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EDGE support. What does EDGE mean in the phone? What does EDGE mean in Samsung? Disable a browser using a third-party program

Users of mobile phones or support tablets with SIM cards could notice that the icon next to the antenna, symbolizing the data transmission, can vary by one of the following: G, E, 3G, 3.5G, 3G +, H, H +, 4G, L or LTE . Let's try to figure out what each of them means.


GPRS (General Packet Radio Service - "Package Radio Communication") is an add-in over GSM mobile communication technology that performs packet data transmission. Is one of the first implementations mobile Internet. To date, an outdated way to connect world Wide Web. The theoretical maximum data transfer rate is 171.2 kbps (depends on the GPRS class).


Edge (English Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution) or Enhanced GPRS - digital technology Wireless data transmission for mobile communication, which is an add-in over 2G and 2.5G (GPRS) networks.

Connecting the EDGE network is about 3 times faster than the GPRS, namely the maximum data transfer rate can be 474 kbps. In the picture above, the connection speed measured by the application has the dimension of KB / S (kilobyte per second). To translate into the dimension kilobit per second, you need to multiply the displayed value by 8, that is, 17 Kb / s x 8 \u003d 136 kbps.


3G (from English. Third Generation - Third Generation) - 3rd Generation Mobile Technologies - a set of services that combines as high-speed mobile access To the Internet and radio technology, which creates a data channel (voice, messages, etc.). Currently, this term is most often understood by UMTS technology with the HSPA add-in (hence and the icon on the phone "H" or "H +").

3G third-generation networks work at frequencies slightly higher than traditional GSM (850 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 1900 MHz), namely 1900-2100 MHz, which, in addition to other serious differences from GSM and improvements, allows you to increase frequency bandwidth and , respectively, the data transfer rate.

3G varieties


The maximum theoretical data transfer rate according to the HSPA standard is 14.4 Mbps (the data transfer rate from the base station on all local subscribers) and up to 5.76 Mbps from the subscriber. The first stages of the implementation of the standard had a speed of 3.6 Mbps to the HSDPA subscriber (D - DOWNLINK). After implementing the second stage of HSUPA (U - uplink, there is also an acceleration of transmission from the subscriber) HSPA has driven all technology.


HSPA + (Eng. Evolved High Speed \u200b\u200bPacket Access, "Developed High Speed \u200b\u200bBatch Access") - Mobile standard, Modernization of the third generation of mobile communication, with high speed, comparable from 4G.

The HSPA + is accepted to relate technologies to allow batch data transmission with download speed to 42.2 Mbps and return to 5.76 Mbps. In practice, the compound speed is lower and is 10 - 20 Mbps (in the picture above 1.6 MB / s x 8 \u003d 12.8 Mbps).

This technology is considered to be transitional between networks of the third (3G) and fourth (4G) generation. Sometimes it is also called "3.5G".


If you have an L, LTE or 4G icon on the phone, congratulations! First, your device supports the standard LTE-A and WIMAX, and secondly, you are in the network of the newest and the latest available in our country at the time of writing this article of generation at the rate of data loading up to 173 Mbps and the rate of return to 58 Mbps!

Came out in 2015, it became clear that Microsoft seeks to abandon any connection with Internet Explorer..

Microsoft made a browser as much as possible, which led to an increase in autonomy and improving performance, and also had a positive effect on the absence of potentially unsafe components, such as ActiveX.

EDGE comes with several functions that are not available in other browsers. Microsoft Edge. - A single browser in Windows that supports Full HD video playback in Netflix and applies Fast TCP technology.

Despite the fact that the browser was very successful in certain areas, he loses on other criteria. Extensions support will appear with the output of Anniversary Update for Windows 10 in August 2016. The browser works perfectly with various types of devices, in particular with touch screens And does not have problems with adaptation for high screen resolution screens.

However, the browser remains fundamental problems or annoying errors that have not been corrected a year later. Let's list the main problems of the browser.

1. Oversion and delays

Although EDGE demonstrates good performance in performance tests, users can occasionally get rolling.

You can observe small delays when typing in the address bar or in the search bar or when you select the text and select the "Search using Bing" option. Also, slowdowns are felt when the EDGE tab is opening from third-party applications.

2. Personalization

EDGE, as well as Google Chrome. It has a small quantity of customization settings. The browser comes without interface setting options in any significant way.

Want to display Favorites, history and downloads in tabs or window instead of the sidebar? Such an option is not provided.

In addition, periodically disappears on new tabs address barthat also delivers inconvenience.

3. Copying and insertion

Sometimes copying and insert operations work correctly, but sometimes it seems that Microsoft Edge completely ignores these commands.

It does not matter if you use hotkeys (Ctrl-C) or items context menu - Both operations are ignored by the browser.

This problem is seriously annoying, especially if your workflow is in high pace.

4. Context menu

Context menu Microsoft. Edge, which appears when clicking the right mouse button, skips useful options that browser offers.

In particular, the options for adding to bookmarks or save the page are not displayed. Also not presented in the menu Open Open links in the private window and the text search function in search engine default.

5. Loss of the last session data

Microsoft EDGE is standard Annex to view pDF files In Windows. When opening a reference to a PDF document in other applications, it opens in EDGE. If EDGE is not open all the time, the session information will be lost, and the single open page will be a PDF document.

To solve this problem, you need to assign another application as standard tool View PDF.

On March 4, Eriksson Corporation cleared up for a festive gift to journalists: conducted a seminar-libez on the topic of data transfer in the GSM generation 2,5G mobile communications networks. Jokes - jokes, and the case is good and useful, thank you very much Eriksson and a separate thanks to Vyacheslav Erohin, the senior business manager Ericsson Corporation JSC. As it was said in a private conversation - "You guys sometimes write tako-oh ...".

The story was interesting and informative, although immensely politically correct. It is clear: the Grand of the network infrastructure has to constantly demonstrate its "equivalent" from all customers, and Eriksson equipment works almost in all GSM networks of Russia. Below is the most interesting (in our opinion) part of the story plus our comments, clarifications and answers to the questions asked.

Operators seek to provide the highest possible set of non-ring services, increase the ARPU (average income per subscriber) and attract more subscribers. It is these reasons that served the driving force of introducing new technologies on GSM networks - GPRS, EDGE, MMS.

The first step in the path of introducing new services was the introduction of packet transmission technology over the radio channel (GPRS.) To date, the GPRS packet data system is introduced in 350 operators around the world. Almost all the largest cellular operators introduced GPRS systems - Vodafone, T-Mobile, Orange, Telefonica. It is important to note the three points that manifested at the beginning of 2005:

  1. The number of GPRS subscribers has already gained a critical mass and is 10-15%, and in some networks and up to 20%. This shows that GPRS systems have already passed the phase of becoming and gained sufficient popularity among subscribers.
  2. At the same time, the price of one megabyte of information for 2004 significantly decreased. This is also explained by the fact that the initial costs of introducing GPRS have already paid off, and the desire to attract new subscribers and make the service mass.
  3. And finally, the most important thing: services based on GPRS technology - Internet access, WAP access, E-mail, access to corporate networks, telematics, etc., began to bring serious revenues to operators due to mass demand.

As for the revenues of operators from the sale of non-ring services, here Russia and European countries are far from recognized leaders (See Slide) - Philippines and Japan. However, the situation is gradually changing towards an increase in the percentage of non-ring services in the income structure. According to statistics, almost half of the additional income falls on SMS services, so it is not necessary to talk about the "unrestrained growth" of data transmission. On the other hand, it is quite difficult to assess the percentage of SMS messages, which in its essence can be attributed to transport additional services: Mobile positioning, service category "Nearest", loading melodies, etc. Well, finally, let's not forget about the insanely expensive Premium-SMS: to give your voice for your favorite actress in some TV-voting it can do the most expensive seating on a mobile Internet.

If we talk about the situation with GPRS in Russia, then the operators have achieved great progress. In almost all regions of Russia, at least one of the GSM operators offers GPRS services. And every day the number of such operators is only grows. GPRS systems are implemented in most regions from federal operators - VimpelCom, MegaFon, MTS, as well as the largest regional operators, such as Volga Telecom, Yenisetelecom, Smarts, Uralsvyazinform and many others. However, while the GPRS is not able to satisfy all subscriber needs, primarily due to low and non-maritable speed.

Data transfer rate when the GPRS is the envy of several components:

  1. Data transfer rates in one time interval (timeselot) in a radio paint, or coding scheme. Four them: CS1-CS4. The greatest speed is provided when working with CS4 - 21,4CB / s. Most networks use the first two encoding schemes: CS1 and CS2. It should be noted that not all base stations support CS3-CS4 coding scheme, the old equipment does not possess such an opportunity.
  2. The number of time intervals that can be highlighted for one subscriber. This parameter depends on the equipment, and our equipment allows you to highlight up to 8 time intervals.
  3. Number of time intervals that this moment Available for use. This parameter depends on the network load, and it is difficult to predict.
  4. The number of time intervals that can support the phone to download information, or the phone class. At the moment the most modern models Class 10, or mode of operation 4 + 2, i.e. the maximum 4 times for loading.

Thus, at best, with a completely free network and in the embedded CS4 coding scheme, we will get the speed of 4x21,4 \u003d 85.6kb / s, where 4 is the maximum number of timelots that the phone can support 21.4kb / s - the maximum speed In one timeselot. IN real Network You can always get 4 slots, not in all networks implemented CS4, not all phones support up to 4 slots - therefore the speeds are lower.

Not all time slots are equally useful.

From this place it was especially interesting. It turns out that the data transfer rate in the GPRS channel depends not only from the class of the device, remoteness from the BS, weather conditions, the phases of the moon and the mood of the girl subscriber service. Much more important than network equipment parameters and its willingness to give data at such a speed, with which the phone is capable of accepting them. As it turned out in the discussion process, comparatively "older" base stations are able to work only with CS1 and CS2 encoding schemes, which immediately makes look at the numbers with other eyes. It was not possible to achieve a specific "disorder" of the basic stations of Moscow GSM operators from the basic stations of the Moscow GSM operators, although at some point it seems something like "preferential CS1 / CS2 coding in two operators". However, for the accuracy and accuracy of the quotation, I will not assign, and in general it could have been heard. We show political correctness together with Vyacheslav, Amen.

Carefully learn the plate at the beginning of the section. Column "MAX Speed \u200b\u200bKB / C" is not very interested, since this most "Max" rather refers to the entire volume of transmitted data, and from excessive (official) information anyway can not get anyway. Let's estimate the transfer rate in ideal conditions (channels are more or less free, the phone is located near the BS) and consider two characteristic options: an old phone class 4 (3 + 1, i.e. 3 slots for reception and one on the transmission) works with new BS and vice versa: new phone Class 10 (4 + 2) works with the old BS (koi in Moscow most). And what do we see? The rate of reception / data transfer from the "old man" -thephones will be 60/20 kb / s, and the expensive apparatus last model - 48/24 KB / s, respectively. And what do we have with the fact that the network can theoretically give the phone all eight slots if the phone is able to "digest" only four? Another suggestion for most Moscow BS: Even in the ideal conditions of the close BS, an unloaded network and a modern tube, the rate of data reception will be about 50 kb / s, which corresponds to the parameters of a qualitative modem connection. In real reality, the GPRS connection parameters will be noticeably worse, which are well aware of all numerous mobile Internet users in Moscow networks "with experience".

What slows down GPRS

First, this is the absence of a highly profitable business case in terms of using GPRS-based services and, as a result, the attitude to GPRS is as a secondary service in comparison with the voice. That is why it is not allocated enough tools to make the transmission of GPRS data is really reliable, high-speed, available at any time for subscribers, without failures and overloads. In addition, operators in Russia solve the task of attracting subscribers on the network by supplying them more and more favorable tariffsWhat leads not only to the redistribution of the subscriber base, but also contributes to an increase in voice traffic, which increases the load on the network. Thus, the powerful growth of voice traffic practically reduces the effort to optimize the operation of GPRS.


  • GPRS from our operators is secondary including due to the low price of megabytes. We look at the schedule at the beginning of the section with examples of rates (in dollars for 10 MB of traffic) and we understand that, compared to their foreign colleagues, Russian operators distribute traffic almost for almost a gift. The fact that at higher prices this traffic we would have few people do not apply to the case.
  • Regular marketing initiatives to attract new subscribers generate surges of voice traffic; Under these conditions, it is not necessary to optimize the data network and expect a stable operation of GPRS.

In the current conditions, it is difficult to count on serious upgrade GPRS on Russian networks. It is wiser to immediately invest in EDGE, because it will still have to implement this "advanced" GPRS. Why it is necessary - it is clear: after 2-3 years, the foci of third-generation networks of 3G will appear in Russia with new, "greedy" on the resources applications. Moreover, these applications will have to maintain performance (let slowly, but work) and when exiting the 3G zone. And here without EDGE can no longer do.

Edge: Rainbow Perspectives?

EDGE (Enhanced Data for Global Evolution) is a modern technology that provides high-speed transmission of large amounts of information on a mobile network. EDGE technology Supports the data transfer rate, on average three times higher than GPRS capabilities, in addition, it provides more efficient use of frequency resources and improving the network coverage compared to the usual GSM standard network. The maximum achievable information transfer rate is 474.6 kb / s. Thus, EDGE technology opens up for mobile operator the ability to provide its subscribers for data transfer services in the existing GSM frequency spectrum with rates characteristic of the third generation of mobile communication (3G).

EDGE technology was originally invented by Ericsson for D-AMPS standards in the late 90s. Assessing the potential of the novelty, Ericsson suffered this innovation in the GSM network.

But it is necessary to take into account one essential factor - the introduction of EDGE is the introduction of a new modulation in the radio channel between the base station and the mobile terminal. To implement EDGE on the network cellular operator EDGE-compatible transmitters are needed at base stations and, accordingly, telephones supporting EDGE.

GSM network construction peak in Europe fell on the middle and end of the 90s, when the base stations have not yet had EDGE functionality. As network capacity increases, operators integrated newer transceivers to the network, including EDGE-compatible, but despite this, their share is small. In Russia, the situation is somewhat different. Discaled with the introduction of GSM networks, the lack of large federal operators at the initial stage and the 1998 crisis led to the fact that the GSM network development boom began only last year and now actively continues. Russian operators were initially purchased for many EDGE-compatible equipment networks. Thus, the European question "build or not to build an edge network?" Transformed into Russian - "Run or not run EDGE network?". Moreover, the feasibility of introducing an EDGE on networks of Russian operators is more logical, since the timing of the implementation of WCDMA networks in Russia is not yet defined. To implement the EDGE, you will need to make many other important steps - to finalize radio planning, optimize transmission systems and IP segments of networks - however, the first stage - the introduction of EDGE transmitters on the network is largely completed.

In fact, not everything is so rosy with the introduction of EDGE (EGPRS) in GSM networks, including Russia. Some difficulties are voiced in the text, others were modestly silent. We will try to list at least part of fairly significant problems.

  • Administrative issues. The EDGE system uses different signal modulation from GPRS, which implies receiving the appropriate permission. As far as we understand, the mininform competition as a result simply "was ocked", ignoring questions. The position of regulatory authorities is easy to understand: not officially resolve - I do not want, no matter how it happens; Intelligent technology and give meaningful requirements / recommendations - it is necessary to understand it! So it was whether or not they know only the officials themselves, he was semiably or semi-official Edge launched and sort of (while?) No one was shot for it and did not even plan. However, some alertness is still visible.
  • Indeed, for a number of years, basic manufacturers only supply EDGE-compatible equipment. In this sense, almost certainly lucky to regions where the new GSM networks were built relatively recently. However, the largest networks are much older, their total modernization will cost more.
  • In addition to EDGE-compatible network equipment, you will need to transport dramatically increased data traffic between base stations and other network nodes. A comparatively "slow" GPRS already loads the transport network twice as much as using the same radio resources of voice traffic, and what will happen to EDGE? Six to seven times? In most mobile networks Transport bandwidth will have to increase, without this, the launch of the EDGE in the entire territorial fragment of the network loses its meaning.
  • The inclusion price is that the manufacturers do not advertise. EDGE support is laid in hardware level, but it is possible to enable this functionality and you can use it only for very extra money. Given low retail prices on GPRS traffic russian operators There is something to think about.

Surely there is a considerable number of other "pitfalls", which we do not know. But in one way or another, in the end, Edge will be launched for more considerations. effective use A limited frequency resource GSM 2G and as the required "bridge" between future 3G fragments and existing networks.

Another frequently asked question is the principles of tariffing EDGE-traffic. Technically separate Tarification GPRS and EDGE (EGPRS) is not provided, i.e. Take some additional money from the subscriber precisely for the use of EDGE, the operator will not be able anyway.

UMTS - the next step

The question arises: if speeds in EDGE are even more than in UMTS (474.6 kb / s against 384 kb / s), then why build a new generation network?

Let us dwell on this aspect as the data transfer rate. If the maximum data transfer rate using EDGE is 474.6 kb / s, then in UMTS networks 384 KB / s is the minimum speed. Now has become a reality first step in the development of UMTS - WCDMA Evolved. The term WCDMA Evolved ("Advanced WCDMA") reflects the natural further development Standard WCDMA, whose use is beneficial and end users, and operators. Ericsson WCDMA Evolved Standard, which used high-speed batch access on the downlink High Speed \u200b\u200bDownLink Packet Access (HSDPA) technology is a fully standardized solution for WCDMA. The first stage of development will be a significant increase in the available peak data transfer rate on the downlink communication up to 14 Mbps and an increase of more than twice bandwidth Systems when transferring data within the current spectrum of radio frequencies.

It should be noted that the approach to 3G networks is only in terms of speed - simplified approach. UMTS networks were developed with the provision of the most modern services. Initially, the technological capabilities of the 3G networks laid the ability to work simultaneously with voice and data, there are mechanisms for ensuring the quality of services and much more. And if new GPRS / EDGE data transmission technologies for GSM are "alien" in relation to the network (and from here and problems), the UMTS network is deprived of these flaws. Yes, for the transition stage, EDGE is quite suitable, but to make a bet on it in the remote future seems to be erroneous.

MMS: about some non-obvious technology features

Many different questions on the topic wanted to discuss. Unfortunately, the meeting time did not allow the "unknown", it remains to be hoped for continued in the future. A few words about long-suffering multimedia messages MMS, which, despite the rainbow forecasts, is so difficult and with creak acquire popularity.

The main problems with the implementation of the service:

  • Unregistered MMS delivery time.
  • MMS losses upon delivery.
  • Incorrect display on the telephone sent content.
  • MMS potential underestimation
  • Equipment overload, re-use WAP gateways to access sites and to work with MMS
  • Problems transport level - GSM / GPRS
  • Disadvantages in MMS technology certification and non-compliance of the supplied MMS equipment standards.

From the slide at the beginning of the section it is clear that many problems are directly related to the technology of sending and delivering MMS messages. All MMS are delivered through the WAP gateway and processed in the MMS center. Well, even if through a separate WAP gateway: in the case of using a common WAP gateway, MMS messages can be stuck in the queue for a long time. Information about the received message from the MMS center enters the SMS center that generates an SMS message to the recipient's phone. The recipient then sends a request for MMS messages and downloads it to the phone. In the "Automatic MMS" mode, the SMS message launches the GPRS session and generates a request for downloading MMS. It is surprising that with such a multi-part combination, most MMS messages still reaches a reasonable time.

Such difficulties in the implementation of delivery are caused including security considerations. The initialization interface of the GPRS session directly from the network exists, but is currently not used consciously. Those. The GPRS session can be initialized by the user itself or at least by the SMS-Center special command. By the way, all this is true for the new Push-to-Talk service: the voice messages of the recipients of the voice message first receive an SMS command to start the GPRS session and only then the device accepts a voice message On the GPRS channel. From here and a one and a half-two second pause between pressing the button and the sound indication of the capabilities and sending the message.

The selection of the browser is extremely important, because it largely depends on the experience of using the Internet. And, in addition to a plurality of solutions in the market, which are coming separately, there is also a Microsoft Edge browser, supplied with Windows 10. Below we understand the features of the application configuration, how to install it and how to delete it.

What is Microsoft Age

Microsoft EDGE is new browser Microsoft, created in order to replace outdated Internet Explorer. The name change also has an advertising value - many users ignored the release of new versions of internet Explorer, having unsuccessful experience with this browser in the past. Thus, Microsoft EDGE is served as a completely new solution to work on the network.

Features of the application

This browser is even a receiver of Internet Explorer, but still has a number of significant differences from it. For example:

  • Own, more flexible engine.
  • Expansion support.
  • More convenient use on mobile devices, use the stylus and voice assistant.
  • Pretty smart search in real time.

Convenience and flexibility in the overall stability of work make Microsoft Edge much more profitable to its predecessor.

How to install

In Windows 10, the Microsoft Edge browser is set by default. So when using this operating system his separate installation not required.

Despite the fact that Microsoft Edge is set by default in Windows 10, this OS also contains the installed Internet Explorer. This is done for the existence of backward compatibility with existing systems.

However, if Microsoft EDGE does not start on your Windows 10, it can be corrected by the default settings reset. To do this, do the following:

  1. Enter the inetcpl.cpl command to the "Run" window (it is called by pressing Win + R). Then confirm the command input.
  2. A window will appear in which it will be necessary to go to the "Advanced" section.
  3. There must be a discharge internet Settings Explorer. Do not be surprised that this name of the browser appears in this window, the same option resets the settings and for Microsoft Edge.
  4. Confirm the reset by accepting the proposed options.
  5. Try to start your browser again, now it should start without problems.

And it is also worth considering that Microsoft EDGE does not work when Windows Firewall is disabled.

If you have a different operating system, such as Windows 7 or Windows 8, then install and fully use the Microsoft Edge browser you will not work. The only use of this browser in this case is the creation virtual machine. This option is most likely not rational, but if that, you can easily find all the necessary instructions on the official website of Microsoft:

If you fundamentally do not want to use another browser, you can always update your operating system to Windows 10.

How to setup

Microsoft Edge is a pretty convenient browser, understandable to users. But you just started using it, you may have some questions. Reply to the most common of them.

Set the initial (starting) page

As a page that will meet you when opening a browser, you can ask both recently visited pages and one of the default. In order to do this, follow these steps:

How to return the home page button?

Despite the fact that you will not find the transition button to homepage In the usual place, you can easily include its display in the options. This is done like this:

How to reset the settings in Microsoft EDGE and clear the data?

In some cases, you may need to reset the browser settings without reinstalling it. It can fix minor malfunctions in its work or help you hide data about visited sites. To reset Microsoft Edge settings, do the following:

How to update

Browser updates, as it should be, corrected flaws and introduce new features. But what if your browser Microsoft Edge suddenly stopped updated automatically? It is worth understanding that this in itself is a failure in the work or your browser, or the operating system. The only one guaranteed decision There will be a complete reinstalling browser. For this, there is a special script that needs to be activated in PowerShell. However, it is worth considering what you do these actions you are on your own fear and risk.

We do the following:

How to disable or completely remove Microsoft Edge in Windows 10

Despite the fact that Microsoft Edge works much better than its predecessor, it is still not a preferred option for many. If you are used to your browser and want to get rid of the intrusive default program, you may need to disable or even remove Microsoft EDGE.

There are several ways to temporarily or finally get rid of the Microsoft Edge browser. Delete it as an ordinary program can not, because it is supplied as part of the operating system. The easiest way to remove requires the following:

Another removal method is intended only for advanced users and uses the PowerShell system. To start it, it is enough to find it in the Start menu and open an executable file with administrator rights.

Now that you have found the desired entry, it will only remain a series of manipulations.

  1. Copy in the Package FullName field the value of the record found. The record may look like this: Get-AppXPackage Microsoft.Microsoftedge_20.10532.0.0_Neutral__8Wekyb3D8BBWE
  2. After that, run in the PowerShell command:

    Get-appxpackage microsoft.microsoftedge_20.10532.0.0_neutral__8wekyb3d8bbwe | Remove-AppXPackage

After executing all the commands, Microsoft Edge will be completely disabled.

Disable a browser using a third-party program

For users who want to solve their problem literally "in one click" there is an use option special programsdesigned specifically to disable Microsoft EDGE. For example, you can help you Edge Blocker, developed by a group of enthusiasts. Make the following:

If you still have questions about disabling the Microsoft Edge browser, you can familiarize yourself with this video.

Historically, the life of a modern person is becoming increasingly informatively rich every year. It is not always possible in everyday bustle to get out of information flow Interesting news, description of technological innovations or just a recipe for a new dish from "old" products.

Today we will talk about EDGE (pronounced EJ). What is the EDGE network? In fact, this combination of letters GPRS / EDGE refers to mobile communications. More precisely, we are talking about data transmission technology over long distances without the use of wires. In addition to voice communication, operators provide the ability to transfer data using mobile phones.

*** Brief reference: everyone is familiar cell phones Conditionally able to transmit / receive data evenly (information in digital video) - photos, music, video, text. In addition, the ability to transmit data allows you to use in version for communication programs (Skype, "ICQ"), with the help of a browser, view the pages of Internet resources.

The subscriber is paid not to the time of staying on the network, but the number of downloaded / transmitted information (traffic). Using batch data transmission does not interfere with voice - the line is not busy, to talk and transmit / receive data in parallel.

Initially, the data in the operators were indulgeted using GPRS technology (transfer rate to 171.2 kbps, real - within 30 kbps). These speeds became clearly not enough for comfortable work with the data. In 2004, several US cellular operators began to use for data transmission new standard EDGE. What is EDGE? The standard in which was three times higher than when using GPRS. This greatly increased the attractiveness of their proposals in comparison with competitors.

Gradually, EDGE moved over the ocean and spread among European mobile operators. The question is what EDGE is relevant today. This is a simple explanation. Today, the EDGE network is successfully working there, much higher data transfer rates (third generation network 3G) have not yet reached. Thus, EDGE is "today" our mobile communications.

Why is it important to transfer data? After all, mobile communications is designed for voice communication. At first glance, this is, of course, so. But in business there is a concept as "average income per subscriber." Voice relationship subscribers and so use. If, except for voice communication, to the package of services provided to add mobile traffic With good speed and at the "nice price" - this will significantly increase the amount of money that subscribers will spend on communication every month.

Due to the mass demand, which was successfully formed by the players of the telecommunications market, GPRS / EDGE services began to bring significant income and significantly increased the amount of money that the average subscriber spends on cellular communication. If we still consider what EDGE is, it means that the potential of the mobile Internet is not yet completely disclosed, we have something to strive for.

A review of the services that mobile operators provide today makes it possible to note a noticeable increase in mobile traffic consumption. Taking into account the availability of relatively inexpensive unlimited Internet And not very developed 3G coatings can be predicted that the "retired" standard EDGE will be released very not soon. Numerous "smart" gadgets and trend "Mobility" among the population from 5 to 35 years old provide a steadily growing demand for mobile traffic.

In the West, work with the fourth-generation networks is already in full swing, we also have a third generation. Normal stable operation and 3G coating is still available only in megalopolis, and then not in all. However, this is not a reason to come about unfulfilled dreams and hopelessly lost prospects. The question is what is EDGE, we looked safely. And everything else is still "very can even be" - globalization and the search for new markets make us very attractive for specialists believe that we will not be unimportant to the benefit of the good of scientific and technological progress. It just happens a little later than the rest.