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Report on the work of gak business informatics. Business Informatics (specialty)

Questions of SJSC "Applied Informatics" OFO 5 course

Comprehensive description of the theoretical direction:

  1. Computing system concept. Classification and architecture of computing systems.
  2. The concept of an information system (IS). Tasks and functions of the IS. Composition information systems... IP classification.
  3. Databases (DB). DB life cycle. DB typology.
  4. Object-oriented approach to design and development of programs: the essence of the object-oriented approach.
  5. Definition, purpose, composition and function operating systems... Classification of operating systems.
  6. Information technology concept. Evolution of information technology; their role in the development of the economy and society; properties of information technology.
  7. Networked information technology: e-mail, newsgroups, message board; copyright information technologies; hypertext and multimedia information technologies.
  8. The concept of an intelligent information system (IIS), basic properties. IIS classification. Areas of commercial use.
  9. World information resources: definition, classification and characteristics of the main structures (databases, networks) on various grounds.
  10. Information Security. Threat concept. Information security software and hardware. Types of opponents or "offenders".
  11. Basic concepts of computer science; hardware and software implementation information processes.
  12. The main stages of computer problem solving; modular programs... Criteria for the quality of the program.
  13. Modeling as a way of scientific knowledge. Model concept. Properties, classification, types of models.
  14. Information systems design. Modern technologies design.
  15. Electronic document management. Rules for the implementation of electronic document management systems at enterprises and institutions. Electronic digital signature. Cybersecurity.
  16. Reengineering of business processes. Redesign of educational institution management systems in the context of the process approach.
  17. Monitoring structure educational institution... Factors and conditions for monitoring.
  18. Requirements for the means of organizing e-learning. Classification and short description means of organizing e-learning Methods of building DL courses.
  19. Requirements for the design and development of educational sites. Implementation means.
  20. Information management. Information resource... Information technology as a basic tool for information management. Information systems as a basic component.
  21. A standard process for developing software products. Life cycle of a software product. PI development planning. Quality assurance of PI.

Materials for bachelors "Business Informatics"

Information for students of groups M3410, M3411, M3412.

Responsible for the practice of the bachelor's degree program 08050001 - Business Informatics (profile Enterprise Architecture)
Dmitry A. Zubok, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of IP.

SJSC Secretary for the Bachelor's Degree Program 08050001 - Business Informatics

Students who have received admission to the defense, two days before the defense in accordance with the "Regulations on the WRC", must submit to the secretary of the SEC a printed version of the explanatory note with a signed title page, annotation and assignment for the WRC, an electronic version (pdf to which scanned assignments are added, annotation and title page with signatures), supervisor's review signed by the supervisor and student. The dates for the recall of the head must be no later than May 27.

Forms of documents for registration of FQP:

Those defending on June 1 surrender all materials on May 27, those defending on June 2 surrender on May 30, and those defending on June 3 surrender on May 31. The order of reports at the defense will be determined on the day of registration.

An appointment for the defense on May 27 and 30 at the dean's office of the FITiP from 14 to 16, May 31 in room 139 from 13 to 14. Those who come to the department meeting on May 31, submit all materials directly at the meeting, if they are admitted.

Did not submit materials for verification:

  • M3410 Akhmerova Olga Vladimirovna (deduction of her own free will)
  • M3411 Dmitrenok Alexandra Vasilievna (reported that she was ill)
  • M3411 Kuznetsova Maria Igorevna (expulsion for non-fulfillment of the curriculum)
  • M3411 Panyavin Mikhail Leonidovich (postponed check)
  • M3411 Remizov Evgeniy Aleksandrovich (the file format does not meet the requirements)
  • M3412 Rybakova Natalya Aleksandrovna (individual plan)

For all who submitted materials, the uniqueness of the text was from 87 to 99 percent.

Registration and forms of documents

For preliminary defense, it is necessary to provide a fully prepared and completed explanatory note, as well as an assignment for the WRC. FQP is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of GOST 7.32-2001. Entries in the list of sources used are drawn up in accordance with the requirements of GOST 7.1-2003.

The printed version of the FQP is presented for pre-protection in one copy in a binder with a pocket on the inner side of the upper fold of the folder. The pocket will be required to attach the feedback to the WRC. FQP materials are inserted into the folder in the following order:

  1. Title page. It is printed on both sides of the sheet. There are no page numbers.
  2. Assignment for the WRC. It is printed on both sides of the sheet. There are no page numbers.
  3. Annotation. It is printed on both sides of the sheet. There are no page numbers.
  4. Table of contents. Has a page number - 4.
  5. Abbreviations and definitions lists are optional.
  6. Introduction.
  7. The main body is divided into chapters and / or paragraphs.
  8. Conclusion.
  9. List of sources used.
  10. Applications.

The title page, assignment and annotations submitted for the pre-defense of the FQP must contain the signatures of the student and the leader. Please note that the cover page consists of two pages, they need to be printed on one sheet on both sides. On the first page of the title page, write the title of the FQP topic in accordance with the order, the surname and initials of the FQP author, the surname and initials of the FQP leader. The title page must be signed with the manager, do not forget to also put your signature. On the back of the title page, it is necessary to fill in the surname and initials of the student who completed the FQP (author).

The manager's review is not filed in the folder, but is put separately in a pocket on the inside of the upper fold of the folder. The manager's recall for the pre-defense is not required.

Preliminary defenses

Please check the wording of the topic on all documents and presentations.

Schedule pre-defenses:

  • M3410 Vasilchuk Roman Aleksandrovich
  • M3410VoronovaEkaterinaArkadievna
  • M3410 Zhelavsky Sergei Alexandrovich
  • M3410 Curly Polina
  • M3410 Litvinova Alevtina Sergeevna
  • M3410 Osadchy Kirill Glebovich
  • M3410 Petkina Victoria Olegovna
  • M3410 Valeria Sysoeva
  • M3411 Bystrov Igor Vladimirovich
  • M3411 Mamaeva Sophia Eduardovna
  • M3411 Sergei Nekrasov
  • M3411 Chebotarev Viktor Igorevich
  • M3411 Shvalova Natalya Andreevna
  • M3412RodionovAndreyKirillovich
  • M3410Lazarev Ilya Anatolievich
  • M3410Sazhin Ilya Dmitrievich
  • M3410 Daria Sterlikova
  • M3410Khitrov Sergei Aleksandrovich
  • M3411 Alexander Mikhailovich Komzalov
  • M3411Konovalova Xenia Igorevna
  • M3411Rodichkina Irina Mikhailovna
  • M3412AfatnitskyArtyomAndreevich
  • M3412DobrinovKirillPavlovich
  • M3412 Korneev Egor Andreevich
  • M3412 KuzmenkoOksana Alekseevna
  • M3412 Stepanenko Victoria Alexandrovna
  • M3412KhapinVladislavAlbertovich
  • M3412 Shamsudinov Rashid Ilyasovich
  • M3410 Dobrikh Irina Vladimirovna
  • M3410KuleshovStanislavValerievich
  • M3410 Oleg N. Naumov
  • M3410 Stepanov Mikhail Petrovich
  • M3411 Vasilyeva Anastasia Alexandrovna
  • M3411GorbachevAndreyAndreevich
  • M3411Panyavin Mikhail Leonidovich
  • M3411 Evgeny Remizov
  • M3411Maxim Tarasov
  • M3412 Kiseleva Serafima Yurievna
  • M3412Kochkin Dmitry Konstantinovich
  • M3412 Lebedeva Dariya Aleksandrovna

Antiplagiat check

In accordance with the schedule for the preparation of the WRC, on May 13, the final version of the explanatory note should be submitted. Completely finished version in in electronic format v pdf format must be submitted for verification in the Antiplagiat system at 4 pm on Friday, May 13 to office 424 to the secretary of the SEC.

Checking the electronic version in the Antiplagiat system is a condition for participation in the pre-defense on May 16-23 and, as a result, is a condition for admission to the defense of the WRC. The electronic version submitted for verification should not include the title page, the task for the WRC and the annotation, but must contain the entire text of the WRC, including the annexes.

FQP is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of GOST 7.32-2001. Entries in the list of sources used are drawn up in accordance with the requirements of GOST 7.1-2003.

Consideration of WRC materials

You need to bring:

Annotation (approved or unapproved does not matter).

Presentation on which you will make a report.

WRC materials - table of contents of the explanatory note; an introduction that turns out to be relevant and sets out the goals and objectives of the WRC; the first chapter devoted to the analysis and modeling of the automation object; if available, other results; detailed plan for further work.

The annotation and materials of the WRC must be submitted in hard copy. Diagrams must be readable. The report lasts 7 minutes and is accompanied by an electronic presentation.

Submission of applications for admission to the magistracy

Dear students! If you plan to enroll in a master's program, you must register in the system on April 20 or 21 and submit an application. Below is the instruction:

1. To register, go to the page

2. Press the button "Register"

3. Enter your personal and login information. Press the button "Register"

4. Fill in only those fields of the questionnaire for which there is data. For example, there is no need to fill in the section "document on education" yet.

5. Go to the "Applications" section. In the "Priority" block, click "Add application".

6. In the window, select the "Full-time" form and then select the program for which you plan to enroll. Programs of the Department of Information Systems:

  • 09.04.02 Information systems and technologies. Development of corporate information systems
  • 04/09/03 Applied Informatics. Complex enterprise automation .
  • 04/38/05 Business informatics. Information systems in business process management
  • 04/38/05 Business informatics. (SOP).

7. After choosing the direction, fill in the "Form of financing" field.

8. When choosing programs of the Faculty of Information Technologies and Programming, in the "Entrance test" field, select "Entrance exam".

9. Choose the date of the entrance test from the proposed list. It is advisable to choose the earliest dates.

10. Press the "Add" button. You can then repeat steps 5 through 10 to add new statements. You can add three applications indicating the form "budget" and one for "contract". In the future, you can manage your applications - add, delete, change priorities.

  • Questions of admission and training in the magistracy in the following areas:
    • Information systems and technologies,
    • Applied Informatics,
    • Business Informatics.
  • Meeting with teachers of master's disciplines (software testing, multithreaded programming, IP implementation techniques, programming languages ​​(Python, Java)).
  • The meeting will be attended by those responsible for recruiting for the magistracy.
  • Organization of the final state certification of bachelors:
    • Reconciliation of personal data (you must have a passport with you) and information about previous education (what document was received at the previous level of education: a certificate of secondary education, a diploma of secondary specialized education, etc.) to form annexes to diplomas.
    • Completion of applications for the provision of vacations or expulsion before the end of the standard period of study.
    • Checking FQP in the "Antiplagiat" system, organization of pre-defense and defense of FQP.

The attendance of all 4th year students of the Department of Information Systems obligatory.

Recertification Commissions

Students with at least one academic debt cannot be admitted to the final state certification. Since according to the schedule of the educational process, the final certification begins on May 2, then all debts must be liquidated in April. For this purpose, meetings of the commission for re-certification will be held on April 22 and 25. Students who have debts in the disciplines of the IP department are invited to the commission. For other departments, try to close yourself for now.

List of students in arrears:

1. Zhelavsky S.A.

  • Marketing

2. Stepanov M.P.

  • Physical culture 4 semester
  • Systems theory and system analysis- commission on April 22

3. Vasilyeva A.A.

  • Mathematics 2 semester
  • Marketing

4. Gaponenko E.S. - according to the results of the commission for re-certification, it was submitted for expulsion from April 18

5. Gorbachev A.A.

  • Marketing

6. Kuznetsova M.I.

  • Marketing
  • Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics
  • Architecture of corporate information systems - commission April 25

7. Mamaeva S.E.

  • Mathematics 3 semester

8. Panyavin M.L.

  • Design of information systems - commission on April 25

9. Remizov E.A.

  • Analysis and Design in UML - Commission April 25
  • Project Documentation - Commission April 22

10. Gannusenko V.M., M3312 - according to the results of the commission for re-certification, it was submitted for expulsion from April 18

11. Zakirova E.E., M3312 - according to the results of the re-certification commission, it was submitted for expulsion from April 18

12. Kochkin D.K., M3312

  • Legal Basis of Intellectual Property
  • Quality management system at the enterprise

13. Lebedeva D.A., M3312

  • Analysis and Modeling of Enterprises and Business Processes - Commission April 25
  • Legal Basis of Intellectual Property
  • Quality management system at the enterprise

Consideration of WRC materials

Consideration of WRC materials will take place on the following schedule: 18, 21, 25 (possibly) and 26 April. If you cannot on any of these days, write to the Secretary of the HEC in advance. The sessions start at 18.00. The end is approximately at 21.00.

Considering annotations

List of students who did not submit annotations to the topics of the WRC for consideration:

  1. Akhmerova Olga Vladimirovna
  2. Stepanov Mikhail Petrovich
  3. Vasilieva Anastasia Alexandrovna
  4. Gaponenko Ekaterina Sergeevna
  5. Remizov Evgeny Alexandrovich
  6. Semyonov Anton Dmitrievich

A report was drawn up for these students, as for those who did not start the FQP.

These students urgently need to send an annotation to the topic of the FQP to the mail of the Secretary of the State Electoral Commission.

Information about admission to the magistracy of the Department of Information Systems in 2016

Admission is carried out only on the basis of an entrance examination. Each master's program has its own exam. Portfolio competition and paper competition are not held.

List of master's programs of the department:

  • 09.04.02 Information systems and technologies. Profile: Development of corporate information systems. Number of budgetary places: 30.
  • 04/09/03 Applied Informatics. Profile: Complex automation of enterprises. Number of budget places: 10.
  • Information systems in business process management. Number of budget places: 5
  • 04/38/05 Business informatics. Profile: Business Information Systems. Number of budgetary places: 5. This is a joint educational program with the University of Rostock in Germany.

Persons who have successfully completed their studies in one of the educational programs of higher professional education and have submitted a personal application to the admissions office of ITMO University are allowed to take the exam. Deadline for submitting documents to the admissions office: June 20 - August 10, 2016. You must first register on the website

Dates of the first entrance examinations:

  • 09.04.02. Information Systems and Technologies - June 27,28, 2016
  • 09.04.03. Applied Informatics - June 29, 2016
  • 38.04.05. Business Informatics - June 29, 2016

The competition is a general one, and students from ITMO University and other universities, who have applied, take part in it. The lists of those enrolled in the master's program will be published after the end of the admission of documents and all entrance exams: August 21, 2016. Rules for admission to the magistracy.

The exam program includes a practical part on a computer and a theoretical part in writing with an oral answer. The exam programs are planned to be published by March 1, 2016 on the "Student" page of the faculty website ()

Additional information on the deadlines for submitting applications, the procedure for organizing and conducting exams, resolving controversial issues can be clarified with the person in charge of admission to the magistracy at the Department of IS Khlopotova M.V. ( [email protected]).

State final certification

In accordance with the decision of the ITMO Academic Council of December 29, 2015, at ITMO University from January 1, 2016, the state final certification for bachelor's, specialist's and master's educational programs has been established in the form of defense of the final qualification work (WQ). There will be no state exam.

Meeting with representatives of the company Global System Services

On December 9 at 9.30 am in room 190 (auditorium subject to change) a meeting with representatives of Global System Services will take place. At the meeting, testing will be organized in the following areas:
- Knowledge of OOP;
- Understanding of the IP structure;
- Working with the database;
- Understanding of workflow and accounting at the enterprise.
Based on the results of testing, a group of students will be organized to teach programming in MS Dynamics AX. Students who have demonstrated special success in training will be offered the opportunity to practice and write an FQP in the company.

Collection of annotations to WRC

Dear students! Those who have already decided on the topic of the WRC must submit preliminary annotations by November 19, 2015. Secretary of the State Electricity Commission - Maxim Valerievich Khlopotov, reception in office 139 according to the following schedule:

  • November 13, from 13.00 to 14.00
  • November 17, from 2.30 pm to 3.30 pm
  • November 18, from 2.30 pm to 3.30 pm
  • November 19, from 13.00 to 14.00

In addition, you can approach class schedule.

Collection of preliminary annotations to the WRC

Preliminary annotations with a description of the subject of the master's thesis and expected results must be submitted to the secretary of the SAC before October 30, 2015.

The abstract should contain information on the following points:

Preliminary formulation of the topic of the work. Several wording options can be provided if in doubt.

The company in which the practice / internship is carried out and the materials for the master's thesis are provided.

The purpose of the WRC. The expected goal of the WRC is the development or modification of one or more components of information systems, which are means of automating certain applied processes or operations.

A brief description of the application process, for the automation of which the developed component will be used, the operations that will be automated by it and the place of this component in the information system. It is necessary to clearly indicate the information system, technology platform, etc. for which a component is being developed and how it interacts with other components of the system.

To what extent is information provided for the implementation of the FQP: terms of reference from the head, the ability to interact with the customer of the system, technical documentation for the platform and corporate development standards, etc.

Functional and non-functional requirements for the component being developed.

Description of technologies, frameworks, DBMS, libraries, ready-made components, etc. that will be used in development.

Description of methods for testing and assessing the quality of the developed component.

Description of the expected results of work with the obligatory indication of the form of their presentation: application or software component, whose work will be directly demonstrated (with real data, with test data), data model, system, software architectures in the form of a set of standardized diagrams (UML, IDEF1x, etc.), etc.

There are no special requirements and design template for the annotation. The annotation must be handed in personally to the secretary of the SJSC at office hours (Thursday 16.30-18.00). If it is impossible to submit the annotation on time, please send a letter to the secretary of the SJSC with an indication of the reason why the annotation is not provided (for example, the lack of coordination of the topic and requirements with the head at the place of work or internship) and the expected timing of its provision. Students who do not have a place of work or internship, but who have already applied to the department about this (including those who have expressed a desire to work on one of the vacancies below) may additionally not inform the secretary of the SJSC about the impossibility of submitting an annotation on time.

  • Formulation of the topic of work. (You can provide several options for wording if in doubt).
  • The company in which the practice / internship is carried out and the materials for the master's thesis are provided. Business profile of the enterprise;
  • Surname, name, patronymic and position of the consultant from the company.
  • [If available] Surname, name, patronymic and position of the head (from among the staff of ITMO University).
  • The purpose of the FQP and a brief description of the automation object (IT-processes, automated enterprise management systems).
  • The list of initial information for the implementation of the FQP (terms of reference from the head, the ability to interact with the customer of the system, technical documentation, corporate development standards, etc.)
  • The list of tasks solved within the framework of the FQP with an indication of personal contribution (for example, identification and description of IT processes; identification of functional and non-functional requirements for IT in an enterprise or organization; analysis and modeling of processes; modeling an enterprise or organization using accepted standards; descriptions of types of support , assessment of parameters or quality indicators (GOST 9126) of the automated control system, assessment of the compliance of the automated control system with the IT requirements).
  • Description of the expected results of work with the obligatory indication of the form of their presentation (models, documents, regulations, software solutions etc.).
  • Methods for verifying expected results or other options for proving their consistency.
  • Schedule with deadlines for completing tasks.

For those who have not yet decided on the topic of the WRC, please become more active. FQP topics can and should be discussed with potential leaders, employees of the IP Department.

When choosing a topic wording, it is sometimes helpful to be guided by topics from past years. The works of graduates of past years can be found in ISU (section "Educational Activities - Master's Theses and FQP").

Open lecture by Professor of the University of Rostock (Germany) Kurt Sandkul

October 21, 2015 (Wednesday) at 16.00 in room 190 There will be an open lecture by Professor Kurt Sandkuhl of the University of Rostock (Germany) on the topic An Enterprise Architecture Management Perspective on Cyber-Physical Systems.

Collection of pre-WRC annotations

Reception of preliminary WRC annotations begins. The annotations must be provided to the SAC secretary in print in person at office hours (Thursday, 16.30-18.00, room 141) - this allows you to immediately assess their content, ask questions and give recommendations on changing the annotation, which will significantly save time. As annotations are collected, meetings with students will be made to review the annotations and approve WRC topics. Announcements of dates, times, place of such meetings and lists of students invited to them will be published on the website. An application for approval of a topic is submitted only after successful review of the annotation.

The documents

The following documents are required for review and are available on the ITMO University portal and on the website of ITMO's Office of Educational Programs:

  • Statute of SPbNIU ITMO
  • Regulations on the final state certification of graduates of St. Petersburg State University Information Technology, Mechanics and Optics.
  • Regulations on the final qualifying works of a bachelor, graduate, master in the system of multistage education at SPbSU ITMO.
  • Methodological materials for organizing the implementation and protection of FQP.

Department documents:

  • Sample application for approval of the topic and the leader.
  • Sample application for reviewer approval.

Approximate calendar plan

October 2015 Organizational meeting.
November 2015 Collection of applications for approval of the topic and the leader and assignments for the FQP.
December 2015 Approval of the theme and the head of the WRC.
April 18-26, 2016 Preliminary consideration of research results (first pre-defense). Process modeling and requirements analysis, solution design results, Current state software implementation. Applying for a reviewer.
April 2016 Undergraduate practice
May 13, 2016 Delivery of completed works for verification in the Antiplagiat system.
May 2016 Advance protection. Admission to FQP protection.
June 1-3, 2016 WRC protection.

Current state of work

Group Surname Name middle name Topic (order 1) Topic (order 2) Supervisor Results of consideration Notes and Recommendations
1 M3410 Akhmerova Olga Vladimirovna Service process analysis legal entities for compliance with information security requirements (for example, ALFA-BANK JSC bad consideration on May 4
2 M3410 Vasilchuk novel Aleksandrovich Compliance analysis automated system LogiSmart to the requirements of the international freight forwarding company HELLMANN LLC satisfied adjust tasks, justify requirements, system analysis is not provided
3 M3410 Voronova Catherine Arkadyevna Formation of requirements for the modernization of the fuel supply metering system using plastic cards"TransOil Card" as part of the implementation of a modo of work with loyalty cards Formation of requirements for the modernization of the fuel supply accounting system using plastic cards "TransOil Card" as part of the implementation of the module for working with loyalty cards satisfied clarify the organizational structure, use a single notation for building models
4 M3410 Kind Irina Vladimirovna Identification of requirements for the electronic document management system of the company "Stella" Automation of business processes of NPK "Omega" on the 1C: Enterprise platform satisfied clarify the topic and formulation of the problem, functional requirements are incorrectly formulated
5 M3410 Zhelavsky Sergey Aleksandrovich Analysis of the information system "SAP: Restaurant" for compliance with the requirements for the process of organizing food in the restaurant "McDonald's LLC" satisfied Correct process models, show integration with third-party systems, system analysis is not presented
6 M3410 Kuleshov Stanislav Valerievich Automation of supporting business processes of the Alcon Group of Companies: implementation of an IT service management system (ITSM) in the maintenance department Another topic bad we recommend changing the topic to "requirements formation", formulating the expected results and the form of their presentation, there is no description of the automation object
7 M3410 Curly Pauline Andreevna Formation of requirements for the system of automation of the risk management process in implementation projects in an IT company bad present the materials in a readable form, there is no way to get acquainted with the process models
8 M3410 Lazarev Ilya Anatolevich Automation of the data exchange process between different points of sale trading network"Chic Perfume" Automation of accounting work in the company "Lantal" Beresnev Artem Dmitrievich, Senior Lecturer of the Department of ITGS bad The presented topic "Formation of requirements for the accounting system and a plan for its implementation" is recommended to be changed to "comprehensive automation" to reflect the essence of the work, to clarify the problem statement
9 M3410 Litvinova Alevtina Sergeevna Automation of accounting, coordination and control over the execution of informatization plans prepared by the executive authorities of the Leningrad region Formation of requirements for the modernization of the accounting system, coordination and control of the implementation of informatization plans prepared by the executive authorities of the Leningrad Region Sergey Pantenkov, Tutor of the IP Department bad bring the models in line with the processes, justify the requirements, we recommend changing the topic to "requirements formation", clarify the problem statement, correct the description of the automation object, analysis and process models
10 M3410 Naumov Oleg Nikolaevich Formation of requirements for the personnel accounting system in the company "Di I Wai Tools" Another topic bad No full description subject area, adjust process models and data models
11 M3410 Osadchy Kirill Glebovich Choosing an Automated Warehouse Management System (WMS) in a cabinet furniture company Another topic Bookchina Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, Tutor of the IP Department satisfied no description of processes, insufficient pace of work
12 M3410 Petkina Victoria Olegovna Formation of requirements for the sales management system in the company CJSC "Lenprodmash" Analysis of the CRM Vtiger system for compliance with the requirements of CJSC Lenprodmash Khlopotov Maxim Valerievich (Ph.D.), Associate Professor of the Department of ITGS bad adjust process descriptions and data models
13 M3410 Sazhin Ilya Dmitrievich Automation of project management in a mobile application development team Sergey Pantenkov, Tutor of the IP Department satisfied clarify the structure of the explanatory note
14 M3410 Stepanov Michael Petrovich Analysis of business processes of anti-cafe "Freedom" to identify automation opportunities Bookchina Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, Tutor of the IP Department bad the statement of the problem and the topic should be corrected
15 M3410 Sterlikova Darya Alexandrovna Formation of recommendations for the creation of regulations for access to data storage systems Another topic bad the topic does not reflect the content of the work, the work is not about data storage systems, the problem statement is not clear, a description of the automation object is not provided, analysis and modeling of processes
16 M3410 Sysoeva Valeria Valerievna Analysis of the process of forming a repair list in the shipping industry based on the EAM-system TRIM Gusarova Natalia Fedorovna (senior researcher, candidate of technical sciences), associate professor of the ITGS department bad think about the need for economic efficiency, present a process model in accordance with the notation and the applied process, agree on a plan for further work with the annotation
17 M3410 Khitrov Sergey Aleksandrovich Formation of requirements for the completion of the component for working with partners to attract CPA traffic systems Khlopotov Maxim Valerievich (Ph.D.), Associate Professor of the Department of ITGS bad in the presented materials there is no problem statement, description of the automation object, adjust the analysis and process models, analyze the existing system
18 M3411 Bystrov Igor Vladimirovich Analysis of personnel accounting processes at the company "ABSOLUT" to identify their compliance with the functionality of the information system "1C: ZUP" Bookchina Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, Tutor of the IP Department satisfied detail functional requirements
19 M3411 Vasilyeva Anastasia Alexandrovna Formation of requirements for the system of automation of accounting of documents of the archival department of the enterprise "OKB" Electroavtomatika "them. P. A. Efimova " bad consideration on May 4
20 M3411 Gaponenko Catherine Sergeevna deduction
21 M3411 Gorbachev Andrey Andreevich The choice of an automated personnel management system on the example of the enterprise JSC "419 Aviation Repair Plant" Another topic bad change of topic, description of the automation object is not provided, analysis and modeling of processes
22 M3411 Dmitrenok Alexandra Vasilevna Drafting requirements for reworking the Fixed Assets module in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Gaiduk Sergey Sergeevich, Tutor of the IP Department didn't show up consideration on May 4
23 M3411 Komzalov Alexander Mikhailovich Formation of requirements for the finalized business process management system Artemova Galina Olegovna (Ph.D.), Associate Professor of the Department of IP bad There is no clarity in the statement of the problem
24 M3411 Konovalova Ksenia Igorevna Automation of the processes of development, testing and deployment of software of the company "Digital Security" Popov Alexander Alexandrovich, Tutor of the IP Department satisfied No comments
25 M3411 Kuznetsova Maria Igorevna Formation of requirements for labor protection of labor MP "GORLESHOZ" bad Materials not presented
26 M3411 Mamaeva Sophia Eduardovna Formation of requirements for the system of automated accounting and control of resource consumption associated with the operation of freight vehicles Analysis of accounting and control processes of resource costs to identify their compliance with the functionality of the information system "Manager" Bookchina Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, Tutor of the IP Department bad it is necessary to interact with the manager, there is no clear statement of the problem, no description of the automation object, no analysis and modeling of processes
27 M3411 Nekrasov Sergey Sergeevich Automation of processes of the sales department of the service metal center Automation of processes of the sales department of a service metal center based on "Pietersoft: Process Management" Bookchina Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, Tutor of the IP Department satisfied correct the description of the automation object, provide an analysis of the system
28 M3411 Panyavin Michael Leonidovich Designing an information system to automate the process of studying and testing knowledge using classical algorithms and data structures Mayatin Alexander Vladimirovich (associate professor, candidate of pedagogical sciences), associate professor of the IP department bad Materials not presented
29 M3411 Remizov Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Formation of requirements for automating the business process "Accounting for disciplinary sanctions against participants in sports competitions" within the framework of the RFPL competition management information system bad consideration on May 4
30 M3411 Rodichkina Irina Mikhailovna Automation of the data backup process Another topic Vladislav Vyacheslavovich Pozdev, Senior Lecturer of the IP Department bad to clarify the topic, the analysis and modeling of the process is not presented, to analyze the applications installed in the enterprise
31 M3411 Tarasov Maksim Evgenyevich Service automation technical support in the Directorate of Information Technologies Beresnev Artem Dmitrievich, Senior Lecturer of the Department of ITGS bad give a description of the process in accordance with ITIL, adjust the description of the automation object, analysis and modeling of processes are not presented
32 M3411 Chebotarev Victor Igorevich Formation of requirements for the implementation of an information system for FE "STO Pushkinskoe Shosse" Formation of requirements for the information system of an enterprise that provides maintenance of cars FE "STO Pushkinskoye Shosse" Artemova Galina Olegovna (Ph.D.), Associate Professor of the Department of IP satisfied Build a to-be model, eliminate defects in current models, detail and justify requirements
33 M3411 Shvalova Natalia Andreevna Formation of requirements for the development of long-term archival storage of documents of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Russian Federation Formation of requirements for the system of long-term archival storage of documents of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Artemova Galina Olegovna (Ph.D.), Associate Professor of the Department of IP satisfied to present materials in printed form, correcting the description of processes and systems
34 M3412 Afatnitsky Artyom Andreevich Formation of requirements for the completion of the component for working with advertisers of the CPA system Khlopotov Maxim Valerievich (Ph.D.), Associate Professor of the Department of ITGS bad do not use different notations unnecessarily, build the logic of organizing the materials of the WRC, correct the problem statement, description of the automation object, analysis and process models, analyze the existing system
35 M3412 Gannusenko Veronica Mikhailovna Automation of the warehouse department of orthopedic products of the "Pantry of health" enterprise deduction Vladislav Vyacheslavovich Pozdev, Senior Lecturer of the IP Department
36 M3412 Dobrinov Kirill Pavlovich Designing a Web Partner Integration Module for the VSPACE Web Application Platform Beresnev Artem Dmitrievich, Senior Lecturer of the Department of ITGS satisfied no comments
37 M3412 Zakirova Helena Evgenievna Formation of requirements for an automation system for a car filling station of LLC "Kirishiavtoservice" deduction Ivanov Roman Vladimirovich, senior lecturer of the IP department
38 M3412 Kiseleva Seraphim Yuryevna Formation of requirements for the accounting and management accounting system of the Technolon company Another topic Ivanov Roman Vladimirovich, senior lecturer of the IP department bad we recommend changing the topic: "customer relationship", clarifying the problem statement, adjusting the description of the automation object
39 M3412 Korneev Egor Andreevich Designing a system-constructor for organizing the activities of kindergartens Popov Alexander Alexandrovich, Tutor of the IP Department satisfied present system and software architecture, describe processes, build an application process model, detail requirements
40 M3412 Kochkin Dmitriy Konstantinovich Automation of an enterprise providing educational activities for the training of drivers of vehicles of various categories Another topic Mayatin Alexander Vladimirovich (associate professor, candidate of pedagogical sciences), associate professor of the IP department bad meet with the manager, describe, analyze and model the processes
41 M3412 Kuzmenko Oksana Alekseevna Analysis of business processes of a hospital in a dermatovenerologic dispensary to identify compliance with the selected system Analysis of the compliance of a medical information system with the requirements of a hospital business process in a dermatovenerologic dispensary Mayatin Alexander Vladimirovich (associate professor, candidate of pedagogical sciences), associate professor of the IP department satisfied No comments
42 M3412 Lebedeva Daria Alexandrovna Automation of the complex of tasks of the HR inspector (for example, Primorsky Commercial Port LLC) Khlopotov Maxim Valerievich (Ph.D.), Associate Professor of the Department of ITGS bad not to allow incorrect borrowing, the statement of the problem, the description of the automation object, the analysis and modeling of the process are not presented
43 M3412 Rodionov Andrey Kirillovich Choosing an electronic document management system for a security company Analysis of the Docsvision electronic document management system for compliance with the requirements of a security company Bookchina Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, Tutor of the IP Department satisfied clarify the list of incoming documents
44 M3412 Rybakova Natalia Alexandrovna Development of a knowledge base on the theme "European Football Championship 2016" Khlopotov Maxim Valerievich (Ph.D.), Associate Professor of the Department of ITGS didn't show up Materials not presented
45 M3412 Stepanenko Victoria Alexandrovna Design of a control system for automated tests for CJSC "Digital Design" Formation of requirements for the test management system Sergey Pantenkov, Tutor of the IP Department satisfied there is no detail on the object of testing, we are talking about the automation of autotests or manual ones too, clarify the problem statement and description of the automation object
46 M3412 Khapin Vladislav Albertovich Development of a web application to automate the verification of documents by maintenance and repair Dmitry A. Zubok (Ph.D.), Associate Professor of the Department of IP bad Clarify the statement of the problem and the topic, the data architecture is presented incorrectly, the description of the automation object, analysis and modeling of processes are not provided
47 M3412 Shamsudinov Rashid Ilyasovich Formation of requirements for the completion of the information system for the automation of warehouse logistics Formation of requirements for the information system of warehouse logistics Dmitry A. Zubok (Ph.D.), Associate Professor of the Department of IP bad clarify the statement of the problem and the expected results

Contact Information

Secretary of the State Electoral Commission for the Bachelor's Degree Program 08050001 - Business Informatics
Khlopotov Maxim Valerievich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of ITGS.

Email: [email protected] When contacting e-mail indicate in the subject line the prefix "GEC 080500". Letters without such a prefix in the subject will not be considered.

Business Informatics is a completely new specialty for today's students. Therefore, quite a few, having heard the word "business", immediately run to enter there. But Don't Do It Let's talk about what the business computer science department is all about. We will also find out what is the use of it.


Business Informatics is a specialty that has taken one of the leading places in recent years among applicants. Of course, after all, in its description you can see that a person who has studied in this direction will be able to do quite a lot. As for work, this is not discussed at all - of course, such specialists will be very much appreciated, especially in IT technologies. Business informatics has been taught at HSE for several years. We can say that these are the "discoverers" of this direction.

Having singled out "business informatics" among all areas, the student, of course, will "lead" to a tempting name and submit documents for admission to it. Hence, there is a lot of competition. But is everything as good as it seems? And is business informatics so in demand - a specialty that is still not really known to any of the students?

Difficulties of choice

The Faculty of Business Informatics, as has been said many times, is a fairly new direction. Of course, many students (and parents as well) want to know what they learn in the course of such training. This is where the first problems faced by the student begin.

The first thing that may shock you is the items required for admission. As a rule, business informatics, a new and unexplored specialty, requires children to pass the Russian language, mathematics and .... social studies. A tempting offer, especially for those who were going to apply for a regular economist. Most applicants change their minds towards innovations. But over time, the questions begin: "Business informatics, who to work with someone with such an education?" First, let's see what the specialists who are trained in this area are studying.

Mathematics or ...

As soon as a student comes to the very first lectures on business informatics, he, as a rule, gets into the whole thing is that this direction is interpreted more as an economic education. In reality, however, the situation is somewhat different.

From the first lectures, children are already in the first year waiting for many purely mathematical disciplines. This includes mathematical analysis, discrete mathematics, computer science, and the history of computer technology. A person who is not ready for the fact that business informatics is an unknown specialty may simply wonder why there is so much mathematics here. But it doesn't end there.

Further, in the same first year, students begin to teach a lot of informational subjects, as well as teach programming. This can also include the fact that foreign languages(especially English) will begin to teach under the guise of "business conversational". In fact, students will all the time have to translate texts, retell them and conduct conversations with the teacher on the topic: "What do I want to work for." From school level"not far" left. Here, of course, is important Business Informatics takes away a lot of students' time in terms of the number of lectures delivered per day, which leaves almost no time for rest. Therefore, during classes, the student must work independently (this happens in most cases) in order to understand what is "happening" around him.

A separate place is reserved for computer science and programming. Here the entire history of the development of these disciplines is studied, after which various databases appear, tasks for the compilation and use of programs, and so on. But, unfortunately, programming is not taught at the proper level. A good study of this area requires at least 4 years of full-time work. Business Informatics is a direction that overwhelms students with various subjects. And what about economics and the humanities, which promised so? Let's see what else the guys will have to learn.

A bit of humanities

Having entered the specialty that we are now engaged in, the student firmly believes that he will receive a prestigious elite education, and economic sciences will be studied. From the first year, some disappointment awaits those who have chosen the Faculty of Business Informatics. Who to work with if they teach only mathematical disciplines is a question of questions. A little later, learning begins to "slide" towards the economy.

This is where financial mathematics, life safety, psychology, economic theory, 1C enterprise, and so on appear. Mathematics, after studying differential directions and general theory of systems with the theory of probability, slowly fades into the background. Students will also be given the opportunity to study management and marketing. Gradually, business informatics begins to push aside informatics. By about the third year, she will completely leave the exhausted students.

So, without really having studied mathematics and information technology, the guys jump to the economy. Here is such an incomprehensible specialty business informatics. "Who will you work after graduation?" - a teacher in any economic specialty can ask a question to freshmen and sophomores. And the students just shrug their shoulders. Indeed, what to do after receiving a diploma?

I would be a mathematician, but ...

Naturally, a mathematician! How could this not immediately occur to my mind. To unlearn 5 years in a new direction, which, according to the administrations, prepares the elite, so that later work at school as a mathematics teacher? Well, option. True, too expensive. Tuition per year in this area varies from 100 to 200 thousand rubles, depending on the geographic location. So if you want to work as a math teacher, go for something more "narrow".

In addition, the proper level mathematical knowledge not supported here. Full-fledged mathematics, namely mathematical analysis and differential equations, is taught for only one year. The rest of the mathematical disciplines pass through the minds of students for one semester, which does not give the proper knowledge. Although you can hear a lot of reviews and talk that business informatics is also elite. This opinion is usually expressed by parents and those who themselves have not yet studied in this direction.

As a programmer, I would ...

Okay, math has faded into the background. What else is taught? Computer science and programming! Exactly! If you do not know who to work with, you can go into the field of IT-technologies, as rectors promise to many students. As soon as students catch fire with such an idea, their dreams immediately collapse - just two years of studying programming and one year of computer science. Oh, how much knowledge they will give!

In order to become a full-fledged programmer, you need to study the subject for at least 4 years, and every day and constantly. The same can be said about computer science. Nevertheless, universities "advertise" business informatics as a specialty, after which graduates will be able to work wherever they want. In practice, this is not the case. Promises and ideas about the elitism of this specialty are smashed to smithereens. Those who have already studied for a while quite often call business informatics "underspeciality." But why? After all, since mathematics and programming have not "grown together", there is also economics!


And yet, what will be future work? Business Informatics includes quite a few economic disciplines after studying mathematics. But things are even worse here. The thing is that the economy also needs to be "tightly" dealt with in order to achieve a good result. And in this direction they teach "just a little bit." A piece is taken away from mathematics, another part - from programming, the rest - from economics.

And chaos begins to reign in my head. A little knowledge of personnel management, psychology, mathematics, programming, economics, marketing and so on ... What happens? It turns out that not a single subject is fully taught. There are already many narrower specialists in the labor market who have far from such superficial knowledge that they give in business informatics. It turns out that the promised salaries of 35,000 rubles or more are just a fairy tale for those who do not know. Naturally, there is a chance that you will work, as you are promised, in the field of IT-technologies implementation in business, but it will only be possible to do this "by acquaintance" and "not by specialty." What is left for business informatics? How to work after graduation?

Hard life

As already mentioned, the graduate will face huge competition in the labor market, and not who promise so. A person who graduated from the Faculty of Business Informatics will actually have a hard time. But what is to be done?

All that remains are popular areas of work. For example, a manager or a sales assistant. This is where business computer science students and graduates usually work. They will not be able to apply for "elite" places, since the high-profile name of the direction implies that the guys take "a little bit from everywhere." Not the best way... Also, students can work as operators in call centers and various office workers. So, in the end, the children will be hugely disappointed, especially if they study on a paid basis.

There is a replacement

What to do for those who want to work in their specialty and miss a little bit from everywhere? There is such a direction as information management. This is, in fact, the same business informatics, only it sounds less "prestigious", and economic disciplines are studied there more and more persistently.

So, having entered information management, a student becomes a full-fledged economist who is able to compete in the labor market. Yes, the likelihood that he will start earning 50 thousand a month and do nothing at the same time is practically reduced to zero. Nevertheless, a graduate will be guaranteed to receive his 25,000 rubles for work in his specialty. Those who have studied business informatics sometimes even practice as cashiers, sales managers and consultants. It turns out that business informatics is a rather deceptive specialty, remade from another in order to "pull money" from students and their parents. However, there are a lot of such examples.

Branch of a state budgetary educational institution
higher professional education of the Moscow region
"International University of Nature, Society and Man" Dubna "-


Department of Mathematics and Applied Informatics

Chairman of the State Attestation Commission

in the direction 080800.62 "Applied Informatics"

The work of the certification commission was carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the final state certification of graduates of higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 25, 2003 No. 1155 and the Regulations on the final state certification of graduates of the Dubna University, approved by the decision of the Academic Council (Minutes No. 9 of 06 June 2008)

1. Composition of the State Attestation Commission (SAC):

The list of certification tests that are part of the final state certification of graduates for the main educational program:

    State interdisciplinary exam in the direction

    Defense of the final qualifying work

The Chairman of the SJSC was approved on April 22, 2013 by the Minister of Education of the Moscow Region M.D. Kokunov.

Commission chairman:

Priezzhev Vyacheslav Borisovich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher of the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics. N.N. Bogolyubov of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research.

The secretary of the SJSC was approved by the order of the rector No. 1493 dated 05/30/2013.

SJSC Secretary:

Zavyalov Anatoly Mikhailovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematics and Applied Informatics of the DINO branch of the Dubna University.

The composition of the state attestation commission was approved by order of the rector No. 1493 dated 05/30/2013.

Commission members:

Examination commission number 3

for the state interdisciplinary exam in the direction 080800.62 "Applied Informatics"

Chavleishvili Mikhail Petrovich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Mathematics and Applied Informatics of the DINO branch of the University "Dubna", Deputy Chairman of the SJSC, Chairman of the Examination Commission

Mitroshin Anton Alekseevich, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Mathematics and Applied Informatics of the DINO branch of the Dubna University

Examination commission number 4

for the defense of graduate qualification works in the direction 080800.62 "Applied Informatics"

Tokareva Nadezhda Alexandrovna, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Information Technologies of the Institute of System Analysis and Management, Dubna University, Deputy Chairman of the State Joint-Stock Company, Chairman of the Examination Commission

Chavleishvili Mikhail Petrovich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Mathematics and Applied Informatics of the DINO branch of the Dubna University

Grebenkin Mikhail Fedorovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Mathematics and Applied Informatics of the DINO branch of the Dubna University

Kashuba Leonid Anatolievich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Rocket and Space Engineering Technology, MSTU named after N.E. Bauman

Markov Kirill Nikolaevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise SSC RF "VNIIgeosystem"

2. The period of work of the SJSC, the number of meetings:

SJSC of the Department of Mathematics and Applied Informatics in the direction 080800.62 "Applied Informatics" worked from 06.06.2013 to 29.06.2013. Held (4 meetings: 06.06.2013, 07.06.2013, 27.06.2013, June 28, 2013)

3. Information about the results of protection:

In total, 22 people were admitted to protection, of which students:

Full-time - 22 people

Part-time - 0 people

By correspondence - 0 people

The results of passing the state exam in the direction:

Academic group number

Complete issue

Graded in state exams

The results of the defense of final qualifying works:

Academic group number

Complete issue

Those who received an assessment on the defense of final qualifying works

10 students received a diploma "with honors":

    Agaeva Anna Alexandrovna

    Karpova Maria Andreevna

    Kovalev Ilya Alekseevich

    Krotova Yulia Sergeevna

    Kulik Inna Igorevna

    Petrenko Aina Sergeevna

    Rusanova Anastasia Lvovna

    Ushakova Anna Alexandrovna

    Agaeva Anna Alexandrovna

    Bakarina Daria Evgenievna

    Golovin Denis Stanislavovich

    Guskov Maxim Dmitrievich

    Klimov Sergey Alexandrovich

    Kozhevnikova Ksenia Dmitrievna

    Lukinova Tatiana Alexandrovna

    Nikolaev Kirill Sergeevich

    Rusanova Anastasia Lvovna

    Filin Roman Valerievich

    Borlakov Igor Muratovich

    Kovalev Ilya Alekseevich

    Krotova Yulia Sergeevna

    Sergey Kuznetsov

    Kulik Inna Igorevna

    Lazarev Anton Olegovich

    Petrenko Aina Sergeevna

    Karpova Maria Andreevna

    Ushakova Anna Alexandrovna

    Cherkashin Fedor Anatolievich

    Shishanova Tatiana Alexandrovna

Surnames of the most distinguished students:

    Shishanova Tatiana Alexandrovna

    Karpova Maria Andreevna

    Ushakova Anna Alexandrovna

    Petrenko Aina Sergeevna

    Kulik Inna Igorevna

    Kovalev Ilya Alekseevich

    Krotova Yulia Sergeevna

    Rusanova Anastasia Lvovna

    Lukinova Tatiana Alexandrovna

    Agaeva Anna Alexandrovna

    Sergey Kuznetsov

    Bakarina Daria Evgenievna

    Golovin Denis Stanislavovich

    Lobanova Ekaterina Vladimirovna

    Nikolaev Kirill Sergeevich

    Filin Roman Valerievich

4. Characteristics of the general level of training of students in the field of training:

The State Examination Commission for the State Interdisciplinary Exam noted that future bachelors received the necessary knowledge and skills in the field of informatics and computer technology, they have a sufficiently high level of applied information systems, methods of system analysis and management and are ready to use them in solving applied problems of various directions. ... The level of the asked questions corresponded to the level of knowledge acquired by the graduates.

5. The structure and content of examination tickets, compliance of the questions with the training program and the requirements of the qualification characteristics; the orientation of the exam to identify the practical skills and abilities of graduates; balance of theoretical and practical parts of the exam:

The exam tickets contained three questions, each of which was conditionally assigned to three different blocks of knowledge: computer science and information technology; computer networks, operating systems and programming; management theory and the basics of systems analysis. The tickets included the main topics from 11 general and special disciplines of the ICT direction, related to the use of theoretical and applied informatics tools in solving practical problems.

6. Number of final qualifying works:

Made with the use of computer technology -22;

Completed by a team of students - 0;

Practices performed using bases - 2;

Practical -22;

Introduced into production - 7;

Protected with multimedia technologies - 22.

7. Characteristics of final qualifying works:

The State Examination Commission for the defense of graduate qualification works noted that the topic of all works corresponds to the profile of graduates' training, in most of the works (21 out of 22) there are original ideas that are of indisputable practical interest, seven (7) works have acts of implementation in production.

Four (4) works related to the design of web sites for various fields of application, five (5) works - the development of information systems for solving problems in educational institutions, two (2) works - the development of training courses, two (2) works - the design of information systems of acceptance solutions, two (2) works - the development of information and analytical tools, one (1) work - the development of an information system in the field of medicine, six (6) works - the development of an information system in the service sector. All works are of practical importance, five (5) works are of interest to applied science.

One (1) work was carried out under the guidance of a Doctor of Science, eight (8) work was carried out under the guidance of a Candidate of Science, thirteen (13) works - under the guidance of senior lecturers.

All managers are full-time employees of the branch or part-time employees.

The leading employees of the M.V. NE Bauman, Federal State Unitary Enterprise SSC RF VNII Geosystems and a branch of DINO University "Dubna". The reviews noted both the merits of the works and their shortcomings.

In general, it should be noted that the works are both scientific and applied in nature, and their results are applied in various organizations. The topic of theses is fully consistent with the modern level of science.

Graduation qualification works represent a complete and properly designed analysis of a selected specific topic, solved completely independently, and contain: research of the current state of the problem, development of research methodology and a form for solving a specific issue. Tasks are considered in sufficient detail, including important related issues or aspects.

The defense of diploma projects showed that their authors received, while studying at the Department of Mathematics and Applied Informatics, a high level of knowledge and skills, the works reflect a deep understanding of the problems under consideration and the possibilities of using modern information technologies in relevant applied areas. The graduates of the department received good theoretical training and are worthy of continuing their studies in the magistracy.

8. The State Attestation Commission noted originality and especially high quality performance and level of protection of final qualifying works:

    Shishanova Tatiana Alexandrovna

    Karpova Maria Andreevna

    Ushakova Anna Alexandrovna

    Petrenko Aina Sergeevna

    Kulik Inna Igorevna

    Kovalev Ilya Alekseevich

    Krotova Yulia Sergeevna

    Rusanova Anastasia Lvovna

    Lukinova Tatiana Alexandrovna

    Agaeva Anna Alexandrovna

    Sergey Kuznetsov

    Bakarina Daria Evgenievna

    Golovin Denis Stanislavovich

    Lobanova Ekaterina Vladimirovna

    Nikolaev Kirill Sergeevich

    Filin Roman Valerievich

9. The main shortcomings identified in the final qualifying works and in the level of training of graduates:

Lack of references to literary and fund sources in a number of graduation qualifying works;

In most of the final qualifying works, the bibliographic description of references to literary sources is done in free form and does not meet the requirements of GOST;

10. Among the leaders of qualified graduate work, it should be noted:

    Chavleishvili Mikhail Petrovich

    Mitroshin Anton Alekseevich

    Mitroshin Pavel Alekseevich

    Deobold Andrey Valentinovich

    Nikolay Nikolaevich Kutrukhin

    Aminov Garun Ilyasovich

The works carried out under their leadership are distinguished by their relevance, completeness and depth of study of the topic, they are carefully designed, have practical value and are recommended for implementation.

11. Reviews of final qualifying works, in most cases, show a professional attitude towards reviewing, comments in reviews are indicated on the merits.

12. SAC meetings were well organized, all members of the commission were active and took part in the discussions. Students in their speeches adhered to the allotted time for defense.

13. Generalized remarks and proposals of the Chairman of the SJSC to improve the quality of training of graduates and the organization of work of the SJSC and individual SEC directions:

In preparation for the defense of the final qualifying work, more attention should be paid to the pre-defense of thesis and to work out the presentation of the graduate student.

14. Dissenting opinions of members of the State Attestation Commission:

The Commission unanimously notes that:

Conclusions on the results in qualification papers should be made more concise and clear;

It is necessary to practice more actively the students' presentations in front of the audience;

When formulating the topics of work and terms of reference for them, managers should more accurately reflect the content that arises when performing the work itself.

15. Evaluation of the results of the activities of the graduating department to eliminate the shortcomings noted by the SAC in the last academic year:

The issue in the direction 080800.62 "Applied Informatics" was produced for the first time.

Based on the results of the work of the state attestation commission, I recommend:

Practice public speaking of students so that there are no readings;

When choosing leaders and reviewers of final qualifying works, take into account the availability of an academic degree in the relevant direction;

To attract recognized practitioners, potential employers and specialists from other universities as reviewers of final qualifying works to increase the objectivity of reviewing;

Most of the work was carried out at a traditionally high level, but I would like the relevance, novelty and perspective of the research to be formulated more clearly.

Reflect in the conclusions of the WRC possible directions for further research.

"_______" ________________ 2013

Chairman of the State

Attestation Commission Priezzhev V.B.

Familiarized with:

Head of the department Chavleishvili M.P.

Vice-rector for educational work Morzhukhina S.V.

"Business Informatics"
IS design (30 questions)
Concept, classification and structure of information systems.
The concept of design and design technology of IC. What is included in the IP project. Problems and features of design and requirements for the efficiency and reliability of design solutions.
Design standards. Modern management standards and communication technologies. Stages of the IP life cycle.
Software life cycle structure according to ISO / IEC 12207 and ISO / IEC standards
IP life cycle models: waterfall model, staged model with intermediate control, spiral model.
Methods for the analysis of information systems. The concept of EIS design methodology. The principles of creating an EIS.
IP design methods.
Stages of development of automated information systems.
Canonical and standard design of EIS.
Parametric and model-oriented design of EIS.
Computer Aided Design: Rapid Application Development RAD and Extreme Programming.
Infological IS design. Designing documentary databases.
Designing factual databases: hierarchical MD, network model data (model CODASYL).
Designing factual databases: relational data model, Entity-Relationship (ER) model.
The essence of the structural approach. The structural model of the subject area. Process approach in the description of the subject area
Functional modeling method SADT. IDEF methodology
Process modeling methodology IDEF3.
Modeling data streams. Building DFD diagrams. Features of the application of functional and object-oriented methodologies for modeling a domain
Principles and components of an object-oriented methodology.
UML Object Design Methodology: Use Case Diagram and Class Diagram.
Interaction diagrams. State diagram (transitions)
Activity diagram (actions). Component diagram.
Deployment diagram. The advantages and disadvantages of an object-oriented approach.
General characteristics and classification of CASE-tools. CASE-tools implementation technology. Specification methods in CASE systems.
Management of software development design and creation of information systems (MSF, PJM, RUP).
Information systems design tools (JAM, Vantage Team Builder, Rational Rose, ASE).
Planning and design of the reorganization of the enterprise. Industrial IC standards. Corporate IS R / 3, Oracle E-Business Suite, BAAN.
Business process modeling and reengineering technology. Drawing up business process diagrams according to ISO standard
Tools for modeling business processes of an enterprise (ARIS, ORG-MASTER, Business Studio).
Modern methodology of management and organization of IT services based on ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library).
Goals and objectives of the concept development open systems... Open Systems Architecture. ISO / IEC backbone standards for open systems.
Directions of development and models of the concept of open systems: OSI reference model (OSI / ISO), MIC model, OSE / RF model, MUSIC model.
With spurs, print 16 pages per sheet.