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the main  /  BY / App to hand out. Connectify - a program that will allow you to set up a Wi-Fi distribution from a laptop

App to distribute. Connectify - a program that will allow you to set up a Wi-Fi distribution from a laptop

Sometimes it happens that there is no cable connection next to us and even a wireless network. In this case, you can distribute the Wi-Fi from the laptop and provide access to the Internet different, located next to the gadgets. In this article, you will find a list of the best programs for implementing the task and in the description of each of them a brief summary in which we will tell if it is worth using this or that software.

How to connect wi-fi on a laptop

Initially, of course, we need to enable Wi-Fi on your computer. To do this, activate the wireless network through the keyboard. Evidence of a successful start Wi-Fi will be the displayed indicator.

List of programs

Each of the following programs can distribute Wi-Fi, but the most top Utilities We placed first. Well, of course, under each description you will find the button for which you can download the program from its official site. So, proceed.

All applications below are suitable for Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 operating systems.

The simplest program that will turn your laptop or a computer with a connected Wi-Fi module to a real router. This software has a minimal set of functions, but the main task is still performed. Before you start using Mhotspot, do not forget to turn on the Wi-Fi on the laptop.

Download Mhotspot

Connectify is another laptop program for distribution Wi-Fi. As a result of the work, it organizes a wireless local network in which the connected devices receive access to the Internet.

Download Connectify

MyPublicWiFi is a popular program that other than a wireless point includes a firewall with tracking sites visited. Therefore, such a solution is superbly suitable in order to configure Wi-Fi from a laptop in public places and distribute the Internet.

There is a function of organizing a lock to various prohibited sites, or shutdown, for example, file transfer.

The program is very simple in the setting. All you need to do is set the network name and click the distribution button.

Download mypublicwifi

Switch Virtual Router The best solution to distribute Wi-Fi with Windows 10 laptop. The advantages of the program include a low load on the PC and the lack of the need to start the services. And if we turn off wireless deviceThe computer will independently go into sleep mode, which is very convenient.

Download Switch Virtual Router

The next utility capable of turning a simple laptop (Windows XP, 7, 8, 10) or PCs to the real hotspout and distribute the Internet to all devices nearby. The application is characterized by ease of work. You just specify the name of the network, password access to it and click the start button.

Download Virtual Router Plus

WinhotSpot is another program to distribute Wi-Fi from a laptop on Windows XP, 7, 8, 10. You can attribute complete availability to advantages, and the lack of Russian language.

Download WinhotSpot

With this utility, we can also distribute Wi-Fi from a laptop. Naturally, the program creates not only a wireless network, but also provides all the internet access devices.

Fir your network needs to be protected from unauthorized access, you can set a password to Wi-Fi and thus unwanted devices.

Download WiFi Hotspot Creator

Maryfi is a free and easy way to distribute Wi-Fi from your computer or laptop. Any devices equipped with a wireless network module will be able to detect a signal and connect to you. This uses the security of the WPA2 class with a password network protection.

Download Maryfi.

Virtual Access Point

Virtual Access Point - another useful and simple programcapable of turning your PC or laptop into a full hotspout and distribute Wi-Fi to everyone.

In our century digital and modern technologies For the average resident of the city, life without the Internet will be impossible to imagine itself. One of her sons can be called WiFi. And the question of how much the need to distribute WiFi from a laptop, if there is no possibility (or desire) to connect a router. Let's consider it more.

Before distributing wifi from a laptop

Before you begin setting up a WiFi distribution through a laptop, you must make sure that your device is equipped with a built-in device distribution: WiFi adapter either USB or PCL type. You can see their presence in the control panel in the Network and Internet tab. If you find a wireless network in network connections, then you can safely begin the organization of WiFi distribution.

WiFi is a Wi-Fi Alliance trademark. It is the ability to connect using the standard IEEE 802.11 protocol. In general, is wireless networkwhich can be used by all devices supporting a similar transmission standard.

Programs for creating a virtual distribution point WiFi

The first step needs to create a virtual access point. She will be your laptop. To make a WiFi point from it, you can download free programs from official sites.


One of these programs is called MhotSpot. This software does not need to be installed. After it is downloaded, you need to run Mhotspot. There will be indicated necessary settings programs. For example, the field called Mhotspot Name is introduced future network. It is it that will be seen in the list available for connecting points.

You can download the program from the official site MhotSpot.

Window work with Mhotspot program

The following field is called Password. This is the password. It should not be shorter than eight characters. It is important to enter in order to secure the network from access to it in foreign people.

The field called Max Clients adjusts the number of gadgets that can be simultaneously connected to the network. The maximum number of them is ten. If the unit will be specified in this field, then no one, besides your computer, will be connected to it. Click Start Mhotspot and go to the creation of an access point.

Video: how to use the MhotSpot program


This is another program that can be downloaded on the Internet is mypublicWiFi. By clicking on the link to the official site of the bootloader, you can download software yourself on a laptop. The program does not require installation and works immediately after downloading.

MYPUBLICWIFI work window

MyPublicWiFi program allows you to make a WiFi access point from your computer. Instructions for work:

  1. Download mypublicwifi (preferably version 5.1).
  2. Install the program.
  3. Reload the laptop.
  4. Launch MyPublicWiFi (or run the MyPublicWiFi program on behalf of the administrator, this if with normal starting it gives an error).
  5. Specify the Automatic HotSpot Configuration item.
  6. select the name of the network that will be created in the Network Name field (SSID).
  7. In Network Key, specify a password.
  8. Select (put a tick) Enable Internet Sharing.
  9. In the Select Laptop Connection list to the Internet network.
  10. Press the Set Up and Start Hotspot button.

MyPublicWiFi works perfectly and does not require special efforts to connect

Create access point: three best ways

Distribution through an existing Internet connection

Distribute wi fi through existing online Operational connection windows systems 7 and 8.

In order to make the Internet distribution, you need to follow these items:

  1. Start.
  2. Control Panel.
  3. Network and Internet.
  4. Network and Common Access Control Center.
  5. Change adapter settings.
  6. Wireless network connection 2. Rename it if desired. As you wish.
  7. We find our own active connection. It is mainly called connected by local network. Can also be referred to as Virtual WiFi.
  8. In the active connection properties, you should find the "Access" tab and go through it. In this tab, we put ticks, that is, agree with all points. Namely:
  • let me use this network to use this network;
  • let other users control the connection to the selected network.
  1. Select your active connection from the list. That is: connection on the local network (or then the name in which you renamed the connection).
  2. Press the "OK" button and restart the computer.

If you want a smartphone, a tablet or laptop to use this access point, you should only run the program to distribute Wi Fi. And on devices that will be connected, you must enter passwords to access the network.

Method Customize WiFi distribution using the command line

The above methods work little in case you need to distribute WiFi from the computer on which Windows 10 is installed.

What does the command line look like on the laptop screen

Stages of distribution of wireless networks using the command line:

  1. Check the possibility of distribution. You must run on behalf of the administrator command line and enter the Netsh Wlan Show Drivers in it.
  2. Read the "Support Network" item (if settings on english language, Hosted Network will be written). There must be the word "yes".
  3. The following paragraph B. command line We write: Netsh WLAN Set HostedNetwork Mode \u003d ALLOW SSID \u003d Remontka Key \u003d SECRETPASSWORD. At the same time, in the command, such instructions like "Remontka" is the name of the wireless network (you can write your own, the spaces are not used). SECRETPASSWORD is a secret password on WiFi. You choose it yourself.
  4. After all the data is inscribed, enter the command: Netsh Wlan Start HostedNetwork.
  5. Right-click the click on the menu on the Start desktop and select "Network Connections".
  6. In this list, select the Internet connection that is now used. Click the right mouse button, open the "Access" tab. Allow access to other users.

Configure network capabilities via the command line

In the end, the screen will notify that the wireless network is running. If no errors and failures occurred, then you can connect phones, tablets and laptops to this network. They will now have access to the Internet.

Access point with Windows 7: Computer-Computer Network

Video how to establish a distribution of WiFi from a computer through Windows 7

In order to organize wireless connection On Windows 7, you need to create a computer-computer network. In the lower right corner of the screen (where the clocks, date, icons are located quickly launch. This is called - tray) find the "Internet connection". Click on it, and after selecting "Network Management Center and Common Access".

A window will appear. It needs to select the "Configure New Connection" item. And click "Configuring a Wireless Network" Computer-Computer "and" Next ".

In a new window, fill three graphs:

  • network Name (invent yourself);
  • security type (WPA2-PTRSONAL is best);
  • security key.

Going to the "Network and Shared Access Center" in the "Change additional parameters Shared access »Install the checkbox on" Enable "at all points. Do not forget to put a tick on the moment: "Remember network settings". Press the "Next" button.

After the system configures the distribution of the Internet via WiFi, in the window that appears, it will be necessary to click "Enable general access To connecting to the Internet. "

The setting has passed successfully if after that the computer can freely distribute the Internet via WiFi

Safety issues when distributing Wai Fi without a router

Since as a result of the organization of the virtual access point, an account is created with standard parameters, the name Admin, then any person who is somehow familiar with the network can easily connect to it.

So that this does not happen, it is important to know some moments. The actions that are needed to protect themselves and the network from invasion of surveyed guests.


IN address line Browser (any) We introduce A window will be loaded on the screen in which you will need to enter the name of the admin and password. By switching to the Maintenance tab in a section called Administrator. In the New Password field fit new, sophisticated password. It must be remembered. It will be required while connecting other devices to the network. We confirm that we save the written password on Confirm Password. By the same principle we change the login name. At the end of each acting done, click Save Settings. This means: Save settings.

So we defended account. With another help it is possible to change all network settings. Including the connection and disconnection of the devices, as well as the locking of gadgets so that they cannot connect to this network.

Go to directly protection of access points. In already open tab In the browser we find the item called Setup, that is, the settings. In it, select the Wireless Settings section. Will open a new window. It needs to select a function called Manual Wireless Connection Setup. In the installation section, which is located in Wireless Network Settings, set the new network name (SSID). It must be quite complicated.

If you want the custom network to see users of other gadgets, then in the Enable Hidden Wireless field it is worth putting a tick.

We connect the tablet, smartphone and laptop to hand

After the distribution of Wi Fi will be organized, to a new "router" in the form of a laptop will need to be connected to smartphones, planets and other triggers with wireless support.

Connection features have devices running on operating system Android. Of course, first of all, it is better to check whether access to network is allowed to other devices.

If this is, then you need to download the ADB program. It is intended for the Internet with Windows on Android apartments. The next step must be enabled in the settings of the tablet or smartphone on Android mode called "USB debugging". And then connect the gadget through USB cable To laptop.

Unpack the folder S. adb And launch androidtool.exe. A window will open, it will be necessary to click the Refresh Devices button. On the right there will be a list called Select Domain Name Server (DNS) ... there choose yourself DNS server.. After clicking the Show Android Interface button, the application will be installed on your tablet.

USB Tunnel Program Allow superuser rights on the tablet. And boldly press the Connect button.

Distribute wifi from the computer and standard windows toolsBut more convenient, of course, if it is full-fledged WiFi distribution programs from a laptop.

It is logical that it will be much more functional and comfortable.

In addition, most likely, the network will be rated much better, because the program will be able to take all available computer resources, and not just their small part, as standard means will do.

In fact, programs that have the ability to distribute WiFi from a laptop, there is a lot.

Most of them can even download free, and they work both on the usual Windows 7 and on newer Windows 8 and Windows 10.

In general, consider which programs are the best for distribution WiFi from a laptop, according to users.

To do this, take reviews and just posts in social networks And forums on this topic.

№1. WiFi Hotspot Creator

In this case, the criterion of which programs are the best, as far as they are easy to use and efficient.

Again, here we do not take just the promoted programs that are at first search places.

Therefore, we start with the one with the most simple interface and which, accordingly, the easiest in understanding and configuration.

You can download it completely free. In general, the entire process of downloading and creating an access point is as follows:

  • We go to the official website -
  • We see there the "Download Now" button. Click on it.
  • Downloading begins immediately, without any advertisements and requirements. Open the downloaded file.

  • The installation begins. In the first window we click the "Next" button, that is, "Next". This is a welcome window, where it is briefly written, what program.

  • In the next window, we are invited to enjoy free games that will occur on the desktop, in the browser in general, we will greatly bother us. In general, it is better to get rid of them.
    To do this, remove a tick near the "Free Daily Games!" Item (highlighted green in Figure No. 3). We click "Install", that is, "install".

  • After that, we see a few more windows with advertising. They should also remove all ticks (also highlighted in green) and press the "Next" button.

  • Installation, as it seems, completed. Click the only "FINISH" button available in this case.

  • But that's not all. Now it starts installing not advertising, but the program itself. In the first window, click "Next", that is, then we agree with the license agreement by selecting the option "I Accept the Terms ..." (highlighted in green) and press "Next" again.

  • Now choose the folder where the program will be installed. This is done by pressing the "Browse ..." button and select the desired folder (highlighted in green). After that, press the "Next" button again.

  • Once again, press "Next" and "Install". The real installation begins. We press the real "finish" again.

  • The program is launched. The interface is seemed as simple as possible. The WiFi Name field is responsible for the name of the access point, and Password is a password. All this is easily set. The main thing here is to choose Network Card.
    This field actually determines where we will take the Internet for our connection point. If the Internet is connected via the cable, then select "Connecting on a LAN" or another name of your connection.
    Finally, Max Guests defines the maximum number of people who can connect to the network. When all the parameters are defined, click "Start" and the distribution begins.

To stop the distribution, you need to press the "STOP" button in the same window. That's all. As you can see, everything is most simple.

№2. Virtual Router.

There is the only big "download" button, which is highlighted in Figure # 11.

In general, after the user downloads and establishes Virtual Router, he will only have to specify the values \u200b\u200bof the "Network Name" fields, that is, the connection name and "password" is the same password.

The Shared Connection field performs exactly the same features as Network Card in WiFi Hotspot Creator. This is the connection, from where we will take the Internet.

After the setup, it will be easy to press one large Start Virtual Router button.

Figure No. 12 shows the already working program, so there is already a button for stopping the program of the program - "Stop Virtual Router", but "Start ..." will be located in the same place.

As you can see on the same picture this program more functional.

For example, there is a whole field "Peers COnnected", which shows who on this moment Connected to the network - its MAC, IP address and network name. Indeed, comfortable!

In the right part of Figure No. 12, it is shown that the connection has already been created, recorded in the list of networks and successfully works.

Unfortunately, none of the above-described programs apply to Russian.

However, it is not critical, because the values \u200b\u200bof all fields and so intuitively understandable. In addition, these programs are absolutely free.

Did you know that using a special software, Can you distribute the Internet from your laptop? If your laptop is connected to the Internet on a local network (to a modem with a special wire), and there are tablets and smartphones in the house, then this article will undoubtedly useful for you.

As it turned out, on the Internet, you can find programs for distribution Wi-Fi from a laptop. In this article we will look at the highest quality and free programwhich fully copes with all the stated features.

Download the program for distributing the Internet by reference at the end of the article.

It is necessary to immediately notice that the program in its work uses means for distribution Wi-Fi, built into the operating system. Therefore, the program will only work on Windows 7 and 8. Older windows versionUnfortunately, the program does not support.

After the download is completed, you must install the program to the computer. Open the downloaded file with double mouse click and follow the installation wizard instructions.

After the download is completed, the program will start automatically.

The program interface in English, so we immediately go into the settings where we change the language of the interface into Russian, fill in the name of the wireless network, specify new password, Repeat the password, press the "Apply" and "OK" button to save the changes and close the window.

To start distributing the Internet, click the "Start" button.

If you enter the list of available internet connections with mobile device, In the list you will see a familiar network. Connect to it by entering the password you create.

On the laptop immediately the message will be displayed that the device was connected.

And the IP address of the device itself will appear in the program itself.

If the Internet does not work on the Internet on a Wi-Fi device, follow these steps: Open the tick on the right side of the program to deploy an additional window with some settings.

Select the type of network on which the laptop is available to the Internet. If you are connected using the Wire, select "Connecting over Local Network". If access to the Internet is carried out using Wi-Fi network, then, accordingly, you need to select "Wireless Network". Click OK and resume the distribution of the Internet by clicking the "Start" button.

You can install the program settings automatic start with each download windows. Thus, configuring the program only once, you can constantly and without restrictions to use the wireless wi-Fi network On all devices.

The distribution of Wi-Fi with a PC can be made in two ways: using programs pre-installed in the operating system, and those that need to be downloaded from the Internet. In the article we will look at the second way. Turn your laptop in Wi-Fi router It is better with the help of specialized utilities, since they have a great functionality compared to Windows.
Also in favor of the second option, it also says that the program when distributing the Internet takes most of the available PC resources, while standard remedy OS - only a small part. And of this implies the conclusion: sophisticated software Distribute the network from a computer to other devices much better.

Distribute the Internet from laptops great amount programs. Many of them are free and support all the version and editorial board of Microsoft software. Our task, focusing on the opinions of users who we found on profile forums and on social networks, choose among this huge diversity the best programs for distribution of the Internet with personal computers on peripherals.

№1. WiFi Hotspot Creator

Choosing the best third-party programsWe evaluated them in efficiency, easy to use and simplicity of the interface. In our ranking there is no expensive and promoted software, we chose more simple applicationsthat are suitable for unprepared users.

Wi-Fi Hotspot Creator is free and easy to use. A small application will allow you to turn your computer into a Wi-Fi router or "Hot Spot" (access point) and distribute the Internet from it to other devices.

To customize and use the software will be able even newcomers, who have never been dealing with such utilities. Download the program from the official page of the author for free and follow the instructions:

To stop the distribution, you must click the button opposite by the value, that is, " Stop (Stop)" That's all the settings. As you can see, the program was set longer than settled.

№2. Virtual Router.

This free utility Also just configured. Load it on a computer from the official page of the author by clicking the "button" Download (download)».

The Virtual Router utility is loaded and installed on the computer in the same way as the previous one, with the exception of some nuances.

After installation, you need to properly configure the program. And for this you need to fill such fields: " Network Name."- Name name," Password."- Password," Shared Connection"- Select a connection (for example, by cable). When all the parameters are configured, press the " Start Virtual Router."She will launch distribution from the computer.

To stop the distribution, as in the case of the previous utility, you must press the button " Stop Virtual Router.».

If you compare Virtual Router with Wi-Fi Hotspot Creator, the first program has more functions, although it is installed and configured the same one. In this specialized utility, for example, there is the option "Peers COnnected". Here you can see who connects to your network. You will be available for detailed information about the connected user: Mac, IP, network name.

Both programs described by us do not have Russian-speaking support, but also do not need it, since all the fields that need to be filled, and so intuitively understandable. Each utility is free and configured almost the same, so it will not create any problems to unprepared users. The distribution of the Internet with PC is easy to run and just stop.

Number 3. WiFicreator

If you need a Russian interface, download the third program - WiFicreator. This specialized utility for setting access points is also free and easy to learn. And unlike the first two programs, there are no advertising garbage and malicious applications.

To download a laptop utility, use the reference from the official page of the developer :.

After downloading and installing the program, select Language user interface. The "Management" point is responsible for changing the language if the utility has launched in English. To turn your personal computer into a Wi-Fi router, you need the appropriate settings. They practically do not differ from the first two programs, except for the names of the fields.

Set up the following parameters; « Network Name."- Connection name," Network Key."- password to him," Internet Connection."- where the utility should take the Internet. If all settings are manufactured, press "Start Hotspot" to start distribution with personal computer. For its termination, respectively, press " Stop Hotspot." Here are all the subtleties of use.

The three utilities described by us are in demand by users because of its effectiveness, simplicity of settings for parameters and intuitive understandable interface. But you can try and promoted software, for example, MyPublicWiFi. This software will also turn your laptop to the router for portable devicesBy creating an access point. The program has many settings and as many features.

There is also a Switch Virtual Router - a utility that controls hot-spot (creates, sets up, starts, stops). After adjusting the access point, the program can be closed, but the distribution of the Internet does not stop.

There is also a Connectify utility. It is free, easy to learn and functional, but there are too many advertising garbage.