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Replace all records of the resolution of the child object inherited from this object. TrustedInstaller - What is it? How to set a trustedinstaller permission request to a folder or file

You want to delete any outdated or unnecessary system folder, but get a message that you need to get a resolution from TrustedInstaller? The reason is in the absence of rights to change the folder (even for the administrator account). With this problem, many have come across Windows 7, but today it will be about Windows 8. Let's deal with how to receive full control over the folders ...

So, I will show an example of removing the unnecessary Windows folder, which remained after reinstalling the operating system. When you try to delete the folder, this is the message.

First, make sure that the administrator account logs. Otherwise, you will not be able to make some changes to the settings. Click right-click on this folder and select the item " Properties". In the parameters window, go to the "tab" Safety"And press the button" Additionally«.

Window opens Extra options Security". From above indicated who is the owner of the folder (TrustedInstaller), click on the link " Change«.

In the previous window you will see that the owner has changed. Just below, install a tick at the point " Replace the owner of subspeters and objects", And then click the button" Apply«.

We are waiting for a couple of minutes until all files are processed.

If any messages pop up, always press " Yes«.

All, you are the owner of the main folder and all the objects of it. Press OK.

Now we get full control over this folder. To do this in the list " Elements permissions»Select your account and click" Change«.

Install permissions:

  • A type - Allow
  • It applies to - for this folder, its subfolders and files
  • General permissionsFull access, Change, read and execute, list of folder, reading, recording

And click " OK«.

Just in case, repeat this action for all accounts with your name (or in general in the list). Also include inheritance and check the checkbox at the point " Replace all records of permissions subsidiary inherited from this object". And confirm all changes by clicking " Apply«.

The system will ask: "Do you want to continue?" Boldly press " Yes«!

Again, we wait until all files proceed (2-3 minutes).

Close properties and try to delete the Windows folder (to which permissions received).

Yes, everything is great. The folder is completely removed and no longer takes place on the hard disk!

TrustedInstaller - a special service designed to protect the resources of the operating system from any intervention. Resource Protection, if you express more accurate, is a system of the system that follows the computer owners (administrators) not deleted, changed or read certain files without permission. If the PC administrator tries to access the file element, it will receive a failure and notification that it is necessary to obtain permission to make this operation. system user", Trustedistaller services.
We will tell, which means refusal to access and what to do in such a situation. At the end of the article we will show clearly, in a small video material, how to solve the problem with permissions from windows services 10 and 8.

This system system actually has its account, account, on your computer. As we have already written above, it is necessary so that the user can not harm the system by editing, editing or deleting the desired file. of hidden section. Only TrustedInstaller owns the rights to these files / folders and, therefore, only it can change them if necessary. If you need to change the item file System, whose owner is a service, you must get the same rights. But how to do it, we will tell step by step, and show.

After changing the file to which you have no access, it is advisable to return the rights to the system elements of the TrustedInstaller service, for security purposes.

How to delete a folder that does not allow to remove trustedinstaller

If there is a need to delete a folder / file / element to which you do not have access, you will see a refusal service message, and notifying permission request. Such a situation may occur in any version of OS - Windows 10, 8, 7. And all the actions that we describe below are applicable to all these versions of the operating system.

So, how to get these notorious "full" rights to the file, item, folder? Perform the following seven actions:

And even after you have become the owner of this folder / file, you will not be able to make any manipulations. Request access permission will now not have the TrustedInstaller service, but from a new system user - yourself. And to still delete / change the file, you will need to establish permission, right to access.

Installation of permits

Permissions are set in the properties of the system file element. Click on the "Properties" folder to open the Safety section and go from there to "additionally".

In the "Permissions" options, you can be present or missing. In the first case, the problem is already solved, and you can perform any operations with this file. And in the second case you need to add yourself. If this button is missing, you first change the access parameters.

After pressing the "Change" button, a new tab will appear on which you can select the desired subject. You also click Search and look for a PC name (owner name). Now you need to allow this user to resolve any operations with the elements of the file system. Confirm your choice by clicking on the "Yes" button.

Return back to mark the "replacement of the owner of the object and containers" in the "Additional Protection Settings".

All, rights are obtained, and the file / folder is deleted without problems. If again the system notifies the absence of access rights, uncheck the "Reading" checkbox.

How to make trustedinstaller owner folder

After you have deprived the system user rights, return everything to the initial look. Perform these four actions:

All, the TrustedInstaller service is again launched.

If there is no access to the computer, some of them have certain rights: to view some folders, change and delete data, installing new applications and others. In this case, it is easy to solve the problem - just go to the account that has administrator rights. But it happens that his rights are not enough.

Even the computer administrator cannot change and remove everything without exception windows files. The main thing is the TrustedInstaller account, and when trying to change one or another system file, the administrator can see the message that there is no access, and it must be requested from TrustedInstaller. Below we will look at how to request trustedInstaller resolutionWhat is a given account, and how it can be applied to enhance the security of a specific folder or group of files.

TrustedInstaller: What it is, and why this account is used

As we noted above, TrustedInstaller is an account that has great rights than the administrator. It is created when installing the operating windows systemsAnd the TrustedInstaller cannot start the computer from the face of the user.

The main task of this account is to have exclusive rights to change or delete certain files and folders. Most often with the help of TrustedInstaller are protected important system filesThe removal of which can lead to a system failure. It is for this reason that we recommend providing permission from TrustedInstaller in extreme cases, even an administrator account.

A question may arise, why send a request to an additional user if the computer gives a dialog box to confirm the action on the part of the administrator when performing most important actions? Everything is simple, many computer users who are administrators by default, do not pay due attention to the number of programs that they allow you to work with maximum rights. That is why, the most important files are closed using the TrustedInstaller account, and only holding a number of manipulations, access to them can receive an administrator.

Most. simple exampleWhen you may need a resolution from TrustedInstaller, this is if necessary. To make changes to the folder with the browser (change file names or delete them), you will need to contact TrustedInstaller.

To request a TrustedInstaller resolution, you need to do the following:

After the actions performed above, the selected user will have the necessary permissions from TrustedInstaller to delete or change the selected folder (files).

How to set a trustedinstaller permission request to a folder or file

To secure the file (folder) from random removal, as well as access to it from viral software, You can set access to it only from the user TrustedInstaller. Please note that you can not only increase the other that the rest cannot change or delete the file, but limit them from reading.

To use the trustedinstaller rights when deleting and changing the file, you must do the following:

  1. Perform 3 items that were described above in the instructions for removing the limit to the TrustedInstaller file;
  2. Next, set the mouse cursor in the Count "Enter the names of the selected objects", and suck the file access command (folder) from the TrustedInstaller, it looks like this:
NT Service \\ TrustedInstaller

  1. After that, click "OK", and again the owners of the object will be TrustedInstaller;
  2. Next, it is necessary to re-put the rights between users, as described in the instructions above.

Setting access rights exclusively for the user TrustedInstaller is not a reliable way to protect the file from deleting or change from the computer administrator. But, this method Allows you to securely protect against actions with a specific file (folder) from viral software.

If you have a need to edit some files from windows directory, then you will definitely need to know what it is a trustedinstaller.

  • 1. Deactivation procedure TrustedInstaller

Traditional element operating systems Microsoft is a multi-level access system of various accounts.

First of all, it implements the so-called "fool protection" principle, which is to limit the possibilities of inexperienced users whose actions may disrupt the normal performance of the system.

It can also become good element Anti-virus protection of a computer, since the overwhelming majority of malicious programs require administrative rights to make changes to system files.

In addition to ranking accounting capabilities (administrator, user, guest) Starting with a seven in all windows versions There is a TrustedInstaller function.

It can be viewed as a separate supervisor account, which exceeds even administrator rights.

However, these features apply only to the most important system files.

Therefore, TrustedInstaller, for example, does not delete the folder even from under the administrative countertop.

But overcome this barrier is quite possible for which it is enough to change some access settings.

Procedure for deactivation TrustedInstaller

In most cases, this means is protected windows folderWhen trying to delete files from which you will face the window:

In this case, repeatedly pressing the repeat key will not give any results and this window will appear again and again.

This protection method is not simply installed and the deletion or change of files associated with TrustedInstaller can lead to serious disorders of the system.

However, sometimes you may need to edit data files to figure out, for example, that the processor is so loaded, for which you can use the following algorithm:

  • Select the desired file and click on it right mouse button, and in the opening context menu Select Properties.

  • In the window that opens, you must switch to the Security tab, and then click the Advanced key.

  • The menu that has a wide range of editing files to edit files for various users.

We will not now understand this case in the nuances, but simply let's go to the necessary tab where you click the Edit button.

  • Now request this file for user group administrators. For which they choose in the area called the owner to: Choose the item, what a surprise, administrators and click the OK button.

  • If all of the above operations were carried out correctly, then you should see such a system message (do not forget to click OK):

  • But on this procedure, the deactivation of TrustedInstaller is not over. Now we need to go to the security properties again, and then under the window of the group or users click the Change key.

  • In this menu, select the Administrators group (it should be highlighted in a blue background), and in the resolution area for the Administrators group in the column, you activate all checkboxes, namely full access, changing, reading and executing, reading and writing.

Now all users who have administrative rights will also be able to delete and edit the trustedinstaller protection files.

Tip!After requesting permission from this feature, it is extremely recommended to return all settings to the original form, so unprotected system files can be easily damaged by viruses.

To restore the system protective process TrustedInstaller.exe, you must perform almost the same actions that were described above, only in the reverse order:

  • The folder with files opens, and the security-administrators' property are performed - to change and leave access only to reading and reading and execution.

  • Then the actions from paragraphs 1-3 of the previous algorithm are completely repeated. And in the Advanced Security Settings window, go to the Other users and groups.

  • In the Select "user" or "group" menu, you should not change anything, but you only need to enter the names of the selected objects to enter the NT Service \\ TrustedInstaller command.

In this way, we will re-create a user for the trustedinstaller.exe process for the editable file.

  • It remains only to click the Check name button, as a result of which the command entered to turn into a more familiar "TrustedInstaller".

At the end of our article, it is worth noting that if the process called the TrustedInstaller loads the processor or does not remove the folder, which is clearly not related to the system, then, most likely, this is a virus masking under it.

You should also consider such a nuance that TrustedInstaller identifies system files by their names, which means that text file, Say, with the name Taskmgr will also be protected by this function.

Thematic video:

How to change Windows 7 system files - TrustedInstaller

What is this trustedinstaller: how to request permission in Windows

Delete folders - simple taskWith which even a beginner user can cope. However, when deleting some files and folders, the system can issue a warning that to perform this operation you need to request permission from TrustedInstaller or administrator. This is due to the fact that some system folders Protected by the administrator. Their removal is undesirable, as it can cause a failure in the work of some applications and even a whole system.

Method solving the problem

Error: Request the resolution from TrustedInstaller may occur not only when deleting a folder or file, but also during its change. Therefore, the essence this method Fixing problems will be reduced to make the owner of the folder or user file of the computer. For this it is worth performing several simple actions:

  • A new window will open. Go to the "Security" tab and click "Advanced".

  • The "Advanced Security Parameters" window will appear. It is worth paying attention to the "Owner" tab. Since the folder is protected, its owner will be "administrator / user group" or "TrustedInstaller". In this tab, click "Change".

  • A window will appear. In it, click on the "Other users or groups ..." button.

  • In the next click Click "Optional".

  • Here you need to search accountFor which you need to provide the rights of the owner. To do this, click "Search", select the account and click "OK".

  • So you get the rights to the folder. But now you need to get the right to edit. To do this, you need to return to the "Advanced Security Settings" window. Here there must be the item "Elements of Extensions". We look at the "Access" position and exhibit "full access".
  • If the "Extension Elements" buttons are not, it is necessary to go to the "Extension" tab. We put the "full access" mark and click "OK".

  • Check the rights.

IMPORTANT, in Windows 8 and above, some steps to provide access differ. Therefore, we recommend looking carefully what actions you perform.

About how to become the owner of the folder in Windows 10 and get full of right on it. Watch in the video: