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Dir 320 Log in to the modem. Setting up a wireless network

The D-Link DIR-320 router is considered one of the most popular. The situation is not rare when the Router D Link is buying, will bring home, and then calls the Internet provider and says: "That's, I bought and not configure." Consider briefly specifications and appearance.

Appearance and characteristics

Regarding the characteristics, there is little that can be said, because all routers are extremely similar. Used standard wireless network 802.1g / b. On a Wi-Fi router, in addition to LAN ports, there are 1 USB port. The antenna on the modem is removable. To be more accurate, then it is only one antenna. The device itself supports PPPOE, L2TP, PPTP connection protocols.

On the front of the apparatus there are various indicators, light bulbs that allow you to monitor the state of those or other characteristics:

  • First there is a standard power indicator showing whether the router is enabled
  • Next, indicators showing the status of the Internet, Wi-Fi wireless network.
  • After there are 4 indicators of local ports. They show if there is any connection of the router via the LAN cable, and if so, then through which port.
  • The last USB indicator, which shows whether the USB port is enabled.

On the back of the apparatus there are various ports and connectors in which you need to insert cords and cables for proper Installation:

  • First there is one antenna that allows communication to get further around the house or apartment.
  • Then there is one USB connector, it has a green stroke.
  • Then there are 4 blue local ports, they are needed to attach with the LAN cable.
  • Then one WAN or Internet connector for connecting the Internet to our modem.
  • The penultimate connector is needed to connect the power supply.
  • The last button is signed as "Reset". It is needed to reset the settings, using it to reset the password. The button is located inside the hole, which protects it from accidental press, because after resetting the password, the router has to configure again.

Installing the router

Before you configure anything, the modem needs to be unpacked and installed on a convenient place for us. It is important that the rosette was near, so that I got the Internet cable there, so that there was a PC nearby.

There is nothing complicated in the installation. For the correct installation, you just need to connect the electricity to the router, attach the computer and the Internet through the cords. Internet cable is provided by Internet company. At this stage, the configuration and installation D Link DNS on the required place ended.

Full setting of the router

Before starting to configure the Internet and wireless network, before setting up a D LINK DIR 320 router, we need to check if the computer is connected correctly to the modem.

Check compound

To check the computer connection that works on operating system Windows 7, we need to go to "Start", then in the standard computer control panel. (It's easier to do as in the instructions in screenshots, it will help you configure D Link Dir 320).

Now we need to choose "View network status and tasks."

After you have chosen the necessary item, we need to click "Change the parameters of the adapter".

Now you need to look at the properties of the connection local network».

We need to be viewed whether the properties of the Internet protocol version 4 are standing there.

Here we put ticks if they are not, all opposite automatic settinglike a screenshot. And click "OK".

In the event that you have Windows 10 on your PC, then follow another instruction. "Start", and then you need to click on "Parameters".

Click on subparagraph "Network and Internet".

On the left in the menu you need to click on Ethernet, then we look at the adapter parameter setting, as in the first instruction.

Now also see the properties of the LAN network.

We see properties for the fourth version.

Again, install automatic configurations and click "OK".

Now we are confident that the connection is working properly if not, then update by software. And on the updated router now you can already perform some actions.

Configuring Internet Connection

To do any next stepsWe need to enter the router settings. This happens through the browser, we go to or - these are sites. This should be done on a PC, which has no connection to the Internet.

In that window, which has revealed, we are offered to enter Login & Password. According to the standard, the name and password are identical to Admin.

Now we entered the center of all configurations, we need to change the language of the interface into Russian, so it was easier. In the upper right corner, where Languag, choose "Russian".


Consider standard setting PPPoE. The latter is the type of compound, it needs to be clarified by the provider. All important information By setting can be in the contract. So, first of all, look there.

In the "Network" block we click on WAN. In the window, which was discovered just that, you need to click "Add". Here we do as shown in the screenshot.

The connection type must be selected PPPoE, or the one that is registered by the Internet company in your contract.

Then you specify the username and password, they are numbered 2 and 3.4. This data is in the contract with the Internet company.

After that, click "Apply". Now online should appear on your computer.

PPTP with a dynamic address

First, to execute debugs, we need to follow the WAN link, which is in the "Network" block. On the new Stanza, click "Add".

1. Connection type, as in the name of this subparagraph, PPTP with a dynamic address.

3. Then we need to specify the username and password. These data must be provided by the provider.

4. Also itself and with the VPN server. It must be provided by the provider.

5. Click apply.

PPTP with static address

In order to configure the static connection, you must add a new connection. It must be done in the WAN window, it is in the "Network" block. The connection type is chosen the one that we need is PPTP + static.

1. After you need to fill in the fields in IP item. All fields that are required to be completed must be spelled out. And the data we can request the provider, support services, or found in paper contracts.

2. Now settings of the VPN item. Immediately a tick opposite the automatic configuration. After prescribe all selected fields. This is the username and twice password, they must be in the contract. Like the address of the VPN server.

3. Click apply.

Setting up a wireless network

Configure Wi-Fi is even easier. To do this, select the basic settings in the Wi-Fi block (if you can't find, you first need to click on the advanced settings at the bottom of the page).

After you need to check the box next to "Enable wireless connection" Then you specify the necessary data. SSID is the name of your wai fi. Here we write any, just in English letters. Click "Apply."

Now you need to put a password on Wi-Fi. To pass the wi fi, select "Security Settings".

In the "Network Authentication" field, select WPA2-PSK. Encryption key, which is number 2, this is a wifi password. After it was introduced new passwordWe need to be preserved. To do this, click on "Save and reboot", it is at number 3.

Now all questions about how the router D Link DIR 320 NRU is configured, must disappear. Sometimes, before setting up a router, we need to learn how to flash the D LINK DIR 320 router. But about this, and how to create a network storage with a router D-LINK DIR, we will tell in another article.

Video on the topic

Quickly you internet!

In this manual for configuring the DIR-320 / NRU, we will consider in detail how to configure this router in DHCP mode, change Mac addresses, as well as to PPTP (VPN) mode. Our manual on setting up d-LINK router The DIR-320 NRU can be used for other models from a line of long, which have a similar web interface and functionality:

  • D-Link DIR-300 (VER. B5 +)
  • D-Link DIR-615 (Ver. E4 +)
  • D-Link DIR-655 (Ver. B1 +)
  • and other models "Longs", which we could not mention.

Well, we will assume that you have one of the D-links with the new web interface, you got it out of the cardboard box along with the power adapter and network cable. On the front side of the router you will find LED indicators, which in the process of work talk about the "behavior" of the router in this moment time (about the operation of its interfaces). On the rear panel, to the right of the antenna you will find 5 network connectors: 4 of them with the inscription Lan. Need to connect internal cables from home PCs, and in a lone connector with an inscription Interneta network cable from AIDO is connected (this interface from routers is called called Wan.). Right Ot Wan.interface Located USBconnector for connecting 3G modem from the provider wireless Internetand then goes the connector for power and the button recessed into the case reset the router settings if necessary.

To 4th Lan.dIR-320 ports You can connect up to 4 PCs or laptops over a network cable. By the way, one of these blue cables (the usual patch of Cord) is already included with the router, so you can use it to configure.

We looked at the basic information about the capabilities of your router, now you can go to configure it, but first you need to connect the router to a computer or to a laptop, after which we will get access to the web interface of our router.

Connecting the router in Windows 7 and XP

Before setting up your D-Link DIR-320, you must perform a number of preparatory activities - connect the blue network cable of any LAN interface of the router with a network card on a PC or a laptop from which you will configure and connect the power adapter to your router. As for cable from AIDO, it must be connected in the Internet (WAN) interface.

Now you should translate TCP / IP settings on your PC to the client DHCP mode (automatically obtaining IP addresses). Below we will look at how to do this on the example of Windows XP and Windows 7.

Connecting the D-Link DIR-320 / NRU router in Windows XP:

Start - Control Panel - Network Connections - Connection over Local Network - Properties - Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) - Next, see Fig.:

Connecting a D-Link DIR-320 / NRU router in Windows 7:

Start - Dick View Network - Choose at the top in search results - View network connections - Connection over the local network - Properties - Internet Protocol version 4 - Next, see Fig.:

By default, all D-Links are issued to the internal network of IP addresses from the range of Therefore, after 10-20 seconds, your PC or a laptop should receive the IP address from the router. It will look like or The inscription about the fact that the network card is assigned by DHCP, means that the router successfully issued a computer to the LAN interface internal IP address. If this does not occur or appears the IP address of the view - 169. ***. ***. ***, I do not exclude problems with the work of the client DHCP on your computer. Most often this may be caused by the work of firewalls (firewalls), but there are other reasons ... In this case, we can advise to register the necessary IP addresses in the settings network card manually. To do this, it will be enough to specify the following IP parameters on your PC or laptop:

IP -
Subnet mask -
Main Gateway -

Setting up router

Customize D-Link DIR-320 We will be through the web interface. For this you need in any computer browser (Opera, Internet Explorer., Mozilla, Chrome) in the address bar Go to the address: (usually this address is all D-Link'i have by default). You will see a greeting of the router on the screen of your computer. To enter the D-Link Web interface, you will need to enter the username and password, and then click on entrance. Default Username - admin, Password - Admin:

After entering the credentials, you will see a pop-up message from the router (see Fig.). In this DIR-320 message, it requires a default password to change the default password, which will continue to be used to enter the router. You can only click on OK:

N.introductably introduce new Passwordand it the confirmation, then click on the button Save:

You will be taken to the main menu of the D-Link DIR-320 router, where you will see the device information:

Important: To save the configuration after any change settings (!) It is necessary to press the Save button each time in the upper right corner.

Internet connection and configuration in DHCP mode, specifying MAC addresses

Now it's time to configure the connection of the router with IIDO. In D-Link DIR-320 NRU it can be done in p. Connections - WAN, click on the line Wan interface:

In DHCP mode (automatically obtaining IP parameters from IPO) no special difficulties with d-LINK setup DIR-320 / NRU should not arise. To do this in the field Connection type need to leave the option in position IPoe.

In field MAC. You can make the MAC address identical to the address of your computer on which you worked before installing the router, this will avoid calls to AIDO. If you wish to use a router with a "native" mass address, then fill in this option, specify the MAC address that can be found on the bottom of the router (six pairs of digitalbew). To register the MAC address of the router you need to call the service technical support AIDO and report this mass address.

More no options we will not change here, in DHCP mode everything will work. It remains only to click on the button. Save:

Now you need to check the functionality of the settings. You can do it in p. Status - network statistics.Here in the field Wan.You can see the information that DHCP the router client successfully received the necessary IP parameters from the IPID. In fact, you can already work on the Internet from the computer, which you have connected to the LAN interface of the DIR-320 / NRU router.

Setting up the router in PPTP VPN mode "Real Aipi"

To connect via PPTP you want to create new interface. (Note: To begin with, we still need to configure the router to work on the WAN interface with the IPOE connection type). Open p. Connections, Press the button Add:

To configure the router to work on a VPN connection, you must set the option Connection type To position PPTP.Next, consider the rest of the necessary options for configuring the DIR-320 / NRU in PPTP mode [from above-down]:

wANPPTPSNameType.- Allows you to set a way to specify the address VPN Server: In the form of a domain name or in the form of an IP address. Choose option URL;

Server Address - This indicates the above-mentioned VPN address of the server, fit iP.Syt.;

PPP username - In this option, login is entered for authorization with a VPN server. It can be found in his agreement with AIDO;

Password- This is a password for connecting to the VPN server AIDO (see your contract);

Password confirmation - Here you will need to re-enter a password for authentication on a VPN server to eliminate the error when typing;

Encryption- The data encryption transmitted via VPN is activated. Leave the option - Without encryption.

Algorithm authentication - Here you can choose the type of authentication that the VPN server AIDO supports. Choose option - AUTO. or automatically.

The remaining options and ticks in this menu do not touch. After pressing the button Keeptunnel before the VPN server AIDO must be successfully established:

Check - whether the VPN session rose, you can in the menu Connections. To move traffic via VPN, be sure to set the label Default gateway Opposite the compound PPTP. And save the settings through the button in the upper right corner!

Inscription that PPTP type is in a state Connectedspecifies to successful actions on your part. If the inscription Connectedit does not appear, then a mistake was made somewhere in the previous stages ...

Routing (Routing) Setup for Local Resource Access

The next step when configuring D-Link routers in PPTP VPN mode is usually filling the routing table. This procedure is necessary for simultaneously access to the local resources of the IIDO network with a VPN connections installed. Actually, if you are not very interested in local resources, you can skip this stage. For those who are going to continue to enjoy local serviceslike a torrent, set up routing will have to. Do it in the DIR-320 / NRU you can in the point AdditionallyRouting.This menu is a table for static routes.

To create a new local route in D-Link DIR-320 / NRU you need to click on the button Add:

In field Appointment network You should specify the destination area of \u200b\u200bthis route, indicate .

In field Mask of destination network You should specify the subnet mask for a specific route, specify .

In field Gatewayyou should specify the address of your local gateway (you can learn from my contract or you can see in a local network connection status on the computer that before installing the router was connected to the provider cable).

In field Metricsyou can put 1 or 10 . This value sets the priority for this specific routing rule.

In field Via the interface leave the option<Automatically\u003e, then router D-Link The DIR-320 / NRU itself will determine - on which interface it is more expedient to use this route.

To create the rule, you can only click on the button. Save:

After enhancing all the necessary routes, it remains to save the router parameters by pressing the button Save. On this routing setting in the D-Link DIR-320 / NRU router, it can be finished.

Configuring Wi-Fi Connection

The D-Link DIR-320 / NRU router allows you to transmit the data on a wireless network when using the appropriate Wi-Fi Equipment From the client side. Setting up wireless Wi-Fi network In the new D-Links, the DIR series is made in P. Wi-FiGeneral settings . Here you can completely turn off the Wi-Fi module in your router. Then the router will turn from wireless in wired.

Go to P. basic settingswhere you can set the name of the network and select Standard wireless communication.

Hide access point - Disables the network identifier distribution (SSID), it allows you to hide your network from Windows devices, speaking a safety device. True, in this case you will have to create a profile to connect to a wireless network manually.

SSID.- Wireless Network Name (Network ID). Under this title, the network will be visible in wireless Wi-Fi clients.

Country- Option Russian Federation.

Channel - Forced choice of channel for wireless communication. We do not recommend dealing with the channel number 6 Since most Wi-Fi equipment works by default on this channel (few of the users change it). Ideally, we recommend that you choose your choice on the channel. 1 or canal 12 To minimize the probability of interference with neighbors networks.

Wireless mode - Here you can select 802.11g or 802.11n wireless communication mode, and maybe even outdated 802.11b or a combination thereof. In mixed mode of operation (802.11 b / g / n Mixed), keep in mind that the total speed of the network when connecting diverse customers will be asked to the level of the slowest client.

Just below can be set Maximum number of customersthat will connect to the router.

Encrypting the wireless network is configured in n. Security Settings.

In the Options Network authentication You can choose an encryption algorithm in a wireless network. We recommend to stop your choice on the most versatile version. WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK Mixed - It will provide support for most modern Wi-Fi equipment.

In field PSK Encryption key You specify a password to your wireless Wi-Fi network. We recommend here to use a password from 8 to 10 characters with a length consisting of capital and lowercase letters, special characters and numbers. This minimizes the likelihood of password selection by intruders.

In the Options WPA encryption You can choose an algorithm for WPA encryption. Tkip.- less cryptostic option compared to AES., but S. AES.some wireless customers may not work. We recommend putting an option TKIP + AES., Then you will provide compatibility with most Wi-Fi customers.

WPA key update period You can leave the default.

I would like to say a few words about one option in Additional settingswireless network. Here is the option TX Power Responsible for the radiation of the wireless antenna. You can experimentally reduce it to such a level when it will be enough to cover the apartment / room, and it will not be too much to look outside the apartment. This will reduce the likelihood of hacking a wireless network from your neighbors-hackers :) And on health it will affect the better, especially if you smoke 😉

On this setting wireless Wi-Fi Networks in D-Link DIR-320 / NRU can be considered completed. To use Wi-Fi at home you will be quite sufficiently considered above manipulations.

Port Forwarding for Torrent

Setting up port forwarding (ports or port forwarding) must be done if you plan to use in the home network of the program and devices that require unsubstituted access to them from the LAN AIDO or external Internet network. For example, it may be necessary in case of access to home IP VEB Camera or when working with Torrent file sharing services. The principle of forwarding ports is as follows: You independently report the DIR-320 / NRU router, which type of unstended traffic from the outside the router should be transferred to a specific IP address of the home network.

Consider the ports of ports in D-Link DIR-320 NRU for UTorrent:

Configure Port Forwarding in the D-Link router in P. Firewall - Virtual servers . In this menu, the long-standing router you can create the necessary rules for port forwarding. And these rules can be created as based on ready templatesand for certain traffic. New rules are created after clicking on the button. Add:

Open the UTORRENT settings in terms of the connection parameters and give them in the following form. IN Port of incoming connections Specify the port that we would like to forward in our router:

Next, go back to the forwarding ports of the router ports and create a rule for the connections from UTorrent on the IP of our second computer in the home network. When creating the port forwarding rule, the second computer has an internal IP address Watching TCP and UDP traffic in port 22222 What we reflect in our rule:

We also note that for the correct operation of UTorrent, you will need to connect the "Real IIP" service, alone alone port forwarding (Port Forwarding) in the router will not be enough! Without a selected IP address, you will not be able to fully distribute torrents, because will interfere with NAT in AIDO. In most cases, without a highlighted IP distribution of torrents, there will be only 1/3 of the channel width.

This is all the necessary setting that may be required during the domestic operating routers DIR-620, DIR-300 / NRU, DIR-615, etc.

The D-Link DIR-320 router is a great modern device designed to provide your apartment or an Internet office. This router allows you to connect several computers to the Internet, besides, it is equipped with Wi-Fi, thanks to this function you can install a wireless connection, which is very convenient.

D-LINK DIR-320: how to connect a router

Device connection

  1. First you need to get a router out of the box and connect it to the PC.
  2. In the box you will see the power supply and the power wire. Connect it will not be difficult - just stick into the outlet.
  3. After that, connect the router to the computer. Please note that the D-Link DIR-320 has 5 RJ-45 connectors. Use the one that is signed by the Internet, in it and you need to stick the wire from the provider.


  1. Next, you need to configure the computer so that the router worked correctly. Go to "Start", then in the "Control Panel", select "Network and Internet Connections" and click on "Network Connections".
  2. Right-click on the "Local Network Connection", go to "Properties", then "TCP / IP Internet Protocol", select "Properties" and click "Get an IP Address automatically".
  3. Click "OK", it will mean that you accepted the settings.
  4. Now it remains to run any browser that is on your PC.
  5. Enter B. address line. After that, you will see a query name of the user and password.
  6. Next, enter Admin - this is the name of the user, and the password is root.
  7. For security, you can change the password. To do this, select "Maintenance" ( Maintenance), Go to "Admin". Enter the invented password twice in the Administrator window and click "OK" or "SAVE".

Creating a connection

  1. Go to "Settings" and fill in the fields in the "Internet Settings". Enter the login and password you recorded.
  2. Select PPPOE connection.
  3. So, the settings are saved, after which you need to restart the router.
  4. Open the browser and enter in the address bar;
  5. On the left lights the blue icon with the inscription "Internet Online".

You can also be interested in the following articles.

If you purchased a new router, either moved to a new place of residence with old equipment, then most likely you will need to configure the router D link dir. 300 Rostelecom. This process is not as folded, as it seems at first glance. In this article, we will prove this and consider all the steps of this procedure, as well as the configuration of the router D LINK DIR 320 Rostelecom.

  • Preparation of router

  • Configure Routher Dir 300 Rostelecom - Old Firmware

  • New firmware and working with model DIR 320

  • Enabling WiFi Security

  • Conclusion

the cost of interactive TV from Rostelecom.

How to connect interactive television through a router, you can read here.

After a successful entry into the main interface, the router most likely will suggest you to change the standard password to your own. We enter the invented combination of characters in two fields, confirm and again pass authorization, but with new data. If everything is done correctly, you will see the main menu in the form of a large "buttons" rather large size.

To start setting the network, perform the following operations:

  • click on the first (bottom left) button of the second line "Configure manually";

  • in the upper text menu, select the "Network" item;

  • open the already available connection "WAN";

  • we welt the page down and in the lower right corner click "Delete";

  • we are waiting for the page to be updated, the "Add" button will appear on the right, click on it;

  • on the settings page that opens, specify the type of Internet connection - PPPoE;
    port do not touch;

  • the name is chosen anyone (this will be called your connection in "Network Connections" on the computer);

  • below you specify the login from the Rostelecom agreement, as well as the password;

  • we save the changes made, then once again click "Save" in the center of the page.

At this stage, we remove Rostelecom in the direction of the contract and check the configuration of the DIR 300 router setting - go to any page of the Internet. It should open without problems. It remains only to configure the wireless network. For this:

  • open the WiFi menu item (located next to the "Network");

  • in the SSID field, we prescribe any name for your network and proceed further;
    To install the password, we save the changes and choose from available options WPA2-PSK;

  • we enter the invented password and persist again.

On this, the connection and wireless network are ready for operation.

how the service beep is turned off.

On the transfer of subscribers mobile operator Rostelecom on tele-2 can be found here.

From this article you learned how to set up router dir. 320 for Rostelecom, as well as its previous model, and these instructions should work in most cases. If you have such a characteristic problem as the unavailability of the IP Web interface (i.e., the browser does not open the authorization page after entering the combination, then again go to the properties of the Internet protocol (where we set automatically getting IP / DNS) and switch Network to work with static data. In the currently active fields indicate:

  • 168.0.12;

  • we leave unchanged (should be filled automatically);

  • 168.0.1;

  • dNS data from the contract;

  • also indicated in the contract.

After applying these changes, the authorization page should be affordable. If you still have any questions, see this video:

And on this everything. Tell us and you us about your internet connection experience. Any questions in the comments are welcome!

If you purchased a new router or moved to a new place of residence with old equipment, then most likely you will need to configure the router D Link Dir 300 Rostelecom. This process is not as folded, as it seems at first glance. In this article, we will prove this and consider all the steps of this procedure, as well as the configuration of the router D LINK DIR 320 Rostelecom.

Preparing a router to work

Before proceeding directly to work, you need to examine the device itself and perform a few simple operations:

  • connect the power cord and make sure that the POWER indicator is on;
  • connect the cord from the Internet to the corresponding connector: all of them 5;
  • make sure that port 1 and work indicators tanned on the front panel wiFi networksindicating that the cable is connected correctly and the signal from the provider servers comes to the device.

Important: The first four connectors are designed to connect the computer and the router by cable. Fifth to connect a telephone wire (Internet), as a result of which D Link 300 will take on the ADSL modem function.

Now I will get the documents that Rostelecom provided us, they are needed to configure the DIR 300 router.

How to configure the DIR 300 router with the old web interface

Setting up the router D LINK DIR 300 Rostelecom starts with the preliminary settings of the computer. They are carried out as follows:

  • click on the keyboard code combination Win + R. We will open the "Run" window;
  • we enter a combination of NCPA.cpl in an empty field;
  • in the network connections window that opens, select your current (which is customizable) and open its properties;
  • from the list, select the Internet protocol fourth version and also go to properties;
  • if any IP and DNS addresses are specified, we switch the network to automatically receive data.

Next, open the browser and, as well as while setting up the DIR 320 router for Rostelecom, we enter a combination in the address bar:, which will lead us to the authorization page. Know the login and password when setting up a new device (purchased and never used) is not necessary, since the value is equally for both fields - the word "admin" is strictly in the lower case. If an error pops up indicating wrong passwordSo, the router was previously adjusted and you need to know the new Password installed or reset the value by pressing the RESET button.

After a successful entry into the main interface, the router most likely will suggest you to change the standard password to your own. We enter the invented combination of characters in two fields, confirm and again pass authorization, but with new data. If everything is done correctly, you will see the main menu in the form of a large "buttons" rather large size.

To start setting the network, perform the following operations:

  • click on the first (bottom left) button of the second line "Configure manually";
  • in the upper text menu, select the "Network" item;
  • open the already available connection "WAN";
  • we welt the page down and in the lower right corner click "Delete";
  • we are waiting for the page to be updated, the "Add" button will appear on the right, click on it;
  • on the settings page that opens, specify the type of Internet connection - PPPoE;
    port do not touch;
  • the name is chosen anyone (this will be called your connection in "Network Connections" on the computer);
  • below you specify the login from the Rostelecom agreement, as well as the password;
  • we save the changes made, then once again click "Save" in the center of the page.

At this stage, we remove Rostelecom in the direction of the contract and check the configuration of the DIR 300 router setting - go to any page of the Internet. It should open without problems. It remains only to configure the wireless network. For this:

  • open the WiFi menu item (located next to the "Network");
  • in the SSID field, we prescribe any name for your network and proceed further;
    To set the password, we save the changes and select from the available options for WPA2-PSK;
  • we enter the invented password and persist again.

On this, the connection and wireless network are ready for operation.

Configure Routher Dir 320 Rostelecom

Since setting new firmware The DIR 300 router and the main firmware of the model 320 almost do not differ, we give general instructions By network settings on this type of Rostelecom devices.

Primary setting of the router D Link Dir 320 Rostelecom is carried out in the same way as described earlier:

  • we connect network cables and install the automatic receipt of IP / DNS;
  • after that, you authorize with standard data and set your own entry password;
  • in the interface window that opens, we look at the lower right corner - "Extended Settings";
  • in the "Network" field, select the first paragraph submenu - "WAN";
  • select an existing connection already and by analogy, click "Delete";
  • add a new connection in the same way as in the previous paragraph, inserting the name of the network and data from the contract, after which we retain it;
  • open the notification that appears (the light bulb in the top menu) and click "Save";
  • we update the page and observe the connection status "connected".

On this, the Rostelecom Route 320 Rostelecom router is completed. Check the connection performance by going to any of the search engines or the site social network. If everything is done correctly, the Internet will work.

Setting up WiFi router D LINK DIR 320 Rostelecom

To configure the D Link DIR 320 Rostelecom router to "distribute" a wireless connection, you need to return to the main menu and open the extended settings. Next to the "Network" field you can find the functionality you need wi-Fi settings. Go to the "Basic Settings" submenu and specify as in the previous firmware, network name. Then return a step back and open the security settings where you need to install the same type of network authentication and the same long password (at least 8 characters), as on the D LINK DIR 300 router. We save the changes twice (second time in the top notification) and check availability of WiFi network on any suitable device.

From this article, you learned how to set up a DIR 320 router for Rostelecom, as well as its previous model, and these instructions should work in most cases. If you have such a characteristic problem as the unavailability of the IP Web interface (i.e., the browser does not open the authorization page after entering the combination, then again go to the properties of the Internet protocol (where we set automatically getting IP / DNS) and switch Network to work with static data. In the currently active fields indicate:

  • 168.0.12;
  • we leave unchanged (should be filled automatically);
  • 168.0.1;
  • dNS data from the contract;
  • also indicated in the contract.

After applying these changes, the authorization page should be affordable. If you still have any questions, see this video:

And on this everything. Tell us and you us about your internet connection experience. Any questions in the comments are welcome!