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Installation of engineering technical protection of information. Ways to protect information

Information protection tools for inflated tools when implementing the safety policies of various structures. Today there are quite a variety of tracking equipment, so the high-quality hardware organization of the security system is the key to the successful functioning of divisions of various activities. SpecTexthexulting offers all interested to buy information protection tools, using which can be implemented a modern reliable security system. We have the most different equipment. information security In the widest assortment - you are guaranteed to purchase everything you need based on the specifics of the functioning of your organization or structure.

Based on the level of secrecy of internal information and the current situation in the work of the company, information security tools can be set to temporarily or use on an ongoing basis. For example, information protection means makes sense to apply during meaningful negotiations with business partners or internal meetings, but they can work on an ongoing basis to fully prevent information leakage from certain structural divisions of the Company. In "SpecTehKonsulting" you can buy means of protecting information of a variety of principle of operation and purpose. To implement the global information security system, it is necessary to use comprehensively - use hardware, software and organizational protection tools.

Specialists "Specialthekonsalting" are ready to provide comprehensive assistance that the technical equipment of information protection chosen by you is effectively and completely prevented by leakage of data. Various information security tools must be chosen in a thoroughly, given the strengths and weak aspects, the possibilities of interaction and other specifics. Just buy information protection tools for various principles of action is not enough to implement an effective security system. On the pages of the online catalog "SpecTechConsulting" presented in detail technical information And the possibilities of the equipment implemented by us for information security are given. We tried to provide optimal conditions for selecting our visitors.

Tracking and espionage tools are improved all the time, but exactly also appear more powerful and effective means Protection of information. Therefore, with a competent approach to the implementation of information security, it can be guaranteed it effective work. In "SpecTehkensalting", you can purchase information protection tools that will help reliably protect commercial, production or service information that does not provide for use from outside. Installation modern equipment Information security will create conditions for safe operation, negotiation and important business meetings.

D Anna B. computer Systemsah are affected by the risk of loss due to malfunction or destroying equipment, as well as risk of embezzlement. Ways to protect information include the use of hardware and devices, as well as the introduction of specialized technical means and software.

Methods of unlawful access to information

Pledge of successful fighting unauthorized access The information and interception of data is a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe channel leakage channels.

Integrated circuits on which computers are based, create high-frequency changes in the voltage level and currents. Oscillations are distributed over the wires and can not only be transformed into an impact form, but also intercept special devices. A device or monitor can be installed for intercepting information that is displayed on the monitor or entered from the keyboard. Interception is possible and when transmitting information on external communication channels, for example, on the telephone line.

Check checklist information channels

Protection methods

In practice, several groups of protection methods are used, including:

  • an obstacle to the path of the intended kidnapperwhich is created by physical and software;
  • control, or the impact on the elements of the protected system;
  • disguise, or data transformation, usually cryptographic methods;
  • regulation, or the development of regulatory acts and a set of measures aimed at encouraging users who interact with databases to proper behavior;
  • compulsion, or the creation of such conditions under which the user will be forced to comply with the rules for handling data;
  • movement, or creating conditions that motivate users to proper behavior.

Each of the methods of protection of information is implemented using various categories of funds. Fixed assets are organizational and technical.

Technical means of information protection

The technical means of information protection information combines hardware and software. Main:

  • backup and remote storage of the most important data arrays in the computer system - on a regular basis;
  • duplication and reservation of all subsystems of networks that are important for data safety;
  • creating the ability to redistribute network resources in cases of working capacity individual elements;
  • providing the ability to use backup Systems power supply;
  • ensuring safety from fire or damage to water equipment;
  • installing software that protects databases and other information from unauthorized access.

The complex of technical measures includes measures to ensure the physical inaccessibility of objects. computer networks, for example, such practical methods as equipping equipment with chambers and alarm.

Authentication and Identification

To exclude unauthorized access to information, methods such as identification and authentication are used.

Identification - This is a mechanism for assigning its own unique name or image to the user who interacts with information.
Authentication - This is a system for checking the user coincidence in the way the tolerance is allowed.

These funds are aimed at providing or, on the contrary, prohibit data tolerance. The authenticity as the rules is determined by three ways: a program, apparatus, man. In this case, the object of authentication may be not only a person, but also a technical means (computer, monitor, media) or data. The simplest way Protection - password.

Grass. According to the USA Today newspaper, in 1992 as a result of such unlawful actions using personal computers American organizations have suffered a total damage in the amount of $ 882 million. It can be assumed that real damage was much more, since many organizations for obvious reasons hide such incidents; There is no doubt that today the damage from such actions has grown multiple times.

In most cases, the perpetrators turned out to be regular employees of organizations, well acquaintances with the mode of operation and measures of protection. This once again confirms the danger of internal threats.

Previously, we conducted a distinction between static and dynamic integrity. For the purpose of violation static integrity An attacker (as a rule, a staff member) may:

  • enter incorrect data;
  • to change the data.

Sometimes meaningful data changes, sometimes - service information. Headlines email can be forged; The letter as a whole can be falsified by a person who knows the sender's password (we have given the appropriate examples). Note that the latter is possible even when integrity is controlled by cryptographic means. There is an interaction of different aspects of information security: if confidentiality is broken, integrity may suffer.

The threat of integrity is not only falsification or data change, but also a refusal of perfect actions. If there are no funds to provide "non-closer", computer data cannot be considered as evidence.

Potentially vulnerable in terms of violation integrity Not only data, but also programs. Threat dynamic integrity are violation atomic transaction, reordering, theft, duplication of data or making additional messages (network packets, etc.). The corresponding actions in the network medium are called active listening.

The main threats of confidentiality

Confidential information can be divided into subject and service. Service information (for example, user passwords) does not apply to a certain subject area, in the information system it plays a technical role, but its disclosure is particularly dangerous, since it is fraught with the receipt of unauthorized access to all information, including the subject.

Even if the information is stored in the computer or intended for computer use, the threat of its confidentiality can be uncompudent and in general, non-tech.

Many people have to act as users not one, but a number of systems ( information services). If reusable passwords are used to access such systems, it will certainly be stored for this data not only in the head, but also in a notebook or on paper sheets that the user often leaves on the desktop or loses. And the point here is not in the inorganization of people, but in the initial unsuitability of the password scheme. It is impossible to remember a lot different passwords; Recommendations for their regular (as possible - frequent) shift only exacerbate the position, forcing us to apply simple alternation schemes or at all try to reduce the case to two-three easily memorable (and as easily guessing) passwords.

The described class of vulnerable seats can be called the location of confidential data in the environment where they are not provided (and often cannot be provided) the necessary protection. In addition to passwords stored in written books users, this class enters the transfer of confidential data to open video (In a conversation, in a letter, on a network), which makes it possible to intercept. For attacks, various technical means can be used (listening or listening to conversations, passive listening network etc.), but the idea is alone - to carry out access to the data at the moment when they are the least protected.

The threat to the interception of data should be taken into account not only with the initial configuration of the IP, but also, which is very important, with all changes. A very dangerous threat is exhibitions that many organizations send equipment from the production network with all data stored on them. Remain the same passwords, when remote access They continue to be transmitted in the open form.

Another example of change: data storage on backup media. To protect data on major media, developed access control systems are used; Copies are often just lying in the cabinets, and many can access them.

Data interception is a serious threat, and if privacy is indeed critical, and the data is transmitted over many channels, their protection may be very complex and expensive. Technical means The interception is well developed, available, easy to use, and install them, for example, to a cable network, can anyone, so that this threat exists not only for external, but also for internal communications.

Equipment thefts are a threat not only for backup media, but also for computers, especially portable. Often, laptops are left unattended at work or in a car, sometimes just lose.

A dangerous non-necological threat of confidentiality are methods of moral and psychological impact, such as masquerade - Performance under the guise of a person with powers to access data.

To unpleasant threats, which are difficult to defend, can be attributed abuse authority. In many types of systems, a privileged user (for example system Administrator) It is capable of reading any (unencrypted) file, access the mail of any user, etc. Another example is damage to service maintenance. Typically, the service engineer receives unlimited access to the equipment and has the ability to operate by program protection mechanisms.

Protection methods

Existing methods I. information protection tools Computer systems (COP) can be divided into four main groups:

  • methods and means of organizational and legal protection of information;
  • methods and means of engineering and technical protection of information;
  • cryptographic methods and means of information protection;
  • software and hardware methods and information security tools.

Methods and means of organizational and legal protection of information

The methods and means of organizational protection of information include organizational and technical and legal events held in the process of creating and operating the COP to ensure information protection. These events should be carried out in the construction or repair of premises in which the COP will be placed; designing system, installation and commissioning of its technical and software; Tests and testing the health of the COP.

At this level of information protection, international treaties are considered, state-plane acts, state standards and local regulatory acts of a particular organization.

Methods and means of engineering and technical protection

Under the engineering and technical means of protection of information, physical objects, mechanical, electrical and electronic devices, elements of building structures, fire extinguishing agents and other means, providing:

  • protection of the territory and premises of the COP from the penetration of violators;
  • protection of hardware COP and carriers of information from theft;
  • preventing the possibility of a remote (due to protected area) of video surveillance (listening) for the work of the personnel and the functioning of the technical means of the COP;
  • preventing the possibility of interception of pemin (side electromagnetic radiation and tip) caused by working technical means of the COP and data lines;
  • organization of access to the premises of the COP staff;
  • control over the mode of operation of the COP staff;
  • control over the movement of KS employees in various production areas;
  • fire protection of the premises of the COP;
  • minimizing material damage to information losses arising from natural disasters and man-made accidents.

The most important part of Engineering and technical means of protection of information are technical means of protection that form the first frontier of the COP protection and are necessary, but the insufficient condition for preserving the confidentiality and integrity of information in the COP.

Cryptographic protection and encryption methods

Encryption is the main means of providing confidentiality. So, in case of confidentiality of data on local computer Apply encryption of this data, and in the case of network interaction - encrypted data channels.

The science of the protection of information by encryption is called cryptography (Cryptography in translation means a mysterious letter or a secrets).

Cryptography applies:

  • to protect the confidentiality of information transmitted via open communication channels;
  • for authentication (confirmation of authenticity) of the transmitted information;
  • to protect confidential information when stored on open media;
  • to ensure the integrity of information (protection of information from making unauthorized changes) when it is transmitted through open communication channels or storage on open media;
  • to ensure the indisputability of information transmitted over the network (preventing a possible denying the fact of sending a message);
  • to protect software and other information resources from unauthorized use and copying.

Software and software and hardware methods and information security tools

The hardware tools for information protection includes electronic and electron-mechanical devices included in the technical means of the CS and performing (independently or in a single complex with software) some information security features. The criterion for assigning the device to hardware, and not to engineering and technical protection is the mandatory inclusion in the technical means of the COP.

To the mainstream hardware Information protection includes:

  • devices for entering the identifying user information (magnetic and plastic cards, fingerprints, etc.);
  • devices for encryption information;
  • devices for preventing unauthorized inclusion of workstations and servers ( electronic castles and blockers).

Examples of auxiliary hardware of information protection:

  • devices for the destruction of information on magnetic media;
  • alarm devices for attempts to unauthorized actions of users of the CS, etc.

Under the software security software understands special programsincluded in the software of the COP solely for execution protective functions. To the mainstream software Information protection includes:

  • identification programs and authentication of users of the COP;
  • users to delimit users of users to the resources of the COP;
  • information encryption programs;
  • information Resource Programs (System and Application Software, Databases, computer Tools Training, etc.) from unauthorized changes, use and copying.

Note that under identification, in relation to the provision of information security of the COP, understand the unambiguous recognition of the unique name of the COP subject. Authentication means confirmation that the file presented corresponds to this subject (confirmation of the authenticity of the subject).

Examples auxiliary software Information protection:

  • residual information destruction programs (blocks random access memory, temporary files, etc.);
  • audit programs (logbooks) of the security of the CS, to ensure the possibility of restoring and evidence of the fact of the incident of these events;
  • programs of imitation of work with a violator (to distract it to receive allegedly confidential information);
  • programs of test control of the protection of the COP and others.


Since potential threats of safety Information is very diverse, information protection objectives can only be achieved by creating a comprehensive information protection system under which the combination of methods and means united by a single targeted purpose and ensuring the necessary effectiveness of information protection in COP.

In modern information systemsah (IP) information has two contradictory properties - accessibility and security from unauthorized access. In many cases, IP developers face the problem of choosing the priority of one of these properties.

Under the protection of information is usually understood precisely providing its security from unauthorized access. At the same time, under the unauthorized access itself, it is customary to understand the actions that entailed "... destruction, blocking, modification, or copying information ..." (Criminal Code of Article 272). All methods and means of information protection can be consecrated into two large groups: formal and informal.

Fig. 1. Classification of methods and means of information protection

Formal methods and means

These are such funds that perform their protective functions strictly formally, that is, according to a predetermined procedure and without direct human participation.

Technical means

Technical means of protection are called various electronic and electron-mechanical devices, which are included in the technical means of IP and are performed independently or in a complex with other means, some features of protection.

Physical means

The physical and electronic devices are called physical and electronic devices, elements of buildings, fire extinguishing equipment, and a number of other means. They ensure the following tasks:

  • protection of the territory and premises of the computing center from the penetration of intruders;
  • protection of equipment and carriers of information from damage or embezzlement;
  • preventing the possibility of observing the work of personnel and the functioning of equipment from outside the territory or through the windows;
  • preventing the possibility of intercepting electromagnetic emissions of working equipment and data lines;
  • monitoring staff;
  • organization of access to the staff of the staff;
  • control over the movement of personnel in various work areas, etc.

Cryptographic Methods and Means

Cryptographic methods and means are called special information transformation, as a result of which its representation changes.

In accordance with the functions performed, cryptographic methods and tools can be divided into the following groups:

  • identification and authentication;
  • access separation;
  • encryption protected data;
  • protection of programs from unauthorized use;
  • monitoring the integrity of information, etc.

Informal methods and means of information protection

Informal tools are such that are implemented as a result of targeted activities of people or regulate (directly or indirectly) this activity.

Informal funds include:

Organizational means

These are organizational and technical and legal activities carried out in the process of creating and operating IP in order to ensure information protection. In its content, all many organizational measures can be divided into the following groups conditionally:

  • events carried out when creating IP;
  • activities carried out during the operation of the IP: the organization of the bandwidth, the organization of automated information processing technology, the organization of work in shifts, the distribution of details of the separation of access (passwords, profiles, powers, etc.);
  • general Events: Accounting for protection requirements for selection and training, organization of planned and preventive verification mechanism for protection, planning of information protection measures, etc.

Legislative means

These are legislative acts of the country that regulate the rules for use and processing information of limited use and establish responsibility measures for violating these rules. It is possible to formulate five "basic principles", which underlie the system of law protection laws:

  • systems that accumulate large amounts of personal information should not be created, whose activities would be classified;
  • there must be ways with which a single personality can establish the fact of collecting personal information, find out what it is going, and how will be used;
  • there should be guarantees that the information obtained for some one goal will not be used for other purposes without informing the person to which it belongs;
  • there must be methods with which a person can correct information relating to it and contained in IP;
  • any organization, accumulating, storing and using personal information, should ensure the reliability of data storage with their appropriate use and should take all measures to prevent malfunction of data.

Moral - ethical norms

These norms can be as not written (generally accepted norms of honesty, patriotism, etc.) and written, i.e. decorated in some set of rules and regulations (charter).

On the other hand, all methods and information security tools can be divided into two large groups by the type of protected object. In the first case, the object is a carrier of information, and all informal, technical and physical methods and information protection means are used here. In the second case, we are talking about the information itself, and cryptographic methods are used to protect it.

The most dangerous (significant) information threats are:

  • violation of confidentiality (disclosure, leakage) of information constituting banking, judicial, medical and commercial secret, as well as personal data;
  • impairment of performance (disorganization of work) of IP, blocking information, violation of technological processes, breaking the timely solution of tasks;
  • violation of integrity (distortion, substitution, destruction) of information, software and other IP resources, as well as falsification (fake) of documents.

Let us give a brief classification of possible channel leakage channels in the methods of organizing unauthorized access to information.

Indirect channelsallowing unauthorized access to information without physical access to IP components:

  • use of overhearding devices;
  • remote observation, video and photography;
  • interception of electromagnetic radiation, registration of crosspads, etc.

Channels related to access to IP elements, but do not require changes in the components of the system, namely:

  • monitoring information in the processing process to memorize it;
  • theft of media;
  • collecting production waste containing processed information;
  • intentional reading of data from files of other users;
  • reading residual information, i.e. data remaining on the storage fields after queries;
  • copying media;
  • intentional use to access the information terminals of registered users;
  • disguise under a registered user by abduction of passwords and other details of delimitation of access to information used in IP;
  • use to access information so-called "laseeks", that is, the possibilities for bypassing the accessing mechanism of access arising from the imperfection and ambiguities of programming languages \u200b\u200band system-wide software components in the IP.

Channels related to access to IP elements and with a change in the structure of its components:

  • illegal connection of special recording equipment to system devices or communication lines;
  • malicious change in programs so that these programs along with the basic information processing functions also carried out an unauthorized collection and registration of protected information;
  • the malicious conclusion is due to the protection mechanism.

1.3.3. Restricting access to information

In general, the information protection system from unauthorized access consists of three main processes:

  • identification;
  • authentication;
  • authorization.

At the same time, participants in these processes it is customary to the subjects - active ingredients (users or programs) and objects - passive components (files, databases, etc.).

The task of identification, authentication and authorization systems is the definition, verification and purpose of a set of percentage of the subject when accessing the information system.

Identification subject When accessing the IP is called the process of comparing it with some stored system in some object, the characteristic of the subject - the identifier. In the future, the subject identifier is used to provide a subject of a certain level of rights and powers when using the information system.

Authentication The subject is called the verification procedure to the identifier to the subject. Authentication is made on the basis of a secret element (authenticator), which have both the subject and the information system. Usually, in some facility in the information system, called the database of accounts, the secret element itself is stored, and some information about it, on the basis of which the decision is made on the adequacy of the subject by the identifier.

Authorization The subject is called the procedure for entering by its rights relevant to its powers. Authorization is carried out only after the subject has successfully passed identification and authentication.

The entire identification and authentication process can be schematically represented as follows:

Fig. 2. Identification and authentication process scheme

2- requirement to pass identification and authentication;

3- reference of the identifier;

4- checking the availability of the received identifier in the account database;

6- sending authenticators;

7- Checking the compliance of the authenticator received by the previously specified account identifier.

From the diagram (Fig. 2) it can be seen that to overcome the system of protection against unauthorized access, it is possible to either change the subject to the subject that implements the process of identification / authentication, or change the contents of the object - the account database. In addition, it is necessary to distinguish between local and remote authentication.

With local authentication, it can be considered that the processes 1,2,3,5,6 pass in the protected zone, that is, the attacker does not have the ability to listen or change the transmitted information. In the case of remote authentication, it is necessary to reckon with the fact that the attacker can take both passive and active participation in the process of sending identification / authentication information. Accordingly, such systems use special protocols that allow the subject to prove knowledge of confidential information without disclosure (for example, an authentication protocol without disclosure).

The general information protection scheme in IP can be represented as follows (Fig. 3):

Fig. 3. Removing information security in the information system

Thus, the entire system for the protection of information in IP can be divided into three levels. Even if the attacker succeeds in bypassing a system of protection against unauthorized access, it will face the problem of finding the information you need into IP.

Semantic protection implies concealment of the location of the information. For these purposes, it can be used, for example, a special format for recording for media or steganographic methods, that is, concealing confidential information in file-container files that are not carrying any significant information.

Currently, the steganographic methods for the protection of information were widespread in the two most actual directions:

  • concealing information;
  • copyright protection.

The last obstacle to the path of the attacker to confidential information is its cryptographic transformation. Such a conversion is called chipping. A brief classification of encryption systems is shown below (Fig.4):

Fig. 4. Classification of encryption systems

The main characteristics of any encryption system are:

  • key size;
  • the complexity of the encryption / decryption information for legal user;
  • the complexity of "hacking" encrypted information.

Currently it is assumed that the encryption / decryption algorithm is open and is well known. Thus, only the key is unknown, the owner of which is a legal user. In many cases, it is the key that is the most vulnerable component of the information protection system from unauthorized access.

Of the ten security laws, Microsoft two are dedicated to passwords:

Law 5: "Weak password will violate the most strict protection",

Law 7: "Encrypted data is accurately protected as much as the key of the decryption is."

That is why the choice, storage and change of the key in information protection systems are of particular importance. The key can be selected by the user independently or impose by the system. In addition, it is customary to distinguish between three main forms of key material:

1.3.4. Technical means of information protection

In general, information protection by technical means is provided in the following options:
The source and carrier of information are localized within the boundaries of the protection object and the mechanical barrier is provided from contact with them an attacker or remote effects on them fields of its technical means

  • the ratio of the carrier energy and interference at the receiver input installed in the leakage channel is such that the attacker cannot withdraw information from the carrier with the quality items necessary for its use;
  • an attacker cannot detect a source or carrier of information;
  • instead of true information, the attacker gets the false, which he takes as true.

These options implement the following protection methods:

  • preventing the direct penetration of the attacker to the source of information with the help of engineering structures, technical means of protection;
  • hiding reliable information;
  • "Using" an attacker of false information.

The use of engineering structures and protection is the most ancient method of protecting people and material values. The main task of the technical means of protection is to prevent (prevent) direct contact of the attacker or nature forces with protection objects.

Under the objects of protection are understood as people and material values \u200b\u200band carriers of information localized in space. Such media includes paper, machine carriers, photo and film, products, materials, etc., that is, everything that has clear sizes and weight. To organize the protection of such objects, such technical means of protection as a security and fire alarm are commonly used.

Carriers of information in the form of electromagnetic and acoustic fields, electric current No clear boundaries and to protect such information can be used methods to hide information. These methods provide such changes in the structure and energy of the carriers in which the attacker cannot directly or with the help of technical means to allocate information with quality sufficient to use it in its own interests.

1.3.5. Information security software

These protections are designed specifically to protect computer information and are built on the use of cryptographic methods. The most common software are:

  • Cryptographic processing programs (encryption / decryption) of information ("Verba" Mo PNIEI; "Crypton" Ankad; SECRET NET informschitis; "DALLAS LOCK" WWW configurity. and others);
  • Programs to protect against unauthorized access to information stored on a computer ("Sable" Ankad and others);
  • Programming programs of information ("Stegano2et" and others);
  • Software guaranteed destruction of information;
  • Systems of protection against unauthorized copying and use (using electronic keysFor example, Aladdin and with reference to the unique properties of the starforce information media).

1.3.6. Anti-virus information protection tools

In general, it is necessary to talk about "malware", which is how they are determined in the governing documents of the State Technical Commission and in the existing legislative acts (for example, Article 273 Ukrf "Creating, Use and Dissemination of Malicious Programs for ECM"). All malicious programs can be divided into five types:

  • Viruses - are defined as pieces software codewhich have the ability to generate objects with similar properties. Viruses in turn are classified by habitat (for example: boot -, macro - etc. viruses) and destructive action.
  • Logic bombs- Programs, the launch of which occurs only when performing certain conditions (for example: Date, pressing the key combination, the absence / availability of specific information, etc.).
  • Worms - Programs that have the opportunity to distribute over the network, transferring to the destination node not necessarily completely all the program code - that is, they can "collect" themselves from individual parts.
  • Troyans- Programs that do not documented actions.
  • Bacteria - Unlike viruses, this is a solid program that have the property of reproducing themselves like.

Currently, malicious programs in the "clean" form practically do not exist - all of them are some symbiosis of the above types. That is, for example: Troyan may contain a virus and in turn the virus can have the properties of a logical bomb. According to statistics, about 200 new malicious programs appears daily, and the "leadership" belongs to the worms, which is quite natural, due to the rapid growth of the number of active Internet users.

As protection against malware, it is recommended to use anti-virus software packages (for example: DrWeb, AVP - domestic developments, or foreign, such as NAV, TrendMicro, Panda, etc.). The main method of diagnosing all available antivirus systems is an "signature analysis", that is, an attempt to check the received new information for the "signature" of a malicious program in it is a characteristic piece of program code. Unfortunately, this approach has two essential drawbacks:

  • You can diagnose only already known malware, and this requires constant updating of the "signatures" databases. This is about this warns one of the security laws Microsoft:

Law 8: "Not updated antivirus program Not much better than the absence of such a program "

  • A continuous increase in the number of new viruses leads to a significant increase in the size of the "signature" base, which in turn causes significant use of the computer's resource anti-virus program and, accordingly, slowing its operation.

One of the well-known ways to improve the efficiency of diagnosing malware is the use of the so-called "heuristic method". In this case, an attempt is made to detect the presence of malicious programs, given the well-known methods of their creation. However, unfortunately, in the event that a high-class specialist participated in the development of the program, it is possible to detect it only after the manifestation of its destructive properties.

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Unlike legislative and administrative, designed to get rid of the human factor as much as possible. Indeed, compliance with legislative measures is caused by respectfulness and fear of punishment. The observance of administrative measures are followed by people who can be deceived, bribe or intimidate. Thus, it is possible to avoid accurate execution of established rules. And in the case of the use of technical means, some technical (mathematical, physical) task, which he needs to be resolved to gain access to information is made before the potential opponent. At the same time, the legitimate user should be available to a simpler path that allows you to work with information provided at its disposal without solving complex tasks. The technical methods of protection include both the castle on the chest, which stores books and carriers of the information that self-suicide when trying to be unlawful use. True, such carriers are much more common in adventure films than in reality.

As applied to information security, technical methods Protection is designed to ensure the solution of information security tasks.

Currently, for confidential information, attackers, including industrial spies, use a wide variety of means and methods of penetration of objects, developed on the basis of the latest achievements of science and technology, using newest technologies In the field of miniaturization in the interests of secretly use. To counteract this, the security service is equipped with the necessary equipment that is not inferior to reliability and functional features Equipment of attackers. Engineering and technical support of information by implementing the necessary technical and organizational events should be excluded:

unauthorized access to information processing equipment by controlling access to industrial premises;

unauthorized removal of information carriers by personnel engaged in data processing, through output control in the respective industrial premises;

unauthorized introduction of data into memory, change or erasing information stored in memory;

unauthorized use of information processing systems and illegal receipt as a result of this data;

access to information processing systems by means homemade devices and illegal data obtaining;

the possibility of unauthorized data transmission through a computer network;

uncontrolled data entry into the system;

processing of customer data without the appropriate instructions of the latter;

unauthorized reading, changing or erasing data in the process of their transfer or transporting media.

Methods for the protection of information from most threats are based on engineering and technical events. Engineering and technical protection is a combination of special bodies, technical means and activities operating together to fulfill a specific information protection task.

Engineering and technical protection uses the following means:

physical means;



cryptographic agents.

Physical remedies include various engineering tools and structures that prevent the physical penetration of intruders on protecting and protecting personnel (personal means of security), material resources and finance, information from unlawful actions.

In terms of physical protection, all zones and production facilities can be divided into three groups:

carefully controlled zones with high-level protection;

protected zones;

weak protected zones.

Hardware includes devices, devices, devices and other technical solutions used in the interest of security.

In the practice of activities of any organization, the most varying equipment is widely used: from telephone Before the perfect automated information systems, ensuring its production activities. The main task of hardware is the persistent safety of commercial activities.

Software products are special programs, software complexes and information protection systems in information systems for various purposes and data processing tools.

Cryptographic tools are special mathematical and algorithmic means of information protection transmitted by communication networks, stored and processed on computers using encryption methods.

It is obvious that such a division of the security of information systems is sufficiently conditionally, since in practice they often interact and are implemented in the complex in the form of software and hardware implementation with the wide use of information closing algorithms.

It should be noted that the appointment of the above mechanisms can be diverse. Some of them are designed to reduce the risk of threats, others provide protection against these threats, they are thirdly detected. At the same time, for each mechanisms, the methods of cryptography play an important role that allow creating more advanced means of protection.

When creating a system of physical security (as well as information security, in general) should be an analysis of threats (risks) as real (in this moment) and potential (in the future).

According to the results of the analysis of risks using optimization tools, the requirements for the security system of a particular enterprise and an object in a specific environment are formed. Owning requirements leads to unjustified expenditures, understatement - to an increase in the probability of the implementation of threats.