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What to do if the Start menu won't open. How to edit groups of "live" tiles in the menu

Start button for Windows 10/8 from:

With the release of Windows 8, the familiar interface inherent in the seven and earlier systems has irrevocably disappeared. Now, instead of the "Start" button, we can work with tiles. Why did Microsoft do this? After all, a logical step would be to optionally disable the "Start" button, and return it by manipulating the settings in new system... But no, now you need to get used to Metro, and learn to work in the new system literally from scratch. This trend continued in Win 10. Although the Start button was returned to the interface, in fact, it works the same as in 8.1: folders in the start menu are not displayed, Metro and classic applications are presented in a single list, and you can distinguish them you can only use the icons. Due to these circumstances, in the user environment, the demand for third party utilities, allowing you to find out how it would look like Start button for Windows 10/8 as we know it since the days of Win XP. In today's review, we will tell you about such programs and describe the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Power 8

Simple and uncomplicated software tool, transforming the Start button into the form that has already become familiar to us. All applications installed in the system are clearly structured and presented in a single list. The menu also contains the most important objects of the environment (This computer, Network, Libraries) and OS customization tools (Control Panel, Administrative Tools).

If you need to change any settings in the program, Power 8 immediately reports this in the form exclamation mark on the Start button. In addition to the list with applications, there is also a standard presentation of the main menu in the form of a set of directories from which the applications we need are called.

In addition, the author took care of the search function, which works just as quickly and conveniently as the similar mechanism in Win 7. This functionality has been significantly expanded thanks to the search keys specified in the settings. For example, by entering the value “g carnival” in the search bar, you will start a search for the search word in Google service in the browser. By default, search is available in all popular search engines and Wikipedia. Optionally, you can add your own keys.

ViStart 8.1

Another alternative to the standard Start button for Windows 10. Although the appearance of the start menu does not differ at all from the seven, if you look closely, you can see some shortcomings. So, the application does not allow you to drag a shortcut from the program menu to the taskbar in order to pin it there. It is also not possible to drag the shortcut to the Start button to add it to the list.

In fact, the program does not replace the Metro style Start, but only adds a second button that serves as an addition to the base one. There is support for skins - both visual components that are already familiar to us and completely new ones are available graphical representations... Optionally, you can download additional skins.

The customizable ViStart start menu can be invoked by pressing the Win button on the keyboard. After installing the utility, ViStart intercepts pressing the specified key on the keyboard, which can also be changed in the settings.

Another notable flaw is the search function. The search does not work very well and only finds items from the desktop and running processes, bypassing the programs and control panel items available in the main menu.

Considering all the revealed shortcomings, the application should not be considered one of the best representatives of the class, although for simple operations and familiar work with the programs available in the environment, ViStart will come in handy more than ever.


One of best apps in the presented category. Start10 painlessly integrates into the system and is a full-fledged replacement for the standard Start button.

There are several visual styles and themes available for the start menu: from the rounded Win7 interface to the angular modern design tens. A selection of the menu icon displayed on the desktop is available.

Just like the previous utility from our review, Start10 intercepts pressing Windows buttons on the keyboard, and when you use it, a customized modified start menu opens.

The search works perfectly: while this function is active, all available programs, settings and user files are indexed and scanned.

For Win8, developer Stardock is promoting a similar software product called Start8, so if you are using figure 8, pay attention to this software.

The application is distributed under a shareware license, a 30-day trial version is available for free use without any functional restrictions. After this period, a one-time payment of $ 5 is offered, which is not a lot for an application of this class.

Start10 has everything every user can dream of modern systems. Fine tuning visual presentation of the start menu and support for additional skins distinguishes the software tool from other analogues.

Start Menu X

Fabulous free product providing full replacement the modern counterpart of the Windows 10 Start button and click-to-launch Start menu. All presented menus can be fully customized, add new objects (both system and user) and modify existing ones.

By default, click interception is available. Windows keys on the keyboard, and in combination with with the Shift key pressing this button will bring up the standard Win 10 menu.

In the settings there is a function of choosing the graphic design of the menu, ranging from light classic blue tones to stylish modern dark skins.

An absolutely new and unique feature is virtual groups. By selecting the appropriate group and selecting certain applications for it from the menu according to their purpose, you can create structured lists of applications, broken down by subject. By default, there are 5 groups. Create new groups in imp paid version it is not possible, to activate this functionality, the authors offer to buy the PRO version of the product. However, there are quite enough available groups, you can do exclusively with them.

In Start Menu X, you can change almost everything, even the visual appearance of the Start button on the taskbar.

In terms of quality, this product is two heads higher than its competitors, and the lack of advertising and reminders about the need to buy a paid version puts this software product in the “must have” category.

Classic Shell

A high-quality analogue of Start Menu X, which is in no way inferior to its competitor. As the design of the start menu, the author offers us three options: Windows 7, classic with two columns and regular classic. If with Windows 7 the manner of presentation of the menu is quite clear, then in the classical form the menu appears before us as it was back in 2001, in the days of Win XP.

Classic Shell allows you to change not only the start menu, but also the design of the Start button. In addition to several templates, the user has the right to substitute any non-standard image (the main thing is that it fits in size). For example, there is nothing stopping you from finding a picture on the web with a visual representation of the "Start" button in Windows 7 and using it as a replacement for the default option.

In addition to this, in the settings, you can specify how the program will handle pressing the Win button both individually and in combination with the Shift key, as well as how the click on the Start button itself will be processed, and what will be be called: classic or regular windows menu 10.

As for the search, it should be noted that it does an excellent job of finding objects from the menu itself, files on disk, applications for and for the desktop.

The application is distributed entirely free of charge, moreover, with an open source source code, the author regularly releases new versions and updates for his project, which is good news.

Start Menu

Another way to bring back the classic Windows 10/8 Start button is to use the Start Menu utility. Unlike the two previous examples from our review, the possibilities of this application pretty unpretentious. Start Menu offers us a choice of 3 options for the style of the start menu: classic Windows 7, Flat (which is the same Win 7, but with a more modest visual design) and Windows 10. About installing and configuring Start Menu.

In the program settings, you can set the automatic loading of the Start Menu, bypassing the basic shell of the dozen - Metro. Customization of the items displayed in the menu is also available - they can be shown as a link and as a submenu. There is a possibility to design a picture account according to your personal preferences.

In general, this software product leaves a pleasant impression of itself, although the range of settings is rather scarce. Nevertheless, this set is quite enough for home use.

Spesoft Free Windows 8 Start Menu

Although, judging by the name, this development is intended purely for Windows 8, the utility also supports the top ten, albeit with a scratch. In fact, Free Start Menu is a supplement to the standard Start menu and works in parallel with it. There are essentially no settings. The presentation of the start menu repeats the design of Win 7, - the same two-column interface, the same pop-up submenus in the list of installed programs.

The search scanning area is very limited - there is no way to search among the elements of the control panel, desktop installed applications etc.

Worth giving separate attention button "Shutdown". By pressing it, several huge rectangular objects appear, which serve to exit the account, go to sleep mode, restart the PC, etc. This is not to say that such a graphic design is inconvenient, since it is almost impossible to miss the desired button, but in the modern era of miniaturization this approach very unusual and fresh.

Spesoft Windows Start Menu is noticeably inferior to those previously described software products both in terms of quality of performance and a set of parameters, therefore, we recommend using the program only if you are not satisfied with the standard view of the completion menu in the top ten.


Our editors have presented you with a complete set of software applications that can demonstrate what the redesigned Start button for Windows 10 and 8 is and what its benefits a user can get. Of all the utilities mentioned in the set, it is worth highlighting the Classic Shell and Start Menu X, since they provide the most acceptable level of work with the programs installed in the operating environment, allow you to change the visual interface of the start menu in any way and have unique chips that can win a worthy place in the heart every lover of computer technology.

As happened in its time with the "Start" button, Microsoft in recent builds of Windows has begun to pay less attention to the classic control panel. And after the update Creators Update some users have noticed that the "Control Panel" item has disappeared from the "Win + X" menu (right-click on "Start").

We return the "Control Panel" using Win + X Menu Editor

You can quickly and easily cope with the situation using a small program Win + X Menu Editor. The utility is free, works in a portable version - just download it from the developer's site, unpack it into a folder and run it.

In the list of parameters presented in the main window, select the "Group 2" section, open it. Note that this section already has a Control Panel link, but it launches the System Settings applet.

Click "Add a program", then "Add a Control Panel item ".

In the window that opens, select "Control Panel" or "All Control Panel Items". The first option will open a panel with a view by category, the second in a more familiar view - by icons. When finished, press the "Select" button.

By adding an item, you can choose a convenient location in the menu. Just select the "Control Panel" and move it with the arrows on the right side of the window.

You will need to restart for the changes to take effect Windows explorer... Let's use the "Restart Explorer" button.

Updates in Windows 10 constantly cause inconvenience to users, forcing them to spend time looking for the cause of problems and fixing them. Many, having rebooted the computer after installing the next portion of unknown updates, are faced with the fact that the button does not work Windows start 10.

The menu does not open by clicking on the Start icon and does not respond to the Win key (with the window logo). Sometimes, in addition to this, the "Options" menu may not open and other graphical menus may not function. To fix the problem, read the entire article provided and follow the instructions in it.

Interestingly, in the summer of 2016, Microsoft deigned to release an application for searching and getting rid of the factors blocking the appearance of Start.

Restarting the Windows GUI process

Explorer.exe is a file that is a graphical shell for Windows. Thanks to him, the explorer, all windows and menus work operating system... During its operation, a problem may arise (for example, conflicts with addresses random access memory). If the start does not work in Windows 10, the first step is to restart the "explorer.exe" process.

1. We call the "Task Manager" using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Esc or context menu taskbar.

2. Go to the "Processes" tab, if the window has opened in a different one.

If the dispatcher is launched in a simplified window, click on the "Details" button.

3. Find the "Explorer" or "Explorer" process and call the "Restart" command.

4. We confirm our intentions to interfere with the functioning of the system process.

The method does not always work, therefore you should not hope for its viability.

Change the value of one of the registry keys

The next step that should be taken in order to make Start work is to change the value of one of the parameters responsible for the operation of the menu (in the absence of a key, it will need to be created).

  1. We call the registry editor integrated into the top ten (we execute "regedit" in search bar or the command interpreter).
  2. Go to the section with parameters current user- HKCU.
  3. We follow the path Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer.
  4. Find the "EnableXAMLStartMenu" key and change its value to "zero". If the parameter is missing, create a DWORD key with a marked name and value.
  5. We restart the "explorer.exe" process for the new configuration to take effect.

Other quick methods to make Start work

Some users noticed a problem after creating a new account, the path to which contains Cyrillic characters (the username was in Russian). In this case, you need to use the Computer Management tool and change the path to the user's directory (rename the folder where the account information is stored).

The function of automatic maintenance of the operating system also sometimes helps. To activate it, go to the "Properties" of the system, where in the menu on the left, click on the link "Service and Security" located at the very bottom. Expand the "Service" item and click on the "Run" button. In the near future (the more free resources, the faster) Windows 10 will search and fix all problems on the computer. This option also rarely helps, but it is necessary to look for the right solution.

Create a new account

It happens that the above options do not give the expected results, in particular, renaming the user's directory. Try to create a new user whose name should not contain Russian characters.

  1. We call the "Run" window (press Win + R).
  2. Enter "control" and execute the command.
  3. After opening the applet, create a new account and go to Windows from under it.

Basically, Start and all other graphics are working properly. If so, import all settings and transfer files from the old account directory and delete it.

Using PowerShell

Last but not least safe way make Start function. However, using PowerShell (extended command line) can lead to problems with the app store.

It is recommended that you create a system rollback point before following the steps in this instruction.

To run the tool, go to the "\ System32 \ WindowsPowerShell \ v1.0" directory located in the OS folder and run the powershell.exe file as administrator.

No less simple option call extended command line is the execution of the "powershell" command in the command line launched with administrator privileges.

Insert the following command into the text line of the PowerShell window that opens and run it:

Get-appxpackage -all * shellexperience * -packagetype bundle |% (add-appxpackage -register -disabledevelopmentmode ($ _. Installlocation + “\ appxmetadata \ appxbundlemanifest.xml”))

The operations will take a few seconds, then check if the Start opens. If it fails again, move on.

Let's use the official utility from Microsoft, called to solve the problem with the Start menu

The tiny program works on the same principle as the troubleshooting tool, but with regard to graphical elements, in particular Start.

  1. Go to the Microsoft website and download the application.
  2. We launch it and click "Next", having familiarized ourselves with the work being performed.

Found problems will be automatically corrected, and the user will be notified about it in the window with the results of the program. This option can be disabled in advance in order to fix the problem (s) yourself. Also, in the final window, a message may appear that the tool did not find any deviations in the system.

To get acquainted with the details of the utility, follow the link “View additional information».

The latest revision of the application performs the following checks:

  • the presence and normal functioning of ShellExperienceHost and Cartana;
  • checks if the given user has rights to access the registry branch that stores the data necessary for work graphical shell Windows 10;
  • check the integrity of the database in which the program tiles are stored;
  • will scan the application manifest for damage.

You can download the utility via the direct link Don't worry that the word "Microsoft" is missing from its address, it's just an abbreviated version of the address where the program file is stored.

Nothing helped

Even in the case when none of the paragraphs of the article helped to return the Start, you should not despair. Most users have the checkpoint feature enabled in Windows 10, which makes it possible to roll back the system to an earlier state. The same points are created without fail before updating the OS, which becomes the main reason for the inoperability of Start.

As a last resort, it is not forbidden to reset the "ten" or roll back to its initial state.

After the release of the new edition of the operating room Windows systems 10, many users began to encounter various errors in its work. This is due to the fact that a new version was not fully debugged and is being revised during operation. One of the shortcomings of the system was the frequent refusal to activate the menu of the "Start" key: it does not respond to commands. At the same time, icons in the "Taskbar" stop responding. Microsoft is gradually addressing software issues through periodic updates. Until the errors in system files, it is recommended to apply the methods developed and widely used to correct this flaw.

What is the difference between the "Start" menu in Windows 10 from previous versions

Due to the fact that the Windows 8.1 edition was criticized all over the world for the lack of the "Start" key, the developers decided to return to the previous form of the "Desktop" with a familiar interface to all.

The Windows 10 start button menu has a tiled interface

The "Start" button and its menus, presented in the Windows 10 edition, have a modified look.

The updated Start key menu is a hybrid edition that includes a menu like a classic look for old Windows versions as well as the tiled architecture first introduced in Windows 8, which is most suitable for touch control.

The icons on the left side of the menu and the live tiles on the right side duplicate each other, so you can use the part that is more suitable for a certain user. They can be disabled, deleted or edited.

Unlike previous editions of Windows, Windows 10 allows you to resize the Start menu just like a normal window. To do this:

The menu retains all the previous items, such as programs, power management icons, and others.

If you click on the "Start" button with the right mouse button, then a menu with tabs for system management will open. It can be used to manage disks, change system settings, configure the network, search and perform other operations.

Right-clicking on the "Start" button brings up a menu with tabs for system management

It is possible to remove tiles and add new ones using the icons on the left side of the menu. To do this, follow these steps:

If you remove all the tiles, the menu will look almost classic. This can be done if the user does not use the right half when working. In addition, this increases the resources of the RAM, since the tiles take up a significant amount of it due to the drawing of graphic images.

How to bring back the classic look of the Start menu

Due to the fact that appearance keys and the Start menu are very different from the usual classic look, then, naturally, many users will want to return to the interface familiar over the years of work, like Windows 7. To do this, you can apply two well-known methods:

How to use the standard features is described in the previous chapter of this article.

Installation of third-party software involves using one of the publicly available and proven utilities listed below:

  • StartIsBack ++;
  • Classic Shell;
  • Start10.

You can use other utilities that allow you to return to the classic design of the "Start" menu, but the above are the undisputed leaders in this direction. They take up a small amount of space on your hard drive and make it possible to change the menu view with a minimum of steps.

To use the capabilities of the utilities to change the external interface of the key and the Start menu, you must perform a number of sequential steps:

  1. StartIsBack ++ allows you to return the usual image of the menu and the Start key. To do this, you need to do the following:
  2. Classic Shell gained popularity after the release of the eighth edition of Windows. This utility made it possible to return the "Start" key to the "Taskbar", since the key was not there in the usual design. In the Windows 10 edition, this problem no longer exists, but now, using the program, you can return to the classic design. To do this, you need to do the following:
  3. Start10 changes standard menu Windows 10 to your own immediately after installation. This menu is more like Start in Windows 7 and doesn't differ much from it. In the settings of the utility, you can delete the "Start" key, select the size of the icons in the menu and configure other parameters. To run the utility, you need to perform the following operations:

Changing the Start key and menu makes it possible to return to the familiar working interface for most users. In addition, such manipulations can improve the performance of the computer.

Worker Windows interface 10 certainly looks more attractive than its predecessors, but at the same time uses a very large amount of RAM and video memory. For stand-alone devices such as a laptop or tablet, the Desktop takes up even more resources. After returning to the classic view, you can increase the amount of free memory and battery power by reducing the requirements for drawing graphics.

Video: How to Return the Start Menu to the Classic View Using the Classic Shell

Customizing the Start Menu in Windows 10

The new Start menu in Windows 10 has two parts:

  • left half - classic view using pictograms;
  • the right half is live tiles using the Metro interface.

The menu has its own settings, which can always be changed if necessary.

Video: How to Customize the Start Menu in Windows 10

Switch your desktop from classic to full screen and vice versa

Windows 10 is initially installed on hard drive computer, already having in the "Taskbar" the "Start" button. To switch the "Desktop" display to the initial screen mode, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

Also, run full screen mode possible when activating "Tablet Mode". This will require the following actions:

Video: How to Switch Desktop to Full Screen Display

Customize Start Menu Color

Changing the color and shape of the "Start" menu in Windows 10 is carried out according to the following algorithm of actions:

Video: How to Change the Color of the Start Menu in Windows 10

Rules for working with "live" tiles in the "Start" menu

Users can change the size of the "live" tiles if desired. You can also move them, edit groups, pin and unpin them.

How to resize and move live tiles

To transform the size of a "live" tile, follow these steps:

How to edit groups of "live" tiles in the menu

Windows 10 has a feature for distributing tiles into different groups. To create a new group:

Advanced Start Menu Settings

To customize the applications that appear by default on the Start menu, follow these steps:

You can also install a specific set of directories to display in the Start menu. For this, a sequence of certain actions is performed:

Video: How to Change Basic Start Menu Options

Reasons why the Start menu may not open in Windows 10

The exact cause of the problems with the Start menu is on currently not exactly established... According to Microsoft experts, this can happen for several main reasons:

  • incorrectly installed system updates;
  • crashes when drawing the graphical interface;
  • damage to system files and directories;
  • inheritance of system errors when installing Windows 10 on Windows 7 or Windows 8.1;
  • failure in the system registry;
  • penetration of malware into the system.

In addition to these reasons, there may be many other, minor reasons that affect the operation of the Start menu when a key does not respond to user commands.

What to do if the Start menu won't open

Several proven methods are used to fix errors affecting the key and Start menu.

Solving problems in the "Start" menu using a special utility

To fix errors when working with the Start menu, Microsoft specialists have developed a small utility. It can be downloaded from the official website of the company. The utility works without installation immediately after launch... To use it, you must follow the instructions below:

  1. Go to Microsoft's official website.
    Select the "Support" tab on the Microsoft website
  2. Click on the "Support" tab.
  3. Select the problematic Windows product.
    Click on the Windows icon
  4. In the window that opens, click on the "Troubleshoot Start Menu or Cortana" tab.

    Click on the Troubleshoot Start Menu or Cortana tab
  5. Select the "Try using the troubleshooter" tab from the list of troubleshooting tools provided.

    Click on the "Try using the troubleshooter" tab
  6. In the drop-down tab, click on the "Start Menu Troubleshooter" line.

    Click on the line "Start Menu Troubleshooter"
  7. Open the batch file startmenu.diagcab.

    Click on the "Open" button in the pop-up window
  8. Run the CAB startmenu.

    Run the startmenu file via Explorer
  9. In the "Main Menu" panel that opens, click on the "Next" button.

    Click on the "Next" button in the "Main Menu"
  10. The utility will begin the procedure for finding problems with the Start menu.

    Wait until the end of the search for problems with the Start menu
  11. At the end of the procedure, click on the "Close" button. All bug fixes that are found are carried out automatically.

    Click on the "Close" button if the utility detects no problems

Use the View More Information tab to view the criteria for finding problems. The utility checks the Start menu for the following parameters:

  • system registry errors;
  • incorrect installation of the received updates;
  • the state of the database of "live" tiles.

Based on the results of the check, a report is generated, which, if necessary, can be sent to print.

Using the Start Menu Troubleshooter is the most powerful method to date, and is almost 100% guaranteed to fix errors in the Start Menu.

Restarting File Explorer to fix errors in the Windows 10 Start menu

Sometimes restarting the explorer.exe application is enough to restore the Start menu.... To execute it:

Video: How to Restart File Explorer in Windows 10

Restoring the Start Menu with Registry Editor

You can restore the correct operation of the Start menu by changing system registry... To do this, you need to make some corrections in it and carry out a number of operations:

  1. Right-click on the Start button.
  2. Click on the "Run" line. In the menu, click on the line "Run"
  3. Enter the regedit command and click on the "OK" button.
    Enter the command regedit and click on the "OK" key
  4. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Advanced.
  5. Right-click on an empty space in the right half of the panel.
  6. Hover your mouse over New and click on DOWRD Parameter (32-bit) from the drop-down menu.
    Create new parameter DOWRD (32 bit)
  7. Name it EnableXAMLStartMenu.
  8. Click on the new parameter with the left mouse button and enter the number 0 in the "Value" field.
    In the "Value" field, set the value to 0
  9. Reboot your computer.

Only experienced users are recommended to make changes to the registry. If you are not sure that you will be able to cope, then it is better to entrust the solution to the problem to professionals, so as not to accidentally make an unrecoverable mistake that can only be corrected by reinstalling the system.

Video: How to Repair the Start Menu Using Registry Editor

Restoring the Start Menu with the Built-in Maintenance Utility

You can try to fix the Start Menu error by using the built-in Maintenance utility. To run the utility, do the following:

  1. Launch the "Control Panel" by double-clicking on the icon on the "Desktop".
    Double click on the "Control Panel" icon to open it
  2. Click on the Security and Service Center icon.

And now it offers a lot more customization options. In this article, we'll show you what you can do with it.

Surely over time, new options will be added, but at this moment this is an exhaustive list of all the settings we know.

Resize the Start Menu

The size of the Start menu is very easy to resize. It is enough to place the cursor on its upper edge, press and drag down.

If the menu has dynamic tiles pinned, it will become wider.

Pinning and unpinning tiles

Tiles can be easily pinned and unpinned. Just right-click on the tile and select Unpin from Start. You can also swap tiles by dragging and dropping.

If the tile you want is not in the Start menu, you can find the application in the All Apps list, right-click on it and select Pin to Start. On the right side of the menu, you can pin not only modern applications but also classic programs.

By the way, from here you can quickly pin applications to the taskbar or delete them.

Resizing live tiles

The tiles in the Start menu can be resized. It is enough to right-click on the tile, select the item "Resize" and specify the desired size.

The “Large” option is already overkill, but in general the wide choice pleases.

Unfortunately, the placement of tiles in the menu is somehow strange: if there are an odd number of small tiles, an absurd empty space will appear.

Disable dynamic tiles

If the constant flashing of updates on a tile is annoying, you can simply right-click on it and select Turn live tile off.

For example, in the screenshot above, the "News" tile is dynamic, and the one below is normal.

We personally are not fans of dynamic tiles - they are too overloaded with information.

Change the color of the start menu (and taskbar)

It's easy to change the color of the Start menu and taskbar. It is enough to right-click anywhere on the empty menu and select Personalize.

The Color and Appearance dialog box appears, where you can choose any color you like. The variant on the screenshot turned out to be so-so.

Pinning apps to the left side of the Start menu

Applications can be pinned to the left side of the Start menu, but this is not so intuitive. You need to drag the application shortcut to the "Start" button and release when a prompt appears with the text "Pin to Start menu".

This will immediately dock the application to the left side of the Start menu. Pinned items can be swapped by dragging and dropping.

It's strange that apps can be pinned to both sides of the menu, but you can't drag from right to left - only from left to right.

To remove an application from the left-hand side of the menu, simply right-click on it and select Remove from this list.

Adding Taskbar and Service Shortcuts to the Left Side of the Start Menu

You can also add some built-in shortcuts to the left side of the Start menu, but for this you need to get into the settings. For this purpose, you need to right-click somewhere in the empty space of the menu and select the "Properties" option.

In the dialog box that appears, open the Start Menu tab and click the Customize button.

In another dialog box, you can choose what exactly should be pinned to the Start menu.

The Control Panel shortcut is especially interesting, because using the Jump Lists you can pin the most popular sections, and then when you hover over the Control Panel shortcut in the Start menu, a list of pinned sections will open on the right. And for Internet Explorer in the same way, you can create a list of pinned sites.

Remove all tiles and restore the Start menu from Windows 7

And the most the best way tweak the Start menu - remove the stupid tiles from it and make it look like the Windows 7 menu. To do this, you just need to unpin all the tiles from the right panel, add everything you need to the left side of the menu and reduce it to the desired size.

Do you know any other secrets to personalizing Windows 10? Let us know in the comments!

Materials (edit)