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Creating a teacher's personal information space. E-commerce as an individual information space is formed

Attempts to build an information and educational environment in a particular educational institution are only the beginning of a large and difficult way to establish and develop the processes of informatization of all activities of educational institutions of the general secondary education system. It is already advisable to consider possible prospects for the integration of future information environments of educational institutions into a single information and educational space of a general secondary education system, formed in a stately basis. Obviously, following such a course will be positively affected at the rate of comprehensive informatization of the state education system.

It is necessary to combine the information resources and technologies used in all areas of the activities of educational institutions and the components of the information and educational environments, in one unified complex. Common to the entire general secondary education system, such a complex must be supplemented with generally type methodological requirements and recommendations. The development of appropriate design, technical, pedagogical and methodological approaches would make it possible to gradually build uniform information and educational environments of individual educational institutions and, uniting them, form a single information and educational space.

Information and educational space You can define as a space of personal changes in people in educational purposes based on the use of modern information and tele communication technologiesThe increasing role of which in organizing educational activities determines the relevance of the design and structurement of the information and educational space of the city, the region, the country as a whole.

In the face of the formation of a multidimensional (multidimensional) information and educational space of educational institutions Traditional pedagogical technologies are transformed into so-called pedagogical information technologies - systems of material, technological and information and substantive funds and resources used in all forms of educational activities for processing, transmitting and disseminating information and information and Converting ways to its presentation. The creation and development of pedagogical information technologies is a prerequisite for the functioning of the information and educational space of the state, since these technologies, on the one hand, are based on the theory of pedagogy, psychology, informatics, management, on the other, use the widest possible possibilities of modern information and telecommunications equipment.

On a state scale, the information and educational space of the Russian education system as a whole should combine the information and educational spaces of all regions and regions of the country. The combination of regional segments among themselves should be built on the basis of mutual agreements and agreements on cooperation on an equal basis.

At the regional or regional level, the information and educational space is an association of information and educational environments of various educational institutions created on a voluntary basis and in strict accordance with previously developed and approved scientifically-founded pedagogical models, requirements of requirements, technologies and specifications.

Obviously, the only real practical way to create a single information and educational space in the country is its basing on modern computer Toolsah telecommunication exchange, such as global network The Internet. In this regard, the relevance of the requirement of building information and educational institutions of educational institutions in the form of information and educational Internet portals based on the maximum use of the benefits of regional and global information networks. The development of a nationwide scientific and educational portal, which accumulates all similar regional and regional portals and is the system-forming basis for the development of the information and educational space of the country.

The space created in this way will be distributed and must have uniform means Navigation providing all user categories features quickly and simple tools to find:

· Educational institution, regardless of location and directions for training students;

· Full information on the structure and features of the educational institution;

· List of educational institutions that provide education for a specific specialty through their information and educational environments;

· Any information resource registered in an informational space, regardless of the place of its physical location and accessories to information and educational environments of specific educational institutions.

In addition, given the insufficient and uneven equipment of educational institutions of the general secondary education system of computer and telecommunications equipment, the principles and technologies for the construction of information and educational space should ensure equal opportunities for the functioning and interaction of information and educational environments of all educational institutions, regardless of the level of their technical equipment. .

Speaking about the prospects for the formation of the information and educational space of a general secondary education system, it is impossible not to note the need for its integration with the currently generated international information space. This space in the world is really formed. This is evidenced by an increasing number of emerging information educational resources intended for use not only in the walls of developer organizations, but also outside of such organizations. Examples of the resources discussed can be considered freely distributed information and educational systems accessible to the whole world due to their placement on the means of global computer telecommunications.

Let's hope that in the near future, information systems and resources combined into the information educational space will be based on high-speed, high-quality communication channels providing ubiquitous, prompt and reliable exchange of educational information.

Questions and tasks to section 7

1. What is an informational and educational environment?

2. What components of the information and educational environment do you know? What principle do they stand out and form?

3. What requirements are presented to the resources of the information and educational environment?

4. How is the model of an informational and educational environment formed?

5. List the main technological stages leading to the formation of an information and educational environment.

6. How is an information and educational space formed?

Section 8. The readiness of teachers to the professional use of information and telecommunication technologies

"Do not be among the first, who supports new ideas,

Do not be among the latter, who refuses old ideas. "

Alexander Poup (Alexander Pope) An Essay On Criticism

Topic 8.1. Factors of the formation of teachers' readiness for the use of funds and methods of informatization

To date, a sufficiently large number of required technical and software has been accumulated in the general secondary education system. Moreover, high-quality indicators used computer equipment Close to saturation, in the sense that a significant increase in the power of computers does not give the corresponding qualitatively new opportunities for education. Thus, increasingly relevant becomes, not so much the equipment of school computers as the strategy of their practical use in the field of education. However, the effective practical use of ICT funds in education is unthinkable without the readiness of teachers to use such funds in their professional activities.

For practical use of ICT tools, in general middle education, teachers must be inherent in:

· General pedagogical skills;

· Owning skills of information and telecommunication technologies;

· Skills for the application of information and telecommunication technologies in the course of training and education of schoolchildren.

Modern teachers should be able to a lot. So, in particular, teachers working in the general secondary education system should know where and how to find the required training materials in telecommunication networks, be able to use similar networks in various aspects of learning, to know how to present the content of training items through multimedia technologies, how to apply Multimedia learning tools.

Given the psychological research data, the effective development of the potential of ICT educational facilities implies the appropriate training of a teacher, which should rely on the following provisions:

· Training in working with computer learning means is part of the content of education;

· ICT tools applicable in training there is only a problem solving tool, its use should not turn into an end in itself;

· The use of computer learning tools is expanding the possibilities of human thinking to solve educational and professional tasks;

· Training with ICT tools is one of the methods of thinking.

As ICT introduced into education, there is a change in the culture of educational institution and the role of the teacher in the educational process. In connection with the emphasis on independent acquisition of knowledge, the consulting and adjustment orientation of the teacher's training activities is strengthened. In the context of excessive scientific and educational information provided by students with modern ICT funds, the requirements for the training of a teacher in the field of basic and related academic disciplines are increasing. Requirements for personal, general cultural, communicative qualities of the teacher are also significantly increased.

Unfortunately, for most information resources intended for use in the learning process, a low pedagogical level is characterized. One of the main reasons for the emerging situation is that, mainly computer curricula are created by programming specialists without the participation of leading experts in the field of psychology, didactics, content and methods of teaching specific discipline. At the same time, it is well known that the leading teachers who have a big experience of teaching work are usually far from new ICTs, they do not own them and, by the preservatism of thinking, do not always understand their significance.

Most teachers experience a significant psychological barrier before the development of computer equipment and the use of information resources in learning, which is usually masked by doubts about the pedagogical capabilities of these funds and technologies. Sometimes this underestimation is due to a superficial acquaintance with the essence of the processes of informatization of education.

Even a superficial analysis shows that most often ICT implementation into the educational process is perceived as a simple arrangement of the well-known teacher content and representing it to schoolchildren with computer tools. Obviously, such an approach leaves unused colossal possibilities for activating visual-shaped and theoretical figurative thinking of students.

There are several major factors that consider the positive effect in the process of forming the preparedness of modern pedagogical frames to use ICT tools in schoolchildren. In particular, it is necessary to create a multi-level system for improving teachers.

From the point of view of informatization of education, all teachers are expedient to divide into two main categories: teachers-users of ready-made ICT funds and teachers-developers of computer means of pedagogical destination. During the formation of the described readiness, the first category of teachers should be focused on preparing to the end user level. The teacher must master the elementary skills of working with a computer, get the first idea of \u200b\u200bthe most common packages of universal appointments, learn how to work with text editors, spreadsheets, master work with ready-made computer for its subject area curriculum, Telecommunication interaction with colleagues and students, access to world information sources.

Teachers-users seeking to use ICT tools in schoolchildren's training is recommended a course of lectures on the psychological and pedagogical basics of informational educational technologies. Practical implementation A similar course causes many different difficulties, since its content is at the junction of the disciplines of the psychological and pedagogical cycle and disciplines associated with software and hardware of computer and telecommunication technologies. However, with proper administrative support, such a course can become a reality if various specialists are connected to read it.

Preparation of the second category of teachers to which teachers relate independently developing the necessary electronic information resources to them should approach the level of training of qualified users or even programmers. It is extremely necessary for understanding and rational design of the structure of electronic resources. For developers teachers, it is extremely important for training in advanced training courses or independently get acquainted both with the basics of designing and using ICT tools and the necessary pedagogy and psychology for this.

When developing ICT funds, it should be borne in mind that creative teams with the participation of system and applied programmers, psychologists, designers, ergonomic specialists are necessary, but not sufficient condition for high-quality development. The main idea, content and idea of \u200b\u200beducational electronic resource must be offered and improved by the subject teacher. He also, in turn, his ideas and ideas should be commended with the specific possibilities of the equipment used, software, Professional training team training.

Due to the fact that the electronic information resources used in schoolchildren's training are not only pedagogical, but also by software, the transmission through them the meaningful part of the training course is impossible without carrying out a thorough structure of the educational material. Thus, for the rational design of ICT tools across the course, developers teachers need to have a structural and systemic intelusive idea of \u200b\u200bthe materials of the school educational discipline, specialized means and technologies for the design of the content of training tools on the identified structures of the content of the relevant educational areas.

Teachers actively engaged in the development and use of ICT funds should have a sufficient level of readiness to use education informatization tools in the educational process. This means that teachers must own the user skills, have an idea of \u200b\u200bprogramming and be specialists in the field of "their" school discipline.

The requirements for the teacher using ICT to educational activities should be made up of traditional requirements for any teacher, and specific, related to the use of modern information technologies and the means of practical use of ICT in the process of informatization of educational activities.

Traditional requirements include:

· organizers (work planning, ruling of trainees, etc.);

· didactic (specific ability to choose and prepare educational material, equipment; affordable, clear, expressive, convincing and consistent exposition of educational material; stimulation of the development of cognitive interests and spiritual needs);

· perceptive (manifested in the ability to penetrate into the spiritual world of educated, objectively assess their emotional state, identify the features of psyche);

· communicative (the ability to establish pedagogically appropriate relationships with trainees, their parents, colleagues, heads of the educational institution);

· suggestive (emotional-volitional influence on students);

· research (skill to know and objectively evaluate pedagogical situations and processes);

· scientific and educational (ability to assimage scientific knowledge in the selected industry);

· subject (Professional knowledge of the subject).

In the case of using ICT tools, such requirements are significantly transformed. So, for example, it is difficult to imagine how it is possible when conducting a computerized virtual training session or consultation carried out by e-mail, show suggestive and perceptual abilities. The teacher becomes not so necessary and traditional pedagogical technique, especially non-verbal means of communication:

· Expressive expressive movements (posture, gesture, facial expressions, etc.),

· Takeski (handshake, touch, etc.),

· Proximent (orientation, distance),

· Loaming and extrallinguistics (intonation, volume, timbre, pause, laughter, etc.).

At the same time, the specific requirements required when working with modern means of informatization and educational electronic publications are allocated. In these requirements, such as knowledge of the teacher of didactic properties and the ability to use ICT tools.

Psychological and pedagogical problems of the specific activity of teachers in an informational and educational computerized environment have its own specifics, which today has been practically not studied. At the same time, despite the widespread distribution of funds and technology of informatization of education, the main function of the teacher should remain urgent - the management of the processes of training, education and development of schoolchildren.

Preparation of pedagogical personnel in the development and implementation of new information technologies in general secondary education is impossible without administrative support. The fact is that in the process of forming the preparedness of teachers for the use of ICT tools in schoolchildren's training even a large brake than the conservatism of teachers, is the inertness of the organizational structure of educational institutions. In proof of this statement, it is enough to refer to the gaps in the activities of the school administration, leading to lack of time in teachers for work on the informatization of the educational process, the lack of relevant educational and support staff, the deficiency of the approval and promotion of the innovative constructive activities of teachers.

There are often cases when fairly qualified training specialists do not see the need to develop policies and standards in relation to learning using ICT funds and adhere to the negative position of non-interference. In this regard, administrative policy is needed to create an organizational infrastructure modern system General secondary education, originally aimed at a high degree of readiness of teachers to practical informatization of education.

The experience of foreign countries indicates the feasibility of publications of specialized publications intended to enhance the interest of the pedagogical community to the problems of developing and implementing modern information and communication technologies. Such editions should be focused on a wide range of specialists:

· Teachers of all directions and training levels,

· General secondary education administrators;

· Teachers-methodists of various school disciplines;

· Specialists in various fields of informational and communication technologies, such as human and computer interaction interface, graphic applications, artificial intelligence, computer equipment, telecommunications systems;

· Psychologists;

· Ergonomists;

· Sociologists;

· Linguists.

Such publications should be the center for the exchange of experience, the development and transfer of knowledge and skills, the link, uniting the activities of all those involved in the problems of informatization of education.

Formation of teachers' readiness for the development and use of informatization tools in the educational process contributes to the conduct of competitions, encouraging the labor of innovators, as well as certification of developed electronic information resources with the subsequent edition of directories. The issuance of the certificate and the publication of information about the certified program in the catalog must provide a basis for the inclusion of the developed academic electronic means into the list of scientific and methodological works of the developer teacher.

In addition to the listed, a significant effect has a direct interpersonal exchange of experience at conferences on the application of information technologies in the learning process. It is noteworthy that such conferences allow not only closer to familiarize themselves with the content of the reports, but also to see the advanced development of educational software, to compare different ways Creation and application of ICT funds aimed at informatization of general secondary education.

The current meaning of the concept of "unified information space" (infosphere) was developed as a result of the evolution of the conceptual scheme of differences in the total geopolitical space of areas of properties and allow them to consider them as independent spaces with their borders, structure, resources and features of the interaction of actors, which include informational support .

At the same time, the content of such processes as interaction in the process of joint activity, competition is significantly changing. Competition is especially noticeable due to the struggle for the achievement of information superiority, for the possession of a developed information resource that opens best opportunities Control over the informational resource of the enemy.

Information sphere - a set of information, information infrastructure, subjects carrying out the collection, formation, dissemination and use of information, as well as the regulatory system of the respective public relations. Information sphere is a set of relationships arising from: formation and use of information resources based on creating, collecting, processing, accumulating, storing, searching, distributing and providing the consumer to the documented information; creation and use of information technologies and their means of ensuring; Protection of information, the rights of subjects involved in information processes and informatization.

The information sphere is a system-forming factor in post-industrial society, actively affects the state of economic, political, defense and other components of national security.

Ontology will score can be submitted through the entire totality of objects entering information interaction, and technologies and systems of this interaction. The information space is a dynamic environment. Physical objects, as a rule, have clearly defined physical boundaries that can achieve a temporary information advantage, and the space is structured and heterogeneous, protected and universal.

Information Space Structure

The main structural components of the information space are informational fields and information flows. The information field is a totality of all focused on information, regardless of its shape and state, which is in the separation of both the reflection object and the subject of perception.

The movement of information in the information field is carried out using the physical connection between the recipient and the source of information, which materializes in the information flow.

Information flow - A combination of information that moves in information space through communication channels. Information flows They may proceed both inside the individual іnfosphere and between them, depending on the availability of communication channels. The organizational aspect of the information space structure is sets of multiple databases and data banks, data warehouses, technologies for their maintenance and use, information systems, networks, applications, organizational structures that function based on certain principles and on established rules providing information interaction of objects.

The composition of the technological and organizational components of the information space include information infrastructure - Wednesday providing the possibility of collecting, transferring, storing, automated processing and distribution of information in society. Information infrastructure Societies are formed by a set: information and telecommunication systems and communication networks, the industry of informatization, telecommunications and communications; formation systems and ensuring the safety of information resources; access systems access to information and telecommunication systems, communication networks and information resources; Industry information and market information services; personnel training systems, research; Algorithms and software that ensure the functioning of software and hardware platforms, etc.

The information space of society is characterized by unique entities and communities that do not have direct analogues in other spaces, among which can be called virtual Community, Network Organization, Virtual Enterprise. Information space due to the absence of borders and its virtuality is an integration mechanism of organizational structures on a planetary scale.

The main functions that the information space is currently performing are: integrating - combines various types of economic activities into a single spatial-communicative and sociocultural environment; communicative - a special environment of transboundary interactive and mobile Communication various economic entities under which they carry out information exchange; aktalizuyucha - In the information space, the interests of various business entities are being actualized through the implementation of information policies; Geopolitical - their own resources are formed and the significance of traditional resources is changing, creating a new environment of geopolitical relations and competition; Social - information space transforms society and changes the nature and content of socio-economic relations in all areas: politics, culture, science, religion, etc.

The rapid increase in the volume of information resources of humanity and the emergence of the latest technologies causes indigenous changes in the activities of enterprises and their business processes. Neutheater production, science, education, which contributes to the development of industry based on computerization, informatization, automation of all production cycles, becomes more priority.

§ 2.5. User interface

Organization of individual information space

The combination of all information accumulated by mankind in the process of developing science, culture, education and practical activity of people is called information resources. Working on a computer, the user deals with information resources in the form of files with programs, documents, websites, photos, video phrases, etc.

Individual information space is formed by the user:

  • when installing the software you need for a personal computer;
  • when creating text, graphic and other documents;
  • when moving (copying) to your computer photos, texts, music, video and other information stored on various devices external memory or on the Internet;
  • when saving on your computer, references to those interested in its network resources and so on.

If the computer is autonomous, then the user information space is limited by the programs and data placed on this computer. If the computer is connected to local network or the Internet, then the user's information space becomes almost limitless.

For example, each student creates an individual information space, while maintaining the results of its work in a separate folder on its working computer or on the local network server. The name of this folder is unique and contains, as a rule, an indication of the classroom and the surname of the student. Personal student folder may contain separate files And subfolders, helping to systematize accumulated information. If the number and names of the attached folders are not specified in advance, it is recommended to independently consider a certain hierarchical structure that could provide in the future fast access to the necessary information. As for the names of files and folders, they must be meaningful, reflecting the information contained in them. An individual information space is also formed by setting up the OS and applications user interface.

The user has the opportunity not only to work with the information resources created by other people, but also to be made available to other results of their work. For example, you can create your own web page or place your work (drawings, photos, presentations, texts, audio and video recordings, etc.) on the school website. It should be very responsible for information that you intend to make accessible to many users. First of all, the information should be reliable; She should not dispel the honor and dignity of other people, wearing a threatening character. It is strictly prohibited and prosecuted by the law of propaganda violence, terrorism, national distribution and the like information, as well as the distribution of materials containing computer viruses.


  • user interface
  • command Interface
  • graphic interface
  • main elements graphic interface
  • individual information space

2.5.1. User interface and its varieties

With the development and improvement of computer techniques, various variants of user interfaces were developed.

On computers that operated only by numbers and symbols, a command interface was implemented (Fig. 2.11):

Fig. 2.11.
An example of the command interface

  • the command was fed using the symbol sequence (command line);
  • the computer compared the received command with a set of commands in its memory;
  • the action corresponding to the received command was performed.

Thus, for interacting with a computer, a person had to know a lot of teams to manage devices and operating data. This made it difficult to widely introduce computer equipment.

Command line mode is used by experts and nowadays. First, it provides a minimum memory consumption. Secondly, there are a large number of teams in modern software, many of which are extremely rarely used. Set of such a team in command line It is carried out much faster than, for example, navigating the menu. Thirdly, experts can record command sequence in a separate executable file ( command file), which increases the efficiency of working with software.

The need to memorize numerous commands disappeared with the advent of graphical interfaces. The first graphic interfaces provided the ability to use the "Mouse" keys or manipulator:

  • take the cursor to one piece of screen;
  • allocate the file name or command to another color on the screen;
  • operate dedicated data regardless of others.

Nowadays, the interaction of a person and computer is based on an object-oriented graphical interface, in which:

  • all objects are represented as icons (icons, icons, pictograms), the choice of which, for example, mice leads to the activation of the relevant objects;
  • operating objects are carried out in the windows - predetermined, defined by the frame parts of the screen;
  • the main element of the software control is the menu - the list of commands displayed on the screen, which can be specified to the computer;
  • the main element of the hardware management is various manipulators (mouse, trackball, touch panel, etc.).

Each computer object has its name and graphic designation. For example:

Objects have defined properties. For example:

With objects you can make a variety of actions. For example:

The main element of the computer's hardware management in the user interface is the mouse displayed on the screen in the form of a mouse pointer - a small graphical object that moves around the screen when the mouse is moving. It is used to indicate various objects, run programs, select menu items, drag objects, highlight text, etc.

More often, the pointer looks like a small arrow, but its species changes depending on the operations that the user performs. So, if the pointer has the shape of small hourgles, this means that the computer is engaged in performing some operation. And if the mouse pointer takes the view of the crossed circle, this means that the requested operation in this case is not possible. The main techniques of control using the mouse are:

  • click - Quick Pressing and release of the left mouse button;
  • double click - two clicks made at a small time interval between them;
  • right-clicking;
  • dragging - accompanied by the movement of the on-screen object on which the pointer is installed;
  • stretching - a change in the form of a screen object occurs;
  • hovering the mouse pointer on the object icon or on the control and delayed it for a while - usually a pop-up hint appears on the screen, which briefly characterizes the properties of the object.

The intuitive understanding of an object-oriented graphical interface is explained by the fact that it is implemented with analogies with the familiar person with a direct manipulation of specific objects and visualization of the results of the proceedings. Indeed, when performing any operation, the user first selects the object, and then the action above this object; The mouse allows direct manipulation of the selected object. So, to copy a file from one directory to another no longer need to be scored in the command prompt, a specific sequence of characters. It is enough to highlight the icon intended for copying a file in the window containing it directory and drag it into the window or on the pictogram of another directory. The result of copying the file will be its image in the new directory window.

Nowadays, great attention is paid to the development of friendly interfaces that provide users comfortable methods Software interactions due to the logicality and simplicity in the location of the controls used by the color range, the form of objects, etc. It takes into account the psychological features of the perception of information by man.

2.5.2. Basic elements of the graphical interface

The main elements of the graphical interface are windows and menus.

You can select the following types of windows:

  • main window operating system - Desktop;
  • folder windows;
  • dialog boxes;
  • application windows;
  • document windows.

One type windows have a similar structure, contain standard sets of design and control elements and allow you to use a standard set of techniques when working with them.

The menu is the display list of commands that can be set to the computer. The command selection is made by clicking the mouse button.

Context menu - this is a list of commands related to the current object; It appears when you click right 1 mouse button on the selected object. The context menu allows you to access all commands possible for this object.

    1 For the "left-hander", the mouse is initially configured differently: where "right-hander" clicks the right button, "Left -sham" - left and vice versa.


The desktop is the main window of the graphical interface of the operating system, which occupies the entire screen space. The desktop may contain a background image, badges and labels, taskbar.

The icons are indicated by applications, documents, folders. The original icon has each application. He is somehow present in the document icon created by this application (Fig. 2.12).

Fig. 2.12.
Icons microsoft applications Office and relevant documents:
a) text processor and text file; b) presentation editor and a presentation file; c) spreadsheets and file-spreadsheet

For quick access to disks, a printer, frequently used programs or documents, it is advisable to create shortcuts on the desktop. The label is a reference to an object that can be located in any folder. The label looks outwardly different from the object icon by the presence of an arrow in the lower left corner. In the properties of the shortcut, you can see the placement of the object to which it indicates (Fig. 2.13).

Fig. 2.13.
Label and placement of the relevant program

Deleting a shortcut does not lead to the removal of the appropriate object. Double-click The label opens the window of the corresponding program or document.

The taskbar is located at the bottom of the screen. It is located: the "Start" button, the buttons of the programs executed (tasks) and open documents of the documents, the language indicator and the clock. The "Start" button allows you to call the main menu that provides access to almost all system resources and contains the application start commands, system settings, file search, access to the help system, etc. On the taskbar there is a language indicator that indicates the symbol input language. Digital clocks on the taskbar show the current time. To see the current date, month and year, it is enough to bring the mouse pointer to the clock.

During the work desk, folder windows, dialog boxes, application windows and document windows can be folded.

Dialog boxes

Dialog boxes are intended for two-way interaction (dialogue) between the computer and the user. They allow you to transfer more detailed information about the command with the help of controls: input fields, lists and drop-down lists, switches, flags, buttons, meters and sliders (Fig. 2.14).

Fig. 2.14.
Dialog window

In the input field, the user enters the required information using the keyboard.

The list is a list of values \u200b\u200bfrom which one desired one should select. Long list has a scroll bar.

The drop-down list opens by clicking on the drop-down button (the triangle-arrow is depicted on it).

Switches serve to select one of several possible options. They are located in front possible options And have the shape of white circles. In a circle corresponding to the selected option, a black point appears.

The checkbox serves to select several possible options. Flags are located before possible options and have the form of squares. The check box is noted by the "checkmark".

The counter is a pair of arrows, allowing to increase or decrease the value in the associated field.

The slider allows you to smoothly change the value of the corresponding parameter.

The command button provides execution written or shown on it. To use the command button, you need to click on it.

The dialog boxes may contain several tabs, switching between which is carried out by clicking on their names.

Folder and Application windows

The folder window is a screen area in which the contents of the folder are graphically represented.

Folder window can contain a header string, a menu bar, toolbar, address string, work area, scroll bar, window boundaries and status string.

The header line contains: system icon; window header; Window status control buttons allow you to deploy, fold or close the window.

The menu string is a complete list of thematically grouped commands that can be performed in this window.

The toolbar contains command buttons to perform the most common operations. In the work more convenient than the menu line, but is limited by the number of commands. In the windows of modern applications, the toolbar is often customizable - the user at its discretion can accommodate those command buttons that he need most often on it.

In the address bar, the access path to the current folder is specified, which is convenient for orientation in the file structure. Address bar Allows you to execute fast passage To other partitions of the file structure using the revealing button on the right edge of the line.

In the Work area, the folder window displays the objects stored in the folder, and the display can be controlled. If the number of objects is too large (or the window size is too small), the scroll strips can be displayed on the right and lower edges of the working area, with which you can "scroll" the contents of the folder in the working area vertically and horizontally.

Window boundaries - a frame that limits the window from four sides; Using the border strengthening operation, you can resize the window.

An additional reference information is displayed in the status bar.

The application window is the area of \u200b\u200bthe screen in which the application running on execution is presented; Open or close the application window is the same as running the program to execute or complete it.

The student, when performing a homework, has on the desktop and keeps the diary open, tutorial, notebook. If the task is complex, he may also need a reference book, a dictionary or encyclopedia.

A similar possibility, called multi-cycle, is implemented in the modern user interface: you can also decompose the windows of various folders and applications on the computer desktop. In this case, you can: go from one window to another without loss of data obtained during program execution; Transfer information from one document to another.

2.5.3. Organization of individual information space

The combination of all information accumulated by humanity in the process of developing science, culture, education and practical activity of people is called information resources. Working on a computer, the user deals with information resources in the form of files with programs, documents, websites, photos, video phrases, etc.

Individual information space is formed by the user:

  • when installing the software you need for a personal computer;
  • when creating text, graphic and other documents;
  • when transferring (copying) to your computer photos, texts, music, video and other information stored on various external memory devices or on the Internet;
  • when saving on your computer, references to those interested in its network resources and so on.

If the computer is autonomous, then the user information space is limited by the programs and data placed on this computer. If the computer is connected to the local network or the Internet, then the user's information space becomes almost limitless.

For example, each student creates an individual information space, while maintaining the results of its work in a separate folder on its working computer or on the local network server. The name of this folder is unique and contains, as a rule, an indication of the classroom and the surname of the student. A personal student folder may contain separate files and subfolders, helping to systematize accumulated information.

If the number and names of the subfolders are not specified in advance, it is recommended to independently consider a certain hierarchical structure that could provide in the future quick access to the necessary information. As for the names of files and folders, they must be meaningful, reflecting the information contained in them. An individual information space is also formed by setting up the OS and applications user interface.

The user has the opportunity not only to work with the information resources created by other people, but also to be made available to other results of their work. For example, you can create your own web page or place your work (drawings, photos, presentations, texts, audio and video recordings, etc.) on the school website. It should be very responsible for information that you intend to make accessible to many users. First of all, the information must be reliable; She should not dispel the honor and dignity of other people, wearing a threatening character. It is strictly prohibited and prosecuted by the law of propaganda violence, terrorism, national distribution and the like information, as well as the distribution of materials containing computer viruses.

The most important thing

The user interface is a set of funds and rules for the interaction of a person and a computer.

The interaction of a person and computer today is based on an object-oriented graphical interface, in which:

  • all objects are presented in the form of icons;
  • operating objects are carried out in the windows;
  • the main element of the software control is the menu;
  • the main element of hardware management is various manipulators.

Multi-lightness is an important characteristic of the modern user interface.

User Information Space is information resources (files with programs, documents, Web sites, photos, video phrases, etc.), available to the user when working on a computer.

Questions and tasks

  1. What is a user interface?
  2. Why did not the command user interface contributed to the widespread computer equipment? Why do specialists still use the command line interface?
  3. What are the main features implemented in modern graphic interfaces?
  4. Why can modern user interfaces be considered object-oriented?
  5. What user interface, in your opinion, is friendly?
  6. Name the basic elements of the graphical interface.
  7. Describe the main window of the operating system - the desktop.
  8. What control elements may be contained in dialog boxes?
  9. List the main elements of the folder windows. Which of them are present in the windows of your applications known to you?
  10. What analogies S. everyday life Are implemented in the modern user interface?
  11. Imagine the basic concepts of paragraph 2.5.2 "The basic elements of the graphical interface" in the form of a graph.
  12. What rules should be followed when creating an individual information space?

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1 Individual information and educational space Aslanyan I.A. G. Stavropol over the past decades has occurred global changes in society. The end of XX and the beginning of the XXI century is a time of cardinal change both in politics, culture, economics and in education. The transition from industrial society to information requires new approaches, methods, technologies in the implementation of the pedagogical process. There is a significant increase in human needs in various information, its image and lifestyle, thinking, worldviews change. On the basis of this, the purpose of education is changing, which is now in providing conditions for self-realization, capable of continuously enhance its professional level, to rapid adaptation to new living conditions. To be competitive in the conditions of the information society, the student must be ready for effective independent work. To solve their goals, we need fundamentally new models of interaction of teachers and students, new pedagogical agents. Modern information technologies allow you to implement a new way of organizing a learning process, which will lead to open individualized education. This is reflected in such federal programs as "Development of a Unified Educational Information Environment", " Electronic Russia" Entry Russian Federation The Bologna process is also a serious challenge for the education system. From the quality of the formation of an educational environment of educational institution based on informational and communication technologies, an increase in education is expected. These directions in the modernization of Russian education indicate the need for other level teachers who are ready to implement the pedagogical process on

2-based use of the latest information and communication educational technologies. In this area there have been a number of contradictions between: the needs of the information society in a specialist with a high level of preparation and the use of not fully the resources of the information space of the university in its formation; the need to form an individual information educational space and a certain limitation of the university's capabilities, which is due to the insufficient use of informational and communication technologies; constant change in the educational institution of information educational space and the level of competence of participants in the educational process in the field of ICT use; using a personal-oriented approach and insufficient readiness of the participants in the process to the transition from traditional learning (transfer of information from the teacher to the student) to the preparation of an individual educational trajectory. The modernization of Russian education makes it talk about a contradiction arising between the constantly incorrect change in the educational institution of the informational educational space and the level of competence of the participants in the educational process in the field of ICT use. Information and educational medium multidimensional holistic, socio-psychological reality, which ensures a set of necessary psychological and pedagogical conditions, modern technologies training and methodological training tools built on the basis of modern information technologies providing

3 Requirements for cognitive activity and access to information resources . Information educational space can be defined as a personality development space, changes in educational purposes based on the use of modern information technologies. Creating conditions that contribute to the development of the processes of educational and information interaction between the subjects included in the space is the goal of the functioning of an informational educational space (IOP). The main functions of the IOP are informative, integrative, communication, coordinating, developing, professional-orienting, general cultural humanistic, etc. Such space helps the student to realize themselves in the knowledge of various types of activities, taking into account his inclinations, interests and abilities. Students are delivered before the need for the active use of information-friendly technologies as funds, methods and forms of the educational process. Any educational space accommodates various subspaces smaller in volume. The most "elementary" of these subspaces is an individual educational space formed by a separate personality. Its formation and development is a reflection of the essence of a personal-oriented concept of education, which is defined as an ordered sustainable personality relationship with an open social educational environment, with family and other educational institutions focused on her self-realization, to form healthy relations in various spheres of life, as well as in academic process. Individual educational space allows you to satisfy the educational needs of the individual, to provide social

4 Impact on the identity and disclose its vitality. Among the main characteristics of the individual educational space are allocated: the ability of space to change (the ability to expand or narrow); Saturation or fullness of various elements that include a variety of subjects, objects, situations and relationships. The latitude of an individual educational space is in this case a structural characteristic, and the filing is its meaningful characteristic that shows which subjects, objects, situations and attitudes of the personality includes in its space. In modern pedagogy in the most general form, under the individual educational space, the student is customary to understand the form of existence of ordered, sustainable interactions of it as a subject of educational activities with an open social educational environment. The orientation of the consciousness on the search and the ability to allocate personal reasons for manifestation of activity in the process of mastering the resources of the educational environment, expansion, saturation and streamlining its educational space reflects the subjectivity of the student. To date, there is no comprehensive, comprehensive study of the essence of the individual educational space of the student and its characteristics. At this time, competitive, well-trained specialists are needed. The main role in solving this problem belongs to educational institutions that are designed to ensure the conditions for the development of each student included in the educational team. However, as statistics shows, in the mass practice of teachers, effective methods in the educational process are not always found. The active learning methods are easier to interest students and the most important thing to achieve the main goal of educational institutions: issuing qualified specialists. The task of improving the quality of education

5 stands out by the concept of modernization of Russian education as a priority problem. Thus, socio-economic and scientific progress in Russia led to the need to modernize many social institutions and, first of all, education systems. Indigenous changes are needed in the model of the process of preparing a person to life, in practice. Society needs freely thinking, bold, capable of controlling, i.e. It is reasonable to build and adjust attitudes towards yourself, other people, society, nature people. In modern conditions, the requirements for the intellectual, cultural, scientific level of the graduate are increasing. Forming information society It gives rise to the need to upgrade education, the main goal of which is now to ensure the conditions for self-realization of the person. Much attention is paid to individualization of education, the use of a personal-oriented approach. It helps students to realize their capabilities, express themselves as a person, to disclose the potential within the framework of education standards. The main means of improving the level of education level is the introduction of information and communication technologies in the educational process. References 1. Gavrishhina O.N., Filatova E.V. Professionally oriented information medium of training // Higher education in Russia with Kastornov V.A. Analysis of approaches to the definition of educational space // Vector science TSU. 1 (19), with Koropovskaya V.P. Continuous formation of the ICT competence of the teacher in the conditions of the information educational space of the School // dis. candidate ped. Sciences - Nizhny Novgorod, Sazonov B.A. Individually oriented organization of the educational process as a condition for the modernization of higher education // Higher

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J. Yu. Brooke to the problem of the formation of a pedagogical worldview in the modernization of the education system, the emergence of a variety of pedagogical concepts and new trends in the development of pedagogical