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Where to start learning seo. SEO training - is it worth the time? High-quality hosting is an important link in the development of a web resource

In recent years, search engine optimization has changed significantly: new tools and auxiliary services are constantly emerging, the work of which is aimed at improving Internet resources. Competition is growing significantly, which causes the need to search for something new and productive. Search engines, in turn, pose more difficult tasks for SEOs to get into the TOP. Now it is not enough just to purchase links and place good-quality content on the site - there are about 800 parameters that are taken into account when ranking the issue. It is impossible to keep track of all these aspects, but among them there are those fundamental, working on which, you can carry out successful SEO-promotion (Search engine optimization) yourself.

The search engine algorithms set new standards that do not slow down development. We offer you effective tips for website promotion, which will help you not only get into the top ten, but also constantly keep these positions.

Step 1. How to start independent website promotion from scratch?

A beginner optimizer is faced with the task of finding out for himself the purpose of creating and promoting a resource. Most business owners do not understand what a website SEO is for and how it functions. The knowledge of most entrepreneurs is limited by the fact that they are simply aimlessly creating Internet sites and do not know how to attract customers.

If you have set yourself the task of creating and promoting a resource, then be ready to work on it on an ongoing basis. You will not be able to invest in a business once and let everything take its course, as it will be a waste of time. The Internet is teeming with sites that are not optimized for search engines and have no value for users.

Hence, the first stage of SEO optimization in our step by step instructions- this is the definition of goals and plans that will help implement the site:

  • determine the benefits that the resource can bring to your company;
  • what useful and interesting you can give to your target audience;
  • how much are you willing to invest (time, effort, money).

The more useful a resource gives users, the more valuable it is for search engines. Therefore, be prepared to create something useful and at the same time consistent with the algorithms.

After determining the main tasks that will be assigned to the resource (informing the audience, selling goods, a place for spending free time, etc.), you can proceed to the next stage.

Step 2. Internal organization of the site

You can independently organize search engine promotion only if the resource is technically prepared. We are talking about the code on which a lot depends: from usability to page loading speed. If everything is in order with the code, and the pages are still freezing, then you should pay attention to the hosting and change it if necessary. You should have a permanent specialist who will correct the code from time to time and remove unnecessary parts of it. Such manipulations in the future will help to implement the promotion in search engines on their own, since a reliable base in the form of clean optimized code will be prepared for this.

In the code, you need to work out those elements that make the site heavy. An experienced programmer will not overload the page with unnecessary modules, and will also compress all images (the quality should remain unchanged).

When re-hitting the page, you can avoid loading by caching. The page will already be stored in the cache and it won't take time to open it. This applies to those pages that only contain static elements.

Step 3. Design

The outer shell of the site forms the first impression on visitors, which is important for self-promotion in search engines. The design should be extremely clear, created in accordance with all the usability rules. Color and compositional solutions should correspond to the theme. For example, a company that specializes in the manufacture of equipment cannot have a site in pink.

Visitors should have pleasant associations with your resource. All important components must be visible, such as forms feedback, call buttons and so on. The readable text will be a plus, since only because of the unpleasant sensations during reading, the user can leave your resource and switch to a more comfortable one.

If you have an online store with huge amount products, you will need filters for convenience. This will position potential buyers and will turn their routine searches into a pleasant procedure.

Now it is impossible to imagine a good website without mobile version, since more than half of users use smartphones to search for information and order goods. Responsive design makes it possible to present to users beautiful picture, from whatever device they come to your resource.

Step 4. Prepare content

Next stage step by step promotion site is the preparation of content. The text content must comply with the following parameters:

  • uniqueness. Find a good copywriter who can meet the parameters of uniqueness and at the same time write interesting texts. Not for every topic it is possible and necessary to write articles with one hundred percent uniqueness, since the presence of specific vocabulary can exclude such a possibility;
  • structure. The text should be divided into logical parts, each of which is titled. Enumeration lists will also help you navigate the text;
  • content. The article should not only perform SEO functions, but also be interesting to users. It is necessary to disclose the topic of the article, write it in a simple and understandable language, do not overload the text with key phrases, and then the article will be liked not only by the audience, but also by search bots.

Articles must contain phrases from the semantic core, which will be used for self-promotion site on the Internet. It is necessary to analyze competitors before promoting a page for any request. All keywords are divided into groups, in each of which the main phrase is highlighted. It is the main one, according to which the resource will be promoted.

Step 5. Help with orientation on the site

Another step in our step-by-step instructions for successful SEO optimization is creating all the conditions for a comfortable and hassle-free navigation around the resource. Creating a sitemap will easily solve this problem. It is necessary not only for users to facilitate the search for the desired sections, but also for search engines, which will take into account the presence of a map when ranking.

Competent internal linking is also required. By referring in one article to another published on your resource, you draw the attention of readers to others useful materials... Plus, behavioral factors are improving, as users spend more time on the resource pages. Re-linking can be successfully implemented if you create a blog on the site and share thematic materials with visitors.

Step 6. Indexing

In our instructions on SEO optimization, the case comes to acquaintance of a prepared web resource with search bots. Before you open access to the site, you need to make sure that the self-optimization of the site is performed correctly:

  • the content is unique and interesting;
  • pages load quickly;
  • system pages are hidden and everything functions smoothly.

You can ask someone to test the site, try to order a product, crawl through the pages and describe how they feel about using it. This procedure will help you determine if the resource is ready for indexing and whether users will like it.

When everything is ready, you can open the site for Yandex and Google search bots. To speed up indexing, you can add a resource to the system yourself (Yandex.Metrica, Google.Analytics), which will also help you track statistics.

Step 7. First steps in independent SEO promotion

Competitor analysis is where you need to start promoting a website after it gets into the index. A newbie optimizer needs to determine how competitors are attracting traffic and through which channels.

It is not necessary to abruptly apply all methods (buying links, many new publications, etc.), since such bursts will seem unnatural for search engines. It is necessary to do everything progressively, the main thing is to move towards attracting the target audience.

For a start, a great tool would be social networks where you can directly communicate with users, answer questions in a relaxed atmosphere, inform about new products, promotions and sales. You can create a page for your company or publish advertisements in promoted publics. In any case, you will arouse the keen interest of the public.

Step 8. Reference mass

When the audience has already warmed up a little, and the search engines have seen the first positive changes in behavioral factors, you can start building the link mass. It is important here to slowly and regularly add momentum, otherwise you can run into search engine filters.

To buy links as efficiently and safely as possible for your wallet, you need to contact a trusted exchange. SAPE specialists will show you how to promote your site for high-frequency queries and not go broke ().

Step 9. Work on a permanent basis

To stay in the top ten, you will need to constantly work on SEO-promotion of the site yourself: create new interesting content and publish it regularly, which Yandex greatly appreciates; also promote your Internet site with the help of such third-party resources like questionnaire sites, forums, post articles on other sites. Chatting with users on blogs on behalf of the company will also bring good results, as you will always be heard.


In our step-by-step instructions, you have learned how to do website promotion yourself. Work with the resource should take place on an ongoing basis, the site needs to be improved according to the requirements of search engines. In order for users to enjoy using your site, you should regularly warm up their interest and connect various channels to attract the target audience. In this case, you can recoup the resources spent on independent SEO promotion.

From the author: I greet you friends! Today we will talk about what SEO optimization is. For beginners, this term can sound like a dirty word and cause concern. Perhaps this is due to the fact that search engine algorithms are kept in the strictest confidence, and no one knows exactly by what principles certain sites appear in the TOP of search results. But SEO is not as bad as it is portrayed. Still, there are specific recommendations of the same Google, Yandex and other search engines for optimization. Let's talk about the most important SEO tools - meta tags.

First, I'll try to convince you that Search Engine Optimization (aka SEO, aka search engine optimization) is necessary tool promoting any online business.

According to one study, 25% of customers come to a site because they found it in the SERP. Think about it, this is how many potential customers you lose just because you are not in the first places in the ranking. Of course, search engines are not the only source of traffic for a site, but you definitely must do everything to make your site appear as close to the top of the search results as possible for relevant queries (keywords for which a web resource is promoted on the network).

What are meta tags?

How to start learning SEO-optimization of sites? Of course, from the concept of "meta-tag". Meta tags are (X) HTML tags that are specified in the head section of the document and are necessary to provide site visitors and search engines with information about a web page (topic, what questions it can answer).

The main meta tags that we will consider today are title and description, without which high-quality website promotion is impossible. They need to be given no less attention than the rest of the optimization points.

To compose the title and description, keywords are used - phrases that users enter into search string to find the answer to a question. Articles posted on web pages should be immediately "sharpened" for key queries in order to attract users to visit the site.

Title - the title of the web page (site)

The basics of SEO basics for beginners - the title meta tag. This meta tag should not be neglected - it is the most important factor in search engine rankings. But title is also very important for visitors.
If you correctly insert keywords into the headlines, then they will superbly attract traffic to the site. And search engines are extremely positive about keywords inscribed in meta tags.

Visitors see this meta tag when they type in search engines. Also, the page title is displayed in the browser tab.

The title is added to the HTML code like this:

meta tag content web page content

< html >

< head >

< title >content metatag< / title >

< / head >

< body >contentweb pages< / body >

< / html >

An approximate structure of a meta title tag might look like this: Keywords | Company name | Region / address

make the title as effective as possible - write in it what your potential clients / site visitors will be looking for. As I mentioned above, if a user's request matches your title, then the search robot will not only show your site in the search results, but also highlight phrases or words that match the keyword;

use vertical bar as separator between different concepts / keys in title. Search engines don't give a damn about this feature, and users find such a title much easier to read (especially from browser tabs);

make the meta tag clear and neat, avoid spelling mistakes, repeating the same keywords;

if you are promoting your site in a specific region, indicate this with a title. Thus, you will increase the number of effective visits to your site;

avoid duplicates - the title on each web page should be different.

To become an SEO-optimizer, first of all, you need to learn how to compose a semantic core - a structured list of key phrases by which the site is promoted. These keywords are used when composing the title and description meta tags.

Fortunately, there are now many free and paid keyword research tools out there. Among them I can recommend Yandex.Wordstat, Google adwords, KeyKollector. Try not to use too competitive, high-frequency queries for promotion. Especially if you are not ready to “devour” all your competitors.

Description - a description of our web page

Description (meta description, snippet) is a short text (about 160 characters) describing the content of the page. We see this text among the search results under the URL of the web page or in social networks, if the user has shared with us a link to this page.

In this case, the HTML code looks like this:

meta tag content web page content

< html >

< head >

< title >content metatag< / title >

< meta name = "description" content = "web page content">

< / head >

meaningfulness - the text should be understandable and useful for the user. Inserting as many key phrases as possible in the description is, of course, good. But it is even better that the user can immediately understand from the snippet what this site offers him. The description should be attractive and match the content of the page;

no duplicates - as with the title, the meta description should be different for each web page. In addition, description should not completely match other meta tags;

do not use quotation marks "- all the text after them will be" cut off "by the search robot, because. given view quotation marks are used in HTML code. If you still need to put quotes, use "Christmas trees";

do not start the meta-description with introductory words - "in this article we will consider ..." and so on. Write to the point, go straight to the point, not forgetting about the keywords.

So, we figured out the main points of SEO optimization for beginners. These are all the meta tags you need on entry level... The rest are quite specific, so you may need it only when you gain enough experience in SEO promotion.

If you want to know all about, subscribe to our blog updates. We publish new articles every day, useful for both beginners and. Recommend our blog to your friends on social networks - this will be a plus for your friendly karma!

Until next time!

New to SEO and not sure where to start? Here's a quick start guide for SEOs.

After reading this article, you will have a clear idea of ​​what to do and where to go next.

Let me start with the most important Golden Rule that always works the first time you get to know something.

When reading an article like this, don't distract yourself by thinking about some of the topics below. Just try to follow the author's thought. Leave questions like WHY and HOW for later.

Hope you are ready! Let's move on ...

How to get started with an SEO guide

As described above, the purpose of this guide is to give beginners an understanding of search engine optimization... I have done some research and have tried to answer some important questions.

I'll start with the first and most important question.

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

SEO is a combination of strategies that aim to increase the visibility of a website and improve its positioning in search engines. We can say that this is a way to tell search engines about the quality of a website in order to attract more organic (unpaid) traffic by improving your site's search engine rankings.

For the most part, it depends on the content, structure, and also the links to the website. It is in this direction that it needs to be developed.

But remember! SEO optimization aims to improve the interaction with the search engine, but you should never forget about your audience. User experience comes first.

Do you have any questions?

Hopefully I'll answer all your SEO questions in this article.

Why does my website need SEO?

To answer this question, let's remember what I already wrote about - SEO is necessary to improve the visibility of the site!

And that's why:

Search engines are the largest and best source of internet traffic. You probably already know the main ones:

  • Yandex;
  • Google;
  • Bing;
  • Yahoo.

Some of my friends still use the line google search to go to Facebook.

SEO newbies always use Google to find information. The same applies to ordinary users the Internet. When they want to find something (an article, some services, products, or any other information), they turn to Google.

Another reason why search engines are unique is that they provide targeted traffic... People are looking for exactly what we offer.

User searches are the words that are entered into the search bar. These words are critical. If SEO isn't all that good, our website will be ignored by search engines.

Targeted traffic is about improving your income level. So do not hesitate to invest in if you really want to generate income. And if you do not have time to do SEO on your own, then the O`Es team can help you in your site.

What if I don't do SEO on my site?

Here you might think something like this:

"Dude! Is this the exact same question as the previous one? You just explained that a lack of SEO is a lack of traffic from search engines! "

Yes! You are right ... But I want to dwell on this in more detail. I'm sure you won't mind after reading the following interesting information.

After launching your site, search engines crawl it to figure out what kind of site it is. Now, when a user searches for something related to your site, search engines will display your site in search results. Search engines are a brilliant engine and are constantly being improved to crawl sites more efficiently. However, search engines also have certain limitations.

This is why SEO is essential. SEO optimization helps search engines learn more about a website.

Proper SEO will attract thousands of users, and incorrect SEO will result in almost zero traffic.

SEO not only makes your site's content available to search engines, but also improves your site's ranking by positioning it higher in search results. Therefore, it will be easier to find you.

The competition is constantly growing and SEO practitioners undoubtedly have a clear advantage in terms of questions and audience engagement.

Hopefully the concept of SEO is clearer now.

Let's move on to the next question in our guide.

Can I do SEO?

Yes, SEO is hard, but not too hard if you track all the changes! The basics of SEO are pretty simple, so the key is how you implement your chosen strategies. The internet is full of free resources () to learn how to do it right.

Practice and you will become an expert in your niche! ..

If your site is complex and you are not ready to learn and implement strategies, seek professional help.

But remember: you need to be very well versed in basic SEO concepts! ..

I think that now you can easily answer the question: ""

The next section of my guide has more practical information and lots of SEO strategy tips.

How Yandex and Google work? Black SEO / White SEO

Before discussing SEO in more detail, I would like to tell you about black SEO and white SEO. Here's how they can be summarized:

Rice. 1. Black SEO, White SEO

Remember, we are white-hat SEO. I will not go into details of the comparison. That's all for the basics. At least I have on this topic.

Before we move on to the next point, check out the list of major SEO topics:

  • keyword research;
  • optimization of site pages ();
  • external SEO (external factors).

Keyword Research

Almost all SEO beginner guides ignore this point. In my opinion, it is one of the most important.

SEO is a keyword game.

Therefore, I decided to dwell on this issue in detail. What is keyword research and why is it important?

In the previous part of this tutorial, I talked about custom searches. The user's precise wording is called keywords.

You must know keywords related to your topic or niche if you want to be successful in SEO. Different keywords have different meanings depending on search volume and some other factors. We do not need to delve into these aspects in this guide.

Keyword research aims to find out what users intend to do. What exactly are users looking for? These are the keywords.

Using the right keywords is critical to your site's SEO. They give you the opportunity to better understand target audience... And this increases the relevance of your site in relation to your topic - this is very important for SEO and search engines.

You need to do proper research to find valuable keywords related to your topic before launching a website. Even if you already have a website, it can be optimized with the right keywords.

If you want to know more about keyword research, check out the following articles ...

Let's move on to the next step!

SEO optimization of site pages

SEO for a website page means everything that is displayed on it and relates to its programming. You need to optimize your website pages, posts, etc. for search engines.

In short, it's content optimization for search engines!

Internal page SEO covers many aspects, so let's break it down.

1. Content

Content is the largest part SEO pages... You may have heard a famous quote regarding content:

"Content is king." There is no doubt about that.

Rice. 2. Content is king

Do you know that Google Is the biggest search system!? The main priority of the company Google Is providing its users with the best quality content, relevant information available on the Internet.

Company Google also appreciates content of the correct length. Write long and informative texts.

Content on your site isn't just text. These are videos, photos, animated slides, infographics, etc.

Content not a king! How you present it is what matters.

Ensure the best user experience while optimizing your site for search engines. Then your content is more likely to be shared by your readers.

Pay more attention to good content:

  1. Headings - Create captivating headlines that increase the reader's interest in the article. You only get one chance to make a good first impression.
  2. Keywords - Choose keywords that would bring people to your site.
  3. Links - Link to quality sites that complement your site. This encourages sites in your niche to connect with you.
  4. Quality - Try to publish unique and quality content. This forces users to come back to your site because they won't be able to find the same content elsewhere.
  5. Freshness - Post content that is not outdated is a good strategy, but it's worth adding regularly as well. new content... If you don't have time to add content to your website, consider creating a Q&A section or blog on your site.

Rice. 3. Dependence of the positioning of content in Google on the number of words

When creating your content, don't forget about keyword research.

2. Site menu

The site menu is in second place in terms of site optimization - you also need to take care of it.

An example of a bad menu is when categories are completely out of place in relation to the topic.

I have personally seen several sites that dealt with health issues, but the categories on the site were related to fashion. Don't harm your own SEO.

This greatly interferes and distracts the user ...

If the menu is unsuccessful, what is the likelihood that the visitor will never return to the site? - 80% ...

Take care of the convenience of your site! Google it will be appreciated.

3. Website speed

Yes! Website loading speed matters a lot! Have you ever heard of the waiting time? Let me tell you what it is.

The user is looking for something and your site appears in the search engine result bar (SERP).

The user then opens your page. Waiting time is the time during which the user remains on the site after clicking on the link.

This is a very important factor in search engine ranking.

Rice. 4. Waiting time on the site

Let's see what happens with an example ...

Imagine that you are looking for something and then you open a site that appears in the search results.

What if the website takes too long to load? What would you do? Will you wait? Unlikely. You will most likely close the tab and follow another link ...

This is how latency affects your site.

Rice. 5. Average website load time

In short, the user needs speed, just like Google... By improving the speed of your site, you will reduce waiting times and therefore improve your ranking in search results.

4. Website design

Website design is another important factor for a good user experience ... The theme should be interesting and memorable.

I prefer websites with attractive designs and informative content. I can of course read content on a badly designed site, but only when it's the only search result ...

There are many sites with great content but poor design.

Ask yourself a question - will you stay on a site that cannot be properly viewed from a smartphone?

Most likely, you will stop visiting this site altogether ...

I say this from personal experience!

Design is not only about what a website looks like. It's also about how the site works.

The site must be responsive and attractive.

Well, stop talking about SEO page optimization.

External SEO

Outside SEO is as essential as page SEO - it helps to make your domain more authoritative in the eyes of search engines.

In other words, it is a way to make your site trustworthy in the eyes of search engines.

This will happen when other well-known sites give the search engine a signal that your site has the best content on a particular topic.

How does this happen?..

We need other well-known resources on the Internet related to your niche to link to our site. Technically speaking, this is called link building.

Naturally, this does not happen automatically. Post content High Quality on your website and share it with interested people on various internet marketing platforms.

Eventually, someone will start linking to your resource.

The best link building strategy is building good content... Then you need to inform everyone else about it.

But remember, in today's competitive environment, you need to be good at link building. Use techniques and advice from well-known quality sites.

Your hard work in this activity will surely be rewarded with a good rating.

Just know what to do:

  • use social media to promote your content;
  • do blogging and guest blogging;
  • Suggest solutions in discussion forums;
  • share photos and videos;
  • build meaningful business lists.

The following heading may annoy you a little, but trust me, this is important information ...

What do links look like and how do I get them?

Link tags

This is a signal for the search engine. Something like, “Hey! The following information is a link. This is called anchor text. "

  1. Link location. This is information for the search engine about the site to which the link leads. Such a site could be a web page, image, download, video, etc. You can save the location of the link.
  2. Link Visible / Anchor Text: You may have seen this text - blue, bold, or underlined - that is interactive. Clicking on it takes you to another web page. These links are called anchor text.
  3. Link Closing Tag: As you might guess from the tag, this is a signal that directs the search engine to the end of the link.

You will need the above information when you start creating links.

On average, the higher the score, the more domains will be associated with the web page.

OK! We now have an idea of ​​some of the communication parameters. Moving on. You need to figure out how you can get links.

I think I was able to influence your thinking about link building. Now you have a better understanding of external SEO ...

Where to go next?

Now that you've read the SEO guide, you might feel like I missed out on a lot. important information especially if you are not a beginner.

Yes, I did it deliberately.

I could write 50 thousand words on this topic, create a long and detailed manual. But trust me, it would irritate beginners.

There are many such tutorials on the internet. Why did I decide to add my own?

My goal is to give you some basic understanding of the concepts. You can read more about them in other guides.

As you continue on your way, try the following:

Once you've done all of these things, keep learning and improving. Explore the sub-points of my guide - you will find more and more information thanks to the experts in the field of SEO.

Parameters like domain authority, page authority, trust level, citations, backlinks, and spam are very important. They can significantly affect your rating. Use Google to study the issue in more detail.

Summing up

I'm sure you've improved your SEO knowledge with this guide.

Feel free to ask questions and learn further. I wish you success!

Magomed Cherbizhev

Hello friends! The other day I came up with a great idea, sit down and scribble an article on the topic of seo site optimization on my own step-by-step instructions for beginners, after studying which, it will be immediately clear what needs to be done with your site in the first stages for effective promotion.

The declared topic is very popular and at the same time voluminous, in order to reveal its most important points and at the same time do it in the form detailed guide I ended up with more than 20,000 characters, so I split all the material into 2 parts. Now you are reading part 1, a link to part 2 at the end of the article.

I hope you understand that it is impossible to fully disclose the stated topic within the framework of one post, but I will try to give you all the information on the most important actions in SEO site optimization that you can do yourself right now. After the publication of this post, I will gradually fill it with additional links to articles with detailed instructions.

For example, I will tell you about the file robots.txt, as soon as a note on setting up and creating this file comes out on my blog, I will immediately attach a link so that you can follow it and familiarize yourself with a more comprehensive and detailed information... Deal? Okay, then let's continue the conversation.

High-quality hosting is an important link in the development of a web resource

Formally, this point of my step-by-step instructions can be considered the first, and before starting a conversation on the topic of today's post, I want to ask you a question. What kind of hosting do you use? If this free hosting then throw it in the trash can immediately. You must understand perfectly well that if you are going to promote your Internet project, then it should work. on high-quality and reliable hosting.

You may find it trivial, but search engines take this issue quite seriously. And if you have free hosting or cheap and slow-moving, then without warning they lower such resources in the search results. Do you need it? More likely no than yes. Your web resource should work without interruptions and be always online - 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

Most likely you wanted to ask what good hosting and whichever one I would recommend. First, read the article "How to choose a hosting", but I can only recommend a trusted hoster Makhost, because I have been using it for a long time and all my Internet projects, including this blog, are hosted on it.

For now, let's get back to the topic of today's post. Do you know where the construction of a house begins and what will determine its strength and durability? Have you guessed? Of course, from the foundation, and so, before you promote a web resource and engage in its seo optimization, you need to make semantic core and do it right.

The semantic core is the basis of seo site optimization

Perhaps someone has already heard these 2 words, and for some they may seem strange and incomprehensible. Therefore, I propose to start with a definition, and then I will tell you several ways how to compose it and where to get the finished one. Sya.

Semantic core is an ordered list of keywords that describe and characterize the niche of the site as accurately as possible, as well as its type of activity.

This element in promotion is extremely important, traffic and the further fate of the promotion of a web resource in search engines will depend on the correctness of its preparation.

The semantic core is a hierarchical structure of search queries. As a rule, it is headed by one or more high-frequency requests (home page), and lower in the hierarchy mid-frequency(headings, categories) and low-frequency queries(articles, product cards).

If we take as an example a web resource dedicated to DIY construction, then its Sya might look something like this:

Please note that this is a very abbreviated and exaggerated example, Sya usually consist of several thousand words. And now there are several options for where and how to compose semantics for your Internet project:

Compose yourself using free tools for the selection of keywords - and

A more advanced option, which is used by professionals, is the use of seo-software, the key-collector program and its brother with truncated Slovoeb functions, and you can also use the free Bukvarix database.

If you do not want to sweat and puzzle yourself how to correctly collect semantics and at the same time want quick results, then contact the professionals from the web studio, they will do everything quickly and efficiently. Proven guys, for the quality of work I can vouch for.

Clustering search queries

The next important step in the step-by-step instructions that comes after compiling the CL is the effective distribution of key phrases throughout the site. In other words, the task this stage distribute requests as accurately as possible into the most suitable groups, namely, pages, sections, headings and articles.

Many novice webmasters are too lazy to do key distribution, but when they realize the importance of this stage, they have to redo it all over again. Just imagine what amount of work needs to be done when there are several hundred articles, several dozen pages and subsections on a web resource.

Of course, it's easier to do everything right at once, and then completely control the promotion process and know which direction to move on and what needs to be done for this. How to quickly and efficiently cluster search queries? There are several options:

Do it yourself by hand in Microsoft Excel(long, but high quality)
special software, for example, Key collector(it turns out quickly and efficiently, minus that the program is paid)
take advantage of special online services, there are paid and free (they do it quickly, but not always good quality, you have to modify it manually)

From my point of view, the most the best option usage seo software - Key Collector... Yes, it is paid, but it costs its money and even more. Many time-consuming and long-term tasks I do in a collector in a few minutes and have never regretted that I bought it. Google on the Internet for him and you will be very surprised to find out what he is capable of.

By the way, I have the opportunity to purchase Key Collector at a discount, if someone needs to write through the feedback form. I do not take interest and commission, I just help in a friendly way. The only condition is to be my regular reader

Internal website optimization

So we got to the most interesting and large section. After distributing the keys, you can start with a clear conscience to work on internal optimization, which consists of several stages. Next, I will try to briefly and clearly tell you about each of them.

In an amicable way, it would be necessary to write a separate article for each stage. I will definitely do this in the near future. So, let's begin.

1.Optimizing each page for search queries from SY

We correctly prescribe meta tags (title, description, keywords) for pages, subsections, categories and articles. All pages must have: unique titles, description, meta tags and text. Remember the golden rule, there should be only one h1 heading on a page.

Use h2-h6 headings in your articles, use key phrases in them and in the text. With their help, the readability of the text increases and its attractiveness for search robots increases. Know when to stop, everything should look harmonious and natural, remember that you are writing for people.

Attention! The title and h1 must contain the key phrase in the direct entry and it is desirable that they are not the same.

The text in articles or pages must be at least 3000 characters. Keep in mind that search guards are on the alert and punish severely penalties for over-optimized, spammed, and non-unique text.

Be sure to place thematic images in articles and sharpen them for a search query. To do this, prescribe meta tags images (title, description, alt) with the use of key queries.

Some publishers ignore this moment, but in vain, because this is an additional plus to the overall seo optimization of the site, as well as a small increase in traffic due to transitions from services Yandex Pictures and Google pictures.

As you may have guessed, for a process that is popularly called seo site optimization, step-by-step instructions on their own can serve as an excellent assistant for effective promotion in search engines. So, with this point we figured out, now let's move on to the next.

2. We do internal linking of the site

Another important point in my guide. To make it clear to everyone what it is, let's start with a brief definition. Internal linking- This is the process of placing thematic links within the site from one page or article to another close in meaning.

For example, if the page is devoted to the topic of how to fish for pike with a spinning rod, then it will be useful to place a link to another page of the same web resource, which tells about 5 popular lures when fishing for pike with a spinning rod. Got the meaning?

Why is internal linking useful? Firstly, behavioral factors improve, as users will follow the links and receive the necessary information in full, and this, in turn, increases the total time of presence on the web resource and the number of page views.

Secondly, there is an accelerated indexing of the entire resource, since the search bots, when indexing, like to follow all the links found on the page. You need to keep this in mind and try to use at least one thematic link on the page.

Third, the overall usability quality... Remember that your Internet project is created for people and it should be convenient and understandable to use. These are not all the benefits and beneficial features internal linking, in fact there are many more.

As part of this article, I cannot fully disclose this topic, so subscribe to the blog update, because soon there will be a separate, detailed article.

3. Correct CNC setting

For those who do not know what it is, I will give a transcript. CNC are human-readable urls (links). The appearance of links plays an important role, both for people and for search engines. If your web resource, like mine, runs on the WordPress engine, then setting up the correct display of links will not be difficult for you. I will write about this in more detail in future articles.

As an example, see how the links should look correctly:

  1. http: ///kak-vesti-blog/kak-pisat-stati-dlja-bloga.html
  2. http: /// 2016 / post-36 =? 274-

4. Setting up Sitemap.xml

Do not be alarmed if you hear this strange word for the first time :) Now I will tell you what it is and why you need it. Sitemap.xml is a map of your web resource, intended exclusively for search robots, it contains information about the pages and links of your site that are subject to indexing.

Simply put, it is such a special file that helps search engines do their work faster and better. What is Sitemap.xml useful for? It makes the indexing process much faster. As an example, you can see my Sitemap at http: ///sitemap.xml.

If you still do not have this file, create it right now. For those with a WordPress engine, download and install plugin Google XML Sitemaps, it will automatically generate a map and update it as needed. Anyone with a different content management platform or self-written site google information on this topic on the Internet.

5. Setting up an html sitemap for people

This map increases the ease of navigation for visitors, improves behavioral factors, and also helps to increase the indexing speed of the site as a whole, as it contains a large number of internal links.

Html map- it separate page that is available to visitors and search engines. Bloggers often call it "All Articles" or "Sitemap". This page displays all sections, categories, pages and articles of the Internet resource. In WordPress, html map can be created in a few clicks using plugins Dagon Design Sitemap Generator or WP DS Blog Map.

This is how my blog's html map looks like - http: ///vse-stati-bloga.html

6. Setting up the robots.txt file

Robots.txt file- this is normal text file, which contains a set of detailed step-by-step instructions for search engines, which contain the rules for indexing pages, sections, files, folders, directories, etc.

This file is located in the root folder. What is it for? Robots.txt - plays an important role in seo optimization, since it can be used to prevent search engines from indexing system files, pages that do not contain useful content, and much more.

7. We use micro-markup

In early 2011, the search giants Yandex, Google, Yahoo and others announced to the whole world that they were introducing an innovative technology called microdata, it is also called semantic markup.

Microdata is a seo markup of site pages, which uses special tags and attributes, thanks to which search robots (PR) recognize and analyze information presented on a web resource much faster.

Check out what sites look like with and without micro-markup:

Pros of micro-markup in terms of seo:

attractive appearance snippet in search results
an increase in the number of clicks on article titles
improving overall relevance

As you may have noticed, the topic is quite large, despite the fact that I tried to tell about all important points short and to the point. As I said at the beginning of the post, this material on the topic of seo site optimization is a step-by-step instruction for beginners on my own, I divided it into 2 parts.

>>> You can get acquainted with the second part at the link - "".

Do not forget to implement the knowledge gained after studying, remember that water does not run under a lying stone How do you like the article? What items from the step-by-step instructions do you implement on your website? What would you add on your own?

", you and I came close to the topic SEO .

I made a decision to open this section. So it is open.

Having started digging in this direction, I found a lot of sites that are related in one way or another to SEO. But what I didn’t like most was that very few people write intelligibly, namely in such a way that it would be understandable for an ordinary person who has no experience.

In the "" section, we will look at the study of which you can independently promote sites, saving your time and money.

It is also planned to open sub-sections that will be interconnected and form an integral part of this section. For example, the subcategory "SEO - terms" - of course: load a person with all SEO terms at a time - it turns out to be as easy as shelling pears. I myself came across a list of SEO terms and, roughly speaking, when I read 20 or 25 terms, I didn't remember the previous ones. So everything will be planned. The terms will be replenished and issued in portions, as the study of this direction progresses.

The question on the agenda is:

And where to start the study and application SEO to the site?

From the previous lesson" " We know thatSEO - itcomplex of measures conducted both on the site itself and not on it, aimed at improving the position of this site in search engines.

WITH this definition, you can deduce a logical conclusion that there is: Internal optimization and External optimization!

So - let's take a proverb from life, which is very suitable in our situation: " To change the world - start with yourself!". This principle is valid in SEO.

Which means you need to start with internal website optimization. And the sooner you do it, the better for your site and its initial promotion in search engines. I want to say right away that this is a very time-consuming process that, with the right approach, gives a good result.

From the previous SEO tutorials, we found out: "" and " ".

And with this lesson, we begin with you directly the preparation of the site for optimization. And since all our actions will take place with the site - this preparation refers tointernal optimization ... So to speak, the first steps.

The very first point of this optimization is compiling " Startpoints"(startpoints - from English. Starting points!).

What is " ? " - In fact, this is the page of the site that has the most Full description your resource, category, etc. Often on this page, the site navigation is well planned and developed, the material on this page is compiled in such a way - to attract and retain the user on your site as much as possible!

StartPoints there may be several. Depending on the volume of your resource. And this is not only the home page of your site, but also other pages that can describe your site or even its sections. It is these pages that we will compose with you and further promote.

There is even a saying: " They are greeted by clothes! And they see off the mind!".

So let's create good template site, add a little mind to it highlighting the most basic in your resource using StartPoints.

Let's look at an example ...

And so you and I created StartPoints, and it came to a tight spot to optimize the site - but here's a dilemma! In which direction to move?

And that's why Today we will talk about search engines. Why do we need how SEO optimizers, it is necessary? Knowing the basic principles of search engines, we will have an idea of ​​exactly how it happens site search according to specific requests, how is site quality assessment, its relevance To search query and his ranking in search results... This knowledge will help us in the future to properly optimize sites for search engines.

To begin with, I want to indicate one input that search engines use and which we will use and we are with you today in our lesson:

1. Document- this is an Internet page! Having a unique address, the so-called url.

Search engines- used to consider Internet pages as documents that have some kind of content. Let's say you have created an Internet page about yourself! You have one page, for a search engine it is one document. If you have several pages on your site, then for a search engine these are several documents. Here is such a small introduction, and now let's continue.

Let's start with the definition: What is a search engine? "What is a mathematical model?"

Mathematical model - This is an attempt to describe a certain process, action or object with a mathematical formula.

Well, I think everyone watched the movie "The Matrix" - and so, it was there that the plot was built in the style that our life and our world are all a mathematical model. A the main character"Neo" is a mistake that has crept into the mathematical model of the world! It was a joke but vivid example mathematical model.

Today, many companies try to express any process, any routine human actions by a mathematical formula in the form of some kind of mathematical model. What does it give them? Naturally, replacing a person with a machine (computer, robot). We have already seen many times through scientific channels, for example, a conveyor belt for assembling machines. Robots do the lion's share of the work in place of people. And this is all due to the fact that a person managed to describe the routine processes (which a person does) with a formula. And having a specific mathematical formula, we can easily enter it into a computer and give a command to execute this mathematical formula.

Search engines are no exception. , they use mathematical models to solve two important problems. Namely: