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How to check the motherboard on the serviceability of the program. How to determine the motherboard malfunction

So, the question arose in front of you: "How to check the computer's motherboard?"

In order to check the working capacity of the motherboard, you must have the firstly serviceable power supply and processor first. The processor fails is extremely rare, but the power supply is better to temporarily connect 100% working.

1) first of all verification motherboard It should be started with inspection and search for visible defects (cracks, nagar). Visually check all the capacitors on the motherboard for breach. The exploded and swollen capacitors often cause the inoperability of the motherboard. If you find the swollen capacitors, then the motherboard must be replaced. It will not work for steadily.

2) Reset CMOS settings. Bios settings jumper reset is usually located near the battery on the motherboard and marked CLR_CMOS. or CCMOS. . This is a jumper, on which 3 contacts. 1 and 2 Contacts are closed as usual.

To reset to factory settings, you need to close 2 and 3 contacts for 20 seconds, and then return the jumper to its original position.

3) Disconnect the power supply unit. Disconnect all loops from the motherboard (except for power) and devices ( hDD, Drive, etc.), remove all boards from the slots (video card, etc.), remove the RAM. In the motherboard, only the processor connected to the processor fan and speaker (internal speaker) should remain installed. Turn on the power supply to the network.

Run the computer by closing the corresponding front panel connector contacts on the motherboard (PWR).

The speaker must begin to make a sound failure random access memory. On the different models It can be different. It is usually a continuous squeak.

If the speaker makes a signal, then it is not all lost and the motherboard is most likely good. If a no soundThe motherboard is faulty and must be replaced.

4) Disconnect the power supply from the network. Install the serviceable memory module in the first slot. Turn on the power supply to the network and run the computer as in clause 2. The speaker must begin to issue a video card error beep (here is described here to check the motherboard without a built-in video adapter). Usually it is one long signal And three short. If this happens, then the motherboard in 98% of cases is operational.

If there is no sound, try replacing the RAM module or install it in another slot and execute clause 3 first.

Do not forget to disconnect the power supply before pulling out or insert memory module or extension fee (video card, etc.)

5) Install the video card. If there is an additional power connector on it, do not forget to connect it. Connect the monitor and run the computer. The speaker must publish one short beep, and the BIOS screensaver appears on the screen.

If this does not happen, then the video card is most likely faulty.

If paragraphs 1-4 are successful, the motherboard is most likely good and that the computer does not turn on the other device. For example, a video card or hard disk.

The motherboard binds all the hardware components. And if problems started with the OS load, often appear blue screens etc., first of all it is necessary to diagnose system board. To this end, you can contact the service center. However, independent diagnosis is much faster and, which is important, it is absolutely free. But how to check the motherboard for performance without tools and narrow-profile knowledge? The answer will find in this article.

If you have bought a new motherboard with hands and want to check its performance, you can safely skip this section. In this part of the article we will talk about how the motherboard looks like and how can it be removed from system Block.

Motherboard is large microcircuitto which all other boards are connected. To get this module to start open the system unit. After that, unlock the cooling system, get it out of the housing and disconnect all system componentswho are connected to it. But be extremely careful not to damage the elements of the board.

Check motherboard

How can I check your motherboard in good condition? Diagnosis is carried out in three stages. Among them:

  1. Visual inspection. The most important step that allows you to remove the breakdown before installing the motherboard in the computer case.
  2. Connecting the power supply. At this stage you can test the motherboard and make certain conclusions about its performance.
  3. Connecting other hardware components. This stage will help identify broken components, due to which the computer cannot function normally.

It is worth noting that the motherboard is one of the most reliable components of the computer. This hardware module rarely breaks in itself. Therefore, most likely, external influences were caused by the cause of breakage. You may have been shedding some liquid on the system unit. Maybe you started computer games At too high graphics settings, which led to the brave of hardware components. In any case, the following instruction will help you to determine the cause of the fault.

Step One: Visual Inspection

Most problems S. motherboard Received precisely at this stage. Before switching to the inspection, clean the hardware component from dust and other garbage. Thanks to this, you will be easier to find defects. In addition, cleaning hardware components will noticeably improve the operation of the computer. To remove all the dust and rubbish you need a soft brush and wet napkins for PC. Also for cleaning, you can take advantage of the usual household vacuum cleaner (only at the minimum suction power).

After cleaning the motherboard, you can move directly to the visual inspection. Carefully look at the capacitors (look like small columns that are lined up in one row). They should not be any damage. Chips, cracks, fell, etc. - All this may affect the working capacity of the motherboard. Most often, users encounter swollen capacitors (you can see the problem component in the picture). If you find a damaged item, it must be replaced. It can be done independently with the help of an ordinary soldering iron.

If everything is in order with the board elements, then you need to look directly on the scheme. Try finding various chips, scratches and cracks. As a rule, they immediately rush into the eyes. Look at their location and make sure that scratches do not intersect the circuit connections. Also on the motherboard it is often possible to meet signs of corrosion. This suggests that various liquids shed various liquids on a computer or laptop. If the board was subject to corrosion or the circuit connections were damaged, it is impossible to do anything. It is necessary to acquire a new motherboard.

Step Two: Connecting the Power Supply

If the visual verification of the motherboard did not help identify defects, you can move to a more advanced testing method. Disconnect all hardware components from the board: wires, loops, etc. All you need is: it is:

  • Power Supply. You must know in advance that this hardware component is working. If you are not sure of your power supply, then check the unit on other devices.
  • CPU. Do not disconnect the calculator from the motherboard.
  • Speaker. This is a small speaker that is in every motherboard. This component notifies the user that the device is operational. Make sure the speaker functions.

Important! Before disconnecting the hardware components from the motherboard, turn off the power supply.

After you left only the necessary components, you can feed meals again. To do this, turn on the power supply. If the motherboard is working, then a small diode should light up on its surface. In addition, the operative of the hardware component will be informed by the speaker through a pisch. In case the motherboard does not make any sounds, it is faulty.

Step Three: Connecting hardware components

If the net motherboard was powered, then you need to test how the board works with other hardware components. To begin with, we will analyze the performance of performance through RAM.

Important! Do not forget that before connecting new hardware components, the power supply must be disconnected.

Connect the RAM to the system unit. After that, re-activate the power. As a result of these manipulations, the motherboard should publish a beep. It can be intermittent or alley. It all depends on the manufacturer. If the board after connecting the RAM is swallowed, then the problem is here in RAM.

It is also worth checking a graphic adapter that is often subjected to overheating. This method It is worth applying only if there is no built-in video chip on the motherboard. Verification of the video card is also carried out as testing RAM.

If with RAM and graphic adapter Everything is in order, but the board does not work anyway, then in this case it is necessary to reset the BIOS. To do this, carefully inspect the motherboard and find the jumper there (usually it is red). Move it into another position and delay for a couple of seconds. Then return the jumper to the starting position. You can also reset the BIOS settings by extracting the battery. Find the batter on the board and remove it. Wait for 15-20 minutes and insert the battery into place.


In the article we talked about how to diagnose the motherboard. In service centers, this procedure is rather expensive. Nevertheless, nothing complicated in this process no. Test the motherboard can each. For this, no specialized instruments are needed nor narrow-profile knowledge. The main thing - be careful and adhere to the recommendations from this article.

Diagnosis of the motherboard will allow you to identify the reasons for its breakdown. If the problem is simple, then you can fix it yourself. If the malfunction is serious, then you will have to buy a new hardware component.

The computer's motherboard is a link of all its components. Usually users highlight the video card and the processor as the most important components, but without a reliable motherboard, they will not work either simply burn. Checking the motherboard takes place in three stages: visual inspection of the component, connection of the power supply, the power on and the local sequential disconnection of the components. According to statistics, more than 90% of all breakdowns of the motherboard are on the shoulders of the user itself, as it is practically not broken by itself. Remember, perhaps you broke the tea to the system unit, playing on too high graphics settings or one of your parts recently burned. Inspect your motherboard, according to the instructions below.

How to check the motherboard for performance: visual inspection

This stage is the most important: you can identify malfunctions in the motherboard before installation in the system unit, especially if it is a motherboard purchased from hand. Do not forget that the installation of a faulty component can lead to breakage of all other elements of the system unit.

A very noticeable sign of breakage is a damage of one or more capacitors on the motherboard. They look like small colums built into a row. Carefully look at each of them: there should be no swings on their surface, cracks, chips, gary. They must be replaced immediately and do not include the system unit until you do it.

Especially often occurring swollen capacitors. This is a special case, since their replacement will not lead to anything. This motherboard needs to be unambiguously changed. Of course, in service center You will be offered to replace the disconnected condenser and extend the life of the board for the year or other, but it is better not to believe in such craftsmen, as the swelling will happen again and very soon.

Check the motherboard surface

Some flaws are noticeable immediately: chips, scratches, cracks. The entire surface of the motherboard is covered with small chips, so the flaws will notice easily. Often, corrosion meets - this is a clear sign of the "drowned" motherboard. Especially if we talk about laptops, since they are poured by tea, coffee and other drinks most often.

If you have noticed traces of gary, corrosion, mechanical flaws on the surface of the motherboard, it is better not to risk and not put it in the system unit. Of course, damage can only affect one of its abilities, but equally can jeopardize the entire system. Do not risk, replace the motherboard.

How to check your motherboard for performance: Connecting the power supply

If you did not find visual flaws on the motherboard, then you can begin to the next step. To begin with, disconnect everything from the motherboard: all wires and loops. You will need such components:

  • Good power supply. It is better to take not your power supply, but for example, a friend. If you are not sure that the breakdown is in the motherboard.
  • Leave the connected processor.
  • Practically in all motherboards there is a speaker - a small inner speaker for the motherboard itself. He may notify you about the device's performance. Make sure it is enabled.

For this stage it would be enough. Do not forget that you need to first turn off the power supply, only then remove the loops and wires. Carefully remove all connections. As soon as you do it, turn on the power supply again.

What should happen on a good motherboard: a small diode light will turn on her surface, you will hear a squeak from the speaker. At the same time, the sound is the main service signal. If you did not hear the pisch and the silence was fought over the motherboard - it is faulty.

How to check your motherboard for performance: gradual connection of components

If you heard the appropriate sound, you can try to gradually connect the items. This is happening for this algorithm:

  • Connecting RAM.
  • Turning on the video card.
  • Reset BIOS and manipulation with a battery.

At the same time, many users note that few faulty motherboards are revealed at these stages. If she is broken, you will learn it at the previous stages. These items will rather help you figure out that it is broken, besides her. But if the board is still harmful, you can help the BIOS reset.

Connect RAM modules

Turn off the power supply and insert RAM modules. Do not forget to turn off the power supply every time you want to insert anything in a fee or remove from it.

Turn it on again. The motherboard should publish one extensive sound or several intermittent. It depends on the manufacturer. If the sound suddenly disappeared, although in the previous stage was, then the problem is in RAM.

Turn on the video card

Turn off the power supply again and plug the video cards to the motherboard. Connect the monitor. Run the power supply system.

If the sound and the system started uploading on the monitor screen - then everything is absolutely normal. But if at this stage you have had problems, then complete the collection of BIOS on the motherboard.

Bios Reset

On your motherboard, you will see a small jumper or a small switch. Usually it is red. It is with the help of it that reset is performed. bIOS systems. Click the jumper to the other side and hold it in this position for two seconds, now let it go. Bios is reset.

Many users point to the fact that it sometimes helps the recovery of the battery and the subsequent installation is back. However, if after that you do not hear sound, then the problem can be both in the motherboard and in the video card. Unfortunately, you will have to test the video card before turning on the system.

- Today we will look at how to find out the motherboard model on the computer. Upgrading the drivers, checking the compatibility of iron and purely of curiosity - ... Use the methods of checking the model of the motherboard are much easier to use the method of checking the motherboard model than to disassemble the computer and study stickers inside the systemaker.

You can simulate quite a few situations in which the model of the motherboard is very important: a banal driver update, buying a new "iron" (find out what you can add to the system and is there for this necessary slots, for example, to expand the RAM) ...

If you have preserved documents that are issued with a computer (or individual positions on components, if you pick up the components yourself) you can find out the answers to your question exactly there. Probably even the best wayAfter all, you can check the correspondence of the real situation with what is indicated in your docks.

I will not fundamentally tell me how to find out the name of the motherboard method of opening the system unit - in the modern situation it is absolutely no need, because software methods Let information give more than just a visual inspection of the motherboard.

Of course I do not deny that you can find out the model wearing at the board itself (I'm not so frowning to say that this can not be done in any case)and an advanced user probably knows where and what to see ... Well, we recommend using the most simple and right methods

Method 1. Learning the name of the motherboard through the command line

If you are happy to use command line Windows, then you can easily find out the motherboard model using a powerful WMIC Microsoft tool.

With WMIC We can execute a Baseboard request to check the motherboard and several additional parameters such as serial number, revision and other detailed information About your motherboard. Let's try to find out the manufacturer of our motherboard, model and serial with WMIC.

The program is in English, but for us it will not be a problem, specifically we are interested in the row of Motherboard - this is the name of our motherboard.

Despite such a small size (less than 1 megabyte in the archive) The program can tell a lot about your computer, but I would not recommend it to use it ... Find out what kind of motherboard on the computer - it is great, for all the rest there are more convenient analogues.

Method for 3. AIDA64 - learn the model of the motherboard

There are several AIDA64 editions, the EXTREME EDITION version is perfect for us (the application is worth money, but we will fit the 30 day trial versionmarked on the download page as Trial)

After installing AIDA64, run the program and on the left side locate the "System Board" icon. In the window that opens in the second line "System fee" will display the manufacturer and model of the motherboard. As you can see in my computer, the name of the motherboard is ASUS P8H67.

If you scroll down the window down, you can find a link to the download page fresh BIOS. (Row "Download BIOS Updates"). It can be useful if the purpose of determining the motherboard firmware new version BIOS firmware

Method 4. Piriform Speccy - a good program from CCleaner developers

If you have ever used cCleaner program And she left you only positive emotions with your result, then the question of how to find out the model of the motherboard you will be answered by a small Speccy program from the developers of the same CClener (Piriform). You can download as always on the official website:

Run the application and on the left side, go to the "System Board" tab. On the right side in the "Model" line and there will be an answer to our question - in our case it is P8H67 (LGA1155) ...

Not only is the program correctly determined the name of the motherboard installed in the computer, but also showed her socket (1155) and many more useful information (such as voltage, bIOS version and temperature system)

Method 5. CPU-Z - will tell not only about the processor

CPU-Z is a very popular utility to identify the processor, but is perfect for determining the motherboard model on the computer. The program is absolutely free and does not require installation, just download actual version from the official site

After starting the utility, go to the "Mainboard" tab and in the MODEL line will be the name of the installed motherboard. I have a P8H67 motherboard on my computer (for now indications All applications coincide)

For many, the BIOS block will be useful, the firmware manufacturer is displayed here ...

Method 6. Hwinfo32 - detailed information about the motherboard

To download the program, go to the official website (there are several versions of the program - hwinfo32 for 32 bit systems and HWINFO for 64 bit). In my case, I downloaded hwinfo64.

After installing the corresponding HWINFO version, start it (the start can take long time Collecting information about the components of your computer). The program automatically displays the System Summary screen, where the motherboard model will be shown in the Motherboard section

By the way, note that Hwinfo correctly determined the video card ... it would be necessary to add it to a note about video cards

Method 7. Sisoftware Sandra - undervalued program

When I was looking for information about how to see the motherboard on the computer, I never met such an app in reviews as Sandra Lite (it is we will use it, since it is specifically Lite. - distributed free of charge). As usual, you can download on the official website, avoid left sources ...

After installing Sisoftware Sandra Lite, run the program and go to the "Devices" tab. In the window that appears, double-click the Motherboard icon and wait until the utility will collect all the necessary information. In a new window, detailed information about your system board will open, in the model "model" and will answer the question how to find out the motherboard model?

This section displays not only the name of your motherboard, here you will find quite a lot of other useful information about your motherboard. For example, you can find out how much memory and how many slots under it ... or the chipset model on which your system is built

Bonus! Motherboard information in HTML report

This application is called lookinmypc and you can download it from the developers site (in English, there is a portable version that does not require installation)

After starting, you can choose what exactly to generate the report, but we leave everything as it is and click the "Generate Report" button ... It will only be waiting for when a report will be formed - it's fast.

The report file will open in any browser, in the BIOS information block in the BOARD PRODUCT ID and the name of our motherboard.

In fact, a lot of interesting and useful information in the report, and as for in EnglishGoogle Chrome. Everything is wonderful.

The report generates quite a lot of data on the program part, and you can view it at any time without the program itself - it is very convenient

What did we know about the motherboard? - Findings

Friends, we reviewed several ways to find out the motherboard model. As you understood from the notes, it is quite realistic to do not disassemble the system unit - exist more civilized Methods.

What to do with this information? - Even if you need to visually look at your motherboard, it is quite possible to find its image and specification on the official website by the name of the model.

What to do if the computer does not start and there is a suspicion that the motherboard has failed, as it is properly tested at home.

The first stage, visual.
First of all, you need to turn off the power supply unit from the motherboard, and the loops are all connected, disconnect the RAM bar, video card, hard disk and processor, other components. Get the motherboard itself, carefully clean from dust, inspect for cracks, swirling, burning.

With the next step, get the battery from bIOS controller And we leave the motherboard for 10 minutes.

If you did not find the disadvantages, you should go to the next step, system signals.

We connect the motherboard to the power supply, insert the battery, connect the processor with the cooling system and run. Depending on the type of BIOS, we must hear a signal that reports the absence of RAM.

If the signal is turned off, insert the RAM and video card. Attach the monitor and run, if everything is in order, we will hear one beep, as well as see the starting screen.

We can also hear different signalsthat reports that the keyboard and other devices are not connected, the decoding of signals is different depending on the manufacturer of the motherboard.

We go to the BIOS, if we got there, most likely with the motherboard, everything is in order and the reason can go in the other, equipment (for example, the power of the power supply), conflict (various RAM frequencies).

Why does the speaker be sicked?!
First I. main tool diagnostics of motherboard, which is available to everyone and usually gives proper information - This is a system speaker, that is, the speaker of the system unit, which is usually one or twice by peaks when the computer is turned on. If its signals are not as usual (for example, 4 signals instead of one or it will how the sirens of special vehicle), then you immediately open the table sound signals BIOS and look at which one means. As a rule, in 75% of cases on this troubleshooting ends and its elimination begins.

System Speaker Motherboard

The same cases when the speaker is generally silent and the computer does not turn on, usually mean one of the two or either a power supply unit, or "gave the ends" of Matpal. How to check the computer power supply I already told here. After that, everything will be extremely clear.

No signal from the video card to the monitor

If when you try to enable your computer on the monitor, there is no image and just a black screen, then the culprit of the problem is not always uniquely video card. This is checked as follows. If you use AGP or PCI-E card, switch the monitor from it into the built-in. If there is a black screen and there is no video signal, then definitely malfunction of the motherboard. Alternatively, you can ask her from friends or acquaintances for the time for the dough.

No Video Card Signal Black Screen

Does not heat the processor and cooler cold
The complete lack of heating the processor, and with it and cooling systems - another explicit sign of the motherboard malfunction. That is, if the computer turns on, the fans are spinning, but there is no sound of the speaker and the video signal - just leave it, let the computer work 5-10 minutes. After that, it is very careful that the case of what is not to burn, try your finger to touch the cooler radiator. Cold? The reason is clearly in the motherboard - most likely the processor does not serve power. Sometimes the same happens if the BIOS or CPU is not supported.

What can you try to do?

Despite the fact that in the overwhelming majority of cases, most likely to eliminate the motherboard malfunction at home will not work, nevertheless there is always a small chance that it is just a malfunction of the BIOS. Try to make it Hard Reset., i.e full reset Motherboard settings. I have already talked more about this method in a separate instruction.
If someone from familiar has a diagnostic card with a post-indicator, then try to use her to find out the system board malfunction and then almost with 100% confidence will know "where the legs grow."

To begin with, the main definitions that are not very recommended to be confused:

It turns on - after pressing the button, the LEDs light up and fans begin to work.
It starts - this is when the mother is piscaling, and letters begin to appear on the monitor.

Loading - Windows is when the monitor appears nice picture, with running progress and written Windows.
So, we have a "dead" systemist, which turns on, but does not start. We produce primary diagnostics. We find out whether the motherboard is really faulty, that is, we check the efficiency of other components. Make it very simple:

Turn off everything inside. We throw out memory, seeyuu, all other boards, leave only the processor and speaker. If after switching on the mother, it is blank, it can be conditionally considered to be alive (BIOS starts), and a malfunction somewhere in the rolled fees. Now insert back the memory, check - if it became different, it means that memory is seen, you can stick to seey.

We check, the picture should appear on the monitor. Alternately stick the rest of the cards, after each you check, connect the remaining wires and the loops - also check after each connection. It is worth remembering that moms with integrated video, even being completely working, without memory, often pretend to be a complete corpse. Here, do not forget to check whether the IDE loop is connected correctly. Some mothers (mostly old old pts) do not give signs of life if they stuck the train on the contrary.

So, first of all, we need to run a mammy with one processor and a connected speaker (to start the BIOS). Check if the memory test subsides (permanent long beeps).

And now it's about what and what looks like:

Two large square chips in PQFP or BGA-enclosures - Seversist and South. Because The producers are a bit, then with a probability of 99%, it can be argued that there will be a logo NVIDIA, VIA, SIS, ALI (ULI) or Intela (option - letter I). The north bridge is large, and is located near the processor, the South, usually less in size and further from the processor.

Note: The chipset may consist not only of two chips. So nforce 3 (4) - one-chip, but 430NX can consist of 5 chips !!!
The rectangular chip in PQFP (approximately 100 leg) is usually in the area of \u200b\u200bthe flop connector or near LPT, COM is a cartoon. It happens from WinBond "A (W83627THF), ASUS" A (ASXXXX, Locked WinBond), ITE (IT8712F), National Semiconductor (PCXXXX). On brands (including and intelors) maybe square and with the number of legs\u003e 100 (national?). Recently, more often lives in South.

Rectangular Microha SSOP with Pins from 20 to 48 in the quartz area - Cloaker. Usually carries logo ICS or RTM (RTM360-519R).
SOIC or (T) SSOP is only in the Power Connector area and wide tracks on the mother - PWM. Analog Integrarion Corp. (AICXXXX, Drawn Crown), International Rectifier (IRUXXXX), Intersil (HipXXXX), Semtech (SCXXXX), Richtek (RTXXXX).

Attention, shimki may not be. On the old Mama there were linear stabilizers and, in some cases, fifthly starts at a percent right with BP ...
PDIP Majoropka on the first Mama at the edge of the board - the controller of the keyword. All ISs are designated on the PCB of the letter U, followed by the number of the element ...

Little (or not very) Metal (or rarely plastic) Detail - quartz. The frequency is written on it. Normal set: 14.318, 20.0000, 40.0000, 60.0000. The PCB is denoted by the letter Y with the subsequent number (quartz number from 1 to n).
But what happens because of the memory:

Option 1.
The memory is completely dead - the mother does not start (with the postcode C1 usually). If the video is not integrated, the continuous squeak is heard, if integrated - silent as a corpse ...

Option 2.
Buggy memory, errors in junior addresses. Mother does not start, but does not cook, the codes will catch out, but usually up to 0d (for example, Award) does not reach. Although, if you put this bar, the second, the mother starts and the memory can be detected.

Option 3.
Buggy memory, errors in senior addresses. The mother starts, but hangs when loading the axis or in games, etc. Possible issuance of the message "BIOS Checksum Error". Test, test and try again ...

Option 4.
Different single cases. Usually, difficult to inform. So it is the most reliable to check the installation of a uniform planner.

The most worthy program for checking the memory is currently considered metemster86 +.

When the computer is turned off, turn off the mouse, LPT connector, as well as other devices. Now turn on the computer. It often happens that because of some kind of low-quality device does not work all the motherboard.

If the motherboard also does not work, then you need to check whether the RESET button works correctly. It happens that she is "corotite". Disconnect the F_PANEL wire - RS from the motherboard.

Check the "corotite" or there is no system unit housing itself. To do this, try to put it on the dielectric.

Check the voltage on the BIOS battery. If the voltage is less than 2.9V, then the battery needs to be changed. Current current must be within 3-10 μA.

CMOS module reset the special jumper. You can also pull the battery and leave it for a few minutes.

Change the power supply or check this on another system unit.