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Litemanager free what a program. How to control a remote computer using LiteManager Free

Consists of two modules: Server is installed on a remote computer, and Viewer is installed on the device from which it is supposed to be controlled. After launching LiteManager Server, select the "Connection by ID" item in the menu and enter the desired server name. Just do not forget to set a password during installation to protect against unauthorized access from outside.

On the computer from which you will control the remote devices, launch the Viewer module and in the “Connection” menu, click on the “Connection by ID” option. Enter the server name and password - done, you can do with remote computer whatever you like.

The remote computer is controlled in real time. To the user's surprise, you drag and drop objects, launch programs, and open and minimize windows. Optionally, you can chat or send to remote devices text messages. You also get access to files stored on a remote computer - view them, move them and delete them.

LiteManager works with Windows 10/8/7 / Vista / XP / 2000/2008/2003/2012. In the case of Linux and macOS, it can be run using Wine. The service provides a full set of capabilities required for remote control and administration: access to file system and the process manager, remote launch of applications, screen recording, locking and shutting down the computer.

Why do you need it at all

The simplest and most obvious example is a school computer class. There are a number of computers and overly curious users that you need to keep an eye on. With the help of LiteManager, the teacher will always be aware of what a particular student is doing: completing an assignment or scoring on everything and frolicking on the Internet.

The free version of the program allows you to manage 30 computers - quite enough for an average computer class.

By the way, on this moment 20-30% of LiteManager customers purchasing the extended version are educational institutions.

The latest version of LiteManager has a Teacher module. With its help, you can arrange test work, distribute and collect files with completed tasks, and even arrange testing. Everything is elementary: determine the time during which you need to deal with the questions, enter the text of the questions, answer options and the number of points that the student will receive if he answers correctly.

There is no chance of cheating by googling quickly: not a single careless student will hide from LiteManager's watchful eyes.

LiteManager is also useful for small companies, where the only IT specialist on the staff is literally torn to pieces, trying to cope with the stream of questions and requests from colleagues. Now the problems from the series "Oh, I pressed something here" are solved in the blink of an eye: start the Viewer, see what happened, and save the day without leaving your workplace.

Personal accounts for Viewers on NOIP ( Personal Area). Audio-video chat in conference mode. Automatic import of computers from a domain, local network or with NOIP.

04 January 2018 LiteManager 4.8 and client for Android, Mac OS and iOS

A new version LiteManager 4.8 with built-in network chat, NOIP jabber. A new mode of work Teacher, for conducting training tests, collecting and distributing files in educational institutions.

LiteManager client for Android platforms, OSX and iOS.

06 July 2015 LiteManager remote customer support

Program for remote customer support Pro / Free version in one distribution. Remote access via the Internet via IP or ID connection. Remote desktop support new windows 10. Screen sharing mode allows you to organize the educational process in an educational institution, distance learning. Free for personal or commercial use.

06 June 2015

New design program site remote access LiteManager, added help system, overview of solutions, instructions for using the program, comparative reviews and articles. LiteManager with full support running Linux under Wine, now the program can be run on operating systems Linux.

Download our products: LiteManager, Cowboy with keyboard, Eyes relaxing and focusing

Main products

Name version type of download the size
LiteManager Windows 4.9 Pro / Free 40 mb
LiteManager Android 4.8 Free Google play 8.5 mb
LiteManager Mac OS 4.8 Free
(App store)
4.4 mb
LiteManager iOS 4.8 Free App store 25.7 mb

In the mode of those. support (no installation)


Previous Versions

Name version type of download the size
LiteManager 4.8 Pro / Free 34 mb
LiteManager 4.7.2 Trial - 30 days 23 mb
LiteManager 4.6.2 Trial - 30 days 17 mb
LiteManager 4.6.0 Trial - 30 days 16 mb
LiteManager 4.5.1 Trial - 30 days

LiteManager is a program for remote access to computers, which is one of the most popular alternatives. The presented program is distributed in paid and free versions. The first is positioned by the developer as a solution for system administrators in enterprises, and the second - for home use.

Connection to a remote computer is carried out by IP address and password. Naturally, to work with LiteManager, a copy of the program must be installed and launched on the computer to which you are connecting (it is from it that you will need to take the password to connect). Let's note right away that LiteManager works great with dynamic IPs. True, you won't be able to add a PC with a dynamic IP to the list of "contacts" and connect to it in two clicks. By the way, computers with static IP in this very contact list can be easily divided into groups and organized. When controlling a remote desktop, LiteManager provides minimal latency and good quality of the transmitted "picture" without graphic artifacts.

Of the interesting features, the program supports video recording from a remote desktop and file exchange. These, and in general all other LiteManager tools, can be launched from the sidebar. Another program allows you to remotely shutdown computers. But at the same time it does not allow to turn on the PC, it can only "wake up" them when the sleep mode is on. The program interface is available, including in Russian.

Key features and functions

  • offers the user separate modules for managing the desktop and file system;
  • connects to computers with dynamic IP;
  • allows you to create a list of computers to which you connect most often;
  • provides access to the Telnet command line;
  • supports text chat;
  • contains a tool for traversing NAT and firewalls;
  • can automatically search for computers on the network.

Free version limitations

  • after installing the program, you can choose a paid or free license;
  • v free version The following tools are not available: device manager, RDP, screen recorder, audio and video chat, timer;
  • also does not work contact book and remote change of server settings.

LiteManager is a tool for remote access to computers. Thanks to this application, you can connect to any computer and get practically full access to him. One of the areas of application of such applications is to help users who are geographically located in other cities, regions and even countries.

LiteManager makes it possible not only to connect to a computer and see what is happening on the desktop of a remote workplace, but also to transfer files, get information about the system, processes, etc.

The functionality of the program is quite rich, below we will consider the main functions provided by LiteManager.

The control function is the main function of the application, thanks to which the user can not only observe what is happening on the remote computer, but also control it. At the same time, control is no different from working at a regular computer.

The only limitation on control is the use of some hotkeys, for example, Ctrl + Alt + Del.

File transfer

To be able to transfer files between computers, there is a special function "Files".

Thanks to this feature, you can exchange information if required while managing a remote computer.

Since the exchange will take place over the Internet, the transmission speed will depend on the speed of the Internet, and at both ends.

Chat room

Thanks to the built-in chat in LiteManager, you can easily correspond with remote users.

Thanks to this chat, you can exchange messages, thereby informing or clarifying something with the user.

Audio video chat

Another possibility to communicate with a remote user is audio video chat. Unlike regular chat, here you can communicate via audio and video communication.

This type of chat is very convenient when you need to comment on your actions or find out something about the work of the remote user in time.

Registry editor

Another interesting and, in some cases, useful function Is a registry editor. Thanks to this feature, you can edit the registry on a remote computer.

The address book

Thanks to the built-in address book, you can create your own contact list.

At the same time, in each contact, you can specify not just a name and ID number, but also choose a connection method with various parameters.

Thus, there is no need to remember or record user data somewhere. All necessary information can be stored in the address book. And thanks to the search mechanism, you can quickly find the desired user, there is already a fairly large list.

Launching programs

The program launch function allows you to launch programs via command line on a remote computer.

Thus, you can run a particular program (or open a document) without a control mode, which in some cases is very convenient.

Pluses of the program

  • Fully Russified interface
  • Transferring files between computers
  • Convenient netlist
  • A wide range of additional functions
  • Mapping Connected Sessions to Geographic Caret
  • Protection remote connection password

Cons of the program

  • Inconvenience of using some functions

Thus, with just one program, you can get full access to a remote computer. Moreover, using different functions, it is not necessary to interfere with the user's work. Some operations, for example, launching programs, can be performed without controlling the remote computer.

LiteManager Free is whole complex free apps for remote control and management of computers, internal / external networks.

It is considered the optimal solution both for introducing an entire enterprise into the workflow, and for use in a circle of home personal devices... Practical necessity of having personal computers in all spheres of life - this is already a modern reality. Today's families no longer do with one device.

A child needs a tool for entertainment and school lessons, adults also have a lot of tasks that are now solved exclusively by means of a PC. But if already at home it is absolutely necessary to have several personal devices, then what can we say about corporate enterprises, where the number of computer equipment can be in the hundreds.

Naturally, such volumes of information carriers should be under professional administration, namely under the control of a specialized free software LiteManager Free.

The installation process of the program components is standard, but as for the license, it is the bundle of LiteManager Free. Well, in simple terms, the application allows you to control one PC from another.

The utility contains two basic modules: the client (Viewer) and the server (Server) parts. The client module is installed on the administrator's PC, the server component is installed on remote machines. To add a device and connect to it in the Viewer management list, you just need to prescribe its IP address and enter the password assigned during the Server client installation.

The utility interface is transparent and user-friendly. The most important administration elements are taken out and easily accessible, and the layout of other panels can be changed at your discretion. The list of remote machines can be displayed in different styles: regular icons, scalable thumbnails, list or table.

All computers within LiteManager Free are displayed differently depending on their actual state. For example, a switched off remote device will be designated "Offline", turned on, respectively, "Online", if Server is not installed on the remote PC, then the status will be designated as " Not found", If the connection to it is not authorized yet, then the state will take the value" Locked ".

In fact, LiteManager Free provides full control over processes, actions and services on all connected devices, including full access to the file system and connection to the system registry.