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The gimp icon. Download Gimp - Free Photo Editor

We often think in stereotypes, and the market software- not an exception. Besides Windows, there are many interesting operating systems, documents do not have to be typed in MS Word, and photographs can be processed not only in Adobe photoshop.

Raster graphics processing at a professional level is the lot of expensive, powerful software. but digital processing Today, not only professionals and amateur photographers are engaged in images, but also a wide range of users who are far from this "labor" segment.

What does an ordinary user need? Everyone wants a simple, easy-to-learn program that works stably and allows you to perform all the necessary operations.

The word "GIMP" stands for GNU Image Manipulation Program. Graphic editor distributed by free license, has a funny logo with a devil, which did not appear by chance, because the name of the product contains the anagram "imp". GIMP works on all popular operating systems: Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X. GIMP is included in almost all popular Linux distributions, so separate installation does not require. If the program does not appear in the start menu of the working environment (KDE, GNOME, etc.), then it just needs to be installed from the distribution disks regular means(for example, at SuSE, YaST2 is responsible for installing the software). Installing the editor on Windows requires the GTK + library. You can download the library (3.7MB) and editor (7.8MB) from the page. The library and editor have international modules and do not require additional loading of Russification. GIMP has quite modest system requirements compared to other graphic editors, it runs successfully even on older computers with 128MB random access memory... The minimum processor requirements make the older generation fall into distant memories: the Pentium MMX. But even with the fact that the real system requirements The software is always much higher than the officially declared minimum, GIMP will feel confident on all workstations assembled in the current millennium.

The first start of GIMP is quite fast, but the opened working window of the program can plunge a beginner into bewilderment.

The editor interface seems unusual, to put it mildly. Instead of the usual program window with an extensive main menu and toolbar, we have a miniature concentration of buttons. But as soon as you open an image, the situation becomes more or less clear - documents open in independent windows, in which the main menu is already present. The start window acts as a kind of panel quick access, which contains all the most frequently used functions. The rest of the tools can be called in several ways. The first, most guessed, method is to travel through the main menu of the document working window. The second is with the right mouse button. Instead of the usual call of the properties of the current object, you will be prompted full list functions of the editor, duplicated by the main menu. If you click left button mouse near the top edge of the menu that opens, then it will turn into an independent window, which can also be used as a panel for quick call tools.

And finally, the third way is hotkeys. Call the program settings from the main window and go to the "Interface" tab. Turn on the "Use keyboard shortcuts" and "Save keyboard shortcuts on exit" options. This will allow you to assign hotkeys while the editor is running. The most frequently used functions can be called using hotkeys initially. But if your priorities differ from the author's intention of the developers, then why not add your own combinations to the list? In addition, you can reassign existing hotkeys. In order to assign / reassign a keyboard shortcut, you need to get to the desired menu item, but not select it. Stop the mouse cursor on it and press any key combination. An indicator appeared to the right of the item name, stating that this combination is now tied to the current instrument.

The file open and save dialog boxes follow the standard GTK + application tradition, which is familiar to Linux users, but may seem inconvenient for Windows devotees.

GIMP can be used as a drawing editor (thanks to the support graphic tablets) and as a tool for processing photos (including batch).

Type of operationsImplementation in GIMP
ExtensibilityPresent. The GIMP distribution includes over 200 extensions. In addition, you can connect external modules, of which there are more than 100 on the Web.
PaintingBrush, pencil, airbrush, stamp. All drawing tools are flexibly configurable (line thickness, shape, transparency, etc.).
LayersPresent. In addition, individual channels can be edited. There is support for the alpha channel.
TextYou can work with text using a standard tool, and draw artistic emblems using special scripts.
AnimationPresent. You can work with animation frames as separate image layers.
HighlightingRectangle, ellipse, free, diffuse and smart selection, Bezier curves.
TransformationRotation, scaling, tilting and flipping.
Working with exposureCurves, histogram and traditional sliders. There are automatic modes that allow you to "enhance" images with one click of the mouse button.
RollbackUnlimited number of times.
Converting RAWImplemented with extensions.
Working with the scanner and tabletThrough the driver. Standard.
FiltersPresent. In addition, the GIMP supports the Script-Fu language, which allows you to create new tools based on a group of filters. The distribution kit includes many ready-made scripts.
Batch processingPresent. Implemented through custom scripts.

Of course, a reasonable question arises: what is better than Adobe Photoshop? Let's consider the main advantages of a paid product.

Feature present in Adobe PhotoshopSituation in GIMP
Support for color profilesWill appear in the next stable branch 2.4. Unstable versions 2.3.x already have support for color profiles
CMYK color spaceImplemented with an extension
Red-eye removal toolAbsent. It is necessary to correct it manually, highlighting the oval area and lowering the brightness of the red channel in it. However, there is a special extension that works, however, extremely primitive.
Tool "Magnetic Lasso", which allows you to make smart selection WITHOUT pressing the mouse button.There is no analogue. You can use the Shape Selection tool to place points between which the program finds the best path for selection.
Healing Brush tool for removing minor blemishes (such as pimples on the face)There is no analogue. We have to be content with the Clone Stamp tool.
Powerful plugins developed by renowned photography brands (Kodak, Phase One, etc.)Power is a "subjective" parameter, but it is worth noting that by developing extensions for the GIMP large companies do not.
Image processing: from RAW to final result

A graphics editor is most often a tool for processing images to improve their quality. Consider the GIMP as a tool for performing a wide variety of image processing tasks. Most often, processing starts with converting RAW to JPEG or TIFF. During the conversion process, you can correct images by adjusting exposure, white balance, and other parameters. The GIMP distribution does not have a built-in RAW processing tool, so a dedicated extension should be downloaded. For example, . If you are using Windows, you can download the package to be installed immediately. For Linux users, there is a set of packages compiled for various distributions. If your distribution kit was not found in the list, download the extensions and compile it yourself using the standard commands:
make install

By default, the assembly does not include support for EXIF ​​display, but you can manually connect it by specifying an additional key during configuration --with-libexif

After installing the extension, when opening files, a raw image appears in the list of available types. Now we can open RAW of almost any modern camera.

The extension supports the display of two histograms: RAW (internal) and Live (real). Using the Exposure slider, you can change the overall illumination level of the image (there is an automatic mode). The image is corrected using the tools located in four tabs.

  • WB. White balance adjustment. There is an automatic mode.
  • Base. Exposure compensation using curves.
  • Color. Adjust brightness and contrast, customize color profiles.
  • Corrections. Adjusts color saturation.

After completing all the manipulations, you can open the image in the editor. If the shooting was made in JPEG, then all the operations described above will have to be performed in the editor itself.

Exposure and color balance are adjusted using Curves.

GIMP. Working with Curves.

By controlling three channels at the same time (Brightness), we adjust the exposure, and by transferring control to individual channels, we can control the white balance. In addition, the color balance can be adjusted using the tool of the same name.

You can separately adjust the balance in three segments dynamic range: shadows, midtones and highlights.

Reducing the noise level is performed using the "Selective Gaussian Blur" filter. In the filter settings, you should specify the blur radius, as well as the maximum difference between neighboring pixels, which the filter will pay attention to.

Images are sharpened with the Unsharp Mask filter. You specify the radius of the sharpening, the degree of effect of the filter, and also the minimum threshold for its application.

Removing red eyes in GIMP is a laborious process. Using the Elliptical Selection, select the red pupil. Then open the channels dialog and leave only the red channel visible. Go to "Curves" and lower the channel intensity graph. Turn on the rest of the channels again and observe the result.

You can also download a special extension for red-eye removal -. Windows users just download the ZIP archive, which is a compressed exe file. Linux users should download the source of the extension and install with the command:
gimptool-2.0 --install redeye.c

After installing the extension, the filters appear a new group Misc, and in it items Red Eye Remover and Auto Red Eye Remover. Next, you simply select a rectangular area around the pupil and apply a filter.

When processing images, it is quite common to resort to layers. Let's look at how layers work by emulating the soft focus effect. The layer list window is invoked with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + L. Let's create new layer as a copy of the current one. On a new layer apply a Gaussian Blur filter with a radius of 15 pixels. After that set the opacity of the layer around 30-50%. The image looks as if a special filter or lens was used when shooting.

Photographers are not snipers. Very often, the model being shot is not in the center of the frame, and there are extra details in the composition. In addition, non-DSLR cameras have matrices with a 4: 3 aspect ratio, while a 3: 2 aspect ratio is required for printing. In such cases, it is customary to crop the image, that is, to cut off the edges. GIMP allows you to crop with the mouse by moving and scaling the frame borders. In addition, in the working window of the tool, you can manually set the coordinates of the frame boundaries, and also, which is very important, indicate the proportions of the future image.

After completing all the transformations, you can safely save the file to your hard drive. Free: "cheese" or a real benefit?

Of course, the article covered only a small part of all the possibilities that GIMP conceals in itself. In GIMP, you can draw pretty well, take screenshots, make beautiful emblems, do a variety of photo stylization, and much more. It is not the absolute number of functions that is important, but the quality of their implementation and the convenience of working with the editor. Of course, GIMP is inferior to Adobe Photoshop for professional use. But if we consider exclusively the amateur level, then completely free of charge we get a high-quality, stable product with rich features.

The latest stable version of GIMP at the time of this writing is 2.2.10. Development is underway in parallel new version editor. Not so long ago, the site was published, telling about what to expect in the new version of the editor 2.4.

On the Russian-language product support site, you can read several training articles designed for both beginners and experienced users.

Several programs are popular today. Each of them is endowed with different functionality and is available for users with at different levels preparation. There are beginner, advanced, and professional editors. Depending on the purpose, graphic editors can be either completely free or cost several hundred dollars.

Overview and features of the graphical editor Gimp.

The most popular product in the environment of graphic editors is Photoshop development. Adobe... It is designed for professionals and has a huge functionality, which is often not used by a third. Naturally, the cost of the program is very high and rarely can anyone afford to officially purchase it. Not everyone knows that there is a completely free advanced graphics editor Gimp. Since it is distributed as an open source application and developed by the community of programmers, you can use it completely freely and without any restrictions.

In this article, we will tell you in more detail what the Gimp editor is and how it came into being. You will be able to learn about the main functionality of the program, learn how to install it and get basic information on how to work with it correctly.

The graphic editor Gimp was born in 1995. The project does not have an official company responsible for releasing new versions and supporting old ones. These functions are performed by a developer community made up of a group of volunteers. In the first 10 years of its existence, the project did not have a single idea of ​​what it should be for the end user. Only in 2005 a single standard was developed and principles were drawn up, which developers are trying to follow to this day. The program is completely free and distributed with an open license. This means that if you want, you can become part of the developer community and release your own modifications without violating copyright.

Many will see Gimp as a complete replacement for Photoshop, and completely free. And really, why pay a ton of money for Photoshop when there is a free Gimp. Yes, many functions repeat the competitor, there is also support for its original PSD format, albeit somewhat limited. The names of the functions and the available tools also overlap in many ways. But even the Gimp developers themselves do not position their product as a full-fledged alternative to Photoshop. It is rather an independent product with similar functionality and its own audience. Nevertheless, it is preferred by amateurs and small organizations who can't afford to pay a monthly subscription and or buy a full Photoshop license.

Gimp editor features

The graphic editor Gimp allows you to perform a wide range of operations with various images. It supports a large number of formats, has many pre-installed filters, brushes and templates. If you are not satisfied with the initial functionality, you can expand it at the expense of additional modules... So what does the program do?

Program installation

There are several popular sites on the Internet where you can download the graphic editor Gimp. However, not all of them are official resources. We recommend using one of two sites: the official project site and the official Russian-language resource In the first case, you will need to follow the Download link, and in the second - “Download”, then select Gimp from the pop-up menu.

After you download setup file and save it to your hard disk, install the program.

  1. In the installer window that opens, first of all, select a language convenient for you. There are 9 of them, and if your computer has a Russian-language menu, Russian will be selected by default.
  2. To control which components will be installed, as well as select the ones you need, click the "Configure" button in the lower left corner of the installer window.
  3. The user agreement will immediately pop up, with which you must agree. It is written in English and if you do not speak it, just press the confirmation button, nothing terrible is written there. Even if you know English and have read the entire user agreement, but disagree with something, you have no choice but to agree, otherwise the installation will be interrupted.
  4. In the next window - "Component selection" - tick off those elements that you want to use in your work. If you don't want to take too long to figure out which component is responsible for what, select "Full installation". If you think that something can be neglected, uncheck that item. In addition, several installation packages can be selected from the pop-up menu: full, weighing almost 300 MB, or compact - 128 MB. After selection, click the "Next" button.
  5. In the next window - "Select file associations" - select the files that you would like to open with the default Gimp editor. The utility automatically marks several formats native to the program. If you want to use the editor for other files, mark them with checkboxes, and then also click the "Next" button.
  6. In the next window you will be prompted to display a shortcut for quick launch to the desktop and the quick launch bar. If you don't need them, uncheck the boxes. To proceed to the next stage, click "Next".
  7. In the last window, select the folder where you want to install Gimp. Press the "Install" button and wait until the end of the procedure.
  8. Run the program and wait a while for all to load. necessary components programs.

After the graphic editor Gimp is installed on your computer, you can start working with it. In the next paragraph, we will review the program menu. If you are looking for guidance on how to do specific tasks, on our website you can find a series of articles dedicated to this.

Working with the program

The interface of the program is somewhat unusual and can be difficult for beginners. By default, it consists of three separate windows: the main window with a working area in which you can process the image or create new drawings, as well as two windows in which you can select the tools you need to work.

It is this arrangement that causes the most discomfort. To switch to a more familiar single-window mode, especially if you have previously worked at least a little in Photoshop, in the main program window go to the "Windows" menu, and then activate the "One-window mode" function.

After that, the two windows with the tools that were located on the sides of the screen will join the main window and become its elements.

Now let's take a look at the structure of the working screen of the Gimp editor.

To edit the finished image, click "File" - "Open".

To create a new one, press Ctrl + N or "File" - "New".

After finishing the changes, save the file in the desired format.


Now you have an idea of ​​what kind of beast this is, the graphic editor Gimp. This is a fairly advanced program, and of all its analogues, Photoshop is the closest to it in terms of functionality.

Despite the fact that the audience of the products is completely different and the free Gimp will hardly ever be able to compete with it on an equal footing, but for certain situations, especially if you are not going to be professionally engaged graphic design, you can easily get by with the Gimp capabilities. If you still have questions about working with the program, ask them in the comments.

GIMP (Russian GIMP) is free editor bitmap graphics (there is partial support for vector graphics) for Windows. GIMP will help in solving a huge range of both simple and quite complex tasks for working with digital photos and images, which require, among other things, a professional approach.

In addition to the GIMP for Windows featured on our site, there are also builds for other platforms such as OS X and Linux. Initially, the GIMP was not designed to work in an operating system from Microsoft, and was later ported to Windows. The first versions of the program were developed for the X Window System, which in turn was intended for UNIX-like operating systems. By the way, GIMP is an abbreviation for the GNU Image Manipulation Program, and earlier, before GIMP became an official part of the GNU project in 1997, the abbreviation GIMP stood for General Image Manipulation Program.

It should be noted that GIMP is a graphical editor, the functionality of which can, if necessary, be extended using plugins. On this moment for Gimp, there is a fairly large number of extensions, including those for connecting options typical of more professional editors, for example, such as Adobe Photoshop, which is considered to be an analogue of GIMP. As for Photoshop, Gimp can use PSD files with restrictions, almost all versions of brush files (without support for dynamics), actions, connect Adobe Photoshop filters to GIMP (PSPI).

GIMP has a huge set of tools for color correction and painting, there is the possibility of additional image correction by applying screen filters, and much more, which, in combination with an extremely flexible interface in customization for each user, makes GIMP one of the best editors raster graphics.

Free download GIMP in Russian for Windows.

GIMP (Russian GIMP) is a free raster graphics editor (there is partial support for vector graphics) for Windows.

Version: GIMP 2.10.12

Size: 224 MB

Operating system: Windows

Russian language

Program status: Free

Developer: The GIMP Team

GIMP / GIMP- free graphic editor for working with photos or drawings. Using GIMP Russian version, you can create new or edit existing images at your disposal. You can process a digital photo, design a logo, create a drawing, vary the size of a picture, change colors, working with layers, combine images, delete individual elements with photos and much more.

The editor supports raster graphics and a little vector. In addition, you can convert files from different types graphics. GIMP for Windows 7, 8, 10 has a multi-window interface, which may seem too complicated and incomprehensible, but over time, working in the editor, you will adapt. The new version of GIMP offers large set drawing tools - brushes, pencils, stamps and more. Each tool has many variations - you can choose line thickness, shape, transparency. You can open an infinite number of images in the program. Using this feature and the ability to work with layers, you can create images of any complexity. You can transform the picture - rotate, reflect, tilt, change the scale.

V GIMP in Russian You can view the full history of work with a particular image. You can work with Animation. Each separate frame- it's like a separate image layer. GIMP supports many formats such as mng, bmp, gif, jpeg and many others. GIMP has been translated into many languages, including Russian, and Ukrainian language... This graphic editor is the best free alternative to Adobe Photoshop. Latest version GIMP / GIMP free download in Russian by direct link from the official website without registration and SMS you can on our website.

Main features of GIMP for Windows 7, 8, 10:

  • Free and freeware graphic editor;
  • Multi-window interface;
  • Working with layers;
  • Converting files from different types graphics;
  • Wide range of drawing tools;
  • Ability to process animated images;
  • Support for a wide range of formats.

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    GIMP 2 is a multifunctional application designed to work with raster and vector graphics... The editor allows you to create screen graphics, original pictures, and is also capable of converting and batch processing Images.

    The program supports great amount filters and specials effects, so the application is somewhat similar to Photoshop. Unlike its main competitor, GIMP has open source and is distributed free of charge.

    System requirements

    • CPU with a frequency of 1.6 GHz;
    • RAM - 512 Mb;
    • Platform - Windows starting from XP;
    • Bit depth - 32-bit / 64-bit.

    It should be noted that GIMP is designed not only for Windows, but other operating systems as well. In addition to the basic requirements, it is recommended to install a video card on the computer so that the graphics are processed faster and better.

    Key features

    • Support for all existing graphic formats;
    • Cropping the image;
    • Rotate the picture;
    • Working with masks and canvas;
    • Adding comments to images;
    • Changing the angle of the picture;
    • Installing plugins;
    • Image scaling;
    • Setting up and applying filters;
    • Writing scripts in popular programming languages;
    • The ability to create screenshots;
    • Scanning pictures and text.


    The graphics editor GIMP is a pretty good application, so it has advantages over its competitors. In addition to the fact that the program is capable of opening any images, it can work with extensions such as PSD and PDF.

    Another plus of the GIMP 2 program is that compared to its competitors, the program takes up very little disk space. This affects the performance of your computer or laptop. It should be noted that the small size does not mean that the application has limited functionality.

    The GIMP editor program has an open architecture. This allows any programmer to make adjustments, as well as refine the functionality. Thanks to this, the application becomes even more popular.

    Many users like the fact that the GIMP editor is portable. Unlike Photoshop, it can be placed on a USB flash drive and then run on any device.

    It should be noted that the GIMP photo editor is distributed in Russian. This allows even beginners to quickly learn all the capabilities of the reactor. In addition, the Russian-language interface allows you to work faster with the program.


    GIMP 2, like any program, has several disadvantages. The main disadvantage is that it will be difficult for beginners to understand the program, since it is not easy to press the buttons, but to apply various filters and settings.

    Even advanced users have noticed that some functions do not work well. If the GIMP has unnecessary features, it’s better to get rid of them so that the program is less cluttered.

    In working with graphics, photo editor gimp is considered one of the best apps, but as for the text, the program has limited capabilities. In other similar editors, problems with working on the text were not found.

    The graphics editor for Windows 7 and other operating systems sometimes causes unreasonable slowdowns of the computer. The system sometimes hangs. The rest of the shortcomings are not noticed.

    How to download the editor

    Any user can download GIMP for free. To do this, you should visit the office. web resource of the program. The Internet resource is located at "". After downloading the website, click on the download link.

    When the next page opens, GIMP can be downloaded for free. To do this, click on the corresponding button. It should be noted that the program can be downloaded directly from the website.

    Users wishing to get GIMP in Russian will need to additionally download language pack... To do this, you should lower it down the page. Then find "Russian". After clicking on the link, the file will be downloaded.

    Now the user only has to run the downloaded file.


    To install the application, run "gimp-2.8.20-setup". After starting the installer, a form will appear in which you need to select the installation language.

    In the next step, the installation wizard will appear. To start the installation, just click on the "Install" button. In this case, the installation will take place in automatic mode... It is required to go to the settings by clicking on the corresponding button.

    First, a form with a user agreement will appear. To accept it, just click on the "Next" button.

    The next step is to choose where to install the program. You can leave nothing to change if you wish.

    After that, a form will appear in which you can select the following type of installation:

    • Full;
    • Compact;
    • Selective.

    Depending on the type of installation, additional components will be installed.

    The next step is to select the files to open with a graphical editor.

    After that, it remains to wait until it is installed software... It is worth noting that the first launch of the program may take 7-10 minutes, since fonts and extensions will be loaded.

    Video review of GIMP 2