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Computer control via android via bluetooth. How to control a computer using an Android phone or tablet: the easiest way to remotely access a PC

There are many desktop management applications for the Android operating system. But, all such applications can be divided into two types. These are applications that turn your Android device into a remote control remote control and applications that provide complete control over your computer. In this article we will look at one application, each of these types.

Unified Remote- an application that allows you to control your computer via Android wireless network WiFi. It takes very little effort to use this application. First you need with Google play to your Android device. Also you need to your desktop computer you want to control.

After installing both parts of the program, launch the client application on the Android device. If everything is done correctly, then the application on the Android device should automatically detect the computer with server side programs and connect to it.

Unified Remote app on Android

After connecting from the application on the Android device, the following functions are available to control the computer:

  • entering text from the keyboard;
  • mouse cursor control;
  • file management;
  • control of sound and media playback;
  • control of computer operating modes (shutdown, reboot, sleep mode).

Also on the computer itself, the user has access to a web interface (at the address) with settings. Here you can enable or disable the functions that are available to the client application.

Unified Remote web interface on a computer

Another one interesting function the back end is a record of all actions that were performed using the remote control of the computer. This can be found in the C: \ ProgramData \ Unified Remote \ Server.log file.

TeamViewer Is another application that can be used to control a computer via Android. But unlike Unified Remote, TeamViewer gives you complete control over your computer. With the help of this program, you can move the mouse and control the computer through Android, as if you yourself are sitting at this computer. Another difference between TeamViewer is that it does not work over the local network, but over the Internet. This means you don't need to be connected to the same WiFi networks like a computer, you can control your computer from anywhere in the world.

In order to use TeamViewer you need an Android smartphone and your computer.

Then start the server application on your computer. In the program window you will see the connection data ( ID and password). These data must be entered in the client application on the Android device.

TeamViewer software on the computer

After entering the ID and password, you will be able to control the computer from using your Android device.

TeamViewer app for Android

If necessary, a permanent password can be configured on the computer in order not to enter New Password every time you connect to a computer.

Good day, dear readers of my blog. Did you know that while at work, you can easily climb into your home computer from your phone and view any information.

Today I will tell you how to remotely connect to a computer via the Internet. It will be easy, fast and secure. Scare your family with phrases: "I know what you did last summer" in the opened Word from nowhere, while they are working on your laptop, and get access to their mobile phone.

How to connect in Windows 7 and other OS

So, knowing the name of the computer, you can easily connect to it via the Internet. Frankly, I like this method a little less than the one that I will talk about a little later.

It's a little more complicated. Nevertheless, it is quite popular and has its own advantages.

So, go to the Panel Windows management 7. Click on the "Start" menu and find the desired category here.

In the list we find "System".

In principle, you can choose anything: “ Extra options systems "," Protection ". The main thing is to get into this tab.

We put a tick in front of: "Allow the connection" and go to the "Advanced" section, if you want to select users who will be allowed to connect, and also indicate the period during which period it can be valid. In fact, this is not necessary, but if you really want to ...

Now let's allow connection with any version of the desktop.

Let's add a user who is allowed to intrude. As you can see, without your knowledge, no one will get to him.

Although, frankly, the protection is not that strong. At least put these values, at least not. Grant or deny access.

It's like a door. If a professional fraudster or a very persistent person who needs a nosebleed to hack the system wants to get in to you, then no "protection" will help. Beginners cannot even cope with a wooden gate on a barn lock.

At the other end of the line, a person will only have to find the "Standard" heading in the "Start" menu, and then "Remote Connection".

In the menu that appears, you need to enter the name of the computer, then you're done.

If you have Windows XP, I will recommend this tutorial to you. Here you will be shown how to establish a connection with another computer over IP.

An easier way to connect from any device

I like the second way more. It's incredibly simple, user-friendly, and free. To connect to another computer, phone or tablet, you need to download and connect the TeamViewer software.

Its advantage lies in the fact that access to the computer is carried out only when the program is turned on, while the desktop removes the wallpaper and fills in black. The appearance of a fraudster will not remain unnoticed.

An easy way to share your computer with your phone

If you want to see the desktop of your laptop on your phone, then you will need to download TeamViewer to your computer anyway.

Go to official site and download.

Download and run the utility. Be sure to put non-commercial use so as not to pay.

After installation, a welcome tutorial page awaits you.

On the left is your ID and password for the current session. The latter is constantly changing. This is for your safety. On the left, you will need to enter your partner ID to connect to their desktop. We will return to this later.

Basically, if you have two computers, with installed program, then you can work now. There is everything you need for this.

We connect from a phone or tablet

If you go to Google Play, you will find a whole bunch of TeamViewer apps, which one should you choose?

If you just want to have access to your computer from Android, then you will need the second in the issue. In this case, you will not be assigned an ID and access to the phone or tablet will be closed. If you need it, you will have to download another extension for this. About it a little later, because through it you will not be able to view the computer screen.

Download "TeamViewer - Remote Access" and install.

This window is waiting for you. Click "Continue" in the upper right corner.

Now enter the ID that you specified when you entered the program from your computer. To find it, you can simply reopen the application and look at the numbers.

Now enter the password in the window that appears.

Again, you are trained to use the extension.

Ready. Login completed.

You can unfold the screen for a more comfortable viewing experience.

You can control all the functions of your computer directly from the screen of your mobile device.

We create a personal account and what is it for

In order not to enter each time, you will need Personal Area... Now I'll show you how to create it, and then let's move on to a more interesting and important question - how to view a tablet from a laptop.

Go to the "Computers" section and click "Register".

Enter your name, password and address. Convincing the system that you are not a robot. It’s very simple.

Wait for the letter to arrive in the mail and follow the link. You can do this from your computer. For convenience, immediately change the language to Russian.

Now you can add your contacts, but wait, you don't know the phone ID yet.

By the way, very important point, with which I had to dig deeper for a very long time. In the application, when you enter the "Computers" section, you are asked to give a name and password. Remember you entered it when registering? So, in fact, they need an address from you Email... Until you insert it, no one will open for you additional features.

A small but serious mistake in translation can be worth a few hours of hard work. Well, now let's move on to one of the main topic: how to view mobile device.

How to access your phone from a computer

There are several applications. You can see the difference at the top of the logo. In some cases, a QS icon will be inserted. This is what we need.

In my case, I will not be able to control the device, only viewing is available to me. I can only show you where to click and what to pay attention to. This is called demo mode.

This is due to the brand of my phone and the powerful security system that TimViver was unable to hack. If you need access to control, install the application that was created for your device and you will not have such problems.

If you have Samsung, then the TeamViewer version is suitable for Samsung, there are similar ones for Lenovo, HTC, LG, ZTE, Prestigio and many others.

There is also just a QS version for everyone. Downloading.

So I got desired application... And when I opened it, I was given a number.

I enter the program from my laptop and insert the ID on the right. I press "Connect to a partner".

Above is an extensive menu, which has the ability to remotely control.

In my case, no control could be carried out, but even so, the extension is quite useful.

On a note. I often need screenshots from my phone for writing blog articles. And I already told you, and use Yandex Disk for this. It was this that I used to transfer a large number of photos, but now I will start connecting to the screen with TeamViewer and taking screenshots from the laptop.

By the way, speaking of remote connection, I cannot but recommend book "How to protect your computer" ... In fact, her advantage is far from being told by the defense. I don't like Panda or McAfee. I am with both hands for NOD32 ... Download, you will not regret it.

However, there are many useful information about operating system failures, hardware malfunctions, stories about how to distinguish a worm from a trojan, and where we catch viruses. You will learn what to do to cope with resource conflicts, speed up work hard disk, renovate motherboard how to roll back drivers and much more.

So that is all. If this information was useful to you, subscribe to the mailing list and learn more about life and work on the Internet.

Until next time and good luck in your endeavors.

Probably every phone owner is faced with the fact that at one point it becomes necessary to connect it to a computer or laptop. Regarding Samsung phones I can say that it is recommended to download and install on the manufacturer's website for connecting to a PC Samsung app Kies, in addition, some phones even with installed application controlled only when the cable is connected.

This article will focus on an application that allows you to control your phone over Wi-Fi - AirDroid. Application does not require installation additional programs on a computer, and control is carried out from a browser. This means you can control your phone on any computer with a browser ( Google chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera) and connected to the same network as the phone.

Main functions

  • transferring files between the computer and Android device
  • contact management
  • SMS management (receiving, sending, deleting)
  • search install / uninstall applications
  • photo management (view, delete, set background)
  • video clip management (requires Quick Time to view)

Working with the application

After launching AirDroid, the phone appears main screen programs with instructions for connecting:

So, to connect, you need to turn on Wi-Fi on the device, and on the computer in the browser, type one of the addresses that offers AirDroid app:
The first option is

or the second suggested address, in my case

After gaining access, a page with controls appears.


The developers have made the AirDriod application as easy to use as possible, the controls are simple and intuitive.
AirDroid application will be useful for those people who have a need often and on different computers interact with your Android device, even when there is no data cable at hand and the application for synchronizing with the Android device is not installed on the computer.

Also, the AirDroid application will be appreciated by those who like to manage contacts, photos, videos, files on the big screen.

Video review of the application

Software for remote administration always enjoyed success. This is understandable. It is always convenient to keep track of what is going on at your computer while you are away.

With the help of such programs, you can remotely help friends solve some technical problems, check what your child is doing while you are away, and also check if the file has downloaded in the torrent client.

Since the time when tablets and smartphones appeared along with laptops and computers in home local networks, it became clear that the latter can be used to control other devices. It is quite obvious that these devices can be used to remotely control a home computer. If the speed of the Internet allows, you can even play the game installed on the computer on the tablet, lying on the couch. Modern mobile devices do an excellent job of other tasks that can be performed using programs for remote access.

On Google Play, you can find many applications designed to organize remote control of computers that run on Linux, Mac and Windows. There are quite a few developments among them. renowned manufacturers software, as well as programs adapted to work on mobile devices. However, there are not so many free applications among them. This review we have devoted to testing four applications with which you can work remotely on a computer via a tablet or smartphone.

1. Microsoft Remote Desktop

Program size: 4, 4 MB; developer - Microsoft Corporation; cost - distributed free of charge.
This proprietary utility from Microsoft is designed for remote control of a computer running on an operating room Android system... It appeared relatively recently. By using of this application you can control a computer on the operating system Windows 8 and Windows 7. Since we are talking about the native solution of the developer of the operating system Windows systems, no client installation is required.

However, to organize the connection, you still need to make some changes to the system settings. To do this, go to the "Control Panel", select the "System" section and find the item "Remote Access Settings" in it. Next, allow the remote connection to the computer. If the built-in firewall of the system is disabled, then enable the remote Windows access will not allow.

To do this, you first need to start the corresponding service. Microsoft Remote Desktop will use the system user data and password to authorize the Android application. If you plan to log in as an administrator, no additional steps are required. To allow access to the system to other users, simply click on the "Select Users" button. Here you can also add to the list of remote desktop users.

Also keep in mind that if you are not using a password to log in, you will need to add it to the User Accounts section. Without a password, a remote connection simply won't work. After this simple setup is complete, download from Google Play app Microsoft Remote Desktop. That's it, you can add a new connection ... In the settings, if you want, you can specify the local IP-address of the computer or its name on the network. If desired, you can specify a username and password.

After the connection is completed, local work with the computer will be blocked. The login window will appear.
If you log on locally, the remote connection will be terminated immediately. With a remote connection, you can see the desktop only from the screen of the mobile device. The remote desktop is displayed immediately after the connection is established. There are two controls at the top of the screen.

These are buttons for navigating the screen and buttons for displaying the virtual keyboard. If you need to use those buttons that are not on the Android keyboard, you just need to touch the panel with the connection name and call the panel additional settings... From there, you go to the virtual keyboard, where there are Esc, F1-F12, End, Win, Tab, Home, Ins, Esc, Enter and other buttons on regular keyboard... Pressing the Win button toggles between start screen and a work table. Using the advanced settings panel, you can turn off multi-touch gestures and switch to navigation mode, which uses a regular cursor.

You can only double-tap the back button on your Android device to end your dial-up session.

2. Teamviewer - organization of remote access

Application size: 11 MB, developed by Teamviewer; cost - for non-commercial use it is distributed free of charge.
Thanks to its simplicity and free status, Teamviewer has long been one of the most demanded remote administration solutions. Since the era of mobile devices began, various applications have appeared to control computers from mobile devices based on Windows Phone, Android, iOS.

To control a computer from a mobile device, it is necessary to install the client program on a personal computer and special application for Android. With TeamViewer, you can connect to computers running Linux, Mac and Windows operating systems.
If you do not plan to connect to other devices, TeamViewer QuickSupport is the best choice for you. This module does not require administrator rights and installation. Once launched, a special 9-digit identification number can be generated. You will also receive a four-digit password that can be updated if necessary.

After launch, you can open the mobile application. It can operate in two modes: file transfer and remote control. In either case, on the screen of a tablet or smartphone, you will need to enter a password and an identifier to gain access to the computer.
If there was a request for a remote connection, the PC desktop will appear on the device screen after a successful connection. It will also be visible on the computer monitor, but the resolution will be changed in accordance with the settings of the mobile device.

To provide a convenient remote desktop experience, the creators of TeamViewer have created a whole system of controls. All prompts related to the control process are shown before connecting. You can also view them at any time of remote work. So, using your fingers, you can scroll, perform clicks with the right and left mouse buttons, and also move the cursor to individual objects.

The control panel is at the bottom of the screen. Using the control panel, the user can quickly end the session, send the PC to reboot, or completely lock it. Also, for the duration of the remote connection session, you can block local work from a PC. If you run into problems displaying Remote Desktop while working, you can try lowering the quality of the data transfer or lowering the resolution. You can also try hiding the wallpaper display. These parameters can be changed both globally and for an individual connection.

Using the control panel, you can quickly and easily display the virtual keyboard. In addition to Android keyboard you can work with additional keys, use buttons like alt, ctrl, shift, F1-F12. When the file transfer mode is on, the user can see file system remote PC and, if necessary, copy the necessary data to the mobile device. The mobile client saves the identifiers of the PCs to which it was connected. In the event that there are many remote computers, it is easier to use the "Computers and Contacts" section for management. To do this, you need to create a Teamviewer account. Then you can create groups of remote computers and add IDs and passwords to the computers that you want to access.

3. Splashtop 2 Remote Desktop

Developer - Splashtop; program size - 18 MB; cost - it is distributed free of charge (it is proposed to pay $ 1.99 per month for expanding functionality).

Splashtop Remote is another free app, using which you can control the computer running on the operating room Linux system, Mac or Windows. It uses a slightly different distribution model than Teamviewer. The program is free for non-commercial use, however, to use additional features, you need to buy an extension. Paid options include access to remote computer over the Internet.

V demon paid version control is carried out only by local network... Also in the paid version there are special tools for the convenience of creating annotations on the screen. In the free version, the number of computers that you can connect to is limited to five. To use the app, you need to create a Splashtop account. To create it, you can use both the mobile application itself and the Splashtop Streamer client. To connect on both devices, you need to log in with an account.

After the mobile client detects computers that are available to connect, you can open a remote control session. Also, in the settings of the mobile client, you can enable automatic connection when starting the PC. List available computers in this case, it will not be displayed. The application only connects to the device for which the remote access session was last performed.

No additional passwords are required by default. If you are concerned about the issue of unauthorized access, then in the settings of the mobile client it is possible to enable a password request for the current account... You can also use a security code. This means that you will need to enter a password each time to connect. There are also security settings in the program, which in other programs are available only on mobile clients. In Splashtop, they can be configured even on the desktop client. So, for example, on the local computer screen, you can disable the display of the desktop during a remote connection. You can also block the use of the mouse and keyboard, and configure the user to log out of the user account when finishing remote work.

One of the features of the Splashtop program is the ability to transfer video in HD quality with sound to a mobile device. This enables the user to watch a movie running on a personal computer on a mobile device and play games remotely. During a communication session, you can configure your computer so that Splashtop will only transmit audio to your mobile device, broadcast it to both devices, or not transmit audio at all.

In the case of a remote connection, the screen resolution on the PC will not change. Therefore, you can safely continue to work for local computer... In addition, Splashtop provides the use of gestures to control the computer from a mobile device. You can control the parameters of the cursor, change the speed of its movement and sensitivity. Desktop personal computer can be viewed on a mobile device in its original resolution or scaled to fit the small screen of a mobile device.

4. Pocket Cloud Remote RDP / VNC

Developer - Wyse Technology Inc; program size -11 MB; cost - distributed free of charge, but with certain restrictions.
There is another free software solution, with which you can access the remote desktop. This is the Pocket Cloud program. This software solution is suitable only for those users who use OS Windows and Mac.

You can use the free mobile client only on one computer. To remove this restriction and also to get some additional functions, you will need to buy the Pro version. One of strengths application is the ability to select the type of connection. The easiest way is through Google App Engine. This is the simplest method and does not require any special technical skills from the user. You will need to enter in the client program and mobile application your Google account details.

After performing this operation, the computer will appear in the list available devices... After that, you can start a connection session. For advanced users, Pocket Cloud offers two more connection methods. The first is using RDP protocol, the second is through the VNC system. In both cases, the user will need to enter the IP address of their computer. To which you need to connect. After the connection is established, a special navigation element will appear near the cursor on the screen of the mobile device.

It is useful when you need to right-click, zoom in on a specific area of ​​the screen, display a virtual keyboard, or scroll. Also, in the settings of the mobile client, a number of settings used to improve the image quality are provided. Fonts can be disabled High Quality, wallpapers, themes and animations.


Many developers modern applications for remote access provide their products free of charge for non-commercial use. The functions of such versions are quite enough to solve the usual daily tasks... Each application has its own advantages. So, for example, to work with Microsoft Remote Desktop, you will not need to install an additional software... Splash Remote allows you to transfer audio to your mobile device. Teamviewer looks the most attractive. It has a separate mode for transferring files. In addition, the program can work both over the Internet and over a local network.

It is very convenient to control your computer via Android via Wi-Fi. You don't need a wireless mouse and keyboard when controlling your computer via android.

The average wireless mouse is $ 30, the keyboard is $ 40. But why waste money if you have an android that is always at hand and you can call it if it accidentally fell behind the sofa? Also, you do not need to worry about buying batteries or charging them, but, as a rule, it is necessary at the most inopportune moment.

In this article, we will analyze how to control a computer through an android:

  1. As a mouse
  2. Instead of a keyboard
  3. Remote control computer via android
  4. Launch computer content on android

After reading the article, installing the required application, setting it up and learning how to use it, you will not only save money on wireless mouse and keyboard, but you will also be able to use the capabilities of computer control through an android phone or tablet, which neither a mouse nor a keyboard can give you.

We will control the computer through android using Wi-Fi networks, so if you don't already have home wifi, run after the router - without it you lose a lot of amenities and services.

1. Installing and configuring an application for controlling a computer via android

To control the computer via an android phone or smartphone, we will use the PC Remote (Monect) application. In the article, we have already seen the possibilities of this application to turn an android into a joystick, gamepad and steering wheel, now we will also replace the mouse, keyboard and remote control from the audio system. As an alternative to this application, we can advise, there are fewer "unnecessary" functions, but it is also configured faster and easier.

By default, the application enters the "Touchpad" mode and we get a full replacement for the touchpad on a laptop. There is even an additional mouse wheel button (convenient for scrolling up and down the page and opening / closing new tabs in the browser).

Touchpad for the browser (Browser Mode)- convenient for using the browser - in addition to the usual touchpad, there are buttons: Search, Refresh page, Forward / Back, Home page.

Select Media Mode to control the player: there is a touchpad, buttons on / off the player, play / pause, stop, volume, turn off the volume, forward / backward. It is very convenient to use even if you are in another room and the speakers are connected to a computer.

Plain text input- to do this, just click on the keyboard icon in the widget field, as shown in the screenshot below, and a familiar keyboard will open on your Android device screen, which you see when you type any text.

Virtual keyboard- in this mode, the full screen will open virtual keyboard with the usual Windows layout and the keys Win, Ctrl, Alt ...

Function Keys- functional keyboard. Here are all the F-buttons, computer power (shutdown, sleep, restart), My Computer, Outlook, Calculator, as well as a block of buttons above the arrows (delete, print screen, page down ...).

4. Remote computer control via android

You can operate your computer from a different room than just operating the player.

Remote desktop function allows you to display in real time your computer desktop on android. There are additional buttons Start, call the android keyboard, Enter, right mouse button. If you press and swipe across the screen, there is a selection