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How to save all open tabs in the Google Chrome browser. How to save open browser tabs how to save page in tabs

Exports Bookmarks Allows you to backup all bookmarks when reinstalling the system. Also export is convenient when transferring all bookmarks between browsers.

I use this method, we solve a number of problems:

  • 1. Backup All tabs
  • 2. Synchronization of tabs between browsers
  • 3. Remove the dependence on the developers of plugins
  • 4. Stop depend on other people's servers
  • 5. Stop fear that the built-in synchronization will not work or will fail

With all the pluses, there is one drawback. Exports need to be done manually. The process itself takes less than a minute, but it must be performed once a week (or as you feel convenient) so that the copy is relevant.

How to save browser tabs when reinstalling the system? The process of exporting tabs

In the browser, go to Settings - Bookmarks - Bookmark Manager

In the window that opens, you will see the full structure of the saved tabs. Folders, subfolders and bookmarks themselves. Press three points and select "Export Bookmark" and save the file to any convenient place.

All, backup ready.

How to save browser tabs? The recovery process of tabs.

Now we have a backup, and we can restore tabs in any of the browsers.
To do this, go to the browser settings - Bookmarks - Bookmark Manager and select the "Import Bookmark" item. In the window that opens, select the saved file and click OK. After a few seconds, the tabs will restore. This will restrict the full structure. All folders and subfolders.

Where to look for bookmark dispatcher?

Google Chrome..
Upper right corner - three points - bookmarks - Bookmark Manager

Mozilla Firefox.
Top Right Angle - Three Strips - Library - Bookmarks - Show all bookmarks - Import and backups - Export / Import from hTML file.

Menu - Bookmark Export / Import - Import from HTML File

Yandex browser
Upper right corner - three strips - bookmarks - bookmark dispatcher

Microsoft Edge.
Upper right corner - three strips with a star - click on the asterisk - Import Favorite - Import from HTML file (export ibid).

In the case of this browser, you will need to drag the folder from "Imported from Bookmarks" to the Harran panel.
Export / Import support all browsers.

The method itself is very simple, but until it managed to automate. Therefore, if you have problems with built-in synchronization or you do not want to use it, then this method will suit you.

After spending time on the Internet, you often want to save the tab. About how it is done, we are now with you and talk. In front of you a detailed instruction!

How to save tabs in the opera?

Creating a bookmark in the opera can be made in several ways. Below each of the various methods for creating a tab.

  1. Right-click on the empty part of the page where you want to save the tab and click the Add page to bookmark or press Ctrl + T.
  2. Go to the page you want to Add to bookmarks. In the top of the menu of the browser window, click the Bookmark button will appear, add to the bookmark, and allow you to specify where you want to save the bookmark.

How to save tabs in chrome?

  1. Click on the Chrome menu (Triple Dash) on the browser toolbar and select bookmarks. Click Create a bookmark for the page, after select "Always show the bookmarks panel".
  2. You can also use the CTRL + SHIFT + B key combination (Windows and Chrome OS) or Command + Shift + B (Mac). When the bookmarks panel are available, you can always find it at the top of the Quick Access Page.

How to save a tab in Mozilla Firefox?

  1. Right-click on the empty part of the page and click the "Add page to bookmark" button or press Ctrl + d.
  2. Go to the page you want to add to the tab. At the top of the browser window, click. Candle the button in the form of an asterisk by adding a page to bookmarks.

After you have done one of the above steps, the "Add Bookmark" window will appear. Specify the place in which you want to save the bookmark. If you want to put the tab in new folder, Click a small arrow at the bottom, next to the selection and click the "Create Folder" button.

How to save the tab in Internet Explorer?

  1. Press the right mouse button on an empty part of the page, and then on the "Add to Favorites" button.
  2. Go to the page you want to add to tabs. At the top of the browser window, click the Favorites button. Next, click the Add to Favorites button.

As soon as one of the above steps is completed, a window will appear that allows you to add your favorite pages to the list of favorites.

Add tabs to Safari Web Browser

Just go to the toolbar menu, bookmarks next to "File", "Edit", "View", "History", etc. Click the "Add Bookmark" button, and you can select the name and location to save the bookmark. You can still click a plus sign next to the URL, in a window or Command-D on Mac. You can also simply press Ctrl + D on the windows.

We really hope that this instruction It will help you to figure out all the intricacies of your web browser. Whatever of all has been installed on your computer.

Sometimes in the process of walking on sites there is a need to quickly save all open tabs. Not to lose sight important informationSome data, download links or randomly discovered useful services, interesting forums.

The regular option for adding the current link on the tab to the tab in this case is not entirely suitable for solving this task. She can do if you need to save 2-3 tabs in Google Chrome. But if it is open, for example, 10-15 tabs, then it is advisable to use specialized software tools. This guide will tell you how to keep tabs in Google Chrome through full-time options and addons.

Method number 1: Fixing tabs

1. Move the cursor to the tab you want to save.

2. Open the right mouse button by pressing the right button. context menu.

3. Click "Secure the tab."

After starting this command, the Compact tab will appear on the left side of the tab panel. Now it is fixed and will always be opened upon subsequent web browser launches. Click on it to view the contents.

Method number 2: Saving bookmarks

1. Right-click on the tab panel.

2. In the list of commands, click "Add all tabs in bookmarks".

3. In the Add »Panel, specify the folder in which you want to place current pages. Click "Save".

All url out open tabs They will become available in the specified folder in the bookmarks panel under the address string.

If you need to reserve a group of links from files in the form of a file, follow these steps:

  • in the Open menu: Bookmarks → Bookmark Manager;
  • click on the left-click "Management" submenu;
  • in the dropping block, click "Export ...".

4. Specify the directory to save the copy of the bookmarks.

Note. Recovery from the file is carried out by the "Import ..." command, placed in the same submenu.

Method number 3: Using the startup setting

To immediately open all tabs of the previous session at the next launch of chromium, do this:

1. Go: Menu → Settings.

2. In the "When you start opening" options, install "previously open tabs".

Method No. 4: Reservation by Addon Click & Clean

Note. Considered addons in this article you can install from the official store app for Google Chrome.

1. Clause the Click & Clean icon in the chromium window.

2. In the tile menu, select the click of the Mouse Block "History".

4. Click the "Disket" button to download the file with the URL on the PC. From it, you can restore the data using the regular option browser "Import ...".

Method No. 5: Manage tabs through Addon Session Buddy

1. To go to the add-on settings page, click the button in the Google Chrome window.

2. To save the current and open tabs, click the "Arrow Down" button.

3. Enter the name of the copy. Click OK.

4. Now on the same page you can open a group of saved tabs at any time. To perform this operation in the Saved Sessions block, click on the name of the saved profile.

on the Addon Settings page, click the gear icon;

in the list, the "Export" clause;

in a new window, select a copy format (for example, HTML);

click "Copy to Clipboard" to transfer data to the clipboard (for subsequent insertion in the web form, Evernote, text editor etc.), or Save ... to save the file.

Successful link reservations!

How often did you happen during the work on the Internet randomly or on a ridiculous error to close the browser? Surely more than two times. And several tabs that you have been discovered, of course were lost.

Of course, if you have a pair of tabs, this is not a problem, you remember them and quickly open again. However, most users have the number of open tabs usually exceeds 10 pieces, often even at times, and in this case they will not be able to remember them just so.

In this detailed article, it is simply clear how to include saving tabs in all popular browsers with pictures and examples.

For fast transition To the instructions for your browser, click on its name in the list below.

By the way, our recent mini-instruction may come in handy, even more advice in which we told in different browsers.

Of course, the closed tabs can be restored from the history of visits to your browser, but these are extra television, which is also not everyone knows how to make. It is much easier and more convenient to put the setting in the browser, which automatically opens all tabs after closing (random or deliberate) browser.

Let someone this article seems obvious, but surely there are many people who want to learn how to save their tabs in various browsers when closing them. Just for them this instruction.

Not all of the users of computers know that in all popular browsers now there is a function of saving open tabs when closing them, it is it that we will include in the most common browsers in this article.

How to save tabs when closing Google CROME

The first on the queue is the most popular browser from Google called Chrome.

1. Open Chrome settings

Click the icon in the upper right corner of the browser and select the item in the drop-down menu. "Settings".

2. Enable Saving tabs

Literally in the second line of settings we are waiting for the option we need. In graf "When you start opening" Install the checkbox at the point "Previously open tabs".

Ready, now after restarting the browser, all the previously open tabs will be restored, and the tab with the settings can be closed.

How to save tabs when closing Opera

Next, consider how not to lose open tabs when closing the opera. To do this, open the browser settings and the first paragraph of the page that opens, which is called "When starting", check the box in front of the string "Continue from the same place".

Now after closing the browser and the subsequent opening, all tabs will be open as in the previous session.

How to save tabs when closing Mozilla Firefox

Next to the queue browser from Mozilla called Firefox. To always keep open tabs in Mozile to work with them in the next session to start, open the browser settings.

In the tab "Basic", almost at the top, find a line "When running Firefox" And click on it. In the drop-down menu, find and select "Open windows and tabs opened last time".

As a result of these actions, open tabs will no longer be lost when restarting or accidentally shutting down the browser.

How to save tabs when closing the Yandex browser

For those few who for some reason use this browser, there is also one paragraph. Considering the fact that Yandex browser is no different from Google Chrome anything other than a pair of add-ons, then the settings for saving tabs are identical.

In the "Settings" tab, you will see the column "where to start?". Put in it in front of the item "Restore tabs open last time." And you want you to open Yandex, if there are no tabs, it remains at your discretion.

How to save tabs when closing Safari

Safari users are not so unambiguous as for the browser already listed above. This browser We are considered only on the example of Mac OS, as the Safari is not supported for Windows from 2012 and is unlikely to use it.

Saving Safari tabs in Mac OS

IN operating system from Apple This setting is not in the browser, but in "System settings" . Click on the apple icon in the upper left corner of the screen and open the above item.

and take a tick Opposite the string "Close the windows when the program is completed". Also in next line We recommend that you set the maximum number. (50) "recent objects"Since this directly affects the number of Safari tabs saved.

Now open tabs in safari will be saved when the browser is closed.

How to save tabs when closing Internet Explorer

If a this setting in browser Safari. We were considered only for Mac OS, then in this case it will be on the contrary, and the way to enable the setting to save tabs in the Explorer We will be considered only for Windows. For some reason we are confident that Internet Explorer. No one uses on McBook.

So, open the browser and in the upper right corner, click the gear icon. In the menu that opens, click on the line "Browser Properties".

In the window that opens, click the tab "General", find the string and install a tick opposite item "Start with tabs open in the previous session".

Now all the tabs that you have been open earlier will re-start the next time the browser is started.

How to save tabs when closing Microsoft EDGE

Not so long ago, Microsoft's favorite corporation introduced new browser - Microsoft Edge, which entered the standard build of Windows 10 and is designed to replace the morally outdated Internet Explorer.

In order to enable saving open tabs after closing the Microsoft Edge browser, click on the upper right corner. icon with a picture of dots "...", and in the drop-down menu, select the bottom line called "Settings".

In the opened side panel of the settings, locate the line with the text "To open with", slightly below which check the box in front of the item "Previous Pages".

That's all as a result browser Edge. When starting, you will open all the tabs that you closed it.

It is impossible to submit work on the Internet without a browser. Developers software Offer great amount various Internet observers. One of the most common is Mozilla Firefox. A convenient and multifunctional browser helps to engage in Internet surfing as novice PC users and advanced users. Today we will try to find out how to save open tabs in "Mozile". What will required to implement the task?

Methods of preservation

For a start, a few words about how in general it is possible to implement the idea of \u200b\u200blife. Saving open pages can be carried out differently.

Here possible methods Tasks solutions:

  • adding web services to bookmarks;
  • saving bookmarks for removable media;
  • creating from available bookmarks Document for unloading to other browsers.

If we talk only about creating bookmarks, you can act like this:

  • use the functional menu of the Internet browser;
  • carry out the operation using special buttons;
  • add page to "Bookmark" menu using browser settings;
  • take advantage of hot keys.

Buttons in the browser

Let's start with the simplest and most common reception. How to save open tabs in "Mozile"? You can use a specialized button in the Internet browser.

For this it will be necessary to act like this:

  1. Open the page that you want to remember.
  2. Cursor on the star image on the right side address line.
  3. Click on the appropriate image with the left mouse button.
  4. Confirm the procedure.

After actions done, the page will appear in the "Bookmark" menu item in the browser library. What other options for developing events are found in practice?

Function menu

  1. Open the desired page and click PCM on the tab panel.
  2. Select the "Secure" option in the menu. After that, in the browser, the open site will open constantly in the form of a "fixed" page.
  3. Press in the open function menu on the "Add All tabs in the tab". This option will save all the web resources in the browser on the tab. At any time you can open a bookmark in Firefox.

But on this possible receptions do not end. Each user can cope with the task using a browser settings or "hot" keys.

Settings to help

  1. Open tabs in the Mozilla Firefox Internet Observer.
  2. Press the button with the image of three points or lines in the upper right corner of the program.
  3. Click on the line "Library".
  4. Click on the option "Bookmarks".
  5. Select "Add".

This reception helps to save open pages without any problems. What else remains to master users?

Keys to help

We are talking about the use of "hot" keys. How to save in "Mozile" open tabs? To cope with the task, you will need to click on active page Ctrl + D. This combination will save the web resource in the "Bookmark" menu.

It does not need anything else. You can look into the browser settings and in the menu "When you start" set the option "Show windows open last time."

Preservation on PC

The algorithm of action will be like this:

  1. Entry to the browser.
  2. Go to the main browser settings.
  3. Choose "Library" - "Bookmarks" - "show all".
  4. Click on the inscription "Management".
  5. Click on the "Export to HTML" option.
  6. Select the location of the document and confirm the operation.

You can find bookmarks and passwords "Mozilles" on PC. To do this, have to go along the way:

C: \\ Users \\ Username \\ AppData \\ Roaming \\ Mozilla \\ Firefox \\ PROFILES \\

In the folder with the name of the profile, you need to watch documents BOORMARKS (with backups Bookmarks) and Places (with passwords, bookmarks and logins).