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Smart as a modem. How to connect Android to a computer as a modem

It is important to know how you can use an android device as a modem. There are different reasons for this. The inability to use the Internet on the computer delivers inconvenience, but you can connect the phone to the laptop to enter the network.

Using system functions

Data-Lazy-Type \u003d "image" data-src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! Lang: Connecting a computer to Internet via android" width="300" height="194"> !} Not always from the first time, a person may figure out how to connect. There are several ways. There is a team uniting them: both devices must have a sufficient battery level for work.

The easiest way does not require installation special programs. Would need cable with USB connector. Attach your phone. Previously, the Internet must be configured on the smartphone. In some cases, you need to install drivers for a successful connection. They come complete to a cellular device, in case of a loss of discs, you can download them from the manufacturer's website.

Drivers are built into the original system android systems. To download them, follow these steps:

  1. When the connection is set, the green robot icon in the upper corner will appear on the phone screen.
  2. Open your top curtain and browse the list of actions performed.
  3. Press the "USB connected" button. A window will appear with information that the phone is connected via the cable.
  4. Press the Large button so that the logo with the robot bought yellow. Now you can use the functions of a smartphone.

Remove the USB cable from the connector and set the connection again. This time the device is connected to a computer as a modem. You can activate this feature through the options of the smartphone. Go to the menu, then click the "Settings" button. In some gadgets on the android system, select the "Wireless Network" item, and then the modem mode. Other devices are connected after switching to the "System" position and pressing the "Modem and Access Point" button.

Most owners have difficulty finding the necessary subparagraph in the menu. Some Android shells do not allow the connection to this method. In this case, connect will be connected in another way.

Connection using mobile applications

If for some reason you cannot turn on the Internet through the mobile device, you can install a program on it that allows you to use the phone as a modem. Currently, there are many applications intended for this purpose. The most popular - Kies and Easy Tether.

See also: How to create an account on android - by steps

The KIES application creates synchronization between the phone and PC. To work, use the "USB drive" option in the device, attach the cable to the laptop connector. If the stationary device does not find the phone, the installation of drivers is required.

  1. In the smartphone menu, click the "Settings" button, go to position " Wireless networks».
  2. You need an sub-clause "modem and access point."
  3. To connect to the Internet occurred, check boxes next to the "USB modem" and "Mobile AP" inscriptions.
  4. Touch the finger of the square on the screen so that the checkbox appears.

Next, configure the computer. To call the menu, click "Start" in the lower left corner, then the "Control Panel". A pop-up window will appear, you need the "Connection" position. To access the phone, select "Display All Connections". Find the position in the list, which is called the same as your phone. Internet on personal device Must earn.

JPG "Alt \u003d" (! Lang: Connecting a smartphone to a computer" width="300" height="173"> !} Appendix Easy. TETHER requires installation on a PC and on a smartphone. After that, attach the cable, if necessary, install the drivers, so that the computer finds your device. Now that the phone is identified, you should allow the application to enter the Internet. Navigate to the settings, select the "Application" position, find the word "Development". Click the Usb Debug button, and the smartphone on Android will receive permission to synchronize through the application. Next should be dealt with a laptop.

  1. Click on the icon with the name "Easy Tether" on the desktop.
  2. Find "Connect Via Android" item, which means "access to the network via android".
  3. Now the phone serves as a modem.

Phone software connection method as modem

If you use the phone as a modem, you can resort to the most complex method, which often helps. The complexity of the method is due to the use of several programs at the same time.

Load OpenVPN. On the laptop and perform the installation. After that, find and download the version of the program. Azilink.. Use the cord to connect Android with a computer. Last program Need to load on mobile apparatus. Open Azilink archive and click on the file with the name "Azilink-Install.cmd" to run it. The program uses synchronization and installs the application to the phone.

Smartphones Samsung Galaxy S, Ace and Tablets Galaxy Tab. Very popular in Russia and are the main competitors of Apple devices. But not all owners of these devices from Samsung are aware that their smartphone or tablet can be connected to a computer in uSB quality-Mode and go through it on the Internet if necessary. Unfortunately, there are some models in the Galaxy series, which do not support such a function. These are mainly a tablet without a 3G / 4G module. But such a bit. With the rest of the models, Samsung Galaxy does not arise such problems.

How to enable modem mode on Samsung Galaxy?

1. Connect and configure your mobile Internet on your phone or tablet.

2. Using a complete USB cable, connect the machine to a computer or laptop on Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10. At the same time, the operating system will start searching and installing the driver.
If suddenly the driver was not found and installed, then install the KIES program, but do not start it.

3. On your phone or tablet Galaxy Go to section Settings \u003e\u003e\u003e modem and mobile Point Access:

On some versions, the android of this item may not be, then you need to go to "Additional Settings" or "More."

4. Check the box at the point USB - modem.

If the function has enabled successfully, then the corresponding icon will appear in the notification area at the top of the screen.

5. After that, an additional connection should appear on the computer in network connections. local network With internet access.

A minus such a solution is that only one computer or laptop can be released on the Internet. But plus the fact that your Samsung Galaxy will also be recharged at the same time.

  • Published: December 11, 2016

Situations have repeatedly happen when it is necessary to view information from the Internet, the mobile device is the only opportunity.

Use the phone as uSB modem It is possible on the following gadgets - tablet, laptop, netbook and stationary computer. Version operating system It does not matter - the order setting order will remain without significant changes. The article will answer the question how to use the phone as a modem expanded and understandable.


  1. High price. Depends on the tariff of the operator cellular communication. It should be clarified to avoid unexpected cash spending. There are special offers for smartphone owners with without limit Internet - it will be the best solution.
  2. Low connection speed. Simple tasks - Correspondence with partners, opening browser pages, check mail, make easy, complex (watching videos, downloading music) - difficult, loading will occur more slowly.
  3. Possible compounds depending on the load workload.


  1. The Internet connection is possible anywhere where Mobile communications is available.
  2. Easy connection setup - even newcomer can cope.
  3. Suitable for any computer devices.

Primary requirements

  • The smartphone must contain a built-in modem, be able to exit world Wide Web, support GPRS, EDGE (more optimal option - 3G, 4G, LTE)
  • Bluetooth adapter, USB cable for attaching to a computer.

Sumsung phone setup order

  1. It will be necessary to download software PC Suite for Samsung smartphones from any reliable source. Software should be installed, to restart the system. At the end of these actions, you must run the program, configure the connection parameters with the World Wide Network, appropriate to the requirements of the telecom operator. We connect our gadgets by cable or Bluetooth wireless link.
  2. To find a cell phone, you will need to select the "modem" item in mobile device (PC Suite option is possible). The indicator of the correctness of the action will be the popup window "connected phone" in the lower right corner of the desktop.
  3. Apply the "Internet Connection" section, adhere to the proposed settings algorithm. We carry out the connection, turn ourselves on the Internet.
  4. When using the BluTooth interface, you will need to make this kind of wireless connection to the phone and personal computer. Following the activation, select the "Devices and Printers" section in the Start menu, to the list of allowed smartphone devices. Synchronizing gadgets.
  5. Open the downloaded software on your mobile device, establish a connection to the World Wide Network.

Nokia smartphone as modem

  1. It will be necessary to download Nokia PC Suite software from any reliable source (often software is included in the standard phone package). Installation does not take long time and extremely simple due to pop-up tips. We establish utilities, make a reboot of the system. At the end of these actions, you need to start the program, configure the Internet connection parameters on the smartphone according to the requirements of the telecom operator. We connect our devices in the following ways.
  2. 2 options are possible - via USB cable and BluTooth wireless interface.
  3. Open software providing Nokia. PC Suite on a laptop (any computer device), click on the "File" tab. In the list that appears, select the "Internet Connection" section. Additional parameters will not be required - the operator's network will quickly define the connection will occur automatically.

Android smartphone as a modem

There are several ways to use the mobile phone android as a modem depending on its manufacturer.

Method first:

  1. For a computer, you will need a phone software that comes with it. Installation will be required. It is possible to store the required software on the mobile device - the USB storage mode is used to use it. Connect cellular telephonePC via a USB cord. Connection is displayed on a smartphone with a special icon. Click on it, select USB storage (the image of the android will get orange color). After installing the necessary programs, turn off the mobile phone, turn in the role of a USB modem.
  2. We make an active USB modem function. For various smartphone manufacturers, access to this option may differ. For LG, HTC Algorithm Next - "Settings -\u003e Wireless connection -\u003e Modem-\u003e USB modem mode "; For smartphones, Samsung - "Settings -\u003e Network -\u003e Modem and Access Point-\u003e USB modem".

The method of the second:

  1. Apply third-party programs. As an example, EasyTeTher Pro (EasyTeTher Lite) can be called. Pre-download, install the program.
  2. Connect a mobile phone, laptop via a USB cable.
  3. Activating USB debugging mode (Settings -\u003e Applications -\u003e Development -\u003e Debugging USB).
  4. Run the application on EasyTeTher PC, click on Connect Via Android. Internet is available.

Third method:

  1. We need to use third-party programs OpenVPN and AZILINK fresh versions. Install OpenVPN according to pop-up tips. Download, unpack the archive with Azilink.
  2. We connect the smartphone, computer via a USB cable, install Azilink to the phone (I search for azilink-install.cmd file, run it).
  3. Open utilities on your mobile device, check the Service Active checkbox.
  4. On the PC, open the START-VPN.CMD file from the unpacked archive, after it is installed, enjoy the connection to the Internet.

Options for solving the problem How to use a mobile phone + as a modem a large number. All solutions are simple, even come to novice users of PC. Setting parameters depends on smartphone manufacturers, user preferences.

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To gain access to mobile Internet It is customary to use 3G- or 4G modems from various telecom operators. On the one hand, it is very convenient, but on the other hand, the modem sticking out of the laptop is easy to break, and together with the USB port itself. The problem is solved with mobile phonesreplacing modems and allow you to enter the Internet. How to use the phone as a modem?

There are three ways to connect the phone in this mode:

  • With cable;
  • Via bluetooth;
  • Via wi-fi.

Let's see how it looks in practice.

Connecting through cable

In order to use the phone as a modem, we can connect it to a computer using a suitable cable. Further, drivers are installed in the system - they are available for download on the official sites of manufacturers. In the process of installing drivers, a modem should appear in the device list, which is a mobile phone. After that, you need to perform the following actions:

  • Register the initialization string;
  • Create connection;
  • Wire a shortcut on the desktop and connect to the network.

Next, we go to the "Control Panel - Phone and Modem". The opening window will require the instructions of the city code and type. Enter here the code of your city, although it will not be needed to us, and check the "Tone Set" checkbox - then you will enter the next window, in it we select the "Modems" tab. On this tab you will see a modem previously installed in the system (it is also a mobile phone). Next, we need to register the modem initialization string, for which we call context menuBy right-clicking on the selected modem.

After that, select the "Properties" clause and go to the " Extra options Communications. Here we specify the initialization string at + CGDCont \u003d 1, "IP", "point_dostup". For example, for the MTS operator, the string will have a view of AT + CGDCont \u003d 1, "IP", "MTS".

You can find out the access point for your operator communication on the website of the relevant operator or on our website using the search.

After that, we proceed to the creation of the connection - go to the "Control Panel - Network Management Center and common access - Create and configure a new network connection. " Select the "Connection to the Internet" item, select the modem and enter the connection settings:

  • Name - any;
  • Phone number - * 99 #;
  • Username - MTS;
  • Password - MTS.

After saving the parameters, you can proceed to communication testing. Using the phone as a modem for a computer via USB, we provide not only access to the Internet, but also charging the battery.

The username and password depend on the operator used. For some mobile phones, the dial number may be different, for example, * 99 *** 1 #. For details, refer to the site of your operator, in the help section.

But this is not all - in the smartphones of the last years of release, it is possible to activate the function "USB modem" operating without additional settings. Connect the device cable to a PC, activate the function - after a few seconds the computer will be connected to the Internet.

Connection via Bluetooth

Wired connection is inconvenient to the fact that there is a interfering wire. And since almost every phone has Bluetooth, we can configure the connection through it. We turn on the modules on the phone and in the computer, connect, wait for the installation of the drivers. Next, configure the modem that appears in the system and create a connection. - All by analogy with the above scheme.

The disadvantage of this method is the need module Bluetooth On the computer or in a laptop - most often there are no there. If there is no module, you can buy it separately by choosing a small model. Another minus will be a quick discharge of the battery with intensive data transmission.

Connection via Wi-Fi

Using the phone as a modem, with a connection via USB or Bluetooth, we encounter the complexity of the connection setup. Even if presence step by step instructions Not all users will be able to cope with this task. Therefore, we consider the connection process via Wi-Fi - such an opportunity is present in almost all modern smartphones..

To do this, you need to perform the following actions:

  • Disable Wi-Fi on the phone and activate the connection to the mobile Internet;
  • Go to the phone settings and activate the access point;
  • Enable Wi-Fi on a laptop / computer and find access point;
  • Enter the password from the access point and wait for the connection.

You do not need to configure anything here, which is already a big plus. If your smartphone does not have the ability to create an access point, try to use third-party programs - You can download them in the app store for your mobile platform.

Cons of this method of connecting two. As the first minus, there is a quick discharge of the battery, and as a second - the lack of Wi-Fi modules in most stationary PCs (must be purchased separately).

Smartphones have such software that allows you to connect to personal computers as a USB modem without any difficulties. There are several ways with which it can be done. The USB modem from the smartphone is easy enough. You must include two devices, and they must be charged.

First method: You need to configure the Internet on the phone. For a smartphone, you need to use a USB cable to attach to a computer from a smartphone. The computer may be required by the driver or programs in order to take place the correct operation of the computer with the phone, all that you want to install on the phone. Often to the smartphone included a disk with drivers, and sometimes they are in the phone and access to them is carried out in uSB mode storage.

You can also use the second way to create a modem. This method is suitable for smartphone owners from Samsung. It is necessary to check the availability of a program on the phone that helps to synchronize with personal computerIn this case, recommended branded program Samsung Kies.. Need to deactivate the option on the smartphone USB drive. And connect your smartphone to a computer with USB cable. If necessary, it may be necessary to implement necessary drivers. After the connection is set, you need to go to the phone menu: "Settings\u003e Wireless Networks\u003e Modem and Access Point". You must check the "USB modem" and "Mobile AP". On the computer you need to go to the network settings.

There is still one way to make a modem. To do this, you need to use the program called EasyTeTher Lite or the version with the full features of EasyTeTher Pro. EasyTeTher will easily make smartphone USB. modem. Necessary must be installed this application And on the phone and on the computer and connect using the cable. On the phone you need to do the following: "Settings\u003e Applications\u003e Development\u003e USB Laying.

There is still a fourth connection method. This method It is considered the most time consuming and better to use it if you do not get the previous three ways to connect. On the computer you need to install Open VPN, and then download and unpack the Azilink archive on the computer. Then you need to connect the smartphone and computer cable and then you need to install Azilink in the phone and run this program. Also on the phone you need to turn off Wi-Fi.