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Find by last name in social networks. Search on social networks

Most large sites have had additional uses for a long time, and social media is no exception. Now, in order to find the right person, it is enough to use the search, but sometimes you do not want to register on the site, although this may not be required.
You can also search for people on social networks without registering, but you will learn how to search from this article. Even law enforcement agencies actively use popular sites, since they can be used to collect a lot of information about a person and determine his social circle.

How to search for people in social networks without registration?

Considering how developed the Internet is now, it is safe to assume that you can find almost everyone. Of course, there are some people who do not use social media. networks, but even they create pages for themselves, filling them with not real data. If you need to find a person, first of all use Vkontakte social network. Why Vkontakte? According to statistics, it is used most of all by Russians.
To search this site, you do not need to register, go to and go to the "People" section:
In addition to being able to enter a first and last name, there are various filters available in the sidebar. There are many people with the same surname and first name, so they will definitely come in handy:

Similarly, you can continue your searches on other most popular social networks. Unfortunately, on some sites the search function is closed, so you will have to use alternative methods.

Search for people in all social networks at once

When you use a search within the site, the data is easier to find, but it is more convenient to search through the search engines. To do this, you can use the service. With it, you can also search for people on social networks without registration, and on all sites at once. Just follow the link, enter first and last names, and also use the filters for a more precise search:

Please note that the "More" filter allows you to find people on specific sites. This is much more convenient, but if the page is new or if it is not indexed, then it may not be here, so you have to go to each site separately and search manually.

Search for a person by photo

If you have a photograph, you can try to find the person through search engines. On his page, the exact same picture must be uploaded, since the search is carried out not by the face, but by the entire photo. For example, this is how you can find a person from a dating site, since photos are usually uploaded there and in social. networks.
To conduct such a search, go to Google (you can also use Yandex). You need to go to the search for pictures and click on the camera symbol:
You will be prompted to provide a link to the picture or download it from your computer. You can just right-click on the image and copy the link to the image, if it's too complicated, save the photo on your computer and then upload:
It is convenient that such a search is carried out not only by social networks, but also on many other sites. Who knows, maybe there will be a person somewhere else:
If all searches on the photo did not give any results, try posting the picture on the forums, maybe someone will recognize a familiar face (if the city is known, use city portals, so there are more chances to find the person).
Without registration, a search on social networks is possible and now you know how to conduct it. Use any information you know, it may even come in handy what year a person studied, or what day he was born.

How to find a person on the Internet?

Especially for searching in world wide web a service called "People Search" was created. On it, everyone can leave a request to find a person, as well as check who is looking for whom. To do this, you just need to enter your last name and first name on the main page:
Unlike other methods, the website offers not just a search function, but a full-fledged and high-quality service through which you can even find someone who is not registered on Vkontakte or on Odnoklassniki. Be sure to leave your data in this database or a request to search for a person.
No less effective method to find a person on the Internet is to use special search on Yandex. The search engine has long had a separate search You also need to indicate the first and last name on it, after which other parameters will be available:
The main advantage of this method is to search for people on all popular social networks at the same time. You can try it out by entering your details and making sure you can be easily found on the Internet.

Internal search on social networks

No one additional service does not cope with finding people like the built-in search on the site. Each social. the network has functionality to make it easy and convenient to find a person. To check if a person is registered on Vkontakte, follow the link and enter his first and last name. After that, use the filters on the right to refine the data:
Similarly, it is worth looking for a person on Odnoklassniki, especially if he is old enough. This social. the network is distinguished by its audience, mainly people over 30 years old use it. Under your photo, click on the search for new friends:
After that it opens new page, where you will need to enter your first and last name, and then set up additional filters:
Everything is extremely simple, and the more data you know, the easier it will be to find a person. Do you suspect that the person you are looking for has moved abroad? Then be sure to check if he is registered on Facebook, since outside the Russian Federation, this social network is the most popular. On your page, select "Find Friends":
On the page that opens, there will be a form in which you can specify different person data:
This site has the fewest filters and the largest audience of users, so it will be difficult to search.
Using all this information, finding people on social media will be much more efficient. Even if the person entered the first and last name with errors, try to specify the rest of the parameters. At the very least, you can easily find those with whom you studied, indicating the place and year of study.
The audience of social networks continues to grow, and at the same time, internal search on these projects is developing. Every day people use a search on social networks to find acquaintances, find out from which city their interlocutor is from, make sure that the profile is not fake, and even look for the necessary information on various issues.
Searching the networks does not always help you find what you need. That is why it must be produced in a complex. With the right approach, you can easily find copied photos, find a person by phone number, or even define his additional profiles. Search engines and special services help with this.

How to search correctly in social networks?

First you need to learn how to do correct queries in search engines. On Yandex, you can search for data for any request with an indication of a specific site. For example, you can take the Vkontakte address and make a request to find pages related to the city of Moscow:
To display search results from only one site, you need to enter the site: function and then specify the resource address. In our case, there was a filter on Vkontakte, and when using it, advanced pages were displayed on the request "Moscow". Similarly, you can use social media search by entering first and last names.

How to find on social networks by phone number?

You can try just entering the number in Yandex search, or you can use a special service. On, it is enough to enter a phone number, after which some information about it will appear, and you can also search on social networks:
On the same site, you can search for landline phones. Of course, there is no 100% guarantee that the owner of the room will be found, but as the saying goes, "Attempt is not torture."

Search through "Yandex.People"

One more good way search in social networks is to use a special service from Yandex. Follow the link and a regular search engine page will open. You need to indicate the name, surname and other information about the person:

Conveniently, as a result, you get links to all profiles with the specified parameters from popular social networks:
Thanks to this service, the easiest way to find people, because they can be registered on different sites and search for them in social. networks will be too difficult.
Experienced users are confident that network search will very soon be able to compete with Yandex and Google, but so far it is not able to analyze the pages of other sites. As you can see, with the help of small tricks, you can find any person or information, no matter which social. they were not found.

We'd love to hear from you!

Yandex search engine service is constantly improving and one of the very useful and practical developments can be considered Yandex People Search for people.

It allows you to effortlessly find profiles of different people on social networks.

To do this, you do not need to register and fill out even some minimal data - the service works like a search engine familiar to everyone. Registration may be required only if you decide to write to the found person.

It is important that the service groups all found results by a given query. This, in turn, allows you to build on your preferences and choose through which social network to start communication.

Also, the unambiguous advantages of this development include the attitude of its creators to data confidentiality. They, not wanting to cross personal boundaries, adhered to the following rules:

  • If in the settings of a social network a person wished to remain invisible to the search engine, then so be it. Information about him will not be displayed.
  • As a result, only the information that is available to unregistered users is displayed.
  • Only those pages that are clearly related are grouped together. At least one of them must contain direct links to others, and only then they are linked by the search engine.
  • Information about users is not stored, it is only displayed as a result of a search.

This approach allows not only using the Yandex People service as unique system, but also provides an opportunity to look at your personal data as a result of the request.

You can always take a look at how other users see your personal account on the Internet and, if anything, correct it.

What if your account is invisible?

Special Yandex robots process the request and display everything they can find on all available social networks.

However, there is a lot of information and sometimes in order to get the result, you need to wait a little. It also happens that recently registered pages are harder to find.

But if you have been maintaining a profile for a long time and, using the analysis, do not find it, then the best option will contact support.

For your problem to be taken care of, you should indicate contact information, formulate a question, and also, if there is a need, you can upload a screenshot that clearly demonstrates the problem. In the near future they will contact you and help you.

How to use the service

To get started, you just need to use Yandex by opening it with any in a convenient way... Then it is necessary to select the "People" tab, from which the analysis is carried out.

Further, a choice of various parameters is provided: age, residence, work and study. You can do without them by simply entering the name of the person you are looking for. However, there are many namesakes on the Internet and in order to reduce their number, it is better to indicate all that you know.

Please note: User review, if desired, can occur only on one selected social network. This is convenient if you know for sure that the person you are looking for is registered there, but if you are not sure, then it is better to conduct a full review.

Yandex People can easily find the right person in these services:

And if you leave the column empty, it will display all existing profiles, grouping them into a single list, one person at a time.


Data is grouped in two cases:

  • If both pages have links to each other.
  • If one of them has a link to the second and it must be checked, that is, confirmed by entering a password.

In either case, it will successfully display all of your pages, but if it doesn't, there are a number of solutions. If you do not want to delve into the profile settings and have an account in Yandex, then you can safely use their linking service.

Important! When the service asks to use the information about the connections between profiles (you will see this message in a pop-up window), allow it, otherwise all efforts will be in vain.

Speaking of individual networks, if you are hosting a page in My Circle, you can add links using the "I'm on other sites" function. Those who use Odnoklassniki, unfortunately, do not have such a service; they can only do this thanks to Yandex.Passport.

Those who are registered in the LiveJournal will find a solution to this issue in the section "Communication Methods".

For the inhabitants of Vkontakte, in turn, there are two options at once: Contacts - Specify a personal site, Contacts - Integration.

How to hide your profile

Many people don't like the fact that their data is visible and can be easily retrieved through the system.

Somewhere there is an opportunity to admit to the data only those people whom you yourself have chosen. Somewhere such a function is not provided and you can either make the page visible or hide it, but from everyone at once.

In many networks, it is even possible to restrict the robots. And now in more detail on each of them:

In contact with You should select the privacy settings, find the column “Who can see my page on the Internet” and select “Everyone except search sites”.
Facebook All changes here are made in the Privacy Settings, where the whole section "Would you like the search services to have a link to your personal Chronicle?" To disappear from them, you must uncheck the corresponding checkbox.
classmates Go to the Publicity settings, and then next to the entry "Make the page open for search engines" indicate "no".
My Circle There are only two options in the settings - visible to everyone and visible only to users of My Circle. Choose the second.
Livejournal Among the settings, look for - "Minimize the hit of my journal in the search engines", tick your choice.
Twitter This social network is deprived of such an opportunity. It only has a profile deactivation function, after which the account will be closed.
GooglePlus Among the Settings for privacy, you need to find - "Edit visibility on profile" and disable the necessary items.


Use all the possibilities of the Internet to find a person by name and even if he is not on social networks. For example, one by one enter the first name, last name and patronymic of a person in each of the popular search engines - Yandex and Google. Search query it is advisable to add other data known to you, for example, add the city of residence or place of work.

Study carefully the results of the search for a person. If it is not on social networks (do not forget that in addition to the most famous VKontakte and Odnoklassniki there are many more similar resources: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Moi Mir, etc.), it is quite possible that you will see mentioning the person on other resources. A lot of people use sites free classifieds or post a resume on job search sites. In this case, the name and can be displayed in the search results, and next to them - and coordinates for feedback.

Use special sites that allow you to find a person by name and. One of the most popular and effective is “Poisk.Goon”. This is a whole social network in which people leave applications to search for relatives and friends. There is also an extensive database on which you can try to find the one you need. Alternative option- the project "Wait for me", which works on a similar principle, but here it often takes more time to find a person. But the results are impressive too. In addition, the most interesting stories are shown in the TV program of the same name.

Do not rush to discount social networks, as relatives or friends of the person you are looking for may be registered in them. Use the internal search on these sites to find suitable users (for example, or fellow students) and contact them with a request to report the whereabouts of the person you are interested in. Also on social networks there are many communities dedicated to finding missing people. One of the largest, with representative offices in various cities, is called Lisa Alert.

Contact a private detective or law enforcement if you urgently need to find a person by name and surname. This should be done in cases where a person is missing and absent for at least 3-7 days. Law enforcement agencies begin the search for the missing children already a day later. But you should beware of scammers who make money on someone else's grief. Always ask a private investigator to show your license and avoid suspicious internet sites offering search assistance for a fee.

If you are faced with a situation in which you urgently need to find a person, but you do not know either his phone number, or his home or work address, then you are probably interested in the question of how to find a person by last name and first name. And even better, how to do it without leaving your home and completely free.

It is not uncommon for people to maintain relationships for many years, and then their connection is cut off. This situation can arise for a variety of reasons, for example, your friends have planned to move to another city without notifying you about it, and you do not know where and how to look for them. Or maybe you haven't kept in touch with your relatives or classmates for many years, and now you really want to know how their life was, where they live, what they do, and, finally, arrange a meeting. But how do you find a person if you know so little information about him?

Despite the presence of information about a person, the search is a rather difficult process, but possible.

Today there are several ways to find people by first and last name for free.

Search for people on social networks

Today, the popularity of social networks is so high that this option may be the most convenient for you. Browse the most requested trending networks based on the person's age. For example, a network like Vkontakte is the most popular and in demand among young people. If we are talking about an adult 45-60 years old, then it is advisable to look for him in or Odnoklassniki.

If you assume that the person you are looking for could have left for another country, then, first of all, by surname and first name, you should look for him in social networks that are very popular abroad, for example, Facebook or Twitter.

  1. Register in the selected network (create an account). As a rule, this stage is not difficult and is done free of charge. When registering, you just need to follow the instructions and now you already have your own page.
  2. In the search bar, enter the name and surname of the wanted person and click on the "Find" button. Usually, the search section of social networks offers to enter other parameters, if you know them.
  3. For example: age, hometown, school number, title, etc. Remember that the more data you provide, the faster you can find a person. But if everyone set parameters did not give a result, try to remove specified city or school number, etc. and leave only the first and last name. If the wanted person has not indicated the city on his page, search system may not give you this person, despite the coincidence in the first and last name, because you provided more detailed data. Of course, in this case, you will have to spend a little more time flipping through the pages until you meet a person you know in the main photo.
  4. If you are looking for your classmate, it is likely that you can find him by name and surname through your other friends at school, visiting their pages and looking at the "Friends of a Friend" section. There is a search bar in the same section. Indicate in it all the available data.
  5. Remember that the search for people ends with success only if the person is registered under their first and last name, and not under a fictitious pseudonym.
  6. In one of social systems you can leave an ad about the search for a specific person. Such announcements are left free of charge. To do this, enter your first and last name, as well as other information known to you. In such networks, many groups and forums have been created, as a rule, with the same name of the city, and there are also groups for searching for people. Knowing the city in which this person lived or lives, you can find a similar group and tell there your story about finding your relative, friend, classmate, etc. It is possible that someone will respond and help you.

Finding people through search engines

If a search on social networks does not return a result, enter the first and last name of the person in google search or Yandex, or in other search engines. If the wanted people have their own business, then it is quite possible that they have their own website or online store, which may contain their data. Or maybe once an article or news was written about the wanted person in news portals... Also, knowing the person's phone number, you can try to enter it into search engines. If a person once left their data on the Internet and did not delete them again, then it will be very easy for you to find this person, since the search engine will give you this information.

Such resources are very popular today among people of any age category. Maybe a person has created his own page on one of these sites. However, most of the people registered on dating sites have social media accounts as well. The main thing is that the person is registered under his name and surname, and has posted his photo.

Search services on specialized sites

There are many sites on the Internet offering this kind of services. Of course, in most cases, this kind of people search does not work for free. And caution will not hurt, because there are also a lot of scammers trying to make money. If you decide to find a person using similar services, then look for those that do not require registration or entering your phone number. If you enter your phone number, the payment may be automatically debited from it without your knowledge, moreover, a certain amount may be repeatedly debited over a long period of time until you contact the salon cellular where the phone number will be verified and all subscriptions will be disabled. Sites that do not charge money to find information are more reliable and more credible. They just try to help people.

Search through the program "Wait for me"

This program is designed to find missing people and it works completely free of charge. Leaving a request on the official website Wait for me, after a while you will receive a response about the search results. Or you can post an ad with your photo so that someone can also find you. Looking through other people's ads on the "Wait for Me" site, you can recognize someone, meet a photo of an old friend or just an acquaintance.

Other ways to find people

City address bureau. Not always effective, but it can help you find the person you are looking for. Having contacted the address bureau, you need to give the name and surname of the person, it is also advisable to know his middle name in order to shorten the search. But not in every city it is so easy to use such a service, sometimes you may be required to have an identity document. And in some cities there is no such bureau at all.

  1. If there is such an opportunity, you can contact the residents of the city or the neighbors of the wanted person. It is possible that one of these people could see him. As they say, the world is small, and there may be someone who will help you find the person you are looking for.
  2. And finally, if it is very important for you to find this person, you can contact private detective agencies, which for a certain amount can provide you with all the information about the person you need, including his address, phone number, place of work, etc.

Unfortunately, not every person is trying to find someone with good intentions. In addition, people have a right to the protection of their personal data. For these reasons, finding a person is rather difficult. But if you persist and don't give up, then your chances of a positive result will be very high.

This section contains a complete surname catalog, which provides information about the meaning of surnames, contains mentions of surnames in archival sources, search announcements and information from users. This section is useful for anyone who wants to find a pedigree by last name.

Sources of information in this section are genealogical archives, reference books, comments of users and experts. Using this section, you can simply and quickly find a person by last name... If he is registered with FamilySpace, a link to his name will be available on the search results page. Personal Area, in this case, you can add him to your friends or send a message.

If you cannot find a person by last name, we recommend that you leave a search ad, in this case, as soon as a person with the desired last name is found, or FamilySpace users know something about him, the system will automatically notify you of this, and they can help you in your search people for free.

A few tips on how to properly search for people on the Internet online:

  • Avoid sites offering to send sms for finding a person. Search people for free by last name - popular topic, but it contains a ton of fraudulent resources.
  • Use only proven online resources
  • Check the Yandex service for finding people by last name -
  • If you can't find a person by last name, try expanding your search with additional information - search by birth, etc.
  • Check out search ad services (such as FamilySpace Search Ads) or the Wait for Me project
  • Check various spellings of last names with typos. Do not forget that the surname can change, so it makes sense to look for the maiden name as well.
  • Use the search for people inside other major social networks (Russian and international)
  • Check out the recommendations on how to search for people in our genealogy webinars, there are specific recommendations and advice from experts, historians, users, not only how to find a person by name and surname, but also how to search without having any information about their ancestors on hand.

How can I benefit from the FamilySpace Find Person by Last Name section?

Firstly, this section is useful if you want to get more information online about what your surname means, what names are called people in your surname and who they are according to the horoscope, what is the spread on the world map.

Secondly, you will learn more information about your possible ancestors and namesakes. By searching for your last name, you will immediately find out where it is mentioned in various historical sources. Perhaps you will even find your great-grandfathers or great-grandmothers there, as well as interesting versions about the origin of the surname from our users.

Thirdly, here you can find information about your namesakes, and there is every chance of recognizing them as your distant relatives. If you wish, you can continue communication in family groups (a link to them will be available on the search results page).

If you know any Additional Information about your own or someone else's surname, you can tell about this in the comments to the page.

An example of searching for a person by the last name Ivanov:

Enter the surname "Ivanov" in the search line and click the button "Search" or you can select a surname from the catalog by first clicking on "All surnames in I", and then selecting "Ivanov".

The search results page provides information about the meaning of the last name (according to experts and users of FamilySpace), pages of archive records, advertisements for people search and other interesting information (if there is a video about the meaning of the last name, it will be automatically available on the page). The origin of the surname can be supplemented with your own version, if suddenly you know some other version.

In other tabs, information about the registered users found on the site is available; it also makes sense to check them.

Do I need to register to use the search for a person by last name?

You can use this section without registration, however, registered users have a number of convenient and useful functions... For example, if you have built your family tree, the system will automatically check all your relatives in the database of surnames, and you will instantly receive comprehensive information about all of them at once. When adding new archives, registered users are the first to get access to them, and if the surname matches, the system automatically notifies about it and helps to find a person immediately on the desired page.

Registration on the site is free and takes less than 1 minute. No need to enter number when registering with FamilySpace mobile phone and access is activated without SMS. Registered users can leave comments on the archive pages, add people search ads for free.