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How to create a point Saving Windows 8. Restoring Windows System

How to create a recovery point in Windows 7.10 or 8 often occurs after a bitter data loss experience, but we will tell you how to make a recovery point!

This happens in automatic mode. Also, Windows does this when it detects serious changes in its work - for example, when you install updates for OS, driver or some software.

These points are the saved state of all files and registry parameters - with their help you can start at any time. If at some point you will need to cancel some changes, you can quickly return the OS to that temporary segment when these changes have not yet been made.

System recovery uses windows feature Under the name "System Protection". This feature regularly creates and saves information about computer system files, registry key and previous versions files. OS refund to an earlier state affects systemic windows files, software installed, Registry settings, changes in scripts, batch files and other types of executable files - but does not affect the user's personal files.

Creating a Wimdows Recovery Point

To create it manually, right-click on the computer icon on your desktop, in context menu Select the "Properties" item, and in the System window, click the System Protection link.

In the "Properties" window, click on "Create". You will open the "Protection" window.

Enter any name (name) and click on the "Create" button.

The process you run is less than a minute.

When the process is completed, you will see a message that the process is successfully completed.

Click "Close". Now at any time you can return the computer to this or any other time point.

Windows restore before the previous state

If problems arise when working problems, you can return your PC to the "normal" period of its state, and this is done as follows. In the Properties window, click "Restore".

In addition, you can open the recovery window using the "Run" dialog. Press Win + R keyboard, enter the rstrui.exe command and press ENTER.

The Restore Window opens. Click "Next".

Select the point to which you want to return your computer, and select "Next".

Now you need to click on the "Finish" button, and then confirm the start of the process startup by clicking the "Yes" button.

The process also includes a reboot of the computer. After rebooting, you will see a message confirming that your computer has been successfully restored.

Read more in critical situations.

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Hello everyone! Today I want to tell how to create a point windows restoration In Windows 8.1.. Why it is needed and what it is, and what practical application, and the main benefit of this all. Think that this information will be very relevant, all windows users 10, in which by default, this functionality is simply disabled, according to some reasons, seems to be Microsoft, finally created an ideal operating system that cannot be broken.

Stages of creating a recovery point in Windows

What is the system recovery point - if in simple, then this is a certain state of the system to which you can return without loss of data at the time when it was created. Suppose you have nailed a new update or program, worked with it and how usually turned off the computer and went to sleep. The next day including computer you get blue screen Or a bunch of operating system errors, you can spend a bunch of time to eliminate this problem, and you can simply roll back to the system status before the installation of something, provided that there is a rollback point. Let's learn to do it.

We go to the properties of my computer

Choose from the left Extra options Systems.

go to the System Protection item and click the Create button

we specify the name of the recovery point of the system.

Creation will begin

after a short expectation, you will see that the recovery point has been successfully created.

If you wish, you can configure the size of the allocated space under the point. To do this, click set up.

Firstly, you can turn off the protection at all on top, which I do not advise you, and from the bottom using the slider to specify the size.

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When there are problems with operating OS (for example, hang, viruses, etc.), then you can make the system rollback until the computer worked fine.

In general, the presence of this point is necessary at, other applications on the PC, with which malicious programs can penetrate.

Therefore, if something goes wrong, you can always return the OS at that moment when she worked without problems. Accordingly, everything that will be settled, after that will be deleted, including viruses or incorrectly working applications.

If on earlier versions of WindowsThere were no problems with this, then since 7, difficulties appear with this case. Therefore, a question may appear how to create a recovery point in Windows 8.1 or other, newer versions of the OS.

Getting ready for the creation of a point

Before you start recovering OS on Windows 8.1, you need to create a kickback point. However, this will require something to check. When entering the "system properties" (opens with simultaneous clauses of the Win + Pause / Break keys), you need to check such a parameter as "system protection".

In the "Protection Parameters" you need to view whether it is necessary on the name of the name hard disk From OS mark "Inclusive". If it is missing, then you need to turn on the protection.

To do this, click on "Configure", and then mark the activation of protection and click on "apply".

After these manipulations click on "OK" and start creating a recovery point.

By the way, you can also view and quantity. To create a point there should be at least 7% of the free space.

How to create?

To create a recovery point on Windows 8.1, you will need:

  1. Right-click on the label on the desktop with the "Computer" title and select "Properties". If there is no shortcut, you can simultaneously hold the "WIN (with a picture in the form of a checkbox) + Pause / Break".
  2. In both cases, the "System Properties" window opens.
  3. On the left side you need to find the string "System Protection" and click on it with the left mouse button.
  4. A window will appear where you want to click on the "Create" button.
  5. Then a new window will appear, where the point name is indicated.
  6. Then click on "Create".

By the same principle, the recovery point is created through the "Run" system window.

In it, in order, enter "SYSDM.CPL" to search.

How to delete?

If the previously created recovery points are required to delete, then do the following:

  1. Re-enter the "System Protection".
  2. Next, go to "Set up" and the section "Protection of the system for Local disk C. "
  3. In this system window, you need to select a string where the recording "Deleting all recovery points ..." is specified.
  4. Click on "Delete". In this case, all previously created points will be removed.

Full rollback of OS.

By creating a recovery point, you can perform a complete system rollback.

This will require:

  1. Log in to the "Control Panel".
  2. On the right, set the category "Minor Icons".
  3. Choose the "Restore" section.
  4. In the "System Protection" tab, click on the "Restore" button and click on "Next".
  5. Choose a point for recovery.

At this stage, you can familiarize yourself with the programs that will be deleted after the system rollback. To do this, click on the line marked with a blue "search for affected programs".

After you click on it, a list of applications to be deleted will open.

How to create a recovery point in Windows 8.1, result

If you are interested in such a question how to create a recovery point on Windows 8.1, then it is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance.

The rollback process itself occupies a certain amount of time and is completed by the reboot, after which you can start.

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Asking for a rollback of Windows 8, different users It often means different things: someone will cancel the latest changes made when installing any program or drivers, someone removes installed updates, some - restoring the initial system configuration or rollback from Windows 8.1 to 8. Update 2016 :.

I have already written for each of these topics, and here I decided to collect all this information together with the explanations in what cases you will suit you specific methods for restoring the previous state of the system and which procedures are performed when using each of them.

Next task in the prevalence - roll back Windows 8 or 8.1 updates in cases where there are certain problems with a computer after they are installed: errors when running programs, the disappearance of the Internet and the like.

To do this, uses the removal of updates through the center. windows updates or with help command line (There is also third-party software to work with Windows updates).

Step-by-step instructions for removing updates: (two ways).

In Windows 8 and 8.1, it is possible to reset all system settings in case it works incorrectly, without deleting your personal files. This method should be used when other methods no longer help - with high probability, problems will be solved (provided that the system itself is started).

To reset the settings, you can open the panel on the right (Charms), click "Parameters", and then change the computer parameters. After that, select "Restore and Recovery" in the "Restore" list. To reset the settings, it is enough to start the recovery of the computer without deleting files (however, your installed programs will be affected, we are talking only about document files, video, photos and similar to them).

Use of recovery images to roll back the system in the original condition

The Windows Recovery Image is a kind of full copy of the system, with all the installed programs, drivers, and if desired and files, and you can return the computer exactly to the state that is saved in the recovery image.

  1. Such recovery images are practically on all laptops and computers (branded) with pre-installed Windows 8 and 8.1 (are located on a hidden partition of the hard disk, contain the operating system and programs installed by the manufacturer)
  2. You can independently create an image of recovery at any time (better immediately after installation and initial setting).
  3. If you wish, you can create hidden section Recovery on the hard disk of the computer (in the event that it is not or it has been removed).

In the first case, when the system was not reinstalled on a laptop or computer, and it is native (including updated with Windows 8 to 8.1), you can use the Recovery item in changing the parameters (described in the previous section, there is a link to detailed instructions), but you will need to select "Delete all files and reinstalling Windows"(Almost the entire process occurs in automatic mode and does not require special training).

The main advantage of the factory recovery sections - they can be used even in cases where the system does not start. How to do this in relation to laptops I wrote in the article, but also for desktop PCs and monoblocks are the same methods.

You can also create your own recovery image containing, in addition to the system itself, your installed programs, made settings and the necessary files and use it at any time, if necessary, roll back the system to the desired state (at the same time, you can store your image on external disk For preservation). Two ways to make such images in the "eight" I described in the articles:

And finally, there are ways to create a hidden section to roll back the system to the desired state that works on the principle of such sections provided by the manufacturer. One of convenient ways For this - use free program Aomei Onekey Recovery. Instruction :.

In my opinion, I did not forget anything, but if you suddenly have something to add, I will be glad to your comment.

The recovery point will help you roll back the system if it starts to hang and brand, in the working condition. Create such points or automatically by the system through a certain time, or automatically when the system recovery tool detects changes to the computer configuration: Installation new program or driver.

Create a recovery point The user can manually manually. If yours operating system It works on perfectly, it is natural, it makes sense to create a recovery point. In the future, when the system starts to work incorrectly, it will be possible to return it to the working condition.

It is also better to create a recovery point if you are going to install an unfamiliar program or new drivers on your computer. If after installing the operation of the system to change for the worse, then it will be possible to return it to the state when it fully functioned. At the same time the system will return everything system files and windows settingswhich were at the time of creating a recovery point. This will help you to get rid of incorrectly working drivers, programs, downloaded viruses or unsuccessful experiments with the registry.

Also note that all programs that have been set after the time you create a recovery point will be deleted from your computer.

First will understand how you can create a recovery point. We bring the mouse cursor to the left lower corner, and when the box "Start" appears, press the right mouse button. A window will open with the most common commands, select from the list. "Control Panel".

Here we will be interested in the item "Setting up system recovery".

New window will open "Properties of the system" On the tab "System Protection". Here, note that in front of the partition of the hard disk, on which the OS is installed in the "Protection" section, "included" was indicated. Only in this case the system rollback to the desired recovery point will be possible.

If you are written "Disabled", click on the "Configure" button, then mark the paragraph item "Enable System Protection" and click "Apply", "OK". In the same window, just below, you can see the maximum dedicated volume on the hard disk for recovery points and how much place they occupy now. In the case when the selected amount is over, the system will delete old recovery points, by date, and create new ones.

To create a system recovery point, click on the "Create" button. Window appears "System Protection". In the field you need to enter a description for a point and click "Create". The date and time to create writing is not necessary, since the system will make it automatically.

Then wait until the system completes the process, and the next window will appear.

Now you can carry out the necessary actions with programs, drivers and any other components of the system.

In the event of an unsuccessful experiment, consider what needs to be done to roll back the system.

Go "Control Panel""Restoration" In this window, choose the item "Running system recovery".

A window will appear in which it will be specified that all user data when recovering will not be affected: photos, music, video, but the latest installed programs or drivers can be removed. Click "Next".

If you have system recovery points created automatically, then you need to select item "Select another recovery point" And click "Next."

A list of available points will appear, select the desired one. If you doubt, click "Search for affected programs". The system will analyze and show which programs and drivers after recovery will be deleted. When you decide, select the desired recovery point and click Next. Wait until the end of the process. Then the computer will reboot, and the system will return to the working state.

Now you know how to create a manual recovery point, and when troubleshooting is detected in the computer, roll back the system into the working condition.

Watch the video How to create a recovery point:

We watch the video How to restore the system from the control point:

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