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How to install gadgets. Comments (7) to "Desktop Gadgets"

With the release of new versions of Windows, many functions "seven" were undeservedly forgotten by users. Among such forgotten chips are gadgets for your desktop.

Gadgets are special mini-application desktop applications in Windows 7. Their compactness allows you to place a large number of functions directly on the main computer screen. They are used for quick access To certain functions, monitoring the system status, improve the appearance of the main screen, etc.

Adding gadgets is accessible even to novice users, their installation and setting will not be much labor. Below we will detach the features of the launch and personalization under specific user Data program elements.

First of all, convenience this tool In the fact that he is actually always at hand at the user. Open and install all the gadgets available in the system can be as follows:

  1. To see all available to add items, you just need to call the right mouse button the context menu on the empty desktop area. Here, among all items to choose "Gadgets".

  2. To install any gadget, click on it right-click, and select "Add".

    On a note! The system will open the gadget set window installed on this moment on the computer. You can find and download New here, using the appropriate function at the bottom.

  3. The selected gadget will appear on your desktop in the place that you clicked at first.

  4. In the future, it can be dragged to any area of \u200b\u200bthe screen.

  5. You can also open a collection of gadgets by finding it in the list of programs in the start menu "Start".

  6. You can remove the gadget from the desktop only by pressing the "cross" in the upper right corner of the element itself.

On a note! In order to completely remove an unwanted gadget from the computer, without the possibility of re-location on the desktop, you must re-open the collection of gadgets, and by clicking the right button, select the "Delete" item.

How to upload additional gadgets

Download and add new gadgets besides pre-installed from various sources - either using the official store of gadgets from Microsoft.

In order to download an item from the official store of gadgets from Microsoft, you need:

In the future, the algorithm is as follows:

Read, also useful and interesting information with two simple ways, in the article -

Setup and other manipulations with gadgets

Each gadget has its own set of configuration settings or setting functions that can be opened by pressing the "Parameters" icon (wrench image) under the closing button of the gadget.

However, there are general basic settings Its positions and display directly on the desktop. You can call this setup menu by clicking the right mouse button on the gadget already installed on the desktop.

Here you can:

An example of setting up special parameters for a gadget showing the status and performance of the system.

Disable all gadgets on your computer

In some situations, gadgets may be dangerous for a computer because they have vulnerabilities when connecting to the Internet and work in networks of another species.

If the user has concerns about the quality of the protection of its device, the use of gadgets should be stopped, and the elements themselves are completely deactivated to eliminate the threats.

In order to completely disable the use of any gadgets with a computer you need:

  1. Call using a combination of "Win (OS icon) + R", "Run" string, and write "gpedit.msc" in it.

  2. A special edit window opens group Policy. Here we open the category "Administrative Templates", in it - " Windows components" Among all standard software components Choose "desktop gadgets".
  3. The mini-window settings opens various features and gadgets. Open the "Disconnect desktop gadgets" by a double click.

  4. The system will start another window in which it is possible to activate this parameter by selecting the "Enable" item and pressing "OK". After that, the installation and use of desktop gadgets will be impossible.

Restoration of remote gadgets

In other cases, it is necessary to restore randomly or deliberately remote gadget.

You can restore the lost gadget in this way:

Video - How to Install, Delete or Disable Gadgets in Windows 7

For those who do not know how to install a gadget in Windows 7, an instruction is presented below on the example of the Yandex gadget. Run double click on the left mouse button downloaded file. This type of files usually contains its original icon. It must be: icon of hours, calculator, leaflet, which can be seen on the screenshot below.

After the file is running, a warning window opens. In this window you need to click on the "Install" button.

Depending on the size of the gadget installed file, the installation can last from a few seconds to a minute. You just need to wait until this process is completed and the gadget will appear on your desktop. This setting the gadget is complete.

To access the full library of installed gadgets on your computer, you will need anywhere on the desktop to right-click and select "Gadgets" in the drop-down menu. After that, the window will open in which the thumbnails of all installed gadgets will be displayed.

To activate any gadget from this list, you need to hold left button Mice on the desired gadget and drag it to the desktop. Either bring the mouse cursor to the right gadget, click on the right key and click "Add", as shown in the screenshot below.

Gadgets are small computer applications that carry many useful features. So, the mini-program data allows you to track weather indicators, be aware latest news, Show the clock on the desktop, calendar, etc. To install the desired gadget, it is necessary first of all it and after that it is necessary to switch to the next step of consecutive actions.

Gadget installation sequence on a computer with Windows 7

Consider the basic principles of the gadget installation on a computer with the Windows 7 operating system on the example. First, download any gadget from our archive. All desktop gadgets have format .gadget..

To start the download program, you must click on the format file. Magadget twice with the "Mouse" manipulator. Due to these actions, a window will arise with the "Prevention of the Security System" of the following content.

If you are sure that it does not cause any harm to your computer, you can hinder the cursor on the option " Set"And click on it once the left button" mouse ". After that, the following type appears on your desktop.

This indicates the completion of the installation process, and now you can start using all the features of the application.

Adding a gadget to the desktop

If you have closed the gadget, but after some time they wanted to use it again, you can find the program by clicking once the right mouse button in any area of \u200b\u200bthe desktop. After the lane plate appears, in the list of which select " Gadgets».

The window that appears displays all applications installed in your computer. Of these, you find the desired, again press the right button "Mouse" first to the image, and after the inscription " add"(Similarly, you can gadget and delete). Or simply select need app And drag it on your desktop.

After that, the gadget will appear on your desktop again.

Gadget Management

Guiding the mouse cursor on the gadget, with right side From it will appear buttons " close», « parameters"And" drag Gadget" In many gadgets, there is a fourth button - " Resize" As you can see from the above image above, there are only three buttons on our mini calculator, so for example, I showed a gadget "", the size of which can be changed.

Although gadgets, what we know them now, and appeared for the first time in unsuccessful Windows Vista.The present popularity and love of thousands of users brought them to Windows 7. Installing and configuring these small programs by default is built into the OS shell and the special module called Sidebar is responsible for operation with them. Here we will only briefly consider the main points of installation and possible options Customization of the functional gadgets.

How to install gadget

Any compatible with Windows 7 gadget is a file with the extension ".gadget", precisely on this expansion operating system understands what type of programs this file applies. So, for example, you downloaded the gadget you like and want to install it. You must run it as a regular shortcut, then, depending on the presence of a digital signature, Windows can show two types of windows with a proposal for installing a running gadget.

If you are confident in the developer or digital signature is present, you can safely continue the installation. In any case, we recommend working with any user-uploaded files only in the case of presence. antivirus package with relevant bases. After installation, the gadget will immediately appear in the upper right corner of the desktop, you can proceed to its direct configuration or while hide.

Working with gadgets through a special panel

Any gadget installed in the Windows 7 system can be found in a special panel called Sidebar or, as it is officially called, "desktop gadgets". To start this panel there are several simple waysChoose any of them:

  1. Click on the right mouse button on the desktop, in context menu We see the string "Gadgets"
  2. In the control panel, we find the Module "Desktop Gadgets"
  3. Start, in the search bar, we enter "gadgets" and get access to a whole menu associated with gadgets

Panel "Desktop Gadgets" or Sidebar

So, we are open to the panel with all the gadgets installed in Windows 7. With it you can view short description Each of them, find out the developer, use the search string if there is an extensive directory and seem to be signed already difficult.

Sidebar window supports adding a gadget to the desktop function draggingYou can add several copies of the same gadget. From here you can and remove unnecessary gadgets forever, clicking on its right-click icon and select "Delete".

28.12.2009 03:49

Gadgets (mini-applications) are small programs that displays a variety of information on the Windows 7 desktop.

Principle of operation of gadgets in Windows 7

Gadget, like a webpage, consists of graphic images and files written on HTML, JavaScript and CSS. Therefore, to display gadgets it is necessary that at least one browser is installed in the system. To work preset (standard) Windows 7 gadgets, you need a browser Internet Explorer.. To work some gadgets (for example, "Weather") a connection to the Internet is required, other gadgets can work autonomously (for example, "clock").

The mini-application installation file is a regular zip archive with extension .gadget.. To the gadget is displayed on the desktop, it must be installed and running.

To install a mini-application, double-click the installation package of the gadget. After that, the mini-application will be added to the collection of gadgets, from where you can add it to your desktop.

The desktop gadget collection is a panel that displays all installed mini-applications. The work of this panel is provided by the application. sidebar.exe.Located in the folder % ProgramFiles% \\ Windows Sidebar.

To open a collection of desktop gadgets, right-click on the desktop and in the context menu that appears, select Gadgets.

Adding gadgets for your desktop

2. Double-click on one of the proposed gadgets.

Gadget menu

When you hover the mouse pointer to the gadget, a small menu appears to the right of it.

Depending on the features of the gadget, this menu may contain buttons. Close (removes the gadget from the Windows desktop), Parameters (displays additional settings), The size, Move.

Removal of gadget

1. To remove the gadget from the collection, right-click on the desktop and select Gadgets.

2. Right-click on the mini-application you want to delete and select Delete.

After that, the mini application will not be available in the collection of gadgets.

Restoration of remote gadgets

To restore all standard windows gadgets 7:

1. Open the control panel, set the "Category" view.

2. Tap .

3. In the section Desktop gadgets click Restoring desktop gadgets installed Windows.

To restore the remote mini-application of third-party developers, just install it again.

Enabling and disable the "Gadgets" function

By default, the gadgets in Windows 7 are included. You can disable the installation, viewing and adding mini-applications to the desktop using "Windows components" on the control panel and using the Local Group Policy Editor (for Windows 7 Professional, Windows 7 Ultimate and Windows 7 Enterprise).

  • Enabling and disable gadgets using the control panel

1. Open Control Panel (View "Large Icons")\u003e Programs and Components.

2. In the left menu, select Enable or disable Windows components.

3. To turn off the "Gadgets" function, uncheck the checkbox Windows Gadgets platform. To enable "gadgets", select this check box.

4. Restart the computer.

  • Enable and disable gadgets using the Local Group Policy Editor

1. Open the Start menu, enter in search string and press Enter.

2. Perform the necessary action:

  • To disable the "Gadgets" function for your account, in the left menu of the editor of the local group policy, open Politics " Local computer»\u003e User Configuration\u003e Administrative Templates\u003e Windows Components\u003e Desktop Gadgets .
  • To disable the "Gadgets" feature for all users of the computer, in the left menu of the local group policy editor, open Local Computer Policy\u003e Computer Configuration\u003e Administrative Templates\u003e Windows Components\u003e Desktop Gadgets, On the right side of the Local Group Policy Editor window, double-click the parameter Disable desktop gadgets.

3. Select Enable and press OK..

If this parameter is enabled, the desktop gadgets will be disabled. If this parameter is turned off or not specified, then the desktop application will be included.

4. Restart the computer.

Creating your own gadgets for Windows

If you are familiar with such programming languages \u200b\u200blike HTML and JavaScript, as well as cascading tables styles CSS.You can use the manual for creating gadgets for Windows Donavan West. The manual is translated into Russian. And although this guide is devoted to the creation of gadgets for Windows Vista, it addresses the general principles of creating mini-applications necessary for understanding this process.

1. Gadgets in Windows 7 can be freely moved by the left mouse button within the desktop. To move the mini-application closer to each other, press the SHIFT key and hold it while moving the gadget.

2. So that the gadget is always displayed on top of all open windows, Right-click on it and in the context menu that appears, select On top of the other windows.

3. To hide all active mini-applications, right-click on the worker windows table 7, Select View And uncheck the checkbox Display desktop gadgets. So that the gadgets are displayed again, select this check box.

4. To move all active gadgets to the fore, press the combination windows keys + G.

5. To configure the transparency of the gadget, click on it with the right mouse button and set the degrees.

Pre-installed Windows 7 gadgets

Windows 7 contains nine preset gadgets (mini-applications):

  • Windows Media Center.

This gadget is a convenient adjustable panel. windows startup Media Center.

  • Currency

If there is an internet connection, the Gadget "Currency" displays the cost of the currency-selected currencies, according to the MSN Money suppliers. In total, 2 to 4 currencies can be displayed in the gadget. To work this mini-application you need to connect to the Internet.

To add currency, Press + in the lower right corner of the gadget. To remove currency, Mouse over it with a mouse pointer and in the upper right corner, click the Red Cross.

To change currency, Click its name and in the list that appears, select the desired currency.

  • Puzzle

Gadget "Puzzle" - game mosaic. Internet connection for the gadget is not required.

To view the picture you want to collect, click sign "?" At the top of the mini-application.

To automatically collect or mix the mosaic, click the icon with arrows in the upper right corner of the gadget.

The timer can be suspended by pressing the clock in the upper left corner of the gadget.

To change the picture, click on the mini application right-click and select Parameters.

  • Web Channel News Headers

This gadget allows you to view web channel news headers (RSS-ribbons) without starting the browser (however, the Internet connection is necessary). The gadget displays only those sites, RSS tapes added to internet Browser Explorer. To view or change the RSS channel list, open Internet Explorer\u003e Favorites\u003e Channel Tab.

Anyone added to Internet Explorer RSS feed will be available to display in the gadget "Web channel news headers". For example, you can add our web channel to always know when a new article appears on our site. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Start the Internet Explorer browser.

2. Enter B. address line Address of our RSS-tape: http: //www.Syt/feed/ and press Enter.

  • CPU indicator

Gadget "CPU indicator" displays the load random access memory (Right) and processor (left) in real time. Additional settings has no. Internet connection for the operation of the mini-application is not required.

  • The calendar

Parameters and using the "..." button specify the desired folder.

Here you can adjust the shift speed of the pattern and select one of the transition effects from one image to another.

By default, images are replaced by each other in the order in which they are sorted into the folder. The sequence of changing images in the gadget can be changed by random by setting the "Image Random" check box.

The gadget "Clock" can display time at any time zone known to operating windows system. To the "Clock" gadget displays the time different from the default OS settings, click on the mini-application right-click and select Parameters. On the Gadget Settings page, select the desired time zone and click OK..

To display the time on a few time zones (as in the flight control center), run the "clock" gadget. The required number of times and configure the desired time zone in each.

Also on the settings page you can choose appearance Gadget "Clock" and even assign a name for an hour that will be displayed on the dial.

Download Gadgets for Windows 7

On the Internet there are many sites offering download gadgets. Since Windows 7 is a new operating system, at the time of writing this article, many gadgets available for download are written for Windows Vista. Most of them are quite normally working under Windows 7, but it is possible to change their functionality. At the same time, the gadgets written for Windows 7 may be incompatible with vast.

When downloading third-party gadgets, attention should be paid to the bitty and availability. Gadgets created for 32-bit Windows 7 may not work in 64-bit Windows 7. Gadgets without digital signature may not be installed or incorrectly operate in Windows 7. In addition, unscrupulous publishers spread viruses and other malware under the type of gadgets. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you download gadgets only with trusted sites.

Windows 7 components