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How much does a personal passport cost? How to get a personal Webmoney passport: step by step instructions

Now it's the turn to learn about the equally well-known service from WebMoney.

Yes, there is never a lot of money, even electronic money and you need to store it somewhere. So you have to have it organized. It is very convenient to have three e-wallets from different systems... Indeed, if necessary, you will have a choice of which one to use at one time or another.

And if you work or have just started working on the Internet, then you need to own 100% of all three at least, because you probably don’t know exactly how the customer can pay you, for example, for a cool article written by you.

So, today we will talk about another company that has such a service as an electronic wallet, or rather, how to get a WebMoney passport.

What is webmoney

First, let's figure out what electronic money is, what it is for and why webmoney.

It's simple an electronic wallet is a means of storing your earnings on the network. It is as safe as keeping your personal savings at home or in the bank, since every transaction with your funds happens with you. You are in complete control of what is happening in your savings cell on the network.

With this service, you can make purchases, pay for services, make various payments, purchase any services not only on the Internet, but also in real life. This is because you can always withdraw the earned budget, for example, using a regular ATM.

Note: there are other ways as well. We will talk about them in detail in the next article.

Currently, electronic money is very popular. You will not need to carry with you a change that constantly rattles and overflows your wallet. You can only hold one card in your hand and use it to perform many operations.

Moreover, online shopping is gaining momentum, and already a very large number of people are inclined to shop online, which significantly saves time. And you know that time is our precious and irreplaceable resource.

However, the WM service has certain conditions, and in order to take advantage of the possible benefits of working with this company, you must comply with them. For example, an identification procedure, with which you can enhance the management of your wallet on the network.

Let's talk about this in more detail.

What is WebMoney passport

The system participants, for example, you and the customer, are far from each other and do not meet during the settlement. You don't know what your customer looks like, what kind of person he is, etc. It is logical that in this situation, the issue of trust and security is fundamental.

How can you be sure that a person is not a fraud? This will help the WebMoney attestation service.

WebMoney passport is a kind of certified identity document, which contains the following data: full name, passport, contact information. The certificate is a guarantee that a person really exists.

Depending on the amount of information provided by the participant, there are different types of certificates. The higher the level, the more confidence you have in it.

Types of certificates

As mentioned, personalization will help you expand the capabilities of your e-wallet, however, which ones are up to you. WebMoney provides various options. Some are very easy to do, others not quite.

Let's talk about what species generally exist:

Alias. It is issued to the system participant upon registration and is completely free. Usually beginners use it to learn the service. You can perform a number of operations: small transfers, payment of payments and purchases on the Internet. Since he was presented with minimum requirements, then the trust is appropriate.

Formal... This type is suitable for those who actively use Internet services, freelancers and those who want to withdraw electronic money. To receive it, you need to enter your passport data on the website and upload a scanned copy of it. Allows you to make payments, pay bills and withdraw funds.

Elementary. Suitable for those who are engaged in small business or internet work, such as bloggers. You can buy it both for a fee after checking your passport, and for free by ordering a WebMoney card or making a specific purchase.

Personal. Suitable for large business owners, advanced Internet users, etc. It allows you to use all the features of the system. Issued for a fee after checking the passport data by the registrar - the authorized person of the webmoney company.

What are the certificates for?

Why do we need different certificates? It's simple so that you can expand the boundaries of using and managing your own funds. It depends on what goals you are pursuing.

If you just pay for your purchases on the Internet with the money that your friends have transferred to you or that you have earned from a small deal, for example, 300 rubles, then a pseudonym will be quite enough.

If you need to pay with the proceeds in real life, in addition to online stores, make transfers within the system, pay for services and bills, you should think about having a formal level.

If you plan to make large enough transactions, and keep a rather large amount in your wallet, then the initial one is what you need. Here, the limits are larger and the status is no longer a beginner.

Well, as we said, big business owners or Internet businessmen cannot do without a personal level. Here you can already roam: replenish and withdraw funds with much larger limits than those discussed above. In addition, the certificate speaks of the maximum trust in its owner.

Agree that this is a very important role when working over the Internet.

How to get a certificate

But let's still talk about how to get certain statuses.

Before receiving it is necessary register in the WebMoney system.

We go to the site In the upper right corner, click the "Registration" button, select the type of registration and click "Next".

A form for entering the following data will open: date of birth, security question. Next, we tick off the consent to the processing of personal data and click "Continue".

After that, you need to enter the code that the system sent to the e-mail you specified. The code is quite long, so to avoid mistakes I advise you to copy and paste it into the window intended for it and click "Continue".

The last step of registration consists of providing you with a password. As confirmation that you are not a robot, you must enter the characters from the picture and click "OK".

Everything! Hooray! Are you registered. Now you can open the wallet. Choose in what currency you need a wallet (for example, I chose rubles), read the agreement, accept the terms and click "Create".

After registration, a pseudonym certificate is automatically and free of charge.

In the upper left corner, you will see a notification about the successful opening of the wallet. The number itself is located near the tricolor icon. On this stage you can already perform operations permitted by the alias passport.

Registration of a formal passport

The next step after a pseudonym is a formal certificate. To get it you need:

You will be redirected to a page with personal data. The first block of the full name and date of birth, you just need to check, if the date is incorrect, it can be corrected, like the gender. You can also choose what will be displayed on the page for other users and what will not.

Then you need to set your country by clicking on this button.

A form for selecting a region and city will open for you. You can find it manually or through the search, then press "Enter". Select your city, as shown in the screenshot, first in the search, then at the bottom in the "City" field and only then click "OK".

Here you need to fill in the address, indicating the zip code, street, house, apartment.

After you will be redirected to the page for entering additional data TIN, SNILS and the code of the passport issuing unit. After filling them in, you need to click "Next".

Within 10 minutes your status will be updated.

On your page, you can see the presence of a formal passport. The system also notifies that it is necessary to provide a scan of the passport for verification. Select the file containing the passport pages and click "Continue".

This completes the procedure for obtaining a formal certificate.

Registration of the initial passport

You can get an initial passport in two ways:

1. NS at a personal meeting with an attestator.

2. Without meeting, but with the fulfillment of the following conditions:

- when replenishing your wallet through the Unistream, Contact or Anelik system by money transfer in the Russian Federation on the website

- when replenishing a wallet from a bank account on the website

- when attaching a bank card of partner banks (Alfa-Bank, PromSvyazBank, Ocean-Bank, etc.) on the website

Let's consider the first method in more detail.

On the site it is necessary to select an assessor who can carry out the verification.

Read the terms of identification and pay for the service (this is done directly on the website using a wallet).

Next, we make an appointment with the selected registrar and bring with us an application and a photocopy of your passport (pages with your photo and signature). This completes the receipt of the initial certificate.

Registration of a personal passport

On this moment a personal passport can be obtained in two ways:

1. After a personal meeting with one of the registrars from the list on the website. The procedure is as follows:

- select "personal" on the personal page;

- select a registrar from the list;

- fill out an application indicating the required status (the same form as when receiving an initial certificate);

- come to the meeting in person with the documents.

2. By notarized documents which are sent by mail.

I did it according to the second method, since I do not have an examiner in my city. The first 3 points are similar to the 1st method, then the printed and completed application must be taken to a notary for certification.

Note: make the date and signature on the application in the presence of a notary.

Also, do not forget to take his business card with contact information from the notary. This is required to check the reality of the procedure for the certification of documents.

Next, you will need to confirm your mailing address. To do this, fill out a form on the site indicating the address. After that, WebMoney will send a letter with a code to the address you specified, which you will need to enter. Thus, confirming that you really live at this address and received a code with a letter.

After holding this event, you need to go to the post office, buy an envelope, attach an application, a copy of your passport and a business card to it and send it to the address of the selected certifier. In my case, it was:

About a week later, an employee of the center called me, asked a few questions about my work in the service and why I need this particular type of certificate.

A few days later, going to his personal page, I saw the new status of my passport.

Note: for the price it cost me: $ 19 payment for the certificate, 500 rubles. certification of the application by a notary and 20 rubles in a postal envelope.

Thus, after reading this article, you can easily get the certificate you need. It all depends on your activity and the transactions that you plan to perform on the Internet.

If you have any questions in the process of issuing certificates, welcome to the comments. I will gladly help as much as I can.

Until next time on the blog.

Ekaterina Kalmykova

Hello blog site readers. On the agenda is a new article, where I will give step-by-step instructions on how to get a personal webmoney passport. You will find out what types of certificates there are, what each of them is and for what purposes it is used.

In one of the previous articles, there was a talk about where I mentioned that I recently sent documents for obtaining a personal passport.

So just recently, it came to me email a letter where it was said that the application for a certificate from WebMoney was satisfied and a link to my WMID page.

But let's talk about everything in order, because, despite the fact that my electronic wallet has been registered for more than 2 years, I have been thinking about getting a certificate quite recently.

What certificates are issued by the Webmoney system

Like many others, I thought that after I started an electronic wallet, I would not need anything else, that is, make money online or replenish an electronic account. But in practice, everything turned out a little differently.

If you came to the Internet for the purpose of making small money or buying inexpensive goods, then you can skip this article. Well, if you have big plans for the future, in which you see yourself not only as an ordinary user global network but also individual entrepreneur, then the types of WebMoney passports should be taken seriously.

Initially, after registration in the system, your 12-digit identifier (WMID) is assigned an alias certificate.

- the most initial certificate, which the system assigns free of charge after registration. There is no need to enter passport data here, since it is not checked by anyone.

But you must understand that the trust in such a person from other persons will be minimal.

With the help of a pseudonym certificate, you can perform transactions within the system and replenish wallets through exchange offices, WM-cards or dealers.

- its Webmoney Transfer system issues it free of charge after the user specifies the passport data on the site of the certification center. The system does not check the passport data.

Having a formal certificate from the user, the possibilities in the webmoney system are significantly expanded. Now he will be able to replenish the account using bank payments, postal orders or instant replenishment system.

You can withdraw funds to a bank account, or purchase a debit card.

- issued to the participants of the system after the passport data is checked. Obtaining this certificate will cost a certain amount (from 1 WMZ), and the conditions for issuance must be checked with the attester.

The owner of the initial certificate receives additional features: participation in the work of the credit exchange, the Capitaller service, the publication of news on the official website.

- most the best option from certificates, which has all the necessary set of capabilities for the user electronic money... It is issued after receiving the initial or formal certificates.

To obtain this certificate, you will have to contact one of the registrars in your region and pay for this service (from $ 5 to $ 20).

Owners of a personal passport will be able to take part in the loan exchange, the work of the Capitaller service. Will be able to become consultants of the system, as well as participate in affiliate program, for the issuance of initial certificates.

V overall opportunities read a lot more about them there here.

But the most important thing is that people will trust you. That is, you will be perceived as a leading person. entrepreneurial activity in the network, and not some " scam" or swindler.

Well, if you plan to organize on the site, then it will be necessary to obtain a seller's certificate, and no one issues it without a personal certificate.

- is issued free of charge after receiving a personal passport and is its kind. It has the same functions as the personal one.

The owner gets the opportunity to automate the acceptance of payments using the system .

Do you know what this window is? Anyone who has ever paid for something using the webmoney system will understand me.

Changing the certificate to a personal one in Belarus

Now let's look at step by step what needs to be done in order to obtain a personal passport. I want to immediately clarify that I live in Belarus, so I had to receive it in this country.

First... We are submitting an application. To do this, go to the webmoney website certification center, and then go to our control panel and click on the "Get" link.

Second... Now we select the registrar who will issue us a certificate. A list of registrars is presented on this page.

Since I live in a small town in the Republic of Belarus, the cheapest option for me was to get a certificate in Technobank OJSC.

In addition, all documents can be sent to him by mail, as evidenced by this envelope icon.

After we have decided on the registrar, click on the "Get a passport" link.

Now you need to confirm your choice and return to the control panel.

Third... We pay for the application.

Attention! You do not need to pay in WMZ (from the control panel), since the certificate is issued only if you have a Belarusian wallet. For details see here.

Go to this the page where the payment details will be located. Payment is made at the cash desks of any bank in Belarus using the following details:

Fourth... Now you need to choose one of the ways to provide documents in order for you to change your current passport to a personal one.

Personal visit to the registrar or notary to verify the signature on the applicant's application (if there is no possibility of a personal meeting with the registrar).

Since I live in a city that is 300 km away from the nearest registrar, I had to choose the second option, that is, contact a notary.

To do this, print out the application for certification. You can download a sample here.

Attention! When filling out the application, you do not need to put your signature, as it must be certified in the presence of a notary.

To be honest, I was a little worried, because I absolutely did not know how I would have to talk to a notary on this topic. In my head all the time I imagined how I would explain to him what kind of WEBMANI is.

But in reality, everything turned out much easier, without asking anything, the notary put all the seals and asked me to sign and pay 30,000 Belarusian rubles at the box office, which is about 120 in Russian rubles.

You also need to take information about the notary (in free form): his name, address and contact number(you can have a business card).

Fifth... Now go to the post office and send the following documents

- Photocopy of passport pages 31-33;
- Receipt of payment;
- Notarized application for attestation;
- Information about the notary;

Documents are sent by mail to the address: 220002, Minsk, st. Kropotkina, 44 (JSC "Technobank", electronic money management).

For details of all the steps I have taken, see the official website. webmoney.

Sixth... A week later, I received a letter in my mail stating that I had been issued a personal passport in the Webmoney system.

Then I went to their website and looked at the result of the work done in the control panel.

The next thing I am going to do is get a certificate of the seller, although first I will need to release a paid video course.

Patience and work - something will definitely work out. You can find out how it will work out for me if subscribe to the update blog articles.

As it turned out, having spent only 100,000 + 30,000 = 130,000 Belarusian rubles. rub or 500 rubles. rub, I became the proud owner of a personal webmoney certificate (electronic payment system).

Believe me, there is nothing difficult in this, even if you live in Belarus. That's all for me. Bye!

The WebMoney electronic payment system tries to protect its users from possible fraud, as well as to make all operations with a virtual account reliable and convenient, but for this they need to know how to get a WebMoney passport. First of all, such a status confirmation is required in order to perform at least standard transactions with money.


On the WebMoney portal, go to the "Regional personalizers" tab and select one of them.

Next, the price of getting an initial passport will be shown - about five dollars. You need to press the button "Get a certificate". The user only has to wait for the meeting with the personalizer, who will check all the documentation and provide access to advanced features.


Before issuing a certificate, you must launch the Keeper application with the required identifier. Registration in the WebMoney system to perform such actions is required. The user needs to be aware of what exactly he is registered in the system for.

You also need to carefully consider the fact that the certification center does not provide answers to questions that do not relate to the implementation of this operation.

User opening home page Certification Center portal, selects the "Control Panel" item. After authorization, the section with personal information about the account holder.

It is necessary to press the button "Obtaining a passport", and then fill out the form that appears with personal data without any abbreviations. In the section "Selecting a registrar", the necessary one is selected and the button "Receive" is pressed. Further action- download scans of a document confirming the identity of the user.

If everything is in order, the system will notify about it. In the "Control Panel" section, payment is made for the request made. Funds should be transferred exclusively to the certification center and nowhere else. In the section "Documents and Rules" the application of the applicant is printed.

Personal meeting

During communication with the assessor, the time and place of the meeting is specified, for which it is necessary to take a passport, its copies and two copies of the applicant's application. At the office, the registrar will inquire about the reason why the applicant wants to receive a certificate. The period for processing the information received is two days.

Those who hold a personal passport do not face any restrictions. Every day up to three million rubles can be withdrawn through Keeper. The monthly limit is nine million rubles, so the account can be actively used for doing business.

Hello dear readers and guests of the blog site!

Not so long ago, I finally received a personal Webmoney passport. Why is it needed, what opportunities it gives and how to get a personal Webmoney passport?

You will learn the answers to these questions from this article.

I have already written several blog posts on the topic of electronic money, here they are:

I needed identification in Yandex.Money to link my Webmoney wallet to a Yandex.Money account, as well as to remove a number of restrictions that apply to unidentified users, with the expectation, so to speak, for the future.

Any internet business cannot be imagined without electronic wallets and accounts. Depending on what you are going to do in the future, the need to obtain various passports is determined, namely, a personal Webmoney passport.

If you do not plan to make big money on the Internet, then there is no need for a personal certificate. You can transfer money, pay for goods and services, and withdraw earned funds without a personal passport. However, you will have limitations that, in principle, you can live with.

But if you have big plans for making money on the Internet, then you just need a personal certificate.

Why do you need a personal Webmoney passport?

Providing your personal data to the Webmoney payment system is necessary, first of all, to build trust in you as a person who is engaged in serious business on the Internet, and not fraud and deception. This is the most important point personally for me.

The next point is that I am going to do internet business seriously in the future, and I will need a Webmoney seller's certificate, which is impossible to obtain without a personal passport.

In addition, the owners of a personal passport have advantages over the owners of formal and initial passports:

- participation in the credit exchange WebMoney Transfer "Credit Exchange", which will allow you to earn money by issuing loans, as well as receive loans;

- participation in the service of budget planning and automation "Capitaller" (Capitaller) - a web service for collective management of wallets and funds located on them;

- the ability to submit applications for registration in the Megastock catalog (any sections);

- You will receive the status of "System Consultant";

- the opportunity to participate in the partner program of the certification center for the issuance of initial certificates;

- posting news on different sites of the Webmoney system;

- in case of loss of control over WMID, it will be possible to restore it using a simplified scheme;

- the possibility of obtaining,for withdrawal Money from the system,Star / Plus cards;

- the possibility of filing without restrictions in the arbitration of the system of claims against other participants;

- the ability to automate the receipt of funds from buyers using the interfaces of the Merchant WebMoney Transfer service.

These are the advantages of the members of the WebMoney Transfer system who have a personal passport.

2. Then select a registrar from the list presented on this page.

The most simple and fast way is a personal meeting with a person authorized by the system to issue personal passports or a visit to the Webmoney office (personal meeting with the registrar). Therefore, if in your city there is such an opportunity (there is a registrar), then it is better to choose this particular method.

After choosing a registrar, you need to pay for your application, the amount is from 15 WMZ.

3. Then you need to download the application from this page, print and fill it out.

4. After that, you need to call the registrar and make an appointment. When meeting, you must have a photocopy of your passport and a completed application with you.

There were no registrars in my city, so I had to send all the documents by mail. Now I will tell you more about this.

When receiving a passport via mail, you need to follow steps 1 to 3 exactly as I described above. You just need to choose a registrar with the ability to send documents by mail.

Opposite such registrars there is a special icon -

The personal meeting icon looks like this -

Personally, I chose from the list the Certification Center No. 1, which is located in Moscow. Then I paid for the application, it cost me 19 WMZ.

Attention!!! When filling out the application, you do not need to sign and date! You will do this later in the presence of a notary!

Before going to the notary, I made photocopies of the important pages of my passport (the main page with the photo and the page with the place of registration).

The next step, going to the notary, did not go very smoothly for me. I managed to certify my signature with a notary only the third time with another notary.

If you are denied certification of your signature (not a statement, but a signature!), Then it is better to turn to another notary, because it is useless to argue with them and prove anything!

After you have certified your signature, you need to take information about him and contact information from a notary: this is required by the registrars. I took the business card.

Attention!!! If you have not yet reached the age of majority (18 years old), then it is necessary to certify your signature with a notary in the presence of your parents!

That's it, now you just have to go to the post office, put all the documents (application, notary's business card, photocopies of important passport pages) in an envelope and send it by registered mail to the address of the registrar. I sent a letter to the address:

119049, Russia, Moscow, PO Box 38, LLC "WebMoney.Ru"

About a week later, they called me on my mobile phone and asked a couple of simple questions:

Did I really apply for a Webmoney Personal Passport? ;

why do you need a certificate?

Then they said that they would give me a certificate within 24 hours.

Right after telephone conversation I went to the certification center and saw the following picture:

That's all for me. I hope my article was useful to you.

    Congratulations! Seriously, you took up the internet business. Respect!

    Super article)

    Congratulations on receiving)

    what did you answer to the question "why do you need a certificate?"


    I also wanted to ask this, but was ashamed 🙂.

    P.S. Where are the emoticons?

    I think that getting a seller's certificate will not be a problem for you either! 🙂

    My congratulations! Very helpful article. I just think they will do it, now I will know how)

    And I try to move away from using webmoney) This schizoid defense system is killing me. I try to use Yandex money. Besides, what the hell is this when anyone can block your wallet for $ 5 by writing a claim? In general, the only thing I like about webmoney is the jingle of coins - when money comes in, it's always nice))

    It's a pity we don't like pay-pal!

    Toha the devil is right. Paroidal protection system for webmoney

    For example, a formal one suits me, all transactions go well ...

    When I applied for a personal certificate, at first I thought it was such a red tape and for a very long time ... Natarius took only 100 rubles and that's it ... all without problems, I sent it, no one called. After 1.5 weeks, a message was sent to the email that the application had been reviewed and the type of personal certificate was assigned.

    But the next step is getting a seller's certificate, it seems worth considering ... Recently I faced such a problem transferring money to a seller's certificate is not possible ... It was uncomfortable as a person ... she made me wait a long time. After contacting those support, they found the money and returned it to me again, warning that transferring money to the seller's passport is impossible, only to the same as mine or lower ...

    Alexander, will it be possible to sell with a personal certificate?


    Perhaps you can tell me.

    I sent by regular, not registered mail (there is no information anywhere on the site that needs to be sent by CUSTOM) documents two weeks ago.

    Is it worth asking technical support how things are going with the consideration of the application, or do you need to wait a little longer?

    Alexander Bobrin

    Of course it's worth it!

    That's what I don't like in WebMoney, it's all the time long and costly support, not like in Yandex Money, but I still use WebMoney =)

    How muddy everything is. It's a pity $ 19) Then I'll get it, right now there is no need. Although a transfer of funds between Wevmaney and I. Money would not hurt now.

    Depending on what kind of certificate is in the system, will the same percentage be when cashing out money in the Republic of Belarus?

    Interesting article. And all the time I gave it for what this webmoney certificate is needed, but here everything is written, and now I know. Thanks.

    I have received an initial certificate so far, but in the future I plan to receive a personal one.

    It's good, Alexander, that you wrote this article. It is really useful for those who have wallets. And for those who do not have wallets, this information will come in handy too.

    By the way, it will be said that I recently received a "primary" certificate. After checking it, I want to get a personal one. But I was lucky. The initial certificate was given to me by a person who lives in my city. But the documents for obtaining a personal passport will need to be sent by mail.

    To everyone who has doubts about whether to receive a certificate or not, I say - get it! Don't even hesitate.

    Alexander, hurray! I got my initial certificate. More precisely, I received it on September 11th. They just had to check and confirm it. It happened. Now I will order a personal passport. Thank you for the article and for sharing your personal experience.))

    Alexander Bobrin

    Great, Vadim, congratulations!

    I received it in person! I rewrote the statement 10 times, here's a minus computer technology, I have already forgotten how to hold a pen)))) Something cheap $ 15, I paid $ 29.34.

    I had to use a more in-depth scheme to get a certificate, since I am not 18 years old. But still, I did it based on your instructions. Shake your hand. Thanks.

    I paid 19 wmZ for verification + 500 rubles in cash for an application + 7 rubles for stamps for writing.

    Alexander, is it possible to withdraw money from webmoney with an initial passport?

    I have a completely idiotic case with a notary - I assured everything, sent everything away. The moderator called her, and she refused to confirm the fact of certification, guided by the law. That is, it is not even disclosed that I came, called another notary - they said the same thing. In WebMoney they say that "Unfortunately, without notarial confirmation, the certificate cannot be issued." I do not know what to do. There are no registrars in our city. Russia is a country of idiots.

    Alexander Bobrin

    Maxim, look for another notary. I was also refused by some.

    And from what number did you call, tell me? Mobile, urban? Can you remember at least roughly?)

    I have been waiting for 2 weeks now, there’s not a call or a certificate ... Or send the notary again, but it’s money, and again time. Maybe, I think, to send by courier service, and not by mail of the Russian Federation, is expensive, but quickly and in hand, as they say))

    And I already sent the docks a month ago, but there was no result. I wrote to the registrars two weeks later - they answered that my docks were waiting. The day before yesterday I wrote - they answered "Tomorrow, the removal of mail", wrote today - how did the removal - bring the result? They are silent ...

    You could have said yourself "Apparently your docks are lost ..." and I would have proceeded further according to the scheme. They see the payment date, the correspondence has been going on for almost a month, the results are not achieved. Overall, I am very pleased with the system. And as someone has already advised here - whoever has wallets, be sure to get a Persian.

    Well, I (see above), after waiting about 5 weeks, sent the notary again, already by courier service (there are such CDEK, 510 rubles, delivery every other day) ... (I controlled the delivery process, I learned about the delivery 2 minutes after the fact of delivery), on the next. day requested technical support, answered "docks under consideration." On the trail. day the docks "considered".

    In total, I waited for consideration for 2 days - and I got it, yesterday I got a certificate right now))

    So shta, guys ... forget about the Russian Post, well, at least about simple shipments - it is long and completely unreliable. Is that where my envelope is now? In the trash can after the autopsy of a dishonest employee? Or did he simply “disappear”, as he sank into a black hole? In general, it is incomprehensible and somewhere even offensive. Well, okay with them, I forgot.

    And my personal passport cost $ 10, they also made a card for free, now it's very easy to immediately withdraw money to the card

    We do not charge less than $ 75 for a personal meeting. Some and more.

    We have only one bank in Belarus that deals with webmoney operations, and it made a regular visa card. And my commission will be bigger ... 3% if I'm not mistaken.

    I received it in person! I rewrote the application 10 times, here's a minus of computer technologies, I have already forgotten how to hold a pen)))) Something cheap $ 15, I paid $ 29.34.

    Now it seems you can even get a Persian without a trip to the bank. And I remember driving all the way to the capital, to the bank, to stand in line and get a personal certificate.

    Of all the listed advantages of a personal passport for an ordinary blogger, the last is important - it is the ability to automate the receipt of funds from buyers. I will try to do it next month.

    Thanks to Alexander for the information, I am just thinking of making myself a WebMoney certificate. Whatever they say, I think it's the right thing.

    The article is interesting, described in detail.

    Alexander you are as always on top.

Any payment system tries to protect its users from fraud as best as possible, as well as to make working with an electronic wallet convenient and safe. The WebMoney system is no exception. In order to carry out even the simplest financial operations, the user needs to confirm his status and receive one of the options for the passport. What is it and what is it for?

WebMoney passports

WebMoney passport is a carrier of information about a user and a kind of indicator of trust. The higher it is, the more rights and freedom of action are given to its owner in this system. Expressed in simple words, the system automatically determines what kind of transactions can be carried out with the user, and what not by the type of the certificate.

After registering with WebMoney, the wallet owner is automatically assigned a pseudonym certificate. This indicates that the information has not been verified and not confirmed, therefore, the user can be anyone, have a fictitious name or not have one at all. This type of certificate is quite enough to pay for online purchases, but if you plan to sell goods, then an unconfirmed profile is likely to make many buyers think. Therefore, in this case, it is worth taking care of a higher certificate level.

The main types of WebMoney passports

Don't know how to get a WebMoney passport? V currently this payment system provides users with two types of certification, including 12 different levels of security.

  • The first group includes professional passports with advanced functionality, intended only for advanced account holders.
  • The second group includes ordinary clients for which a basic certification process is provided, implying the division of rights according to four levels of access.

There is an individual virtual document for each new level. At the moment, all "WebMoney" - certificates of the main type are divided in ascending order of their functionality:

  • Alias ​​certificate assigned to all users of the system.
  • The formal document is available after entering personal information.
  • An initial passport is provided after the passport verification process.
  • And a personal certificate can be obtained only after a personal meeting with a specialist.

Alias ​​certificate

As mentioned above, this personal document is received by each user who has passed the registration process on WebMoney.

The holder of this type of certificate has rather limited capabilities, which include the following:

  • Access to money transfers between WebMoney Transfer accounts.
  • The ability to deposit funds to the wallet in cash or from a card.
  • Basic options (payment for purchases in the online store, utility bills, cellular communications, and others).

Thus, it can be seen that the pseudonym status provides users with an elementary list of services, which excludes the right to withdraw funds from the account. In addition, this passport has a limit on the balance of funds in an electronic wallet. The maximum amount is 15 thousand rubles (with a verified phone - 45,000).

Formal attestation

Most of the Internet users opt for a formal WebMoney passport, which is the most successful for everyday use, since to obtain it you only need to upload a photocopy of the passport to the portal and fill in the fields with personal data. This type of certificate is great for those who are just starting to work on the Internet and receive small amounts.

The procedure for checking a formal passport is quite simple, it only takes a few simple steps:

  • After registering in the WebMoney system, go to the "Verification Center" tab.
  • Go to the "Control Panel" section located in the upper right corner.
  • In the window that appears, you need to enter some information, including passport data. Indicate the initials, series, document number and date of receipt, in the same block you must upload a scan of the document (note that the image must be colored and legible). Person IDs required. Here you should enter the SNILS and TIN numbers. And also the mailing address that coincides with the place of registration.
  • After filling in all the fields, you must return to the "Passport" tab, click on the "Get a certificate" button.

Upon completion of these actions, the user will receive a notification about the acceptance of the application. Information verification is usually performed within 24 hours, after which the user's status is updated.

Formal Passport Opportunities

Having a formal WebMoney passport gives the user the following rights:

  • Depositing funds to a personal account by postal and bank transfers.
  • Payment for services ( cellular, utility bills, etc.).
  • The ability to withdraw money to bank card.

Thus, it becomes clear that a formal certificate is sufficient for carrying out standard operations.

The possibilities of the owner of this type of certificate expand in comparison with the anonymous one, but the limit on the amount of financial savings remains in force, the balance of the wallet with a formal status cannot be higher than 200 thousand.

Initial passport

This type of certificate is more profitable than the previous ones, since it is the guarantor of the security of the transactions, and also provides the user of the WebMoney service with enhanced capabilities. How do you get an initial passport?

There are several ways to purchase third-level access:

  • After meeting with the personalizer in person (paid service, from $ 2 to $ 5);
  • On the portal of state services of the Russian Federation.

Most often for obtaining "WebMoney" - a certificate entry level users use the second option, which implies the following actions:

  • Registration / authorization on the portal of public services.
  • Contacting a state organization (registry office, multifunctional center or the Russian Post office) to confirm your identity.

A confirmed user profile is a guarantor for the service, since the WebMoney integration system reads verified information entered by the user.

Initial qualification opportunities

After completing all the required verification steps, the wallet owner is automatically assigned an initial-type certificate, which opens up the following opportunities for him:

  • Increased amount for depositing funds to the account.
  • Increased limit for withdrawing money from the wallet;
  • The maximum amount for storage is 900 thousand rubles.

Initial certification in the WebMoney system increases user confidence, which positively affects the reliability of transactions with counterparties. All this indicates that the third level of access contributes to greater efficiency in conducting financial activities of small businesses and commercial projects on the Web.

Personal certificate

The last stage of the WebMoney security system is a personal passport. At the moment, it is he who is the most advanced and effective tool, which grants the owner access to all the options and subsystems provided payment service WebMoney.

To obtain a personal "WebMoney" - certificate, you will need to go through all the verification procedures listed earlier. In addition, the last stage of certification involves a face-to-face meeting with an employee of the organization who is responsible for the implementation of personalization processes. The work of the registrar is paid - the registration of a personal passport will cost the account owner $ 10-20. After confirming the identity, the fourth access level is assigned to the client automatically. The list of services available to the owners of a personal passport:

  • The amount for replenishing the account is increasing.
  • The amount that can be withdrawn from the wallet is increasing.
  • The entrance to the credit exchange is opened.
  • The opportunity is given to participate in the affiliate program as a personalizer.

Holders of these passports not only get the maximum opportunities for using the WebMoney system, they are also awarded an increased level of trust from the service.

Money withdrawal

You can withdraw funds from the WebMoney wallet in several ways:

  • Bank transfer. You can withdraw funds to the current account of any bank, and then send them to a bank card (transfer period 1-3 days, WebMoney commission - 0.8%, bank commission - 0%);
  • Postal transfer. The term of the operation is from 2 to 5 days, mail commission - 1.7%, WebMoney system collection - 0.8%;
  • Translation through the systems: CONTACT, Leader, Zolotaya Korona and ANELIK. WebMoney system commission - 0.8% and transfer system fee;
  • Withdrawing funds to a bank card of one of the organizations accredited by the WebMoney system. Bank commission - 0%, system fee - 1 + 0.8%.

In order to perform any of the listed operations, an R-wallet and a verified "WebMoney" -certificate (the status is not lower than formal) are required.

It is recommended to carefully study the rates in the region of your residence and currencies before making a transfer, since, for example, in the Republic of Belarus, the amount of commission fees depends on the status of the certificate.

How to withdraw money from WebMoney without a passport

If for some reason the owner of an account in the WebMoney system does not want or cannot receive a virtual document and the corresponding status, then you can withdraw funds to a bank card in the following way:

  • You will need a SIM card of the "Beeline" operator.
  • Register an electronic Qiwi wallet on it.
  • Enter Personal Area WebMoney and top up balance mobile operator Beeline for the amount that they intend to withdraw (including commission).
  • Next, go to the Qiwi wallet and deposit funds from the account mobile phone replenished in the previous step.
  • Confirm the operation by entering the code sent to mobile number phone.
  • After the receipt of money to the wallet, select the withdrawal function in the menu, then the name of the bank whose card you have, enter the details, the amount and send the transfer.

Now you know how to withdraw money from WebMoney without a passport. With regard to the time of completion of the transfer, all banking institutions work in different ways. Some users can receive funds on the card instantly, while others will have to wait several days.