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Is it possible to update to 6. Program for updating Android devices

After almost after the Announcement of Android 6.0 Marshmallow Update for Xperia devices, Sony finally released the long-awaited update.

In Russia and the CIS countries, the Android 6.0 update for Xperia Z5, Xperia Z5 Premium and Xperia Z3 + came out, while the owners of the remaining devices, including Xperia Z5 Compact and Xperia C5 Ultra, could still wait for an indefinite period.

I confess, wait so much time of the Russian firmware for Xperia Z5 Compact for me it turned out too tiring, so it was decided to download the assembly for the Baltic countries and Northern Europe and install (reflash) it alone. Immediately, I note that the firmware of this region does not differ from PCT, the Russian language, of course, is present. Therefore, there is no particular sense.

Update: There is a fresh information about android update 7.0 Nougat for devices Sony Xperia. (You can find out which smartphones will receive an update).

Also appeared information about the update of Marshmallow for, and. Click on models links.

For those who do not know, make it very simply using FlashTool utilities. Instruction in furning Xperia. See here:

Instruction FlashTool

External shell changes based on Android 6.0 Marshmallow

External changes are always noticeable of software, so let's start with them. Moreover, the little things have changed a lot

New status bar - This is the first thing you notice. Icons of system icons have become other, more similar to the standard android Marshmallow. Looking ahead, I must say that such changes in the direction of the stock android will be much.

Cutture and menu quick fast settings Received new animations, and the animations themselves have become more and now they are smoother and long.

Menu of open applications. Noticeably smoother scrolling.

Changing the volume.The minimalist menu to work with the volume of the device, the design is almost like in the stock of Android 6.0. Changing the volume has become more convenient and faster.

Numerous minor changes. New system icons In the edit menu, new animations, etc.

New Settings / Standard Applications

Despite the fact that after a first look at the settings and standard applications New android firmware 6.0 MarshMallow may seem that there are no special changes, but it is not. They are and on them worth paying attention.

Energy saving. In the first update on the basis of Android 6.0, everything has disappeared with Stamina and Ultra Stamina. Instead, there is a standard power saving mode there. After Stamina from Sony, google's decision It looks too simple, it's good that the next Stamina updates will appear again.

data usage. They shook this embedded app, I must say, for the better. The design has become more understandable and logical.

Topics. Fully redesigned this application. Now there we are waiting for a nice animated dormant cat with a smeared tail. Developers do not get tired reminding that there is a lot of design for Xperia devices.

Settings - Memory. Here is also a new, concise design. Simplified, but did it with the mind.

First inclusion. Fully new greeting and initial settings.

Telephone. A whole memory of small, but noticeable changes in the design of the dialer application.

Messages.Similarly, a dialer, many edits were made in the message design. The most significant is the stickers for MMS and a convenient file sharing panel.

The calendar. New brand calendar XPERIA. Neatly decorated, it is not very particularly for what.

Camera. The camera's branded application has not undergone special changes in the design plan, but received new functionality in the form of a swipe to switch the camera modes (super auto, manual, video etc.). By the way, the assembly number has changed from version 2.0.0 per 1.0.c.1.2. So far it is difficult to say whether there are any changes in the speed of the camera and its picture quality. Later I will make a separate material about the camera.

Allow the application. New chip Android Marshmallow, which allows you to more clearly monitor the actions of any applications installed on the phone.

Work speed / work time

Honestly, it was not particularly believed that after the update on Android 6.0 Marshmallow, something would significantly change in terms of speed. But fortunately I was mistaken. 🙂

I do not know how Xperia Z5 or Xperia Z5 Premium, but Xperia Z5 Compact has become more responsive than it was previously on Android 5.1 Lollipop. This also applies to various animations on the desktop, a curtain, in system applications.

All embedded applications began to open more rapidly. The difference is not too significant, but it felt after the transition from the last firmware on Android 5.1, this cannot be denyed.

Increased the speed of the fingerprint sensor, and most importantly did not forget about its accuracy. According to my observations, false pressures have become about two times less.

Whether the time of operation of the Xperia Z5 Compact has changed on Android 6.0 Marshmallow to say difficult. It seems that the smartphone works the same time as on Android 5.1, but there was Stamina (it turned on with a 50% charge), and then it is not.

Perhaps with the advent of Stamina in the next update the situation will become clearer. Now it is accurate to note that on Android 6.0, if the time of work, if it has increased, then slightly. However, the spending of the battery when working with applications has become more smooth if you can express it.

In the residue / summing up

Without a doubt, the transition to Android 6.0 Marshmallow is a very important event. The update brought not only new user capabilities, but also greatly changed what is "under the hood".

After all, it was in Marshmallow Google completely abandoned Java, in favor of a new runtime environment. android applications Runtime (ART). Do not forget about careful work on an increase in the time of work (DOZE only the vertex of the iceberg), as well as total work on the security of the system. Above improving the level of security in Google seriously fired.

The developers of Sony Mobile so delayed with the release of Android Marshmallow for the Xperia Z5 series, failed to present system update In January 2016.

SAMSUNG stumbled about this major update, which only began to send a marshmallow update to their last year's flagships.

The first update based on Android Marshmallow for Sony Xperia devices clearly shows how huge turned out to be the front of work in front of the company engineers, if even Stamina did not work out to be optimized for new Android 6.0 algorithms.

Well, it is worth congratulating Sony with a good start to update its current Xperia devices to Android 6.0 Marshmallow and wish that the rest of the devices get it as early as possible.

What do you think about this update? Your thoughts leave in the comments.

I will be grateful for the repost!

Updating the operating system Android is not only recommended, but also the necessary process for stable operation of the smartphone. For the owner of the phone - it is primarily an increase in the productivity of the device, the emergence of new features, and not just correcting errors by the manufacturer. Therefore, every user should know how to update the Android on the phone.

The process of changing the current version of Android on the device requires the user of attention and execute several conditions.

Before moving to changing the operating system, you need to make sure that:

  • that the phone is charged (the recommended battery level should be at least 50%);
  • what wi-Fi network reliable and stable (important only when a computer is not used when loading software);
  • that the USB cable, with which the phone is connected to the computer, is correct.

During the update to 9.0, 8.0, 7.0, 6.0 or more early version Android is forbidden to remove the battery or turn off the smartphone.

The interruption of the update process for one of these reasons can lead to irreparable consequences (without the help of specialists service Center not enough).

There are two main ways to change android yourself:

  1. Running the update on the smartphone itself.
  2. Change the software modification using a computer.

How to install a new android without connecting to a computer

The easiest option to change the version of the OS is to start the process on the smartphone itself.

Usually the system is noting about the presence of new version (Notification appears at the top of the gadget screen):

Note: update algorithm to a new versionAndroid always the same: an update of the operating system is not important to 5.0, 7.0 or 9.0.

Depending on the phone model and the current modification of the firmware, the text and registration of the notification on the screen may differ.

After receipt of the notification, click "Download", and wait until the software is loaded to the device.

When Android will be downloaded, the appropriate message will appear in the notification panel, and the user will be asked to install or postpone the process.

Important: Before you press "Set now", it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the information provided above, where the developers warn about the possible loss of personal data, and the need to make backups.

Not always the system notifies the user about the availability of the new version of Android. The reason can be the absence of an Internet connection or a refusal to receive notifications (you can specify in the "Update" section).

In this case, download the new Android can be manually. For this you need to perform the following steps:

How to update OS android using a computer

Change operating system Android can be using the application from the manufacturer.

The main purpose of such programs is to create a backup of data, transfer photos and video to a computer and vice versa.

Among such applications, you can highlight Samsung Kies or SMART Switch for Samsung smartphones and XPERIA COMPANion. For Sony phones.

Before changing Android 4.4.2, you need to activate a special setting intended for developers - "USB debugging". In later versions, this setting is hidden, and to activate it, you need to do the following:

How to upload a new Android using Xperia Companion

To download the firmware on your smartphone using the Xperia Companion program you must:

ATTENTION: It is impossible to return to the previous version of the OS, which the user will receive a notification before installation.

How to make an update using Smart Switch

For installation new Android on the tablets I. sAMSUNG smartphones are used smart applications Switch and samsung kies.

To make an update to 7.0, 8.0 or 9.0 s using Smart. Switch, you need:

Note: If the screen does not appear about the option of downloading a new versionAndroid - This means that the device has the latest updates..

How to make an Android update with samsung kies

For updating, for example, Android 4.2.2, with using samsung Kies need to do the following:

New firmware may not meet the user's expectation (changes appearance Menu, new applications appear and removed, etc.). Therefore, it is important during the installation to read what changes will occur, and is it worth updating.

This year, the company has already shown the 6th version of its Android mobile operating system. She got the name Marshmallow. This is how the M M, about which the fans have built assumptions and rates all summer. Despite the fact that it is not 5.2, and the whole 6.0, new features and noticeable updates are much less than it was 5. But it is not surprising, because 5 asked a new direction, and 6 simply strengthens its position. So, what's new appeared in Zefirinka?

Google Now ON TAP

This is probably the main function that the creators boasted and waited for fans. It analyzes the contents of your screen at a specific point and offers interesting features. If you are viewing in the application last kinonovinki, Now On Tap will introduce you to the list of closest sessions. Listening to music, you can get comprehensive information about the artist, and communicating in the messenger about a particular restaurant, you can order a table in it or call. Thus, Google knows more about you, but uses it only for you personally.

Support for new standards and technologies

It is worth saying at once about two innovations. Dactyloscopic sensors, which brought to the market, Apple and USB Type-C, which everyone spoke for a long time. Fingerprint sensors have already set many companies in their devices, including Samsung, but used their own developments, now this feature is native, that is, any manufacturer can add a sensor to your smartphone and not create special software for this. USB Type-C - new standardThat will finally eliminate all from the problem of an inverted cable. Now the cord can be inserted by any side and not lose the precious time. It will take place at least a year until this technology enters a wide use, but Google's attention is already talking about much.

Setting application permissions

Surely, many users, setting new applications, wondered why a specific program so much access to personal data or individual functions of the smartphone. If you have access to the camera to create a photo, you can explain, then here is the resolution of SMS viewing for the next game - it looks rather enough. Now any user can control which functions will have access to each of the applications installed in the mobile device.

Doze - One more step towards effective energy saving

The new power saving mode is in a smart manner with your battery. The smartphone understands when you do not use it, and, the maximum turns off all background processes. Due to their inactivity, mainly and saves charge.

Built-in Chrome

This innovation will have to do both developers and fans browser Chrome.. So, creators of applications in which there is a need to open web pages, no longer have to embed or create third-party solutions. Browser from Google will play this role. In addition, it will be integrated efficiently, and the user will not even notice when, in fact, a web page is open, and when on the screen - the contents of the application itself.

New opportunities for working with memory card

Google, like Apple actively fought with memory cards, but at some point stopped and reached the fact that now on any device under android management 6 Marshmallow You can use the memory card as a system volume. it useful feature For those who do not have devices with large quantity Integrated memory.

Android Pay, Improved Tools Working with Text, Topics And More

Together with Android 6 starts payment system Android Pay, which, unfortunately, until we are available. For those who often copy, cuts out and inserts the text developers a little simplified this process by adding context menu With commands right above the selected text. Also in the settings, users can choose a dark or bright theme for OS. Marshmallow database smartphones can now act as charger For other devices. Now, finally, users can make backup copies of the system without third-party applications.

You can say with confidence that MarshMallow is a high-quality update for the Android operating system, which simply improves the user experience, but does not introduce radically new features. And this is right, given that the global update has passed just a year ago.

Now update and install the operating system of your smartphone or tablet to latest version It became even easier. Now, to install a new firmware, just download Android 6.0 from our site, follow the instructions from the downloaded archive, download and install the application to your smartphone or tablet with the Android operating system.

Periodically, each device running Android OS needs to update the current version of the operating system. Of course, without this, the gadget will remain in working condition, but nevertheless, some problems may arise with the old version. Therefore, today we will talk how to update android.

Often, running on sale new model, some problems software Stay outside the field of view of the manufacturer. The conscientious developer always tries to eliminate the flaws of the previously released versions identified in the process of using the gadget, and in addition, add new features that are more convenient for the user.

There are third-party developers who do not work on a particular company producing mobile devicesbut produced for a variety of models of devices own, unofficial software ( castomous firmware) which may even be better qualitythan Android versions directly from the manufacturer.

In addition, devices from little-known manufacturers (as a rule, Chinese) bought outside the Russian Federation also need firmware in updating the firmware.

How to update the version (firmware) android

Standard procedure

Official updates from the manufacturer go quite regularly. As a rule, this concerns popular models of gadgets or devices manufactured by well-known companies.

Such updates are absolutely free, do not require special knowledge from the user and usually occur automatically. To check the firmware and update it will require an Internet connection.

We go into the basic settings, in the section " System", At the bottom find item" About the phone" (may be " About device"), Then open the position" System Update" (may be " Update BY", On some models, you will need to click" Check now«):

The display will reflect the action " System Check", After which a message appears about the presence of the latest version or on its use, then the system has been updated automatically. If this did not happen, then before reflashing to the new version of Android, we learn information about the firmware installed on a specific device. To do this, we return to the section "On the phone" and at the very bottom we find the necessary information:

Know the current version of the firmware is necessary to obtain information about the presence of more fresh versions Software for a specific smartphone / tablet model and installation capabilities.

Note: If you use a gadget, which does not support Russian, then you need to find items " About Tablet." or " About Phone"And already there to look for the necessary information.

Using third-party programs (ROM Manager)

Sometimes the download of official updates through and-no is impossible, and the custom firmware will not be able to deliver in such a way. In this case, perfectly copes with a task one of best applicationsused for these purposes.

With this program, you can easily create backup copies of the system and (in our case) to update the current version of Android, including Chinese smartphones.

For the program to work correctly, if your device is not ruled.

After starting, the program is requested to install ClockWorkMod Recovery (CWM), it is a more advanced mod standard android Recovery. We agree, and then we carry out the following:

We load on SD card His apparatus the desired firmware (zip-archive format), which can be found on the official website of the developer of our device, launch utility Rom Manager., then select the item " Install ROM with SD card" Using the navigation by folders, specify the path to the archive on your Es-di card. Now activate the button " Save Current ROM"(This is done to roll back old versionIf I did not like the new firmware) and choose the position "":

We agree with the reboot and the program will launch the process of rebooting the smartphone in mode CWM. and installing a new firmware.

Also, the ROM Manager application will help in finding the firmware for specific deviceTo do this, select the item " Download firmware", And it may well be that there is something more suitable for you.

Read more about application functions Rom Manager. We look at the video:

Through ClockworkMod Recovery.

It is possible that the Rom Manager utility did not work with the help of the Rom Manager utility, especially such a situation is possible on smartphones of Chinese or little-known manufacturers. In this case, you can use the CWM menu.

ClockworkMod Recovery (or CWM Recovery.) Is an analogue of standard recovery with advanced features. This utility will help not only perform full reset Devices or install patches for games, but also make the firmware of the mobile gadget.

CWM supports most Android apparatus. In fact, every second modern smartphone (or tablet) Android is equipped with CWM modrels. But if there is only the stock (standard) recovery on your device, you install CWM Recovery using the ROM Manager application (see above).

After the entry in the ClockWorkMod Recovery menu is made by moving, using the volume key, first choose " wIPE DATA / FACTORY RESET"(To make a reset of all settings to factory), then" wipe Cache."(To clean the cache). Now we find the string " install zip. from. sD. card"And confirm the action with a hardware button" Home"Or the power on the device (it plays the role of the button" Yes»):

Note: Some models of devices, work with the menu can be controlled using the sensor.

Next, hitting the item " choose zipogra SD Card", Specify the path to new firmware In the zip archive, which was saved on the Es-di card, confirm the choice by clicking " YES - install /sdcard/»:

After the action performed the firmware process of our android devices will be launched. By completing it, I choose " reboot System Now."To restart the device and wait for the device to load, which can take a fairly long period of time.

Important ! Before updating the version of Android (firmware), you must fully charge the device, because the time for the whole process will take about half an hour. During the firmware, the smartphone will require a lot of energy to correctly perform the task. In addition, the display illumination during the update procedure will be on the maximum brightness, and the update process, interrupted due to lack of food can lead to deposits.

Therefore, before you begin to update your device, appreciate the degree of risk and try to approach the question how to update the version of Android with full responsibility. Good luck!

Xiaomi smartphones continue to enter the global market, occupying more and more leading positions. But at the time of the end of 2017, almost all phones had an operating system 6.0, which was not particularly pleased, because newest android Nougat is already available for worldwide use. Therefore, most users are interested in how to update android to 7.0 on Xiaomi, and is it possible at all.


Comparison Android 6 and 7

To begin with, let's look at what's new appeared in Marshmallow and NougatAnd is it extensive innovations that because of them it is worth updating.

Android 6.0 Android 7.0
Appearance googlenow. This intelligent online assistant in your phone helps finding information about the information without text and voice input.

The embedded application literally scans the screen, stopping, for example, at the address from the message sent to you, and the location on the map instantly shows.

Functioning notifications. Suggesting with a friend in Messenger, but for a couple of minutes I went into the game, and get another message, but I don't want to close the toy? Not a problem. Now you can easily respond in the curtain of notifications without opening the application itself.
Gradual requesting permits in new applications. IN previous versions Android before downloading from Google Play. The system immediately requested, whether we agree to provide the program with access to certain information on the smartphone. Now it will be done in order.Professional work with notifications. Now you can fully configure them in this way: the messages of this program should always come first, from this - without sound and vibration, and notifications from any game are not needed at all, I turn them off. Agree, very convenient.
Advanced power saving mode.Doze adjusts the battery cracking and enters the device to sleep mode when the user does not use it. Due to this, the battery may not be discharged all night or spend the minimum charge, being in your pocket.Multi-plate mode. Hit among new products, many times fitting work with the device. Now you can share the screen into two parts and simultaneously work with multiple applications or web pages.

As you can see, both versions have their own huge benefits, but do not forget that Android 7 is getting rid of many flaws and bugs with which users have come across the six. Therefore, Nougat is the most optimal solution. We read on how to get this version to your device.

How to update android to 7.0 on xiaomi 2 ways

Now let's figure it out in the process of updating to the new version of Android. If you still hit the list of lucky and you can easily install 9, then go to official way. But if you did not find your phone in the list - do not despair, you still have a way out. We read on.

Unofficial ways

If your device is not in the list, you should not be upset because the yield is available here. Unofficial Custom firmware MIUI 9 You can find almost for each phone. Do not forget that in this case it is required. So you get an operating android system 7, but no one excludes troubleshooting. Most often, the violations relate to the chamber and brightness adjustment. You can not pay attention to all this, since the improved functionality of the Nougat will screensify the minuses.

Usually, third-party firmware is perfectly installed using special Program . With the options of this program and detailed instructions You can find in our separate article. Do not forget that before starting the operation, a working system should be held.

Official methods

Is there official phone on your phone? Then you automatically get rid of a series of complex processes. The only thing to do is to download the firmware from the site and install it, using the built-in update application.

  1. Come on;
  2. Look for your phone model there;
  3. Choose in the list of available firmware "Global Stable";
  4. Download it. Transfer to the phone (if you downloaded via PC);
  5. Come in the "Settings";
  6. Look for the "About Device" item. Click on "updates";
  7. In the upper right corner, look for 3 points, press there;
  8. Select the item "Select Firmware File";
  9. Waiting for the completion of the file integrity check;
  10. Click "Set";
  11. The update process lasts from 5 to 10 minutes.

Want to get a device with already installed factory MIUI 9? Such smartphones also went on sale, and the leader among them is still Xiaomi. REDMI 5 Plushaving latest System Android 7.1. Nougat will be perfectly combined with a diagonal of about 6 inches powerful processor, luxurious color reproduction, excellent camera and extensive built-in memory.