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Operating system linux mint 18. Network accounts

On this moment current version is an Linux Mint 18.3, codenamed "Sylvia", was born on November 27, 2017. The most popular and downloaded version is the 64th version with the Cinnamon desktop environment. There are also versions with the working environment Mate, Xfce, KDE, both 32 and 64 bit.

They differ graphical shell... KDE is considered the most voracious, although it is the most advanced and beautiful, for weak computers it won't fit. If you decide to install this distribution kit on a weak computer, then it is better to install the Xfce version, it is not demanding on processor and video card resources. Consider the most downloaded version, Cinnamon.

I think no one will have any questions about installing this distribution kit, it is installed quite simply and easily, and even quickly, you can watch the installation process. Linux Mint is primarily suitable for those who decide to switch from Windows to something new. Although some recommendations apply to Ubuntu as well, personal experience I will say Linux Mint is more suitable for these purposes.

At startup, we see a guest window in which you need to enter the username and password of the user that was specified during installation operating system.

The welcome screen window is displayed, with the help of it you can familiarize yourself with the documentation, new features of Linux Mint, and also configure the drivers. Although the drivers are installed by default, the only thing required is additional customization video driver.

In the tray near the clock we see an icon similar to a shield, when you click on it, the update manager starts, which will offer to update the system and its components, I recommend doing this right away. Programs are constantly being finalized and improved, and updates are constantly being released.

Linux Mint - Update Manager

We see that the update manager offers to install updates for certain programs and modules.

Linux Mint - Computer

As I said above, Linux Mint has a more similar look to the Winodws operating system. On the desktop, we can see it right away, there is the icon "Computer" and "Home folder". Also at the bottom of the screen there is a "Menu" button, an analogue of the "Start" button in Windows and a panel quick launch... The quick launch bar is easily customizable to suit the needs of users.

When we click on "Computer" we see the usual arrangement of storage devices, and on the side there is a link to folders. Which I can say is very convenient and familiar, especially for beginners. Linux Mint - Menu

When you click on the "Menu" we see the menu of all installed programs, for convenience they are divided into categories. Even when compared with Linux Ubuntu here the programs are placed more conveniently.

To upgrade from Linux Mint 18.3 BETA to the stable version of Linux Mint 18.3, simply launch the Update Manager and apply any available updates.

It is also possible to upgrade Cinnamon and MATE Linux Mint editions 18, 18.1 and 18.2 to version 18.3.

Updates for the Xfce and KDE editions will be available later this year, as soon as stable versions of those editions are released.

1. Taking a snapshot of the system

Timeshift has been ported to Linux Mint 18, 18.1 and 18.2. You can use timeshift before upgrade to create system snapshots.

If something goes wrong, you can easily restore your operating system to a previous state.

To install timeshift, open a terminal and type:

Sudo apt update sudo apt install timeshift

Run Timeshift from Applications Menu, follow the onscreen instructions to configure it and take a system snapshot.

2. Preparing for the upgrade

  • Disable your screensaver.
  • If you have installed Cinnamon spices (applets, desklets, extensions, themes), update them from System Parameters

3. Updating the operating system

Upgrading to Linux Mint 18.3 is relatively straightforward.

In the update manager, click on the Check for updates button, pay attention to the new version of mintupdate and mint-upgrade-info. If they are, then install them.

Start the system update by clicking on "Edit" -> Upgrade to "Linux Mint 18.3 Sylvia".

Follow the prompts on the screen.

If there is a request to save or replace config files, choose to replace them.

After the update is complete, restart your computer.


  • While there is a new kernel in Linux Mint 18.3, this update does not affect the kernel change to your advantage. This is a decision that you yourself must make.
  • The same applies to choosing a display manager or choosing software... Apps to your advantage will not be removed or included. You can decide whether to make these changes, but most definitely you are not awarded this.
  • After the update, you can install from the repositories the new presented applications such as redshift-gtk and mintreport.
  • If you are in Cinnamon or MATE and there is no update available for you, check if you have installed latest versions mintupdate and mint-upgrade-info. If the latest versions are not yet available in your mirrors, switch to the default repositories.
  • This rarely happens, but if you are blocked and cannot go back to the system, switch to the console with CTRL + ALT + F1, log in, and enter
  • killall cinnamon-screensaver
  • Or, if you're in MATE:
  • killall mate-screensaver
  • Use CTRL + ALT + F7 or CTRL + ALT + F8 to return to your session.

What's new in Linux Mint 18.3

Linux Mint 18.3 is a Long Term Support release that will be supported until 2021. It comes with updated software and offers improvements and many new features to make your desktop more user-friendly.

Improved Program Manager

He now has more modern look, it has become more convenient.

Popular programs like Spotify, WhatsApp, Skype, Google earth, Steam and Minecraft are now in the Editor's Choice and very easy to install.

The user interface has become not only more modern, but at the same time simpler and more understandable.

The program manager is now easier and faster. It no longer uses Webkit, navigation through categories and applications is now almost instant, and it opens 3x faster than before.

The main process has been ported to AptDaemon and the Program Manager is now in user mode. As a result, you do not need to enter any passwords to view applications, and if you enter a password to install or uninstall an application, authentication is remembered for a while, so you can install or uninstall other applications without having to re-enter this password.

Under the hood, the code has been simplified and modernized.

Flatpak support

Thanks to you, you can install the latest versions of applications even if their dependencies are not compatible with Linux Mint.

Linux Mint 18.3 comes with Flatpak installed and new Manager programs fully support it.

There is special section dedicated to Flatpak, in which the Program Manager contains a list of everything available in Flatpak (so called remotes):

Although Flathub is configured by default, you can change the remotes list. If you add new ones, they will appear in the Program Manager.

Packages and flatpaks are completely different things, but in the Program Manager they are presented the same way: they are just applications that you can install.

Flatpaks look like other apps in the Program Manager:

You can visit any remote, see their flatpaks, reviews on them, look at their screenshots, press the install button and launch them just like other applications.

Once installed, Flatpaks run in their own environment, isolated. They do not affect any other part of the operating system. Below, GNOME Games 3.26 runs in their own GTK 3.26 environment. Otherwise, these applications cannot run in Linux Mint as they are not compatible with GTK 3.18.

Backup Tools

These are some more Linux aspect Mint, which was significantly improved in 18.3.

Personal files

The backup tool has been almost completely rewritten. Everything has been rewritten: its functions, appearance and how it works.

Now backing up your home directory is a separate function - nothing more, nothing less. It saves all your files to an archive. When a backup is restored, the files are restored to the exact location where they were previously, with their original permissions and timestamps.

It works in user mode, so you no longer need to enter your password. The steps required to back up or restore your data are much easier than before. The settings that you selected for the first time are remembered and when you create backups again, you no longer need to do the same type of actions to select the same parameters.

Saving your choice of software is also much easier than it used to be. Instead of showing you thousands of packages to choose from, Backup Tool now just lists the packages you installed from the Program Manager.

Under the hood, the code is also much smaller and much more modern. Improved performance and stability, especially with regard to data compression and multithreading. Just like it was done for the Program Manager. The APT base has been switched to AptDaemon.

System snapshots

Linux Mint 18.3 has got Timeshift- a tool designed to create system snapshots.

Timeshift is the perfect tool companion Reserve copy Linux Mint. It does not store your personal data, it stores everything else.

With Timeshift, you can create backups the operating system itself.

You deleted system files by mistake? You can restore them. Have you upgraded to a newer version and something is not working well? You can go back in time.

In preparation for Linux Mint 18.3, their development team worked with Tony George, the developer of Timeshift, to improve localization, HiDPI support, appearance, program feel, and support for progress bars and encrypted directories. If you have already appreciated Timeshift in the past, now you will enjoy it even more.

Timeshift Tips

RSYNC Snapshots

  • Snapshots are created by making copies of system files using rsync and creating hard links to unmodified files from the previous snapshot.
  • All files are copied when the first snapshot is taken. Subsequent snapshots are incremental. Unmodified files will be linked to the previous snapshot, if available.
  • Snapshots can be saved to any disk formatted with a file Linux system... Saving snapshots to non-system or external drive allows you to restore the system even if system disk damaged or reformatted.
  • Files and directories can be excluded to use less disk space.

BTRFS snapshots

  • Snapshots are created using the built-in BTRFS file system.
  • Snapshots are created and restored instantly. Snapshot creation is an atomic transaction at the file system level.
  • Snapshots are restored by replacing system subkeys. Since files are never copied, deleted or overwritten, there is no risk of data loss. Existing system saved as a new snapshot after recovery.
  • Snapshots are ideal copying system bytes to bytes. Nothing will be missed.
  • Snapshots are saved on the same disk from which they were taken (system disk). Storage on other drives is not supported. If the system disk fails, the snapshots stored on it will be lost along with the system.
  • The size of BTRFS snapshots is initially zero. As system files change over time, data is written to new blocks of data that take up disk space (copy-on-write). The files in the snapshot continue to point to the original data blocks.
  • The OS must be installed on a BTRFS partition with a partition of Ubuntu type subkeys (@ and @home subkeys). Other layouts are not supported.

System reports

A new tool has been developed for Linux Mint 18.3 called System Reports. Its purpose is to generate reports on software crashes and display information pertaining to your computer and your environment.

Crash reports

When a failure occurs, information is collected and a failure report is generated.

The System Reports tool displays faults and lets you create stack traces for them:

When developers are unable to reproduce a bug, this information is very helpful. For inexperienced users, it is always very difficult to create master dumps or stack traces. This tool helps with this.

Information reports

In addition to crash reports, this tool can also display informational reports.

Unlike the release notes that show the same general information for everyone, informative reports are focused on specific users, specific equipment, individual cases. Each report can define its own relevance based on your environment, the desktop you are using, your processor, your graphics cards… etc.

The development team will use this tool to write reports and solve specific problems by displaying information, workarounds, troubleshooting techniques that can help affected users.

The reports can even include actions and decisions. Sometimes the development team knows how to solve a specific problem, but a solution cannot or should not be made without the user's consent. In such cases, the report may simply ask the user for permission and a click on the button will be enough to resolve the problem.

Cinnamon 3.6

Network Accounts

Cinnamon 3.6 supports GNOME network accounts. Among other things, this support makes it possible to use Google drive and OwnCloud at Nemo.

Connect your Google account and Nemo will automatically add access to your Google Drive in the sidebar:

Libinput support:

If previous releases used the Synaptics touchpad driver, this one comes with the Libinput driver by default.

When the Libinput driver (xserver-xorg-input-libinput) is installed, it is used. When it is removed (and after a reboot), Synaptics is used instead.

Cinnamon 3.6 supports both drivers out of the box, thanks to improvements to the settings daemons and the introduction of "automatic" configuration options that adapt well to most touchpads, no matter which driver is used.

The config module for Cinnamon Spices (applets, desklets, extensions, themes) has been completely updated:

It allows you to place applets directly on different panels, gives you 1-click access to settings, shows Spices that have received an update since they were installed, and updates faster. There is also a link “ Additional Information»To the Spices website for screenshots and user reviews.

Screen keyboard:

The size and position of the onscreen keyboard can now be adjusted. You can place it on the top or bottom, and it can take up half, a third or a quarter of your screen.

AT-SPI support (which allows the on-screen keyboard to automatically open when you focus on a text entry) has been improved and is now fully functional.

Onboard and Cinnamon have been modified so they can be installed and not interfere with each other. You can now use the Cinnamon on-screen keyboard without interfering with AT-SPI events, and you can launch and use Onboard without Cinnamon interfering as well.

Nemo extensions:

Nemo extensions can now pass the name of their config tool to Nemo to get the Config button in the Nemo plugins dialog:

This makes it easy to integrate the extensions properly and doesn't clutter up the application menu.

Other improvements:

Some of the other improvements in Cinnamon 3.6:

  • HybridSleep support
  • Ability to show other workspaces in the window list
  • Middle clicks to trigger the "secondaryActivate" signal in indicators
  • Rescan button for wireless networks in the network applet
  • Improved localization in the Nemo, cinnamon-session and cinnamon-settings-daemon extensions
  • Performance (5x faster in some cases for nemo-media-columns) and stability improvements in nemo extensions API
  • Support for animated GIFs in nemo-preview
  • Applets that are normally invisible (such as the notification applet) are now visible in edit mode so they can navigate the panels more easily
  • Improved scaling of Systray icons in hidpi
  • Cinnamon input fields (like search in the app menu) now support middle-click insertion
  • Eliminate bugs and improve performance
  • Translations have been added for many applets


HiDPI support is getting better with every new release.

The software manager and software sources have been ported to GTK3 and now support HiDPI.

HiDPI support in Cinnamon 3.6 is now Auto by default (it was disabled in previous versions), so the environment will scale out of the box on HiDPI displays.

Progress windows

LibXapp now allows applications to report their progress to the window manager.

This feature is called "windowing progress" and is supported by Cinnamon 3.6.

When an application uses it, its progress is displayed in the window list of the panel:

In Linux Mint 18.3, windows progress is supported by the following applications:

  • Nemo (file operations)
  • Backup
  • Timeshift
  • Program manager
  • Driver manager
  • Formatting USB Flash Drives
  • Writing an image to a USB drive
  • Any application using dialog boxes Synaptic (language settings, update manager, software sources, etc.)

XApps improvements

Xed, text editor, now got a minimap.

Improved PDF reader toolbar, Xreader. History buttons have been replaced with navigation buttons (history can be viewed through the menu). The two zoom buttons have been toggled, and a zoom reset button has been added to make the Xreader match other Xapps.

The document viewer now also detects the DPI and size of your monitor so that the document you see on screen matches the paper size in real life when using the 100% zoom level.

In Xplayer, a media player, the full-screen window has been improved to look cleaner and be more compatible with the player's windowed mode.

Login window

The login window contains more settings than before. Options have been added for automatic login, so if you are the only one, you can configure your computer to login without a password.

LDAP users will appreciate the ability to hide the user list and manually enter usernames.

Various elements user interface such as panel indicators now show tooltips and can be turned on / off in the settings.

Support for numlockx has also been added (the purpose of which is to enable the numlock key at startup).

Other improvements

Linux Mint now offers better support to check spelling and synonyms in English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian.

Redshift has been added to the software selection and is now installed by default. This tool adapts the color temperature of your screen based on the time of day, making it warmer at night to reduce the impact on your eyes.

The Driver Manager now detects your processor and presents microcode packages in a more meaningful way:

File Download Manager (mintupload) and Domain Blocker (mintnanny) have been removed from the default software selection. They will still be available in the repositories, but they are no longer installed by default.

PIA Manager, a set of tools for PIA VPN connections (available in the repositories), now runs in user mode and no longer requires a root password when starting.

This release ships with linux firmware 1.157.13 and Linux kernel 4.10.0-38.

New desktop backgrounds

Linux Mint 18.3 has an excellent collection of backgrounds from various artists.

Main components

Linux Mint 18.3 has Cinnamon 3.6, Linux 4.10 kernel, and Ubuntu 16.04 package base.

LTS strategy

Linux Mint 18.3 will receive security updates until 2021.

Until 2018, future versions of Linux Mint will use the same package base as Linux Mint 18, making it trivial to upgrade.

Until 2018, the development team will not start working on the new base and will be fully focused on this one.

Linux Mint 19.2 Cinnamon Is one of the most convenient and popular Linux distributions. Mint's goal is to create a modern, elegant and user-friendly operating system that is powerful and easy to use. This OS is the best way for beginners who want to stop using and start exploring the world of Linux. Indeed, after installation, the user receives the most simple system that is already configured and ready to work. You do not need to download and install drivers, main software, codecs, etc. And if the missing software still turns out, then it can be easily downloaded from the Program Manager (a kind of Google Play).

If you still hesitate to install Linux Mint on your computer, then you can run it directly from your media ( optical disc or USB) and familiarize yourself with the basics. It is completely free, so hurry up to click download Linux Mint via torrent and forget forever about using activators and entering keys. There are practically no viruses for Linux, so when working with it you can feel completely safe without any antivirus software. Cinnamon is the main desktop environment in our distribution, which is considered lightweight, functional, and simply beautiful. It has a traditional look and many features from Windows interface, and memory consumption at rest is limited to 500 megabytes.

Version: 19.2 Tina (Cinnamon)
Bit depth: x64
Developer: Clement Lefebvre and the community
Language: Russian, English and many others
Treatment: Not required


Reasons for the success of Linux Mint:

  • It works out of the box, with full support multimedia and extremely easy to use;
  • It's free and open source;
  • A large community where members can send feedback to the project so that their ideas can be used to improve Linux Mint;
  • It is based on Ubuntu and Debian and also offers about 30,000 packages and one of best managers software;
  • It is safe and secure. With a conservative approach to software updates, a unique update manager, and a robust Linux architecture, it requires very little maintenance time.

Development Team Leader Clement Lefebvre approved the release of the skins for a wider audience on July 2, 2017. Curiously, the release of the new version of Mint coincided with updates to the main desktop environments Cinnamon and MATE, as well as the alternatives to KDE and Xfce.

Clement Lefebvre commented on the release:

Linux Mint 18.2 - Long Term Version technical support until 2021. The distribution comes with updated software and includes improvements and new features to make your desktop even more user-friendly.

Linux Mint 18.2 ships with fresh versions desktop skins for Cinnamon 3.4, MATE 1.18, KDE Plasma 5.8 LTS and Xfce 4.12. The distribution is based on the Ubuntu 16.04 LTS codebase and the Linux 4.8 kernel. LightDM is used as an authorization manager for Cinnamon. Software Sources, Update Manager, and XApps have received numerous improvements.

Now that work on Linux Mint 18.2 (Sonya) is complete, development for the next major version of Linux Mint 18.3 is underway. Clement Lefebvre invites developers to think about new ones interesting features and projects that they would like to implement in the upcoming release.

In the update manager, select the “Check for updates” button to start checking the new version of mintupdate and mint-upgrade-info. If updates are available for these packages, install them.

Run the system update by selecting Edit> Upgrade to "Linux Mint 18.2 Sonya".

Follow the instructions on the screen.

After completing the system update, restart your computer.

Additional Information:

  • Although Linux Mint 18.2 has a new kernel, this update does not change the kernel on your behalf. The decision must be made by the user.
  • The same goes for choosing a graphics manager or choosing software. Brasero will not be removed and MDM will not be switched to LightDM on your behalf. You can apply these changes yourself, but this is not required.
  • It is recommended to disable the screensaver before updating. If the splash screen is activated during the update and you are unable to log in, switch to the console with CTRL + ALT + F1, login and type killall cinnamon-screensaver(or killall mate-screensaver in MATE). Use CTRL + ALT + F7 or CTRL + ALT + F8 to return to your session.

How to switch from MDM to LightDM

First install LightDM by typing the following commands in a terminal:

Apt install slick-greeter lightdm-settings

When asked to select your default display manager, select LightDM.

Then uninstall MDM and reboot by entering the following commands into terminal:

apt remove mdm

For the sixth year in a row, Linux Mint has been at the top of the list of popular linux distributions according to This is an excellent indicator. The Linux Mint distribution was able to win the hearts of users thanks to its stability, ease of installation and development, as well as good documentation and a large community.

A few days ago, another release was released - Linux Mint 18 XFCE.

Linux mint 18(“Sarah” or, in Russian, “Sarah” (biblical female name of Hebrew origin)) is a long-term support release. Linux mint 18 will be supported up to until 2021... This distribution is based on Ubuntu 16.04, which also has long-term (five-year) support. I would like to remind you that recently, on July 21, 2016, an update for Ubuntu 16.04.1 was released, containing updates for many packages, as well as fixes for identified vulnerabilities.

Linux Mint 18 XFCE- a distribution kit with a lightweight graphical environment XFCE... For those unfamiliar with XFCE, it is a lightweight free desktop environment for linux as well as other UNIX-like operating systems. XFCE features low resource consumption and high speed.

After a short introduction, let's go directly to the review Linux Mint 18 “Sarah” XFCE.

Linux Mint 18 XFCE - What's New?


Developers started new project entitled X-Apps on building common applications for traditional work environments GTK (Gnome, Cinnamon, Mate, XFCE and etc.).
The idea behind this project is to create a set basic applications that are equally suitable for any supplied work environment. You don't have to adapt to new applications. For the most part, they will be based on off-the-shelf products.

So far, the list of ported applications is as follows:

  • Xed- default text editor based on Pluma (fork of Gedit in Linux Mint MATE)
  • Xviewer- default graphics viewer based on Eye of Gnome
  • Xreader- application for PDF viewer and other default docs based on Atril
  • Xplayer- default video and music player based on Totem
  • Pix- application for organizing storage digital photos based on gThumb

At the moment, both traditional applications for different working environments and new X applications are available in the repositories. You can install, compare, and choose what you like best.

Update manager

Update manager

Linux Mint 18 also did not go unnoticed by developers.
Redesigned, and without that handy tool installing and updating the system kernel... Now it has become more informative. Installation new versions Kernel is now possible as a traditional security update.
For each version of the kernel, links are available to the identified errors, changes in the release.

Updated selection screen update security policies



To keep up with the times, Linux Mint 18 developers have implemented new topic Mint-Y... Mint-Y is based on the famous GTK Arc theme. Arc supported GTK2, GTK3, and GNOME. Mint-Y has a flatter design and minimalism.

There are three options to choose from:

The icons for the Mint-Y theme are based on Moka and Vibrancy.
Mint-Y only complements the already not meager set of available themes.
The Mint-X theme is still installed by default.
Work on Mint-Y continues.

System improvements

Significantly improved tool introduced by the developers back in 2007 Apt. Apt- a convenient package management tool, a shell over apt-get, aptitude, apt-cach e and others. APT now supports Debian syntax.

Innovations in Apt:

  • apt install and apt remove now show progress
  • new commands with Debian syntax:
    • apt full-upgrade does the same as apt dist-upgrade
    • apt edit-sources - apt sources
    • apt showhold - apt held
  • add-apt-repository now supports --remove argument to remove PPA repository

Linux Mint 18 comes complete with daemon Thermald that monitors temperature sensors.

Now supported out of the box file system exFAT.

The login screen has received minor improvements.

As usual, a great collection of desktop wallpapers is available.

Support has been greatly improved HiDPI devices.

Firefox, all X-Apps, most Mint apps now run on GTK3.

Popular applications such as Steam, Dropbox and Minecraft are available in the App Manager.

Installed by default graphical tool Gufw to configure the firewall.

Installation of additional media codecs occurs in one step during system installation or after.

Main components

Main components Linux Mint 18 XFCE:

  • XFCE 4.12
  • MDM 2.0
  • Linux kernel 4.4

Download Linux Mint 18 XFCE

Linux Mint 18 XFCE download links:
32-bit 1.5 GB
64-bit 1.6 GB

Linux Mint 18 "Sarah" XFCE. conclusions

Before us is the same Linux Mint XFCE, only slightly better. Linux Mint is becoming more functional, user-friendly and beautiful without getting more complicated. This attracted and will continue to attract more and more users.
You can get acquainted with the new release by booting from the Live image (links above), installing Linux Mint 18 on HDD or in a virtual machine.
There shouldn't be any problems with the installation. Installation is smooth and fast.
Despite the fact that I myself have recently been using Manjaro as my main operating system, I recommend using Linux Mint 18 as a stable and convenient system.

A few more screenshots.