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Create username and password registration. How to create a username and password? What to do if you've damaged or lost your password card

To enter the site, we are often asked to enter a username and password. Thus, we get access to our profile in the system. We indicate such data when registering on the site.

What is login?

Login is a collective slang word for a name you come up with. It is used to identify a visitor as a user of a web resource. Regular guests of the sites do not always have access to all the possibilities (for example, creating new topics on forums, exchanging personal messages or adding a profile) that the administration provides to the participants of the system. To distinguish between guests and users of the site, the site login form is used, which consists of two input fields. Authentication data is required to be entered not only when creating an account, but also when assigning a user to a specific computer system... Login is used in banks, in economic systems, in electronic systems to access the named cells. It plays the role of an "introductory key" when registering purchased programs. Everyone who registers on the site must come up with individual data. What is a login, it became clear. Now let's figure out where to get it.

How to choose a login? It can consist of any Latin letters, numbers, symbols, dashes (-), periods (.) Or underscores. To fill out the form correctly, you must enter from 6 to 20 characters. Otherwise, the information will not be accepted by the system. Remember, this data never changes! They are often displayed on websites as names, so you should not enter a meaningless set of letters. It is better if it is a clear name. You can come up with a pleasant and creative word that will reflect the personality of the user. If you want to write your name, then add numbers to it. The login must be different from the password, otherwise the account will be virtually unsecured. Sometimes, instead of a username, an address is required in the input field mailbox, then to enter the name displayed on the site you will be given separate line... After confirming the designation of himself with a password, the user will be admitted to the protected materials of the resource. This procedure is often referred to as "logging in". Along with the password, the username is created to restrict third parties' access to the highly personal information of the system users.

What is login and nickname? What is the difference?

Users often confuse these concepts. We have already decided what a login is. The nickname is used to identify the user by other members of the site on forums, in chats. It happens that on some sites both of these designations are the same.

Login recovery

You can think of a very complicated login, but then you can accidentally forget it. Usually, sites offer in such situations a procedure for recovering it using an email address or mobile phone number. This process takes too much time, so don't go overboard with symbols. Do not forget about the convenience of entering information when entering the site. After confirming the data during registration, the system sends this data to an e-mail, and if you wish, you can look at it in your mail.

Most of us, in one way or another, maintain activity on various social networks or on other Internet resources. A personal account on any site must be made as secure as possible from hacking. In this article, we will provide some tips to help you create a unique username and strong password for use on any website.

How do I change my name and user?

To do this, follow step by step algorithm... To change your account password, follow the algorithm described earlier in the "Forgotten password" section! User cannot change username and username. Instead, you can create a new account with your desired username, but you will need to use a different address Email... Your old account will be automatically deleted after 6 months of inactivity.

How do I change my email address?

There is no way to change the email address by the user. Instead, you can create a new account with the correct email address, but you will need to use a different username. The option to delete an account is available. However, if you still want to delete your account, just don't sign in and it will be automatically deleted after 6 months of inactivity.

How to create a secure username and password

Create a login

  • under no circumstances set the same or very similar values ​​for the Login and Password fields;
  • most sites suggest using an email address or nickname as a login. Use an email address. This is very convenient and practically eliminates the possibility of forgetting your login;
  • to make it easier to remember the login, you can use the same one in several accounts.

Create a password

Since the main difficulty in cracking is password guessing, its creation should be taken most seriously. Remember that the password should not be easy to guess (for example, 1234567 or qwerty). Also, when creating a password, be sure to pay attention to the following points:

You will open a bank account and enter into an Agreement for the provision of electronic services. If you already have a bank account, the Customer Service Manager will only draw up the e-services agreement and will provide the identification tools used in the login: username, password, and an intact envelope with the original login password.

What if you entered your username incorrectly?

Manteau g. 1, etc. The most common reason is that the web browser is inadequate. You can test your browser settings by clicking the "Test Browser" button. Please login again. If you entered your username incorrectly, a message with explanatory text will appear on the screen.

  • do not use your first name, last name or the names of people close to you as a password. This data is most likely well known, so it should be easy to pick up.
  • try to make a password from combinations of words and numbers (different keyboard language, different case). This is the easiest and to create complex password.
  • do not make your password very short. As complex as the combination of letters and numbers in a password is, it will be easier to crack if it is short.
  • create a password you can remember. In order not to resort to using the function of remembering passwords in the browser, remember the password and enter it manually each time you visit your account.
  • do not write down your passwords anywhere. As well as in the case of pin codes from bank cards, try not to keep your passwords in writing anywhere.

The principles of creating a reliable login and password for both sites and for individual applications (Mile Agent, Skype, Instagram, etc.) are completely the same. You can find other tips on how to create a new username and password in the article -.

What if you entered your subscription password incorrectly?

If you entered your subscription password incorrectly, a message with explanatory text will appear on the screen. Re-signing. You can do it in the following ways.

What to do if he says login is denied

What to do if my connection is suspended. Until you set your rights, the system will not try to check the passwords you entered.

What if you damaged or lost your password card?

How to earn money

This is useful if you want to give your colleague or partner access to the server, but with the ability to upload or download information only from a specific directory. After filling in all the fields, click the "Create" button. Click Edit next to the relevant user.

The Internet has become an integral part of our life. It provides us with the opportunity to find answers to all questions, share information and communicate with friends on social networks.

For frequent use of one site, it becomes necessary to save information on it or create a page. This can be done in your account, which must be entered through a username and password. How to make them reliable and thereby protect your data, read the article.

How to create a secure login

Login is the name of a person in the world wide web, which is necessary for identification in it. It usually consists of a set of characters or e-mail. To secure the entered information, you need to create. To do this, adhere to the following recommendations.

  • Often, the login is visible to other Internet users, so you should not type characters randomly. Come up with a beautiful combination of letters and numbers by which site visitors will be able to identify you. Here, the case of letters does not matter. It makes no difference if you choose a login with the name Vera, VerA or vERa.
  • Also use for the name on the site additional words, symbols, dashes and other signs. For example, $ VERA $ or Ledi_Vera.
  • It is not recommended to use the same login and password for registration on the site. They will lead to a quick hack of the page.
  • Your date of birth or relatives, is a bad option for a login.
  • Many sites offer their users to use an email address instead of a login. This option is safe, you will remember it for sure.
  • If you want to register on several similar sites, then choose the same login for them. This makes it easier to remember for all pages.

How to create a strong password

If the login is a name, then the password is protection. His choice must be taken seriously. It will become the main obstacle to hacking your account.

  • Do not use only numbers or small letters for your password.
  • Names with the surnames of relatives and friends, dates of birth, are a weak way to protect your profile. They are primarily selected to enter someone else's page.
  • consists of a combination of numbers, symbols and letters with different case. Also use letters in different languages.
  • Create protection with a long name. Most sites tell you about the strength of your password. Be sure to use this function.
  • Many browsers offer to remember the password with the login. This makes it easier to enter the profile, but reduces burglary protection. Therefore, it is better to manually enter the authorization data each time.
  • Come up with a password you can remember. It is a bad idea to write it down or keep the registration emails in your e-mail. Crackers are ready to take advantage of them.

It is easy to secure your personal information on the site. To do this, follow these simple tips and be sure to apply them in practice when creating a username and password.

For more information about reliable account protection, see the video.

There are practically no people left who use the Internet only to search for information. Mail, skype, social networks- all these systems have become an integral part of the "network" life.

And here we almost at every step come across such concepts as login and password. Without them, you will NOT be able to use either mail, or social networks (Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Facebook), or Skype. Not to mention forums and dating sites.

If you think that you are using at least some kind of communication system without them, then you are greatly mistaken. Apparently, your computer is configured in such a way that you do not come across this data.

What is account, login, password

Let me explain with an example of an apartment building. Let's say it has 100 apartments. Each has its own number.

All apartments have approximately the same layout, but each of them is different from the other - different furniture, wallpaper, plumbing fixtures, personal belongings of residents, and so on.

Multi-apartment buildings are also different - three-story, five or more floors, with a different number of apartments and built according to different projects.

Communication services on the Internet are like such houses. Each system, be it mail, skype, social network or something else, has its own "apartments". They are called accounts.

Anyone can receive it and "furnish" it at will. But for this it is necessary that such a "apartment" be assigned a number and given a key to it. Here the number is the login, and the key is the password.

Login is a unique designation (number) in the system. And the password is the key from this login, that is, what can be used to open it.

Consider an example with email. Let's say you have a mailbox on the Internet. This means that on some mail site (Yandex,, or another) you have your own personal account (apartment). He has a login (number), which opens with a password (key).

Using this data, you enter your e-mail and work in it - you read and send letters, delete them, and so on. You simply cannot use your mail without a username and password - the mail site will not open it.

it general rule for all communication services on the Internet! For mail, skype, pages on social networks (Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Facebook and others), forums, chats, blogs and any other places where you can create your own space. Each of these systems has logins with passwords, and if you want to be in it, then you must be assigned these data.

If you don't know the login and password

It often happens that a person uses e-mail, Skype, or he has a page on a social network, but he does NOT know either a login or a password. How can this be ?!

The thing is, computers and programs are now very smart. They know how to remember the data that was once entered by them. And every time you open this or that system, it automatically "logs in", that is, enters your account, without even asking who you are.

That is, your data is in the memory of the site or program.

Most vivid example- Skype program. Having opened it, contacts, calls, and correspondence immediately appear on most computers. That is, the program does NOT ask for a username and password from the account - it already remembers them.

It would seem that this is very convenient - you do not need to type every time. But, alas, it is not very safe, especially for novice users - you can easily lose access to your pages.

A few examples:

  1. A relative came to visit and asked you to use a computer to check your mail or chat on Skype. To do this, he will have to log out of your account, otherwise he will not be able to log into his own. If you do not remember or do not know your data (login and password), then after such a visit, you simply cannot log back in.
  2. You have a page on Odnoklassniki. You can enter it simply by opening this site. It so happened that one of the family members (spouse, child) also wanted to create such a page for himself. In order to receive it, he must log out of your account. After that, only his page will open on the computer - you may never get into yours.
  3. The computer has crashed. As a result, you have to call a computer wizard. If something more or less serious has happened and you need to change the system, then you will not be able to open any of your pages / programs.

There are many more similar situations. Almost every day I receive several messages that people cannot enter their mail, have lost a page on a social network, or they cannot open Skype.

The trouble is that very often the login and password cannot be returned and the account disappears forever. And along with it all the correspondence, contacts, files and other information. And all this is due to the fact that the user does not know or does not remember his login information.

Previously, there were no such problems, because sites and programs did not know how to remember this information. That is, a person had to enter their data each time they entered.

Of course, even now you can configure your computer in the same way. But this is quite costly, especially if you communicate often.

Getting a new username and password

Let's say I don't have a personal page on Odnoklassniki, but I want to have one. To do this, I need to get my own username and password from this system. The procedure for obtaining them is called registration.

Registration is filling out a short questionnaire in which the user indicates some information about himself. He also comes up with a username and password to enter this system... After correctly filling out the questionnaire, the user is issued a personal account.

On every site where you can get your page for free, there is a registration. It is also found in popular programs (Skype, Viber and others). As a rule, a button with such a name or a corresponding inscription is in a conspicuous place. This is how it looks on the Odnoklassniki website:

By clicking on it, a questionnaire will open. We fill it in and get an account. In the case of Odnoklassniki, this will be a personal page on this social network.

What should be the login and password

As I said, when registering in any system (mail, skype, social network, forum, etc.), you must choose your username and password. In fact, you need to come up with them.

Login. This is your unique name in the system. The key word here is unique, that is, it belongs to you and only you. No other user will be assigned the same name - this is simply not possible.

Therefore, difficulties often arise when choosing it. After all, there are a lot of users, each login is unique and in this regard, all simple names have already been parsed.

Another difficulty is that in most systems this name can only consist of Latin letters and / or numbers without spaces. That is, it is impossible to come up with a Russian version - there should be only English letters.

For example, I want to get a Skype account. When registering, of course, you need to specify a login. I want to choose the name "neumek". Since Russian letters are not accepted, I type neumeka and see that this name is already taken.

What to do. There are two options: either connect your imagination and find a free login by typing, or use one of the names that the system offers.

The fact is that now many sites and programs are trying to help the user in choosing a name. They automatically select and show free options.

I advise you to take your choice seriously and do not spare your time.

Remember: you cannot change your login! You can only create a new account with a new login.

Which login is "good":

  • Not very long
  • No periods, hyphens, underscores
  • Easy to remember

Why is it important. The fact is that often the name in the system plays an important role in communication. For example, the name of the email is formed from it.

Let's say I decided to open my mail on Yandex. I go to the site and register. I choose the name in the system neumeka. This means that my new mail address will be [email protected]

And here people often make a mistake - they choose for themselves, to put it mildly, not very suitable names. All sorts of "handsome", "honey", "kitties" and the like.

For example, I receive a letter from a seemingly respectable person, director of a large company, and he has mail with the login pupsik74. And how can I be serious about this "pupsik" ?!

Logins with numbers are also often chosen. Okay, if they are unchanged, for example, the year of birth. But quite often people indicate the current year (for example, 2015) or the number of their full years. But this figure will change, and the name in the system will remain the same ...

For example, I receive a message from a person with the login natusik12. The first thing I think of is that the user is inexperienced. But this is not the worst thing. The problem is that usually, using numbers in names, people indicate either their year of birth or the number of full years. And I conclude that a twelve-year-old girl is writing to me.

Naturally, I start to consider her age when writing the answer. But it turns out that it's not a girl who writes to me, but an adult woman, a candidate of medical sciences. And I talk to her like a little girl.

How to choose a login... In fact, you can choose absolutely any name. At least kitties, at least with numbers. But it is better to "strain" once - after all, it may well be that you are doing it for many years.

Moreover, it's free. And here mobile operators, for example, they take money for choosing a beautiful phone number.

When choosing a login, I recommend doing the following: take a few letters of your real name and add a few letters of your last name to them. We try different options (at the beginning, middle, end) until we get a free login. If nothing works out, we connect imagination, but within reason :)

Of course, a lot still depends on which system you choose your name for. If it is mail or skype, then it is better that it is "good". But if this is some kind of service where communication is not supposed, then you can specify absolutely any.

Yes, and more! It is not at all necessary that in different systems the login was the same. Therefore, feel free to start different names on different sites - this is a common thing. Indeed, in one system, the selected name will be free, while in the other it may already be taken.

How to choose a password... Let me remind you that this secret code with which you will open your account (mail, page on the social network, skype). This is something like a pin code from a plastic card or a key to an apartment or car.

It should only consist of Latin letters and / or numbers. No punctuation marks or spaces. The case of letters also matters. That is, if a password is assigned in which there is a large (capital) letter, but when typing a small letter, then this will be an error - he will not be allowed into the account.

The password must be complex! Ideally, it should be at least ten characters long, including numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters. And no sequences - everything is scattered. Example: Yn8kPi5bN7

How easier password, the easier it is to crack. And if this happens, the attacker will gain access to the account. And, most likely, you will not even know about it. But a person can, for example, read your personal correspondence or even take part in it.

One of the most common passwords that users specify when registering is the year of birth. Finding such a "key" is not difficult at all. Still very often they use a set of numbers or letters of the keyboard, arranged in order (such as 123456789 or qwerty).

By the way, you can even find a list of the most common passwords on the Internet. The six most common are: 123456789, qwerty, 111111, 1234567, 666666, 12345678.

Where and how to change username and password

You cannot change your login! You can only create a new account with a new name.

But all contacts, messages, files that were in the old account will remain in it. It is extremely difficult to transfer them, and in some cases it is not possible at all.

Moreover, you will have to warn your interlocutors about the move - they say, do not write to me at the old address, but write to the new one. And it should be borne in mind that some people may ignore this request for one reason or another.

Therefore, if you already have a login, but it is unsuccessful, choose the lesser of two evils. Of course, when there are few contacts and they are not important (or they are not at all), then you can safely get yourself a different name, and forget about the old one. But if the name is for many years and you are actively using it, then it is better to leave everything as it is.

The password, as a rule, can be changed quite easily.... To do this, you just need to open your account settings and select the appropriate item.

Usually, to change it, you need to specify the old version, and then print the new one twice. If the data is entered correctly, then after clicking on the "Save" button (or some similar), the password will change. This means that it will no longer be possible to enter under the old one.

The Internet is a wide network that unites hundreds of thousands of resources, sites, services and forums.

Every day a lot of users come there, each of whom needs to be identified and labeled for ease of interaction.

Even at the time of the birth of the World Wide Web, special questionnaires - profiles were used for this.

For them, each user, in addition to their personal data, selected a login and password.

Thanks to this information, he made his page unique and thus designated himself to it.

What it is?

Relatively speaking, Login is yours unique identificator, by which you are recognized by the system and users.

In most forums, your username is also your nickname - a pseudonym that is displayed as a display of the author of a message or post. This part of the profile should be unique for each visitor.

A password is a passphrase that, if entered correctly, the system will recognize you and transfer you to its forum or website profile.

Everyone has their own password, but they can be the same or similar to each other.

What is it for?

This data gives you full access to a profile - a page on a website or forum where information about you is described, and with which you can comfortably conduct a dialogue.

The presence of a username and password ensures that no one except the owner of the account will be able to access it and use it.

This is especially true for payment systems, in the profiles of which personal important information on wallets and cards is stored.

In them, the login and password are simply necessary - otherwise, this data, in fact, will be freely available.

In other words, your account login information is needed to prevent intruders from using it.

How to create a username and password correctly

Since now the capabilities of many sites have increased significantly, users have to leave more and more information about themselves.

In order to prevent it from falling into third hands, it is very important to set the data correctly - to come up with a unique name and, more importantly, create a complex password that cannot be guessed.

All this happens during the registration process, where you will need to write the necessary information in the special Login and Password columns.

The least thing to think about is your username - choose what you want.

The most important thing is that it does not overlap with other users - in this case, the system itself will say that the name is taken.

With a password, things are a little more complicated.

Here are some tips that can help you construct your code words:

  1. In addition to the obvious Latin alphabet, try to use different case letters, as well as numbers. This will greatly complicate the password, making the character spread wider and harder to crack.
  2. It is even better if different characters do not go in a row in the code word. Try to make as few identical letters and symbols in general as possible to make the password harder to guess.
  3. Try to make the number of characters from 6-8. This is the optimal amount that cannot be hacked or picked up without using special programs.
  4. Do not use standard combinations of letters and numbers - type qwerty1234 or 1234qwerty. Despite the fact that they seem to be complex combinations, they are one of the first to be tested. Ideally, the password should be a phrase or word without repeating letters, several capital letters, and several numbers.
  5. For better memorization, you can use the names of your favorite books, groups or authors as keywords. If at the same time add numbers, then it will be very difficult to hack.

It should be said that most of modern sites are equipped with a password complexity diagnostic function.

What does it mean? In a special window, you will be shown its complexity and will be given recommendations if keyword turned out to be too simple.

More often than not, registration will simply not be completed if it has an insufficient level of difficulty - and therefore you will have to add capital letters and numbers.

How to protect yourself from data theft

Of course, it's not enough just to come up with a complex username and password. There are a lot of ways to steal data from your computer - therefore, it is worth thinking about some kind of safety precautions.

These rules are simple and must be followed, especially when dealing with social networks and accounts from virtual wallets and mobile banks:

  1. Never share your data with anyone. Even if the person who asks for them appears to be the forum administrator. To solve most of the problems, the administrator does not need any data, so there is a high probability that you are facing a fraudster.
  2. By analogy with the previous point - do not enter the data anywhere, except for the forum to which they belong.
  3. Keep a close eye on what gets into and runs on your computer. Download files only from trusted locations, and if the antivirus shows the presence of malware in the archive or distribution, it is better to remove it. Since most often passwords are stolen through hidden programs - install licensed games and software purchased or downloaded from reliable sources.
  4. Try not to enter your data on other computers, and if this happens, be sure to leave there as soon as you finish your session. Thus, you will protect not only your social networks from the humor of friends, but also the theft of data from. Try not to access important profiles anywhere other than your own home.
  5. Connect the optional authentication function. In many forums, now to enter the profile from a new device, you need to enter the code that comes to mobile phone... If you enable this function, then your account will always be safe, since in order to enter it, attackers will have to steal your mobile phone and enter a code.

Examples of complex and simple passwords

Below are the code words, and a small explanation - why they are considered complex or simple:

Codeword Simple / complex
Qwerty1234 Despite the fact that it has everything that is needed for a complex code - a simple password. It consists of the first letters on the keyboard and the first four numbers. It is very common, and the first thing to do when hacking accounts is this combination.
TheCure12 This is a tricky combination because it does not have the same symbols, and it also has enough letters and numbers to make it take a long time to crack.
123454321 A simple password that is easy to guess even without using special programs. Most likely, the system inside the forum will not even let it through.
Swollow22 Oddly enough, but this is also a simple cipher. It has a lot of repetitive characters, which makes it easy to pick with a special program.
ForAllMankind Although there are no numbers in this variant of the passphrase, it is a difficult variant. The password is a whole phrase with only two repeating letters. It will be very difficult and time consuming to find, the only way to recognize it is to use programs that read keystrokes or the browser cache.
helping This is a simple password because it has only one case of letters, a simple word, and it also lacks numbers. Most likely, it will not even be skipped during registration. We need to make it more complex.

We hope, along with these examples and tips, you better understand how important it is to come up with a good username and strong password.

The most important thing to remember is that the security of personal data on the Internet comes first!

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Good day, dear readers. Today we'll talk about how to create your username and password. And the main thing is to remember them. Believe me, if you create websites for sale, then in a year or two you will receive calls from your former clients to tell them this information.

Everyone will consider that you are obliged to remember this and are the only and true custodian of holy information. This, of course, is annoying, but what to do. You will lose access to the portal on which you worked, and it will be hopelessly lost.

What, how, and most importantly why

What is a password and login? Information that you must keep like the apple of your eye. Thanks to them, you provide an entrance to the necessary data, administrative panels and personal accounts... How more important information, the more difficult it is to restore access to it.

For each individual resource, you must create a personal username and password. Otherwise, having hacked one service, the hacker will follow the chain and get to all the information. It is not so difficult to trace it.

“Why hack me,” you might think. There could be a million reasons for this. From elementary boredom to hacking your online Sberbank login. Remember that even if you have chosen a login and a complex password, and keep it in the browser memory or document word, it won't be so hard to find them.

I already talked about the program for creating and storing passwords on a computer in one of my articles (). This is a quality application that will help you remember many complex passwords and prevent a hacker from breaking it.

The difficulty is that you cannot access it from anywhere. Let's say you are at work and a former client calls you, give him personal data here and now. You don't leave everything and rush home with your own computer!

Passwords for any site you've ever made should be at your fingertips. You can be called by the customer in three years to get passwords from Metrica, mailbox or.

Write everything down in a notebook - a good option but you will be tortured. And we still live in the 21st century. In general, in this article I will talk about another option for storing logins and passwords. This method is also good in that it simplifies the registration process. And this is probably one of the most important benefits. You will forget about endless entries of the same information on sites.

What to choose is up to you. You have several options: notebooks, a program, or an application. Find out more and you can make the right choice.

Where to store passwords

Let's stop abstracting and take a look at the appendix. Here's a link: .

There are a bunch of versions here: for a computer, phone or flash drive. For now, let's look at the first example. For Windows.

The program integrates into all browsers. Now you can fill in passwords in Opera, Google Chrome and Firefox automatically without thinking about how to remember them. You also do not have to strain your memory and enter personal data: name, city, phone number, etc.

Before installing the program, you need to close all folders and tabs. Information about them appears here.

We close all unnecessary.

I only have Google.exe open, but Roboform let me install the program anyway.

Even if you are not yet sure that you will download the extension for other computers and phones, you can still check the box next to "Synchronize". Suddenly it will come in handy.

For the last time, we come up with a username and password ourselves, so that later you can open an account from another computer or smartphone. Also enter your name and email. Click Next. This button will appear after you fill in all the fields.

Now enter the master password.

This is the last password you need to remember. The rest will be stored by Roboform.

Installation will take less than a minute.

Now the extension needs to be enabled.

Everything, this is your main panel. Here you can quickly and easily find the required login, generate a password and automate the process of filling in contact information.

The full version of the program costs 495 rubles per year if you purchase it for the first time and a little more than 1000 in the future. But, you can use it for free, although then the possibilities will be somewhat limited.

How to work with the extension

If you manually create your own password, the system will prompt you to save it and will enter it automatically every time you visit this site.

By clicking on this button, you can add information about yourself. It will also appear on all sites by pressing a couple of buttons. For each client, you can make your own cards.

There is such a form, we enter the name and country of residence.

Now the master password.

You can fill in all the data here, the program will automatically determine what is needed during registration.

Now on any site you can automatically fill in all the data by clicking on the "Fill" button.

You see, the information appeared on its own.

You will still have to fill in some fields yourself. For example, the program will not come up with a name for an e-mail or a nickname in skype for you. She also will not prompt the payment password, which comes to you in the form of an SMS on your phone.

You enter them yourself. Necessary program remembers. Don't worry if you forget your mailbox address or password.

To generate a password, just go to the site where you need to enter it and click this button.

Now the "Generate" button.

Fill in.

If you want to come up with a more complex password for your qiwi wallet, go to “ Additional settings". Here you can increase the length of the password, exclude similar characters and add numbers.

By clicking the "Register" button, the extension Roboform gives you this window, which prompts you to save the card.

With this extension, you will never lose the site and personal data you want. Enter part of the portal name in search string and click on the name.

That's it, you were not only transferred to the desired page, but also entered all the data.

That's it, now you know how to find out your email address and never lose your password from it. You are ready to work with customers and can decide what to choose for storing personal data.

Video introduction to RoboForm

On this I say goodbye to you and wish you all the best.

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