled", but not "Works", then this means that the reason for the lack of sound lies precisely in the stopping of the service.
    6. Double-click the left mouse button on the name of the component to go to its properties.
    7. In the window that opens in the section "General" make sure that in the field "Startup type" there was definitely an option "Automatically"... If a different value is set there, then click on the field and select the required option from the drop-down list. If you do not do this, then after restarting the computer, you will notice that the sound disappears again and the service again has to be started manually. Then press the button "OK".
    8. After returning to Service Manager, re-highlight "Windows Audio" and in the left part of the window, click on "Run".
    9. The service starting process is in progress.
    10. After that, the service will start working, as indicated by the attribute "Works" in field "State"... Also note that in the field "Startup type" was set to "Automatically".

    After completing these steps, the sound on the computer should appear.

    Method 5: check for viruses

    One of the reasons why no sound is played on the computer may be a virus infection.

    As practice shows, if the virus has already made its way onto the computer, then scanning the system with a regular antivirus is ineffective. In this case, a special anti-virus utility with scanning and disinfection functions can help, for example, Dr.Web CureIt. Moreover, it is better to scan from another device, having previously connected it to a PC in relation to which there are suspicions of infection. As a last resort, if it is not possible to scan from another device, use removable media to complete the procedure.

    During the scanning procedure, follow the recommendations given by the anti-virus utility.

    Even if it is possible to successfully eliminate malicious code sound recovery is not guaranteed yet, as the virus could damage drivers or important system files... In this case, it is necessary to perform the procedure for reinstalling the drivers, as well as, if necessary, perform a system recovery.

    Method 6: restore and reinstall the OS

    If none of the described methods gave a positive result and you made sure that the cause of the problem is not acoustics, it makes sense to restore the system from a backup or roll back to the previously created restore point. It is important that the backup and restore point are created before the sound problems start, and not after.

    If you do not have a system restore point on your computer that was created before the sound failure occurred, and there is no removable media with a backup copy, then in this case you will have to reinstall the OS.

    Method 7: faulty sound card

    If you exactly followed all the recommendations described above, but even after reinstalling the operating system, the sound did not appear, then in this case, we can most likely say that the problem lies in a malfunction of one of the hardware components of the computer. Most likely, the lack of sound is caused by a breakdown of the sound card.

    In this case, you must either seek help from a specialist, or independently replace the faulty sound card. Before replacing, you can pre-test the performance of the sound element of the computer by connecting it to another PC.

    As you can see, there are many reasons why on a computer under Windows control 7 sound may be lost. Before proceeding to fix the problem, it is best to find out the immediate cause. If this cannot be done immediately, then try to apply various options for correcting the situation, according to the algorithm given in this article, and then check if there is a sound. The most radical options (reinstalling the OS and replacing the sound card) should be done last, if other methods did not help.

You come home, turn on your computer or laptop, and while it is loading, make plans: now I’ll turn on the music, sit on the Internet for half an hour, and then watch a new movie. Launch the media player with your favorite tracks and ... find that there is no sound on the computer.

What the heck? Everything was fine yesterday, everything worked! It seems that they did not install anything and did not "chemise" anything, but there is still no sound in the speakers (or headphones).

Unfortunately, this happens quite often. On any computers and laptops. And on any operating systems- Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 or XP. Nobody is immune from this.

However, you do not have to blindly search for the cause of the malfunction. After all, below are the most common problems due to which the sound on the PC may disappear. And 10 ways to solve them.

Check your speakers

If the sound on your computer does not work, then first of all you need to check the speakers. Perhaps you connected them incorrectly. There are 6 outputs on the back of the PC. You need green (it is he who is intended for speakers / headphones) and pink (if there is a microphone).

You may have confused the outputs.

The front panel of the system unit may also have headphone and microphone jacks. And in some cases they are not color coded. Therefore, try to connect the connectors in a different order.

There are also times when the inputs wear out. In this situation, you need to correct them, i.e. disconnect and reconnect. This can help. At the same time, it will not be superfluous to clean your PC from dust.

Also check if the speakers are on. The fact that they are working is indicated by a small LED.

Check your sound settings

The next thing to do is check your sound settings. Maybe it is disabled or screwed to a minimum.

Let's consider the setting using the example of Windows 7 (in Windows 8 and 10 it is carried out in the same way):

1. Click Start - Control Panel - Hardware and Sound.

2. Select the item "Sound".

3. All audio devices are displayed here. Choose specific device and click "Properties".

4. In the new window, you need to look at 2 things:

  • whether the device is detected - if not, then you need to install the drivers
  • whether it is on - if not, then turn it on (select the appropriate item).

5. In the same window, go to another tab - "Levels". Look at the volume scale - it is recommended to set it at 90-100% (at least for a while, until the sound appears, and then adjust it for yourself).

6. Next, in the same window, go to the next tab - "Additional". When you press the "Test" button, music will play for about 5 seconds. If you do not hear anything, then save the settings and go to the 7th point.

7. Go back to "Hardware and Sounds" and select "Adjust volume".

Here you can see if the sound is screwed down to a minimum.

8. You can also check your audio settings. Click on the speaker icon in the lower right corner (where the time is displayed) and check the volume level.

Sound driver missing

The next step is to check the sound driver on the PC. Quite often, problems arise precisely because of him. Yes, and you could already find this malfunction in the 2nd paragraph (when you looked to see if the audio device was detected in Windows).

To check for the driver, you need to go to "Hardware and Sound" again and select "Device Manager".

In a new window, open the item " Sound devices". If the sound card is connected correctly, it will be listed.

If it is displayed, but a yellow or red sign is lit opposite it, it means that the driver is either not working correctly or is not installed at all. There are two ways to install the driver:

  • from the disk that comes with the PC (you need a disk for the motherboard);
  • from the Internet (if there is no disk or you have a laptop).

If you do not know what kind of sound card you have, you can use the AIDA64 program - it will show not only its model, but also tell you the address from where to download the driver.

If there is a sound card, but Windows for unknown reasons does not see it, then it is difficult to say what the problem is. The device may be poorly connected. Or completely faulty. It can also be related to the hardware of the PC.

Video / audio codecs missing

If at loading Windows there is sound, but when you turn on any video file it is not - then the reason lies in the video player, codecs or file (it may be damaged).

In the first case, you can put another video player. For example, today one of the most popular is KMPlayer. Plus it already has built-in codecs for playing video files.

If the problem is with the codecs, then you need to remove them and install new ones. It is recommended to use a set of codecs called K-Lite Codec Pack. It has all the codecs you need and even a built-in video player that can open almost any file.

Incorrect BIOS settings

This kind of problem is extremely rare, as usually the sound card is always on. But if you like to overclock your computer or for other reasons change the settings in the BIOS, then you should check them. And restore sound on the computer (if necessary).

To do this, you need and find the line that contains the word "Integrated".

If everything is in order, then exit the BIOS (if you changed the settings, do not forget to save them).

Virus software and viruses

Another reason is viral software and viruses. Today there are so many of them that it is difficult to even say what "surprises" they can present.

The best option would be to scan your computer or laptop with any antivirus (do not forget to update the databases before that). It could be Kaspersky, Dr. Web, etc. For example, DrWeb CureIt is considered a good option (you do not need to install it).

Restoring sound on a computer

If you still can't hear sound from your PC or laptop, here are some more tips:

  1. If literally yesterday everything was fine, but today the sound disappeared, it is possible that new drivers were installed or some programs that caused this problem. In such cases, you can try.
  2. If there are more speakers, connect them to the PC and reinstall the drivers (remembering to remove the old ones).
  3. If all else fails, you can go for broke and (do not forget to save all important files before this, because they will be deleted). After installation, immediately install the sound drivers. If the sound appears - then watch what software you are installing.
  4. Another option is to connect headphones instead of speakers. Or vice versa.
  5. And the very last option is to contact the service center for help.

However, one of these methods should help. Therefore, if you have lost sound, try different options - it is quite possible that you will be able to solve this problem on your own. In 95% of cases, this problem is solved on their own.