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How to enter the secure mode of Win 7. How to go to a safe mode

Installing a secure mode on a computer, Windows laptop 7. Installation methods.


Is not downloading Window! What to do? Turn on the special mode.
This is a research register that allows you to diagnose the problems of the system, detect problems in settings or software.
Settings for this state of the computer work by default. They include work programs Windows, Computer Mouse, Monitor, Keyboard, Hard and Removable Disc, System Support Services.

Windows 7 system for your computer

If you tried the installation new programand the computer does not boot, turn into work safe mode.

How to run, enable / disable secure mode on Windows Windows 7?

In what cases run mode?

  • when you want to eliminate banner advertising from the desktop
  • to secure a computer from system failures

You can set the mode when you start a computer or when using the combinations program Microsoft..

  • reinstalling devices
  • wait for initialization BIOS (BIOS)

BIOS initialization

  • activate the help key F8.. Since screen BIOS keeps long, you can continuously press this key so as not to miss the moment
  • consider the menu discovered
  • of all the opened modes (several of them), select the option "Safe Mode with Command Line Support", activate by clicking, download

Activate the "Safe Mode with Command Line Support" option

  • enter the code in the line explorer.exe.

Enter the Explorer.exe code

  • wait for the download of safe mode Windows 7 with work files and listware

Safe Mode Windows 7

  • view the emerging desktop that includes timing that belonged to different accounts

Desktop, including timing belonging to different accounts

  • select your record
  • security mode work is over
  • restart your computer
  • work in as usual mode

When pressing a key F8. An option may seem "Download Disc Selection". In this case, select the option « HDD» , press the key "Okay" and almost simultaneously press the key F8..

Safe mode is not loaded on your computer? Recommendations

Method number 1.

Method number 2.

  • load antiviral program aVZ.
  • remove file from archive avz.exe.

Install the AVZ program

  • run the file.
  • select the option "Restore the system"

Select the "Restore System" option

  • choose a section "Restore download settings in Safe MOD"

Option "Restore download settings in Safe MOD"

  • follow marked procedures

Method number 3.

  • load secure disk mode Alkid Live CD.

Alkid Live CD boot disk

  • take action as in the method number 2

How to run, enable / disable secure mode on Windows Laptop 7?

We have a laptop operating system Windows 7. Consider the safe mode launch scheme on this device.

Mode loading diagram:

  • remove everything removable discs With laptop
  • disconnect everything additional modules: printer, scanner, fax, USB entrance
  • start rebooting the laptop at the same time
  • activating button F8.
  • note the function "Safe mode with download network programs"

Function "Safe Mode with Network Programs"

Activate the administrator account

Mode loading diagram using a specialized function:

  • press the key "Start" Laptop
  • enter a special code: msconfig In the search string

MSCONFIG code in the search bar

  • confirm the operation button "Okay"
  • enter the system settings option

System settings

  • open the subsection related to the common settings
  • select the option "Diagnostic Run"

Option "Diagnostic Run" in the system settings

  • in the window that opens to the option "Download", Tick the line

  • press the key "Okay"
  • restart the laptop to run in security mode
  • in chapter "Service" Select the desired window

Section "Service", choosing options

The output circuit from the security mode (for a computer and laptop):

  • press the key "Start"
  • enter the code msconfig In the search string
  • confirm the action button "Okay"
  • check the option "System Setup"
  • go to section "General"

Section "General"

  • activate section "Normal launch"

Activate the "Normal Start" section

  • confirm the operation, button "Okay"
  • restart the computer to the standard mode

You are presented several ways to download a safe, diagnostic mode for computer and laptop windows 7. Actions are similar in essence.
Good job!

Video: Loading the secure mode on Windows 7 Computer

In Windows7, there are two ways to get into safe mode:
1) Log in to Windows 7 secure mode when the system is started.
2) input to safe mode from wednesdays Windows 7 (from the operating OS by changing the download in the system configuration).

Log in to Windows7 secure mode when running the system.

Turn on the computer and during the system boot, press the F8 key several times if the welcome window appears (Windows 7 logo) - it means you did not have time to press the F8 key, in which case it is necessary to wait for the system when the system is bootable and turn off the computer again and downloaded again F8 key. In trying to get into a safe mode, it is necessary to take into account:
- on some keyboards function keys F1 - F12 by default is always disabled. To include them, you must click special key (Usually fn) and hold it down to press the F8 key.
- If there is two or more operating systems on a computer, select the desired arrow keys, and then press the ENTER key.
- To use the arrow keys on the numeric keypad, the Num Lock mode must be disconnected.
In the window Additional download options choose " Safe mode"And press the" ENTER».

After a few seconds, the system boot in safe mode.

Log in to secure mode from Windows 7 environment.

Press the button " Start"And in the search string we write msconfig and press the " ENTER»

In the window that opens system configuration, go to the "" tab, install a tick " Safe mode"And choose" Mining».
For reference:
Safe Mode: Minimum - download the graphical user interface of Windows OS ( Windows Explorer) In safe mode with the launch of only the most important system services. Network components are disabled.
Safe Mode: Other Shell - Loading command windows strings In safe mode with the launch of only the most important system services. Network components and graphical user interface are disabled.
Safe Mode: Restore Active Directory - Loading the Windows user interface in secure mode with the start of only the most important system services and Active Directory directory services.
Safe Mode: Network - Download the Windows graphical user interface in secure mode with the start of only the most important system services. Network components are included.
Without GUI - During download Windows screen. Welcome is not displayed.
Loading Log - All information relating to the boot process is saved in the% Systemroot% NtBTlog.txt file.
Basic video - Loading a Windows user graphical interface in the minimum VGA mode. In this mode are loaded standard drivers VGA Instead of screen drivers, relevant computer video equipment.
OS information - Displays the names of the downloaded drivers during the system loading process.
Make these download parameters permanent - Changes made to system parameters are not tracked. Parameters can be changed later using the system setup program, but manually manually. If this option is selected, then rollback changes by selecting the "General" tab of the "Normal Start" mode will be impossible.

After that, it will be prompted to restart the computer to get into the secure Windows7 mode. If you want to boot now in safe mode, click ", if you want to do it later select" Exit without reboot"And the next time you will restart or include a computer / laptop - automatically boot in safe mode.

With the next download of Windows7, the system is booting in safe mode.

To do not be loaded in safe mode, you need to go back to the system configuration and remove the checkboxes.

Computer in safe mode (in English Safe Mode) loads a limited set of drivers and system filesnecessary to start and subsequent system work. This tool Allows you to perform many troubleshooting tasks that are difficult, it is impossible to be done at the usual OS session. There is plenty of methods that allow you to start the secure mode of Windows 7 on the computer that are set out in detail in the instructions.

Safe mode is turned on in three versions (see the screenshot below).

  1. Basic - Loading all required components To maintain Windows.
  2. With the support of the network - the same as the basic option, only with the ability to work on the network or access to the Internet. The mode is useful if you want to download updates, drivers, other files to correct the problem.
  3. FROM command line - requiring knowledge of teams.

Choose 1 or 2 option, depending on the essence of the solution of the problem, option 3 you hardly need, because it requires knowledge of using CMD. Before restarting Windows Remove drives from the drive and USB drives. To get to the options for downloading the secure mode, do the steps described below.

Running through additional download options

Additional boot options represent a list of OS start tools in various modes for troubleshooting. To display a list on the screen and run safe mode, do these steps:

1. Turn on or restart the computer, laptop through.

2. When multiple OS on the system selection screen, keyboard arrows (up, down) specify Windows 7. Next, press the button of the top row F8.

3. With the installed one Windows 7, immediately after the restart, click the F8 key quickly. If you do not have time to click and see the Windows logo, it means that the system starts. Repeat step 1 and 3.

4. Steps above will allow you to get to the list of download options. For arrows (up, down) keyboard, select one of the three options for running a secure mode, then click Enter.

Enable through system settings (msconfig)

You can enable secure mode on Windows 7 in OS settings. Do the following series of actions:

2. 5 tabs are available in the system configuration. Visit the Loading tab. If you see several OS, select Windows 7. Next, check the box on the "Safe Mode" parameter and specify the download option:

  1. Minimum - launch important drivers, services and graphical interface.
  2. Another shell is the inclusion of CMD and download important Windows components.
  3. Active Directory Recovery is the same option "minimum", only with Active Directory.
  4. The network is the same option "minimum", only with network support, Internet access.

3. After the changes click OK. To start the secure Windows 7 mode on the computer in the message, click "Restart" (PC will restart immediately) or "Exit without reboot" (independent restart).

4. Having worked in safe mode, call the system configuration window, on the "Load" tab, remove a tick from the "Safe Mode" boot option. Next click OK, restart the computer. If you do not perform step 4, then this mode will be loaded continuously.

Using the bcdedit team

To use the method. Enter the bcdedit command, press ENTER. In area " Download windows»Remember the" identifier "(in the screenshot) and" Description "(on windows screenshot 7).

For example, to start a secure mode: the minimum, for the data shown in the screenshot above, you need to enter the design:


Perform or close CMD and restart PC in the traditional way.

After a successful login in one of 3 ways, you will see "Safe Mode" in each corner of the screen. It will disappear, visual interface design and many services will stop.

Eliminate the problems that have arisen. Then do not forget to restart the computer if the first method was used or change the settings corresponding to the normal mode (2, 3 method) and restart the system. Having studied recommendations, you can easily run the secure mode of Windows 7 convenient for yourself.

In this article, we will talk about safe mode (SAFE MODE) in Windows 7. First of all, we will briefly tell you what a safe mode and how it works, and then we will look at ways to enter and exit.

What is a secure mode in Windows?

In safe Windows mode, only the most needed (minimum set of drivers and services) is loading. Thus, in safe mode, you will only have access to basic programs and windows featureswhich, as a rule, do not need drivers for network devices - This means that you will not have access to the Internet, if we are talking about standard safe mode. Moreover, windows interface In safe mode, it will not look like that you used to see it. This is due to the fact that the secure mode is configured to start the minimum graphic parameters with the lowest resolution, which is supported in Windows. In the case of Windows 7, it is 800 per 600 pixels.

During the boot process in safe mode, a black screen appears on the screen displaying downloading drivers and services, and after the download is complete, the Help and Support window automatically opens, which explains what secure mode and how to use it.

Remember that safe mode does not load any third-party services and programs that are downloaded during the normal operation of the operating system, but only the main services and functions necessary to start Windows.

All written above makes it possible to understand that the safe mode itself is used to identify and eliminate the problems in the operation of the operating system.

How to boot in safe mode in Windows 7

There are several paths that can be booting in safe mode, and the first of them is to use the "System Configuration" tool. To open it, click on the Win + R keyboard, in the Dialog, enter the "msconfig" command, and then press ENTER. When the window opens, go to the "Load" tab. There you will find the section "Download Settings".

Check the box next to the "Safe Mode" option, click "OK", and then select "Reboot" or "Exit without reboot" - if you want the computer to be rebooted right now, select the first, and accordingly, the second, if you want to restart The computer is later independently. Next launch Windows 7 will be loaded in safe mode.

Please note that after that, the operating system will always be loaded in safe mode. To disable it, go back to the "System Configuration", disable the "Safe Mode" option and click OK. Then restart the computer.

Another way to enter the secure mode will be useful in cases where Windows 7 for some reason does not want to load in normal mode, which is usually associated with any software (driver, etc.). To download in safe mode in this way, hold the F8 key immediately after the computer is turned on. This will lead to a menu for the optional download options in which you can select the download in safe mode, in safe mode with support network drivers And in safe mode with command line support. Use the arrow keys to move between the menu items and the Enter key to select.

Also note that if you can not start the computer in normal mode after installing the new software Or make some changes to the OS settings, try to select the "Last Configuration Launch" item first. If it does not help, then load in safe mode and look for the cause of the problem.

What are the remaining safe mode options

Old good safe mode is a few species.

If you may need the Internet in safe mode, for example, to download drivers, you need to use "Safe Mode with Networking" (SAFE MODE with Networking). In this mode, drivers needed to work network card computer or modem, which will allow you to open web pages, download files and access computers in local network.

Experienced windows users Frequently operates in the command line window, and "Safe Mode with Command Promt) allows you to start and use this tool in the secure operation of the operating system.

Congratulations! Now you know how to boot in a safe mode, which can be your Savior with various problems with a computer.

Excellent day!

Hello dear blog readers Website. Today I will try to tell about how to enter safe windows mode 7 When loading (Safe Mode) and why it is necessary. Safe mode allows you to download the system without additional settings. Most system components will be blocked without using installed devices and at minimum graphics. Usually, SAFE MODE allows you to independently eliminate the main fault of the PC and produce the system debugging. Thanks to such actions, it is possible to carry out after critical errors blocking start and correct windows work. But first things first.

There are two possibilities to log in to Windows 7 secure mode:

  1. Running a secure mode when loading a computer;
  2. Setting up the boot in the operating system

How to enter the secure mode of Windows 7 when the computer is loaded

To start the secure Windows 7 mode when the device is turned on, immediately after starting the computer, you begin with a certain frequency to press the F8 key until the list of loading modes is appeared. If after done windows operations The standard boot process began, respectively, according to a certain period of time, you didn't press the F8 key with that frequency, or there were small nuances that I described slightly below. It may be necessary to repeat the operation. To do this, wait until the final system launch, start the reboot and repeat the actions described above.

When using this method, some possible situations should be taken into account:

  • Initially, on some computers and laptops, the F1-F12 keys are blocked. The use of them is possible only in combination with the FN key. To do this, before the computer started uploaded, clamp the FN key, and then periodically press the F8 key.
  • On some computers and laptops via BIOS, a quick loading of the system is not always allowed to start the Safe Mode through the F8 key. In this case, when you turn on the computer, carefully look at the bottom of the screen. In this place, for a short time, information should be available about what combination of keys you can run the secure mode of Windows 7.

If you are all done correctly, you appear a new window with additional download options.

The figure above shows several options how to start secure Windows 7 mode:

System boot options

Starting a computer occurs without connecting any drivers or devices. The most primitive option for eliminating errors. This option will allow you to produce that have been installed at a periodic update of the system. Also, for experienced usersThe ability to edit the registry. Thanks to competent configuration, this will eliminate most of the critical errors.

Safe Mode with Network Driver Download - allows you to start the system with the ability to access the Internet and connect to the local network. This method Allows you to solve the problem that caused the need to debug the system, thanks to the possibility to download, and later. You can also see the way to solve the problem on the Internet.

Safe Mode with Command Line Support - This option is intended to start the OS Operations. The difference is that the system is not in the usual graphic Image, and with the command line output. This mode is intended for more experienced users and we are with you it is unlikely to come in handy.

If you are going to move the cursor with the arrow with the digital part of the keyboard, then make sure that the Num Lock key is disabled. If the key is pressed, the movement will be impossible.

Changing download settings in the Windows interface

To modify the Windows settings, you need to go to the Start menu, and find the tool there. Either the combination of Win + R on the keyboard is called it from the desktop. After the window appears, you must enter the msconfig command. In the newly opened window, the system configuration goes into the Load tab. Install the tick opposite the secure mode as shown in the figure below. Then in the same field, you must select the download type minimum.

For information, I will give what types of downloads can be selected in the bottom window:

Mining - allows you to start a computer with a minimum number of connected components. Everything additional devices And drivers will be disabled.

Other shell -Starting Safe Mode with a command line without displaying the main graphical interface.

RestorationActive.Directory -Download SAFE MODE operating system with graphical interfaceBasic system services and Active Directory directory services.

Net -Starting a computer in a secure mode with Internet access and connecting to LAN.

After you set the necessary parameters, click Apply and OK. After actions made, the Operations will offer you to reboot. As a result, the computer will allow both to enter the safe mode of Windows 7 and continue standard download. If you are going to apply all changes immediately, then you must click the Restart button. If you wish to continue working without rebooting, it is worth pressing the output without rebooting. When choosing the last item, you need to consider what you continue to work as usual. However, at the time of the next launch of the computer, the input will be executed through a secure mode.

Return to the initial state

To return standard start Systems, go to the system configuration and remove all changes made earlier. After that reboot the computer and rejoice in the return of the usual and beloved interface

For the last, I would like to say that the running of the secure Windows mode will allow. About how to use this method of solving the problem, read in one of the articles of my blog.

This description is based on the operating windows systems 7 because it is on this moment is the most popular. If you need to enter a secure mode under another version of the operating system, then ask questions and I will try to answer them. But soon I will write a few articles for the most popular Systems. So subscribe to updates and follow the news.

I hope that the spent time for reading this article was not thrown into empty. And you finally figured out how to log in to the safe mode of Windows 7. If you have any questions, we boldly ask in the comments and we will try to answer them together.