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Samsung use as a modem. How to connect Samsung Galaxy to computer as USB modem? The computer does not see the USB modem of the phone

Almost everyone modern smartphone can "distribute" mobile Internet to nearby devices. In this article, we will go into detail about existing ways connections: via cable, Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, and we will also pay attention to specialized programs. The benefits of each method will be discussed.

Setting up the Internet on your phone

First of all, you should make sure that the Internet is working on your mobile gadget. To do this, you must connect the appropriate tariff with the operator. Special service commands for checking the invoice show the name of the current tariff.

After that, check the functionality global network... To do this, follow these steps:

If you cannot connect to the network, dial the operator for instructions on how to activate.

Options for connecting a phone as a modem via a cable

Let's take a look at ways on how to use your phone as a modem using a cord. There are two options here: use the standard functions of a USB modem or resort to specialized software.

Driver installation and configuration

To work a computer via USB with your smartphone, you need to install a driver. On most devices, when connected via a cord, automatic setting and installation of the necessary software. After that, a notification will appear in Windows with the message "the device is ready to work" and a green checkmark.

If an error occurs, you must install the required software yourself. You can download them on the manufacturer's website in the "Support" section or similar.

USB tethering mode on Android

This is a standard feature in operating theaters. Android systems, thanks to which, without unnecessary manipulations, you can use a smartphone on a computer OS as a modem. To do this, clearly follow the points:

Page downloads can take a minute or more, as 3G speeds are only a few megabits per second. On 4G, pages will load faster. The picture shows the sequence of transitions to the section for individual brands.

Via Samsung Kies

Users of Samsung devices are recommended to use proprietary utility Samsung kies to connect via yusb. You can download it on the official website of the manufacturer. Then follow these steps:

  1. connect the gadget to the computer via the connecting cord;
  2. in your smartphone, go to "Settings", section "Wireless networks";
  3. in the subsection "Modem and access point" check the boxes on the lines "USB modem" and Mobile AP;
  4. in the network settings, find the shortcut of your cellular (usually called the smartphone model) and select it.

Using Samsung Kies, you can also fix connection errors by selecting the appropriate block in the main window.

Through EasyTether

Alternative method - program EasyTether Lite/ Pro. It allows you to configure your smartphone as a wired router. To use the app, run:

Then you will be able to use the "World Wide Web" to the fullest. When downloading any software, check it for viruses to avoid theft of personal information and damage to system files.

OpenVPN and Azilink software

This is additional software for using your phone as a modem. The technique contains steps:

  1. Install OpenVPN. Download the Azilink archive to your PC.
  2. Connect your mobile to your computer using a cable.
  3. In the archive, run azilink-install.cmd. The program will be installed on the smartphone.
  4. Launch "Azilink" on your smartphone and check the box opposite Service Active.
  5. In the archive, run start-vpn.cmd. Wait for the installation process to complete.
  6. Be sure to turn off Wi-Fi on your smartphone. Now you can visit any unblocked pages on the network via 3G on a laptop or PC.

Connecting iOS Phones

For Apple owners, router mode is also available. To activate, follow the steps of the following instructions:

Bluetooth connection

Let's find out how to make a modem from a gadget via Bluetooth. To do this, in the "Personal access point" section, click the appropriate item. On android smartphones, click on it. In the window that appears, click " Bluetooth connection". The inclusion on iOS takes place in a similar way. Next, in the "Start" menu, activate the bluetooth and search.

Create an access point using Wi-Fi

You can make a wireless access point out of your mobile. We will tell you how to do this on Android, iOS and Windows Phone systems.

For Android

You don't have to connect your smartphone to your computer. Make sure your PC has a Wi-Fi adapter (it is installed on laptops from the factory). Activation is performed according to the following instructions.

Have you arrived at the dacha and want to watch a movie on a laptop, but there is no wired Internet? Or maybe your home ISP is having a problem and your PC still needs network access? There is a very simple way out - to use a smartphone as a modem for a computer via USB or Wi-Fi.

How to use your smartphone as a modem

Any modern smartphone that has access to the Internet can become its source and distribute the network over Wi-Fi or over a wire. As a rule, gadgets already have suitable drivers to turn into an access point, and you only need to find the necessary parameters in the settings of your phone.

Important: when using mobile internet, don't forget about traffic. If you often connect your gadget as a modem, go to unlimited tariff or an operator that offers a large package of gigabytes. The quality and reliability of the connection will also depend on the speed of the Internet and the location of your provider's towers.

How to connect an Android smartphone as a USB tethering

When you connect your smartphone to a computer, a menu appears on the gadget's desktop where you can select the connection mode - charging or transferring files. The USB tethering options are hidden in the phone settings and are not set by default, so you have to find them manually.

As an example, we used a smartphone on Android 9 in the EMUI shell, but just in case we gave the names of the menu items in other versions of Android.

  • Connect your phone to PC via USB. If this is a new device, wait until the drivers are installed.
  • Open your smartphone settings. In the section "Wireless networks" ("Network") find the item "Modem mode" ("Modem and access point").
  • Activate USB tethering. The computer will display new network with internet access.

How to use a Samsung phone as a modem

To distribute the Internet, Samsung gadgets can use the Smart Switch (Kies) program. Install it on your smartphone and connect it to your PC. In the dispatcher Windows devices new equipment from Samsung will appear.

Next, in the smartphone settings, select the "Connections" tab - "Modem and access point" - "USB modem".

After activation mobile modem a notification appears on your computer that the Internet is available.

How to share Wi-Fi from a smartphone

Another way to use your phone as a modem is to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi. In we described in detail how to create a hotspot on an Android smartphone. Everything is very simple - on most models it is enough to open the menu curtain and select the "Access point" item.

  • To configure Wi-Fi, go to the access point settings - for this, tap on the function icon and hold it.
  • Set the network name and password and, if necessary, the type of encryption.
  • We also recommend setting a traffic limit that can be used when your smartphone is connected to the network. We remind you that this is a mobile (and often limited and expensive) Internet.
  • In addition, the maximum number of possible connected devices should be set so that the network is not overloaded.

Important: in tethering or hotspot mode, the smartphone is discharged faster. Put the gadget on charge or connect it to a power bank while distributing the Internet.

What to do if you need to get into world wide web from a PC, and you are in a place where there is no wired broadband Internet? Use your phone as a modem for your computer via USB. Let's see how to do it.

How to make a phone a modem for a computer

Use your smartphone as a modem. Almost everyone has it. Operators provide good coverage terrain of 3G and 4G networks. The device comes with a special USB / microUSB cable. We will use it to connect a smartphone as.

How to connect a phone to a computer instead of a modem

Connecting a phone as a modem to a computer using specialized software

Install EasyTether Lite software. Download and install it for phone and PC.
Follow the sequence of these steps:

  1. Connect your smartphone to your PC;
  2. If necessary, the system will install additional drivers;
  3. On your smartphone, enable debug mode (as described above);
  4. On a PC, right-click on the program icon, select "Connect".

What else to do if the computer does not see the phone's USB modem

The reason is the firmware, or system files damaged by viruses. What should I do? Go to factory settings.


We've covered what to do if the computer does not see the phone as a modem. Use the methods described above and you will succeed.

Question: Why can't the computer see Samsung phone which is connected via USB cable ... How to connect to the Internet on your computer from Samsung Galaxy or from other Samsung phones using the phone as a modem? Do I need special program for the Internet from your phone?

Answer: To connect the Internet on your computer using Samsung Galaxy or other Android smartphones as a modem, you do not need additional programs... Possibly depending on the version operating system installed on your computer will need to install required drivers which will help to identify your phone connected to the computer with the possibility of further using your phone as a modem... So as not to search the Internet for drivers for Samsung, you can download and install for free on your computer Samsung program Kies, which itself will install all the necessary drivers for Samsung Galaxy and other Samsung phones on your computer, after which you can use the Internet on your PC from your phone using it as a USB modem. I would like to warn you that it is better to use on the phone unlimited Internet, otherwise a large amount of money will be withdrawn from your account, or even worse, debt may form (negative balance).
You can download the Samsung Kies program for connecting Samsung phones and smartphones to a computer from the official Samsung website by following this link.

How to connect Samsung to a computer using a USB modem?

After you connected the phone to the computer, you need to activate the USB modem function on the phone, for this, do the following steps on Samsung Galaxy or other Android Samsung smartphones: open Menu / Settings / Other networks / Modem and access point, then connect Samsung Galaxy to your computer and check the box next to USB modem. That's it, now you can use the Internet on your computer through your phone, using Samsung as a usb modem.

  • Reviews, comments, additions, useful tips, questions and answers on the topic how to connect the Internet on a computer via Samsung Galaxy and other smartphones on the Android platform can be added below.
  • I hope this article helped you connect your phone to a computer and access the Internet on a PC via a phone modem.
  • Big request for mutual assistance and sharing useful tips with users in troubleshooting.
  • Thank you for your responsiveness, help and useful advice !!!

01 h. 13 minutes
I did everything as described, but little happened. I downloaded the prog, but to no avail, the files open, but how to connect to the Internet that I have xp worth

20 hours 26 minutes
Download on a computer a program that will help connect the bodies to a computer for use yusb modem... the program through the INTERNET will find the driver, the essence is that there is no Internet on the computer, how will it find what?

13 hours 32 minutes
Thank you very much for posting instructions on how to connect the Internet to a computer via a Samsung phone. Oto I was tormented and not how I could not tune. Otherwise, I went to the Internet through phone nokia... I tried to set it up like a Nokia but did not go. It turns out on the Samsung in a completely different and simpler way than a steamed turnip. Thanks again.

17 hours 29 minutes
regarding this issue, this article from the Samsung website helped me: samsung. com / ru / support / skp / faq / 444469 hope it helps others too! :)

17 hours 44 minutes
heat up at once

In the era of universal computerization and the development of the Internet, this issue is of interest to many users. After all wifi signal, and even more so the wired network is not always available. While mobile internet can be used anywhere... The main thing is to have high-quality coverage. cellular network your his mobile operator... Moreover, the speed of data transmission in 3G and 4G networks allows you to comfortably use the Internet.

Ways to connect a smartphone as a modem

Modem - compact mobile device, allowing you to create an Internet access point in the network coverage area. But with the development of technology, these devices have ceased to be relevant, since any can be used as a modem. It is very convenient and you do not need to spend money to buy a separate gadget. Let's consider the main ways to connect a smartphone like a laptop modem:

  • using a smartphone as a quality;
  • connecting a smartphone as a modem via USB output;
  • smartphone operation in mode Bluetooth modem.

How to use your smartphone as a router

Not everyone knows that a modern smartphone can act not only as a client of a wireless network, but also be a full-fledged router. In this case, he able to replace the adapter and become an access point simultaneously for several devices with a Wi-Fi module. In this case, the phone does not need to be connected to a laptop with a cable and you can use the Internet throughout the entire range.

To activate this function, you need to enable data transfer via mobile network... In the same place, in the Wi-Fi menu, you need to activate the access point by performing the following settings:

  • set the name of the network;
  • select the data transmission frequency (from the list of available ones);
  • set a password (or disable it).

If these icons are missing in the smartphone notification curtain, then they can be found in the android settings menu. After completing these simple steps a new access point with the specified name will appear in the laptop's "Wireless & networks" menu. By connecting to it and entering a password, if necessary, you can freely use the Internet.

Smartphone as Bluetooth modem

Another wirelessly connecting a laptop to the network via a smartphone is using it as a bluetooth modem... This option is convenient when there is no USB cable at hand and high data transfer speed is not required. At the same time, battery consumption is noticeably reduced, which allows you to use the Internet for a long time.

To activate this type of connection, you should turn on the bluetooth function in yours and in settings, allow visibility for other devices. Further in the smartphone settings you need activate the "Bluetooth modem" mode... After that, on the laptop, you need to start a search for devices in the range of visibility. From the list that appears, you need to choose a smartphone that works as a modem.

To pair the two devices, you will need to enter a numeric confirmation code, which will appear on the laptop monitor. After synchronizing devices will begin automatic installation drivers on a laptop... Then on the list wireless connections a new one will appear available network, through which the Internet will be accessed. It should be noted that the baud rate when using this method will be approximately 10 times smaller than when using a smartphone as a router.

Connecting a smartphone as a modem via USB output

Using your smartphone as wireless modem for laptop has one significant drawback - the limited battery power of the phone. The following method can solve this problem. It consists in connecting a smartphone as a USB modem... This feature is present in all smartphones, starting with version 4 of the Android OS.

To do this, you need to connect the phone to the laptop with a cable. Then in the settings wireless networks activate the item "Modem mode"... After which the android will work in virtual mode network card, which does not require the installation of a special software... Smartphone like usb modem for a laptop, will provide your device with a stable internet.

We have looked at ways on how to connect a smartphone with as a modem for laptops with. At the same time, no available options that would guarantee a successful connection of the android to the MacBook. To do this you need to use which is very easy to sync with.