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Where to remove parental control. How to make a phone safe for a child

"Parental Control" is designed to ensure the protection of a person, most often a child, from the negative impact of the Internet, games, etc. To implement the task, there is a number of rules and various measures. It is worth noting that for "Parental Control" it is necessary to establish special provision or use the built-in software. The main goal of this is software - Make it impossible to visit by children of sites for adults, as well as limit the time of their work at the computer.

Active and passive control

Let's consider every kind of detail. Passive parental control»It implies time limit personal computer. For example, on weekdays you can set the time from 17-00 to 19-00, and on the weekend - from 12-00 to 20-00. Thus, only at this time the person will be able to use this device. In addition, passive "parental control" on the computer allows you to restrict access to a specific software. Sometimes it makes sense to block only those utilities that a child can take advantage. In addition to the listed, you can establish a limit on both games. For example, a certain program can be opened no more than 2 hours a day. The passive protection method provides for the prohibition of a visit to certain Internet resources.

As for the active "parental control", then everything is somewhat different. The main task is to keep track of all actions of the child in real time. This approach is implemented quite simply by installing the necessary software. You can control the files downloadable to PCs, as well as track the correspondence by mail and much more. All this allows you to make sure that "parental control" on the computer really works and makes sense. Now we will consider in more detail how it acts, and whether it is necessary to protect your child from the negative impact of the Internet and the computer as a whole.

Ways to restrict access

There are several methods to prohibit the use of certain resources, games, etc. Let's consider each of them.

The most relevant way - automatic creation The database with which the program will work. If we talk simple words, then the utility itself decides where you can go, and where not. This includes built-in filters tracking information flows. Often, the list of prohibited sites is updated automatically, but if this does not happen, then you need to do everything manually.

There is another way. In truth, it is pretty tough, but it works 100%. Its essence is that a "white" list of sites on which there is no prohibition is created. All that is not included in this list is blocked. The advantage of the method is that it is not necessary to close the sites for adults, work with the database, etc. On the other hand, the child will not be able to visit a useful portal, as it will not be in the "white" list. Agree, create a database that contains all useful sites is quite difficult. In principle, with the creation of a "white" list, almost any program will cope. "Parental Control" of this kind is very effective. However, it is very strict.

How to establish "Parental Control" CPC

Program called CRAWLER PARENTAL CONTROL It is very popular in the measure of its wide functional. Reviews about it only positive. This software is completely free, so everyone can download it and install it. Everything is quite simple here. First of all, you need to register and specify your mail to which the password will be sent. For the most part, management is carried out using accounts. The Parental Control Program provides 5 stages of protection against unwanted information.

The first level (for children under 10 years old) provides for the work at a computer for several hours a day. At the same time, sites for adults, mate words, etc. are blocked. The second and third level allow you to use PCs more long timeBut browsing pornographic sites is also prohibited. At the fourth stage, system restrictions completely disappear. Computer can be used for quite a long time, but not at night. Adult sites are prohibited. The fifth level, as noted in the reviews, is practically useless, since it only prohibits the use of PC at night.

It is recommended to include Spy Mode, which although nothing and does not prohibit, but everything remembers. The report is extremely detailed, and the child does not have access to it. You can watch which sites visit your child, and if necessary, conduct educational conversations. Pretty conservative way, but it is preferred. So we figured out with what and how to install "Parental Control" in the CPC utility. Move on.

How to disable "Parental Control"

It happens that a different kind of restrictions must be removed. In most cases, there are no problems. Most often, parents forget the password, but it is easy to restore it. To do this, it is necessary to obtain a corresponding letter to the mail, where the information dropped out of memory.

Do not forget that you must enter the system as an administrator, otherwise removing parental control will not be possible. This article is provided, rather, for adults, and not for children, as we consider how to disable "parental control", or rather, to neutralize or bypass it, we will not. The fact is that our Chad is often not so stupid and know no less, and sometimes much more than we.

Sometimes come as follows. Brings a program called "Punto Svitcher" on the flash card. Installing it, delete from processes and disconnect the sound, and also include logging. When you enter the password, it is recorded, and the teenager is easily bypass. So that this does not happen, you need to prohibit the installation third-party programs. It is advisable to block the possibility of connecting external devices ( hDD, flash drive, etc.). Do not forget that you always need to leave the administrator account, otherwise children can take advantage.

Detailed review of the KIDS Control program

The main purpose of this utility is to limit the time spent at the computer. Unfortunately, the program is paid, and its purchase will cost approximately 800 rubles. But judging by the reviews of satisfied parents, it is almost impossible to hack or bypass. All that is required from you is to install the administrator utility. As a result, all other users will be forced to obey the specified requirements.

The program has an automatically updated database. It contains sites with advertising, adult information, as well as thematic resources: video, music, gambling. In addition, the administrator can work with "black" and "white" lists. The main advantage of the utility is that the teenager will not even notice that it is limited to something. When trying to enter the forbidden site, a message will be received that there is no network or this resource is temporarily unavailable. There are no sound warnings and other alerts.

There is a weekly schedule that edits the administrator. Watches are marked with green cells when you can use the computer, red - when it is impossible to do this. In principle, this is an excellent solution for conservative "parental control", and thanks to the Russian-language interface you will not have problems with setting. Since put parental control is quite simple, there should be no problems.

Free or paid RK?

This question is actually interested in many. It is difficult for it to give an unequivocal answer. Let's look at the advantages free software. Of course, the main plus of them is that it is not necessary to buy anything, therefore you will not be deceived. Sometimes you can get free download excellent utilitywhich will not be worse than any paid counterpart. But to find this kind of program, you will have to try well. It is best to build on user feedback. So, you can get a maximum useful information On the reliability of one or another software. There are so-called trial versions. Such utilities are free for a certain time, for example, half a year. After this period, you do not have to even think about how to remove "parental control", because it simply will not work.

As for paid utilities, they have more advantages than flaws. The main plus is that you buy a program, and it becomes your property. Even if you will accidentally delete it, you can download for the second time completely free. Such a software is quite difficult to get around, because the whole group of people worked on its reliability, which received money for it. Huge functionality and flexible settings will make control intelligent and not too tough. Of course, buying such programs is needed on the official sites of the manufacturer. One can say one thing: in Russia most people choose free "parental control", but in England, Germany or the United States prefer to acquire such programs.

Control from Kaspersky

We are all familiar with this antivirus program, but not everyone knows about its real possibilities. The utility functionality is so large, which allows you to establish a restriction on the use of a PC for various accounts. All you need is the presence of this antivirus. Since the default "Parental Control" (RK) is disabled, it must be activated. To do this, go to the main menu, and then select RK. After that, click on the "Enable" button. Another option - go to "Settings", choose the item "Advanced" and find there "Parental Control".

The reviews contains information that Kaspersky allows you to quite flexibly perform settings. With this utility you can limit the time of access to the Internet, which will not spread to the computer as a whole. It is also proposed to block the sending of personal data and prohibit / allow the launch of a specific software.

It is safe to say that from antivirus program Kaspersky "Parental Control" is very good. It is determined by the fact that it can be done not too tough or simply monitor the activity of the child's activity in the World Wide Web. For example, sometimes it is enough to include the visits log, but the filters are not recommended to disable. The program will block those sites that, in its opinion, are unsafe or contain prohibited materials.

What to come up with a password?

Many parents may have problems installing a password. For example, the year and date of birth without any difficulties are collected by adolescents, the same applies to other simple combinations, for example, QWERTY, etc. In addition, modern teenagers can use a banal "bust". These are utilities that have a database of the most popular combinations. By busting all possible options Installed one faithful. But it can be said that it works only with small passwords up to 6 letters and numbers. To avoid this, set up protection longer than six characters. But sometimes it is not enough.

It is best to come up with a password that contains more than 8 characters. It is advisable to combine letters and numbers. But remember that such a password is quite easy to forget. Since some utilities do not require binding to mailboxthen you need to write somewhere secret code. It should be stored where the teenager does not have access.

Often come as follows: Create two accounts - one administrator, the second - another user. In this case, the Parental Control Password is stored on the account of the administrator, to enter which you can only via the input of the secret code. In principle, such protection is quite enough, and no need to invent anything else.

We use standard operating system tools

If you do not have the opportunity or desire to set third-party software on your computer, then enjoy the other way. Use the tools that Windows offers. "Parental Control" in this case must be included through the control panel. Let's consider this process in detail.

By the way, all this will make sense only when your account You will make the administrator and install a password on it. Otherwise, the child will take advantage of all the possibilities of the network and games without any restrictions.

After you put the secret code, go into a teenager. It is there that will have to make all the necessary changes. To do this, go to the control panel and find the "Parental Control" menu item. Here you will see exactly the same settings as in the special software. It is possible to make restrictions on games, programs, viewing web pages, etc. You, as an administrator, will be able to set the time of use of the PC, as well as all or separately taken. Confidently declare that modern means of restrictions that are embedded in Windows 7, Vista and later versions are quite reliable and high-quality. Their functional is wide and allows you to flexibly configure all the parameters.


We reviewed how to remove the "parental control", as well as to establish it. You probably noticed that there is nothing complicated here, and it is not necessary to buy anything at all for money, especially since there are built-in means of protection that are very easy to use and completely free. But despite this, sometimes it makes sense to make a purchase. So you eliminate the possibility of hacking one hundred percent and you will be sure that your child is supervised.

As for the feasibility of the installation of "Parental Control", then you can only solve you. As practice shows, most teenagers still find a way to view a forbidden site or spend more time for the game. The most popular method is to re-install the operating system. To prevent this, you can limit access to the BIOS by installing a password on it.

Often, simple educational conversations are not enough, because the temptation to visit the site for adults is too large. That is why it is recommended to use RK. Although sometimes it makes sense to give a teenager in several sections and circles so that he almost did not have time for empty entertainment. So do many parents, but the decision, in any case, is yours.

How often did you think about what your child does at a computer and how much time does he spend there? It is strange, but many have completely missed issues from sight, allowing children to sit for games for games, many of which have age limitations. For the development of your Chad, this promises solid troubles: non-compliance with the norms of use of the PC negatively affects vision, and adult games can injure not formed children's psyche for life. You can avoid this by setting up parental control on your computer. This is done as using the built-in windows functionsAnd in several more ways, each of which has its obvious advantages and disadvantages.

Parental Control of Windows

With this function, the most popular operating system can determine the time during which the child can use the computer. The settings are quite flexible, so you can restrict how to work with a computer during a certain period and allow logging to the system in different time On every day of the week. If children work at the computer at the end of the available period, the system automatically completes the work.

Own windows features Allow the child's access to the launch of certain games. Setting options are also several: manual control of access to games, determining the permissible age category, filtering the types of blockable content, prohibition or permission to use specific games. The same applies to the possibilities of a child on the use of programs that can also be limited at their discretion.

As you can see, the functionality of the built-in Windows service is not as wide, but the main task is to limit the operation time and filtering the started applications. Among the shortcomings it is worth noting the lack of opportunity to control the work on the Internet and the need to create a special "children's" account.

Control by means of antivirus

If we talk about the possibilities of antiviruses in the implementation of parental control, it is styles to celebrate three large supplier of such a provision. These are domestic Dr.Web and Kaspersky Lab, as well as the German company Avira. They provide the best functionality and provide high-quality control over the actions of the child.

Avira Family Protection Suite

Parental control is one of the many functions of this program and it is paid to sufficiently much attention from the developers. The main activity of the utility is the restriction of the child's work in in social networks and informing parents about his behavior there. Using the SAFE Browsing function, you can set up access to certain websites, excluding those resources where the child is unlikely to find something good.

Several separate "engines" for social networks make it possible to inform about the bad friends of the child (in order to avoid communicating with attackers), learn about the activities of the child in social networks, the appearance of unwanted links or photographs. All this information is available both individually and in the control panel, where warnings are collected, a general overview of the child's actions and their new photos and friends in social networks.

Dr.Web module has a wider functionality and can limit the child's access to the Internet sites, folders in local network and the contents of your computer. Parents may or ask a list of unwanted sites that would not like to show their events, or take advantage of the ready-made solutions from the Dr.Web studio, where the actual thematic sites of sites are collected.

Locking sites is carried out not only by direct links. You can limit access to the resource for certain keywords (Topics of weapons, violence, slot machines and other things) or work in automatic mode And take advantage of the company "Dr. Web".
As for accessing data on a local network and on a computer in particular, you can restrict the possibility of using specific folders, devices (Flash drives), as well as prohibit data transfer over the network.

Children cannot disable parental control, because It is protected by two passwords (from the administrator account and internal password program).

Control Kaspersky Internet Security

Among antivirus, this product combines the largest functionality in all directions, but it is paid. With it, you can protect your children from the negative impact of the computer and world Wide Web, limit visiting the "Skyukov" sites and access to web resources with inappropriate content.

KIS allows you to control the use of a computer by each user, launching individual programs, using the Internet (you can install a daily limit to work or allow us to use at a certain period of time), allow or prohibit visits to websites. You can also set file types that cannot be downloaded to the computer.

For those who seek to control children to the trifles, correspondence is available in social beforesters and social networks, restriction of communication with certain contacts, preventing personal data transfer, monitoring the use of unwanted words In the speech of your child and.

Special Parental Control Programs

The functionality of applications for parental control is significantly different. Some applications allow it to prohibit the child everything and everything, while others are aimed at accurate observation of its actions solely in order to inform parents. What to choose - each determines for itself on its own. Moreover, they can be competently combined: monitoring using MIPKO, control actions on the Internet using Kindergate Parental Control, to organize access via cybermamma or to do everything immediately in ChildWebGuardian Pro. All of them are provided by Shareware license, which means the need to purchase a product after trial period. The cost varies from 15 to 30 dollars and does not always work the rule "more expensive is better."


It is clear from the name that this utility should provide a mother to the control of its chad. The time settings are very flexible: it is possible to limit the total time of use per day and the time of continuous operation. In addition, it is possible to distribute break breaks with an accuracy when working at a computer, set the work schedule for every day of the week, allow and prohibit Internet access and using certain programs, as well as receive detailed reports on your child's actions at the computer. Unlike many similar programs, the computer is not blocked instantly at the end of the work period, but sends several notifications and approaching the end of the session.

Kindergate Parental Control

This is a multifunctional application to limit the user actions on the Internet. Another installation, it allows you to select the filtering level, which are only 5, according to which resources will be selected for the child. Setting the allowed and prohibited web resources is quite flexible, and the analysis is used for analysis of 500 million sites, which is guaranteed to cover the most popular web projects. If necessary, you can create combined rules: certain protocols will be taken into account, schedule and specific sites.

The application is possible to organize access on a schedule, but it is not so functional as in the specialized program described below.

Childwebguardian pro.

it multifunctional program For those who want everything immediately. There are several sections that are responsible for certain functions. "Forbidden Words" collect a list of stop-words, when you identify which web pages, mail letters and messages in social networks are blocked. The "Filter Web" section contains a list of unwanted sites, the ability to block individual social networks is available. Here the schedule is configured to use the Internet for all resources and for each individual.

"Program Filter" allows you to limit the use of certain applications and games.

If you need to conduct a remote control, the application collects information about visited sites, trying to start prohibited programs and viewing prohibited content and much more, and then sends a report to e-mail. Statistics are far from ideal: There are not enough data on the time of operation, records used key combinations and the content of correspondence in the tempogers and a few more features that are in other temprargers.

As you can see, the funds for parental control are now created abound, their purpose and functionality differ significantly. You can choose a utility that sells all the goals regardless of whether it is necessary to follow the child or prevent its actions.

Mipko Personal Monitor

The developers of the Program considered that the ban did not achieve anything and decided to act differently. Mipko is a spy that settles on the computer and watches all the actions of the child. The program can intercept messages in ICQ, VKontakte, Facebook and any other social networks and beams, which will come in handy for total control of the child's personal life, exclude ill-wishers from his circle of communication and the direction of your children's thoughts in the right direction. For this purpose, messages and voice conversations in Skype are recorded, and when using a webcam, photos and screenshots are made. MIPKO saves the history of web surfing and displays sites running in private mode browser.

All received data goes to your emailBut for their processing you answer yourself. You can periodically hold an explanatory conversation with the child, and you can imperceptibly affect it - your business, because you best know how to do.

Let's look truth in the eyes - our children are often ahead of us in the development of modern digital technology. They master the Internet from the small years, and what they get older, the more we, parents, is worried about how to protect them from huge number Not children's content, overwhelming Internet.

Parental internet control

Parental control - For the most part illusion, no way will work infinitely for a long time. Something bad will definitely penetrate through all filters, and the children themselves will certainly try to get around The limitations you have installed. Many of the welderkinds do not perceive parental control at all as a barrier on the road, for them it is just a "lying policeman".

What to do parents? First of all, you need to understand what to rely on one product to protect the children from unwanted content, unrealistic. Multilateral approach to parental control is required. Moreover, all these measures will correctly call the content limiters, and not by parental control.

If you, like most modern people, are constantly busy, you can hardly have time to track the new software filtering content, or block each malicious site on the router. Instead, you need more simple solutions According to the principle "I installed and forgot".

So, here are three such ways to configure Internet control.

1. Configure your router (or computer, gadget, which children enjoy) on the "friendly family" (Family Friendly) DNS server.

Whether to visit some site on the Internet, you dial his address or name in the browser. After that, your computer is looking for an IP address of the server to which this name corresponds to. This is done for the convenience of users, as someone is unlikely to want to enter the IP addresses. The server that performs the task of transferring the URL to the IP address is called DNS recognizer (DNS Resolver).

Your home router is most likely configured to automatically refer to DNS server. provider. And this server, as a rule, does not filter the content and provides full access All Internet resources. But there are so-called "public DNS Public DNS), which you can use instead of a provider provided by the provider. Some Public DNS automatically filter the content and screen porn sites, as well as sites known as fraudulent or containing malware. This does not give warranty that it will be completely completely all, but if you choose a "friendly family" DNS recognizer, most of the "adult" contents will not fall on the screens of computers and gadgets of your children.

However, the configuration on such a DNS recognizer does not prevent your child to go to the "bad" site directly by its IP address. But this will already be associated with certain difficulties for him, because It is much easier to click on the link in the search engine or dial the URL.

2. Include temporary internet access restrictions on the router.

You are not able to track the activity of your children on the Internet all the time, especially when you sleep. Most home routers and wireless access points have the Internet access restriction feature during certain hours. Therefore, you can limit the ability to use the Internet only in daytime clock and early in the evening. To configure, read the manufacturer's instruction.

3. Turn on the search engines to the secure search mode and lock it.

The next way to cut out "trash" from the Internet is to include in the search engines you use, filtering "Safe Search". The largest search engines as Yandex and Google provide such a function. The results on your requests will not be referenced to sites with obscene content. Again, this method will not work with 100% guarantee, but still it is better than nothing. Many search engines Also allow you to block this setting in the browser, so your children will not be able to turn it off with a simple tick removal or similar simple action.

Many users are interested in how to establish parental control on, in order to limit the access to a child to him and some other family members. The submitted article discusses the installation of parental control by Windows 7 tools, as well as discuss several additional most common decisions.

Standard tools Windows 7

Windows developers offered in their operating system Special component called "Parental Control". With it, create a separate account for children, set the time of access to PCs, games, specific software products.

Creating a controlled profile in Windows 7

To start, in local line The "Start" menu, gain the phrase "Parental Control". The result of the search will be the corresponding string that refers to the component of the operating environment.

On the same drawing, an arrow is drawn, indicating the "Create Account" reference, click on it will allow you to switch to the window of creating a new "account".

To create a new user record, you just need to type the name for this "account" in the text field and click the Create Account button. Below is the result in the form of a finished new profile.

Although we created a new user profile, but Windows back It does not know that it should be served on the necessary criteria. Therefore, it will be needed to go into this account and include the option of controlling parents.

Only if you turn on this feature Options will be available: "time limit", blocking and resolving specific games, applications. You can enter it without specifying the password, but the child can work under this account only by certain rules.

Install time limit option

To install restrictions on the time of staying children for PC, you need to go through the link "time limit".

So, you can access the "Schedule" tool, where you can configure, actually, using the computer for a controlled account. Below, in the image, one of the options for installing a ban on the use of a computer at night.

Touchy rectangles show forbidden time, and bright allowed to use the computer

Let me allow and prohibit the launch of games and applications

By clicking on the "Games" reference in a controlled profile, the user will be able to open the game management tools. If the "No" option is installed in the window that opens, in response to the question whether children can run games, then the functions of the ban on launching games and job categories will not be available. Otherwise, you can prohibit and resolve games, appoint them categories.

To designate groups of games that are allowed for the owner of the controlled account, you must go through the "Set category for games" reference and set the required category here. For example, Category E is games for everyone and, if you choose your choice on it, then by going to the Prohibition page, the user will find that the games of this group are allowed to launch.

The following image demonstrates the "Prohibition and Game Resolution" page. In the case submitted, none of the categories of games are not prohibited, although it is possible to resolve or prohibit any of the games presented in the list.

In addition to games, this component provides the ability to ban the launch of individual applications. To do this, go through the "Permission and Blocking Specific Programs" reference.

If you check the option, that allows the controlled profile to work only with a specific set of programs, then a list of applications installed on the PC will be built before the user. The applications marked in the list will be available to use from the controlled account. On this we will finish considering how to establish parental control on Windows 7 and proceed to specialized programs.

Specialized Parental Control


Specialized applications provide greater functionality than the built-in Windows Component. So, the popular TimeBoss utility offers to limit the time of use of the computer with an accuracy of minutes. But, unfortunately, there are free access free version Only for 30 days.

This program assigns by default to all accounts to the PC of the right of the Chief (parent), and parents can already appoint the required child's right to a profile, making this profile controlled. The child, besides the designated time of the computer, can receive prizes and bonuses in the form of an extra time game for PC.

This utility has the ability to restrict Internet access, make a black and white list of websites visited, prohibit access to a number of applications, as well as system programs.

The function "Magazine" utility allows you to keep the statistics of the activities of children for PC. It also creates screenshots that will allow to see exactly what your child looks through.

Parental Controls.

Parental Controls has no Russian-speaking interface, but it is very comfortable and simple. The program also leads very accurate statistics of users for PC.

In the following column "Controls", the user can configure all the required limit parameters: time, access to websites, access to applications. You can apply configured parameters in the User Accounts module.


Very simple and easy to use Cybermama utility. This utility offers two modes: parent and child. The transition between them is simple and does not require unnecessary actions.

It allows you to configure the timetable for the game of children at the computer.

Cyberman also offers parents to build black and white program lists. The reporting utility is maintained.

Setting the restrictions on the router

Home routers also allow you to establish control to control the actions of children. Through this tool Parents can control the actions of the child on the Internet. It will allow them to set up access to global Network, disable downloading specific websites. With it, you can build a whole network schedule.

Example of Routers C. the desired function There may be models from TP-LINK. The figure presented above is demonstrated by the Parental Control Tool Control Panel from the TP-Link N series.

To configure a child's access to specific websites, you need to select the "Add New" button. The result of the selection will be the control panel shown above in the figure. In the highest text field, you must need to be monitored.

If this PC is in the local router network, then this address can be selected from the drop-down list.

Click on the "Schedule" link will allow you to go to the network access control panel, appearance which is presented in the figure above. This panel will allow you to set the day, time, as well as the beginning and end of the Internet access.

Different solutions offering concerned parents to control their champ, there are quite a lot in the application market. Each of these solutions offers in many respects similar standard Methods Tracking the activities of a child for PC. There are also more original tools in the form of keylogerers and keyboard blocks, mouse.

Despite the abundance of proposals, parents should understand that the control over the actions of the child should be provided on two levels: in the operating system (launch of specific programs, time staying for PC) and on the Internet (access to a specific category of sites).

Control over the first level can be ensured using the built-in operating environment. The restrictions on the same operation with the network are provided by correct adjustment of the router, as well as using a number of desktop applications and online services.

This video will make you smile:

It can also be concluded that there is no full-fledged solution in the form of playing games for today, except for the built-in Windows Parental Control component.


Open the "Control Panel" and select "Add and Delete Accounts", specify the name, select "Normal Access" and click the Create Account button.

Open the account of the Created User and select "Install Parental the control", After that, select the account created by the user's account. The settings window opens.

To limit the user by time, click on the item "OFF" Opposite the row of "time limits". In the window that opens, set the time intervals to which the input of this user will be prohibited, and click OK.

You can prohibit access to games, limiting them in categories. Click "Off." next to the lines of the category of games. In the window that opens, enter necessary settings By restricting access and click OK.

Limit access to specific programs (not only for games) by clicking "Off" Opposite the string "Restriction on the launch of programs." A list of all programs installed on the computer will be opened. Select those access to which you want to prohibit and click OK.

Video on the topic


Parental control is needed to settle the use of a computer by children. For example: you can set the sections of the time in which children will be able to use the computer. You can also put permission to include which games include parental control. 1. You need to open the "Parental Control" section. To do this, click the "Start" menu -\u003e "Control Panel" -\u003e "Parental Control". 2. Now, choose the user for whom you want to establish parental control.

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