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Full screen windows 10 keyboard shortcut. Windows hotkey remapping

Experienced Users know keyboard combinations that help them in their work and save time. To help those who are not yet using, we offer this article. Many keyboard shortcuts work the same in Windows 7, 8, and XP builds.

Keyboard shortcut in Windows 10

If it is impossible to use a computer mouse at work, the ability to give commands on the keyboard will be a useful skill. Hotkeys have been successfully used in previous builds. But there are also new shortcuts created only in this system. Popular keys are still: Winkey, Alt and Ctrl, Shift and Tab, arrows, numbers and letters in cross combinations.

Fig 1. Combinations with the Ctrl key

New Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts

Among the useful and functional shortcuts, experimental shortcuts stand out to improve the efficiency of your computer work.

Automatic window alignment

Can be executed with the mouse or with the keyboard shortcuts in Windows and the arrow keys. Depending on the direction of the arrows, the used window will move in the corresponding direction.

Fig 2. Button with Windows icon Fig 3. Control with arrows

Virtual desktop

A practical function when creating several projects at once. It becomes even more convenient to use when combined with the keyboard buttons:

# WINd + Ctrl + D creates another desktop

# WINd + Ctrl + ← goes to the desktop located on the left side

# WINd + Ctrl + → goes to the desktop located at right side

# WINd + Ctrl + F4 ends the desktop

# WINd + Tab view actively used applications.

Fig 4. Location on Windows keyboard or Win

Working with the command line

To work with this element in Windows 10, key combinations are used:

shift + ← select text on the left side

shift + → select text on the right side of the cursor

shift + Ctrl + → (←) block selection

Ctrl + C duplicate information to the clipboard

Ctrl + V paste saved information from the clipboard

Ctrl + A select all text on a line.

Figure 5. Using Shift and Arrows

Screen, shooting photo and video materials

With the presence of the GameDVR program it is possible to produce. To do this, use the keyboard shortcuts

WIN + PrintScreen takes a screenshot and saves to the Picturess folder

WIN + G launches GameDVR (if your graphics card has enough capabilities)

WIN + Alt + G records what is happening in the active window

WIN + Alt + R will stop recording in progress

WIN + P when the second monitor is on, switches screen modes

WIN + Plus (Minus) zoom in or out using the Magnifier utility.

Other useful Windows shortcuts

Along with the new Windows 10 operating system, many are still using other, earlier Windows versions... They have an equally large list of quick combinations. The most popular ones are:

# WINd + shows the desktop, temporarily hiding active applications

# WINd + D minimizes applications and opens the desktop

# WINd + Home leaves the actively used window, minimizes the rest.

# WINd + L exit the operating system

# WINd + E starts explorer (WindowsExplorer)

Alt + F4 ends the active window

Ctrl + Shift + M restore minimized applications

Alt + Ctrl + Del launches the Task Manager window.

Most often, the WIN key is used in combination of keyboard shortcuts.

Combining this key with the ones below, we get the following result:

A support center opens

S the search box opens

B sets focus to the notification area

I the "Options" window opens

K fast connection

O fixing device orientation

U accessibility center

V toggles notifications

Z shows commands running in full screen mode

P ause displays the System Properties window

+ / reconversion IME.

Some keys in all versions of Windows are used as hot keys on their own:

SPACEBAR - setting or unsetting the active parameter

BACKSPACE - open a file

END - the bottom edge of the active window is displayed.


The number of possible hotkey combinations can be a little confusing for an inexperienced user. It seems impossible to memorize all of them and use them effectively when working with a computer. But I can assure you, with a little practice and getting used to this method, you will be able to appreciate its functional benefits and time savings. Using this knowledge, you free your hands. Now the absence of a mouse will not be able to prevent you from setting tasks for your computer.

Using hotkeys in Windows 10 (also known as "shortcuts") will help you be as productive as a king on your computer. Hotkeys save you from the need to perform unnecessary manipulations with the mouse and system interfaces.

List of hotkeys in Windows 10

Surely you know many shortcuts, but in this list we have collected the largest possible number, thus forming the ultimate list of Windows 10 hotkeys.

Win key combinations

For reference: button Win- this is the button with the Windows logo on the left (there are options with a duplicate key on the right) of the bottom row of the keyboard.

By default, there is no way to reassign or personalize keyboard shortcuts in Windows. Is it just a combination for changing the language. Therefore, such a task is undertaken by third-party software. A striking example like - free utility MKey.

Please note that custom keyboard shortcuts do not work in UWP apps.

MKey is able to assign custom keys to multimedia keyboards, but it also includes the ability to assign your own individual keys from standard set or a combination. For example, MKey is able to assign functions to certain combinations, such as launching applications, shutting down the computer, restarting, closing the window, controlling playback, and so on. Many different possibilities.

If you want to delete a combination, right-click on it and select Delete or Change.

How to disable hotkeys in Windows 10

As in the case with the assignment of hotkeys, standard way there is no disabling of combinations. And it is unlikely to be. But the vast majority of combinations can be disabled by disabling the button Win on keyboard. This is done using the registry editor.

Using the registry editor, you can also disable individual combinations.

Save and reboot. Everything is ready, combinations are disabled.

In the list below, you can find both familiar keyboard shortcuts from previous versions, and those that appeared only in Windows 10. There is absolutely no need to learn them all at once, and it’s impossible. Just select 3-4 operations that you use most often, write down the corresponding keys on a sticker and attach it in a prominent place. You yourself will not notice how very soon you will learn them by heart and you will not be able to do without them. And when this happens, you can move on to mastering the following hotkey combinations.

Window and application management

Win + Left Arrow- attach the application window to the left edge of the screen.

Win + Right Arrow- attach the application window to the right edge of the screen.

Win + Up Arrow- maximize the application window to full screen. Or, if the window was previously docked to one of the edges, it will take up a quarter of the screen at the top.

Win + Down Arrow- minimize the active window. Or, if the window was previously docked to one of the edges, it will take up a quarter of the screen at the bottom.

Win + D- show and hide the desktop.

Win + Shift + M- restore minimized windows.

Win + Home- minimize all windows, except for the active one (restore all windows when pressed again).

Alt + Tab- switch between running applications.

Alt + F4- close the active window.

Win + Shift + Left (or Right) Arrow- move the window to another monitor.

Win + T- iterate over the icons on the taskbar. Press Enter to launch the application.

Win + 0 ... 9- launch the application from the taskbar, the icon of which is pinned to the position corresponding to the number.


Win + E- start the file manager.

Ctrl + N- open a new window.

Ctrl + mouse scroll wheel- change the presentation of elements (icons, table, sketches, and so on).

Alt + up arrow- go up one level.

Alt + left arrow- view the previous folder.

Alt + right arrow- browse the next folder.

Virtual desktops

Win + Ctrl + D- add a virtual desktop.

Win + Ctrl + Left Arrow- switch between virtual desktops from right to left.

Win + Ctrl + Right Arrow- switch between virtual desktops from left to right.

Win + Ctrl + F4- close the virtual desktop in use.

Win + Tab- display all desktops and applications on them.


Ctrl + Shift + Esc- start the task manager.

Win + R- open the "Run" dialog box.

Shift + Delete- delete files bypassing the trash can.

Alt + Enter- display the properties of the selected item.

Win + space- switch input language and keyboard layout.

Win + A- open the "Support Center".

Win + S- open the search window.

Win + I- open the "Parameters" window.

Screenshots and games

Win + PrtScr- take a screenshot and save it in the folder with images.

Win + Alt + PrtScr- take a screenshot of the game.

Win + G- open the game panel to record the progress of the passage.

Win + Alt + G- record the last 30 seconds in the active window.

Win + Alt + R- start or stop recording.

Win + P- switch between display modes (if there is a second display).

Do you use keyboard shortcuts in your work?

The Windows operating system is quite complex, but at the same time very functional. Many things are easy enough to do with the mouse. But it can be even faster to get to frequently used items using keyboard shortcuts, bypassing all the menus and many clicks. Below you will find 10 of the most useful keyboard shortcuts for Windows 10, which will definitely come in handy to speed up your everyday computer work.

Win- a button on the keyboard with the image of the Windows logo. Pressing it opens the "Start" menu, from where you can launch programs, system settings, or manage the computer's power (restart, shutdown, activate sleep mode).

You can also use it to find files, folders and programs on your computer, if immediately after clicking you start writing the name of a file, application or folder.

Win + D- a combination that minimizes all open windows and shows the desktop. A very useful combination if you often have a large number of applications open and from time to time you need to find something on your desktop, some kind of documents.

Sequentially minimizing all open windows or reaching the lower right corner is not the most quick option... But pressing Win + D is very simple. Pressing it again returns all minimized windows as they were before.

Win + L- The easiest way to lock your computer is by going to the lock screen. If you urgently need to go somewhere, then just click on this combination and a splash screen appears on the screen, after which you will need to enter a password to log into your account.

Doing similar actions through the Start menu is far from the best quick way, but pressing the Win + L key combination is as easy as shelling pears.

Win + E- opens "Explorer". I already wrote in the article "" that I refused to use third-party file managers, because functionality the regular "Explorer" was more than enough to solve my problems.

So, to quickly launch "Explorer" from the keyboard, just press Win + E.

Win + R- a combination that opens the "Run" window, where you can enter commands or names of programs to run. With its help it is very convenient to launch some rare applications or commands to perform some specific tasks.

For example, after pressing Win + R, entering regedit and pressing Enter, the Windows registry editor opens (by the way, if you use the Reg Organizer program, you can open it if you enter three Latin letters Р in this line - rrr).

Win + Tab- a combination to open an interface that allows you to switch between virtual desktops, if you are using them.

After clicking, a special screen opens, which shows all your desktops and the applications that are running on them.

Win + I- opens a new window Windows settings 10, which is intended to replace the old Control Panel, although so far it has not 100% happened. Basically, Windows 10 now has two control panels - a new one and an old one.

Someday this problem will probably be solved ... But nevertheless, you can start new settings in one click.

Ctrl + Win + ← / →- a combination for switching between desktops. If you use several desktops and want to switch between them with one touch, then this combination is for you. By the way, the very switching between desktops is done with very cool animation.

Depending on which desktop you want to switch to, you need to press the left or right arrows, together with the Ctrl and Win keys held down.

Ctrl + Shift + Esc Is a combination that launches Windows 10's Task Manager, which has changed significantly from Windows 7.

Now it is a very powerful tool for controlling running applications, programs launched at system startup, as well as monitoring computer resources. Very cool, visual and convenient!

Win + → / ← // ↓- another great combination that allows you to change the position of the active window on the screen with one click. Thus, you can arrange the windows of various programs on the desktop so that you can see their contents. This is a real salvation if you work with several applications at once or with several windows of the same application.

If you press Win + Left, then the active window will be located on the left half of the screen. If you then press Win + Up, then the active window will be moved to the upper left corner (quarter) of the screen.

What are hot Windows keys ten? This question can be answered unequivocally - for the convenience of working in the environment of this operating system. Judge for yourself, hot buttons allow you to speed up the process of performing certain tasks by reducing the user's actions. And in order not to be unfounded, we can give a trivial example, when you need to quickly break through to the desktop through a bunch of windows of running applications. In this situation, you can go a long way, minimizing each window individually, or use the hotkey combination "Windows + D", which allows you to minimize all windows at once. In addition, other reasons may arise to resort to such hidden functionality of the operating system, such as the failure of the mouse, without which an inexperienced user, as a rule, becomes difficult to control his computer. We will consider in this article what hotkeys exist in Windows 10, and what their direct purpose is.

For a better understanding and mastering of the information presented below, we will divide the whole set of Windows 10 hotkeys into groups that unite them according to the type of tasks performed.

Window management of active applications

Show and hide the desktop

Minimize all windows except active active

Place window open program on the left edge of the screen

Position the open program window to the right of the screen

Expand the program window to full screen

Minimize active window

Navigating through icons in the taskbar

Launching applications from the taskbar, the positions of the icons of which correspond to the selected number.

Move active window to another monitor

Close active window

Navigating the windows running programs

System interface management

System interface control is understood as a set of hotkeys that provide the ability to quick access to system partitions such as "Settings", "Device Manager", "Task Manager", etc.

Opening the quick links menu of system sections

Center opening Windows notifications 10

Opening the "Options" section

Opening the search bar

Opening the System Properties section

Opening the system utility "Run"

Switch input language and keyboard layout

Launching the task manager

Opening the Windows Security Panel

Deleting files bypassing the recycle bin

Show properties of the selected item

Explorer management

Open "My Computer"

Maximize minimized application windows

Move through cells in explorer columns

Selecting folders and files

Move cursor up or down to select objects

Navigating the folder tree

Navigating the history of opening directories

Duplicate the active explorer window

Copying the selected objects to the clipboard (files, folders, etc.)

Similar to the previous hotkey combination

Hot combination keys to move the selected objects

Paste copied or cut objects temporarily stored in the clipboard

Hotkey combination to select all contents of the active window

Launch search string

Same as the "Shift + Right / Left Arrow" hotkey combination

Selecting an object under the cursor


Switching display modes (if there is a second display)

Opening the game panel to record the progress of the game

Screenshot (screenshot)

Record the last 30 seconds in the active window

Start and stop recording

Screenshot in game

Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts - General Keyboard Shortcuts Reference

- August 2, 2015Categories: Miscellaneous

If you want to give the impression of a user who has been using Windows 10 for many years, you should definitely learn about the hotkeys of the new Microsoft operating system. Knowing the correct combination of keyboard shortcuts, you can work with the interface, launch applications, activate events, change settings using just a couple of clicks on your keyboard. Below is a list of the hotkeys that we think are the most important.

Fixing the Window in Windows 10

The option to fix the window has undergone minor changes in Windows 10, the same applies to hotkeys. Windows can be fixed to either side of the screen, just like in Windows 8, but now you can also shrink the window to ¼ the size of the display, and open four windows at once.

Windows Key + Left Arrow - dock the window on the left side of the screen.

Windows Key + Right Arrow - to fix the window on the right side of the screen.

Windows Key + Up Arrow - fix the window to the top of the screen.

Windows Key + Down Arrow - fix the window to the bottom of the screen.

In addition: After you fix the window on any side of the screen or reduce its size to a quarter, Windows will automatically prompt you to fill the resulting empty space on your desktop with any other open on this moment program.

Virtual Worker Windows table 10

Windows 10's support for virtual desktops is good news - at least not until you're an independent developer who wrote a utility that does the exact same job! This is the same as having several additional invisible monitors. Each of the virtual desktops can have its own set of applications, while the hotkeys and wallpaper remain unchanged.

Windows Key + Ctrl + D - Creates a new virtual desktop.

Windows Key + Ctrl + Left - Scrolls your desktop to the left.

Windows Key + Ctrl + Right - Scrolls your desktop to the right.

Windows Key + Ctrl + F4 - Close the current desktop.

Windows Key + Tab - View all your desktops (and running programs!) Through the "Task view" page.

Cortana and Windows 10 settings

As it became known, Micrisoft's virtual voice assistant, Cortana, has become available for desktop computers... If you feel uncomfortable shouting “hey Cortana!” In a crowded place, you can optionally choose to communicate with voice assistant by means of hot keys.

Windows Key + S - Launch keyboard-controlled Cortana.

Windows Key + I - Open the Windows 10 Settings page.

Windows Key + A - Open Windows 10 notifications (Action Center).

Windows Key + X - Opens the Start context menu.

Windows 10 Command Prompt

Command Windows string 10

Windows 10 Command Prompt also got new hotkeys. To use them, right-click on the name command line Command prompt and select Properties. In the window that appears, uncheck the "Use legacy console" box, and activate the hotkeys using the Ctrl button, as well as two text selection options.

Shift + Left key - Selects text to the left of the cursor.

Shift + Right - selects text to the right of the cursor.

Ctrl + Shift + Left (or Right) - simultaneously selects entire blocks of text, rather than individual characters.

Ctrl + C - Copies the selected text to the Windows clipboard.

Ctrl-V - Pastes text from the Windows clipboard into the command line.

Ctrl + A key - selects all text.

All of these hotkeys work in others as well. text programs however, these combinations are new for the command line.

To navigate Windows 10

See also: How to Install Windows 10 from a USB Drive

In addition to the new keyboard shortcuts, Windows 10 inherited a whole group of keyboard shortcuts from previous versions operating systems Microsoft. Below we have presented the most important keyboard shortcuts to help navigate the interface. new windows.

Windows key +, - temporarily hides programs to quickly show the desktop.

Windows Key + D - Shrinks application windows to go directly to the desktop.

Ctrl + Shift + M - restores the full size of the reduced windows (useful after Win + D).

Windows Key + Home - Shrinks all windows except the one that is currently active.

Windows Key + L - Lock your PC and go to the lock window.

Windows Key + E - Launch Windows Explorer.

Alt + Up key - move one level up in Windows Explorer.

Alt + Left key - Move one step back in Windows Explorer.

Alt + Right key - Move one step forward in Windows Explorer.

Alt + Tab key - switch between windows (while holding Alt press Tab to select the required window).

Alt + F4 - close the current window.

Windows Key + Shift + Left (or Right) - Move the window to your next monitor.

Windows Key + T - Navigate the Taskbar (press Enter to launch).

Windows key + Any number - launches the program located in the taskbar under the pressed number (for example, the combination Win + 3 will launch the third application in your taskbar).

Deeper navigation in Windows 10

Discover hidden parts of Windows by using special keyboard shortcuts to help you find settings and options that are hidden from view ordinary users... Don't use these combinations if you don't know what you are doing.

Ctrl + Shift + Esc - Opens the Windows 10 Task Manager.

Windows Key + R - Launches the Run window.

Shift + Delete key - deletes files without first moving them to the trash.

Alt + Enter key - shows the properties of the selected files.

Windows Key + U - Opens the Quick Access Center.

Windows key + Spacebar - Toggles input language and keyboard layout.

Windows Key + Shift + Any Number - Launches new copy already running application from the taskbar.

Windows key + Ctrl + Shift + Any number - the same, but with administrator rights.

Windows 10 Pictures, Videos & Screen

As expected, Windows 10 has been made a very rendered operating system. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that the brainchild of Microsoft has received a number of hotkeys that allow you to save screenshots of the desktop, record actions on the desktop, and also zoom in and out on items on the desktop.

Windows Key + PrtScr - Takes a screenshot and saves it to the Pictures folder.

Windows Key + G - Opens the Game DVR program to record screen activity (if this option is supported by your graphics card).

Windows Key + Alt + G - Starts recording screen activity in the current window.

Windows Key + Alt + R - Stop Game DVR recording.

Windows key + P - Switch between screen modes.

Windows Key + Plus - Increase.

Windows key + Minus - decrease.

Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts

Knowing the basic hotkeys of a computer or a specific program can dramatically speed up your productivity and save you a lot of time in the long run. In this article, although I should have done it a long time ago, I will finally describe the main Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts.

Win + combinations

Keyboard shortcuts that begin with the Windows key operate independently of the active window and perform operating system-level actions. Among the popular hotkeys in Windows 10 are the following:

  • Win + E - Open My Computer
  • Win + I - open Windows settings
  • Win + D - minimize / maximize all windows
  • Win + R - open the "Run" function
  • Win + Pause - open the "System" window
  • Win + S - open Windows search
  • Win + A - open "Notification Center"
  • Win + L - enable splash / lock screen
  • Win + X - open the WinX menu (Power User Menu)
  • Win + Print Screen - save a screenshot of the screen (Images / Screenshots). Learn more in the tutorial: how to take a screenshot on Windows 10
  • Win + Space - change language

Advice: if you do not know the meaning of some keys or cannot find them on your keyboard (names are erased, etc.), you can always find the definition of any key in our computer dictionary, just look for words with the letter "K".

Combinations Ctrl +

  • Ctrl + C - copy (text, object, file or folder)
  • Ctrl + V - Paste
  • Ctrl + X - Cut
  • Ctrl + S - save changes / document
  • Ctrl + N - create a new file / document
  • Ctrl + A - select everything
  • Ctrl + Z - undo the last action (go back one step)
  • Ctrl + Y - undo undo the last action (go back one step)
  • Ctrl + Shift + Escape - Open Task Manager
  • Ctrl + Alt + Delete - open a window Windows security
  • Ctrl + Shift or Alt + Shift - change the language (depending on your settings)

When working with text, the following combinations are often used:

  • Ctrl + B - Bold
  • Ctrl + I - italic
  • Ctrl + U - Underline
  • Ctrl + E (L or R) - Align the text to the center, left or right.

Combinations Shift +

  • Shift + text or Caps lock(on / off) - print capital letters
  • Shift + arrows and Ctrl + Shift + arrows - select text by letter and word
  • Shift + Home / End - select text from the cursor to the beginning / end of the line
  • Shift + Page Up / Page Down - select text from the cursor one screen up / down
  • Shift + F12 - Save Word Document.

Windows 10 explorer keyboard shortcuts

In addition to some of the hotkeys already described, in the explorer you can use and function keys.

  • F2 - Rename the selected file or folder
  • F3 - Go to the search box
  • F4 - Go to address bar
  • F5 - Refresh Window
  • F6 and Tab - change the active part of the window (useful if you do not use a mouse)
  • F11 - open explorer full screen

Let's stop here. Such a set useful combinations there should be enough keys. And in my humble opinion, most of these Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts should be known to every computer user. To be more precise, not only know, but use to simplify and speed up computer work.

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Want more articles on this topic, maybe you are interested in keyboard shortcuts in a certain program? Write your thoughts in the comments.

Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts you need to know »Training» Windows

Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts are often required by the user. This article is a kind of instruction on how to use keys and their combinations in the operating room. Windows system tenth version. Most of them came with previous versions Windows, but there are also new hotkeys.

Popular shortcuts and basic hotkeys

  • CTRL plus C- copy;
  • Ctrl plus X - cut;
  • Ctrl plus V- paste;
  • CTRL plus Z-return to the previous step;
  • Alt plus Tab - switch between programs;
  • Alt plus F4-termination of the active program
  • Windows plus L- replacement account user;
  • Windows plus D- hide desktop.

Present only in OS Windows 10

  • Windows Plus A - Support Center;
  • Windows plus S - search box;
  • Windows plus C - open Cortana in listening;
  • Windows plus TAB- is hotkey windows 10 task views;
  • Windows plus Ctrl plus D - open a simulated desktop;
  • Win plus Ctrl plus Left Arrow and Win plus Ctrl plus Right Arrow are hotkeys for switching between desktops;
  • Win plus Ctrl plus F4 - close the virtual desktop;
  • Win plus Up Arrow - make the window full screen;
  • Win plus Down Arrow - minimize the window;
  • Win plus Right arrow - dock the window to the right;
  • Win plus Left arrow - dock the window to the left.

Windows 10 version hotkeys on video:

Basic hotkeys

  • F2- rename the selected item;
  • F3- run find files;
  • F4 - display the line for the address;
  • F5- update;
  • F6- switch between elements;
  • F10- activate menu in open application;
  • ALT plus F4- close active element or an application;
  • ALT plus ESC- switch between items in the order they were opened;
  • ALT plus ENTER- display the properties of the selected item;
  • ALT plus space - open context menu;
  • ALT plus Arrow to the left - one step forward;
  • ALT plus Right Arrow - one step back;
  • ALT plus PAGE UP - move to the top page;
  • ALT plus PAGE DOWN- move to the bottom page;
  • ALT plus TAB - transition between programs;
  • CTRL plus F4 - close the active document;
  • Ctrl plus A- select all items;
  • Ctrl plus C- copy the selected item;
  • Ctrl plus D- delete the selected item;
  • Ctrl plus R- refresh open window;
  • Ctrl plus V-paste;
  • Ctrl plus X - cut;
  • Ctrl plus Y-repeat;
  • Ctrl plus Z- cancel;
  • Ctrl plus Right Arrow - move the word further;
  • Ctrl plus Left arrow - move one word back;
  • Ctrl plus Down Arrow - move to the next paragraph;
  • Ctrl plus Up Arrow - move to the previous paragraph;
  • Ctrl plus ESC- "Start";
  • Ctrl plus SHIFT plus ESC - task manager;
  • Ctrl plus SHIFT - keyboard language;
  • SHIFT plus DELETE- delete the selected item without moving it to the trash;
  • ESC- suspend the execution of the task.

All of the above keys are indispensable when working on a PC.

What are Windows 10 hotkeys

Skills such as interacting effectively with the keyboard help to quickly manage the operating system and not get tired as you work with it. Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts do this well. Setting to efficiency can force you to learn certain key combinations, which can greatly facilitate the work of the person working at the computer. There are already familiar combinations that are inherited from previous generation operating systems. It is not necessary to learn such combinations in one day, it is enough to first write out the most necessary ones, and then, as the learning progresses, gradually memorize new ones. All combinations are typed on the keyboard, where the Win button, or Win, or Start, or Start is a key with the image of the Windows logo. In the article, we call it differently for the convenience of those who are accustomed to one option. But in essence, they are the same thing.

Window management

This section describes keyboard shortcuts for working with windows windows 10.

  • Win + left arrow - this way you can attach the program window to the left side of the screen.
  • Win + Right Arrow - this way you can attach the program window to the right side of the screen.
  • Win + up arrow - this combination can be used to maximize the program window to full screen.
  • Win + Down Arrow - These keys minimize the running application window.
  • Win + D - These keys either show or hide the desktop.
  • Win + Shift + M - this way you can restore minimized windows.
  • Win + Home - this combination minimizes all windows, except for the one in which the user is working.
  • Alt + Tab - this combination switches running applications.
  • Alt + F4 - this combination closes a working window.
  • Win + Shift + Left (or Right) Arrow - Move windows to another monitor.
  • Win + T - using this combination, you can cycle through the icons located on the taskbar one after another. In this case, the application is launched with the Enter button.
  • Win + 0 ... 9 - launches from the taskbar those applications that are assigned to a specific serial number.

See also: How to install Russian language in Windows 10

See also: Windows 10 took a long time to load

Benefits of use

Hot keys significantly speed up computer work. If you learn them, then the time will come when interaction with the computer will come to the subconscious. That is, you don't have to think about how to call certain buttons or windows. Of course, everything does not happen at once, but the more you practice working with the keys, the faster they will be remembered. There will come a time when you don't need to look at the keyboard at all. In the century information technologies Is a very useful skill. Only specialized programs help to customize your own hotkeys, but is it worth it to waste your time if there are already ready-made solutions?

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