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CAD application. CAD systems

In century modern technologies Designing buildings and structures, as well as much more, drove on the shoulders of automated systems. It appeared in a short time to create a full-fledged project, show the customer, quickly change something or add it to it. About such tools as CAD programs will be discussed in this article.

What is CAD?

The automated design system is nothing more than the domestic name CAD (Computer-Aided Design). Its essence is to increase the productivity of designers and engineers, as well as improved quality of their work. This is achieved due to several useful properties CAD programs:

  • the process of creating all documentation occurs in automatic mode;
  • the ability to use parallel design by multiple people;
  • early projects created are easy to use in new, connecting them in a short time;
  • there is no need to use layouts and tests;
  • reduces the percentage of errors and shortcomings.

Thus, put the design on perfectly new levelBy reducing labor costs and increasing productivity.

Review CAD program

There are many different software solutions on the market for various design branches. It is worth considering them in more detail.


This review would be incomplete without inclusion of this "Mastodont" CAD. AutoCAD has been on the market for more than 20 years and has long taken the position of the best CAD program. All that the designer needs is implemented in this software.

However, technologies and requirements are not in place, and very soon autoCAD capabilities It became lacking. It is suitable for medium and minor projects. But if you need to create a full-fledged huge project, it will be inconvenient to work with it.

Therefore, the AUTODESK developer has shown further and created Architectural Desktop. Her users are professional architects and specialists in the field With all its capabilities, this CAD program managed to keep the ease of use of AutoCAD.

Since the design covers a large number of industries for which the drawings and plans are needed, then Autodesk has created several highly specialized solutions. All developer products are paid and significantly expensive.


This is one of the CAD programs that are gaining popularity among designers. It has great opportunities. In particular, it provides a virtual model, with the help of which you can work up to the slightest parts, not only the internal structure, but also an appearance.

Also, the program can generate the entire necessary set of documents for registration.

Large architectural studios and bureau will like the project teamwork. Parallelization tasks significantly speeds up the creative process.


CAD program for creating drawings and projects. Specializes mostly on solutions for facade and metal structures. But latest versions Mainst buildings and complexes can also design.

Work occurs both in 2D mode and in three-dimensional space.

CAD programs for Linux

As you know, in the Linux environment, the most common programs possessing free licenses or at all open source code. In most cases, they are far behind the possibilities from paid products. wednesdays Windows. However, consider several decent CAD solutions capable of solving the tasks of designers.


Applies under free gNU license GPL. However, there is a version for both professionals, the price of which is about $ 33.

Scope of software product - 2D drawings, outline. In general, the system is suitable for creating small and not complex projects.

Open Cascade.

This product is already focused on creating full-fledged 3D projects. In addition, there are devices for quick exchange of documentation, visualization and joint development.

Cascade is distributed in free, there is open code. However, according to the license terms, if the user has made changes to the code, it must inform developers.


And this is already a paid solution for the Linux environment. A full-fledged system designed for professionals. It has great opportunities. In particular, the creation of a 3D model, visualization, calculations of the required volumes and masses, as well as much more.

CAD and "Android"

With such a development trend mobile devices It is not surprising that smartphones and tablets will soon replace their "big brothers". So now such complex and heavy tools as CAD means are available on mobile platforms. Then there will be a small review of CAD programs for Android.

AutoCAD 360.

This product has already been mentioned at the beginning of the article. The program developer is the same - Autodesk. The application is free, but there are also commercial versions of Pro and Pro Plus. This representative knows how to work with the files of a full-fledged PC version, that is, to create and edit them. The interface is simple and understood. True, there is one small limit - you can work with files less than 10 MB.


Not bad editor and viewer CAD. Free, simply and intuitively understood. It has an extensive list of tools, work with DWG files, and there is also raster mode.

Unfortunately, the development in the 3D environment is not yet finalized, but the application is where to grow. Like most programs, it has a Pro version for which about $ 20 needs to pay.


This application is not an editor, but a simple file viewer type DWG / DXF. Works pretty quickly. It will be a good solution for designers when you need to quickly show the work items of the project to the customer away from the computer.


Programs for design automation are available on all known platforms. Some are paid solutions, other open code. But all of them are united by one - the ability to create a full-fledged object of the object in a short time.

The global CAD market (software for design automation) is constantly evolving. Modern software packages Allow not only to quickly create an derived drawing, but also 3D models, as well as technical documentation for them. Such utilities are most often used in aggregate with automated analysis systems and calculations called CAE.

CAD market in the world and the CIS

Every year, sales of SAD software are increasing, this moment Such software uses at least 6 million people. The market began to be especially actively developing after the global economic crisis of 2009. According to forecasts at the end of 2017, SAD sales should reach $ 8.7 billion.

The popularity of CAD depends on the region in which these solutions are being implemented. The most dynamic software is sold in the states whose economy is on the rise. The rating of the most popular manufacturers of utilities for design automation is represented in diagram 1.

Diagram 1. The largest manufacturers of JPR research in 2014

Unlike other sectors engaged in the production of software, the CAD market is distinguished by a great openness for new players who can enjoy the opportunities provided and offer new technologies. Among the companies offering a large number of innovative solutions should be mentioned by Grabcad, Spaceclaim and Hexagon.
According to the geographical distribution, European states are occupied by the first place in the market, which is associated with the presence on the continent of enterprises operating in areas considered by the main consumers of CAD products:

  • Electronics and electrical engineering,
  • Machine and aircraft construction.

The development of the CAD market in the countries of the former USSR is difficult to analyze, because of all domestic manufacturers, only ASKON provides open access To information about their income. However, it is possible to say that in the CIS countries, the 2D design system is gradually crowded with 3D programs that allow not only to create volumetric models and documentation for them, but also to carry out the project life cycle management or product composition.

Most enterprises in the post-Soviet space abandoned unlicensed software, although the number of illegal users remains high enough. At the same time, financially, the annual growth of the CAD market is at least 20% in the last 10 years. These indicators are provided by high global oil prices and great interest in automation of mining and processing enterprises. Widely implement allowing to automate the work of the software and enterprises working in the field of mechanical engineering. The main CAD market in Russia today controls 5 key companies.

In connection with the appearance of a large number in recent years paid services in area technical supportprovided by vendor, as well as the complication of the functional utilities, it is planned that in the coming years, the growth of the service market is at least 5% ahead of the sale of new licenses.

Undoubtedly, due to the crisis, sales of CAD products decreased, especially if we are talking about popular universal systemsHowever, the brands offering the software more expensive price category did not feel significant sales reduction.

Review of the program inventor

This program is one of the oldest three-dimensional design systems. Its first of its versions appeared back in 1999, since then Autodesk has been released at least hundreds of updates, which turned Inventor to a peculiar standard in the market of domestic CAD.
The main advantages of this software are:

  • The presence of a parameter modeling function that allows you to set the characteristics to each of the model elements;
  • The flexibility under which the possibility of using different design methods is understood with sufficiently low requirements for the computer;
  • The ability to create models individually and inclusion in assembly;
  • The function with which you can create two-dimensional drawings for the created three-dimensional models.

A good overview of the interface and the possibilities of this program held our subscriber and a good friend Mikhail Azanov:

Those who want to quickly master the INVENTOR Autodesk functionality can also be recommended or downloaded free. Or visit our.

Overview of the SolidWorks program

This program uses simultaneously two design principles - the surface parametric and three-dimensional solid state, which allows the designer to work on creating three-dimensional parts and make up the assembly of three-dimensional electronic models.
With the help of the program, you can see the future product from different sides and evaluate not only it specifications, but also quality design.

The principle of software works has a lot in common with the collection of the "Lego" designer: the user collects a model from template blocks that can be easily added and deleted, as well as change their characteristics. The obtained three-dimensional models are placed in the voluminous virtual space help draw up the most accurate view of the object properties and closer computer model To the appearance of the future product without the need for macating.

A small overview of the basic principles of modeling in SolidWorks:

Program Overview Compass 3D

3D compass - unique software that allows you to implement ideas in 3D and create their documentation. With powerful functionality, the program provides simplicity and convenience of work. Reference system It is well known in the countries of Eastern Europe, because there is an extensive base of typical parametric libraries, which contain a large number of template models that make it possible to design details of mechanisms, machines, architectural forms and parts. Developers offered a flexible developed toolkit, excellent to the objectives of professionals, solving complex tasks for the construction of surfaces.

The program was created as a modular product that allows you to optimize budgetary costs and reduce the time for the embodiment of design and architectural designs. The user has the ability to create technological and design documentation in the form text documents and spreadsheets. In addition, the program is able to create instructions for production robots, which distinguishes it from competitors.

3D Compass Interface Overview from Vertex Studio:

You can get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe rules for working with software on our website in the section.

Best CAD in the CIS

What software best matches the interests of domestic designers? More positive feedback Gets Compass 3D, the main advantages of which are:

  • Relatively not high cost;
  • New software blocks;
  • Upgraded user interface;
  • Systematic software update;
  • Powerful design module for a variety of specifications.

The cost of the license compass 3D is from 1490 to 200,000 rubles, depending on the type of universal automated system and the sphere, in which it is planned to be applied, the buyer can choose electronic or boxer version. You can purchase a license, for example, here:

You can find out the exact cost of SolidWorks products only by contacting developers (request form -, but it is rumored at least 350,000 rubles, the price of Inventor is just as high.

So, the popularity of the 3D compass is easy to explain: the software has an affordable cost, the rules for working with it will simply master, and the rich collection of templates will satisfy the needs of even a large design center.

What do you think to account compass 3D? Write in the comments.

By the way, we finished work on creating a new bestseller -!

CAD systems (Computer-Aided Design - Computer Design Support) Designed to solve design tasks and design design documentation (they are more familiar to the automated design systems of the CAD). As a rule, modern CAD systems include modeling modules of three-dimensional bulk design (parts) and drawing up drawings and text design documentation (specifications, statements, etc.). Leading three-dimensional CAD systems allow you to realize the idea of \u200b\u200ba through cycle preparation and production of complex industrial products.

CAM systems (Computer-aided Manufacturing - Computer support for manufacturing) Designed for designing products on machines with numerical software control (CNC) and issuing programs for these machines (milling, drilling, erosion, breakdown, turning, grinding, etc.). CAM systems are also called technological preparation systems. Currently, they are almost the only way to manufacture complex parts and reducing the cycle of their production. The CAM systems use a three-dimensional part model created in the CAD system.

SAE-SYSTEMS. (Computer-Aided Engineering - Support for engineering calculations) are an extensive class of systems, each of which allows you to solve a certain calculation problem (group of tasks), ranging from calculations for strength, analysis and modeling of thermal processes to calculations of hydraulic systems and machines, calculations of casting processes . In CAE systems, a three-dimensional model of the product created in the CAD system is also used. CAE systems are also called engineering analysis systems.

General Classification CAD / CAM / CAE Systems

For almost 30 years of existence of CAD / CAM / CAE systems, their generally accepted international classification has developed:

- Drawing and oriented systems that appeared first in the 70s. (and successfully apply in some cases so far);

- systems that allow creating a three-dimensional electronic model of an object that makes it possible to solve the problems of its modeling up to the moment of manufacture;

- Systems supporting the concept of a complete electronic description of the object (EPD, Electronic Product Definition). EPD is a technology that ensures the development and support of electronic information model Throughout the life cycle of the product, including marketing, conceptual and working design, technological training, production, operation, repair and disposal. Due to the development of the EPD concept and there are grounds for converting autonomous CAD-, CAM and CAE systems to integrated CAD / CAM / CAE systems.

Traditionally, there is also a division of CAD / CAM / CAE systems on the system of the upper, middle and lower levels. It should be noted that this division is quite conditional, because Now there is a tendency to approximate the mid-level systems (according to various parameters) to systems top levelAnd the lower level systems are increasingly ceased to be simply two-dimensional drawing and oriented and become three-dimensional.

Currently, two types of solid-state geometric kernels are widely used in the market - Parasolid from UniGraphics Solutions and Acis from Spatial Technology.

Russian CAD

Compass 3D. (ASCon)

T-FLEX CAD 3D (Top Systems) - Parasolid

CAD "Sudarushka" - CAD / CAM / CAE system. It is the development of the hemos system (geometric modeling of the aircraft regiments) developed by the specialists of the Russian aviation industry in the OKB. A. S. Yakovlev in 1989-1994.

Adem. (Russia, Israel, Geomania) - CAD for design and technological preparation and CNC machines. The main product is an integrated CAD / CAM / CAPP ADEM VX system. The name is decrypted as "Automated Design, Calculation and Manufacture" (Automated Design, Engineering, Manufacturing); - ACIS

Winelso 7 - Designed for automation of work when designing the power supply of objects for all voltages of 3-phase, 1-phase variable and direct currents (Russian industrial company - an authorized application developer for Autodesk products (Autodesk Developer Network));

Expert SCS (Expert-Software, Moscow) - CAD for automation at all stages of design structured cable Systems, Volce, LAN, linear and main networks; EXPERTSOFT.RU.

There are also free CAD with open source.

CAD non-Russian manufacturers

Dassault Systèmes., France:

Catia. - CAD for the aerospace industry;

SolidWorks - Universal CAD for Mechanical Engineering, Parasolid.

MathCAD. (Mathsoft, now - Parametric Technology Corp.) - Mathematical modeling.

P-CAD. (Altium, Sydney, Australia) - CAD to design electronic devices.

PRO / ENGINEER Parametric Technology Corp.) is a universal CAD for mechanical engineering. Parasolid

SolidGe (UGS - Siemens PLM Software) - 2D / 3D CAD system.

Autodesk Inc.:

AutoCAD. - The most common CAPR is not Russian production. - - Autodesk Inventor - System of three-dimensional solid-state design for the development of complex machine-building products - ACIS

approximate cost Systems, rub

Separation on the levels conditionally, mainly depends on functionality And, therefore, it is determined by the price for the workplace.

Low level systems to CAD do not have any relationship. it graphic editorDesigned to automate engineering and graphic work, together with the computer and the monitor represent the "electronic culman", that is, a good tool for performing design documentation. These systems are called two-dimensional.

The general name of the first and second level systems is three-dimensional systems. Designing occurs at the level of solid-state models with the involvement of powerful design and technological libraries, using a modern mathematical apparatus for the necessary calculations. These systems allow you to imitate moving in the space of working bodies of the product (for example, robot manipulators) through the animation. They track the trajectory of the tool movement when developing and controlling technological process Making a designed product. Such systems are called CAD / ASTPP (automated design systems / Automated systems Technological preparation of production), in other words, through CAD / CAM / CAE).

CAD / CAM / CAE systems allow you to logically link all information about the product on the scale of a whole enterprise, ensure quick processing and access to users working in heterogeneous systems.

Created system The model is based on data integration and is a complete electronic product description, where the design, technological, production and other product database is present. This provides a significant improvement in quality, cost reduction and reducing the development time of the product to the market.

For the design of power supply systems (SE), the use of CAD from other industries, but the specific features of power supply systems as complex technical Systems require several other approach in design.

Existing systems SE designs using computing equipment are focused mainly to automate individual procedures or stages of the design process. Experience shows that it is easier and more efficient to train specialists in power supply to one new discipline - hardware and software Computer equipment and CAD, than CAD and software developers and software to master many electrical disciplines, which are given to electromechanics engineers. When studying the discipline "CAD power supply" means knowledge of the courses of electrical disciplines, as well as the ability to work with computer at the user level.

Today, to achieve success in the market, the industrial enterprise is forced to work on a reduction in the production period, a decrease in its cost and improve quality. The rapid development of computer and information technologies He led to the appearance of CAD / CAM / CAE systems, which are the most productive tools to solve these tasks.

Under CAD systems (Computer-Aided Design - Computer Design Support) Understand softwarewhich automates engineer's engineer work and allows us to solve the tasks of designing products and design of technical documentation with the help of a personal computer.

Computer-aided Manufacturing - Computer-Aid Manufacturer) Automate the calculations of the trajectory of moving tool for processing on CNC machines and provide the issuance of control programs using a computer.

COMPUTER-AIDED ENGINEERING - Computer support for engineering calculations) are designed to solve various engineering tasks, for example, for the calculations of structural strength, the analysis of thermal processes, calculations of hydraulic systems and mechanisms.

The development of CAD / CAM / CAE systems has been continuing for several decades. During this time, some separation occurred, or, more precisely, the "ranking" of the SIS to the levels. There are systems of the upper, middle and lower levels. Upper level systems have a huge set of functions and opportunities, but it is harder to work with them. Lower level systems have quite limited functions, but very simple in learning. The mid-level system is the Golden Middle. They provide a user sufficient to solve most tasks tools, are not difficult to study and work.

Windows, Linux official website CAD - Systems (CAD) 1

gCAD3D - free CAD program. Supports work with formats files: STEP, IGES, VRML, DXF, SVG. With the help of the program you can view designed objects in 3D. The program supports plugins that expand its functionality.

QCAD Community Edition

Official website 10 April 2017 GNU General Public License - License for personal and commercial use CAD - Systems (CAD) 10

QCAD Community Edition is free program, the main purpose of which is the creation of complex two-dimensional architectural plans and machine-building drawings. This utility The collection of parts includes more than 4,700 parts for CAD. The lack of development is the lack of support for DWG files, it works exclusively with DXF format. The application allows you to use such elements as: arcs, ellipses, circles, points, straight, broken and others. QCAD provides the user with all the necessary functionality to change and build plans. Also, the kit goes 35 fonts for CAD. To control the process of drawing is provided command linelocated under the main window. The program is capable of typing on a scale, which benefits it to the background of free analogs. The utility can boast intuitively understandable interface and low system requirements.


Windows Official website 04 February 2016 Free by - License for personal and commercial use CAD - Systems (CAD) 2

A9Tech is a free analogue of AutoCAD. Supports A9Tech file formats. Using standard items, the program allows you to create drawings. To simplify the work, the application supports several layers.

Nanocad Free.

Windows Official Site 06 February 2016 Free for home - license for personal use only (at no commercial purposes) CAD - Systems (CAD) 15

nanocad Free is a free analogue of the baseline auto channel. Fully supports DWG file format. It has vertical applications designed for specialized spheres. For getting free version Registration is required.


Windows, Linux, Mac OS X Official site 04 February 2016 GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - License for personal and commercial use More ...