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Where is the start button in windows 10. What to do if the Start menu does not open

After the release of the new edition of the operating room Windows systems 10, many users began to encounter various errors in its work. This is due to the fact that the new version was not fully debugged and is being improved during operation. One of the shortcomings of the system was the frequent refusal to activate the menu of the "Start" key: it does not respond to commands. At the same time, icons in the "Taskbar" stop responding. Microsoft is gradually addressing software issues through periodic updates. Until the errors in the system files are eliminated, it is recommended to apply the methods developed and widely used to correct this flaw.

What is the difference between the "Start" menu in Windows 10 from previous versions

Due to the fact that the Windows 8.1 edition was criticized all over the world for the lack of the "Start" key, the developers decided to return to the previous form of the "Desktop" with a familiar interface to all.

The Windows 10 start button menu has a tiled interface

The "Start" button and its menus, presented in the Windows 10 edition, have a modified look.

The redesigned Start Menu is a hybrid revision that includes a classic menu for older Windows versions as well as the tiled architecture first introduced in Windows 8, which is most suitable for touch control.

The icons on the left side of the menu and the live tiles on the right side duplicate each other, so you can use the part that is more suitable for a certain user. They can be disabled, deleted or edited.

Unlike previous editions of Windows, Windows 10 allows you to resize the Start menu just like a normal window. To do this:

The menu retains all the previous items, such as programs, power management icons, and others.

If you click on the "Start" button with the right mouse button, then a menu with tabs for system management will expand. It can be used to manage disks, change system settings, configure the network, search and perform other operations.

Right-clicking on the "Start" button brings up a menu with tabs for system management

It is possible to remove tiles and add new ones using the icons on the left side of the menu. To do this, follow these steps:

If you remove all the tiles, the menu will take on an almost classic look. This can be done if the user does not use the right half when working. In addition, it increases resources. random access memory, since the tiles take up a significant amount of it due to the drawing of graphic images.

How to bring back the classic Start menu design

Due to the fact that appearance the keys and the Start menu are very different from the usual classic look, then, naturally, many users will want to return to the interface familiar from the years of work, like Windows 7. To do this, you can use two well-known methods:

How to use the standard features is described in the previous chapter of this article.

Installation of third-party software involves using one of the publicly available and proven utilities listed below:

  • StartIsBack ++;
  • Classic Shell;
  • Start10.

You can use other utilities that allow you to return to the classic design of the "Start" menu, but the above are the undisputed leaders in this direction. They take up a small amount of space on your hard drive and make it possible to change the menu view with a minimum of steps.

To use the capabilities of the utilities to change the external interface of the key and the Start menu, you must perform a number of sequential actions:

  1. StartIsBack ++ allows you to return the usual image of the menu and the Start key. To do this, you need to take the following steps:
  2. Classic Shell gained popularity after the release of the eighth edition of Windows. This utility made it possible to return the "Start" key to the "Taskbar", since the key was not there in the usual design. In the Windows 10 edition, this problem no longer exists, but now, using the program, you can return to the classic design. To do this, you need to do the following:
  3. Start10 changes the standard windows menu 10 to your own immediately after installation. This menu is more like Start in Windows 7 and doesn't differ much from it. In the settings of the utility, you can delete the "Start" key, select the size of the icons in the menu and configure other parameters. To run the utility, you need to perform the following operations:

Changing the Start key and menu makes it possible to return to the familiar working interface for most users. In addition, such manipulations can improve the performance of the computer.

Working Windows interface 10 certainly looks more attractive than its predecessors, but at the same time uses a very large amount of RAM and video memory. For stand-alone devices such as a laptop or tablet, the Desktop takes up even more resources. After returning to the classic view, you can increase the amount of free memory and battery power by reducing the requirements for drawing graphics.

Video: How to Return the Start Menu to the Classic View Using the Classic Shell

Customizing the Start Menu in Windows 10

The new Start menu in Windows 10 has two parts:

  • left half - classic view using pictograms;
  • the right half is live tiles using the Metro interface.

The menu has its own settings, which can always be changed if necessary.

Video: How to Customize the Start Menu in Windows 10

Switch your desktop from classic to full screen and vice versa

Windows 10 is initially installed on hard drive computer, already having the "Start" button in the "Taskbar". To switch the display of the "Desktop" to the initial screen, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

Also, run full screen mode possible when activating "Tablet Mode". This will require the following actions:

Video: How to Switch Desktop to Full Screen Display

Customize Start Menu Color

Changing the color and shape of the "Start" menu in Windows 10 is carried out according to the following algorithm of actions:

Video: How to Change the Color of the Start Menu in Windows 10

Rules for working with "live" tiles in the "Start" menu

Users can change the size of the live tiles if desired. You can also move them, edit groups, pin and unpin them.

How to resize and move live tiles

To transform the size of a "live" tile, follow these steps:

How to edit groups of "live" tiles in the menu

Windows 10 has a feature for distributing tiles into different groups. To create a new group:

Advanced Start Menu Settings

To customize the applications that appear by default on the Start menu, follow these steps:

And you can also install a specific set of directories to display in the Start menu. For this, a sequence of certain actions is performed:

Video: How to Change Basic Start Menu Options

Reasons why the Start menu may not open in Windows 10

The exact cause of the problems with the Start menu is on currently not exactly established... According to Microsoft experts, this can happen for several main reasons:

  • incorrectly installed system updates;
  • rendering glitches graphical interface;
  • damage to system files and directories;
  • inheritance of system errors when installing Windows 10 on Windows 7 or Windows 8.1;
  • failure in the system registry;
  • penetration of malicious programs into the system.

In addition to these reasons, there may be many other, minor reasons that affect the operation of the Start menu when a key does not respond to user commands.

What to do if the Start menu won't open

Several tried-and-true methods are used to fix errors affecting the Start key and menu.

Solving problems in the "Start" menu using a special utility

To fix errors when working with the Start menu, Microsoft specialists have developed a small utility. It can be downloaded from the official website of the company. The utility works without installation immediately after launch... To use it, you must follow the instructions below:

  1. Go to Microsoft's official website.
    Select the "Support" tab on the Microsoft website
  2. Click on the Support tab.
  3. Select the problematic Windows product.
    Click on the Windows icon
  4. In the window that opens, click on the "Troubleshoot Start Menu or Cortana" tab.

    Click on the Troubleshoot Start Menu or Cortana tab
  5. Select the "Try using the troubleshooter" tab from the list of troubleshooting tools provided.

    Click on the "Try using the troubleshooter" tab
  6. In the drop-down tab, click on the "Start Menu Troubleshooter" line.

    Click on the line "Start Menu Troubleshooter"
  7. Open the batch file startmenu.diagcab.

    Click on the "Open" button in the pop-up window
  8. Run the CAB startmenu.

    Run the startmenu file via Explorer
  9. In the "Main Menu" panel that opens, click on the "Next" button.

    Click on the "Next" button in the "Main Menu"
  10. The utility will begin the procedure for finding problems with the Start menu.

    Wait until the end of the search for problems with the Start menu
  11. At the end of the procedure, click on the "Close" button. All bug fixes that are found are done automatically.

    Click on the "Close" button if the utility detects no problems

Use the View More Information tab to view the criteria for finding problems. The utility checks the Start menu for the following parameters:

  • system registry errors;
  • incorrect installation of the received updates;
  • the state of the database of "live" tiles.

Based on the results of the check, a report is generated, which, if necessary, can be sent to print.

Using the Start Menu Troubleshooter is the most powerful method to date, and it fixes errors in the Start menu with an almost 100% guarantee.

Restarting File Explorer to fix errors in the Windows 10 Start menu

Sometimes restarting the explorer.exe application is enough to restore the Start menu.... To execute it:

Video: How to Restart File Explorer in Windows 10

Restoring the Start Menu with Registry Editor

You can restore the correct operation of the Start menu by changing system registry... To do this, you need to make some corrections to it and carry out a number of operations:

  1. Right-click on the Start button.
  2. Click on the "Run" line. In the menu, click on the line "Run"
  3. Enter the regedit command and click on the "OK" button.
    Enter the command regedit and click on the "OK" button
  4. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Advanced.
  5. Right-click on an empty space in the right half of the panel.
  6. Hover your mouse over New and click on DOWRD Parameter (32-bit) from the drop-down menu.
    Create new parameter DOWRD (32 bit)
  7. Name it EnableXAMLStartMenu.
  8. Click on the new parameter with the left mouse button and enter the number 0 in the "Value" field.
    In the "Value" field, set the value 0
  9. Reboot your computer.

Only experienced users are recommended to make changes to the registry. If you are not sure that you can cope, then it is better to entrust the solution to the problem to professionals, so as not to accidentally make an unrecoverable mistake that can only be corrected by reinstalling the system.

Video: How to Repair the Start Menu Using Registry Editor

Restoring the Start Menu with the Built-in Maintenance Utility

You can try to fix the Start Menu error by using the built-in Maintenance utility. To run the utility, do the following:

  1. Launch the "Control Panel" by double-clicking on the icon on the "Desktop".
    Double click on the "Control Panel" icon to open it
  2. Click on the Security and Service Center icon.

Many users are accustomed to the standard Windows 7 system menu ("Start"), as it is laconic and convenient. FROM the advent of Windows 10 and its modern "Start", the question arises: is it possible to return the "good old" menu without reinstalling Windows? Today we will consider how you can customize the "Start" so that it looks like the classic one, as well as how to return it to the standard style using third-party software.

Modern Start Menu on Windows 10

The new "Start" in Windows 10 is very different from the system menu that was in Windows 7, XP and Vista. It can be called the intermediate derivative between the classic "Start" and the Windows 8 Start screen. What has changed in the new modern menu from the old one that most users of this operating system are used to?

The "Start" window in Windows 7 has a compact small size and contains icons of all the necessary sections

The new menu is split into two parts. On the left side are the lists of all installed programs and on the right are live tiles. These are kind of icons of various servos and programs on the computer. They can be swapped, deleted, renamed, added and resized. Tiles give fast access to frequently used services, sections and programs.

The new Windows 10 Start menu introduces the so-called Live Tiles, which were available on the initial Windows screen 8

The position of the PC shutdown button has also changed: it is now on the left side of the screen, directly above Windows button... There is also a section of frequently used utilities on the left side of the menu, as well as access to computer settings. However, items have been added for other sections that were not there before, for example, "Task Manager" and "Network Connections".

Customizing the Start Menu on Windows 10

How can you change the appearance of Start to resemble a standard Windows 7 window? You can change the color and size of the window, as well as remove tiles, using the menu settings themselves.

Resizing and Coloring

Anyone, even a novice user, can easily resize the large "Start" in Windows 10. The menu shrinks in the same way as the Windows Explorer window.

In the "Personalization" section, change the color of the window if you are not satisfied with black. How to do it?

Actions with tiles

You can perform various manipulations with live tiles on the right side of the screen: add, swap, rename, create, etc. However, most users are interested in how to get rid of the tiles if they are not needed. Let's consider how to completely remove them from the "Start" if they bother you:

If you don't want to completely remove the tiles, resize them. Click on the tile with the right mouse button and select "Resize" from the list, and then click on "Small". You will need to repeat this procedure for each tile separately.

Select "Small" to reduce the size of the tile

Left block setting

Launch the "Personalization" window as described in the "Change the size and color" section of this article. Click on the Start tab. Here we will carry out all additional manipulations. Disable the following items:

  1. Show more tiles. So that only the left side of the menu remains without tiles.
  2. Show the list of applications in the Start menu. The large list of programs will disappear from the menu. Instead of this list, we will put other blocks. How to do this, we will describe below in this section of the article.
  3. Show recently added apps. The utilities you recently installed will not appear in the Start menu.
  4. Show the most used applications. You will not see a list with the programs you use most often.
  5. Sometimes show recommendations in the Start menu. Windows will not display recommendations in tiles.

Disable any unnecessary options that determine the appearance of the left side of the Start menu

To fill the cleared space on the left, click the Select which folders to display on the Start menu link. In the section provided, select the blocks that will be displayed as a list in the left menu area.

Include those sections that you want to see in the left "Start" zone

If you want to remove only some programs from the list without completely removing it, use the following instruction:

Sorting tiles by group

You can arrange all the tiles you need into specific groups so that there is no clutter in the Start menu. Use the existing ones or create your own.

Sort the tiles you want into groups by dragging and dropping

To create new group click on the icon with two parallel stripes and enter the name of the group in the field. Drag all the tiles you want to this group.

Create a new group and place tiles that are important to you.

Video: How to Customize and Optimize Windows 10 Start

How to return the classic Start menu to Windows 10

If you have Windows 10, this does not mean that you can be content with just the new Start menu. You can put back the old version with easy-to-learn programs. Today we will consider several of the most popular utilities: installation and operation in them.

Using the Classic Shell program

The Classic Shell is a popular way to bring back the classic Start menu. Its huge advantage is that it is free. The utility includes three components that can be installed all at once or separately:

  1. Classic Start Menu - The return of the classic Start menu.
  2. Classic Explorer - Adds a toolbar to Windows Explorer.
  3. Classic IE - customize panels in Internet browser Explorer.

Where can I download this program, how to install it, and then work in it?

  1. This software has its own official resource, so we will download the installer from it. Follow the link and click on Classic Shell 4.3.1 (Russian) to download the Russian version of the program.
    Download the Classic Shell installer from the official website
  2. Find the installer file in Downloads and run it. Left-click on "Next".
    Click on "Next"
  3. Then check the box to the left of the box that you accept the agreement.
  4. In the next section of the installation wizard, you will be prompted to select the components to install. Choose only Classic Start Menu if your goal is to change the appearance of the "Start".
    Select the components you need to install on your PC
  5. Now just click on the Install button. Wait for the installation to complete. Click on "Finish".
    Click on "Finish"
  6. Right-click on the Start icon in the lower left corner of your screen. From the small list of options, select Customize to launch Classic Shell.
  7. In the window that appears, select one of the three options of the "Start" menu.
    Choose a style for the Start menu
  8. Click on the "Cover" tab to select a menu style.
    Choose a cover for the Start menu
  9. In the "Basic parameters" tab, you can set your own values ​​for various items. However, you do not need to change anything, leaving the default parameters. The classic Start menu will still open.
    You can change the values ​​of the main parameters at will
  10. More fine tuning is done in hidden tabs. To open them, check the "Show all settings" item at the top of the window - new sections will appear.
    Check the box "Show all options" to see more settings
  11. When you're done setting up, click on OK.

Video: how to return the standard "Start" at the expense of Classic Shell

Using the StartIsBack ++ program

The StartIsBack tool is free utility with an interface in Russian. It will allow you not only to return to the standard Start menu, but also to customize it to suit your preferences. With this program you can:

  • change menu layouts;
  • adjust transparency;
  • put large program icons in the menu;
  • use improved search;
  • sort the lists of utilities displayed in Start;
  • enable the "All Programs" option if you want you to have access to all utilities through "Start" and much more.

The advantage of the program is that it is very quickly installed on a PC: just a couple of clicks. Let's take a closer look at how to install the utility and then work in it.

  1. Open in any browser official resource utility developer. The Download tab will have a large green button to download the installer. Left-click on it. When it boots up, launch it.
    Click on the green StartIsBack button
  2. Choose one of two items: "Installation just for me" and "Installation for everyone", depending on whether you want all accounts of this computer to use the classic Windows menu or not. If you are the only user, select the first item.
    Choose to install StartIsBack either just for yourself or for all computer accounts
  3. The software will immediately restore the previous "Start". To change the menu options, click on "Configure StartIsBack".
    Click on "Configure StartIsBack"
  4. The tool window will open. In the "Appearance" tab, select the style you like, as well as the icon for the "Start" button. Other options are also available under the styles: transparency, color, large icons on the Taskbar, removing an avatar from Start, and others.
    Select the style of the "Start" menu and click on "Apply"
  5. In the first tab "Start Menu" change the basic settings as desired: large icons of programs, sorting programs in the list, highlighting recently installed applications and much more.
    Check the boxes to the left of the options you need and click on "Apply"
  6. In the "Advanced" tab, you can delete the history of recently opened utilities or disable the option to store history, as well as enable animation on the "Taskbar" and in the "Start" menu.
    Disable storage of the list of recently opened programs or clear this list using a special button

Video: how to use StartIsBack ++

Using the ViStart 8.1 program

The software called ViStart allows users to enjoy the familiar "Start" from Windows XP and Windows 7 for free. The utility offers a large number of menu styles to choose from. However, they will already need to be downloaded and installed on a PC separately. In the program itself, you can choose between four designs. The downside of the utility is that its interface is in English. Now we will help you figure it out.

  1. In any browser, open the official resource of this assistant. Click on the little green Download button to download the installer.
    Click Download Now
  2. Click Next to start the installation.
    Left click on Next
  3. Now click on Accept to accept the terms of the agreement. The software will instantly install on your computer.
    Click on Accept to accept the terms of the agreement
  4. In the window that opens, select the required type of "Start" with the left mouse button. Now just click on OK - the program will install the classic menu.
    Choose the style of your Start menu from four options
  5. If you want to take a look at other styles that the developers are offering, click on Get More. On the website that opens, click on the link I’d like to change the appearance of My Windows Start Menu.
    Click on the link I'd like to change the appearance of My Windows Start Menu
  6. A page will open where you can choose any style you like absolutely free. Decide on a style and click on it with the left mouse button.
    Choose a style on the official website of the program for your Start menu
  7. Click on the black Download button.
    Click on the black Download button
  8. Open the downloaded file. Click on Next in the gray box. New style the start menu will be installed on the PC.
    In the new window, click on Next to set a new style

Using the Start Menu X program

Start Menu X - modern solution problems with the inconvenient Start menu in Windows 10. The developers of this program offer a choice of paid and free versions. The program interface is completely in Russian. The window has many tabs in which you can fine-tune the appearance and functionality of the "Start". Due to this utility system menu can be Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 10 style.

First, we'll install the program, and then we'll look at how to use it.

  1. On the official page of the program, click on the red "Download" button.
    Click on the red "Download!"
  2. Open the installer and check the round box to the left of "I accept the terms of the agreement." Click on "Next".
  3. Check the "Free version" box. Click on "Next" again.
    Select "Free license type" and click on "Next"
  4. In the next menu, select "Combine Programs and Applications in one main menu item". Click on "Next" again.
  5. Select the folder for installing the utility.
  6. Click on "Install". We are waiting for the installation to finish. Click on the "Finish" button.
  7. Open the tray on the "Taskbar". In it we find the Start Menu X icon.
    In the Windows tray, left-click on the flower icon
  8. Click on it with the left mouse button - the "Start" menu will open with a large list of programs.
    In Start Menu X you can open any program and service installed on your PC
  9. Click on the same icon with the right mouse button and select "Settings".
    Select "Settings" in the context menu
  10. In the first tab "System Integration", select the key combination that will open Start Menu X. Also enable the launch of the utility along with booting Windows.
    Select the keys that will launch Start Menu X on your PC
  11. In the "Personalization" section, set up the visual design: type, scale, column width. In the same block, you can clear the icon cache.
    Select the visual design of Start Menu X and adjust the scale
  12. In the "Start" button, select the icon you like.
    Select the icon for "Start" from the list of available
  13. In the "Control" section, select the system options that you want to see in "Start".
    Check the sections you want to see in Start Menu X
  14. Change the hotkeys to launch the system options in the active Start window.
    Select keyboard shortcuts to open certain sections when Start Menu X is open
  15. In the "Style" block, change the general appearance of the menu: Start Menu X, Classic Start Menu or Start Menu 10.
    Choose one of three styles for Start Menu X
  16. The Advanced Options section will allow you to fine-tune the Start menu.
    If desired, set the necessary parameters in the "Advanced options" tab and close the settings window

Using the IObit Start Menu

A tool called Start Menu 8 from the developer IObit boasts a fairly easy-to-learn interface in Russian. Thus, it is suitable even for a beginner who is uncomfortable with the new big "Start" of Windows 10.

The disadvantage of the program is that it is paid. This utility is free to use for a week. You will then be asked to activate, that is, purchase a subscription.

  1. First, we will visit the official resource of the IObit developer to securely download the installer of this useful program.
  2. Click on the big green button "Free Download".
    Download Start Menu on IObit official website
  3. We launch the already downloaded installer to go directly to the installation of the utility.
  4. Click on "Yes" to allow the application to make changes on your computer, and then in the installation wizard window on "Next" to start the installation.
  5. Click on "Accept".
    Click on "Accept"
  6. Specify the path to the folder where all utility files will be saved. You can leave the path created automatically. Click on "Next".
  7. Wait for the installation to complete and click on "Finish".
    Click on "Finish"
  8. After that, find the program icon on the "Desktop" and double-click on it.
  9. In the "Style" tab, select one of three options for the appearance of the "Start": Win 10, Flat or the classic style of Windows 7. In the same window, you can adjust the transparency level of the "Start". Click on "Apply".
    Choose a style for the future "Start" menu and click on "Apply"
  10. Click the Start Button Icons tab. Here you need to decide on the type of button in the lower left corner of the screen. Select any you like and click on "Apply".
    Select the icon and click on "Apply"
  11. On the left side of the screen, switch to the "General" section. In this tab, you can set values ​​for the main parameters of the program: whether to start it with Windows startup, whether to update this utility, determine the number of programs that will be shown in the "Start", the type of program icons in the menu (small or large), etc.
    Set your own values ​​for the general parameters as desired
  12. In the "Menu" section, you can select specific sections that will appear in the "Start" menu.
    Select the sections you want to appear in your Start
  13. In the "User Interface" you can customize the font color and size, background color, as well as put an image for your profile.
    Change custom settings menu: background, font size and color, image account and other
  14. In the "Advanced" tab, the user has the right to disable or enable the transparency of the "Taskbar", the "View tasks" button and more.
    Enable push options and leave everything disabled
  15. As you change the settings, the Start menu will immediately change. That being said, you don't need to restart your computer to see the changes.

With Stardock Start10

The utility offers a choice of three styles for the Start menu. It may be standard windows windows 7 or a modern menu in the style of Windows 10. The program is also very easy to use, since the interface is in Russian. The disadvantage, as in the case of the IObit Start Menu, is that it is paid. At first, you can use it free of charge for the meat.

  1. Left-click on the link that leads to the official resource of the Stardock developer.
  2. Since the program is not free, click on the blue Try It Free button to download free version utilities. The required installer will be downloaded immediately. Find it in the "Downloads" and run it.
    Click on Try it Free
  3. In the window that appears, agree to the terms of use of the program. We put a check next to I agree to the terms of this license agreement.
    Click the Next button
  4. We indicate the path to the folder in which the program files will be stored. Then click on Next.
  5. We are waiting for the running installation to complete. Click on Finish.
    Click on Finish
  6. In the first block of the "Style" window, select "Windows 7 style".
    Choose a style for the Start menu in the appropriate section
  7. IN next parameter for the theme, select the desired value in the drop-down menu, for example, Rounded Windows 7.
    Select a theme from the drop-down menu
  8. Now we define how the "Start" button will look like, for example, we make a choice in favor of 7 impulse.
    Decide what the start button will look like
  9. You will immediately see that the Start button has changed.
    Start button changed immediately
  10. In the "Customize" section, enable or disable the following functions: large application icons, highlighting in the list of recently installed utilities, displaying a photo on your account avatar, and more. You can leave everything as default. After setting up, just close the window. All changes will take effect.
    If desired, change the settings in Start10 and close the program window

If you are not happy with the new Start in Windows 10, you can always return to the default Windows 7-style menu. This can be done with special utilities: StartIsBack, Classic Shell, IObit Start Menu and many others. No installation third party utilities, you can make the new menu look like the classic one through the available settings: resize, remove tiles, add new sections, etc.

The new Windows 10 has returned the Start button again, but it is now a hybrid of the two previous menus. versions of Windows, that is, the "Start" button in the "Seven" and the start screen in the "Eight".

It should be noted that Windows 8, precisely because of the absence of this familiar button, has been subject to the greatest amount of criticism from users.

But in newest version operating system from Microsoft, this menu only vaguely resembles the beloved interface that was in Windows 7, so computer owners who have switched to OS with an index of 10 have no time to get bored and first of all have to figure out how to set up the start menu for Windows 10 for maximum comfortable work further.

Settings for switching from classic view to full screen

Fortunately, this menu is already preinstalled in the "Ten" and the users are only required to familiarize themselves with the methods of its operation.

To switch to the "Home Screen" mode, you need to perform several sequential steps:

There is another way to switch Start to a full-screen Start Screen. To this end, you need to do just a couple of the following steps:

  1. Click on the "Notification Center" icon in the lower right corner of the display;
  2. Then click on "Tablet Mode".

Color correction

In Windows 10, you can quickly make color adjustments to the Start window, System Alert Center, window edges and taskbar.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

How to unpin and pin selected objects to Start

To do this, use the Explorer context menu.

The sequence of actions can be presented in the form of the following short step-by-step instructions:

  1. To unpin a tile, call the context menu on that tile;
  2. Then click on "Unpin from Start Screen".

Correcting the location of tiles and their size

In order to adjust the location of the tile, simply hold down the left mouse button and move it to the selected location convenient for the user.

In order to adjust the size of the tile, open the context menu on it and click "Adjust size". Then indicate the value that is convenient for the user to work on the computer.

Sorting tiles

The new operating system allows the user to classify and sort the tiles as they see fit. To do this, hold the selected tile with the left mouse button and move it down "Start". In this case, a black strip will appear, it is under it that you need to install and release the tile. Done, now it is located in a specific group. Next, you need to click in the field at the top of the tile with the signature "Enter the name of the group" and type the name at the discretion of the computer owner.

Additional settings

To configure the display in "Start" only of constantly used programs and new ones installed on the computer, you need to set the slider on the corresponding section in the "Off" mode in "Personalization". You can also configure the display of specific directories in Start by clicking in "Personalization" on the line "Select directories shown in" Start "".

Has changed radically twice.

In the G8, the usual desktop (adapted for desktop systems) "Corner" has been replaced by a mobile start screen, in the top ten Start again became desktop, but the user has the opportunity to switch it to mobile - full-screen mode.

And this is not the only change in the Windows main menu.

We will tell you what else is new in Start with the release of the "dozens" and how to customize it to your liking.

Customizing the appearance and display of Start items

Main settings

Setting up all the options of the Start menu in Windows 10 is done through the "Settings" application, the launch button of which is located inside the Start itself.

Clicking on it opens the main system settings window.

Among them there is a section "Personalization", which contains functions for managing design elements: screen design, panel color, including the view of the Start menu.

The "Start" section contains sliders-switches:

  • Show recommendations. When this option is enabled, the system will sometimes give you “ useful tips»To help you learn Windows.
  • Show the most used applications for fast transition to latest documents, browser tabs, etc.
  • Show recently added apps.
  • Switch Start to full screen mode.
  • Show the last opened items in the Start itself and on the taskbar.

At the very bottom there is a button to go to the section for selecting folders that will be displayed in the menu.

The same parameters can be configured through the properties of the taskbar on the Start menu tab (in the Russian version - Start).

In addition to the lists of programs and folders, Windows 10 Start contains live tiles for launching applications. How to work with them, we will talk further.

Setting up "live" tiles

The entire set of tiles installed by default is rarely needed by the user. How to change the display of Start menu tiles in Windows 10 "for yourself"?

Here are the opportunities provided by the system:

  • Move tiles around the free space of the menu (more precisely, along its right side).
  • Create groups of tiles and give each group a name.
  • Choose a tile size - large, medium, small or wide. The latter looks like 2 combined tiles of medium size or half as large.
  • Remove tiles from the Start menu.
  • Create custom tiles.

Note! There is no ability to change the color of tiles in Windows 10, but you can change the background of the Start itself.

Control options for each live tile are located in its context menu.

The sizes of the tiles created by the user and initially installed on the system do not vary in the same way.

A custom tile cannot be made large or wide, a system tile can.

How to group tiles

To create a thematic group, place the selected tiles next to each other and click on the empty field above them.

When you hover the cursor over this area, the inscription "Name the group" appears, and when you click - a line for entering text. Type in the name of the group.

To remove a title, click on the cross that appears next to it.

How to create your own tile in the Start menu

To create a custom tile, right-click on the program's shortcut on the desktop or on the icon in the All Applications list of the Start menu.

Select Pin to Start.

Helpful information:

Pay attention to the program. She is able to provide fine tuning Windows OS. With this tweaker, you can customize the appearance of the graphical interface, the operation of services and applications. The utility's capabilities are higher than that of any built-in operating system tool.

Change the background and size of the Start menu

To customize the color and transparency of the Start menu and taskbar, launch the Settings application and open the Personalization section.

Go to the "Colors" tab. Here you can enable or disable the following:

  • Automatic selection of the main background color. When this setting is activated, the color of the taskbar and Start is selected depending on the shade of the desktop picture.
  • Show color in the Start menu, taskbar, and action center. When disabled, they will turn dark gray.
  • The transparency of the Start menu, Action Center and the taskbar. More precisely, translucency, the level of which does not change
  • High contrast settings (for the visually impaired).

When you turn off auto-assignment of the background color, a palette of 49 colors opens so that the user can independently choose the shade that he likes.

This hue will not change when you change your desktop wallpaper.

Troubleshoot Start Menu Errors

Critical error of Start and Cortana

Most of the time, Windows 10 users face two types of Start Menu errors.

At the first - along with Start, the Cortana voice assistant stops working and windows explorer and a notification appears on the screen: “The Start menu and Cortana are not working.

We will try to fix the problem the next time you log in. " However, neither the next nor further attempts to enter the situation change the situation.

While Microsoft is pondering the error, a solution has been found without them. Here it is:

  • Run the Msconfig utility: go to the control panel, run the "Administrative Tools" applet and click "System Configuration".
  • Expand the Boot tab in Msconfig and under Launch Options check No GUI. In non-GUI mode, the Windows icon animation is not displayed when the computer boots.

  • Reboot and run Msconfig again. Open the General tab and check Selective startup. Be sure to check each box below it.

  • Restart your computer again. Windows 10 Start Menu Critical Error won't bother you anymore.

Start menu is missing or won't open

The second error encountered by users of the "dozen" is the sudden termination of the operation of Start and a number of elements of the notification area - the calendar, sound volume, power settings and networks: when you click on these icons, nothing happens.

What to do if the Start menu disappears or does not work in Windows 10:

  • Unload your antivirus software and enable Windows Firewall in Control Panel.
  • Open a command prompt (as administrator) and follow the instruction: Powershell - this will launch the console application of the same name. After the PS C: \ WINDOWS \ SYSTEM32 prompt appears, run another command:
    C: \ WINDOWS \ SYSTEM32 ″ insert and execute: Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach (Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$ ($ _. InstallLocation) \ AppXManifest.xml”)

Customize Start Menu and Taskbar in Windows 10.

In Windows, you can change the look, themes, desktop background, screensavers, and shortcuts. But change the design of the "Start" button through standard settings it is impossible. It displays the Win logo by default. And what if you want to see a different image on the main menu? The only option is to use third party programs since the OS itself does not provide the necessary tools. Understand how to change the Start button in Windows 7, what utilities are suitable for this, and how to use them.

The main menu picture is attached to system service"Explorer.exe" (not to be confused with the name of the browser). The new icon shouldn't affect Win. But still this is a change in the OS files. And it's better to create a restore point. If something goes wrong, you can return the parameters that were before the icon was installed.

  • Click the Start button.
  • Go to "Control Panel".
  • System menu in the System and Personalization category.
  • Item " Extra options". He's on the right.
  • System Protection tab.
  • New button.

Click on Create

  • Come up with a name for the restore point.
  • Wait for the current Windows configuration to be saved. In the future, you can return to it if critical errors occur.
  • To make a backup, click the "Restore" button. It's in the System Protection menu. All available points will be there.

Administrator rights

To change the main menu icon, you need full access to "Explorer.exe". This is the service responsible for the explorer. The file is located in the root directory of the C: / Windows / system. To edit it, you need administrator rights.

  • Go to this folder.
  • Find "Explorer" and right click on it.
  • Item "Properties".
  • Section "Security".
  • Click the "Change" button.

  • In the "Permissions for the System group" field, set the value "Full control".
  • Click on "Apply".

Open administrative access you can also access the file using the Takeownershipex program. Find it online, download, install and run. There will be two buttons: "Access" and "Restore access". Click on the first one and specify the path to "Explorer".

Back up this file just in case. Just copy it wherever you want. If anything, you can change the edited version to the original one.

Where can I find the badges?

It is better not to put the first art you like from your gallery on the "Start" button. Use images specially designed for this. They are already edited, formatted and sized appropriately. They also have the correct arrangement of objects. Suitable images can be downloaded from 7themes or Although there are a lot of resources with free icons.

Possible appearance of the Start button

The file with the icon must have the BMP extension (no background). Make sure that it has three options for icons: for the "normal" button, highlighted and pressed. Try hovering your cursor over the main menu. And you will see that it changes depending on what is done with it. Although no one forbids putting one picture for all "states".

Start Button Changer is a utility through which you can load a new picture for the main menu. It has a very simple interface. There are only two functions: setting the icon and resetting to the original settings. Suitable for Win 7 only. The name of the program is translated something like this: "Converter Start Button". Here's how to use it:

  • Find it on the Internet and download it. Just enter the query "Windows 7 Start Button Changer" in the search engine and select any site. It is better to download from the resources that are on the first page in the search results.
  • If the utility is in the archive, unpack it.
  • There should be an executable file with the extension .EXE.
  • Right click on it.
  • Item "On behalf of the administrator".

Start Button Changer window

  • To change icons, press the "Select & Change" button.
  • Specify the path to the icons.
  • Click on "Open".
  • To restore the original settings there is an option "Restore Original".

Start Orb Changer for Windows 7

Here's how to change the Windows 7 Start icon in Start Orb Changer

  • Find it on the net and download it.
  • Unpack if it is in the archive.
  • Run it as administrator.

  • There will be three sample icons: "Default" (not active), "Hover" (when selected - you need to move the cursor) and "Pressed" (pressed).
  • To change them, click on "Change".
  • Specify the path to the graphic file.
  • The "Restore" button resets the settings and returns to the standard icon.

The app has advanced options. To open them, click on the small gray arrow on the bottom right. Only two points are important in them.

  • By Patching Memory. RAM is used to change the main menu.
  • Be Editing Resources. "Eexe" is being edited.

Classic Shell

The Classic Shell utility is suitable for Windows 8 and 10. This is a large-scale program for customizing the Start menu. But now we only need icons in it.

  • Download it from There is a tab called "ALL DOWNLOADS".
  • Start the installation. The Classic Shell Start Menu component is used to work with the design of the main menu. The rest can not be downloaded.

  • Open the app.
  • On the Menu Style tab, select the All Options option and click OK.
  • You need the classic Win style
  • Check the "Change button image" checkbox.
  • Check the box "Other".
  • Select Image.
  • Indicate the path to it.

If "Start" disappeared

If after installing the icon, the menu bar and all the shortcuts on the desktop disappear, you must restart the explorer.

  1. Start Task Manager. To do this, use the Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys.
  2. Go to File - New Task.
  3. In the input field that opens, write "explorer.exe" without quotes.
  4. Click OK.

The Start button cannot be changed through the personalization settings. There is no such possibility in other parameters of Win either. To put new icon, you need third-party programs. They edit system file"Explorer.exe", to which the icons are attached.