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Programs for creating wifi. How to share WiFi from a laptop: instructions from A to Z

In this article, we will look at the most popular programs with which you can launch Wi-Fi distribution from a laptop, or a computer that runs on Windows 10, Windows 8 (8.1), and Windows 7. But, I will show the setup process using a laptop as an example. on which Windows 10 is installed. All the same, this is new, popular system, and we will consider it using its example. But, you won't notice any significant difference even with Windows 7. So, this guide is suitable for all computers and laptops that run on Windows 7 and newer systems.

For those who are not in the subject, and do not know how to distribute Wi-Fi from a laptop, start an access point, and what to use for special programs, I explain. Windows has the ability to launch a virtual Wi-Fi network. Simply put, turn a laptop, or a computer with Wi-Fi adapter v regular router... We have the Internet connected to the laptop. We run the point Wi-Fi access, in our case, using the program, and the laptop starts to distribute the Internet via wireless network... In this way, you can distribute Wi-Fi to your phone, tablet, other laptops, etc. The main thing is that your computer must have Wi-Fi and the Internet (on network cable, or via USB modem).

To start the wireless access point, you can use special programs. Or you can do without them, and start the distribution by executing certain commands in command line and opening general access to the internet. For example, it's easier for me to start the network using commands than to use for this third party programs... We already have detailed instructions for launching an access point on a laptop via the command line:

  • And the instruction is especially for those who have.

In this article, I will show you a few programs designed specifically to run Wi-Fi distribution from a laptop, and to manage a virtual network. I have selected 4 of the most popular programs, including one paid (I don’t know if it’s necessary, but I’ll show it)... Today I sat for half a day and checked these programs on a computer with Windows 10. In each I figured out, configured, and checked. Everything works for me, the laptop was distributing Wi-Fi to the smartphone, the Internet was working.

Choosing a program:

  • Virtual Router, she Virtual Router Plus (as far as I understood, in older versions)... The simplest, free and working programm... Well, and probably the most popular. Works great in Windows 10. There is a Russian language, but the translation is very poor (he is not needed there).
  • Switch Virtual Router... Another one demon paid program to distribute Wi-Fi from a computer. It has more settings compared to "Virtual Router". There is a Russian language and clear interface... I have already written about this program, but we will consider it again.
  • Maryfi(Russian version) . The program is also free, but something went wrong with it. First, Yandex did not let me go to the official website, they say there is a virus (but, this is not a fact, the antivirus did not swear)... I downloaded it, installed it, but I could not start the access point. And in general, problems with the virtual adapter began, the driver had to be reinstalled. Perhaps this is just my problem. So that kind of program is good, and popular.
  • Connectify 2016... Very cool and functional program. But, paid. There seems to be a trial period. At least I managed to launch a virtual Wi-Fi network with it. It is immediately clear that the software is paid, there are a lot of cool features. But, I never found the Russian language.

There are of course other options, but we will only consider these programs. There are enough of them.

Important advice! Choose one program for yourself (which you liked the most), download and use it. You don't need to download and install / run everything at once. Otherwise, nothing will work out at all. If, for example, when starting the network in the Virtual Router program, an error appears that it cannot be started, then it will be in other programs as well, since the problem is most likely in the Wi-Fi adapter (no driver, it's disabled, wrong driver)... The principle of operation of these programs is the same, we can say that they differ only in the interface, and not very much the necessary functions (such as autostart, displaying Wi-Fi clients, etc.).

The program will only create and run virtual network... You can connect to it, but in order for the Internet to work, you need be sure to allow sharing to the Internet (except Connectify). I will write how to do this at the end of the article.

We configure it according to the following scheme:

  • Download and install the selected program.
  • We start the distribution of Wi-Fi in the program. If a startup error appears, then we solve it.
  • We open the general access to the Internet, in the connection properties.

Here we go!

Virtual Router Plus: Wi-Fi Sharing Software for Windows 10

I have checked the Virtual Router v3.3 version. It is, of course, very different from Virtual Router Plus, but it works well. You can download it by.

No installation required. Just unzip the downloaded archive and run the file VirtualRouter.exe... Most likely, the official website will open in a browser, just close it.

Immediately after starting, Virtual Router will try to start the distribution of the Wi-Fi network. If the status says "work", then the network is already running. And now, you need to open the general access to the Internet (how to do this, see the end of the article), restart your computer, and start the program again.

And if the status says that "Virtual Router failed to start", then the problem is most likely in the wireless adapter... I wrote about the solution to this problem in the article:.

Using the program is very simple: they minimized it, it hid in the notification panel. Closed, the distribution of the wireless network has stopped.

Switch Virtual Router program to run Wi-Fi hotspot in Windows

It seems to me that this is the best program. There are all the necessary functions, Russian language and it is free. You can download it here. Or, from the official site

Run the installation and install Switch Virtual Router. Then, we launch the program. If you want to change the default network name and password, then click on the gear-shaped button and set new parameters. There are also other settings there.

To start the access point, just click on the "Start" button, and open the general access to the Internet (instructions at the end of the article).

I will not write anything more on this program, since we already have it on our site. Everything is detailed there, with all the nuances. By the way, if the error "Wi-Fi adapter is off" appears, then you need to check the operation of the virtual adapter.

Setting up Maryfi. We distribute the Internet from a laptop

If you decide to use the Maryfi program, then the Russian version can be downloaded by (version 1.1), or from the page on the official website (I do not give a direct link, since Yandex is talking about the harmfulness of the site. But, the antivirus did not find any viruses).

Run setup file and install the app. Most likely, during the first launch of Maryfi, the program will ask you to install the Microsoft component. NET Framework 3.5. You just need to agree. The system itself will download and install everything. Then you can start Maryfi.

In fact, the entire program fits into one small window. There we set the network name and password, and click on the "Start Wi-Fi" button. If everything is in order with the Wi-Fi adapter, the network will be launched.

If the network starts, then you need to open the general access to the Internet, and you're done.

Connectify 2016 to run Hotspot on a computer

Let me remind you that this is a paid program, but it seems to be with a free, heavily cut version, or with trial period... But, the program is very cool. Many different functions... What I liked the most was that you don't have to manually open Internet sharing. (many have problems with this)... We just choose from which connection to share the Internet, and you're done.

I downloaded Connectify from the official site: After downloading the program, you need to install it on your computer and run it.

Further, everything is very simple (even without Russian)... Select the connection through which you are connected to the Internet, if necessary, change the network name and password, and click on the "Start Hotspot" button.

The computer will immediately start distributing the Internet. I connected my phone and the internet was already working. After starting, a tab immediately opens, which displays the connected devices (clients). And even statistics on how much internet they use is displayed. In the program, near the fields, you can see the inscriptions "MAX" and "PRO". These are most likely functions that are only available in paid version... But you can do without them.

If I'm not mistaken, and there really is a free, cut-down version of this program, then I advise you to use it.

We open the general access to the Internet

If you launched a Wi-Fi network through the Virtual Router, Switch Virtual Router, or Maryfi program, then you must definitely set up sharing. Otherwise, there will be no internet access.

Right-click on the Internet connection icon and open the "Network and Sharing Center". Then go to "Changing adapter parameters".

Right-click on the connection through which you have an Internet connection and select "Properties".

Open the "Access" tab, put a check mark next to "Allow other network users ...", select the connection we created from the list, and click "Ok".

Important! After these steps, you need to restart your computer and restart the distribution of Wi-Fi in the program. After that, you can connect your devices to the network. The internet should already work.

If devices do not connect to a running Wi-Fi network

If an error appears during connection that it is impossible to connect, or the IP address is constantly being obtained, then the first step is to disable the antivirus. Also, you can turn off the firewall and other programs that can block the connection.

More often than not, it is the antivirus that is to blame. It blocks the connection of the device.


Something seems to me that this article will have a lot of questions. Ask them in the comments.

I tried to describe all the moments that may appear in the process of starting the access point using programs. But, the hardware, operating system, set of programs and drivers are different for everyone. Therefore, different problems may appear. Read the article carefully, see the links that I gave, but if all else fails, then describe the problem in the comments. Good luck!

WiFi sharing software is a great way to connect various devices to the Internet, such as tablets, smartphones or laptops, in the event that you do not have the ability to connect to a WiFi router. At the same time, the utility that allows you to distribute WiFi will not only allow you to quickly organize the access of any device to the world wide web, but also, thanks to its convenient and simple functionality, will allow you to quickly configure any person, even those who use such software for the first time.

What is laptop WiFi sharing software?

The program for distributing WiFi is specialized software that is designed to create a secure connection to WiFi and access the world wide web. All services are as easy to use as possible and allow you to distribute WiFi to other devices using your own laptop as a transmitting device. Thanks to its functional features, the program for distributing WiFi and installing on Windows allows a laptop to act as a mobile hotspot and connect to the Internet for various devices that have WiFi connection... WiFi sharing software for Windows can run on any laptop that has a WiFi adapter.

What are the most popular WiFi sharing programs?

Connectify Hotspot is a utility that allows you to create a WiFi network using a laptop and connect devices running on Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 10 and on the Android operating system. It is available for free download and offers the user ample opportunities for organizing a WiFi network.
mHotspot is a simple and easy-to-use internet sharing tool that allows you to easily turn your own laptop into mobile point distribution of WiFi and bring any devices to the network. The setting is clear and simple, thanks to which you can create WiFi network from your device, you can without a long study of the functionality and features of this software.
WiFi Hotspot Creator is a free WiFi sharing utility that can be used to create a commercial or private network. For the convenience of Russian Internet users, a Russian version and instructions for installing the program in Russian have been developed, which greatly simplifies the process of use.
Virtual Router Manager is powerful and functional utility specially designed for those who need to share WiFi in the absence of routers and routers. Not only can you free download the program for distributing WiFi, but you will not receive any promotional information either. The program has an open source code and a large number of programmers worked on its modernization, thanks to this Virtual Router Manager does not spy on users.
Magic WiFi is the most convenient solution that is designed not only for installation on Windows, but can also be run portable from any medium, for example, from a regular flash drive or even a floppy disk, the size allows. In three clicks, it will create a full-fledged Wi-Fi network ready to use.
MyPublicWiFi is free utility, convenient and easy to use, easily transforms your laptop into a WiFi hotspot. This program will provide the ability to track sites that have been visited by the user.

What are the advantages of using programs for distributing the Internet?

  • The user gets the opportunity to connect tablets, mobile phones to the Internet without using routers and routers. All programs are distributed and downloaded free of charge.
  • They allow you to track the sites visited and the devices from which they went online.
  • Can be used as a tool to create a commercial or work mobile network Internet access.

There are not too many programs for distributing wifi from a laptop - a few. Therefore, there is an opportunity to download and experience everything that I did - I determined the best one for myself.

More precisely, for me it turned out to be stable, simple, small in size, free and in Russian.

The only drawback: works only on windows 8, windows 7 (XP and VISTA - does not support).

The program is called Switch Virtual Router. There is a similar one, but for me this one turned out to be the best.

With its help, you can also easily use a printer, scanner or copier via wifi if they are equipped with Wi-Fi adapters.

I used it to distribute the Internet to smartphones and laptops equipped with Wi-Fi. Everything works perfectly.

You can download the program for distributing wifi from a laptop "Switch Virtual Router" at the link at the end of this entry.

In order to start distributing wifi from a laptop, I had to tinker a little to make the process go faster below I will give instructions on how to use it.

How to distribute from a laptop with Switch Virtual Routerwifi

Those who are going to distribute wifi know well how to download and install the program. So, we start and click: Go to seting.

If you wish, you can check the boxes: run together with Windows and display a list of connected devices, then click "apply" and "OK".

The entire network is created - press "start", just keep in mind if your laptop does not support virtual wifi router, you won't succeed.

To make sure everything is in order, go to the adapter control center. There you should have a virtual one - "Wireless Network Connection 2".

If there is, then you can distribute wifi. If I distribute the Internet, then I had no problems with smartphones.

Only when I wanted to connect a laptop did not work, and all the instructions on the Internet did not help.

I had to use my brains on my own. Are you wondering how I started distributing the Internet via wifi to other laptops using the Switch Virtual Router program?

Developer URL:

Operating system:
XP, Windows 7, 8, 10


Categories: Uncategorized

I decided to make one more separate page, on which to collect all useful programs that can be useful when setting up / connecting to Wi-Fi, distributing Wi-Fi from a laptop, and when working with 3G / 4G modems. Well, there are other programs that somehow relate to this topic. There are many good, free programs that allow you, for example, to start the distribution of the Internet over Wi-Fi from your computer. Or see the password forgotten from the Wi-Fi network. Well, a separate software with which you can configure 3G / 4G modems and perform other operations with them (firmware, uploading .prl files, etc.).

All the programs that you can find and download on this page have been checked by me, and most likely written for them detailed instructions, the link to which will also be.

Programs for setting up the distribution of Wi-Fi

- with this program you can quickly start sharing the Internet via Wi-Fi from your computer. The program is completely free, and in Russian. It is enough to set the network name, password, click on the Start button and open general access to the Internet. There are settings, you can configure the launch of the program when the computer is turned on, and automatic start virtual wifi networks.

It also displays a list of clients that are connected to your Wi-Fi. Switch Virtual Router works fine on Windows 10, checked. Well, in Windows 7 and 8, there will be no problems.

Programs for working with Wi-Fi networks

- a free program that allows you to view information about Wi-Fi networks that your computer sees. Most often, the inSSIDer program is used to find the most free channel for a Wi-Fi network.

All information in the program is displayed in the form of graphs. In addition to the channel of a specific Wi-Fi network, you can find out its MAC address, name (SSID), signal strength, type of protection, operating mode, etc. The program supports Wi-Fi networks at 5GHz.

- another free program that shows the necessary information about Wi-Fi networks: channel, signal strength, RSSI, MAC-address, etc. It is a little simpler than inSSIDer. True, less functional.

Some antiviruses see this program as a threat. I think this is a false positive, because of such a little spyware features of the program.

Programs for working with 3G / 4G modems

AxesstelPst EvDO BSNL 1.67- a program that allows you to set up a 3G / 4G modem (antenna) for maximum reception. I believe that everyone who connects to the Internet via a 3G modem should use this program.

We launch the program on a computer, look at certain indicators, and already use them to set up a modem, or antenna, and fix them. This will increase the speed of 3G Internet, well, and increase the stability of its work.

I fill the page gradually. You can suggest your programs in the comments.

Good day to all readers of my blog! More recently, I found out that you can distribute wifi from a laptop using a special software... It turned out that all wifi antennas can not only receive a signal, but also distribute it. In some cases, this is not only convenient, but also the only way to distribute wifi. For example, you have a laptop that is connected to the internet with via USB modem, there is also a tablet that does not support 3g, but there is a great desire to connect the Internet to it. It is in this situation that they will come to your aid. By the way, there is a whole line of Apple tablets that do not support 3g, so this topic very relevant.

As it became known, the network has a huge number ofprograms for distributing wifi from a laptop, but almost all of these programs malfunction or do not function at all. What surprised me most was that some paid apps this kind is pure deception. But the problem with finding software has been resolved! I managed to find 2 excellentprograms for distributing wifi from a laptopwhich you can download absolutely free!

In order to use programs for sharing WiFi, we need to open up access to the wireless network for other users. Right-click on wireless connection and select "Properties".

Then we go to the “Access” tab and put a checkmark in front of “Allow other network users to use the Internet connection of this computer”.


Switchvirtualrouter is a program for distributing wifi from a laptop that uses the built-in operating system means for distributing wifi. That is why the program will only work on Windows 7 and Windows 8.

After installing and running the program, you will receive the following window:

We need to configure the program, for this we click on the gear in the lower right corner.

Here we need, first of all, to configure the following parameters:

  • Router name (SSID) - the name of your wifi network
  • Password - the password for your wifi network
  • The password must be at least 8 characters long, Latin characters and numbers are allowed.

To save the changes, press the OK button.
After clicking OK, the program should create a new wifi network. To check this, go to the Control Center shared networks and access and see the newly created network there:

As we can see, our connection has no connection. To connect, you need to click the Start button in the main window of the program.

Works! The network is connected and now the name that we specified in the program settings is displayed. Now you can turn on wifi on our devices and connect to the newly created access point.


MyPublicWifi is another laptop wifi sharing software that you can also download for free! The undoubted advantage of this program is its simple interface and colossal functionality. It is enough to start MyPublicWifi, specify your network name and password. This is the setting programs for distributing wifi from a laptop completed!
MyPublicWifi features a powerful firewall and the ability to track all visited URLs.

In this article, you learned what programs for distributing wifi from a laptop and how they can be configured for comfortable use. Thank you all and see you soon!

PS: This article caused a great resonance on my blog, I received a lot of questions, which basically sounded like this - Are there any other similar programs? My answer is yes! I wrote a new article called Programs for distributing the Internet via WIFI from a laptop, in it I talked about the rest of the programs for distributing wifi, and also explained in detail how you can distribute wifi using the command line.

There is also another article on the network that describes the 3 best programs for distributing wifi, I advise you to read it.