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E-mail mail. What is email? How to create an email? How to find out your email? An example of filling out a registration form


Usually in full name mailbox the domain of the service in which you are registering is displayed. Register an e-mail address on the most convenient search engine for you, so that in one click (from the transition from home page service to a personal account on this resource).

If you have opened your email account on, go to the main page to enter it. A window for entering a personal login and password will appear on the left. To the right of the login, you will need to select the domain corresponding to your email address: @, @, etc. In the lower right corner of the blue square, find the "Login" link. Click it, and the contents of your mailbox will become available to you.

The path to the service applications also starts from the main page. Having entered it, on the left side of the screen you will notice a small bluish window with the inscription "Mail". When you click on it, two columns will appear (for entering a username and password). Enter your data without errors, then click the "Login" button and you can dispose of the contents of your mailbox as you please.

Is your mailbox registered on Rambler? Go to the main page of the Internet resource and on the left side of the page in the "Mail" window fill in the fields for entering your personal data (login and password). Make a computer mouse click on the "Login" button and the contents of your mailbox will become available to you.

If your mailbox is registered in the Gmail system, then to enter your email address, go to the main page of the service. At the top right, you will see a grayish field. Here (in two white columns) enter your username and password and click on the "Login" icon located just below. That's all you need to do to get your email address.


  • email login

It is convenient to send messages by e-mail. Anyone can cope with this if they learn to work with a mailbox - open it and write letters.

You will need

  • Computer, Internet access, login and password to e-mail.


Enter your username and password in the appropriate fields of the window in order to open the mailbox. Pay attention to the register for entering the password - if during registration you entered the password in capital letters, then every time you enter your mailbox, you must enter it in the same letters and symbols.

Confirm the correctness of the entry and click the "Login" button. If you have indicated everything correctly, you will be taken to your email inbox. If you made a mistake in at least one letter or number of the login and password, you must enter them again. Having learned these non-tricky actions, you will no longer rack your brains over how to open an e-mail box.

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If you go to your mailbox not from home, but from an Internet club or from another unauthorized computer, never save your password, and after finishing work, be sure to press the exit button from your mailbox.

Helpful advice

Write down the login and password to the mailbox in your notebook or on a sticker, so that you can always go to your account. email.


  • How to create a second mailbox on Yandex in a few minutes

There are many options for email services today. Each is good in its own way, and at the same time has its own drawbacks. Today it is perfectly acceptable to have more than one mailbox for each service. One of these services is The advantage of mail on is the possibility of simultaneous registration in the project "My World" and creating your own blog when setting up a mailbox. How to do mail on


Go to the main page

Appears with many rectangles in which you want to enter the required data. We enter them. Name, and can be written in Russian letters. To fill in the "Mailbox" column, you will need a Latin alphabet. But the Internet itself will offer possible options... It is better to choose one of them, otherwise it is possible for a long time and persistently to select not yet occupied login options by other users. When filling out this column, in fact, a login is generated, which will then be required to enter the mailbox. It will need to be remembered, just like the password, which is created in the next column and repeated again in order for its memorization to be error-free. This repetition system eliminates slips of the tongue.

But it is not necessary to indicate the mobile phone. Then you need to left-click on the words “I don’t have mobile phone"And fill in the lines" Secret question "and" Answer ". You may not enter an additional e-mail, even if you have one.

Below there is a check mark in the box next to the inscription “Create personal page on My [email protected] ". If you do not want to create a page in the my world project, but only want to do mail on, then uncheck the box by clicking the left mouse button on it.

After the done manipulations, left-click on the word "Register". Essentially, the mailbox is ready.

When you know someone else's mailbox, there are endless possibilities for communication. You can write letters (and writing letters is often easier than speaking while looking into your eyes), send photos, share information, feelings, impressions.


When it’s inconvenient to just ask about a mailbox (you don’t have the courage to ask someone you like), you can find a reason for. Ask the person whose mailbox you need to send you some trifle by mail - data on work or study, etc.

You can introduce yourself as the person conducting the survey for and ask to answer a few minor questions. At the end, ask for a name and contact information, such as an e-mail. After all, people are more willing to give their mailbox than their phone number.

If you know the name and surname of the person whose mailbox you need to find out, then you can try to find this information on social networks. For example, VKontakte or in My World, it can be in open access at the request of the person. And, for example, in the projects My Circle and the like, be a mandatory and publicly available option for feedback.

If you know where the person you need studies or works, you can contact the dean's office or the office manager with a request to prompt you with a mailbox, since you need to transfer some important information... Likewise, if you have mutual acquaintances, you can ask them for the address. As a rule, people agree to provide postal addresses to third parties, because this is not considered direct contact information.

Another way to find out a mailbox is to use paid online services to find information about a person (for example, No one will give guarantees in the reliability of this information, but as a last resort, this option can be used.

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Helpful advice

Many people, in an effort to be original, come up with difficult names for their mailboxes. It can be difficult to memorize or write down these fantasy creations. In such cases, it is best to ask the person to send you a letter. Even empty. The main thing is that you will recognize and save the mailbox data.

Email is a necessary attribute of an Internet user. It is necessary not only for correspondence and communication with other users, but also for registering on various forums and sites, making purchases in online stores, to subscribe to online publications. The advantages of e-mail are obvious: free, fast delivery of letters and ease of access to your e-mail box.

You will need

  • - a computer connected to the internet.


Some services will be offered to choose from one of the included postal system... Do not forget, when filling out the fields of the registration form, take into account that the name must necessarily begin with a lowercase English letter and contain letters of the English alphabet, numbers and underscores.

When choosing a login, avoid names with a small number of characters, otherwise your mailbox will become an excellent target for spam mailings.

Next, enter the desired email address in the appropriate box. If this address is already taken, try registering one of the alternative addresses, which will be listed in a special form.

After choosing a name, you must fill out a form. Then enter in the special box the control code to protect against automatic registration, shown in the picture, and click the registration button.

Then read the "Terms of Use Agreement. free service", read and agree to all the terms by checking the corresponding box. By clicking the" Next "button, you automatically accept the terms of the agreement.

In the future, you need to enter the password for your mailbox twice. Come up with a password of at least six characters and containing only numbers and symbols of the English alphabet. Keep your password secret and do not lose it.

After that, you can complete the registration by clicking on the "Finish" button.

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Helpful advice

Avoid creating a password that is too simple, as this will leave the mailbox vulnerable to attackers and may lead to loss of confidentiality of correspondence.

Each Internet user has his own email account, and some even have more than one. Emails have long supplanted paper. Undoubtedly, e-mail is much more convenient, it is easy to use, does not cause delays in the transmission of messages, and is quite reliable. But few people know how to set up a mailbox.


Not so much time passes, and there are so many letters that it is very easy to lose what you need, miss important information. Therefore, you need to put in your own order. On your mailbox, you can see folders: "inbox", "sent", "spam", "messages", "trash", but underneath this list there is a key button - "Configure".

Sort emails into folders. To do this, select the required messages and click the "move" button. In the window that appears, select the name of the folder where you need to put the letter.

Make it so that next time you get right to the right place for you. To do this, open the letter and click the "Advanced" button. In the window that opens, select "Create rule", then select the name of the folder in which the letters should be placed (the "subject" line should be cleared in this case). Click "Create Rule", thereby saving the settings.

People who are just starting to discover all the possibilities of the Internet may experience some difficulties in mastering e-mail. Setting up an inbox for emails is half the battle. After all, then you will need to somehow enter your mail. The main thing is to remember your username and password, and the rest, as they say, is a matter of technology.


To use Yandex, launch your browser and go to the page located by: mouse or press the "Enter" key on the keyboard. If you have previously marked the "Remember me" field with a marker, both fields will already be filled in, you just have to click the "Login" button.

You can also log into Yandex from the main page of the search engine ( The panel with fields for entering a login is located in the left part of the window. Enter your login and click the "Login" button. If you have previously agreed that the browser will remember the password, just confirm the login by clicking the "Login" button.

In the browser Mozilla Firefox, if you have already logged into your mailbox, but then opened another resource in the same tab, you can quickly return to your mailbox. In the upper right corner of the window, left-click on the name of your mailbox to quickly go to it from the page you are currently on.

The way to log into mailboxes on other mail services is the same as described in the first step. To enter your mailbox on Mail, go to the page located at:, and in the upper part of the window on the left, enter your username and password. Press the "Login" button with the left mouse button.

To enter the mail on the Yahoo resource, in the "Login" ("Yahoo! ID") field, you must specify the name of the mailbox in full ([email protected]). In the second field ("Password") enter your password, left-click the "Sign In" button. If you put a marker in the "Keep me signed in" field, your password for entering the mailbox will be saved. The next time you contact the postal service, you will only need to click the "Sign In" button. The resource is located at:


  • Yandex mail enter mail


To register in "My World", you must first go to your mailbox at At the very top of the page you will see shortcuts: "Mail.Ru", "", "My World", "games", "", "news", "Internet search", "all projects". Feel free to click on "My World". You don't have to go to the mailbox. Just type in the search engine "My world". You need to enter the email address and password from it.

Now you can safely design your personal page. Upload a photo. You can choose one or several. Then fill out the form. Here you need to specify the date of birth, location, nickname for this social network. It can be a real or a fictitious name - it doesn't matter. The main thing is that these items are mandatory. All other data about yourself is written exclusively at will.

Next - open the tab "education". Here you are invited to choose a school, technical school, university from the list. You can also write in the years of study in each of these educational institutions. After filling out this part of the questionnaire, in front of each name of the educational institution you specified, how many students of those years are registered in "My World" will be displayed. By clicking on such a shortcut, you can immediately start searching for them. The situation is the same with work colleagues and neighbors.
Any of the found people can be added as friends. If you have not found someone, try to indicate the last name, first name, gender, city in the “search” column. You can also choose a school, university, street, military unit from the list.

In My World, you can select communities of interest, add music or videos to your page, which you can download yourself from your computer, or find it on this social network itself. You can specify your holidays - your friends will see this information. In this sense, the social network on is in no way inferior to Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte.

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My world is ready to become everyone's world. One of the most attractive networks, the most visited and discussed among users, is the social network My World. An excellent idea, successful implementation - and the implementation of the project had its effect. The result exceeded the wildest expectations of the creators - tens of thousands of people communicate with each other.

Helpful advice

Check if you can go to your page on the Mail. If you can't sign in, go to this section. If you have forgotten your password for a page in My World, go to the password recovery form. When, when trying to enter your page, the message "Your account has been compromised" is displayed, then to enter your World, you need to change your password and Secret Question with the answer in your mailbox, as well as enter the code that will be sent to the phone, which is confirmed in My World.

E-mail is a tool that is practically irreplaceable in modern life. With the help of it, we communicate with relatives, acquaintances, conduct business correspondence. We also have the opportunity to exchange photos and share news. How do you connect to email?

You will need

  • - a device that supports Internet access;
  • - the Internet.


If you want to connect to free mail, go to a site that provides this opportunity, and find a link like: "Register mailbox", "Register", "Create mailbox". Follow the link to the mailbox registration form.

Enter information about yourself, such as name, date of birth, gender. Most postal services provide a typical form in which you only need to fill in the most necessary information.

Enter your pre-designed e-mail address and password for accessing your mailbox in the corresponding fields.

Fill in the security block of your postage account... It can include answers to a security question or an additional email address. This information will come in handy in case you forget your credentials (email address or password). Restoring control over your mailbox is carried out based on the information specified in the security block.

Confirm the mailbox registration. Majority mail servers before confirming, you will be asked to enter the numeric or alphabetic code indicated in the picture. Enter it in the required field.

If the information you entered is correct, enter the mailbox address and password in the appropriate fields on the main page and start working with your e-mail.

If you would like to connect to your organisation's corporate email, please refer to management accordingly. Wait for a decision and contact the IT department with a request to set up a corporate email on your computer.


Helpful advice

In order to make it easier for your potential correspondents in the future, try to come up with a simple email address, it will be easier to remember and will significantly speed up the process of correspondence.

A person who is just starting to get acquainted with the Internet can find it difficult to navigate the variety of resources that offer many services and services. There are postal services for the exchange of information. The user starts a mailbox and gets the opportunity to exchange texts, graphics, music with other users. And at the very beginning, of course, the question arises of how to enter the mail site.


Postal services exist in different systems: Yandex, Yahoo, Rambler, Mail and so on. Decide where you want to set up a mailbox for. It is most convenient to register mail in the system that you use most often. So, for example, if in most cases you are looking for information in search engine Yandex, for quick access it is more logical to register your mailbox on Yandex.

The mail service can be accessed both from the main search page and from the page. For the system (, and so on), it is also enough to open the main page of the system. Find on the page and click on the button "Create mail" or "Create mailbox", and you will automatically go to Post service.

To create a mailbox, it is not enough just to go to a mail site. You must register. To register, enter the data that the system will ask for: login, password, last name, first name and patronymic (or organization name), date of birth, and so on. Memorize or write down the information you entered. You will need it to log into your email inbox and, if necessary, to recover your password to log into your mail.

After registering your mailbox, remember in which system you created it, or add the mail service internet page to Bookmarks: in top line from the browser menu, select the "Bookmarks" item and the "Add" command. To open a page from “Bookmarks”, click on the “Bookmarks” item in the top menu bar of your browser and select the name of your mail service from the drop-down list.

On the pages of the systems, access to the mailbox is quite easy. The field for entering your username and password is often located on the left side of the page (in the Yahoo system - on the right side). In the first field, enter the name that you came up with for your mailbox, the prefix, and so on, in most cases, you do not need to enter. In the second field, enter the password and click on the "Login" button or press the Enter key on the keyboard.

Sometimes you have to search for the email address of a person in world wide web... It is much easier to do this now than it used to be because various services become more accessible to users. More social media is also popping up.


Use the site to find the address you want. If you know the web page of the person whose address you need, find the coordinates section on it. It can contain any contact information such as skype, icq, mobile or contact form. Let's say his site is In this case, there is a possibility that his email address will be [email protected] Of course, instead of info, there could be something else: ask, admin, support, etc.

Go to your email. If you have ever corresponded with the person whose address you need now, there is an opportunity to find him in the address book. It may also be called "Contacts". This function is located under the main buttons "Send", "Write", "Delete". Enter any references to the addressee in the search bar, and you will be presented with a list of available email addresses. If it is not there, check the sent and deleted emails and drafts.

Find the one you need using Don't be confused by the fact that it is made for an English-speaking audience. It allows you to search all over the internet. Enter this link into your browser. Three columns will open in front of you. The first one does not need to be touched, since it is better to use it only for US residents. In the next one, write the recipient's number in international format and click search. You will be given Google search results. If this option is not suitable for you, enter your first and last name in column 3. Then you will see a list of sites on which you can find the desired email.

Go to all kinds social networks on which the destination you want can be registered. There are now such sites great amount on the Internet, and thousands of new users register on them every day. Go to,,, After that, enter any data about the person you are looking for in the search bar. If he is already registered, then you will probably find his contact email on the profile page.

Today, every modern person is trying to be "familiar" with the computer, since the PC has become an integral part of today's life. Of course, not everyone is able to be skilled hackers and be able to hack various top-secret sites, but every user, even of school age, must be able to check their e-mail. Such an elementary skill allows you not only to keep abreast of your own correspondence, but also to regularly receive very useful mailings and invitations. Even friends very often write letters on "soap", so you should always keep the address of your email in memory, or write it down in a personal notebook, for example. But, nevertheless, many "dummies" far from technology are still worried about the "global" question, in their opinion, of how to enter their e-mail from a computer.

So there are several effective ways how to enter e-mail, but you definitely need to start with the most basic. To begin with, just turn on the computer and enter the Internet, and then open the search engine on which the desired email account was once registered. When the required page on the Web is found, then in the "Mail" field indicate the requested data, in particular, an email address or login, a password is required. After the information is provided correctly, you should press the "Login" button and wait a couple of seconds (depending on the speed of the Internet). Then the required mailbox opens, where you can view all the letters that were sent to it. In this case, it is important not to forget to go to the "Inbox" tab, and new "mails" will be marked in bold.

Most users choose this particular method to view correspondence in their mailbox, but in order not to enter the same data each time, they simply tick the "Remember" box. Then, when you open the desired search engine, the mail becomes immediately available for viewing. However, it is important to understand that such manipulations are appropriate only if there are no strangers sitting at the computer who can look into personal correspondence, for example. If the same secrets from family members or other users this computer is not available, then you can safely use the "Remember" function and no longer fool your head with the entrance to your e-mail. It will be available every time you enter the site where you previously registered. But there are others simple ways how to go to your email quickly.

If a person knows at least a little about computers and their direct structure, then you can always use in practice a program called " Microsoft Outlook"or another mail client for collecting, receiving, storing and sending your own correspondence. But why is it necessary and how convenient this setting? It is important to note here that the program proposed above independently updates all the folders of incoming and outgoing letters at a predetermined time interval. By the way, this time period can be set manually and as needed, which is very convenient for people who regularly use their mailbox for work. So, special settings allow you to collect mail, and information about new receipts will be displayed in a pop-up window on the monitor screen.

If, for some reason, it is not possible to enter the required site and view your mail, then you can always use special animation programs that can be easily downloaded from the network. Why are such complications necessary? As a rule, after downloading a typical installation, you need to enter the main page of the selected animizer and in the window that appears, enter the address of the site where access was restricted for certain reasons. After correctly entering all the characters, press the "Go" button and again wait a couple of seconds (depending on what Internet speed is available). And only then, having got to the desired site, enter your mail in the usual way and personally examine all the correspondence. Such difficulties arise if the employer during working hours restricted access to some sites on the Internet.

It so happens that the user, with the correct input of all the required data, cannot get into his mail and check emails that have been received recently. It is possible that someone just hacked the mailbox and changed the password. Do not be upset, because it can always be restored. How to do it? Each search engine has its own method, for example, Rambler requires you to answer a security question correctly to recover your password. The main thing here is not to forget the answer that was indicated during registration. However, today the Internet and a mobile phone are closely related to each other, so you can restore access to your e-mail using a request to your mobile. The code received in SMS will need to be entered into the required window, and then complicate your New Password(it is important not to accidentally forget it later).

So it is not difficult to log into your email account, but it is important to remember a few simple rules. First, do not forget the username and password that you have invented. Secondly, to complicate this information so that in the future no hacker could hack into the mailbox and cause tangible harm to its owner. Thirdly, when trying to hack, it is better to get a warning message on your phone to avoid such a treacherous attack. One last thing: it's always easier to use additional programs, which will notify you of the arrival of new correspondence with a pop-up window, even if there is no e-mail on the site.

Mail.Ru Group LLC (usually just Mail.Ru) is a Russian Internet company founded in 1998 as a postal service. V currently the company is the largest portal in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet. According to the US marketing company comScore, in 2018 websites have the largest audience in Russia and among the Russian-speaking population of the CIS countries.

On service sites registered many Russian Internet users. Mail.Ru Group LLC is one of the five largest Internet companies (by the number of viewed pages). Mail.Ru controls the 3 largest and most popular Russian-speaking social networks:

  • In contact with
  • classmates
  • My world

Main page mail ru

The interface of the main page is simple and completely understandable for a Russian-speaking user. The page is visually divided into 8 main blocks:

  1. Access to email
  2. Popular projects
  3. news
  4. Personalized menu
  5. Popular portal games
  6. Advertising
  7. Search engine string mail ru
  8. All service projects

V first block the user gets access to the mailbox and all services of the company. Here you can also send a request for password recovery or create a mailbox.

Demand and demanding frequent updates mail ru projects collected in block 2... All of the company's products are accessed through the menu line at the top of the window.

The News tab, which is automatically updated, contains news that are relevant in the current region. To view other categories news tabs are used "in the world", "sports", "Lady", etc.

Right third allotted contextual advertising and the screensaver of one of the popular games mail ru.

Surfing the Internet is carried out with using a search engine The most frequent queries at the current time are constantly changing in the search bar. The tabs "Pictures", "Videos", "Applications" help to narrow down the request. The "Answers" link leads to the "Answers. ". Users ask questions of interest to them from different spheres of life, exchange information from personal experience.

Below is displayed current weather in the user's city, weather forecast, exchange rates and daily horoscope.

My page on the portal

To enter the so-called "My page" in the field "e-mail" you need to enter your e-mail address, select a domain from the drop-down list.

In addition to @, the following are available which are equivalent to the main one. domains:

  • @
  • @
  • @

The user fills in the "password" field. Opens Personal Area client. Default user hits the tab"Letters" to the "Inbox" folder, where all received messages are stored, which are displayed in the right half of the page. They usually check for new mail right there. Unread letters are highlighted in color.

Above the list of letters are control buttons... At the request of the owner of the box:

  • Deletes the message
  • Highlights all read / unread emails
  • Removes / adds selection
  • Moves a message to another folder
  • Forwards to another addressee
  • Marks the desired messages
  • Move to archive

Actions can be combined, i.e. first select several letters, then send them to the archive or delete. Deleting letters is reversible, they can be restored from the "Trash" folder, if it has not been emptied.

Interface and hotkeys

Navigation and control of letters is carried out using the "hot keys":

Shortcut keys Action
+ S Find all messages from the sender
+ C Add sender to address book
+ L Create filter
+ P Print
+? Calling a list of all hotkeys
G then
I Go to Inbox
D Go to Drafts
S Go to Sent Items
L Go to Flagged
+ A Select all letters / deselect all
+ S Save draft
+ Enter to send a letter
  • "Inbox", where the user goes when entering the mailbox;
  • "Sent Items" - correspondence sent by the owner of the mailbox;
  • "Drafts", where unfinished messages are stored;
  • For letters received a long time ago, the "archive" folder is provided;
  • "Spam", where advertising materials are sent;
  • "Trash" is a temporary storage of deleted messages.

The "Write a letter" button is responsible for generating a new message.

From the last two folders, the user regularly deletes unnecessary messages, for which there is an inscription "clear" next to it.

Services mail ru

Tab “ Contacts»Is an address book, which lists all the addresses with which the owner of the mailbox corresponded. Tab “ Files»Contains all documents sent to the email address. Paragraph " Yet»Allows you to change appearance and design, contains help and news mail.

The top line contains access to projects as a registered user. All services are provided free of charge, however certain functions may be available for a fee.

My world and classmates- large social networks of the Russian-speaking population. Having created a page, the user looks for new and old friends, exchanges text, voice and video messages with them, downloads and listens to music and video materials, joins communities of interest, participates in online games with other network users.

Tab “ news»Opens a selection of categorized news of global and regional importance. Photo and video reports are available,

« Search»Brings you to the search engine page, where you can enter a query and get a list of relevant pages.

Tab “ All projects»Provides access to full list available to the user of the company's developments.

Mail.Ru offers a variety of useful and interesting services, the interface of which is simple and straightforward. Ease of use and variability provide the company with popularity and customer confidence.

Hello friends! Pavel Yamb is in touch. Tell me, do you communicate on these social networks? How do you exchange messages? Do you have an email? If not, and you came to the Internet for a long time and seriously decided, then without email address it is impossible to manage. So what is email and how do you create one?

Mail is necessary for forwarding messages over long distances quickly :). V modern world it is impossible to live without the exchange of information. Before the advent of the Internet, I was engaged in the transmission of letters regular mail, and even before the pigeons. But time goes by and modern technologies improved the process: letters are delivered to the other side of the planet in a matter of seconds. Of course, this became possible with the advent of the Internet and, in fact, e-mail.

It's funny, but no one was going to create e-mail on purpose. Everything turned out by itself. American programmer Ray Thompson developed a program for sending short e-mails... Each sender was required to have its own address. This is how the convenient Internet mail was born in 1965.

There is no need to write a message by hand, put it in an envelope, stick a stamp, carry it to the post office and wait until the letter reaches the addressee, and then wait for an answer - and I found these times. Email - modern look long distance communications text files, graphic and video messages.

Almost all Internet users have e-mail boxes. Virtual mail has its own name - e-mail. E-mail is the same mail, only in a modern format.

What is its convenience:

  • Letters reach the addressees in just a few seconds
  • You can send pictures, messages, and video files by e-mail.

How to create an e-mail

It is impossible to register on any forum or social network without an e-mail. Therefore, we create our own email account on any of the free mail services. The differences between them are small, and registration is according to a single principle, in a few minutes. We choose the one we like or the ones we like (no one forbids having several addresses) and start:

  • -;
  • -;
  • -;

The list goes on, but these services are the most popular. After completing registration, you get access to additional opportunities service: you can create a personal page on the network, an electronic wallet, get own number ISQ, create your blog at last. Each service has its own list of useful options.


So, let's start with an account. On the main page of the mail service, click on the link "Registration". Next, select "Create mailbox" or "Create mail" - the text depends on the service. On the page that opens, fill out the registration form. In case of difficulty, the system will tell you what to do next.

When registering, provide your true personal data: last name, first name and patronymic, date of birth and phone number. So you can easily restore your account in case of password loss or to find friends on the network. Don't be afraid to reveal yourself online. The Internet already knows everything about you :)

E-mail must be correct, that is, written correctly. Name length - up to 64 characters. When registering, however, it is safer not to use dots and symbols, because some services take them for errors and issue a message about an incorrect address.

Do you want unauthorized people to view your data? The settings allow you to hide them after registration is complete. The service's help system will help you get a hint on how to do this.

And reliable data is also required to use an electronic wallet. Under the name of Gena Crocodile, it is unlikely that the identification will be successful, and the result is problems with money transfers.


Registration is based on the choice of the mailbox name. The main requirement is uniqueness. The address consists of:

  • the name of the mailer site on which you create mail;
  • username, that is, you creating your address.

The at or dog symbol separates both parts. The address looks like is the site name, and pavel is the username. We approach the choice of a login seriously: if he doesn't like it, you won't be able to change your name, and you will have to register a new mailbox.

By the way, the "dog" was created by the same Ray Thompson. The icon was used by him to separate the mailbox name and the location of the addressee in the domain. Thompson taught the program to distinguish these details automatically. And the choice of the icon did not take much time: the programmers had already used the "dog". Within a few years, the icon became super popular.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk, *. Have you entered the data? And now - the most interesting and difficult thing, the choice of the name of the mailbox. Such work takes a lot of time. Popular names are already taken, and coming up with a unique name has to work hard.

In many postal services, account registration is allowed on several domains, indicated after the "doggy" in the address. If the selected name is occupied in the primary domain, then it can be free on the secondary domain. You can check the list in the registration form.

Alternatively - your mobile phone number. This name is certainly free. Or the name of your company. But here there may be problems with the transfer of the address by phone: the spelling and sounding may differ.


After choosing a login, we will start choosing a strong password and a security question to restrict access to our address. We establish the answer with the expectation that only you can answer. This will prevent outsiders from accessing your account. Overly obvious data, for example, the name of a pet, known to all friends, or the name of the street where you live, especially since it is better not to take your date of birth or name.

If nothing original comes to mind, you can deliberately make a few mistakes. Use illogical combinations of uppercase and lowercase letters, special characters: instead of "a" - "@". Replace "o" with "0". Now it will be very difficult to find a "key" to your mailbox for unwanted guests.

If you have corporate mail at work, the position allows free creation e-mail, why not take advantage of this opportunity? Contact your organization's computer administrator and learn how to create your own mailbox. Just do not forget that after you leave, you will lose access to this mailbox. And during work, your correspondence will be available not only to you, but also to the same administrator.

Paid or free email

You can register your own unique domain, for example vasya @ Example similar service registration - But registration of a custom domain is paid. True, the fee is small, and when conducting own business such an address is additional solidity.

To solve problems with the main address, we create an additional one. When registering, we indicate an additional address. The password from the main one is sent to it if it is lost.

The difference between free and paid services is in the level of account security, the volume of mailboxes, size restrictions and ways to combat spam. One of the best in the world is the Gmail service created by Google. If you still don't have this mail, then here's how to create and configure it.

To make life easier for the user, enough client programs have been created. Almost their sole purpose is to make the use of e-mail more convenient. Provided useful tools for copying, storing data and sorting e-mail. These programs are free and paid.

One of the most famous paid ones is "The Bat!"
Free alternative - "Thunderbird", a great service from Mozilla that is in no way inferior paid service.
Mail client included in any operating system... So, for Windows it is Microsoft Outlook.

How to find your email address

In order not to lose your own postal address, you can first write it down and save it. And you can see the address during registration or see it on the main page of your mailbox. It is often displayed at the top of the service page as "e-mail" or "My page". All incoming and outgoing letters are displayed here. But in any case, one should not rely only on own memory: It is always best to keep the address written down on a file or on paper.

The offers that interest the owner of the mailbox come to the e-mail. Only sometimes you did not subscribe to the newsletter, and you receive a dozen absolutely unnecessary letters. This is spam, a problem known to all email owners.

Congratulations, you have received ... spam

Offers for the purchase of goods, for the provision of charitable assistance - whatever is sent out! But after the transfer of the indicated amount to the account, it is fashionable to forget about the money: they will go to the scammers who are most often engaged in such mailings. And to everything else, they now have access to your wallet.

Letters with suggestions to download useful programs or interesting files it is also better not to open them: they may contain viruses. Bad newsletters usually have bright headlines: Congratulations, You Win, Here's What You Need The Most, or Prize.
To make personal information available to fraudsters or to break your computer - such tasks are tough for spam viruses.

And even more so, you don't need to send out such letters yourself with appeals: "Send this message to three (five, six, and so on) friends, and you will be happy." We send such "lures" to a folder labeled "Spam". They belong there. There is no need to allow fraudsters to become an assistant, albeit involuntary.

Email is a great opportunity to erase boundaries and reduce distances. It is impossible to do without email when working on the Internet. I think you agree with me.

What mail do you use? Pavel Yamb was with you. Until next time!

Have you seen this talent?

We will proceed from the fact that the mailbox Yandex. you have already registered. However, you do not know how you can check your mail on it? I assure you, it is very simple. Now we will make sure of this step by step.

Each mailbox has its own name, in the middle of which the symbol is necessarily placed @ (dog)... Everything that follows this "dog" is nothing more than the site that provided you with the mail service. Therefore, to check, send mail and photos, you need to go to the site on which you previously registered this very mail.

Recommendation: it is best to work with Yandex mail in a Yandex browser. These are developments of one company and they rarely conflict with each other. Therefore, fewer problems arise.

As you can see, on the right is a form in which we are asked to enter the data that you provided during registration.

In the field titled Login the title should be typed. You can write only the first part of this name, up to @ itself, or you can also write its full name. In field Password, of course, you should enter the password that you used when registering your mailbox. So that no stranger can see exactly what characters you enter, the system prints "asterisks" instead. It is important that the keyboard layout is correct when typing the password, however, in which case, the system will explain to you what you did wrong.

After entering the data, you can safely press the Login button. And so, we got into our mailbox, where we can receive mail, or vice versa, send it.

It is worth mentioning that Yandex mail is one of the most popular on the Internet. And this is not only the merit of advertising. It has many features that can be useful in your work. Do not save time on this, deal with it more closely.

So we figured out how to enter mail on Yandex. I hope this operation did not cause you problems. I wish you good luck using this service from Yandex.