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Black screen on the entire monitor. Why does a black screen appear when I turn on my computer? Checking RAM sticks

A black screen when loading Windows 7 means that at first the system boots after turning on the PC in the same way as usual, but stops at the stage when the cursor flickers on a dark background. For an inexperienced user, this situation can be very scary. But don't worry, the black screen is a modified version of " blue screen death". Unlike its older "colleague", a black screen allows the user to carry out any actions and more effectively correct errors in the OS. So, how to restore the system?

Method number 1. Using safe mode

If you are seeing a black screen when booting Windows 7, the first thing you should try is to solve the problem through safe mode. To do this, start restarting the computer and press the F8 button on the keyboard. This must be done before the logo appears on the screen. The monitor will display a whole menu with several items, of which you need to use the "" and "↓" buttons to highlight " Safe mode", and then press Enter. What will it give? This mode provides the ability to run only those programs and services that are necessary for the correct operation of the system. The same mode is used by specialists to use computers that have been subject to virus attacks, and it is also used to restore deleted data and in order to prepare the computer for reinstalling the OS.If, after switching to safe mode, you see a desktop with shortcuts, the taskbar and other tools on the screen, it means that the black screen when loading Windows 7 appeared due to a malfunction of some service, which you installed shortly before the problem arose.The most logical solution to the problem would be to restore the system or remove programs and drivers installed recently using the "Control Panel" (item "Uninstall programs").

Method number 2. Restore or reinstall Windows

If you are unable to enter Safe Mode, you can perform a System Restore. For this purpose, a Windows disc is inserted into the drive and, following the prompts on the screen, select the appropriate options. If the black screen issue persists even after doing this, you will most likely need to completely reinstall Windows.

Method number 3. Reactivate Windows

Sometimes system activation errors cause a black screen to appear when you start Windows 7. If you use licensed software, you just need to re-enter the code and confirm the data.

Method number 4. If the computer is infected

Perhaps this reason is the most common among those that cause a black screen to appear when loading Windows. There is a certain algorithm of actions, by performing which you can correct the situation. First of all, you should press the key combination Alt + Del + Ctrl and open the task manager. In the window that opens, you will see the "Processes" tab. We need her. You need to find the explorer.exe process. If there is none, click on the "New task" button and enter its name in the window that opens. If the black screen disappeared after the steps taken, the problem is almost solved. It remains to select the "Run" item in the "Start" menu, enter the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ->SOFTWARE -> Microsoft -> WindowsNT -> CurrentVersion -> Winlogon, and then enter the explorer.exe value opposite the Shell item. If something else is already written there, it must be erased without fail.

Method number 5. We restore the system using an antivirus

This is another way that can help you fix the black screen when loading Windows XP and other versions of the popular OS. If the steps described in the 4th method did not help, you need to reopen the task manager. With the help of the "New Task" item already known to you, open Internet Explorer(to launch the browser, enter iexplorer.exe). Should be installed AVZ program and then run it. Next, in the program window, select "File -> System Restore" and tick off the items responsible for the Explorer launch key and Explorer settings.

Method number 6. System recovery

And finally, the last option on how you can fix the black screen yourself when loading Windows 7. To do this, while the black screen is displayed, you need to press the Shift button five times in a row or hold it down for 10-15 seconds. A dialog box will appear asking you if you want to enable Sticky Keys. At the bottom of the window there is a link offering to go to the Special Center. opportunities - click on it. At the top of the new window, you can see the search bar in the control panel. Enter the inscription "Task Manager" and wait until the Control Panel opens. We need an item called "System". Next, go to the "Protection" tab. The "System Properties" window will appear on your monitor, where you will immediately see the "Restore ..." button. Following the instructions of the program, select a restore point - it is best to choose those made during the period when the OS was 100% stable.

Sometimes you can observe a rather strange and frightening phenomenon - you, as usual, turn on the computer, but instead Windows boot, a black screen appears when you turn on the computer. Often, it displays a list of various boot options, from which you should choose the one you need.

The appearance of a black monitor is already a direct signal of the presence of errors that can have a very negative impact on the functioning of your device. However, you should not immediately panic and reinstall the system.

As a rule, such a malfunction can be solved independently, without significant effort. Therefore, further we will consider what to do if you are faced with this trouble.

Black screen when turning on the computer - why does it appear?

First of all, you should understand what can provoke such a phenomenon. The reasons can be very diverse. However, one of the most common is that the computer was shut down incorrectly. It is worth noting that the user is not always to blame here. Just a sudden power outage is enough to cause a black screen.

Computer virus infection

We should not forget about the enemy of each user - computer viruses. Some can cause serious disruptions to the entire system and provoke the appearance of all kinds of errors. Therefore, you should try to use the most reliable anti-virus tools and not be lazy to constantly carry out a comprehensive scan of your device for viruses.

Perhaps the contacts have gone?

If the computer turned on as usual and a single beep was heard from system block, informing about the successful boot and the health of the computer, nothing is displayed on the monitor, you need to check the monitor itself and its connection.

Make sure that the cable is tightly connected to the system unit. Often, when moving a computer from one room to another, it is possible to connect all the components insecurely. You need to check the cables for damage. It makes sense to try to turn on the monitor without connecting it to the computer. If signs of life come from it and a message is displayed stating that there is no signal, then there is no problem in it.

Now consider the situation when, after turning on the computer, Windows does not load, but only a black screen appears with possible options downloads.

System or program failure

Such a black screen is already a signal of the presence of operating system problems. Looking carefully, you can see in it a list of various boot options, from which you have to choose the right one. First of all, you need to make sure that the system can turn on in safe mode. After the computer has turned on, periodically click on the F8 key, thus opening a menu with additional boot options. After that, using the arrows on the keyboard, you should select the item called "Safe Mode", and then click "Enter".

Safe mode will come to the rescue in case of problems regarding the system. It can be especially useful if the gadget has been infected with programs that are harmful and interfere with the normal functioning of the system. In this mode, you can run the wizard and get rid of many problems.

There are several different options that you can use to launch different types safe mode.

  1. The first on the list is the standard “Safe Mode”, which is often used. A minimum of various applications and services are launched here. However, this mode does not imply Internet access.
  2. Next on the list is Safe Boot Mode. network drivers". Here you can already use the Internet. In addition, there is a "Safe Mode with Command Line Support". Here you can apply various commands to control the system. Often, administrators give preference to this item.

So, you have selected the required mode and you have loaded from it. If, as usual, the desktop appeared, there is a possibility that it appeared due to a certain glitch in the programs. If a particular program was recently installed, after which, during subsequent system startups, the above screen appeared, the problem may lie precisely in it. Here best solution it will be a simple removal of such a program or driver to fix the error.

When will it be uploaded to required mode, I advise you to conduct a comprehensive scan of the device for the presence of viruses in it, using the appropriate utilities. In addition, it does not hurt to check the registry for the presence of dangerous codes.

Nothing appears on the desktop - no shortcuts

Sometimes you may encounter the fact that, although the black screen no longer occurs, nothing is displayed on the desktop - no icons, no Start bar. However, this can also be fixed by simply following the steps below.

  • Press the combination of Ctrl, Shift, and Esc at the same time. A window will appear with the task manager, in which you have to go to the first tab, as shown in the figure. Next, click on the "New task" item, and then type the "regedit" command in a new window.

  • Navigate to the registry directory in the following path:

In this directory we find a parameter called "Shell". It should contain only one value - "explorer.exe". If other values ​​are found there, they must be deleted, and the parameter is saved with only one, the above-mentioned value.

Blocking the system and task manager

Sometimes a rather unpleasant situation occurs when the task manager is blocked and cannot be opened, and safe mode does not start. However, here you can easily fix everything.

There is such a thing as sticking the Shift button. Five times in a row, at short intervals, by clicking on this button, the sticky buttons window will open. Follow the link at the bottom of the window.

  • In the next window, in the upper right corner, there will be a search field. It should print "Task Manager".

  • Next, you need to go to the item called "System".

  • In the left part of the window, select the section called "system protection".

  • After that, it remains only to perform a system restore using previously created checkpoints.

Video adapter malfunction or "crooked" driver

Sometimes the cause of a black screen may lie in a malfunction of the drivers for the video card, which is why there are all kinds of problems with the monitor, including its blackness. Therefore, this option also deserves attention.

Fake copy of Windows

If you become the owner of a pirated Windows, after performing certain updates, you may receive a black screen with a message stating that the version you have is not genuine. If you are overtaken by such a problem, the best solution would be to use the licensing system.

Damage to internal elements

If suddenly none of the above methods helped to find the problem of a black monitor, and after checking you made sure that there are no viruses, you should inspect all the details directly in the system unit.

It is necessary to check that each of the cables and wires located, both outside and inside the system unit, is intact and not damaged in any way. In addition, it is useful to make sure that there are no damages on the connectors and ports.

Before proceeding with the inspection, it is necessary to turn off the power, and only then remove the cover of the system unit. You should examine all the elements of the motherboard and check for even the smallest damage to them. Since the system unit is constantly clogged with dust, you should clean everything as carefully as possible.

It also doesn't hurt to check the wires connecting the various parts inside your computer. They must certainly be completely intact, without damaging the insulation. You should make sure that their connection is not stretched.

Sometimes it may happen that one of the available modules random access memory broken. You should extract all modules and test each one separately. However, it often happens that by cleaning the trims and installing them again, everything works again. When the computer has not been used for a long time, the CMOS battery may run out. She can be found on motherboard, and, in this situation, it can also be replaced with a new one.

Perhaps these are all the main steps that an ordinary user can do without turning to specialists in the event of a black monitor. Since the described malfunctions are quite common, they are the most likely cause of this phenomenon.

Speaking on behalf of a computer repairman, it is worth noting that when repairing an unfamiliar device, it is difficult to guess in advance how it was treated. Therefore, the cause of the problem may be the most unexpected.

The two cases described below may well win the award for the most unusual reasons for a computer to fail. However, thanks to them, you can clearly understand how every little thing can cause serious problems in the operation of such a complex device.

In each of them, the reason lay in the sticking and clogging of computer elements with a foreign substance, or, in simple terms, dirt. In the first of the cases, it ended up on the tracks of the motherboard, and in the second, on the video card. This caused the black screen to appear when the computer was turned on.

It is worth noting that the term "dirt" means any substances or small objects that are not provided for by the design of the PC. As a rule, this is dust, but there are also rather strange situations. Here it was difficult to determine where this dirt came from, but, having carefully cleaned such a substance with a cloth soaked in alcohol, the computer turned on without any problems and began to work in the usual mode, and still functions perfectly.

In the second situation, we encountered such a phenomenon when we purchased a dozen used video cards for terminal buyers. After the acquisition, they began to check, and it turned out that three of them were not working. An examination of non-working samples immediately began, and something rather suspicious was noticed in the corner of the board.

You can take a closer look at it in the following picture:

Here you can see the dirt adhering directly to the tracks of the board. Taking into account the previous situation, we decided to repeat the procedure for cleaning the faulty video card. After all, it is likely that it was because of this incomprehensible substance that the computer's performance was disrupted, and its full load was replaced by a black screen.

Familiar manipulations were immediately performed to clean the plaque, using alcohol and a rag. Every track has been carefully cleaned. The main thing here is to exercise extreme caution so that the tiny elements of the board that protrude are not damaged in any way. In the end, everything looks like this:

After the map dried up and re-installed on the computer, a real miracle happened - everything worked great. Therefore, for most, at first glance, difficult problems, there are fairly easy solutions.


So, in this article, the most popular reasons why a black screen appears when you turn on the computer, as well as the main ways to fix this problem, have been described. If you still have unanswered questions, feel free to ask them in the comments, and we will certainly help you!

What to do if a black screen appears when you turn on the computer, any user should know, regardless of his experience and steepness. One way or another, everyone faces this problem, so finding a solution is not very difficult. And anyone will tell you that the “black square of Malevich” instead of the usual Windows boot screen is a very unpleasant sight. Today I will tell you how to get rid of this “art of the world” error by restoring your computer.

System refuses to boot

What should I do if my monitor has a black screen preventing Windows from booting normally? The absence of the usual logo when you turn it on is a very unpleasant surprise, especially if you urgently need a computer.

Is the monitor working?

First of all, check if your monitor is working. Often, users start to panic out of the blue and next to the turned off monitor. If the screen power indicator blinks (for most models it looks exactly like this), and the system unit works as it should, you may be dealing with a damaged VGA or HDMI cable(if the monitor and the system unit are connected through it).

Of course, you will need to replace it. It is possible that the root of the problem lies in the monitor itself, for example, a broken matrix or a broken connector. If possible, connect another monitor or TV with the same video connector to the system unit.

Then you will understand exactly what you are dealing with.

Problem hardware

The hardware of your machine is an important factor that can result in a black screen on the monitor and nothing else. Let's start with the most common - the failure of RAM.

In this case, only one die can suffer, and not all at once. In this case, you are unlikely to encounter a dark screen, but you will definitely notice the poor performance of the computer.

If all the boards fail, then this is exactly our case. This happens because Windows cannot dump temporary files anywhere, so the machine loops and stalls.

But before you run to the store, I would recommend completely cut down the system unit from the power supply and clean it of dust, pulling out all the boards one by one, blowing through their slots, as well as replace thermal paste And grease fans(if required).

It is quite possible that after such manipulations the PC will come to life again, since dust is the worst enemy for any equipment.

If you have done all of the above, and the computer instead of the long-awaited "Welcome" shows a black screen on the monitor, then You may have burned out your video card.

It's easy enough to check, especially if the motherboard has an integrated video card. (If not, then you need another video card with the same interface. We need it to replace the one that may have stopped working and check our concerns.)

We turn off the computer from the network, remove the video adapter from the slot, and insert the cable from the monitor into the built-in video adapter connector. We try to start the computer. If the black screen on the monitor disappeared and the computer booted up, then (if you wish: let's say you are playing " heavy games” or work with video graphics) go to the store for a new video.

It is very frustrating when the fault is a damaged motherboard. As we know, it is on it that all PC components are placed. The motherboard is full of contacts, pins, tracks and connectors for boards.

Naturally, all these parts are very fragile, so be careful when assembling / disassembling the system unit.

The slightest scratch on a vital circuit board track will cause an interruption, causing this vital sector to be disabled. It is for these reasons that the motherboard may “not see” the processor, RAM, video card ...

Accordingly, you will see a black screen on the monitor. By the way, the tracks can suffer not only from scratches, but also from adhering dirt. More than once I came across computers that were scary to look at without a gas mask.

Software Level Problems

What to do if a black screen appears on the computer a couple of minutes after work. Moreover, the machine can turn on normally, and then give out its “signature dish”. Know that this affects the problem inside the operating system.

Windows cannot work forever, sooner or later the registry will fly or important system folders which will lead to collapse. Remember that you can easily pick up a virus who likes to play pranks and shake his nerves. Ordinary users will recommend simply reinstall Windows, but we will set a different goal - to return to its former performance.

System Restore

This is the standard windows function, which allows you to roll back, that is, returns the computer to the past, where it worked normally. Open this function through Start - All Programs - Accessories - System Tools - System Restore.

In a new window you will see everything system events, which made certain changes to the operation of the operating system. These are system points that can be rolled back. We select the desired point (the date at which everything was in order with the PC) and “Next”. Then the system will ask you again and "Done".

Recovery will start at the time of reboot. The computer will turn on a little slower, which means that Windows is performing the same rollback. By the way, your personal files - music, video, pictures will not be affected!

Driver rollback

A black screen may appear on the monitor due to "clumsy" video card driver. Not to mention the fact that the video card can just fly, but that's a completely different story, described just above. By the word "kosyachny" we mean either pirated or too new, in any case, he did not fit and did business with our video camera. A similar rollback can be performed with this driver, but only through the Device Manager. (Computer - System Properties - Device Manager).

Shown here is all the hardware centered on the motherboard. We find the video adapter and open its subcategory, then right-click on the video adapter and "Properties".

This procedure can be performed with any device, not only with video cards. Click the Driver tab and select Roll Back. The procedure will pass quickly, do not forget to reboot!

Safe mode

But what if the PC does not turn on at all? The described methods will not lose their value, since we can always enter Windows through safe mode. When you turn on the machine, click the F8 key, then the following screen will appear.

Choose the appropriate name and wait. The operating system will boot in a simplified mode with a simplified interface. Then, as if nothing had happened, you choose one of the two rollback methods and proceed as usual!

black screen on computer

Almost everyone active user The computer had to deal with problems when loading Windows, when after turning on the system unit, only a black screen or a prompt to select a boot option was visible. This indicates a malfunction in the system, which can be caused by a number of problems. It’s good if the error resolves itself when you reboot again, which happens quite often, but it’s much more unpleasant when the system stops loading at all or reports errors every time it starts.

Table of contents:

Why does a black screen appear when I turn on my computer

There may be several reasons why a black screen or an error message is displayed when the computer is turned on, both hardware and software. Most often, such a problem occurs after an emergency shutdown of the computer, that is, by cutting off the supply of electricity to its components, for example, during an unexpected power outage in the room. Such an impact can lead, both to failures in software and failure of computer components.

Naturally, this is not the only reason that leads to such a "behavior" of the computer. Virus infection, mechanical disconnection of elements from the motherboard, unsuccessful windows update- These and other reasons can cause a black screen to appear when you turn on your computer or other symptoms that prevent it from starting up.

What to do if a black screen appears when you turn on your computer

Consider the main malfunctions that can lead to a similar problem, as well as methods for eliminating them.

No signal to display image on monitor

One of the most common problems that causes the user to see a black screen when the computer boots up. If, when loading the system unit, you heard a characteristic one-time one, announcing the passage of all components of the check and the absence of errors, the first thing to do is to check if there is a signal to display the image on the monitor:

  1. Check if it is connected to the system unit and if there is any damage on the cable through which the connection is established. If possible, connect the system unit to another monitor to make sure the display itself is working;
  2. Make sure it's right. If it is not securely fixed in the connector, it is likely that it will have problems with signal transmission.

In the case of a laptop, the malfunction in question is much more difficult to identify and fix. You can try to display the image from it to external monitor to determine if the built-in display is malfunctioning or not.

Windows crashes, file corruption

A software problem can also cause a black screen to appear when the computer boots up. Try booting your computer in safe mode. If the system unit itself after repeated reboots does not offer to select computer startup modes, you will need a bootable USB flash drive with a Windows distribution kit.

Through the BIOS, set that the information from bootable flash drive launched earlier than operating system from hard drive computer. After that, using the installer tools, go into safe mode boot.

Please note: If there is no bootable USB flash drive, you can try pressing the F8 key at the boot stage to bring up a menu of additional Windows boot options. But this will not always be possible.

It is worth noting that you can try to boot into several secure boot options:

  • "Safe mode". This is the basic option to securely boot your computer. It assumes that at system startup a minimum set of services, utilities and applications will be loaded that automatically start when the computer starts. In this mode, there will be no access to the Internet;
  • "Safe Mode with Network Driver Loading". Unlike the previous version, with such a download, the necessary software for the Internet is launched;
  • “Safe Mode with Support command line”. This mode does not imply a full load Windows interface, offering to manage the system through the command line.

After booting the computer in safe mode, if there are no problems with this, you can proceed to fix the cause of the black screen when the system boots. There may be several reasons for this, and these are both problems with the files of Windows itself and infection of the computer with viruses. Perform the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Try to rollback the system to one of the , if they were created;
  2. If no restore points were created, try to remember what actions you have taken on your computer lately. Remove the programs after installing which there was a problem with the appearance of a black screen at boot. If installed or , uninstall or rollback them;
  3. Try checking your computer with;
  4. Execute .

The above steps should help fix a software error that causes a black screen to appear when loading the operating system.

Mechanical damage to computer components

Perhaps the most unpleasant reason due to which a black screen appears on the screen when the computer boots up. If one of the components fails, you need to determine which one, what to do is quite difficult. At the same time, it is important to take into account that it is far from the fact that we are talking about serious damage to one of the key elements of the system unit. We recommend that you proceed as follows to identify and fix the problem:

Of course, it is much easier to establish the cause if there is a replacement element for each component of the system unit. For example, you can install a priori working video card to check if the problem is related to a malfunction of the current video card module. But, if this is not possible, try to carefully check each component.

Nothing appears on the desktop when loading

Sometimes the situation develops in such a way that after eliminating the cause of the black screen when the computer boots up, the user does not load shortcuts on the desktop and other active components. That is, after running Windows user sees only the background image of the desktop. In such a situation, you need to perform the following steps to correct the situation:

As you can see, the causes of the black screen when you boot your computer great amount, and it is quite difficult to identify what happened to the system unit in specific case. We recommend that it is easier to deal with possible program issues, always make system restore points, which can help if needed.

Sometimes, turning on the PC, you may encounter such a situation that you will see a black screen instead of the OS startup process. Most often, this problem can be fixed by yourself without resorting to. In this detailed instructions we will show what to do if there is a black screen when you turn on the computer, what actions can be taken to restore the normal operation of the computer.

Causes of the black screen

This problem can be caused by:

  1. Software damage to the system;
  2. As a result of failures / failure of PC components;
  3. If you accidentally deleted the files needed to start Windows;
  4. The computer is infected with a virus;
  5. Also, one of the most common options for the cause of the problem is the incorrect shutdown of the computer due to power outages or failure of the uninterruptible power supply.

Bad contact

If your PC turns on normally, and you hear one short beep, this means that the check of the computer components went well, but if there is no image on the screen, then you need to check the monitor cable.

See if it is securely connected to the PC and to the outlet.

If the system gives a constant beeping signal, this means that your video adapter, RAM, processor, or the motherboard itself is faulty. In this case, you will need to disassemble the computer and check all the contacts that you can find. It still doesn’t hurt to clean the insides of the system unit from dust, which can also sometimes cause problems with the normal operation of the computer. The appearance of a black screen may be due to a dead CMOS battery on the motherboard, you will have to check and replace it. It is removed by pressing a screwdriver on the lock on the side.
If your computer displays the following message at boot time:

No bootable device insert boot disk and press any key

BOOTMGR is missing Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart

This means that he did not find your HDD, perhaps it is damaged or there is a problem in the contact of its plugs. Such errors can be caused by software corruption boot sector, and to fix them, you will need to use, from which you can start the system recovery program.

Software failures

If the black screen is caused by incorrect Windows settings or third party programs, then you can start the computer using safe mode. This will require:

There are several types of modes:

  1. "Safe mode" - by loading the system in this way, it will be launched in a minimal configuration, without the possibility of using the Internet.
  2. "Loading Network Drivers" - all the same, but with Internet access.
  3. "With command line support" - having loaded using this item, it will be possible to use various commands to configure and eliminate .

Safe mode is very useful feature by starting the computer in this way you will gain access to the system and be able to, which prevent the normal Windows startup, as well as change system settings and check the registry for errors.
In addition, of course, it does not hurt to scan the system for viruses using the appropriate ones.
After completing the required operations, restart your computer in normal mode.

Disappearing Desktop

If you have fixed all the problems and the computer starts to boot normally, there may be a situation where icons do not appear on the desktop and there is no menu "Start" . To fix this, you need to do the following:

After that, you should have a desktop with application icons.


Look for the parameter with the name Shell . It must be set to: explorer.exe
You will need to edit it if anything else is written there. You can change a parameter simply by double-clicking on it.

That's all, this manual discusses the causes of the black screen and the main ways to fix this problem. We wish you good luck in restoring the normal operation of your PC.