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Special programs for design and layout. Review of free software for publishing (creating a print layout)

And magazines. But professionals prefer well-known products that are the most powerful on the market. What are these programs? Adobe InDesign and Quark Xpress. They will be discussed further.

Program for layout of newspapers and magazines Quark Xpress

This development is the perfect tool for preparing publications for any media project. It is used by millions of people all over the world. These are designers of small companies, and layout designers who work in the largest publishing houses. All of them praise the many functions and capabilities of the program.

The latest version received a great innovation - the ability to work with tablets and other popular mobile devices from the most different manufacturers... This feature has made the program the only multi-platform layout tool in the publishing industry.

Key features

Have new version This layout program has the following features:

  • Support for conditional styles. These are the styles with the help of which certain pieces of text are designed based on the rules set by the layout designer. And it all happens in automatic mode... Thus, you can get a ready-made layout in a couple of minutes.
  • Setting automatically changing numbering when adding or deleting items. Layouts can be imported into Word without losing bullets and numbering.
  • Using leaders. This function makes it possible to anchor any element or group to a page or a specific place in the text. If earlier it was necessary to manually make any changes with notes and quotes, now this is possible with the help of automatic settings.
  • Ability to select a font and size, setting line spacing in an additional window. All changes made will be saved in the original layout.

Adobe InDesign

The fame of this layout program extends all over the world. After all, a developer on the market is just a giant. This is the best program of its kind. It has built-in support for the Russian language, unlike Quark. This is a versatile app. It provides the finest control over typography and design. With it, you can create expressive layouts for a wide variety of screens. When adapting to different formats high quality the image is saved.

List of program features

There are a lot of them:

  • A feature called Liquid Layout makes it easy to design and create layout versions for different devices as well as printed materials. Moreover, all this is done in one file.
  • Content can be linked even if it is contained in multiple documents. This makes it possible to apply changes to the parent text or object to all child elements associated with it.
  • Text can be extracted from an existing layout using dedicated content collection tools.
  • The ability to add interactive HTML content to layouts is very interesting function programs for layout of InDesign magazines.
  • Projects can be composited while retaining features such as overlays.
  • Support for integration with other company products. A wide variety of products can be marketed with ease.
  • Improved functions for exporting PDF documents.

As you can see from the review, despite the choice, the layout programs are in different weight categories. Most of them choose a product from Adobe. But Quark should not be discounted, as the program becomes more and more convenient with each update. Although other analogs are striving to take their place in the market, they still find it difficult to reach the giants.

Free printing program for typesetting books, newspapers, magazines, booklets, postcards and any other printed matter.

With its capabilities, it will satisfy almost any request related to printing. It can even compete with its paid counterpart - Adobe InDesign. Don't believe me? Compare!

Comparison of the Scribus book layout software with the paid analogue of Adobe InDesign

Perhaps because of porting to Windows, or maybe because of the incompleteness of some of the ideas, Scribus looks a little "damp" than its paid "brother". So, for example, the "Render" button is present, but when trying to insert new block an error is thrown.

However, since Scribus copes with its main purpose, you can close your eyes to some flaws (any image can be prepared in advance in a graphics editor).

Installing Scribus

Let's start installing Scribus. To do this, download the installer and run it. The first window will ask you which language to choose for the program interface (choose "Russian" or a language that is more native to you and click "Ok"):

Then you have to "sign" the license agreement by checking the appropriate radio button.

Winchester- the hard drive that stores all the files on the computer.

Next, you will be prompted to select an installation configuration. The "Full" option is more than suitable, but if you find space on your hard drive dear, you can remove the installation of additional fonts (save about 10 megabytes). But here it is better not to economize.

ReadMe(English "read me") - a text file of hints on how to start working with the program.

At the end of the installation, in the final window, you can uncheck the "Show ReadMe file" checkbox. It is still in English and does not really help in mastering the editor.

The layout program itself will start, but we will receive a warning that not all components are installed. It turns out that before installing Scribus, it was necessary to install the Ghostscript complex.

EPS- format for the exchange of graphic data between programs.

PostScript- a page description language for desktop publishing systems.

Basically, if you don't need EPS support, and you don't need to work with PostScript, then you can opt out of installing Ghostscript.

Close Scribus, install Ghostscript and start Scribus again.

Scribus interface

Now there are no problems and the program invites us to create new document... Here we can choose a layout for the book layout or create a new document from a template (if we have one).

Band- one page in a printed edition.

Also at this stage, you can set the number of pages, choose how many stripes there will be, set the orientation (portrait / album) and page sizes. When everything is selected, click "OK".

As an example, we have created a default page to show you the basics of working in Scribus. Let's take a closer look at the program window.

Conventionally, all Scribus tools on the panel can be divided into several groups (they are labeled in the picture above).

Validator- a program for checking for errors in the code.

The first group in the top panel is responsible for creating and saving documents. Here is the button for exporting to PDF and the "Validator" of the page code, etc. Next are the standard editing tools, after which there are all the specialized functions.

The last section is for those who want to add active elements in his e-book.

The bottom panel allows you to navigate through the document and control its preview.

Cover layout layout

For now, let's not go into the jungle of professional book layout, but consider the main features of Scribus on simple example... Let's imagine that we need to make a layout for a future book. It usually consists of a cover and pages.

Immediately, we note that in Scribus, you will mainly have to operate with rectangular blocks. Therefore, when inserting any object, first, using a frame, the boundaries of its block are indicated. If there are no questions, let's move on.

First, let's create the cover. Usually it is decorated with some kind of drawing or photograph. To add an image, click on the "Image block" button on the toolbar and specify two corners of the block, which will look like a crossed-out rectangle.

If you wish, you can fill the entire cover with this block, for which we stretch it from edge to edge.

To insert a picture, double-click on the block with the left mouse button and select the picture for the cover in the window that appears.

Context menu- a menu that appears by clicking the right mouse button on an object.

Now comes the most important thing! All elements of the Scribus workspace have context menu, in which the most important item is "Properties". Thanks to them, you can configure almost all the parameters of the block.

For example, after inserting an image, it may appear smaller. Therefore, go to "Properties" and specify the desired scale of the picture on the cover manually, or set automatic scaling using the "Scale to block size" switch and uncheck the "Proportional" checkbox so that there are no extra fields left.

Also, you can apply various photographic effects to the image, such as adjusting brightness, contrast, sharpness, etc., using the corresponding button.

In addition, in the "Colors" submenu in the same "Properties" panel, you can set some more parameters of this block. For example, the opacity is 90% for a more dramatic effect. But here it is already necessary to look, whether the applied effect will be of benefit to the typesetting layout or will only make it worse.

And do not forget to save the project of the typesetting book (menu "File" - "Save As"), so that later it will not be excruciatingly painful for wasted hours :) The projects are saved in the SLA format.

Now let's add a title to our book. To do this, activate the "Text Box" tool and define its borders. Then, in the selected space, double-click the left mouse button and enter the desired text. At first, it will turn out to be very nondescript, since it will be small in size.

To configure the text parameters, call the same "Properties" option from the block's context menu. The important items here are the Text and Color submenus. In the "Text" section we can influence its various properties (font, size, fill color, shadow, etc.).

Outline- block border.

And thanks to the "Color" submenu, you can create a fill for the text block and change the color of its stroke.

Alpha channel- transparency of a certain part of the image.

If you need to create a very non-standard inscription, you can always draw it in a graphics editor, and then save it with the alpha channel enabled (for example, in PNG format) and paste it into our layout editor as an image.

Adding new pages

So we designed the cover for our book. But after all, we created only one page, how can we add new ones now? Very simple. Go to the "Page" menu and select the "Insert" item. In the window that appears, set up exactly where we want to insert new pages, how they should look and how many there will be.

In the same way, you can move or copy the current page using the corresponding commands in the "Page" menu. All copy pages will contain the same set of blocks. To clear them, simply delete unnecessary blocks by highlighting and pressing the "Delete" key on your keyboard.

Creating a gradient

Gradient- smooth flow of one color to another in a certain direction.

You've probably noticed that in some books (and more often in booklets) the pages are not just white, but have a beautiful grayscale gradient shade.

Implementing this effect in Scribus is as easy as shelling pears. Activate the Shape tool, select a shape from the drop-down menu and create a new block with it on the entire page.

Now go to the properties of our block and go to the "Colors" section. Here we select the type of gradient and set the desired colors. You can then set the opacity level to create a lighter toning effect on the page.

Ready! With such a simple technique, even a simple black and white page can be a little ennobled.

To see how the finished printed sheet will look like, we can use the function of inserting template text. To do this, it is enough to create a new text block and select the "Insert template text ..." item in its context menu.

Then, in the window that appears, you will need to select the language of the text. The program will generate random meaningless text on which you can evaluate future species pages.

The properties of the text are set using the same "Properties" menu, invoked by the right mouse button.

When all the basic visual parameters of the template are adjusted, you can start typing directly. The built-in is best for this purpose. text editor, which can be launched by clicking the "Change Text" button.

With the help of this editor, you can make the finest customization of each entered character or even specific polygraphic parameters of whole words and expressions.

To view the changes made, use the "Update text block" button or the "Ctrl" + "U" key combination.

Saving layout

Export- converting the document into a format readable by other programs.

Finally, when everything is ready, you can start saving and exporting our book. Often electronic books publish in PDF format. To do this, click the "Save as PDF" button. The program can warn us that there are certain errors in the template that are incompatible with the selected format.

If they do not seem critical to you, you can select the "Ignore errors" option, or try to fix them, for greater confidence in the result.

The layout saving window is the last stage of our work.

In this window, you can configure the desired parameters and the name of the future PDF-document. It makes sense to study all the settings of this window, so that later you do not ask why the pictures and text in the PDF book do not look the same as in the original version;)


In addition to the visual interface, the Scribus book layout program has a powerful integrated scripting environment (PostScript and Python), thanks to which a professional can create an effect of any complexity or fine-tune any element of a future book.

And finally, a small flash game for children in which you need to assemble a car for one of the Smurfs in the correct order. Do you think you can easily assemble a wooden car? Ha ha!

P.S. You are allowed to freely copy and quote this article, provided that you indicate an open active link to the source and preservation of the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny.

P.P.S. One of the most important things in printing is beautiful fonts... On our website you can find an excellent selection of fonts for all occasions:
https: //www..php

Scribus is a program for typesetting layouts of printed materials: books, magazines and booklets, brochures, business cards, etc. Scribus was created as a free alternative to expensive paid editors, so the application has many professional features. So, the program supports the CMYK color separation system, ICC color management. You can download Scribus for free on this site.

The standard interface of the application is simple: users who are familiar with such software will be able to work with it without any problems. The program works with many modern image formats, there is support for texts and fonts in Unicode, as well as support for "hot" keys. If necessary, it is possible to set your own "hot" keys, work with layers, embed fonts and manual kerning.

The application can be easily mastered by inexperienced users, thanks to the help system in Russian and other languages, the user will be able to find answers to questions that arise when mastering the program. Scribus allows you to create layouts from scratch, as well as using the templates available in the database. In addition, it is possible to change the templates prepared by the developers at their own discretion.

Before creating a new project, you need to set working parameters - sheet format, font and many other parameters. After setting the parameters and confirming them, the program window appears, in which there is a work area, a panel with a set of tools and a context menu. The tool icons are well made and intuitive, and they are also conveniently located. According to their functionality Scribus is not much different from expensive ones paid programs so it will take some time to master this application.

The main advantages of Scribus

  • Wide functionality.
  • CMYK format support.
  • Convenient help system.
  • Presence of built-in templates.
  • Hotkey support.

The functionality of the application allows you to create documents in PDF format. It is also possible to import and export documentation from SVG, PDF and EPS formats. Created layouts are ready for printing on professional equipment.

Rice. 4.2 Rice. 4.3: a - correct, b - incorrect, the "window" must be closed Rice. 4.4 General enlarged technological scheme for the preparation of publications for the production and manufacture of products Rice. 4.5. A - a slot for a printer's mark, B - a mark in the spine for checking the block assembly, B - a mark in the head for folding control, D - a mark used for printing

Layout is one of the main operations in the process of making forms and photo forms. This operation involves the formation of book, magazine or newspaper strips of a certain format. In the process of typesetting, the main, additional and auxiliary text is set (wrapped) at a certain place on the strip and combined with illustrations.

The pages of the publication then take on a complete look.

The quality of the publication's design depends on how the text, tables, formulas, illustrations, headings are placed.

Depending on the type of print publication, there are different types of layouts for books, magazines, newspapers, and display ones. The layout of each type of publication has its own characteristics and is carried out in accordance with the rules.

The nature of the layout of book and magazine publications depends on the complexity group. There are four groups of layout complexity: layout of simple (solid) text; layout of text with non-font selections, tables, formulas; layout of text with highlights, tables, formulas, illustrations with captions, multi-column layout; complex layout (in addition to the third group - compositional selections).

Currently, layout is performed using layout programs, but in compliance with all the rules.

The peculiarity of the layout in the layout program is that the program is considered as a receiver of text and image files prepared in other programs, and has interface means for their placement within the boundaries of stripes and columns.

Most used layout programs: PageMaker, QuarkXPress and InDesing.

In PageMaker, layout is based on the direct placement of text and graphics within the boundaries of a set strip or column. QuarkXPress places text and images in a graphics box (frame), which is then placed in work area imitating a table. Let's consider some of the technological features of these layout programs.

QuarkXPress is designed primarily for complex color layout with illustrations, as it has a number of advantages over other programs. In addition to typesetting, it performs color separation, allows you to create vector illustrations, write text according to specified curves, and use a variety of styles. The program provides the ability to easily control the relative position of blocks of text and illustrations on the strip, including oblique positioning, rotation and "flow" of text from block to block. Various colors of text and individual geometric elements can be used. The choice of placement and cropping of the illustration is varied. The program is equipped with convenient tools for controlling the used fonts and illustrations; adapted for output to various output devices, it is possible to create text that follows a Bezier curve, frames for text freeform wrap text around any path. In PageMaker, you have to create the wrapping shape manually.

The disadvantage of PageMaker is the lack of a means of collecting information about the fonts and illustrations used in the publication. A more serious problem is the dependence of the text splitting into lines and pages on the printer driver used, due to the fact that the program calculates all sizes with an accuracy determined by the printer's resolution.

In QuarkXPress, the number of columns on a page is changed by entering a new value into the Measurements palette. In PageMaker, you have to manually add or remove columns and re-enter text.

Once you create a perfect QuarkXPress document, you can effectively use its settings for new text and graphics, while maintaining the ability to easily customize the layout. In PageMaker, you have to start from scratch every time. Part of the work is facilitated by the template pages, which help to create a basic original layout. But QuarkXPress templates are superior to PageMaker templates in that they make it easy to change every element of your layout — whether it's a component of a template, library, or master document.

One of the advantages of PageMaker over QuarkXPress in terms of layout is the use of layers, which allow you to create multiple documents in one. Thanks to the ability to turn on and off individual layers, you can, for example, create multilingual documents (text in each language is located in its own layer), add technical notes (each in its own layer), or speed up printing by collecting all graphics in a separate layer and turning it off when displaying samples. printouts.

QuarkXPress has the ability to convert text to image and text frames, and the ability to combine multiple frames. This is not the case in PageMaker.

QuarkXPress lets you cut complex sections of an image right in QuarkXPress without the need for help graphic editors... Slices such as those loaded in EPS and TIFF formats are fully editable. PageMaker does not offer similar functionality.

QuarkXPress allows you to create your own lines and dashes for frames and offers arrows for line ends, in PageMaker you can only choose from a set of predefined lines and dashes with variable width.

QuarkXPress has better control over halftones and color balance by adjusting the colors of the original layout. However, most users rarely change the color balance of images imported into layout programs, preferring to do this kind of work in Adobe photoshop.

PageMaker definitely beats QuarkXPress in terms of importing graphics. It supports many more popular file formats. Among the formats supported only by PageMaker are AutoCAD, CorelDraw.

PageMaker is better at manipulating bitmaps than QuarkXPress because of its ability to apply Photoshop filters to them.

Both QuarkXPress and PageMaker offer powerful color creation tools and use the same Kodak color management scheme.

For most text formatting tasks, both programs are equivalent. They offer powerful controls for kerning and training, as well as indentation, indentation, and leading. In both, you can fine-tune the position of the superscript and subscript (although PageMaker allows you to do this on a per-paragraph basis, whereas QuarkXPress offers more limited document-level controls). QuarkXPress provides higher positioning accuracy.

QuarkXPress is missing a fixed wide space.

The width of the round space (em-space) is equal to the font size, the width of the semicircular space (en-space) is two times smaller, and the width of the thin space is four times smaller than the font size. These space characters allow you to set intervals of the desired size without tabulators, but the most important thing is that these spaces are fixed space, which do not change during line justification, which is necessary in the case of using a round space to space a subtitle typed in one line with the text to which it refers. Semicircular fixed spaces are used when typing headings separate lines and a poetic text.

QuarkXPress does not have tools for the automated compilation of tables of contents, indexes, heading numbering, but it is possible to create band design elements that are automatically repeated on each page. Automation of spell checking and use of hyphenation rules is carried out by the Unispell extension from Maximum.

PageMaker has a simple text editor that allows you to work with text in a separate window, adjusting the size and font without changing the actual attributes. In addition, PageMaker offers more options for editing text. For example, it allows you to search and replace by text color, tint, horizontal scale, indentation and indentation, which QuarkXPress does not. Although these features are usually set through style sheets, PageMaker, unlike QuarkXPress, offers the ability to control them independently of styles.

PageMaker has better text import support, allowing you to insert text from Microsoft Excel and HTML. QuarkXPress does not support these formats.

PageMaker has the ability to automatically compose tables of contents, indexes, numbering, headings.

The weak point of both programs remains table editing. PageMaker has a separate utility for editing tables, but it is not integrated with the program and requires that tables be exported as graphics - this makes them uneditable at the layout stage, and in case of any changes, all tables have to be reformatted and exported again. QuarkXPress does not have a spreadsheet editor.

QuarkXPress provides style sheets for text snippets. With their help, you can format not the entire paragraph, but only the selected text. PageMaker does not have such tables. QuarkXPress offers several features not found in PageMaker. For example, QuarkXPress has page layout features such as vertical justification, which is used in the layout of newspapers; built-in automatic creation drop caps and the ability to snap text to a reference grid.

The PageMaker layout system provides an opportunity to carry out a design project before layout, i.e. make a few rough sketches of the location of the text and illustrations on the strip to be displayed on the monitor screen. The text is shown as shaded rectangles, and illustrations are shown as dark rectangles. Text and illustrations can be rearranged and moved around the screen. This opportunity can be used especially fully in the manufacture of sketches for publishing and small forms, since manually building a sketch is quite difficult and time-consuming.

The development of a grid for placing fragments on the pages of publications helps in the future to maintain one style of design; in this case, you can create a grid of placement for each page or on a master page (you can use strips of the design layout to create a master page).

In addition to the considered basic technological capabilities of the programs used for layout, some other advantages and disadvantages of the compared programs should be noted. PageMaker has a function for changing word spaces, which is necessary when compensating for layout book pages.

The disadvantages of the PageMaker program include automatic rounding of values ​​to tenths, when transferring from one measurement system to another, which increases the error; the need to fix the lines of the modular grid in connection with their mobility, which can lead to a violation of water-drive ability; multistage operations, i.e. using various commands to set any attributes for the text or heading. In QuarkXPress, all related commands are collected in one, i.e. with the help of one dialog box "Modify" you can specify both text flow around an object and a frame for the object, i.e. set all the required attributes at once. V the specified program it is possible to bind illustrations to the text while preserving the function of specifying skips; repetitive elements located on the master page easily change and move on the page of the publication, which can disrupt the consistency of the layout.

The indicated additional positive and negative properties of the compared programs once again confirm the capabilities of the programs for layout. different types editions.

In the area of ​​Web publishing, PageMaker has the advantage of exporting documents to the Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). Many use PDF format for printable online documents such as forms, technical documents or resumes, and documents that need to be quickly archived. PageMaker has a simple export command menu and allows you to save all links within a document. For QuarkXPress, the export to PDF options can only be available when the corresponding plugins (XTension) are connected.

Both programs allow you to automatically collect some files associated with documents (for example, pictures). However, QuarkXPress is still not able to automatically select the correct fonts or check the integrity of files. These functions are performed by several plug-ins such as Extends Flight's Preflight Pro and Markzware's Check Pro.

Both PageMaker and QuarkXPress have the same file format for their Mac OS and Windows versions.

The QuarkXPress plug-in architecture is undoubtedly much more advanced. There are hundreds of such XTensions for QuarkXPress, and only a few for PageMaker. XTensions allow you to tailor QuarkXPress to specific tasks and their functions range from simple time-saving tools to powerful, highly specialized tools. In this way, users effectively modernize QuarkXPress. Because XTensions plug into the QuarkXPress interface, they look and act like part of a program.

Each program has a unit of measurement based on an inch (English) of 25.4 mm; millimeters; cicero equal to 12 p = 4.51 mm and picas equal to 12 points = 4.23 mm. Since the type size and leading are measured in points, all measurements for the height of the stripe are made in points or in picas, and are kept in lines. Bandwidth measurements are either Didot (Cicero) or Metric. The conversion of measurements from the Didot system to the Anglo-American (picas), which is carried out through the metric system, carries a double error, therefore, it is practically not used.

Taking into account the above brief analysis of the technological capabilities of the considered programs, we can assume that the PageMaker program is focused on professional traditional book layout, and QuarkXPress is more suitable for complex layout with color illustrations and therefore is more often used for layout of mass illustrated magazines and newspapers, illustrated editions with complex layout , advertising booklets and other similar types of printing publications.

The InDesing interface looks very much like Adobe illustrator and Adobe Photoshop, down to tools, palettes and commands. This is due to the fact that in source code all these programs have many common blocks. You can import Photoshop files or transfer Illustrator files to an InDesing document using the clipboard, and then save the finished layout as a PDF file. And since PDF files themselves are object oriented, make last changes can be directly in them.

InDesing also opens documents created with PageMaker and QuarkXPress.

InDesing's flexibility extends to importing objects into the program, allowing you to choose from either a QuarkXPress-style frame-based approach or a free PageMaker approach. But unlike QuarkXPress, InDesing only has one type of frame that fits both text and graphics. InDesing has the ability to use the line spreading operation (spacing), which can be used in the layout of magazines and newspapers and printing.

The Word text editor, which was originally developed for the design of business accidents, in the process of improvement has acquired a number of properties that allow its use for typing and layout of voluminous publications with the inclusion of complex text, tables, formulas and graphic material. Word for Windows includes programs such as Microsoft Graph, Microsoft Word Art, Equation Editor, which expand the technological capabilities of Word in the design of technical publications. These programs are able to create objects that can be included in a document with using Word for Windows. Data exchange between these programs and the text editor Word for Windows is carried out using OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) technology.

Thanks to graphic filters, files in bit or vector graphics, which allows you to use objects created in vector graphics format (WMF - Windows Meta File), for example, brand names, charts, graphs, pictures or "draw" lines, circles, frames, etc. directly inside the text. Considering the above, technical publications containing formulas, tables, diagrams, graphs, etc. easier to type and typeset in Word for Windows.

Currently, the Word software package is also used for typesetting books, literary journals, information and reference publications with the same text structure throughout the publication. The program allows you to control the format of the typesetting stripes and the number of typesetting strips, set the typefaces and typefaces, control the justification of lines, adjust the line spacing and the padding of paragraphs of text from each other. V Word program You can create a library of styles for publications, with which you can quickly change the layout parameters of the entire publication.

In the process of layout, automatic numbering headings, creating tables of contents, setting headers and footers, checking grammar, using hyphenation with a limited number of hyphens in a row.

However, automatic tracking is not possible in Word for Windows, and an attempt to prohibit more than three hyphens in a row causes an even greater increase in word gaps.

In the latest versions of Word, such shortcomings as a strict dependence on the printer and the inability to display mirrored and negative images; the possibilities of forming and layout of tables, formulas were used.

Word is the least demanding on computer resources compared to QuarkXPress and PageMaker.

The basic rules for book layout are as follows:

  1. Full pages of a particular edition must be the same height, i.e. contain the same number of lines in the main set. When imposing illustrations or additional text (tables, headings, footnotes, formulas, etc.), it is calculated how many complete lines must be removed in order to imposition the indicated parts of the strips.
  2. The layout must be driven, i.e. the lines of the set located on the odd strip must coincide "to the light" with the lines on the even strip. This can be done by strictly reducing the text, formulas, tables, typed in a different size, and the size of the illustrations, together with the caption and spacing from the text to a size that is a multiple of the leading of the set.
  3. When making up, the rectangularity of the stripes must be maintained, for this it is necessary that the stripe does not begin with an incomplete end line of the paragraph and does not end with the initial paragraph line, i.e. there should be no "dangling" lines. An odd lane cannot be terminated with a hyphenation.
  4. The layout should be consistent, i.e. similar elements of the strip (headings different levels, footnotes, tables, formulas, illustrations and captions under them, headers, footers, columns, numbers, etc.) must be the same typeset and have the same skipping throughout the publication. The permissible deviations, taking into account the imposition of the layout, should not exceed 2 pt.

Documentation for layout

Technical documentation for book and magazine layout can be in the form:

  1. the original marked up for typesetting and layout;
  2. marked prints intended for first proofreading;
  3. layout (graphic, calculated, glued), made taking into account the modular grid.

Simple and complicated texts are typeset mainly according to the marked-up original. If you have a design layout that can be made at the editing stage, the layout is greatly facilitated. The layout accurately calculates the number of lines of the main text on the page, the window for imposition of headers, tables, conclusions, formulas, illustrations, the size of the imposition in the initial stripes is indicated. The specification and the original indicate the format of stripes, padding, type and size of columns and footers, size and location of norms and signatures, type of headings and other elements. Specific designs are also noted in the specification.

Printouts intended for proofreading are marked up in the same way as the original, but this is a more accurate document for typesetting than the marked up original. To the marked printouts, attach a sticker with photocopies of illustrations with the necessary instructions. Sometimes sketched graphic layouts are attached to the marked-up printouts. Complicated texts of editions are made up according to the marked-up printouts and according to the layout.

Layout is typesetting done on paper. The presence of the layout greatly facilitates the layout. Layouts are subdivided into graphic, glued and calculated.

V graphic layout the stripes are drawn by the technical editor on special layout sheets, the format of which corresponds to the format of the publication. The exact location of all strip elements is indicated on the layout. The graphic layout is most often used in the layout of magazines, display forms and other compositionally complex publications. The graphic layout is created based on the calculated layout.

The sticky layout is made in the publishing house on special forms corresponding to the stripe format. For pasting, printouts or photocopies of the text and photocopies of illustrations are used. A glue layout is needed for layout of complex publications containing multi-format illustrations, tables, as well as for multi-column layout. The creation of the glued layout must also be preceded by a calculated layout. Nowadays, the glue layout is rarely used.

For the basis of manufacturing design layout used for layout, the calculated layout of the base (full text strip) is applied.

When making a global design layout for the entire publication, the number of lines per page was calculated and the result was rounded. In the event that the result was not an integer number of lines, and part of the line was half or more than half, the number of lines increased by 1, if part of the line was less than half, it was discarded. For the layout used for layout, to create a template for the base (text) strip, you need to change the strip size so that the added part of the line easily fits and "sits" on the bottom line of the strip, and in the case when the strip is reduced, there should also be no empty space at the end of the strip. In the first case, the bottom margin is reduced by a certain size (Fig. 4.1

The simplest web page for an experienced layout designer or web programmer will not be difficult to make up using an ordinary text editor. But to perform complex tasks in this area of ​​activity, it is recommended to use specialized software. These can be advanced text editors, multifunctional complex applications called integrated development tools, image editors, etc. In this article, we will just look at software designed for site layout.

First of all, let's start with a description of advanced text editors designed to facilitate the work of the layout designer. By far the most famous program of this type is Notepad ++. This software solution supports the syntax of many programming languages ​​and text encodings. Code highlighting and line numbering greatly facilitate the work of programmers in various fields. Application regular expressions makes it easier to find and change structurally similar code sections. To quickly perform the same type of actions, it is proposed to record macros. You can significantly expand the already rich functionality with the help of built-in plugins.

Among the shortcomings can be called only such a dubious "minus" as the presence of a large number of functions that are incomprehensible to the average user.


Another advanced text editor for web developers is SublimeText. He also knows how to work with many languages, including Java, HTML, CSS, C ++. When working with code, highlighting, auto-completion and numbering are used. Highly convenient function is the support for snippets, with which you can apply presets. Using regular expressions and macros can also provide significant time savings for the task at hand. SublimeText allows you to work simultaneously on four panels. The functionality of the program is expanded by installing plugins.

The main drawback of the application, when compared with Notepad ++, is the lack of a Russian-language interface, which causes certain inconveniences especially for inexperienced users. Also, not all users like the notification that appears prompting you to purchase a license in the window free version product.


Let's conclude the description of text editors designed for layout of web pages with an overview of the Brackets application. This tool, like its previous counterparts, supports all major markup and programming languages ​​with highlighting of the corresponding expressions and line numbering. The highlight of the application is the presence of the function "Live Preview", with which you can view in real time through the browser all changes made to the document, as well as integration into the context menu "Explorer"... The Brackets toolkit allows you to browse the web in debug mode. Through the program window, you can manipulate several files at the same time. The ability to install third-party extensions further pushes the boundaries of functionality.

It upsets only the presence of some non-Russian sections in the program, as well as the ability to use the function "Live Preview" exclusively in the Google Chrome browser.


One of the most popular among advanced image editors, which can be successfully used, including for the formation of web-content, is GIMP. It is especially convenient to use the program for drawing site design. With this product it is possible to draw and edit ready-made images using a variety of tools (brushes, filters, blurring, selection and much more). GIMP supports working with layers and saving presets in proprietary format, with which you can resume work in the same place where it was finished, even after restarting. The history of changes helps to track all the actions that were applied to the picture, and, if necessary, undo them. In addition, the program is able to work with the text applied to the image. This is the only one free app among analogs, which can offer such a rich functionality.

Among the shortcomings, one can single out the sometimes arising effect of slowing down due to the high resource intensity of the program, as well as significant difficulties in understanding the work algorithm for beginners.

Adobe photoshop

The paid analogue of GIMP is Adobe program Photoshop. It is even more famous, since it was released much earlier and has more advanced functionality. Photoshop is used in many areas of web development. With it, you can create, edit and transform images. The program can work with layers and 3D models. At the same time, the user has the opportunity to use an even larger set of tools and filters than in GIMP.

Among the main disadvantages is the difficulty in mastering all the functionality of Adobe Photoshop. Also, unlike GIMP, this tool paid with trial period in just 30 days.

Aptana studio

The next group of programs for web page layout is integrated development tools. One of its most popular representatives is Aptana Studio. This software solution is a comprehensive website building tool that includes a text editor, debugger, compiler and build automation tool. Using the application, you can work with program code in many programming languages. Aptana Studio supports simultaneous manipulation of several projects, integration with other systems (in particular, with the Aptana Cloud service), as well as remote editing of site content.

The main disadvantages of Aptana Studio are the difficulty in mastering and the lack of a Russian-language interface.


The analogue of the Aptana Studio program is WebStorm, which also belongs to the class of integrated development systems. A user-friendly code editor is built into this software product, which supports an impressive list of different programming languages. For greater user comfort, the developers have provided the ability to choose a design for the design of the work area. Among the "pluses" of WebStorm is the presence of a debugging tool Node.js and fine tuning libraries. Function "Live Edit" provides the ability to view all changes made through a browser. The tool for interacting with the web server allows you to remotely edit and customize the site.

In addition to the lack of a Russian-language interface, WebStorm has one more "drawback", which, by the way, does not exist in Aptana Studio, namely, the need to pay for the use of the program.

Front Page

Now let's look at a block of applications called visual HTML editors. Let's start with a review of a Microsoft product called Front Page. This program was very popular, since at one time it was part of Microsoft package Office. It offers the ability to layout web pages in a visual editor that works on the principle of WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get"), as in a word processor Word. If desired, the user can open a standard html editor to work with the code or combine both modes on separate page... Many text formatting tools are built into the application interface. There is a spell checker function. In a separate window, you can see how the web page will look through the browser.

With so many advantages, the program has even more disadvantages. The most important is that the developers have not supported it since 2003, which means that the product has hopelessly lagged behind the development of web technologies. But even in their most better times Front Page did not support a large list of standards, which, in turn, led to the guaranteed correctness of web pages created in this annex were displayed only in the Internet Explorer browser.


The next visual editor of HTML-code - KompoZer is also not supported by developers for a long period. But unlike Front Page, the project was stopped only in 2010, which means this program still capable of supporting newer standards and technologies than the aforementioned competitor. She also knows how to work in WYSIWYG mode and code editing mode. You can combine both options, work simultaneously with several documents in different tabs and preview the results. In addition, Composer has a built-in FTP client.

The main "minus", like Front Page, is the termination of support for KompoZer by developers. In addition, this program has only an English-language interface.

Adobe dreamweaver

Let's finish this article brief overview visual HTML editor Adobe Dreamweaver. Unlike previous analogues, this software product is still supported by its developers, which ensures its relevance in terms of compliance with modern standards and technologies, as well as more powerful functionality. Dreamviewer provides the ability to work in WYSIWYG modes, a regular code editor (with backlight) and split. In addition, you can view all changes in real time. The program also includes a whole set of additional functions that make it easier to work with the code.