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the main  /  Advice / On-site marketing for beginners: Attract target traffic. Attracting target traffic: Effective methods and real examples of non-target traffic focus on maximum

On-site marketing for beginners: attract target traffic. Attracting target traffic: Effective methods and real examples of non-target traffic focus on maximum

A permanent, stable stream of quality traffic is one of the essentials of actually any project in the Internet space. We are talking about site visitors, novable constant they (regularly enter), or new ones (entered the search for information interested in them in this moment). The essence is simple: big traffic and flow view is an indicator of the success of the project, a hint of potential profits.

Target traffic to the site is the same influx of visitors. The only difference (or more precisely will say - a feature) is that this people truly interesting is the product (service, content, etc.) located on the site. Target traffic is a really important aspect of the work of the Internet project. Why?


For clarity, you can bring a simple example:

You opened the site. Topic - Web Technologies, Development, etc. The site publishes articles, blogs, author's videos and other similar content. Over time, the owner decides to make money on the project, which was invested so many strength. There are several options to ensure the yield of the portal (advertising, promotion of courses, affiliates, etc.). This is a standard scheme, but ... he will not be able to earn if visitors of his site are not interested, enter the purpose of which is not related to the subject of the site.

In a similar situation, even if the flow of target user traffic will be huge, it will not work much. The audience does not match the content.

Logic conclusions from this:

  • Target traffic - the flow of users ranked on the target audience;
  • It is the target traffic that provides profitability (advertisers are beneficial for the product to be interested in the consumer).

All due to the fact that today it is not difficult to secure traffic to the site. Enough just take advantage of one of the advertising services and order surfing. For inexpensive, you will provide up to 1 thousand views. This is understandable, but what about the target audience. No, it will not be. People will come to the site, absolutely distant from his subjects. According to statistics, about 10% will be truly interested, the remaining 90% will simply leave the page after 1 minute.

How to get targeted traffic?

Exists great amount Different sources. Target traffic to the site can come one of the following paths.

SEO-Optimization of Content

This is a popular method, because it allows you to ensure the influx of people to the site for free. The scheme is simple. For example, you have a website. You defined the target audience. Further you need to fill in articles that are drained under certain keywords. Later on search queries, this material will begin to be quoted in search engines.

Of course, everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance. In optimization there are quite a few nuances, but with the right approach, you can provide a permanent influx of visitors for free.

contextual advertising

This way of attracting visitors is partly similar to the previous one. All traffic comes from search engines, but people no longer independently find your site, but stumble upon it on the recommendation of the system. It's not for free, you will have to pay for every straight click on your ad.

For example, you sell any product. All simplicity is that right now you can place an ad and start a promotional company. The first clicks, and boosts immediately and sell, will appear fast enough.
This method of attraction has several nuances:

  • Place - for each click will have to pay. Moreover, rates depend on the industry, the region.
  • Difficulty - You need to easily understand the contextual advertising to provide the right company, choose key requests and configure the ad.

Social networks

Traffic to the site, target traffic can come from social networks. TerGenting is supported by most popular resources. The only problem of placing such an ad is the search for the target audience. This will have to do it yourself (split groups), set up a company so that it gets as much as possible to your goal (eng. Target).

For example, the social network VKontakte. This is a site with millions of active users. Even if you limit advertising by regions, it will be broadcast on a very large contingent of people (most of which you do not need). As a result, money from your account will disappear quickly, and the tributary of the target traffic will not happen.

It all depends on the specific product. Some products are suitable for a wide audience, because Targents is not configured too hard, by parameters:

  • age range;
  • region and others.

These are mass announcements. Other companies require hard control, as the goods are not suitable.

Banner advertising

Most bloggers, website holders on resources are the contacts for advertising issues. They allow you to purchase the opportunity to post an advertisement on the sale of your goods on the portal.

This is one of the easiest ways to attract visitors. You are not required to analyze, customize the announcement - find the appropriate site with a similar subject and buy a certain number of impressions. The price is different, depending on the resource and volume of the target audience itself.

Traffic Exchange

This method is one of the most effective for two reasons:

  1. You do not need to understand the intricacies of the RC settings, draw ads, texts, etc.
  2. You start receiving the maximum target traffic as soon as the project is running.

All these advantages include our Exchange. Try!

Traffic is similar to living water from the fairy tale: the more more, the more successful the project both in terms of fame and in the calculation of the achievement of conversion purposes. Increase traffic will help knowledge about its sources.

The text is based on the materials of the webinar, which during the course "Internet marketer from InGate" was held by Roman Molchanov.

Record webinar

Saving time

4 ways to get visitors from the search

1. SEO (organic issuance from Yandex, Google, Mail, Bing, etc.)

The most popular traffic canal. When promoting through the search, consider that in such topics as medicine, real estate and banks, all high-frequency and mid-frequency queries take themselves with various aggregators. In these topics, work with low-frequency requests with regional binding. In the rest of the directions, this channel is still working well.

2. Search blocks "Yandex.Direct" and Google AdWords

Contextual advertising is mainly generating traffic on the basis of the current need. If you go out with the product at the inconsiderable market, then the demand is not available. Contextual advertising lost leading positions in the subject of E-Commerce. Commodity aggregators came out to the leaders.

3. Yandex.Maps and Google Maps

This method is suitable primarily to companies in the B2C sector, such as banks, pharmacies, catering networks. For example, you can specify a sales point on the map. At that moment, when a geolocation query comes from a potential client, your store will be shown. there is an important nuance: As a rule, the search query is blurred - "Shoe Shoe Shoe", "Pharmacy Near" and so on.

To "Yandex" or Google showed exactly your store, it should be correctly filled with a company card, high rating and positive reviews. Be sure to ask your buyers to write reviews and raise marks on maps. Also consider that the mark of your office or point of sale is payable service from search engines.

If you compare the search, the context and priority placement in Yandex.Maps, the cost of traffic on the site is reduced 5-7 times due to the use of cards.

4. Search by pictures

Fill out the attributes ALT and TITLE IMG tag, give the readable name of the image file and try to place it as high as possible on the page.

5 options for receiving traffic from promotional networks

1. Promotional networks "Yandex.Direct" and Google AdWords

When using OK and Google AdWords, first of all, you need to understand what purpose you want to achieve. And on the basis of this, make Viozhuals.

2. Media advertising

The main rule in media advertising is not to be placed without a certain selection or suggestion. If you just decide to propagate without binding to some sentence, from this, unfortunately, nothing will come. To select a media advertising platform, use SimilarWebs, Serpstat, Adindex and Others. Carefully study the media companies that have playgrounds.

You need to know exactly that on that portal, where are you going to advertise, you have yours the target audience.

The main tool for assessing the impact of media advertising today is a linear attribution.

3. CPA network

When using CPA networks, you pay for the result. These can be certain actions, such as registration, transition to the site or directly buying.

4. Team network

Team networks serve to generate cheap traffic. At the same time, this channel is associated with Frodom, with motivated traffic. Suitable for generating coverage of traffic when you need to climb somewhere for a while. And yet think about ten times before include it in your advertising strategy.


RTB allows you to buy shows on different sites, adjusting not to the platform, but under the settings of the target audience. Programmatic is well suited for the financial sector and real estate.

3 Remarketing options

1. Remarketing (PPC channels, social networks)

Configuring remarketing, remember the path of the user who should go to the goal, and depending on this, configure the visions.

The target process has many iterations and includes many touch points preceding the actual target action.

2. Dynamic Rearketing (Google AdWords, Criteo)

Dynamic remarketing can be implemented through the standard bindings of Google Merchant Center, Google AdWords or third-party services, such as Criteo and others. Great for E-Commerce.

3. Look-Alike-Extension of traffic based on remarketing data

With the help of targeting on similar audiences, you can significantly increase sales funnel by attracting new users.

8 options for attracting customers from social networks

1. Targeted advertisement in Facebook and Instagram

On Facebook, advertising in Carousel works well, whether it is special offers or generating traffic to the site. Lida come high-quality.

2. Targeted advertising in VKontakte

In "Vkontakte" it is important to be able to customize Target to the target audience. The topics of real estate works well. And here financial topics There now does not show good results in any traffic or in conversion actions.

3. Targeted advertising in mytarget

Big aggregator social trafficwhich leads loyal and high-quality traffic to your site. MyTarget everyone loves and use to the full coil.

4. Promoty

At the moment it is one of best ways Attracting traffic from social networks. Using Target Hunter, Celebro services and others, you can collect the audience of social networks up to the last activity. Correctly playing a portrait of the target audience, you will get really high-quality traffic. Protmits work well for events, services, within the framework of shares in E-Commerce.

5. Paid posts ordered directly or through the stock exchange

Custom posts make sense to post the brand from Celebrity or lawyers. You can find such people alone or with the help of stock exchanges, such as Sociate. Before buying a post, learn the Celebrity profile or activity in the group. If you guess with the audience, you are waiting for the influx of new users to your site.

6. Comments under the popular posts

The main rule of promotion in the comments is no promotional text, anchors, UTM labels and other things, only the format of native advertising and reference.

If the Celebrity itself or the group administrator copies and will put this link somewhere, then we will receive not only traffic, but also brand lawyers.

7. Viral content

This is a difficult way to generate traffic, but if you manage to run it, then a chain reaction will go. An example of viral advertising - the news "Pushkin and Lenin came up on Red Square due to the client." This news was to promote even "Yandex", without silent, which is the advertisement of the series "Pushkin" on the STS.

8. Links from popular profiles

For example, you can find in Steam profiles of popular Utubers by Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, contact them and agree on posting your reference in their profiles.

5 content-marketing formats bringing traffic

1. Blogging

The main thing for the blog is to be alive. So, it must be done regularly. In this case, the blog will generate traffic to the main site.

2. Publication of articles

In promotion, it is important to determine the right sites for their placement, based on your business. The content must be interesting to the target audience and be native as possible. It is important that the audience can believe you, then in the future she will turn to you to solve your problem.

3. Comments by experts in articles

Use services such as pressfeed and others. Responding to questions of journalists, you will also acquire an expense in the eyes potential buyers. And the mention of your company or the site in the article increases traffic.

4. Publishing book

The publication of books emphasizes your solidity and authority in the market. This species Content allows you to organize an additional source of traffic by publishing links in the text of the book.

5. Webinars

Webinars convert good viewers in buyers. Famous blogger and marketer, founder of Kissmetrics Neil Patel led data that, having spent 77 webinars, he attracted over half a million people from which about 17,000 became buyers of his services.

2 ways to attract audience from video

1. Video promotion in YouTube

Promotion using video perfectly works on traffic generation. For example, you tell how to repair the house. People are interested in and moving to the site.

2. Video advertisement in YouTube

20 other ways to bring customers to the site

1. Posts on thematic forums

Traffic from the forums is the cheapest, it is cheaper even commercial aggregators. At the same time, high-quality, because visitors to forums, as a rule, come there with a specific purpose, the question, for help and so on. It is enough to place posts with native advertising, and they will generate transitions for a long time.

2. Commodity aggregators

The perfect option for e-commerce. If you traded something, first go there.

3. Advertising on Avito

At Avito, you can implement two marketing strategies. The first is the purchase of contextual advertising. It is cheap and allows you to get high-quality traffic. The second is the use of priority accommodation. With it, you can advertise websites with services or shops. Many place an advertisement allegedly from a private person, and then translate a person to their website.

4. Branding forum branches on profile sites

This type of advertising works well for the long term. Cheaper than contextual and media advertising, plus it allows you to increase brand awareness. It is often said that all conversations went to the social network. This is not the case, the forums feel great.

5. Sponsorship / Partnership

Extended version of traffic generation with a branded forum - Sponsorship and partnership: for example, branding of the main page Lostfilm. Of course, it is expensive, and not everyone can afford it, but effectively.

6. Traffic with photochostings

7. Email mailing

There are two types of email mailing - trigger and content. Trigger use well to e-commerce. For example, the user went to the site, put something in the basket, but in the end did not bought anything. The trigger "Abandoned Basket" triggers, immediately the letter is flying at a discount on the post office and in the end a person buys the goods. And after a while, the cross-sale trigger is triggered and a letter comes with a proposal of a concomitant product.

You can congratulate him on your birthday, from time to time declare shares, send special offers and so on.

8. Kozopators

If you correctly work out the regional binding, you can get cheap and high-quality traffic through the placement of media advertising. It will well include goods related to the entertainment industry, such as concert tickets. In addition, you can use the dispenser's database.

9. Links in the foothold of customer sites

Suitable for studios that are developing sites. Adjust the site for creating the site placement of the links to you in the footer. The more sites, the more traffic will be.

10. Broadcast RSS-Ribbon

Extravagant way to communicate with the audience, but nevertheless, if you constantly have news on the site, you can return the target audience to the site by broadcasting news about the company.

11. Ratings

12. Affiliate programs

A good example of a partner is the club "". For its participants, various promotions are carried out with discounts. This solution is suitable for E-Commerce as a provider of leads.

13. Offline advertising with QR codes and discount coupons

QR codes or discounts can be placed on checks, distributing, coupons. As long as paper is not prohibited, this method of generating traffic to the site will live.

14. SMS mailing

15. Link when copying text

16. Accommodation on Ozzoviki

Positive feedback on the sites of specialized services and in their applications will allow another little traffic ruler.

17. Advertising in mobile applications

There is a stereotype that advertising in mobile applications should be directed primarily to itself, that is, to other mobile applications. This is not true. A good result brings advertising real estate or financial services. But here it is especially important to carefully study traffic, as users often simply wave by the closing cross on the banner.

18. Accommodation in the service

We are looking for questions on their topics and then in a native format, with reference, place the answer.

19. Messengers: WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram

Even after blocking the channels "Telegraph" remain quality traffic providers.

20. Catalogs and reference books

Catalogs and reference books also give a small flow of traffic. Simply place there information about the company.


The number of visitors is one of the main indicators of the project's success in any field of Internet business. Use the above recommendations for your project.

Do not forget to carry out a qualitative analysis of traffic sources. It is important not just to apply all 50 ways, but choose the most effective for you.

Learn more about how to analyze incoming traffic, plan promotion and develop promotional and PR strategies, and then apply the received skills in practice, passing internships in one of the top Russian digital agencies, you can, posting on the course.

Consider the hypothetical situation: you created a wonderful site, a magnificent mobile application or a great online store. Also, you have customers who devotees to your traditional, "non-comma" business and writing about you a lot of laudatory reviews in social networks.

"It doesn't matter how beautiful the site is: if no one comes to him, then good luck to the online business building," John Brandon (John Brandon), editor online - Edition

About customers, obediently walking behind the favorite brand from Offline online, it was, of course, a joke - be so simple, the Internet industry with turns in billions of dollars would be absolutely useless.

Your lending / sites can be stunning, but most likely, by default, they are in the "dark corner" of the Internet, where traffic is the same rarity as the appearance of a Loch Ness monster before the eyes of amazed witnesses.

So what to do?

You should think about attracting new visitors to Landing or Ecommerce website. You need to build your own traffic acquisition strategy. To do this, there are a number of options - from paid advertisements to the content marketing. We will consider these topics, but before you need to explain the key concept:

Communication with the audience.

You must use your traffic acquisition strategy in order to establish a connection with the target audience - people who are most likely to become solvent customers.

Even if you are new to Internet marketing, however, you probably read a lot about blogging, paid traffic advertising channels and social media marketing. This manual uses another approach - we will give a holistic representation required to create a powerful marketing strategy.

Traffic acquisition - something much more than search marketing (Search Engine Marketing; SEM) with using google AdWords: This is one of the most important marketing techniques of the target audience.

Need customers, and not just traffic

Marketers often group traffic in various categories: traffic that is transformed into sales, and traffic, unsuitable for this. Traffic, which is converted in the long run, and traffic transforming in direct reaction to the conversion action. There are "trash can" traffic, good traffic, target traffic. What does all of this mean?

Some kind of traffic for your company is more valuable than others. But this distinction is always subjective and depends on the unique needs of your business. As repeatedly emphasized in this guide, you must understand the goals of marketing: it is from this point of view that you can determine which traffic is needed to you.

This means - retreat a step back to see the picture entirely and understand your purpose of acquiring customers.

What target audience do you hope to attract?

First of all, answer this question. The next step is to determine where people needed on the Internet are grouped. You can decide that the most direct and productive way to purchase leads will be the coverage of the audience through Facebook or LinkedIn. You may decide that you need to expand the Blog reader's reader.

The Speak2Leads Cloud Service, for example, is located on the earliest stages of running traffic strategy. As part of this process, the Company on its website launches a blog publishing posts from industry leaders in the industry.

But here is the problem - the site has no wide audience. Speak2Leads regularly publishes new contentSo over time, the readers at the blog will certainly appear. But this process does not occur in the manual magic wand, and the problem of attracting the audience will not decide overnight - for this you need time, dedication and patience. Correcting realistic, it takes from 6 to 8 months to make the blog to show itself as a lidogeneration factor.

At the same time, Speak2Leads provided the rights to publish their texts on foreign sites ( syndicated content), for example, on Business2Community, a website with a current audience covering owners of small businesses, entrepreneurs and company managers. And this is not all - Business2Community, in turn, syndicated this content marketing platform Yahoo Small Business.

Initially, publish content content, and then expand the audience by the distribution of original materials. The idea is to find an audience that is much more than you have, and establish a bond with it, which is subject. One way to do this is to advertise on social networks. Another way: the distribution of branded content through a large Internet publisher.

This delimitation leads us to an important point: Distribution is the heart of Internet marketing. To direct visitors to the site, need to position the brand and outside the Internet. This actual concept is applied in almost any marketing environment.

Eagle Rock Brewery brewing company increased the client-based crafting beer fans due to partnership with local restaurants.

Eagle Rock Brewery's marketing practice embodies the concept previously applied by Estee Lauder to create its cosmetic business - it distributed products through network department stores, i.e., in places where target customers will most likely spend money. Today, the international Empire Estee Lauder is billions.

The main difference between the acquisition of traffic and more traditional distribution methods is that you have to do something more than just to visit where your potential customers will be located. Attract them to your lending / sites and motivate on a re-visit.

Aware key driving forces of Internet traffic

Key driving forces - drivers - Traffic, as a rule, belong to one of two categories - paid and free.

Free traffic includes visitors coming on target pages / sites through organic search, "Sarafan Radio" from referrals, posts on social networks, viral videos, news agencies that track the activities of your company and put links to its website.

The raid traffic includes users passing to your web resource on banner advertising, advertising in social media, paid materials in blogs, etc. If it is difficult for you to understand which content is paid, and what no, pay attention to the inscriptions "with sponsorship Support "or" from our partners. " By law, companies are obliged to indicate when advertising is paid.

Little not the most famous online marketing myth says that free traffic is better paid. This is not true - both types of marketing require considerable investments of time and money. In other words, "Free traffic" is by no means free - you still need to invest time and human capital in the development of a thoughtful strategy and implement it into life.

The following two paragraphs include a general overview of paid and free Internet traffic drivers. Let's start with the overall picture and go deep into the details.

Use free traffic drivers

In online marketing, there are several main sources of free visits. These include the following channels:

Public relations (Public Relations):

To achieve attention from mediachannels, establish relationships with journalists. To act in the interests of the brand, adjust the connection with the top-bloggers of the industry, and give them your content to publish.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

Develop a strategy to increase the position of the site in search engines. When potential customers are looking for information on the Internet, your brand must be at the top of the search results list (SERP).

Social media:


Share through your blog to your knowledge and expert opinions. So you will become a reliable source of information for existing / potential customers.

Video Mounting:

Create attractive videos explaining the essence of offering and the informants of your brand. Branded videos also have a certain entertainment value and create a "viral effect".

Content syndication:

No audience for video or text materials, what does your company produce? Put the content on your home resource and distribute it through websites or video channels (for example, YouTube), which have a deliberately broader audience. Part of the audience or readers covered by your content will go to Ledding or website

Create a subscription database:

Attract visitors only once is not enough. Watch them back again and again. The list of email addresses will help achieve this goal. For example, you can send a notification for subscribers about new posts in the blog (see Example below):

As we mentioned in the previous section, the term "free traffic" can mislead. No magic - companies still need to invest time and resources to build a traffic acquisition strategy through the channels listed above.

Take an example Speak2Leads blog. As we mentioned, the brand is syndicating their own content with third-party media channels, including Business2Community and Yahoo Small Business. The company also promotes its blog posts through discussion groups of sales specialists in the social network LinkedIn, in the social service exchange of QUORA knowledge in the topics dedicated to CRM systems, and, to a certain extent, on Twitter.

Despite the fact that the blog is relatively new, these publications guide a small amount of referral traffic to the Speak2Leads website. Content SPEAK2Leads is distributed using participants in LinkedIn groups interested in reading these posts. The readers who liked the article are shared by reference to it in social networks.

If the company is solved on the syndication of the content, then the article is re-published by Business2Community and Yahoo Small Business, directing referral traffic either to the Speak2Leads website directly or through social media.

The cost of web traffic itself is zero. But the creation of this "marketing engine" requires payment:

  • Hiring a specialist in the content strategy that is following the editorial policy and builds relationships with the Content Syndication Partner (Business2Community).
  • Time to prepare texts, often conjugate with costs (CEO time spent on the article, is paid at the highest rate), or direct hiring costs of a copy or editor.
  • Costs associated with the construction of a social marketing strategy, as well as certain expenditures on shares in social networks.

But your team's skills will reduce marketing costs. The indicative example is the history of the Dollar Shave Club, a stratum based in Santa Monica and the sets of male shaving accessories by subscription.

Seo Michael Dubin (Michael Dubin) possessed some experience as an actor improviser. Therefore, Michael with colleagues made a funny "viral video".

Result? Millions of dollars of venture capital financing and 5,000 new customers who subscribe to the delivery of razor sets within one day after the launch of the campaign - and all thanks to the video that cost only $ 4500.

Do not expect a great video or excellent text overnight attract traffic to your web resources. Enchanting stories of success - as they are shown in Hollywood films - rarely happen, especially in online marketing. Take a lesson from Karen Cheng (Karen Cheng), the founder of the Dance in A Year video channel (approximate translation - "learn to dance for the year").

So, Karen a year learned to dance and daily documented this process on video. In the early records, it moves as a novice in dancing. As the video reports continue, it can be noted that the Karen movements are becoming increasing. On the final records, it dances like a real professional.

Karen's videos tell a stunning history of patience, devotion to their work and performance. They attach strength. They inspire. That is why today it "homemade cinema" has more than 6,000,000 views on YouTube.

The fact that at first glance seems good luck, in fact, part of the carefully planned Marketing strategy of Karen.

"I have invested a lot of effort into marketing, and it started long before the release of the first video. The fact that it has become a "viral" was not an accident - this is the result of labor, "Karen Cheng in the article for the Fast Company magazine.

Here is what Karen writes about his marketing steps:

2. On the second day, bloggers, on the eve of the video of Karen, began to retell her story through new media channels: Mashable, Jezebel and Huffington Post. These blogs ensured a significant increase in attendance of the Karen video channel. Expansion of the range of traffic sources increased the number of views of up to 800,000 per day.

3. The popularity of the video "pushed out" Karen on main page YouTube. This chain of events helped Karen on the third day to reach 1.8 million views.

The video also helped to establish communication with potential sponsors of the Karen project. Among them - Lululemon and American Apparel - two brands, from which Karen wanted to get info-support. The offer was not left unanswered: companies placed her video in their social accounts.

Among other things, Karen released his video on Tuesday, guessing that on Monday, potential viewers are likely to crash at work that they did not finish the weekend. Her tactic was to "catch" the audience in offices at the right moment, while maintaining the roller's popularity of the popularity of the roller.

The beauty of the strategy is enclosed in two aspects:

  • Marketing and distribution of the product are relatively cheap.
  • The strategy is applicable to any high-quality unique content, including e-books (eBooks) and blog posts.

It is also important to realize the "echo effect" caused by this marketing initiative: if you enter the "Learn to Dance" phrase ("learn to dance"), then the video of Karen will be at the very top of the first issue page (Serp).

Scheduler keywords Google (Google Keyword Planner) reports that this phrase refers to highly competitive search queries - in other words, for the attention of users who ask for search engines "How to learn to dance?" Is there a tense struggle.

Video Karen, the promotion of which contributes to the high social and PR activity of its creator, is among the top ten of the best search results. Similar high ranking on SerP generates a strong residual effect and contributes to the increase in traffic.

"How to learn to dance?" - highly competitive search query

Attracting visitors to the site for the first time, immediately take care of their return. Mailing. e-mail - inexpensive and powerful way to achieve this key goal of the marketer. That is how PassivePanda has increased its audience from scratch to 350,000 unique visitors for the year.

If you are in your practice of the marketer ever feel the confusion, then remember: it is people who are the heart and soul of your marketing strategy. You must fight for love, support and attention to the audience.

Buy traffic? - Also a great solution!

Paid marketing channels are powerful traffic drivers. These include banner online advertising, search marketing campaigns in Google, Yandex, Bing and Retareting campaigns, aimed at users who visited your lending / sites earlier.

Acquisition of paid traffic is a strong strategy if you need to raise awareness of the brand or attract customers to the target pages / site Ecommerce.

With sufficient caution, the online advertising ecosystem will significantly increase the results of your company. But if you spend the advertising budget, without forming the final goals, the purchase of traffic will not benefit.

Shallow business owners and startup organizers often simply do not solve buy traffic.


On the one hand, they are skeptical to online marketing as a whole. On the other, do not want to risk means. But ignoring paid marketing channels, you miss users.

Facebook, for example, launched advertising programIn which marketers acquire traffic on the condition of the installation cost (CPI; COST PER Install). Users set applications directly from the Facebook mobile platform, and advertisers pay for each such action.

In addition, according to the cost parameter, this method of acquiring traffic is more than competitive - sometimes the cost of the visitor costs $ 1 cheaper. Facebook is a single mobile advertising platform - there are a number of options to equate the amounts that are ready to pay your target customers to the prices necessary to achieve the level of profitability (positive ROI value).

And now what's the thing: companies that avoid the risk of investments in paid marketing channels are likely to make it wrong. Contrary to the fact that our instincts tell us, marketing is not a "waste pipe for money." If everything is done correctly, marketing becomes a reliable arrival driver.

In Harvard Business Review, one of the most authoritative business Internet publications, an article was published under the name "Let's finish the war between sales and marketing" (End The War Between Sales and Marketing). The meaning of the article is clear from the title: both business units are included in one team, the power of which it repeatedly increases when sales and marketing are equal in importance and work together.

When your marketers know their work, their activities do not even require expenses from the budget. This is a controversial point of view, but it must be announced. If your marketing department is "a waste pipe for money," then it is likely to dissolve it better. Otherwise, why pay to emptiness?

Focus, however, is not to spectacle to spend a million. Start tests from small investment in marketing (what is called, "budget") and increase the budget gradually. This is what it will be especially pleasant to find out business owners - testing can be started even with a hundred dollars. Yes, you will lose them, but the trick is to keep the collected data on which pricing models, targeting options and advertising networks are better for you.

Cloud service Adroll allows you to develop and run a new retargeting campaign in just 3 steps. In fact, you get as a gift $ 60 for a two-week trial.

Another step - and the new recreation campaign will be launched

Thanks to the presence in the market of such online media giants as Facebook and Google - as well as thousands of small companies - the PPC marketing industry is estimated at hundreds of billions of dollars. And be sure: these figures are constantly growing (more on the methods of successful traffic shopping, we will focus in the following posts of the online marketing series for beginners).

Incoming marketing as "pulling mechanism" of your company

Inbound Marketing - The term that has been popularizing the Boston marketing company Hubspot over the past few years. This term is catchy and memorable, but what exactly does it mean?

In a nutshell: incoming marketing is a kind of "lever", guiding traffic to your lending and sites. This marketing discipline, encouraging business leaders to position its companies as "pulling on themselves" (Pull), and not "pushing from themselves" (Push) market mechanisms.

Examples of incoming marketing: branded content (distributed through blogs and video channels), social media and distribution of invitations / free samples of goods. Incoming marketing is optimal for companies, positioning themselves with leaders of opinions in a particular area and valuable sources of information.

As in any other marketing initiative, the most important component here is quality. If the content is bad, no one wants to read or watch it, share the links to it (because there are many others on the Internet - good - Texts, video, etc.). The only thing that your company cannot do - fake authenticity Marketing Message. So focus on values, and not on tricks that potential customers see through.

Key findings

1. Marketing makes your web resources noticeable on the Internet.

2. Traffic itself does not work in itself. You must invest time and energy so that it connects you to the desired audience and led visitors to Ledding.

3. To acquire traffic, you need time and resources. Invest them into the strategy and reinforce plans.

4. Marketing brings income. If there is no measurable return on investment, you probably do something wrong.

5. Do not hurry with the conclusions that paid traffic is inferior to organic. Well organized PPC campaigns are very effective.

6. Concentrate efforts on the quality of products and marketing content. If he is stunning good, the Effect Effect will arise, incarnating free marketing through social media and repeated visits to your lending / sites for a long time.

7. Consumers feel cheating for kilometers. Express them the respect they deserve. Start with target customers and work the conversion path in the opposite direction to clarify the marketing strategy.

High conversions!

Based on:

Attracting target traffic to the site is the most important task for each online project owner. Regardless of whether you are engaged in selling goods or services, develop a news, gaming or article project, develop some kind of online community for interest, in any case the progressive site needs visitors. Moreover, interested visitors are needed, who are highly likely to become buyers or permanent users, that is, the target audience.

Who is such a target visitor

In order to attract the target traffic, it is important to understand who exactly you need. For the interests of questions, it usually does not occur. Here people unites hobbies, profession, the need for answers to certain questions. It is by these signs that are distinguished by their "target" visitor from just curious.

In the commercial sphere, to determine the portrait of a potential buyer will have to spend some work. Even if it seems to you that you know exactly what people buy one or another product, it is better to test your knowledge with research.

For example, it is believed that most of the iPhone buyers are secured people. In fact, the iPhones are more active than others buy students and office staff with a relatively small prosperity that make purchases on credit. And the secured people, on the contrary, often buy inexpensive and practical smartphone models.

What is the portrait of the target audience

The portrait of the target visitor is a collective image of people who are buyers of your goods and services. It includes the following parameters:

How to create a target audience profile

In determining the portrait of the buyer today, the Internet is largely helped:

  1. Analyzing buyers' profiles on social networks. There you can learn maximum information.
  2. Conduct survey among customers and visitors to sites. They will answer questions you are interested in.
  3. Read reviews, communicate with customers, detect through feedback From pain, problems, wishes.

As a result of this, you can better understand your potential buyers, correctly compile texts for the site and advertisements. You will also be understood which sites and in which communities you can meet your target audience, it is there who needs to be advertised - paid or free.

Methods for obtaining targeted traffic on the site

The first thing that almost all users remember if we think where to get the target traffic on the site, it search engines. How important is the optimization and promotion in the search networks for the success of the project, we also wrote more than once.

No less popular solution is contextual advertising. Of course, this method requires financial investments, but if you know your buyers well, correct ads and select key requests, this method pays off perfectly.

In addition, for obtaining used:

How to get targeted traffic on site for free

Free methods of attracting users are all associated with significant time spending. You will have to communicate independently on the forums, and, for different topics, so that no one has considered any advertising. On social networks and when promoting your own blog, you will also have to work on the preparation of interesting posts and the involvement of users.

Therefore, it is very important until the start of work accurately determine who is your target visitor. And focus on attracting the attention of this particular audience. Do not chase after quantity - focus on quality. So you will save your time and strength, because one real buyer is much more useful than hundreds of curious non-target visitors.

And if you appreciate your time and understand that the help of professionals in the segmentation of traffic and attract the target audience will help you increase profits and optimize advertising expenses, contact our specialists.

Each participant affiliate program Interested in attracting high-quality target traffic on their pages. After all, only the flow of motivated users can bring the maximum return to the owner of the resource. Do not everyone know how to get targeted traffic and new users. It is about this and talk in a new material. But before, we will deal with key concepts.

Target and non-target traffic

These concepts define high-quality indicators of users attending the site. - Target audience of the page. Those visitors for whom the site, blog, online store or forum. These visitors are interested in reading content, buying goods or ordering services offered on pages. Target users know exactly what they are looking for and entering this way to a specific Internet address.

Each resource, regardless of its appointment, needs regular visitors, customers, readers or discussion participants. These users bring revenue.

Randomly on the page visitors who are not interested in the subject of the resource - this is non-target traffic. And such users will not become regular visitors, but only 1 time it is briefed by the page on which they fell, and will leave it, most likely, forever.

Non-targeted visitors who regularly enter the site due to incorrectly posted or created advertising, can reduce the search position of the page and bring harm to the resource.

Effective ways to attract target visitors

Traffic involvement mechanisms can be divided into active and passive:

Ways to attract audience can be paid and free. Paid work more quickly, free requires attention and efforts of employees of the company.

We will not affect the methods that are not applicable on partnership resources.

Advertisment and banners

Affiliate networks provide ample opportunities to post advertising messages. In the advertising service catalog AdButton. You can group the advertising platforms of partners in different parameters to find the most relevant.

More precisely, the resource theme is selected and the site on the site under a certain announcement is, the greater the chances to avoid attracting low-quality traffic (bots) and non-target visitors. In good partner networks, all advertising platforms are carefully checked for conscientiousness, filtering those where "wind" attendance with robots.

Another important point is the quality of the banner layout or the text of the announcement. A well-designed message suitable for the style of the advertising platform and is noticeable in the block, will bring more clicks than the ski-like template.

The cost of placement of banners on the advertising platform pays off quite quickly, but the advertising campaign in a partner, as well as any other, needs to control and analytics. Assessment of the number of target transitions and received profits helps to competently adjust the course of the campaign, avoid empty spending and focus on those sites that bring more quality traffic.

Thematic blogs and sites

In addition to graphic and text ads on partner pages there are other ways to attract user flux. For example, placement of advertising or information content on the partner area:

  • articles;
  • press releases;
  • reviews;
  • recommendations;
  • analytics;
  • infographics;
  • video and other information.

Such materials can be marked by the note "partnerships" or place without signatures.

Maximum efficiency This method demonstrates on the pages of blogs, copyright resources, thematic forums and sites. But to achieve a good result, reference to the advertiser page must be surrounded by relevant text, keywords should be organically placed in articles and large text materials.

In addition to blogs, forums and sites for posting partner materials, popular pages or communities in social networks are also suitable. The principle of placement of references must be observed similar as for conventional web resources.

Benefits to attract traffic from partnerships

Why are partner pages - a source of high-quality visitors' stream on the advertiser's website? There are several reasons for this:

  • Affiliate web pages have a permanent audience, their high level of attendance can be several times to exceed the attendance of advertised resources.
  • Correctly selected partnerships are assembled on their pages of targeted users, guaranteed interested in products, services or content of the advertiser.
  • Verified partner sites redirect live users, protecting the advertiser from the bottle of bots.


Choose kindness partner Networks To build up attendance of your resource and increase sales. Create high-quality promotional materials, interesting to target visitors. We hope from the read material you received information about where to take target thematic traffic. Earn on your site!