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Information support of entrepreneurship types of information. The role of information support in business

The main task of information support (service) is to provide the buyer (user) with the data of interest in the form of information services based on information products. In this case, data are defined as events, records or instructions presented in any form, expressing any information and amenable to computer processing.

The aggregate of data formulated by their producers for further dissemination is an information product, or a product of information activity. Thus, the information product reflects the information model of the manufacturer, in which, first of all, his own ideas about a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe buyer's requests are embodied. However, the value of the information product for buyers (users), and, consequently, the commercial success of the manufacturer (user) depends on how much he can satisfy the needs of buyers.

Mismatches information models producers and users are manifested mainly in the fact that the user needs data in a different volume and structure compared to how it is done in the information product. The elimination of this discrepancy is implemented through an information service.

Information service is the receipt and provision of information products to the user. In a narrow sense, information services are understood as services obtained using computer technology based on new information technologies.

New information technologies - technologies for computer processing, transmission, distribution of information, creation of computing and software tools. New information technologies, in contrast to traditional ones, imply the provision of not only an information product to the user, but also means of access to it (means of search, processing, presentation, etc.). These tools allow the user not only to get acquainted with the content of computer information, but also to obtain information (document) in the volume and format that are adequate precisely to his needs.

New information technologies are focused on automated data banks (ADBs) - systems of specially organized data, software, technical, linguistic and organizational - methodological tools intended for the centralized accumulation and collective multipurpose use of these data.

The main features of this technology are:

providing the user with information services only, and not information products, as a result of which he receives (and often pays for) only the information that he really needs;

high speed of obtaining information;

relatively advanced software, which allows not only to find and receive information, but also, if necessary, to carry out its graphic, scientific and economic processing.

The main differences between the information resource of society and other types of national resources are as follows:

firstly, the informatization of the economy, directly influencing the growth of socio-economic indicators and the increase in the efficiency of social production, has information as the main resource, which cannot always be presented in material form, like other traditional types of resources. This applies, first of all, to various types of non-patented information, "know-how", knowledge that is not published and is transferred in the process of professional development of specialists, their training and retraining;

secondly, an information resource that meets modern requirements for the development of social production and is organized in accordance with the latest achievements of science and technology, contributes to the formation of a progressive structure of the economy, the development of intersectoral and territorial ties between manufacturers, sales organizations and consumers, simplifying these relationships, optimizing them, which ultimately makes it possible to bring the structure of the national economy closer to modern global standards;

thirdly, the information resource is the basis for the intellectual development of the labor resources of social production, for their qualitative improvement, while forming a new, more literate generation of people with a high educational and cultural level of development.

Gradually, the information resource is included in the sphere of commodity-money relations, which is one of the most characteristic features of the modern information complex of the economy. In this case, the forms of appropriation of information are combined with methods of its alienation from the original owner. Information is becoming available to an increasing number of subjects of the socio-economic system, which has both positive and negative sides... In general, the availability of an information resource should be regarded as a positive result of social development. However, certain types of information, as before, must be protected by the state and be strictly confidential. The basis " information society"is the information business. The information business, on the one hand, is part of the infrastructure of the entire system of entrepreneurial activity together with banks, stock exchanges, audit companies, etc., and on the other hand, it is an independent sphere of business.

Informatization and entrepreneurship are interconnected, the interconnection occurs through business communications (exchanges, banks, computer networks, advertising, etc.), which unite separate local entrepreneurial structures between themselves and the world business.

Business communications, or connections in business, play a critical role in the development of entrepreneurship.

Business communications is the interaction of subjects of the informatization system in the process of solving business problems. Interaction refers to communication based on information.

This definition more accurately reflects the process taking place in the transition to market relations of entrepreneurial structures in comparison with other definitions that characterize the essence of communications as a process of information transfer.

Communication is viewed as a process of exchange of information and its semantic meaning between two or more people.

In the concept of business informatization, an important role is given to a systematic approach in defining the purpose and functions of an enterprise.

Consider an enterprise as an information processing system that produces two types of products: information (data, documents, etc.) and solutions (operational and strategic).

The production process of a given company may include re-assembling information, combining this information with another, accumulating information. Firms whose main products are information include financial and accounting departments, publishing houses, advertising offices, etc. However, it should be noted that global business informatization in one way or another modifies all firms and divisions into information systems. Engineering departments, design bureaus, human resources departments, supply departments generate both information and solutions.

The classification of tasks can be based, for example, on the degree of their complexity.

Most simple tasks form a class of fully formalized (or well-structured) procedures.

These tasks include: accounting and control, paperwork, their replication and distribution, etc. It should be noted that such tasks are currently being solved by automated information systems ("Accounting", "Production preparation", "Warehouse accounting", "Personnel system", etc.).

The second class of problems is composed of weakly structured problems containing unknown or quantitatively not estimated parameters. These tasks are characterized by the absence of methods for solving based on direct data transformations. In a number of cases, on the basis of the theory of fuzzy sets and applications of this theory, it is possible to construct formal decision schemes.

The third class of problems contains non-formalized procedures based on unstructured information, which is determined by a high degree of uncertainty. These tasks include most of the problems of forecasting, strategic planning, etc.

Analysis of the distribution of time for solving problems shows a large amount of information component in the activities of a businessman. In this situation, the use of new information technologies (text and tabular processors, database management systems, computer networks, expert systems, multimedia, workstations, electronic offices, etc.), allowing to increase work efficiency, is beyond doubt.

It should be noted that the formation of an information complex requires appropriate conditions and prerequisites. First of all, this concerns economic and material and technical prerequisites, the absence of which does not allow financially unstable enterprises to fully and at the proper level use all the advantages of an information product and services.

Another important prerequisite for the development of the information complex is the provision of highly qualified labor resources to create an information product.

An important role in creating conditions for the development of the information complex is played by the presence of an adequate legislative framework. As the world experience shows, the information society must necessarily be a legal society.

It should be noted that the domestic legislative framework in the field of "information law" requires significant improvement. At present, the package of legal documents regulating intellectual property problems includes legislative acts on industrial property for inventions, trademarks, industrial designs, as well as on copyright for literary, musical and artistic works. The legal basis for the protection of intellectual property rights remains especially poorly developed, in particular, in the field of information products and services. Despite the fact that the domestic information law is gradually improving and deepening, the scope of its regulation extends mainly to programs used in electronic systems.

The totality of information circulating in entrepreneurial activity, in order to understand them, can be conditionally grouped according to directions:

entrepreneurial (commercial) information system (information about the state of the economic system, factors that positively or negatively affect the sphere of business and commerce in which the entrepreneur operates);

legal information system (information on the current legislation regulating and protecting the activities of entrepreneurial (commercial) structures);

a specially operational information system (information about the methods, forces and means of ensuring the security of business information from access by third parties).

Entrepreneurial information circulating in the market-competitive sphere of activity is subdivided into technical, organizational, commercial, financial, advertising, supply-demand, competitors, criminal situation, etc. Before taking measures to protect certain information, it is necessary to clarify the following questions:

what information cannot be hidden, protected from access to them;

what information is unprofitable to hide;

what information is subject to protection.

The answer to the first question was given by the Russian government in its resolution "On the list of information that cannot constitute a commercial secret." These include:

organizational information (charter and constituent documents of the enterprise, registration certificates, licenses, patents);

financial information (documents on the calculation and payment of taxes, other payments provided for by law, documents on the state of solvency);

information on the staff and conditions of activity (the number and composition of employees, their wages, availability of vacancies, the impact of production on the natural environment, the sale of products that harm the health of the population, the participation of officials in entrepreneurial activities, violation of antimonopoly legislation);

information about ownership (size of property, funds, investments of payments in securities, bonds, loans, in authorized funds of joint ventures).

The second group of information is characterized by the fact that it is unprofitable for the entrepreneur to hide it from the environment. This applies primarily to advertising information. It is difficult to achieve an effective result without advertising in business activities, especially in a highly competitive environment. In practice, advertising is beginning to enter our lives widely.

The third group of information includes those that are of economic value for the entrepreneur and are not subject to legal access by third parties.

When determining the value of entrepreneurial information, it is necessary to be guided by such criteria (properties) as the usefulness, timeliness and reliability of the information received.

For an entrepreneur, specialized information services are also important, allowing them to solve specific task generally. Their absence today is the main flaw in the information support of the business environment in Russia. For example, for most Russian entrepreneurs the task of finding a reliable partner is urgent. Economic information analysis technology includes:

verification of address data and identity of the partner who offered the deal;

determining the age of the company and indicators of the volume of production (for the Russian market, the analysis of this information is difficult for objective reasons);

checking information about the participation of the company in conflicts, lawsuits, as well as fines, mortgages and other debt obligations. In the West, such information is usually open and can be obtained from publicly available sources;

study of the credit history of the company, execution of payments.

This method is used by almost all companies specializing in the provision of credit information, including the oldest and largest information corporation in the world Dun & Bradstreet. Its technology for collecting, processing and presenting information is a proprietary know-how and is recommended by the UN as an international standard. In addition to the above information, the business reference of the company includes a specially developed rating coefficient, a solvency index, an overall assessment of the state of the company to which the request came, as well as the amount of the maximum recommended loan that can be provided to it without much risk. The real need for reliable information about the financial and material situation of Western partners has determined the demand for these services and the emergence of specialized foreign and domestic firms.

For example, the joint venture RUSS-IG provides the following list of services: provision of commercial information about the company; selection of economic partners in Western countries by type of activity; legal and economic consultations in Western countries; placement of advertisements in the countries of the Common Market; opening accounts in Western banks and assistance in registering a company in the West; economic analysis for various customer requests; Receiving receivables from Western debtor firms.

The cost of the service for the provision of a commercial certificate about the company, depending on the region (neighboring countries, Western Europe, USA, Canada, Asia) and the term of execution, ranges from 40 to 720 US dollars.

At present, it is much easier to find out about a foreign partner than to get even general information about a Russian enterprise.

Dun & Bradstreet (verification and search for partners, marketing services), Evro info (verification and selection of partners in the databases of the European Information Center), ADI (databases on commercial offers, industries and regions), MBIT (subscription information service, a wide range of databases in the field of business and commerce).

In accordance with the Federal Program, a system of information support for small and medium-sized businesses (SIOMP) is being developed.

SIOMP builds on existing public networks. The network provides interaction of centers and subscribers and the solution of the following tasks: access of entrepreneurs to information required by small and medium-sized businesses (legislative, commercial, information on domestic and foreign companies, etc.); access to Russian and international telecommunication networks (for operation in modes of access to remote databases, teleconferences, e-mail).

The virtual network allows you to regulate the use of resources and carry out the corresponding financial calculations. In the future, the communication centers can be deployed on the basis of the Internet.

The main form of socialization of an information resource is the market, when an information product, like any other product with a use value and value, finds its public recognition based on the ratio of supply and demand. At the same time, the laws of market competition apply to the information product and services, which form the structure of the information complex, affect pricing, and determine the main trends in the improvement of information technology and technology.

In the field of market relations, the relationship between the appropriation and alienation of an information resource, information product and services is realized. In this case, commodity relations are mediated by the monetary form, while all the laws of a market economy apply to the information product. Information is a commodity and, therefore, a market for information products, services and technologies is formed. Almost all scientists analyzing this problem unanimously affirm that the information market is an independent sector of the national market for goods and services. However, the characteristics of this specific market sector are analyzed in different ways.

The general economic interpretation of the information complex as an object of market relations should contain two sides. On the one hand, the information complex should be considered as a process of production of information products, services and technologies, as an information industry. Various terms are valid here: information industry, information sector of the economy, information processing and transmission industry, information business and others.

On the other hand, as evidenced by international experience, economic relations regarding the production and exchange of information at the international level are distinguished into separate sectors: the information products sector, the information services sector and the information technology sector. They are closely interconnected, and each of them has its own specific characteristics.

The formation of the information services industry, like any other sector of the economy, is based on the processes of division of labor, specialization and cooperation, the optimal combination of which allows you to create a rational economic structure. The information complex should be considered as unified system interconnected elements, the effective interaction of which makes it possible to meet the needs of society in information services. The main product of the information market is information of various purposes.

The whole complex of information should be divided into four categories:

business information, including stock, financial, economic, statistical, commercial information, as well as business news;

scientific and professional information, in particular, scientific and technical, legal, medical, etc .;

consumer (mass) information, for example, entertainment information, advertising, weather forecast, reference data, etc.;

socio-political information that serves government bodies and the management of statistical, social, archival and special information.

The largest share in this market is occupied by scientific and technical information (STI), the composition of consumers of which is constantly growing in the context of the transition to a market economy. Information about the directions of scientific and technological progress, raw materials base, patents and know-how is especially relevant when developing investment programs. 60-70% of new, original NTI is accumulated in VINITI, which is considered the leader in its collection and accumulation.

Today, there are about 90 STI systems in operation, however, only a small part of them can be used by the user in the remote access... In the state information services VNTIcenter, NPO Poisk, NIIKI, INION, VIMI and others there are concentrated NTI documentary bases accessible to a remote user with a total volume of 20 million records, including over 10 million non-duplicate records, with 30-40% of them are compiled from domestic primary sources.

The NTI market is a monopoly in comparison with other types of information markets, that is, large NTI centers traditionally lead here, which determine the situation in this market sector.

Analysis of the main manufacturers operating in the global computer market allows them to be classified into three groups:

large world-famous companies investing heavily in the development and mastering of new technologies (Hewlette-Packard, Apple, Compag, IBM, DEC and others, the so-called global brand name);

large firms of newly industrialized countries (Aseg, DTK, Hyundai, Samsung). This includes some Russian firms - IVK, LAND, KAMI, ASI and other so-called brand names;

dubious suppliers.

Analysis of the domestic computer market shows that for a relatively long time, computer manufacturers of the first group have been dominating. Imports of world brand name computers are growing, but not much faster than domestic production. The share of imports of other firms is decreasing, primarily due to a decrease in imports personal computers little-known foreign firms. In general, according to experts of the authoritative analytical service IDC, the ratio of 1: 2 established at the present time for the supply of domestic and foreign assemblers will remain in the foreseeable future.

In general, the analysis of the information complex showed that:

the formation of an information society makes it possible to increase the productivity of social labor through the introduction of high-performance information technology and the use of advanced information technologies;

information becomes one of the main strategic resources of the economy;

the basis of the "information society" is the information business;

for the development of business efficiency, it is necessary to create systems that can "collect" the experience, ideas of entrepreneurs and work in the mode of an information and advisory system;

the information complex should be considered both as an information industry and as separate sectors of information products, services and technologies.

Thus, informatization is becoming one of the most striking features modern system public relations. Wide development of the information complex based on effective use computers and telecommunications provide fundamentally new opportunities for economic development.

Nurtdinova Eleonora Ensovna, Postgraduate Student, Department of Finance and Banking, Ufa State University of Economics and Service, Russia

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1. Batalova T.N. Some issues of information support of the production management system / Actual problems economics and management at machine-building enterprises, oil and gas industry in an innovation-oriented economy: Materials of the All-Russian scientific-practical. conference (November 27-28, 2007) / Perm State. technical un-t. - Perm, 2007 .-- Part 2.
2. Markov D.A., Pytkin A.N. Features of the functioning of the information system of an industrial enterprise. - Yekaterinburg: Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of RAS, 2008.
3. Motovilov IV, Glezman LV. Information support for the management mechanism of the industrial complex of the municipal formation // Russian Entrepreneurship, 2012. - № 4.
4. Resource Center for Small Business: Official site [ Electronic resource]. - Access mode:
5. Rusakova E.V. Information potential of industrial enterprises: estimation, dynamics, reserves of increase: dissertation of the candidate of econ. sciences. - Samara: Samara State economic un-t, 2006.
6. Federal Law of July 24, 2007 No. 209-FZ "On the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses in the Russian Federation" (as amended on July 23, 2013).

1.1. The concept of information and types of information relations.

Within the framework of entrepreneurial (economic) law, we consider three types of legal relations. First, the relationship that develops in the implementation of entrepreneurial activities; secondly, the relations that develop in the process of regulating this activity; and thirdly, corporate (or intrafarm) relationships.

All these relationships are related to the collection, processing and transmission of information.

Speaking about the information support of entrepreneurial activity, one should consider all relations in which an economic entity participates with consumers, other business entities, government agencies, as well as between structural divisions of an economic entity. Let's try to identify the largest groups of information relations, i.e. relations regarding the collection, processing, use and transmission of information arising in the business area.

Participants the first group of information relations are state bodies authorized to receive certain information inin accordance with a certain normative act, on the one hand, and economic entities carrying out entrepreneurial activities, which are obliged to provide this information to this body, on the other.

The legal regulation of these relations is of a public nature and concerns mainly the control of state bodies over compliance with legal requirements for entrepreneurial activity.

Thus, the Law of the RSFSR of March 22, 1991 "On Competition and Restriction of Monopolistic Activity in Commodity Markets" * (as amended on May 25, 1995) provides for the obligation of commercial and non-commercial organizations (their heads), federal executive bodies, executive power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies (their officials), citizens, including individual entrepreneurs, at the request of the federal antimonopoly body (territorial body), submit reliable documents, written and oral explanations and other information necessary for implementation by the federal antimonopoly body ( territorial body) of its legal activities.
* Air Force of the RSFSR. 1991. No. 16. Art. 499.
The second group consists of information relations arising between state bodies in connection with the regulation of entrepreneurial activity.Thus, the order of the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics and the Tax Service of the Russian Federation of August 22, 1996 No. VA-3-09 / 71 "On information interaction between state statistics bodies and tax authorities" provides for the maintenance of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations (EGRPO) and the State the register of taxpayers (GRN) using all-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information, as well as the procedure for the exchange of information (in the form of copies of reports) on business entities that have not submitted an accounting report to tax authorities or state statistics bodies.

This normative act establishes that the exchange of information between statistical and tax authorities is carried out free of charge both in paper form and in an automated mode according to an agreed technology, taking into account the requirements of information protection.

The regulation of the relations of the groups of information relations considered above is aimed mainly at providing information to state bodies regulating entrepreneurial activity for the most effective decision-making in this area.

The third group is united relations arising from the provision by state bodies of information collected by virtue of their competenceat the expense of the federal budget, to economic entities on the basis of the obligation of these bodies enshrined in a regulatory act to provide it.

In the most general way, the Federal Law of February 20, 1995 No. 24-FZ "On Information, Informatization and Protection of Information" * (in clause 4 of Art. 12) determines that government bodies and organizations responsible for the formation and use of information resourcesprovide conditions for prompt and complete provision of documented information to the user in accordance with the obligations established by the charters (regulations) of these bodies and organizations.
* SZ RF. 1995. No. 8. Art. 609.
Article 13 of this Law imposes on the bodies of state power and local self-government the creation of information resources available to each user on the activities of these bodies and their subordinate organizations, as well as the implementation, within the competence of the mass information support of users on the rights, freedoms and duties of citizens, their safety and other matters of public interest.

The procedure for using information from state information resources, as established in this Law, is determined by the owner of these resources independently on the basis of the current legislation, their charters and regulations, as well as contracts for information services. However, this Law does not determine any fundamental provisions that should be guided by the owners of information resources when determining such an order.

As an example of the legal regulation of information relations of the third group, we can call the "Procedure for providing information about state registration rights to real estate and transactions with it ", approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 27, 1996 No. 1270 *. This Procedure establishes the rules for the granting by bodies carrying out state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 28, 1996 No. 293 "On additional measures for the development of mortgage lending" ** , information on state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it to all users interested in obtaining it - citizens, legal entities, state authorities and local authorities.

Registration information is provided on the basis of a written request, which indicates the name of the property, its location, the name of the applicant, and is issued for a fee. The procedure for establishing fees for the provision of information and the use of funds received is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Upon a reasoned request from a law enforcement, judicial or tax authority, he is provided with any (not only on a specific real estate object) information that is at the disposal of the authority that carries out state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with him. Information is provided to the indicated authorities free of charge.

The Regulations on the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of July 9, 1994 No. 834 ***, determines that one of the main tasks of the State Statistics Committee of Russia is to provide all users with equal access to open statistical information through the dissemination of official reports on the socio-economic situation of the Russian Federation, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, industries and sectors of the economy, the publication of statistical collections and other statistical materials (citizens are not mentioned as users of statistical information, everything is limited to official publication).
** SZ RF. 1996. N ° 10. Art. 880.

** SZ RF. 1994. No. 13. Art. 1522.

*** SZ RF. 1996. No. 36. Art. 4198.
Statistical work not included in federal statistical programs is carried out by state statistics bodies at the expense of the customer, including by orders of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation - at the expense of the federal budget, and by orders of state authorities subjects of the Russian Federation - at the expense of the corresponding budget.

Information relations of the group under consideration are regulated not only at the federal level, but also at the level of the subjects of the Federation. For example, the order of the Mayor of Moscow dated November 16, 1995 No. 606-rm "On Amendments and Additions to the Regulations of the Moscow City Hall" establishes that the owner of information resources, information systems the mayor's office of Moscow, created at the expense of the state budget, extra-budgetary funds, as well as obtained by other methods established by law, is the mayor's office and the government of Moscow, which determine the users (consumers), as well as the conditions for using and disposing of information that is the property of the mayor's office and the government of Moscow in accordance with the established procedure.

It should be noted that the question of the possibility of applying the institution of ownership to information is rather controversial, but in this context we are only interested in the fact of regulation of information relations that arise at this level.

The regulation of information relations of this group is aimed primarily at ensuring free access to information necessary for business entities for entrepreneurial activity.

1.2. Legal forms of implementation of information relations.

In the modern period, there is a process of transition from the distribution of information from top to bottom to its free circulation as a commodity. Thus, business entities appear that professionally carry out activities aimed at creating this specific product. In economic circulation, the latter can act as an information product or information service.

Thus, a completely different type of informational relations appears, arising already in the private law sphere. We are talking about information relations, in which, on the one hand, there are economic entities performing information activities in one area or another professionally (it is also one of the types of entrepreneurial activity), and on the other - a user. Mainly the contractual form of legal regulation is applied to the specified information relations.

Neither the legal doctrine, nor the current legal norms know such terms as "agreement for the transfer of information", "agreement for the transfer of information product" or "information agreement".

In practice, there are many different types of contracts that contain the transfer of certain information in one form or another. First, the result of creative activity can be the object of such contracts. In this case, the creation and transmission of this type of information are governed by copyright rules, which, by protecting the form in which such information is clothed, as it were, imply the protection of the content. And then used copyright or copyright (license) agreementsas a contractual form of regulation.

The next types of contracts that can be used in this area are contracts for the performance of research, development or technological work,provided that the result of such an implementation is precisely an information product or service. As an example, can also be named know-how transfer agreements,which is usually understood as information of a technical, organizational and commercial nature, i.e. knowledge necessary for the process of manufacturing a product or providing a service and constituting a secret of production.

Only some types of contracts known to legislation or legal practice were named here. In fact, they acquired widespread use contracts for information and consulting services, consulting, provision of information and marketing services,which are subject to the collection and provision of certain types of information. However, the content of these contractual relations is not regulated by law, the parties determine it independently based on the principle of freedom of contract and non-violation of general provisions on obligations enshrined in the current legislation.

Information relations of a private law nature can penetrate not only where one of the participants is a person carrying out information activities, but also between any business entities. For example, between the Federation of Stock Exchanges of Russia and the exchanges was signed Protocol information exchange agreements,which regulated the exchange of information on electronic networks, in compliance with the uniform rules for encoding files, and information transmitted in files. It was also established that, by agreement of the parties, the materials received by the parties can be transferred to third parties, including for publication in the media.

Information relations arising in intra-economic relations are governed by the norms developed by the management bodies of an economic entity, or, in other words, by corporate ones. Guided by Art. 139 of the Civil Code, an economic entity can determine a list of information that contains information that has actual or potential commercial value due to its unknown to third parties.

By adopting the relevant corporate acts, free access to this kind of information may be limited, and measures taken to protect their confidentiality may be established. Examples of this kind of regulations can be Confidential Information Statement,establishing a list of information of a confidential nature, and job descriptions that establish requirements for working with information obtained in the course of the employee's official duties.

§ 2. The main directions of information support of entrepreneurial activity

2.1. Formulation of the problem.

In the modern period, the question of the emergence and development of an independent sector of the economy - information, as well as the creation of an information infrastructure for the market and the economy as a whole - is becoming more and more urgent.

Note that in the All-Union Classifier "Branches of the National Economy" approved by the USSR State Committee on Statistics, the USSR State Planning Committee and the USSR State Committee for Standards on January 1, 1976 (with amendments No. 1-18, approved in 1977-1995) , it is determined that the sphere of material production *, along with other sectors of the national economy, includes information and computing services and general commercial activities to ensure the functioning of the market (intermediary services; services of organizations assisting in setting up equipment, processing new technologies, selling and purchasing " know-how ”, patents and licenses, as well as advertising, audit and marketing activities).
* At the same time, the sphere of material production, as established in this normative act, includes all types of activities that create material goods in the form of products, energy, movement of goods, storage of products, sorting, packaging and other functions that are a continuation of production in the sphere of circulation.
Thus, in addition to regulating the emerging information relations associated with entrepreneurial activity (which were mentioned earlier), there is a growing need for legal intervention in the development of the information environment of the market, where, first of all, these information relations arise, in order to ensure equal access to necessary information, freedom of implementation. entrepreneurial activity, as well as maintaining competition and limiting monopoly ownership of certain information by individual economic entities and government bodies.

In order to develop and maintain the normal functioning of the information infrastructure of the economy as a whole, as well as its information sector, federal regulation is based on the following basic principles.

2.2. Creation of information infrastructure.

In this regard, the state directs its efforts towards the fullest satisfaction of the information needs of economic entities. To this end, it promotes in every possible way the creation of information support systems for entrepreneurship, combining information centers, databases and data banks using unified software and hardware and developed data transmission networks, highlighting primarily the most undeveloped areas of entrepreneurship in this respect.

Mainly, this goal is pursued by decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 1, 1994 No. 1319 "On information support of entrepreneurship in the Russian Federation" * and of December 29, 1994 No. 1434 "On the network of regional small business support agencies" **.

In connection with the information support of small business, the Federal Law of June 14, 1995, No. 88-FZ "On State Support of Small Business in the Russian Federation" ***, Art. 16 which directs (but does not oblige) federal executive bodies, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies to develop and implement measures to create an appropriate information infrastructure in order to obtain economic, legal, statistical, production-technological and other information by small businesses, necessary for their effective development, and for the exchange of this information between them.

* SZ RF. 1994. No. 32. Art. 3364.

** SZ RF. 1995. No. 2. Art. 143.

*** SZ RF. 1995. No. 25. Art. 2343.
Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 24, 1992 No. 908 "On measures to organize information support for Russian and foreign investors on the privatization of state-owned enterprises" * in order to ensure regular informing of Russian and foreign investors about the possibilities of their participation in the privatization of state-owned enterprises, the Ministry of Property Relations of the Russian Federation obliges the Ministry of Property Relations of the Russian Federation to organize and coordinate the work of government bodies of the Russian Federation with foreign investors in the course of privatization of state-owned enterprises, including the collection and processing of information, as well as development information support systems for potential investors. In this regard, the State Information Center for Investment Promotion is being established.
* SAPP RF. 1992. No. 22. Art. 1914.

2.3. Information transparency and access to information.

The state initially determines only some areas of market relations, where the consolidation of the mechanism for ensuring access to information is one of the conditions for equal and free interaction of the participants in these relations.

Special attention is currently paid to information support of the securities market. Prior to the adoption of the Federal Law of April 22, 1996 No. 39-FZ "On the Securities Market" **, in which Sec. IV is entirely devoted to the information support of the securities market; some attention was also paid to this issue. Thus, the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 12, 1992 No. 05-01-06 "On the provision of information by stock exchanges and stock departments of stock exchanges" *** established the obligation of stock exchanges and stock departments of stock exchanges to submit monthly information on the results of exchange activities to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation on the securities market and on the admission of securities and quotation on the stock exchange. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 3, 1995 No. 662 "On measures to form an all-Russian telecommunications system and ensure the rights of owners during the storage of securities and settlements on the stock market of the Russian Federation" (as amended on August 16, 1995 and January 4, 1996 d.) * determined the need to formulate uniform standards for the implementation and registration of transactions in the financial market of the Russian Federation, including in the securities market, ensuring the confidentiality of commercial transactions, the independence of their participants, information protection, accounting and protection of the rights of owners, as well as state and public control over compliance with the antimonopoly legislation of the Russian Federation. Instructional letter of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of August 4, 1995 No. 183 "On the approval and implementation of the Regulation on the procedure for disclosing information about banks and other credit institutions - issuers of securities in the Russian Federation" established the obligation of commercial banks and other credit institutions that publicly place the securities issued by them, to disclose the information contained in the registration documents.
* SZ RF. 1995. No. 28. Art. 2639.

** SZ RF. 1996. No. 17. Art. 1918.

*** VG. 1992. No. 47.
The federal law "On the Securities Market" laid the foundation for a targeted government policy to increase the level of information transparency of the securities market, which established general provisions concerning the procedure and procedure for disclosing information, using official information, and advertising requirements on the securities market.

Following the Law, the Concept for the Development of the Securities Market in the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 1, 1996 No. 1008 *, outlined the ways further development information openness of the securities market, proposing a program of measures aimed at improving the standards of information disclosure and information transparency of the securities market, or otherwise - the State Information Initiative.
* SZ RF. 1996. No. 28. Art, 3356.

§ 3. Legal regime of information

3.1. Confidentiality of information.

The direction of legal regulation of information support of entrepreneurial activity is the consolidation of a certain regime for certain types of information.

General provisions concerning the establishment of various categories of access to information, and, accordingly, the types of information, are enshrined in the Federal Law of February 20, 1995 "On Information, Informatization and Protection of Information". Article 9 of the Law determines that information resources may belong to the all-Russian national heritage, the legal regime of which is established by federal law. In Art. 10 states that the state information resources of the Russian Federation are open and publicly available. The exception is documented information,classified by the Law to the category of limited access, which, in turn, is subdivided into information classified as state secrets,and confidential.

To date, there are two regulations that define the list of confidential information. We are talking about the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 6, 1997 No. 188 "On approval of the list of information of a confidential nature" * and the resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of August 30, 1996 No. 123 "On approval of the list of information constituting confidential information" information on payers of insurance premiums (personal data) defined in this regulatory enactment, as well as information disclosing the system, means and methods of protecting information on computers of the Pension Fund from unauthorized access, as well as the values \u200b\u200bof valid codes and passwords.

Article 11 of the Federal Law "On Information, Informatization and Protection of Information", as well as clause 1 of the List of Information confidential, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 6, 1997 No. 188, refers to confidential information personal data, i.e. information about facts, events and the circumstances of the private life of the citizen, allowing his identity to be identified.
* SZRF. 1997. No. 10. Art. 1127.
The aforementioned Federal Law determines that legal entities and individuals who, in accordance with their powers, own information about citizens, receive and use it, are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation for violation of the protection regime, processing and procedure for using this information.

The activities of non-governmental organizations and individuals related to the processing and provision of personal data to users are subject to mandatory licensing.

Special attention should be paid to the issue of the procedure for collecting, storing and using personal data that are processed in the information systems of public authorities in accordance with their powers. In particular, the tax authorities are charged with ensuring the safety and confidentiality of taxpayers' information. Current legislation allows the transfer of confidential information about taxpayers from among legal entities and individuals without their consent only to law enforcement agencies and in a strictly established manner (Article 109 of the Criminal Procedure Code).

The tax authorities of Russia have the right to provide such information to individual state organizations and departments within the limits stipulated by agreements with them and taking into account the requirements for the preservation of commercial secrets. Thus, the procedure for providing the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with information on the income of entrepreneurs operating without education legal entity, determined by a joint letter of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the State Tax Service of Russia dated June 3-4, 1993 No. JI4-16 / 2116-IN, VZ-6-03 / 196. Transfer of databases of tax authorities to third parties is not allowed.

Note that when setting the confidentiality mode for information on persons engaged in entrepreneurial activity, no distinction is made for individuals and legal entities. Proceeding from the meaning of the norms of the Federal Law "On Information, Informatization and Protection of Information" and the List of confidential information, approved by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 6, 1997 No. 188, only personal data are protected as confidential information (in the sense of how it is was defined above).

This is confirmed by the order of the State Customs Committee of Russia dated April 28, 1994 No. 180, which determines that information contained in cargo customs declarations on specific transactions in relation to participants in foreign economic relations is considered confidential.

In accordance with the procedure established by law, other data and indicators arising in the process of forming customs statistics of foreign trade can also be declared as confidential. Article 16 of the Customs Code of the Russian Federation states that information provided to the customs authorities of the Russian Federation by state bodies, enterprises, institutions, organizations and citizens in accordance with this Code and other acts of the legislation of the Russian Federation on customs business can be used exclusively for customs purposes.

Information constituting state, commercial, banking or other secrets protected by law, as well as confidential information (which is not publicly available and may harm the rights and legally protected interests of the person who provided it) should not be disclosed, used by officials of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation for personal purposes, transferred to third parties, as well as to state authorities, except for the cases provided for by legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

3.2. Service secret.

The next type of confidential information is official secret,which in Art. 139 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is defined in the same way as a commercial secret, which is hardly reasonable. In accordance with this article, information will constitute an official or commercial secret when the following conditions are met: the information has actual or potential commercial value, it is not known to third parties, there is no free access to it on a legal basis, and the owner of the information takes measures to protect its confidentiality ...

It follows from this definition that official secrets must have real or potential commercial value, which in most cases does not contain official information. When defining an official secret, the signs listed in the Civil Code can be used only as a basis, taking into account the specifics that are characteristic of official information of a confidential nature. The main thing here is that the list of this information, as well as the imposition of the duties of protecting their confidentiality on employees (officials), are established by law, and not by the owner of the information (as is provided for with respect to commercial secrets).

Federal Law "On the Securities Market" under service informationfor the purposes of this Federal Law, any information that is not publicly available about the issuer and the equity securities issued by it is recognized, which puts persons who, by virtue of their official position, labor duties or an agreement concluded with the issuer, such information, in a preferential position over others subjects of the securities market. At the same time, it is stipulated that persons who have official information do not have the right to use this information to conclude transactions, as well as to transfer official information to perform transactions to third parties.

3.3. Banking secrecy.

A kind of official secret can be considered banking secrecy.Defining the content of banking secrecy, or rather the range of information that will constitute it, we note that Art. 26 of the Law "On Banks and Banking Activities" provides a broader scope than Art. 857 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation the concept of banking secrecy *.
* See details: Oleinik OM.Fundamentals of banking law. M., 1997.
The Civil Code of the Russian Federation names three types of information constituting bank secrecy:

A) information about the bank account and bank deposit;

B) information about account transactions;

C) customer information.

In Art. 26 of the Law "On Banks and Banking Activities" it is determined that a credit institution, the Bank of Russia guarantee secrecy about operations, accounts and deposits of their clients and correspondents. All employees of a credit institution are obliged to keep secrecy about the transactions, accounts and deposits of its clients and correspondents, as well as about other information established by the credit institution, if this does not contradict federal law.

3.4. Trade secret.

In accordance with clause 5 of the List of confidential information, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 6, 1997 No. 188, confidential information includes trade secret,the concept of which was revealed above. Decree of the Government of the RSFSR dated December 5, 1991 No. 35 established a list of information that cannot constitute a commercial secret *.
* SP RSFSR. 1992. No. 1–2. Art. 7.
Russian legislation does not yet have a separate legislative act protecting commercial secrets, and in some cases such information needs legal protection.

In addition to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, some regulations already contain provisions prohibiting the disclosure of confidential information in connection with the threat of harm to interested parties. So, according to Art. 14 of the Law of the Russian Federation of May 21, 1993 "On the customs tariff" ** information provided by the declarant when declaring the customs value of the goods, defined as constituting a trade secret or being confidential, can be used by the customs authority solely for the purpose of carrying out its activities and not transferred to a third persons ***. The Law "On Competition and Restriction of Monopolistic Activity in Commodity Markets" establishes that in the event that employees of the federal antimonopoly body (territorial body) disclose information constituting a commercial secret, the losses incurred are subject to compensation in accordance with civil law (Article 15).
** RF Air Force. 1993. No. 23. Art. 821.

*** See: Financial news. 1993. No. 54. S. 8.
Undoubtedly, the adoption of a separate legislative act establishing the confidentiality regime for this information is required. Then the trade secret will be able to fully enjoy judicial protection, subject to the requirements of this law.

First of all, the following requirements will have to be taken into account:

The subject of the secret should not be a common knowledge;

An economic entity must spend its own funds to obtain or create this secret (which is confirmed by financial documentation);

Employees should be promptly warned about the existence of a secret and the procedure for handling it;

The business entity must take real measures to protect the secret.

The measures referred to in the last of the conditions should concern: firstly, the establishment of a list of information that constitutes a commercial secret of the enterprise; second, determining the sources of such information; third, the definition of channels and methods of leakage of information constituting a commercial secret *.
*Cm.: Otnyukova G.D.
Thus, the legal regulation of information support for entrepreneurial activity today is mainly aimed at forming the information infrastructure of the market, ensuring its information transparency, as well as guaranteeing limited access to certain types of information recognized as such in accordance with the current legislation.

§ 4. Agreements on information and consulting services

4.1. Consulting and Marketing.

In connection with the transition to a market economy, the need for information and consulting services has sharply increased. The company needs information about potential sellers and buyers, their reliability and solvency, information about the market conditions, legal assistance in drawing up or changing the documentation required for the registration of the company, its reorganization, liquidation, amendments to the constituent documents, consultations on the preparation of financial reporting and other similar services. These services can be the subject of independent contracts, but can be included in the content, for example, contracts for intermediary services, etc.

Accordingly, a party to the contract can be a firm specializing in consulting as its main activity, or an intermediary organization (firm, office) for which consulting is one of the activities, which is not even the main one.

Consulting- activity on consulting clients on economic and legal issues. In addition to consulting, the firm can provide marketing services. Marketing- a set of actions to study the market: the demand for the client's products, current and projected for the future, the supply of relevant goods. Information about competitors, prices, quality of goods and their subsequent service is being studied.

The purpose of the marketing agreement isissuing recommendations to the client, the consideration of which will allow him to produce products that are in stable demand, make changes to the assortment, improve the quality of products, and discontinue production that is not in demand. Thanks to marketing, enterprises are able to manufacture products, providing the necessary level of profit for the development of the enterprise.

In essence and purpose, these services presuppose a long-term interaction between the client and the contractor. Therefore, marketing services contracts are usually concluded for a period of more than a year. The timing of the provision of information by the contractor to the client is established in the contract, taking into account the need to respond to changes in the conjuncture of the commodity market.

Operative current information of the contractor allows you to adjust these programs for the production and sale of the corresponding goods. According to the form, the information received from the contractor can be in the form of a report with the necessary calculations, applications. It is possible to transfer information through communication channels using a computer.

Production. Provides information about competitors, production dynamics, data on goods.

Demand and consumption. The article provides information on the degree of satisfaction of demand, the direction of market expansion, data on the structure of consumption, dynamics of trade.

Prices. Information is provided on price changes (price index), prices for raw materials, calculations of the profitability (profitability) of production are made.

The amount of payment for the contractor's services can be made dependent on the economic efficiency of the recommendations.

But most often, payment is made for the actually rendered services, timely information provided.

Marketing- an effective tool for regulating the economy in a normal market, competition between manufacturers. At present, given the monopoly of producers, the shortage of products and goods, there are no objective conditions for the wide distribution of marketing services provided by contractors under contracts. Many enterprises are still limited to creating marketing departments (subdivisions) on the basis of supply and sales departments, without concluding special economic agreements for these services.

The legal form of consulting on legal issues in practice is a client's agreement with a law firm on legal services. The contract is usually concluded for a period of one year. But there may be one-time requests from a client to a law firm on any specific issue. In this case, the service can form the content of the contract concluded for a one-time action (assistance in drawing up a document, representation in court, etc.). The contract for legal services, in addition to consultation, may include obligations law firm to carry out, on behalf of the client, representation in court, arbitration, arbitration, to give an opinion on the legality of local acts of the enterprise, contracts to be concluded, to help in drafting contracts, claims, statements of claim.

Payment is made either by transferring periodic payments regardless of the volume of services, or for the corresponding services within the term of the contract, but most often these payment methods are combined. For example, in addition to payment for attaching to the firm, the firm receives a certain percentage for each case won in a lawsuit (economic dispute). Of course, if the company has a legal advisor on staff, there is no need to resort to the services of a law firm.

Service providers can be multidisciplinary. For example, combine legal services and audit, legal services and accounting, preparation of financial statements of the client company. This allows them to survive in the marketplace if the demand for certain services declines.

Obtaining information about another enterprise by one enterprise in order to reduce the commercial risk from possible cooperation with it under a business agreement is fraught with certain difficulties (due to the lack of necessary reference books, territorial remoteness, due to the scarcity of information in the official publication of the results of financial and economic activities or due to the lack of such a publication in general, etc.).

There are organizations specializing in collecting, processing, providing information of interest to clients about potential counterparties. On the basis of an agreement on the provision of such information, the client has the opportunity to obtain information about the financial position and business reputation of a particular manufacturer, the composition of founders, information about the banks serving the company, and other information.

4.2. Engineering.

A kind of consulting in the manufacturing sector is engineering.The firm under the contract can provide engineering and consulting services to the client enterprise related to the preparation and technical support production of products. The firm can, for example, advise on the use of complex equipment, assist in adaptation software products to the conditions of the client's production, to decompile the computer program, to ensure the installation and dismantling of equipment, to provide other services.

Various services are provided with the help and on the basis of the use of information systems - by transferring information through communication channels using the appropriate computer data bank. The activity of exchanging information between organizations is preceded by the installation of a computer, providing the user with the necessary instructions, consultations from the organization - the owner of information resources (systematized information in a computer data bank).

On the basis of agreements on the provision of information and computing services, for example, automated processing of information from credit institutions provided by the informatization units of the Bank of Russia (the operating day of a credit institution, maintaining its balance sheet) is carried out, electronic copies of statements of accounts of credit institutions are transmitted *.
* See the letter of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated June 18, 1997 "On charging fees for the services of the Bank of Russia" // RG. 1997.9 aug.
Automated accounting is possible: in this case, the customer provides initial information in the established forms and receives the final information in the form agreed with the contractor. The activity of maintaining the register of the owner of securities can be recorded both on paper and using an electronic database (Article 8 of the Law "On the Securities Market").

The relationship is of a long-term nature: the exchange of information is carried out in the mode and according to the rules determined by agreement of the parties, taking into account their technical capabilities.

Under this agreement, the customer either provides initial information and, in turn, receives the results of processing his information, or receives ready-made information that interests him, accumulated by the owner of information resources. In the latter case, the process of collecting and processing information is not covered by the content of the contract with the customer. In addition to the information services themselves, it is possible to provide services for the maintenance of software tools (consultations, training of personnel on using a computer program). Such services are rendered by an organization that legally supplies software (computer program databases) to users.

Since the law does not yet provide legal concepts of "information services", "marketing", "intermediary activity", in practice such agreements are called agreements on mutual cooperation, on joint activities. In such cases, the legal nature of the contract, its type must be determined by analyzing the content of the contract, the actual relationship of the parties.

There are mixed agreements under which the parties provide each other with information and consulting services, services for the selection of each other as partners of third parties (sellers, buyers), and at the same time, the parties join forces to implement joint programs (construction, collection and recycling raw materials with the subsequent distribution of profits between the parties, etc.).

Many contracts of this kind provide for obligations to advertise the client's products, as well as mutual advertising. By concluding agreements on cooperation, the parties thereby emphasize the trusting nature of the relationship between them, do not include measures of property liability in the agreement, build relationships between themselves on mutually beneficial cooperation.

Belyaev V.Securities trading on the Internet // Securities Market. 1999. No. 10, 11, 13, 15, 19.

Vikulin A.Yu.Banking secrecy as an object of legal regulation // State and Law. 1998. No. 7.

Vlasova O.UK legislation: protection of trade secrets and other confidential information // Economy and Law. 1998. No. 8.

Gavrilov E.P.Intellectual Property Rights in the New Civil Code of the Russian Federation // State and Law. 1995. No. 11.

Dozortsev VA.Legislation on scientific and technological progress. M., 1978.

Dozortsev V.A.Information as an Object of Exclusive Rights // Business and Law. 1996 No. 4

Zakupen T.V.Legal regulation of the creation of a single information space of the member countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States // State and Law. 1997. No. 6.

Zalesskaya M.V.Unfair competition: some problems of illegal receipt, use and disclosure of confidential information // Legislation and Economics. 1999. No. 5.

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Karchevsky S.Banking secrecy: problems of legal regulation // Economy and law. 2000. No. 4.

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Lobanov G.Marketing services and cost // Economy and law. 1996. No. 11.

Medvedev A.Computer program: thing or intangible asset // Economy and law. 1997. No. 11.

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Simkin L.S.From the practice of considering cases on the legal protection of computer programs // Bulletin of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation. 1997. No. 8.

Skoblikov P.Commercial and banking secrets: problems of legal regulation // Russian Justice. 1997. No. 11.

Solovyanenko N.I.Execution of transactions through electronic data exchange // Economy and law. 1997. No. 7.

Severin V.A.Information services providing commercial activity // Legislation. 2000. No. 1. P. 32–39.

Tkachuk I.B.Trade secret: Organization of protection, investigation of encroachments. M., 1999.

Sharov V."Know-how" is an object of intellectual property // Economy and law. 1998. No. 7.

Shamaev A.Legal aspects of the activity of communication systems (on the example of SWIFT) // Economy and Law. 1997. No. 2.

The current stage of development of society is characterized by an increase in the role information sphere, which includes numerous blocks of various information, information structures themselves, as well as subjects that collect, form, distribute and use information resources. The information sphere as a system-forming factor in the life of society actively affects the state of the political, economic, defense and other components of the security of the Russian Federation.

Unlawful access to commercial, banking secrets can cause significant material damage to the organization, as well as image costs. In order to protect oneself from information leakage, it is advisable to develop local acts within the enterprise, which can be called differently: provisions on confidential information, lists of information not subject to disclosure, etc. Employees must be familiarized with such acts on receipt.

For a correct understanding, you should clarify what are an object and subjects information support of entrepreneurship, what functions are performed by the organization of the information support system at different levels of the enterprise.

First, the object and subjects of the business information support system are closely interconnected. Secondly, the object of the information support system as a whole is the stable economic state of the business entity in the current and future periods. The specific objects of information support are information and other resources: financial, material and technical, personnel, etc.

There are two groups of entities that provide information support to entrepreneurship: external and internal. TO external actors relate legislative, executive and judicial authorities, designed to provide information to all, without exception, law-abiding participants in business and other relations; moreover, their activities cannot be completely controlled by the entrepreneurs themselves (in any case, in modern Russian reality). These bodies form the legislative basis for the functioning and protection of entrepreneurial activity in its various aspects and guarantee the stability of information relations in the interests of all citizens of the country.

Internal actorsthese are persons directly carrying out activities to protect information security of this particular business entity. Such subjects can be employees of the company's own security service; invited specialists and consultants providing information services in order to protect business activities.

The administration of the enterprise provides information support for its own activities on the basis of a certain strategy and tactics.

Strategy information support of entrepreneurship involves a long-term approach to achieving the goal. It should include, first of all, a system of preventive measures to protect confidential information, implemented through the regular, continuous work of the structural units of the organization to check contractors, analyze proposed transactions, examine documents, comply with the rules for working with documentation, etc. A strategy of reactive measures can also be developed, based on the application of a situational approach and implemented through a system of measures specific to a given situation.

Tactics information support of entrepreneurship includes the application of certain procedures and the implementation of specific actions in order to counter emerging threats. Such actions, depending on the situation, may be, for example, taking additional measures to preserve commercial secrets; creation of a computer security unit; presentation of oral or written claims to the infringing counterpart; appeal to law enforcement agencies or the court.

So, among the main areas of information support for entrepreneurship, one can single out:

  • - conducting inspections in the structural divisions of the enterprise and providing practical assistance on information support of their activities;
  • - organization and implementation of protection of confidential information;
  • - development and implementation of local acts, for example, provisions on commercial secrets;
  • - automation of information on security issues;
  • - gradual transition of divisions to paperless (electronic) document flow;
  • - checking the rules for conducting closed office work;
  • - checking employees for compliance with the rules for ensuring information and economic security.

Certain requirements are imposed on the organization of information support for entrepreneurial activity, among which the following can be distinguished.

  • 1. Legality assumes that the activities of persons providing information security must be legal, otherwise the entire protective mechanism may turn out to be unreliable through the fault of the business entity itself. As adverse consequences, various kinds of sanctions by law enforcement agencies are possible, being brought to court as a defendant, blackmail by criminal structures, etc.
  • 2. Complexity, i.e. possible interaction of all divisions of the enterprise in order to ensure the required level of protection, create a climate of cooperation and trust.
  • 3. Economic expediency, which means that, first of all, information security of those objects should be organized, the costs of protecting which are less than the losses from their illegal use. In this case, the financial capabilities of the organization should also be taken into account.
  • 4. Continuity, assuming that the functioning of an integrated system for ensuring information security of entrepreneurship should be carried out constantly.
  • 5. Efficiency is ensured by the speed of special information services and the effectiveness of the measures taken to bring the necessary information along the technological chains, as well as timely informing the administration of the enterprise.
  • 6. Coordination and accountability of the information security system to the management of the business entity. This is necessary, firstly, so that the local security system does not turn out to be focused on solving narrow problems, without taking into account the interests of partners and other structural divisions; secondly, for the correct assessment of the effectiveness of the information support system of the enterprise and its possible improvement.

The organization of the information security service should be provided within the enterprise. Among the subjects that ensure the protection of the information security of entrepreneurial activity, the most important is the own security service, of course, provided that entrepreneurs have the necessary financial resources for this. There are a number of stages that are recommended for entrepreneurs in ensuring information security.

  • 1. Making a decision to create an enterprise information security system. This question should arise at the time of making a decision to organize a law firm, depending on the type of activity chosen, the nature of the proposed services, the use of private information, the number of employees, etc. At the general meeting, the founders should foresee in advance the possibility of creating a special service and assign responsibilities. After the state registration of the organization, the heads make the final decision, determine the responsible persons who will directly deal with the organization of the information security service.
  • 2. Determination of general tasks to ensure information security of the enterprise. This includes the identification of suspected threats, their prevention, the establishment of specific objects of protection (information, computer systems, access keys, security of premises).
  • 3. Development of regulations on ensuring information security of the enterprise, determination of the structure and staffing of persons involved in this work.
  • 4. Selection and placement of personnel. Information security officers can be people with special skills and know how to work with information technology. An important and key condition is precisely vocational training. In practice, it is customary to give preference to former employees of law enforcement agencies (Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, FSB of Russia, prosecutor's office) with relevant work experience.
  • 5. Direct organization and functioning of the enterprise information security service. The work of the structural unit for information security is regulated by a number of local acts that should be developed within the enterprise. Information security providers are prohibited from providing other services not related to the operation of their own enterprise. In the process of activity, a significant role is played by the skillful placement of personnel, the distribution of rights and responsibilities. An important factor is a flexible incentive system for service workers. Funding usually comes from profit. Cost savings tend to result in much larger losses.
  • 6. Control over information security activities. To maintain a high level of production discipline, as well as to effectively counter various hacks and information attacks, it is necessary to constantly monitor and analyze the results of this activity. For this, the following are carried out:
    • - regular ongoing reports of employees involved in information security to the management of the enterprise;
    • - unscheduled reports on protection against specific threats and on the organizational and technical measures taken;
    • - analysis of reports and formation of the management's position regarding the effectiveness of the enterprise information security system. An important element of maintaining a high level of protection is the improvement of the business skills of employees involved in ensuring information security, which is achieved by continuous improvement of their qualifications and retraining (at least every three years).

Business support - a set of measures and measures aimed at optimizing business activities, establishing relationships inside and outside the company in order to achieve maximum efficiency of the enterprise, increase the level of earnings, optimize trade and foreign economic processes. Business support affects many main areas and areas of activity - information, legal, financial, security and software.

Business information support

At the present stage, one of the most important is the information component of the business. The development of the enterprise, the efficiency of the production process, the position of goods on the market, and so on, directly depend on it. without information support, it is provided for failure, because it is with the help of timely received data that it is possible to assess its saturation, the possibility of obtaining resources, production conditions, and so on.

All information that comes to can be roughly divided into three categories .