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The most unpopular social networks. Volunteers, help

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Designed originally as mobile app for smartphones, on this moment this utility has become one of the largest social networks, the number of users of which has already exceeded 100 million. Resource settings help to filter images by specified parameters and accompany them with short captions. Now, with the help of this site, they not only get acquainted and upload photos, but also earn money by creating online stores and banks of paid images.

We present to you a site designed for young and mobile, interested in contemporary music and cinema and who want to find new friends. The resource registration conditions prohibit users who are under 18 years of age from entering the system. There are no other restrictions. So come in, meet, download music and films, create groups, post news and share life hacks with 200 million Internet users who have chosen this portal as a platform for virtual meetings.

A social network without any claims to uniqueness, made on the principle of similar resources with all the accompanying services: adding photos, posting videos, downloading music, creating author blogs and uniting into communities. The news feed is dominated by non-political news, and the game catalog contains a good selection of Internet toys available online. From the attractive we note the simple functionality, from the minuses - the haphazardness in the placement of news messages.

Free all-Ukrainian student network, where, along with services that allow students from different schools to communicate, there are functions for posting school timetables and grading. Parents, by visiting their son's or daughter's page, can find out how the teachers evaluated the knowledge of their child this week, and teachers have the opportunity to distantly upload homework assignments. The functionality of the resource also provides for communication at the level of school collectives.

A thematic resource for travelers. Its services allow you to mark your location on the map, communicate with other tourists and evaluate the work of restaurants, hotels, shops and entertainment places you have visited around the world. The authors of the resource attract new visitors with the opportunity to get access to short tips from local people that will help them navigate in a foreign city, choose a good and inexpensive hotel, cafe and nightclub.


The portal for fishermen, which we invite you to visit, contains information that will be of interest to lovers of quiet hunting. By registering on the site, you will become part of a community of Internet users who cannot imagine their life without a fishing rod. Here you can boast of your own catch by posting a photo report about it, learn about the best baits, get advice from experienced fishing enthusiasts, read an angler's encyclopedia and ask about the bite forecast in your village.

Do you have a dog and want to get training tips from professional dog handlers and interact with animal lovers like you? A social network of dog breeders will come to your aid, where the maximum full information about our four-legged friends, including a list of nicknames, a schedule of exhibitions, descriptions of breeds, rating of record holders and addresses of kennels. On the stock exchange, puppies can be acquired with a cute little barking, and in the "video" section you can upload videos about his first successes.

It is a combination of a social network and a dating site. Therefore, in addition to the usual services for posting photos and videos, games and creating groups, here you can take a compatibility test and start your own diary, giving access to it only to a select few, vote for best couple and get into the rating of the duos that received the most votes. The concept of a group on this site has been replaced by the name "club", and the rest of the functionality is similar to other portals of a similar format.

Here is a portal that combines the features of a social network and a dating site. In addition to the usual functions of finding new friends, online games, sharing music and videos, there are unique services that distinguish it from other portals. Firstly, duels are arranged here - virtual discussions of two opponents on a given topic, in which anyone can take part. Secondly, here you can take part in a club meeting. And third, you can go on a blind date.

One of the largest Russian-speaking social networks, the number of registered users of which currently exceeds 200 million. Along with the traditional services for finding people, games and posting audio and video files, there are many more functions available, including transferring money between users, broadcasting live broadcasts within a group, as well as a mobile messenger application and many options with which you can promote your group and make money online.

In fact, this project arose as a result of the symbiosis of two formats - a dating site and a social network. Hence the selection of resource services, which are designed so that users can communicate and find new friends. A youth audience under the age of 35, generously sharing their photos, are the main visitors of this Internet site. The portal's services allow you to spend time playing online games, share posts with friends and rate photos of other users.

This resource is a platform for communication between people with an active lifestyle. Here the most pressing issues are raised and discussed current topics... In other words, this portal is designed for those who are interested in politics in all its manifestations. Those who take their first steps on this path will be able to learn from more experienced colleagues, and for those who already have their own experience, the site will help expand the ranks of their associates by attracting new like-minded people.

This site claims to be a conductor in the world of information and a platform for communicating with people who have similar interests with you. Here you can watch movies, play online games and applications, download videos from torrent trackers to your personal page, participate in discussions and share your impressions. The portal provides an opportunity to create your own resource using the website builder, optimize it in search engines, increase traffic and learn how to make money on it.


A youth network with over two million registered visitors. Here, for communication, it is not necessary to register under your real name and surname, as well as upload real photos. According to the authors of the resource, such concessions make the portal more comfortable to use and distinguish it for the better from other similar services. Otherwise, the functionality of the site is traditional: communication in groups, posting photos, searching for people, creating author blogs and online games.

This portal was created for those who monitor their health and want to know more about how to maintain it. The "Medical Encyclopedia" contains definitions of medical terms and diseases, in the heading "Traditional Medicine" - the advice of our grandmothers on the treatment of many diseases and strengthening the immune system, and in the section "Psychology" - materials that help to understand the relationship between the sexes and the relationship between parents and children ... Register, chat, exchange opinions and photos.


One of the largest professional social networks with over 10 million members. By registering here, the user gets access to the service for finding a job abroad, and also expands the circle of his acquaintances, with whom he finds himself in the same professional field. An important bonus received by network users is the opportunity to exchange experience, meet new companies and employers, and maintain a personal blog, creating a reputation for themselves as an expert.

This resource was created exclusively for schoolchildren and, according to its developers, is a virtual educational assistant and a place where children are looking for new peer friends, expanding their circle of communication. Teenagers can unite in groups whose topics cover all spheres of a modern student's life - from studying to watching films. The site regularly holds contests among its subscribers, and the games section contains single and multiplayer Internet toys loved by teenagers.

The purpose of creating this resource was to unite Russian-speaking people living in different parts of the world, and to help restore lost ties with relatives, classmates and friends. Subsequently, this direction ceased to be the main one, as a result of which a small portal turned out, which became a platform for communication between residents of the regions of Russia and Ukraine. The functionality of the site does not differ in variety: it is possible to add a photo, search for a person, correspond and post ads.

Here is the world of computer gamers, where they get acquainted with reviews and previews of cyber games, the latest news from game software developers and share their secrets of success. Fans of comics and blockbusters will also find something to “profit from” here, since a separate section of the portal is devoted to this topic, where reviews, videos and reviews are posted. For the rest, it is the same social network as others, with the need to register and the ability to communicate with their own kind.

According to Wikipedia, today it is the most popular communication network in Russia and Ukraine, ranking fourth in the world in terms of the number of users. Initially positioning itself as a platform for schoolchildren and students, later this resource changed its format, expanding the age range, but a young audience still predominates among its visitors. The service's functions are traditional: publishing photos and creating albums, adding video and audio, and communicating through posts.

Choose a platform for communication. The list is compiled according to the principle of a catalog, where next to each site there is information on its main topic. You can choose a resource that helps you find friends, allows you to create groups, play games together, establish business contacts, buy, sell or exchange things, cars and real estate, prepare for the appearance of a baby in the family, get advice on raising and developing a child. A small note: here are collected social networks from all over the world.

Looking for a platform for communication, but find it difficult to choose the right one? Yandex has created a catalog of the most popular social networks to help you. More than 100 sites presented in it cover different spheres of life and will help you find a resource that suits your interests: with an extensive film library, a wide selection of games, a large music store. There are portals where schoolchildren communicate, businessmen discuss, and needlewomen share their experience.

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This site contains the most famous and popular social networks. Whatever your hobbies, here you will find portals that match your interests and allow you to chat with friends, share experiences and upload photos, take language practice, communicating with foreigners, create your own group, find former classmates, find out the latest news about the latest events in the country and the world, etc. In the new products section, you can get acquainted with the social portals that have recently appeared on the world wide web.

Here is a directory of social networks, compiled to make it easier to find a platform for communication. The authors of the resource have grouped sites by subject: business, health, dating, art, hobbies, travel and tourism, sports, etc., thereby significantly simplifying the choice of a suitable site. In the TOP-10 of the catalog you will find the best resources that have received the highest rating from users, and in the section "Articles Rubricator" - materials telling how, using social networks, to learn how to get a stable income.

Scientists did not stay away from the now fashionable trend to create thematic social networks and have developed their own platform for communication, where you can find like-minded people, learn about the latest news scientific conferences and symposia, as well as get acquainted with the plan of the upcoming events. Those who need a job will certainly be interested in the "Vacancies" section, and those who need funding for their research and development will find it useful to visit the "Grants" section.

Russian social network for Russian-speaking people both in Russia and abroad. This is the place where you can make new acquaintances and meet new friends, download songs and upload your tracks, keep an author's blog and get acquainted with the latest records of the user music chart. The portal is designed for those who love music not only to listen, but also to write. Therefore, music news regularly appears here, and it is possible to create a page for your own music group.

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This site is positioned as a national social network. Created on the basis of the portal, it is a good platform for communication of the Russian-speaking audience, whose age ranges from 20 to 50 years. Here you can search for classmates, classmates and former colleagues at work, view and add new photos and videos, read blogs, answer questions, leave entries in the guest book. At your service - user-friendly interface, set of games and news feed.

Here is an attempt by Belarusian programmers to create a national social network. How successful it was, judge for yourself. We will note that start page looks more like a news site where the official point of view on events taking place in the country and the world is posted. The resource developers also chose quite unusual way registration via QR-code, although you can use the traditional method by clicking on the link "Our chat" and going through the usual procedure for creating a personal account.

Here you can find user reviews about literally everything, from purchased and tested household items to the places of rest, which you had to visit. The authors of the resource urge site visitors to exchange useful information, thereby helping each other. Members of the network not only describe experiences and give ratings, but also write what problems you may encounter when buying or traveling, and give advice on how to avoid them.

Lovely ladies have made an attempt to create their own social network, the results of which you can evaluate by visiting this site. The participants who registered here can find new friends and suggest their topics for discussion, start a diary and found their own group, inviting like-minded people to it, upload articles of their own writing, take part in competitions. The topics of the portal materials are selected taking into account women's interests: beauty, cooking, handicrafts, children, travel, etc.

Anyone can join this book lovers club. What does registration on this resource give? First, expanding your circle of friends at the expense of book lovers who share your interests. Secondly, you will be the first to know about new works appearing on the shelves of bookstores and in virtual libraries. Third, you will have the opportunity to meet authors, read reviews from professional critics, and even have your own blog where you can show off your literary talents.

Do you want to get rid of loneliness and find your partner or friends with whom it would be always interesting and fun? Then go to this resource and expand your social circle. All you need is to know English and register. After that, you will have access to services for sharing music, uploading photos, posting ads, creating a personal blog and a thematic forum. As for the rest, we have before us an ordinary social network, where users unite into groups, exchange posts and comments.

What can you say about this portal? Among its visitors are adolescents and young people under the age of 25, united by common interests. Accordingly, the services are selected taking into account this category of users. Search for music, the presence of an IM-client with a video chat function, and a lot of information demanded by teenagers. It only remains to add: knowledge is indispensable here of English language, since the network is designed for an English-speaking audience and does not have a Russian-language version.

This is a three-dimensional virtual world with elements of a social network. Account holders have the opportunity to choose an avatar from the "People" and "Vampires" categories, independently create their own virtual character, goods and art objects, and build architectural structures. The services of the site allow you to chat online. In other words, the authors of the resource created in the virtual world for real people a second life, where their abilities are limited only by their own imagination and software capabilities.

What, in addition to finding old and new friends, does this portal attract users? First, by the presence in its archives of a solid collection of abstracts. Secondly, the opportunity to test your strength by passing the online tests of the exam and the GIA. Third, the presence cloud storagewhere you can upload files to storage. And fourth, the distribution of the messenger for computers and phones. In other words, it is a resource designed for young learners who want to combine interesting with useful.

It is a social network that positions itself as entertainment portalserving as a platform for communication, an online store and the blogosphere. By registering on the site, you can take part in the discussion of any of the existing topics or propose a new one. To make it easier for network members to connect, all topics are combined into groups, among which you will find “Home and Interior”, “Cosmetics”, “Recreation and Tourism”, “Movies”, etc. Photo and video display services are attached.

A social network created on the basis of the famous portal and designed to find old and new acquaintances. Like most similar services, this one has the functions of downloading movies, videos, music, books, games, photos and wallpapers. The network community unites in interest groups, in which they exchange opinions, life hacks and the latest news from their area of \u200b\u200binterest. Here you can listen to the radio online, set up a personal organizer, send a postcard to a friend and fish out an interesting recipe.

An online community of creative people: artists, musicians, writers and photographers. Here you can get acquainted with young authors and their works. If you yourself belong to a cohort of creators, then you have the opportunity to submit your work for general discussion and even raise funds for its publication. For this purpose, a section "Crowdfunding" has been created on the resource, where everyone can contribute to the release of a music album, print a book or shoot a film.\u003dru

This is a portal for moms who are ready to share their own parenting experience. Here, like any other social network, there are interest groups, a news feed and a people search service. Due to its specificity, the site also has distinctive features. For example, it contains a directory of maternity hospitals, schools and kindergartens, a recipe section, a face and body care heading, as well as a pregnancy calendar and a list of names that can be used to name a baby.

According to the authors this service, is a network multimedia portal that hosts community services and reality shows designed for an Internet audience. The theme of the portal is style and beauty. Therefore, users of the thematic network are young people who are interested in last news from the catwalks, publications of famous couturiers with comments on new trends in the fashion world. There are communities of interest and services for posting videos, music and photos.

By creating this resource, its authors wanted to unite politicians, party leaders, journalists, experts and ordinary citizens who are not indifferent to the fate of the state within one Internet community. For some, this site can become a launching pad for big politics, for someone it will open their eyes to events in domestic politics, and someone will simply make new acquaintances and listen to the opinion of others about trends in foreign and domestic policy. Everyone will find their own.

Social network is a site with which you can communicate with other users of the resource. On such Internet sites, you can publish and view the information of other registered participants: music, photos and videos, documents, articles, write comments.

The growing popularity of such portals prompts to use them not only for personal purposes. Promotion and support of companies, sale of goods, services are the goals of strategies in social marketing (SMM). The key to success is choosing the right network from the many available. Otherwise, the time spent on searching target audience will be useless. What social networks exist on the Internet, how do they differ from each other and how have they gained popularity among their users? Let's consider in more detail.

Social media history

The first prototype of the service for communication was described back in 1837 in a science fiction novel by Vladimir Odoevsky. The theory and principles of creation are outlined in the works of mathematicians of the 1950-1960s. In 1954, the term itself appears. Social networks got real embodiment with the widespread development of the Internet.

The first similarity was the resource in 1995, where students and students from different educational institutions could be found. More familiar now look and functions appeared in the project in 1997. Registration, creation personal profile, finding friends, communicating with them - innovative opportunities for that time.

Social networks, which are now familiar, began to appear en masse since 2003. LinkedIn and Facebook go live. Since 2006, Odnoklassniki and VKontakte have been created in Russia. Since then, the number of resources has been constantly increasing, they have new functions that are not only convenient for users for entertainment and communication, but also for doing business.

What are the social networks on the Internet

By functionality and capabilities for users, you can segment what kind of social networks are. To classify by content type, the following types of social networks can be distinguished:


There are a lot of options for what to do on the resources for communication, but the main thing can be distinguished. Services allow:

  • Communicate - with colleagues, friends, like-minded people and a lot of people who are interesting by one criterion or another. You can join interest groups, get acquainted for specific purposes, share personal information with all or selected visitors to the resource.
  • Search - people (by certain parameters, for example, educational institutions, places of work, city of residence), companies and goods that are offered for sale through communication sites.
  • To share news - the media and news agencies have their own pages. Information about events can be added by all participants.
  • Relaxation - this is facilitated by the mass of various content, paid or free of charge, posted on the portal: films, games, music.
  • Learn - educational programs, lessons, materials and advice from others provide useful information in different areas of life. Learn to cook, master the grammatical subtleties of another language, attend master classes on making useful items with your own hands, hone your skills in technique or computer programs - all this is found in abundance.
  • Store files, share them.
  • Find a job or an employee - professional networks are created to exchange experience, develop business ties, and search for vacancies with employers.
  • Share documents - working on one task has never been easier! Borders, time differences, other factors are leveled general access, the ability to comment and edit materials.

Reasons for popularity

The huge interest in communication sites that has been observed in recent years is understandable. Among the main reasons:

Regardless of what kind of social networks there are, users are increasingly aware of the hidden threats from their use. And it's not just about dependence on a computer or other gadget, although the time spent is valuable. Much worse, and sometimes even more dangerous, is the fact that personal life circumstances become known to a wide range of people. The intentions of the latter are not always honest. Here are just a few examples:

  • Household thieves can find out the time of a long absence of the owners of an apartment or house from bright photos from their vacation.
  • For kidnapping a child, information about the parents will play into the hands, which will convince the child to believe that the person really knows mom or dad.
  • It is easier to choose a potential victim by making sure of the material viability of a person according to information from open sources.
  • Groups for teenagers are being created that encourage suicide.

It is becoming a common practice when, before hiring, HR employees look through the pages of a potential candidate, wanting to learn more about him, habits and social circle. Candid photos, aggressive posts, support for extremism, and other moments can play a negative role in both employment and career.

Personal data leaks, audience manipulation, and account hacking with subsequent use are increasingly common. And even the giants in this area are not immune from such troubles. All this makes you think about what to publish on resources and who to give access to viewing, teaches you to observe minimum requirements online caution.

Trends and prospects

A 2017 report from We Are Social and Hootsuite shows strong growth in social media users. With a total population of about 7.5 billion people, over 3 billion are registered in certain applications. 1 million new registrations occur every day. Moreover, the number of visits to sites from mobile devices - almost 90% of visitors use smartphones and tablets, not desktop computers.

At the same time, if a couple of years ago it was possible to quickly find out news and events from the life of real people on the platforms for communication, now the situation is radically changing. More and more advertisements, posts about cats, motivators and other general information... And this is no longer such a close, close and familiar social circle. The level of trust decreases, which means that it becomes more difficult to sell something.

There are new and new startups that, although they will not move Facebook from the leadership position in the near future, will attract part of the audience. It is required to plan a marketing campaign more carefully and with a preliminary analysis of the selected resource, product and target audience.

Forecasts boil down to the fact that active growth will slow down and the boom of social networks will subside. You shouldn't give up the usual web portal in favor of just a page on Facebook, VK or another network. The usual Internet and sites will remain on a par with social networks.

What are the most popular social networks

Dozens of services work. Some of them - are loved in several countries or even around the world, others - unite citizens of one country and are not widely spread outside its borders. An overview of what social networks are and a list of popular world services is offered below.


The unconditional first place is provided by over 2.2 billion accounts in the world. Facebook has been operating since 2004, created by Mark Zuckerberg. Simple and free service communication, which allows:

  • Register your own page where photos and other materials are posted.
  • Find other users, add them as friends, find out their news.
  • Share information from the network or from other participants, upload videos and photographs.
  • Create groups (open or closed).
  • Get news.
  • Comment and rate publications.

Facebook Inc. (service owner) is constantly expanding its capabilities. Hyperlocal advertising (within a certain radius from the advertiser), Snapchat (disappearing stories), GIF animation for commenting, saving interesting materials, messenger and other functions confidently keep users interested.


Google's You Tube video hosting is the most popular video network in the world. It is also considered a social network, as it allows users to register, communicate, share their videos. Here you can find information for all tastes from entertainment to training courses. Founded in February 2005 in the USA. At the beginning of 2018, it has over 1.5 billion active users, and the result of several million views of popular videos is quite achievable.

Key features:

  • Upload your videos for viewing.
  • Maintained different formats: panoramas, HD, Full HD, MPEG-4 AVC and others.
  • Edit video from the browser using editor programs (add titles, audio tracks, images, transitions).
  • Comment, rate other people's videos or comments.
  • Create group chats.
  • Maintain a video channel.

The company tries to control the content of the resource, periodically removing videos that violate copyright, are recognized as extremist. In some countries, the resource is blocked for publishing materials objectionable to the authorities.


Mobile messenger for over 1.2 billion people. Created by WhatsApp in 2009, since 2014 - owned by Facebook Inc. It is considered a social network for its functions:

  • Correspondence between participants.
  • Creation of groups, communication in the group chat mode.
  • Share videos, music and other content.
  • Ability to assign statuses to an account.

These capabilities allow WhatsApp to be classified as a social network, with one feature - it works on the basis of a phone book. For communication you need phone number interlocutor. It limits this, or vice versa, allows you to maintain privacy - there are different opinions. One of the advantages is that a large number of versions have been developed that support different operating systems, including Symbian (which is a rarity).


Application for different operating systems for posting pictures and short videos (up to 60 seconds), viewing materials from other participants, with the ability to rate and comment. Since its launch in 2010, Instagram has attracted more than 1.1 billion registered members. In 2012, Facebook Inc. was acquired. Popular features:

  • Blogging.
  • Photo processing - effects, frames, special modes shooting, collages.
  • Creation of your profile and publications feed.
  • View friends, rate and comment on their publications.
  • Cross-posting is the simultaneous posting of material on several social networks.
  • Search for the necessary information by hashtags (special marks).

Instagram - is especially popular among young people under the age of 25 and is actively developing. This network is one of the most promising for business, product promotion, brand promotion and services.


The leader among Chinese services is WeChat, a micropost application. Given the ban in the country of world favorites Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, Chinese users communicate with their developments. WeChat is not just an app, there are many more options. Basic:

  • Personal communication, video calls, voice messages.
  • Group chats for up to 500 people.
  • Blogs, reviews, reviews, "Moments".
  • Paying bills and shopping.
  • Dating (including geographic search).
  • Photo editing, text translation.
  • One account for different devices at the same time.

And although there are a number of restrictions (for example, one publication per day), the application is relatively new (it has been operating since 2011), the number of accounts is approaching a billion. WeChat is promoted outside of China (Russia, India and other countries).


Chinese social network with opportunities: blogging, watching videos, listening to music, chatting, shopping. Basic options are free, additional options are available with a premium subscription. Since its foundation (2005) it has attracted 600 million participants. Available in English and Chinese.

Sina Weibo

A Chinese version of microblogging, similar in general to Facebook and Twitter. Since its inception (2009) it has attracted the attention of over 500 million users. Development is held back by the support of English and chinese languages, the state censorship of the country. Has a convenient tree-like structure of comments, an online shopping service, a premium profile with advanced functionality. On the network, you can communicate, get acquainted, upload and view photos, search for interesting information and follow the news.


Google's own development. The principle of operation is based on the concept of circles. The user creates them himself, regulating who and what information will be available. Key features: photo, video, link sharing, games, group chats, mobile support, video conferencing. Launched in 2011, more than 135 million users. The profile is associated with email from Google and affects search results. The service is considered one of the most promising, and the number of accounts is expected to grow steadily in the coming years.


A network for professionals. More than 500 million users from 200 countries communicate on its pages. The main focus is not on entertainment, humor, news and other content familiar to other services, but a resume, portfolio, a list of skills (with confirmation from real people), vacancies. Asking colleagues for advice, discussing professional issues, looking for a job or employees, getting recommendations are LinkedIn's tasks. The project was launched in 2003, in 2016 it was acquired by Microsoft.


He started working in the USA in 2006. Features: blogging in short messages (maximum 280 characters). An interesting option is "Moments" (stories with development). You can learn about high-profile, popular news without subscribing to other users. People known in various fields from show business to sports conduct their microblogs on Twitter. The total number of accounts exceeds 330 million.

What social networks are there in Russia

In Russia, the popularity of online communication services does not lag behind world indicators. Only there are favorites - Russian Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki. Anyone who promotes their products or brand through SMM is a must to know their leaders in this industry.

The rating of all social networks in Russia is assessed as part of the traffic generated by this service on the Runet. The assessment is based on the results of research in 2018 by the largest Russian statistical data collection services on the network: Yandex.Metrica, SpyLog / Openstat, LiveInternet, Hotlog, Рейтинг

These services are leading in terms of the activity of Russians. Let us briefly dwell on two main national developments.

In contact with

Russian network, created in 2006. Belongs to Mail.Ru Group. Supports over 90 languages, over 460 million registered users. The most popular among Russian-speaking users - the leader of all social networks in Russia in terms of use. Opportunities:

  • Creating your own page.
  • Correspondence with other project participants.
  • Sending pictures, audio and video recordings.
  • Collaborative online games.

This resource is most often chosen for online stores and sales. This is facilitated by a wide range of opportunities and a large Russian-speaking audience.


Another successful development of Mail.Ru Group. Ranked third in popularity in Russia with over 330 million members. The project is available in 14 languages, has been operating since 2006. Key features:

  • Own page for publishing information.
  • Communication by messages or video calls.
  • Search for people by different parameters.
  • Payment for goods, money transfers.
  • Additional paid options (invisibility, blacklist ...).

The Odnoklassniki project works in both full and mobile versions, which is convenient, saves network traffic and time to load the page.

List of social networks

An unambiguous answer to the question "which social networks are better?" not. Each of them has a number of advantages and is popular in a particular environment. Country, age, circle of interests pay attention to preferences. We have decided on the main services, but the choice is much wider. Below is a list that includes the most popular projects.
Social networks the world:

  • For communication: Facebook, VKontakte, Mirtesen, Pinterest, Moi [email protected], Odnoklassniki,, Pikabu, ASKfm, Cloob, Instagram, Google+, Myspace, RetroShare, Vine.
  • Thematic: Promise Bank, Diary, NaStene, Habbo, Jeep-er Club, AutoPCL Autoclub, NumPlate,, Olvet Community Network, MyAnimeList, Untappd, CHIF.SU, Wakoopa, All-Union,, ,, Generations,, Mom's page, MommyBuzz, BabyBlog, Badoo, Mamba, LovePlanet,, Violetta, MegaMixGroup, Sociale by Vampir4ik,, Goodreads, Oplace,, We place , DRUZHNO.COM, Peers, Lemberg, Limpa, Badoo, LibertySpace,,, Krabitsa, Love Me Tender, Vpiski.Net,,,, Politiko, In the Army, Classmates, Smeshariki, My, KSODIS, TOP Podnoklassniki,, Car2gether,,, Geoid, Naarende, IT-Specialists, Habrahabr, Abyrvalg.NET, BookHook,, Foursquare, Schoolmen ...
  • Professional: Doctor at work, My Circle, Professionals, E-xecutive, Mendeley, iVrach, LinkedIn, Viadeo,, Voiceland,, My Business Card, ResearchGate ,.
  • For blogs: Instagram, Fixfeel, Twitter,, RuTvit, Toodoo, Blogosphere, LiveJournal, Live Journal,
  • Asian: Tencent Qzone, Sina Weibo, QQ, Renren, Pengyou, WeChat, Douban.

Find like-minded people, meet love, consult, learn something new and just chat - everything is possible on social networks. And what are the most popular you now know.

A couple of decades ago, the concept of a social network had a completely different meaning than it does now, and a wired telephone against the background of paper letters, telegrams and postcards looked like a technical revolution. Now everything is different. Today, the difference between today's 40-year-old parents and 60-year-old grandparents on the one hand, and their children and grandchildren on the other, is greater than between early Europeans and their ancestors three centuries later. Literally every year brings technical innovationsthat make humanity change and go through life even faster. The wide and constant growth of their influence is evidence of this.

Modern social networks

Not so long ago, humanity got acquainted with social networks on the Internet. Technically, it is an interactive website that allows large numbers of users to use it. Such a site exists to create, reproduce and integrate social interactions on the world wide web. The users include both individuals and communities associated with common hobbies, representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, large organizations. These groups also include thematic forums, especially specialized ones, which have been rapidly developing in recent years.

Usually, the space of the site makes it possible to indicate data about yourself (year of birth, general education and higher educational institutions, favorite activities, etc.), by which the other participants can find the author's account. Social networks are divided into open and closed. One of the typical features of such services is the system of "friends" and "groups".

The massive development of new Internet areas began in the mid-90s, when popular social projects appeared, first abroad, and then in Russia. But the official beginning of this upsurge is considered to be the beginning of the XXI century, when several popular social services appeared at once.

Now the latest social networks are very popular among modern users. The only problem is how to find a platform for your interests, to find a really interesting place for virtual communication. Sometimes the Internet makes it possible to replace live dialogue with electronic one.

Microblogging service

Twitter is a new generation social network that quickly became famous. It is a slightly unusual "social network" that allows you to send short text messages and photographs. All data on the user page is open for others to view.

  1. The speed of information exchange between subscribers is much faster than in other social networks.
  2. All published data is available to users who have their own Twitter account.
  3. You can write a so-called "tweet" in just one click. This speed is appreciated by users. It is not necessary to print posts for a long time.
  4. It's fashionable to be a member of this network these days. Therefore, many work with it even when there is no real need.

To work with a social network, a user must first go through the registration process. It happens quickly. It is enough to enter the phone number, email address, desired nickname and password. Then you can start writing posts. The text can be supplemented with pictures and photos, videos and polls, links, hashtags, and so on.

Icebergs - social network type organizer

Icebergs is a popular social network created in recent years. The site was developed by A. Prett. He chose the easiest way - he just pulled together the capabilities of the Internet that many people use today. Thus, a new social network called Icebergs was born.

Here you can read books, post posts, play, create groups, chat, or just watch videos and type messages. In fact, Icebergs is a huge organizer of all the user's images, notes, texts and other materials. But the author went further than one could imagine - he put everything together, combining it with a social network interface.

Bookish - a community for book lovers and writers

Other up-to-date social networks such as can become very useful and useful. The site is focused specifically on working with books. Here you can not only exchange opinions about different works or communicate with other book lovers, but also read and purchase goods. There is also a news feed where interviews with writers and publishers are published. Therefore, for a writer or poet, such a social network will also be interesting from a professional point of view. In it, authors will be able to work on promoting their works.

In addition, Bookish will introduce new authors and works of many genres. True, today there are not many registered users on this service. But the number active pages growing rapidly. There are especially many creative people on the social network.

Hey - analogue of "Facebook"

Hey.Im has become another social network of modern times. The network is designed to search for like-minded people by interests. In Russia, the service is not yet very popular, Hey.Im often replaces Facebook. The latter makes it possible to find a friend at his address, as well as look at his profile, where interests, favorite films, music, and so on are indicated.

Experts say Hey.Im is still going to be popular. The service is focused on finding friends and chatting. The design is minimalistic, many of the features that are usually found on social media are missing.

Ask fm - service of questions and answers

The social network is not quite a standard social network. It is a question and answer network that started seven years ago. The site was developed in Latvia. After registration, the participant uploads his profile. You can use both your real name and your nickname. On the social network, you can ask questions to other users and answer those that were asked to you. is linked to other social networks that have facilitated the rapid spread of this website.

The service has become a very famous newest social network in our country and in a number of other states. The number of users has reached several tens of millions of people in a relatively short period of time. The popularity of the site is given by its focus, ease of management and the ability to easily find the information you need.

Family leaf - communication service for parents

The newest social network is aimed at users who are looking for an opportunity to get information and communicate about family values \u200b\u200bor parenting. In principle, the site can be considered specialized, pedagogical. In this respect, family leaf occupies an important area that is always of interest. Therefore, the growth in popularity of the social network is inevitable in the near future.

In Russia, this newest social network is not yet very well known, there are very few Russian-language pages, those interested can be sent for registration only to their English-language counterparts. Although positive changes in the development of the social network are obvious. It can be seen that these topics are not alien to Russians. Many parents are interested in learning about the methods of raising children and adolescents abroad. They, in turn, will be happy to share their experiences.

Social image sharing network Pinterest

Not all social networks are focused only on personal pages... For example, Pinterest is a social network with specialized content. Pinterest (in the Russian version of "Pinterest") is a site that is often positioned as a social network, where users can post photos. The resource is designed in the form of a "cork board", on which it is possible to create sets of images, divide them by topics. Users can explore the boards of other users, as well as work with a virtual button for placing pictures. You can like boards or individual pictures posted by other users.

The great functionalities of the site have been revealed to the authors of this newest social network Pinterest. The interface makes it possible to publish photos, save them, sort them, manage video files. Main tool - pointed buttons (pins) with which images can be attached to the electronic board. The latter are usually categorized according to various topics.

Fancy - a social network for collectors

Another newest social network is Fancy. Her additional function - a forum for collectors. Here you can chat with friends, post images of your collections, and purchase something. You can simply search for the information of interest with a simple search system and large quantity filters. Fancy is a business website, a blog, a social network, and a photo album. However, this network is currently not popular outside the United States.

Other modern social networks

The latest social networks are quite diverse and are not limited to those discussed above. More and more interesting resources are constantly appearing. For example, Thumb. This social network has an important feature. The main purpose of the service is to convey the reaction to the decisions of your friends. Therefore, Thumb is a tool that can help you discuss solutions to problems with other users.

This function of the network is liked by users both in Western countries and in our country. Thumb is a great solution for people who like to comment and rate different events.

Popular social networks in Russia

In our country, services are lagging a little, but some development is also visible. For example, in addition to those already noted above, a new social network FactCloud has appeared. In fact, this is the domestic analogue of the foreign Thumb. On the site you can communicate, as well as support friends, make decisions with them and find out the results of their actions.

Social Internet sites appear very quickly and in large numbers, providing the individual's need for communication and socialization. The creators of web resources do not want to repeat themselves, and this does not make sense - no one wants to switch to analogue services, users will remain loyal to familiar social networks. Therefore, developers are constantly looking for something new: new features, new functions and new design... And not just new, but radically different. This is the only way to interest users.

Undoubtedly, we should not forget about the list of social networks that have been popular for a long time. These are familiar to all Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Facebook. Numerous groups of users regularly communicate here. Of course, these sites do not have as many functions that exist in the latest social networks, but, nevertheless, contacting using these services is simple and convenient.

This article has covered several key resources by functionality, target audience, and focus.

The main purpose of such a service is to make Internet communication between users remote from each other as simple as possible.

Some of these sites work only within one country or are popular in a certain language segment, others have an international format and people from different countries are registered on them.

Principle of operation:

  • Create a page or account;
  • In it, he may or may not indicate his interests, hobbies, place of work and study, place of residence and other data;
  • By searching the site, integrating with or phone number, account in others, he can find other people he knows;
  • You can also find people who share the same interests and hobbies as the registrant;
  • Now you can freely communicate with these people, and to simplify this process you can add them as friends;
  • After registration, he can also use the rest of the additional functionality.

Communication using the CC is available only to registered members, although information from some groups is available for reading by unregistered people on the site.

Only the person who has an account, or only the one who is added to Friends (depending on the page) can write to you personally.

Council. When registering, pay close attention to your privacy settings. It depends on them who exactly can see your page on the Internet, who can write to you and see your photos.


  • Microblogging. The most famous option is, where users make small text notes in real time. Sorting is carried out mainly using hashtags (keywords written in the #keyword format);
  • Dating. Created for people who want to find a partner for one purpose or another. Examples are Tinder, Grindr, Mamba, etc. Depending on what type of dating she is targeting, her profiles can be detailed or contain only key information;
  • Photos. Services seem to be designed for posting photos, the profile in them requires a minimum of information. In addition to the function of uploading photos, you can carry out personal correspondence. Navigation is also done using hashtags;
  • Video. Not very common yet, especially in Russia, the most. It works the same way as Instagram, but users post videos, not photos. They are especially good because it is convenient to organize live broadcasts through them;
  • Communication. Widely distributed in Russia (popular VC and, at the world level -). They allow not only finding friends and communicating with them, but also posting photos, videos, joining groups, etc.

Depending on the type, they have a particular target audience.

Thus, it was statistically revealed that the majority of Snapchat and Instagram users are under 35 years old, while the majority of Odnoklassniki's audience is 40+.


The main goal of the CC is to organize comfortable communication for people. This is achieved in several ways:

  • Dialogues Is a format of personal correspondence, in which you can write a message to any user who does not have this option disabled. At the same time, such correspondence is strictly confidential and only you yourself and your interlocutor see it;
  • Conversations or Chats - this is a correspondence, created according to the same principle as dialogues, but you can add an unlimited number of people to it;
  • Commenting - a comment can be left under any photos, microblog entries, etc., if such an option is not disabled;
  • Microblogging, Walls and other services for posting posts to your account, which are seen by all your friends (or a certain list of them, depending on the settings);
  • Groups, public pages and other ways to connect by interest, in which a topic for discussion (like legacy forums) is created.

Almost any service provides an opportunity for personal correspondence, but it is social networks such as Facebook and VK that make such correspondence especially convenient.

Media files

Some services also allow you to download and distribute a variety of non-personal media. So, the VK service is actively functioning My Videos.

The user can choose a movie that is interesting to him among thousands of downloaded ones, save it to his page, tell his friends about it by sharing in a microblog, etc.

Facebook carefully monitors the observance of copyright and does not allow the distribution of feature films.

You can upload only small videos shot by you personally, you can also share from other services.

The situation is similar with music.

While there is an extensive library of audio files, songs and audiobooks, it does not allow the download of non-personal audio recordings.

additional services

Table 1. Additional services
A typeSocial network
Applications, gamesFB, VK, OK
Groups, public pagesFB, VK, OK
EventsFB, VK, OK
The calendarFB
PaymentsFB (also available in VK in beta)

There are also a variety of other services. However, the table shows the most popular and of them.


A convenient advantage of CC is its integration with many other services and sites.

First of all, this is manifested in the fact that you do not need to register on most resources, since you can log in to them using your credentials