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What is better google or safari. What is better - Safari or Chrome browser? Three reasons to use chrome for OS X

Recently wondered - what is better and more convenient to use - browser Safari. Or Google Chrome? I stated my thoughts about this in this article.

Most PC users are managed using popular on this moment Browser from Google - Chrome. Why did he become so popular? The answer is very simple - everything because of its simplicity, speed and small voraciousness of the RAM of memory. It's all of course good, but what if you search still browsers, because there will probably have competition for him. And as for me, the Chrome's competitor can be considered a Safari browser from Cuppertinov.
First, let's consider the pros and cons both browsers.

Let's start perhaps with. So, they made their browser almost perfect - he quickly opens the pages, very easy to use and, most importantly, eats little random access memoryTo all this is also able to synchronize with google accountthat by the way is very convenient. Of course, there are also disadvantages, for example, you cannot independently exhibit sites in Top Sites, they are set by some incomprehensible way. It seems like all the minutes and end.

And what can Safari browser oppose Chrome? Of course you will be surprised, but this is a design and a little Fich, which is not chromium. Let's start with the design, it is as always in the spirit of Apple, I don't even talk about, but you can emphasize how to look beautifully top sites and history. As in chrome, you can put plugins, for example Gmail, which is very convenient if you use this service email. Also, a small features of the Safari browser is a change of interface - you can change the interface, it is sometimes really convenient.

Also a very big advantage that the Safari browser has, is the smoothing of fonts, the text is directly pleasant to read. Yes, it is possible if you use chrome in Mac OS X, there the fonts are smoothed by the Os'a itself, then you will not notice the difference, but it is very noticeable on Windows. Minuses in Safari Honestly Multiple, firstly sometimes "falls" the WebKit, well, it was personally for me, I do not know how other users. There is no test of spelling, that is, it is, but not in Russian. Well, such a useful thing as synchronization of bookmarks and settings.
Well, in general, I would choose the Safari browser, all the same, he somehow attracts me more on Windows, but here Apple's alas do not often produce updates compared to version for OS X.
Such a conclusion: if the speed of work and browser is important for you, then I advise you Google Chrome. Well, if you prefer design in the style of Cupertinov and a bit of Fich, then this 100% must be a Safari browser.

"Yandex" made his own browser completely cross-platform by releasing special versions for Android tablets and smartphones iPhone. (Earlier B. App Store. It was possible to find an exclusively version for the iPad). Vesti.Haytek tried to use domestic development instead of Safari on the iPhone.

Yandex.Browser for iPhone is replaced by updating the previously existing IOS application "Yandex.Poysk". A new version Supports the synchronization of bookmarks and the list of frequently visited sites between different devices.

The important advantage of the new browser is the presence of a "turbo" regime, which significantly accelerates the loading of pages in the conditions of slow internet connection? There is no such thing in the staff Safari. The "smart string" of the search distinguishes the addresses of sites and requests in the search engine, gives tips. Also on specific questions, the browser is able to respond immediately - for example, to issue photos or cards.

Nice pleased with the design of the novelty. Panel quick access It is large tiles with frequently visited sites. They can be deleted, change or drag - it saves time. Subjectively "Yandex.Browser" looks much more beautiful than staffing Safari. At first, it seemed unusual that the search / address line was located at the bottom of the screen, and not on top, but soon it became clear that it was much more convenient to reach it with a finger.

The speed of the browser turned out to be excellent. On the iPhone 4S author, the Safari article often begins to slow down if there are many pages. With a browser from Yandex, such problems did not arise, he constantly worked smarter.

By default in the browser, Yandex is used as a regular search engine. However, it is surprising, the company allows you to change the search engine in the settings on Google, and even on Wikipedia.

All these advantages of the new browser are largely crossed by the fact that IOS cannot be configured as the main browser not Safari. Thus, references from various applications still will be opened by default in the pre-installed browser. In Chrome for iOS, this problem is partially solved by the fact that in other applications from Google, you can configure the ability to open the default links in Chrome, it is especially true for Gmail. But the same "Yandex.Pue" is still able to open links only in Safari, with Yandex.Browser, it has not yet made friends.

Recall that the Yandex.Bauser version for desktop computers came out about a year ago. This summer, the company has released versions for Android smartphones and for iPad tablets, And last week, Yandex.Browser came out for Android tablets.

The abundance of modern web browsers amazes with its number.
Even more affects the number of web browsers themselves.
And, even more - striking the reluctance of developers to cooperate and negotiate among themselves to create and improve a single program to review the Internet. Despite the fact that there are only three main software for this software, web browser developers managed to "conveyed" the whole horde of these beautiful program, leaving the user "right" to deal with their advantages and disadvantages.

Well, our brother-user, he, as always, glad to try.
The average network user with incredible zeal shakes and sets all the junk, which graciously fit him in the network at every step. At the same time, he (user) is deeply confident in its own independent choice when downloading and "testing" of this kind of software. After all, for him (user) and trap, they came up with "in Smeakovy" - try the new browser.

Try the new browser

Ah, ah. How nice, as wonderful - "Try a new browser."
The right to try everything is so creative, fresh and is essential.

Now the living individuals are just that they make that everything is trying yes spit.
Some try new products, others are new browsers.
And, all together - spit. What do you want? Right-with choice - with us.

N-yes. The current user is to try everything "on the bite."
As if there are no other ways to learn the properties of the subject.
But, so, his (user) memorized marketers - "Try to please".
Maybe, lucky - and do not bother.

The current generation is a generation of trying users who have long turned into a generation of users of the fun. Their Credo is to try everything and spit. For them, try and not to dig the subject of the sample - it means sign in your own ignorance. Trying and hazing - karma of modern users on their long way to self-knowledge and self-improvement. Like a small child, everything is trying and smoothing, the modern individual asserts in this world and removes his stress (fashionable such word, Meshu is one trick for pumping money from noobs and excuses their own stupidity).

Pardon, fucked :) :) :) We are here about browsers ...
- So. Our story with web browsers, no exception - the average people of their haute, pushes and watering mud, and they (web browsers) - bloom and smell. Rather - live and breed.

Well, let's and we will try, and - open for yourself a "new browser".
As they say in Odessa, "cute - there is cute. What is trying to try? "
I will give and I "my five kopecks" in the terrible piggy bank of a nationwide discussion.

Three engines - three points of view

The heart of any browser is his engine.
The browser engine is the operating system of each browser, which performs the same functions when it is the same functions as Windows or Mac OS on any computer - something it converts and somewhere it displays. Figuratively expressing the browser engine is a program for making network signals and displaying them on the computer monitor screen as the contents of web pages, blogs, etc.

Initially, there were many engines, of which (today)
really survived, though mutated, only three:
- Trident (Rus. Traden), GECKO (Rus. Hake) and WebKit (Rus. Webkit).

Now, fossil bones of these three "dinosaurs"
launched on the basis of the development of all modern browsers:

  1. Trident - (proud and lonely)
  2. Gecko. - and companions
  3. WebKit. - ,

All the rest of the network economy (and engines, and browsers) -
these are endless variations on the theme of the first three network corneses.

In principle, the struggle for survival unfolded not between the developers of the engines and their braids, but between the three points of the network worldview, focused on different layers of users.

  1. Trident ( Internet Explorer.) - The most conservative engine, the creators of which are seriously engaged in the development of the operating system (OS) windows. Because of the eternal bustle of his OS, to the browser and his engine, the developers of Trayden hands do not reach. Therefore, they can't understand why Internet Explorer is the most unloved network browser, despite the fact that it is part of the most common operating system.
    Traden's engine (TRUZUB) - out of competition, because it is installed by the developer of the operating system (Windows) and will be there until the Uncle Bill bark. Situation S. Trident"It's clear how God's Day is - they use people who do not need the Internet, as well as Uncle Bill, do not need a browser itself (or rather, its development).
  2. Gecko ( Mozilla Firefox.) - Engine focused on people who have "everything under Lineberry" in the life. Psychologists know that there is such a category of people who - "everything is under Lineberry." Pencils on the desk - lie Rovenko, herbal on the lawn - tonsured neatly, boxes in the refrigerator - lined up in growth. Here on users and the GECKO engine is designed. So that everything means, neatly and shelves were decomposed.
    GECKO engine has greatly passed its position lately. However, he will still be demanded for a long time, if only because in this world, full of complete neat people. And, these people need neat programs.
  3. WebKit (Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Yandex, Opera)
    WebKit. - The most popular engine at the moment. Now, two network whale-developer browsers - Google and Yandex attacked him at once. What is the worldview, when two world online leaders are fighting for the Palm of the Network Championship. The end consumer from such a confrontation only wins. Therefore, most likely, with time - the engine WebKit. Deservedly heads the list of ingenious developments from Apple.

Internet Explorer (Internet Explorer)

Internet Explorer. Confidently heads the list of outsiders among network browsers. The program is worse nowhere. It is not even clear to whom it was created. If a Internet Explorer. Made for steep professionals - so there is nothing useful for them in it, and if Internet Explorer is made for wide consumer masses - then why such a bunch of incomprehensible functions and frills? Obviously, uncle Bill has a deep conviction that in the kindergarten of the globe is might and main network Protocols, traffic and add-ons to Internet applications. Otherwise, then - why is this all shivered in Internet Explorer?

My first acquaintance with Internet Explorer. (IE) took place in the distance of 2003, from connecting home Internet. Uncle, making a network connection, smiling condescendingly, pressed the IE label and stopped. It turned into small hourglass, displaying the process and breaks for web pages. We could sit the days and look at these watch, and wait, wait, wait ...

It was in those distant times when people had not yet learned to be surprised.
In that prehistoric era, the home Internet was a seeak unprecedented overseas. The pictures then there were still very little, the texts were poor, and the most surprise and admiration caused forums, interactive buttons and primitive online games. We played with all the courtyards with Czechs and Poles in the checkers (after all, translators were not even in risen). And, to the whole yard, we tried to understand our boyish mind - what is this miracle-yudo - Internet Explorer?

Since then, many years have passed. Boys grew up. Many have acquired their own sites and blogs. Almost everyone has mobile Internet devices. Some - graduated from university (universions, it means). Everyone has its own life. Sometimes we crossed into some kind of thread of social networks or on the forum. In short, everything is a bundle, except for one - despite the many years of network experience and entertainment, none of us understand - what is it - Internet Explorer?

Here is such a sad story about the program for the Internet view - Internet Explorer. From this program, everyone begins the first step on the Internet, since Internet Explorer "tightly" is wondered to Windows and the first thing that opens is Internet Explorer. Setting up a network connection in 98 cases from 100 starts from it, from Internet Explorer-a. But! In 98 cases out of 100, network connection setting, communication from Internet Explorer and ends - the user immediately downloads another browser and instantly switches to it. Because, few people can understand what this program is - Internet Explorer and why it is needed.

The only benefit was with IE6 for webmasters, which used it, like a debagger (program to identify worsley errors in-codes). The browser was so capricious that she did not forgive the slightest error in the web document. I used the webmasters - I viewed our works in Internet Explorer 6. This IE6 was not to take away - just if he had already drawn a web page, then be a spock - in all other browsers such a page will drive without distortion. Unfortunately, IE6 has long been "soil in the Bose" along with its revolutionary operating system.

Despite its complete lack of understanding of this browser, I would like to note that IE is the only browser that can save web documents in one shared file. With extension.MHT. Previously, it was also able to do it, but with the transition to the webcike engine, this skill is gone. Who does not remember the file with extension.MHT is a very useful file. It can be opened and edited in WORDE, it is very convenient when working with web documents.

Mozilla Firefox (Mozilla Firefox)

In the past, Mozilla Firefox. - My favorite browser. It was very good browser With a very correct page display. In this browser, all web applications worked perfectly, and he himself had many additions and extensions for professional work on the network. For this, Mozilla Firefox. Was very love webmasters. I am not - aliens, and debugging my sites and posts - also did, exclusively in Mozilla Firefox.. For, all other web browsers could draw anything and only Mozilla Firefox. - Forgte a lot.

Now, Mozilla Firefox. It remains a universal tool for web developers. At the same time, the quality of drawing the font and the game of the paints in Mozilla Firefox.As before - much more clearly and brighter than in all other browsers. However, now the brazer has very large problems with adaptation to user resolution of the screen. Mind of the resolution of the program windows leads to moving active elements beyond the visibility of the screen, as a result - users can search for non-existent (invisible) buttons in the system programmate. Thus, modern users Mozilla Firefox.Or use the screen resolution by default, or is not interested in the browser settings, or simply suffer the inconvenience of visual software display. The latter refers to fossil dinosaurs who are accustomed to Mozilla Firefox. At the time of its network shine and furore in the past decade.

Flewing Mozilla Firefox. falls for 2007-2011. In those distant times, before the most invasion of the plague of the Zasil social networks - Sites riveted all who are not too lazy. From normal browsers, then only a capricious and many "curves" sites hung announcements, the kind of "site is sharpened under Mozilla Firefox". For, I repeat - to display a web page better and correctly fiery fox - no other browser can still. Alas, those wonderful times of the network domination of fire fox (or fiery fox) were idle on the fly. Now, the folk masses confidently moved on, etc. What is not a little contributes to a long time (up to 1 minutes) the initial loading of the red-haired and taper of the browser program.

From user add-ons to Mozilla Firefox. Especially I would like to note its unique shortcut panel - Speed \u200b\u200bDial. This panel has many settings and has no equal analogs for any comparison. Installing this panel completely solves the problems of working with user bookmarks, because in the panel settings, it is possible to create an unlimited number of groups and screens to switch quick access.

Apple Safari.

Development Apple Safari. It was discontinued in 2012.
It is a pity, a good browser, I liked it.
In that apple review Safari will be mentioned as tribute to develop the famous Apple company, gave the world to the world a unique engine WebKit.where the glory of the current most popular and most hot-people's favorite browsers -, and

Google Chrome (Google Chrome)

Google Chrome. (Google Chrome) - Basic Browser Made on Engine WebKit. After stopping the development of Apple Safari. From Apple Safari, Google Chrome. (Google Chrome) inherited ease of management and asceticism of registration. In its basic configuration, Google Chrome. (Google Chrome) can rightly be considered the fastest browser, since it does not have braking the work of plugins and expansion, in contrast to the same Yandex (). Google Chrome. (Google Chrome) works very carefully and synchronizes the user bookmarks, which cannot be said about Yandex () and Fire Lisa (). Although, the last circumstance relates more to work cloud servicesrather than the direct work of the browser himself.


At the moment Yandex (Yandex-browser) is one of the most powerful and universal browsers In the Russian-speaking world (if not the most powerful and versatile). Taking the WebKit () engine, Yandex specialists created at its base of a monster, who will soon replace all the well-known user applications. Today, Yandex browser can open PDF documents, play video, translate with foreign languages and much more. In principle, there are such functions in other browsers, just Yandex scolds them faster than.

Of course, in terms of the number of extensions and additions, the Yandex browser cannot be filled with. But it is not necessary for him, since many additions Mozilla Firefox are designed for a highly professional user.

Being a program made for the wide masses, Yandex browser every day more and more conquers the love of these most popular masses. Having minimum programs custom settings, always liked our people. Many, in general, do not even go on the panel quickly launchwhich yandex browser has a special topic. Yandex browser made such a quick launch panel that it is possible to install it, in almost any browser.

Yandex browser - the second after a web browser, which has its own speed launch panel. For reference - neither in Google Chrome, nor in the Mozilla Firefox there is no one, only borrowed.

We need to pay tribute to the programmers of Yandex - with such a powerful functionality, the Yandex browser practically does not "glitch". True, for some time there were problems with multiplayer work (which I incredibly love). But right now - no matter how tidy everything, and users switch normally.

What exactly got in Yandex browser -
so this is the synchronization of user bookmarks.
Works disgusting!

The nightmare is manifested in the fact that once made and remote tab Or folder bookmarks, periodically gets out of some Yandex honeycomb and appears in the bookmarks menu. Moreover, it may often happen and repeatedly. And in the end, after a pair of reinstallations or rollbacks of the operating system on different computers or high-class mobile devices - in the user's account, such poor bearings begins with bookmarks, which itself, at the time, run behind vodka with the cries of "Mom Dear".

By the way, the same alone with bookmarks is also observed in what it comes to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe simple instability of cloud services, where these browsers are "firing" user bookmarks.

Otherwise, you can put up.
As is customary, it is fashionable to say - Yandex browser taxis. And taxes confidently.

Pretending to the rank of quick browser, Yandex browser can incredibly slow down at its start - the program simply "tightly" hangs for a few seconds. The famous Yandex scoreboard is the famous Yandex scoreboard or, as it is also called it by analogy with the opera - the quick access panel (express panel). Being in fact an analogue of the opera express panel, the Yandex scoreboard has a significant drawback - it is systematically dynamically updated when the program is started. In other words, when starting the program, there is a background opening of all tabs of the scoreboard, which leads to the rolling program for the time of exchange of information with the recorded sites on the scoreboard. By the way, the Yandex scoreboard comes in the form of a separate plug-in, which can be installed, in almost any voic. In this case, the Yandex scoreboard will be called Yandex bookmarks and may be tightly paralyzed by the work of this most browser, where it will be installed.

That Yandex browser does not take away - this is its incredible security and virus resistance. So, the other day I picked up some small and started with me on all sites and in all browsers to pop up annoying advertising, which additives still intercepted the first click on the screen, where would he have had. So, Yandex browser against this contagion stood. Ran, and, and, and. But the Yandex browser - resist. This makes me happy.


Opera (Rus. Opera) - browser, hotly beloved by many users since the psychic times. For many years now, the main attraction of Opera has been and remains the famous (quick access panel). Such "chips" is not in any browser. It is thanks to its express panel that Opera gained a special popularity in those distant times, when it was not even in risen.

Since then, Opera tries to "keep the brand", making the main emphasis for the user on the convenience of working with bookmarks. Add and edit bookmarks in Opera is a pleasure. It can be done in many ways, for example, by simply dragging the mouse or by pressing a special "plus card" on the bookmarks panel. And at the end of the work, creating a whole folder with bookmarks (oh, kayf!) - Save it entirely, right into your favorite express panel.

Analogues of the "Express Panel" Opera in other browsers serve " Visual bookmarks»From Yandex, which in the form of add-on can be installed, in almost any browser. In addition, in there is a similar addition to the "Speed \u200b\u200bDial", which is somewhat surpassed by the "express panel" of the Opera in the possibilities. However, create, save and edit entire folders with bookmarks on the quick access panel - this is available only in the Opera. In other browsers and in their additions - there are no such opportunities.

And the opera has a big plus before the rest of the browsers - after closing the last current tab, the browser does not close completely, and goes to the shortcut panel tab. It is very convenient, and this "chip" is also present, only in the opera.

The next feature of the opera will be interested in webmasters. It turns out that the opera is the only browser that works within the page over the absolute on it without updating the page. It is very convenient when you can check the anchors on the page without updating it.

And finally. Hooray! User bookmark sync appeared in the opera!

The rest of the same, Opera is a pretty ordinary browser. With the transition to the WebKit engine, the opera lost its uniqueness and replenished the long row of attractions from Apple. In particular, on a new engine, the opera has learned to save web pages with a single archive with extension.MHT. But who needs it now? Thank you, cuts out.

After the next update, the opera again pleasantly surprised its users. Now the Opera bookmarks have a "basket" for remote bookmarks. From now on, any remote bookmark falls, first in the basket. It is very convenient. As always, the opera again confirmed the high title of the most convenient user browser. In working with bookmarks, the developers of the opera again surpassed themselves. At the moment, the opera is the only browser that has a basket for remote bookmarks. This incredible innovation will soon become available and in other browsers - a remote bookmark does not disappear "forever", and it is placed in a special folder and a basket, from where it can always get it and restore. (To view the picture - Click on it)

Lunascape (Lunascip)

Lunascape (Lunascip) - Network browser from pragmatic Japanese developers. The inhabitants of the rising sun have made "three in one" and united in their program all three modern basic, which brought the author of these lines to indescribable delight. Indeed, whether we dream of whether we dream - instead of dozens of the names of the uncompromising nebula, have only one, but - really useful, working and universal program for internet surfing? :) :) :) Beauty, and only, all three engines in one. And, now - no need to establish a whole army of other browsers, from different developers.

In principle - there is no development here and there is no development. This is the main trick of the creators of Lunascip - it is not necessary to develop anything, everything is already developed by others. You only need to fold to heap and coordinate the work of three engines in one program. Yes, even periodically update them when the real developers will update their engines. Fortunately, all browsers and engines are supplied by their developers with open source codeAvailable for editing. So, even violations of licensing rights do not work, because everything is permitted by the authors themselves. No matter how.

In Lunascape (Lunascip) there is the possibility of switching between the engines and consolidate each of them for a particular site. But, on this, perhaps the charms of this browser and end. The functionality of this browser is frankly weak. Indeed, how can you combine the motors from different machines? Lunascape browser cannot get widespread for one simple reason - his versatility turns around against him.

An ordinary user does not need three, he and one engine is abused. In order to stare on YouTube for a clock, or one's days in socialka - supernavorotes are not needed.

With regards to professional network workers, it is large gourmets who are not very real. Users of professional categories Submract plugins, expansion, supplements with which they are accustomed to work, and without which - their network work and not work at all, and so - mouse. But, just all these plugins, extensions and additions on Lunascape are installed, oh how bad. More precisely - not installed perfectly. About the possibility of synchronizing user files - generally silent, it is some kind of darkness. So it turns out that the Japanese idea is not very bad, but it will only really work, it will start not earlier than the leading network developers of engines and browsers will not agree with each other (such as they did with from web).

What browser is better

All this overview of web browsers is my personal user opinion that has developed from many years of experience. network work. For many years, the Crown of the browser championship alternately pinned on the head of each of them, and subsequently - was overthrowing in opal. In each web browser, there are unconditional findings from their developers, as well as disadvantages and omissions. To his huge disappointment, after a long integrity of a whole series of browser software - I was never able to stop my choice for some one specific model (If you can say so). And it's not about my pickly, but in the impermanence stability of the work of the programs under discussion.

Why do I need a browser stability?
- Nowadays, the Internet takes an important part in the life of his user. And, it is not surprising that this user appears their network values, which he (user) wants to save and multiply. Setting external view Browser, preservation of bookmarks and passwords, the creation of a multiplayer structure in the browser takes a bunch of precious time and strength. Accordingly, when after another update, or installing an official expansion, or simply - all browser settings disappear, you just want to find a developer and make an act of civil disobedience in gross form. And then - to change the browser to never happen again.

Torbrowser (Tourbrew)

torbrowser. (Toribrew) is not a completely browser in the sense of the word in which it is regarded in this article. torbrowser. - This is a program for an anonymous Internet review, using the connection to the hidden proxy system and allows you to establish an indefinite (anonymous) network connection.

By her own, Torbrowser. - A rather primitive program using Tor technology (ADR. English. The Onion Router) - US military development, which decided to declare in 2002. The ability to establish anonymous compounds is determined by not the cunning torbrowser.-And, and a feature of that network infrastructure through which a network connection is made. It is believed that such an anonymous connection is protected from listening, positioning and other user data transmission. How true is it is unknown because free mode This browser, it is already authorized from the second update of the page, and I did not have to use paid proxy servers. There was no need for this.

In other words, power torbrowSer-and not in the program itself, but in the strength of the network through which it is connected to another network :) :) :) Accordingly, if the Torbrowser will be connected through the US Navy web networks (for which it is actually developed) - its effectiveness It will be maximum (under the terms of 2002).

From the point of view of the network user network, torbrowser. Interest does not represent absolutely no. There are no amenities in it, plus slow motion due to additional network encryption.

Russian-speaking users remembered about torbrowser. In 2013, when the fight against "piracy" began in Russia and sites that were borne in the spread of pirate copies began to block at the state level. That's then massively and needed torbrowser.- For anonymous approach to blocked sites, since the blocking was performed in the location of the Russian IP of the user. As soon as this struggle went on decline, about torbrowser.

Laboratory site site has been spending tests for several years software For Android devices, and now we have decided to expand our horizons. Now on the expanses of our resource you can meet application reviews for iOS database.

And let's start with the consideration of those programs in which the clock "stick" without which the smartphone would not be a full gadget that provides direct Internet access and a connection to the virtual world.

First of all we will look at standard application Apple Safari, with which you are comparable to the already familiar Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. Maybe "stock" browser iPhone. So good and ideal that his competitors are simply not needed?

The following device was used as test equipment:

  • Apple iPhone 6 smartphone (IOS 10.3.2 system installed).

Apple Safari.


There are rumors that all Apple products are immediately ready to use what is called, "out of the box," they do not need to be refined, they are perfect ... it sounds optimistic, but what if? Let's start finding out this fact from the mobile version of the Safari browser.

Beginning of work

Immediately after buying and activating your Apple mobile device, you can notice an unusual icon with a compass on its screen. It would seem what is the connection here? In my opinion, the developers show that their application will help find any information on the network, as if on the compass. I hope.

The main menu of the Safari browser is represented by icons with our favorite bookmarks. No matter what is the usual iPhone or plus versionThe width will always have four icons, but in height or five or six. For the iPhone with the "classic" diagonal of the layout of the elements is quite good, but in the "big" version of the smartphone the display size is used poorly.

There is a search panel attached to the top of the screen. Well at least search engine We are allowed to choose, and I easily installed Yandex, the benefit basically I use it.

As for the sites themselves and their scan, then everything is ordinary. In most cases, by default loads mobile versionwhich, again, is usually well optimized for the iPhone. True, the text does not adapt to the device screen, so it is sometimes not very convenient to read.

Actually, this is all that is available to the user in the browser of one of the most advanced devices in model row Apple.

For switching between pages, an additional menu is used, in it tabs are located in a very unusual way than fascinating. Pay attention to the screenshots.

By the way, from this section you can go to the "Private Mode", only here it is called " Private access" If someone asks the smartphone to enter the Internet, then I always open this mode, especially if I don't want to close the dozens of my tabs.

The difference between regular regime And it is almost impossible to consider a private one. Maybe Apple could somehow integrate here Touch ID for safe access Bookmarks, resource or as a password for separately taken folders.

I will not talk about history and bookmarks, because there is nothing interesting. All bookmarks are stored on the device and in cloud storage, constantly synchronized with all our Apple gadgets. In the tab, you can create folders. I remember, there was no such possibility on the iPhone 3G.


If in Google applications there are still some parameters, then in most Apple applications there are no such partition, and the Safari browser has not exceeded.


All Apple applications work as smoothly as possible, clearly and stable, in them you will not see messages "app closed by mistake ...", "the program has ceased to respond and was closed ..." and so on. This is a certain success compared to Android, just that is not different.

Whatever actions do not do in the Safari browser, no matter how much tabs are open - the smartphone will make your actions as smoothly. Even the tabs are practically not rebooted, especially if on the hands of the iPhone 6S or a newer, with a large number of RAM. It can be easily said that this browser works gorgeous.

About support Adobe Flash. This browser never knew and would not know.

As for online browser tests, here Safari shows itself pretty good.


Apple Safari is a wonderful browser for the undemanding user. It works well and will not make it be bored, waiting for downloading a page, does not slow down, does not contain bugs and almost always works smoothly. In principle, in terms of stability and work, there are no complaints about it.

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  • The choice of browser is a matter of habit, but there is a set of factors in favor of Safari, which should be taken into account, especially working in the OS X environment.

    Hot spores on what browser is the best will never subscribe. Almost every user considers his duty to defend the honor of the program that every day uses. Safari., Chrome., Firefox., Opera. And many other solutions today are available to OS X users, but the choice often occurs between the listed browsers.

    Opera. - Explicit Outsider. The browser popular in the post-Soviet space was rapidly lost the audience and is now supported exclusively by the enthusiasm of developers, as well as a small part of devotees. The patient is still alive, although it has long been powered through the tube.

    An interesting situation is also with Firefox.. The position of the browser has long been not that before. Sunset of "Fire Lisa" strikingly coincided with a flourishing Chrome.. It is the browser from Google is currently the most popular alternative solution as for windows usersAnd for OS X adherents. For some reason, it seems that with direct comparison of Internet Explorer is more often replaced. third-party browserthan Safari, but it is already details.

    So, Competition Safari and Chrome as part of OS X It turns out quite serious. Both sides have serious arguments in support of a particular browser. Google's solution really has a lot strong Parties, as, however, and Safari. Both programs are based on the engine WebKit.The difference is different.

    By and large Chrome fits perfectly into the ecosystem of Google devices, although at the same time computer MAC. And looks a bit strange in it. Of course, Safari has much larger and thoughtful integration not only within OS X, but also with mobile devices On the iOS database. No third-party decision similar connections And the possibilities will not boast. There is already an Apple policy.

    On another scales google servicesWith which Chrome works just perfect. The presence of the same name mobile browser On your smartphone or tablet can also be interpreted as an argument in favor of Chrome. As you can see, a lot depends on personal preferences, habits and used services on the network. Much, but not all.

    There is at least several objective flaws Chrome for OS X, to put up with whom it is not worth it.

    First, the browser from Google frankly casually consumes battery energy Your MacBook. These are not empty words: There are many tests in which computer Apple. It works noticeably longer when using Safari, while Chrome does not strongly help autonomy. It is possible that you are ready to sacrifice the hour-two for the sake of the usual browser, but this is not the only drawback.

    I am not a big fan of synthetic tests. I believe that visual impressions when choosing a browser is much more important. Therefore, according to my observation, within the framework of the OS X Safari, it hardly leaves the chances of competitors. Web pages will be opened quickly in both cases - everything depends on the speed of the network. The point is in the other. Using alternately Safari and Chrome it is easy to notice how much Apple's browser works smoothly. He perfectly acts in operating systemfor which it was created. Chrome is also fast, but it is already perceived differently, not so, the browser lacks the gloss of branded applications OS X. In general, synthetic tests that are not difficult to find on the Internet will also confirm the superiority of Safari in many cases, so a visual assessment in this case did not fail.

    The following advantage of Safari can also be challenged, but browser Apple. already from the box offers users more opportunities. Here you have and broadcast links from social networks, and a list of deferred reading, and excellent startout screen TOP SITES, and Reader mode. But here you can add expansion. In other words, the first launched Safari is extremely friendly to the user.

    This can not be said about Chrome. When I first launched this browser on Windows, it was slightly shocked. He had to replace Opera, but his emptiness and the fundamental principle of "do with the help of extensions" demanded a lot of time on addictive and search for suitable plug-ins. Bookmarks B. this browser - a daylight. The transition to Safari after a couple of years has passed much more calmer. Well, it is impossible not to note that without account Google to use Chrome is completely uncomfortable.

    Here it would be possible to affect the theme of privacy and speculate where Google sends and how our data from the browser uses, but do this not. You all understand no worse than me and you probably have your own opinion about the current state of affairs. Therefore, pay attention to what smooth scrolling of pages in Safari, just perfection! Drugan scrolling in Chrome does not cause such delight.

    We have already remembered about increased power consumption, so you should still mention the elevated Chrome appetite to random access memory. There is already nothing to add: that in Windows, that in OS X - everywhere browser from Google consumes a lot of valuable megabytes of RAM. Safari in this regard is much more economical, although he had a leakage of RAM, which "hung" MacBook Air.. Updates solved the problem.

    Stop using Windows, I stopped using and chrome browser. Not immediately, the transition to Safari also passed gradually, but I don't want to return it at all. Living in Apple devices ecosystem is not completely no need for Chrome with his eternal baking attitude to the OS X platform. Maybe Apple is not in a hurry to develop Safari in such a high pace, which competitors took with their browsers, but the solution from Cupertino too organically fits in The system to look for him alternatives, and the obvious shortcomings of the same chrome make the choice practically unconditional.

    In the comments, I propose an objective dialogue, supported by arguments and real facts, and not a fan dispute. Read above perceive as a personal opinion, and not the truth in the last instance.