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How to show extensions in windows 7. How to show file extensions in Windows

Rating: / 3 Details Category: For the teapot Published on 06/03/2013 10:22 Author: lamer Hits: 18258

So I finally decided to write an article on how to show file extensions in windows 7, if the extension is not visible to you or simply does not exist. Why is the extension not displayed? This question is often asked to me by those who want to change the file extension, as a rule, users who want to create a bat file. In fact, the file probably has an extension, it's just that the windows operating system can hide the file extension and, by default, the file extension in windows 7 hidden from the user and not shown, in this article we will look at how to show file extensions if you have a windows 7 operating system, in fact, everything is simple and to show the file extension in windows 7 you need to do the following: Open any folder in the upper horizontal menu find the Organize menu, click on it, a list will drop out, in this list you need to click on the Folder and search options menu. The Pack parameters window will open you need to go to the View tab at the bottom there is a list of files next to them there are checkmarks, in this list you need to go down down and find the item Hide extensions for registered file types and uncheck it, which is a little to the left of this item. After unchecking this item, you can click on the Apply button which is located at the bottom of this window, after which the system will start showing file extensions, and you can freely change them as needed.

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Show file extension windows 7

Sometimes users are faced with the question of what settings to make so that the system would show the extension windows files 7 ?! This is absolutely not a difficult operation, but a beginner user often finds this question difficult. It is for novice users that this article is focused.

What is the file extension:

This is a sequence of characters that appear after the period in the file name. This group of symbols is intended so that the programs installed on the system can understand what type of information is inside the file. In the days of MS-DOS, there was a 3-character extension limit. V modern systems this limitation is no longer present. For example, there may be files with the * .tar.gz extension.

Dangers in extensions:

The windows operating system has one drawback associated with the extension, which manifests itself in the fact that it allows you to create files with two dots in the name. This opportunity very often used by virus writers to disguise their viruses, passing them off as simple documents or folders. This can be done by assigning a name of the "Document.txt.exe" type to the file and windows settings put "Do not show file extension" As a result, the user will see the name in the form "Document.txt". Not an attentive user, clicking on such a file, will think that he is launching a document, but in fact has installed a virus in his system. Therefore, personally, I always keep the option "show windows 7 file extension" enabled. By enabling it, you not only reduce the likelihood of launching viruses, but also potentially create a reserve for acceleration windows work.

How to enable showing file extensions:

1.Go to "My Computer" and click on the "Organize" tab and select "Folder and Search Options".

2. A window will appear in which you need to select the "View" tab and uncheck it, if you have one, from the item "Hide extensions for registered file types".

After that, you will see not only the extension, but you will also always be able to determine the probability of finding viruses in it, due to the presence of a double extension.

How to show file extensions in windows 7

There are often cases that it is necessary to show the file extensions either in order to change it, or simply to know what the file format is. But, in order to show file extensions in windows 7 and in any other version of the OS, you first need to configure something.

So, to show the file extensions, we do the following:

  1. go to my computer, press the "Alt" key on the keyboard so that the top menu appears as in XP, click the "Tools" menu - and select "Folder Options":

In the window that opens, go to the "View" tab and in the " Extra options"Uncheck the box next to the item" Hide extensions for registered file types ":

Click "Apply" - "OK" and you're done. The file extensions will be displayed.

Here you can also display hidden files and folders, read more about all this in this article.

You can get into this settings window in different ways, but I think you shouldn't bother your head with this, so as not to get confused once again. In principle, the method is very simple and convenient. So use it.

And on this I say goodbye to you for a while. Good luck to all! And see you soon at

Best regards, Roman

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How do I hide or show the filename extension in windows Vista, windows Server 2008, or windows 7?

Answer: In order to show the file extension you need:

1. Run windows explorer... To do this, open any folder. 2. Select "Folder and search options" from the "Organize" menu. 3. Click the "View" tab. 4. Scroll down to “Hide extensions for known file types” and uncheck the box next to it.

Note. To hide file name extensions, select this check box.

5. Click OK.

Note: The menu can be hidden, then you can go to the folder property like this: "Control Panel" - "Appearance and Personalization" - "Folder Options". There you can also set a property so that the menu is displayed. To do this, in the "View" tab, check the box next to "Always show menu".

See How do I hide or show file name extensions in windows XP? and How to hide or show file extensions on Mac OS?

Back to Questions and Answers

How to change the extension of a file in windows 7, 8?

A file extension is a 2-3 character abbreviation of letters and numbers appended to the file name. It is mainly used to identify a file: so that the OS knows which program to open a given file type.

For example, one of the most popular music formats is "mp3". By default, in windows such files are opened by the windows program. Media Player... If the extension ("mp3") of such a file is changed to "jpg" (picture format), then this music file will try to open a completely different program in the OS and will most likely show you an error that the file is corrupted. Therefore, the file extension is very important.

In windows 7, 8, usually, file extensions are not displayed. Instead, the user is prompted to identify file types by icons. In principle, you can use the icons only when you need to change the file extension - you must first enable its display. Consider a similar question further ...

How to enable extension display

1) We go into the explorer, on the top of the panel, click on "arrange / folder options ...". See screenshot below.

Rice. 1 Folder options in windows 7

Rice. 2 menu view

3) At the very bottom, we are interested in two points:

"Hide extensions for registered file types" - uncheck this item. After that, you will begin to display all file extensions in windows 7.

Rice. 3 Show file extensions.

Actually, the setup in windows 7 is complete.

1) We go to the explorer in any of the folders. As you can see in the example below, there is text file but the extension is not displayed.

Rice. 4 Displaying a file in windows 8

2) Go to the "view" menu, the panel is on top.

Rice. 6 Check the box to enable the display of the extension

4) Now the extension display is on, it is "txt".

Rice. 6 Editing the extension ...

How to change the extension of a file

1) In the explorer

It is very easy to change the extension. It is enough to click on the file with the right mouse button, and select in the pop-up context menu rename command. Then after the dot, at the end of the file name, replace 2-3 characters with any others (see Fig. 6 just above in the article).

2) In commanders

In my opinion, for these purposes it is much more convenient to use some file manager(many call them commanders). I like to use Total commander.

Official website:

One of best programs of a kind. The main direction is the replacement of the explorer for working with files. Allows you to perform a wide range of diverse tasks: searching for files, editing, group rename, working with archives, etc. I recommend having a similar program on your PC.

So, in Total "e you immediately see both the file and its extension (i.e., you don't need to include anything in advance). By the way, it is quite easy to immediately enable the display of all hidden files(see figure 7 below: red arrow).

Rice. 7 Editing the file name in Total Commander.

By the way, unlike Explorer, Total does not slow down when viewing a large number of files in a folder. For example, open a folder with 1000 pictures in Explorer: even on a modern and powerful PC, you will notice slowdowns.

Do not forget that an incorrectly specified extension can affect the opening of the file: the program may simply refuse to launch it!

And one more thing: do not change extensions unnecessarily.

Happy work!

Social buttons.

A file extension is a 2-3 character abbreviation of letters and numbers appended to the file name. It is mainly used to identify a file: so that the OS knows which program to open a given file type.

For example, one of the most popular music formats is "mp3". By default, in Windows such files are opened by Windows program Media Player. If the extension ("mp3") of such a file is changed to "jpg" (picture format), then this music file will try to open a completely different program in the OS and will most likely show you an error that the file is corrupted. Therefore, the file extension is very important.

In Windows 7, 8, usually, file extensions are not displayed. Instead, the user is prompted to identify file types by icons. In principle, you can use the icons only when you need to change the file extension - you must first enable its display. Let's consider a similar question further ...

How to enable extension display

Windows 7

1) We go into the explorer, on the top of the panel, click on "arrange / folder options ...". See screenshot below.

Rice. 1 Folder options in Windows 7

Rice. 2 menu view

3) At the very bottom, we are interested in two points:

"Hide extensions for registered file types" - uncheck this item. After that, you will begin to display all file extensions in Windows 7.

Rice. 3 Show file extensions.

Actually, the setup in Windows 7 is complete.

Windows 8

1) We go to the explorer in any of the folders. As you can see in the example below, there is a text file, but the extension is not displayed.

Rice. 4 Displaying a file in Windows 8

2) Go to the "view" menu, the panel is on top.

Rice. 6 Check the box to enable the display of the extension

4) Now the extension display is on, it is "txt".

Rice. 6 Editing the extension ...

How to change the extension of a file

1) In the explorer

It is very easy to change the extension. It is enough to right-click on the file and select the Rename command from the pop-up context menu. Then after the dot, at the end of the file name, replace 2-3 characters with any others (see Fig. 6 just above in the article).

2) In commanders

In my opinion, for these purposes it is much more convenient to use some kind of file manager (many call them commanders). I love using Total Commander.

One of the best software of its kind. The main direction is the replacement of the explorer for working with files. Allows you to perform a wide range of diverse tasks: searching for files, editing, group renaming, working with archives, etc. I recommend having a similar program on your PC.

So, in Total'e you see both the file and its extension at once (i.e. you don't need to include anything in advance). By the way, it's pretty easy to turn on all hidden files immediately (see Figure 7 below: red arrow).

Rice. 7 Editing the file name in Total Commander.

By the way, unlike Explorer, Total does not slow down when viewing a large number of files in a folder. For example, open a folder with 1000 pictures in Explorer: even on a modern and powerful PC, you will notice slowdowns.

Do not forget that an incorrectly specified extension can affect the opening of the file: the program may simply refuse to launch it!

And one more thing: do not change extensions unnecessarily.

Happy work!

Windows 7 like previous versions Microsoft OS does not show file extensions registered in the system. This is convenient from a visual point of view - the name is shorter. However, when it becomes necessary to find out the data type and change it, users often start to wonder how to enable extension display.

What is a name extension and how to display it

A name extension (file type) is a sequence of letters and numbers after a period in a name that is necessary to identify content. There are files without an extension, but they are usually systemic.

The type can be found in the file properties. To do this, select an object, right-click on it (RMB) and select the "Properties" section in the menu.

The operating system determines which program should open a particular file. But if several applications are installed on the computer that can work with the same type of content, then the user can choose between them.

For example, in Windows 7, by default, pictures are reproduced by the Viewer Windows photos". But the same function can be performed by Paint, Photoshop and other software for working with images.

There are different extensions and within the same data type... For example, both .mp3 and .wav are audio types. But the first of them is reproduced by almost all players, and the second - only by some. Therefore, before installing a program to work with a file, you need to ask what data types it is compatible with.

Why do I need to change the file extension and is it possible to do it using Windows software

Such a need arises quite rarely. For example, if the user downloaded a file that should have an archive extension (.rar), but instead of it, .html is specified. Accordingly, the document will open in a browser and not in WinRAR. But since in fact the object is of a different type, an error will appear when it starts. To fix the problem, you have to change the extension.

A situation is possible when you have to make changes to files of the .cfg and .ini types (documents describing application parameters). For this use "Notepad". For a text application to be able to open such objects, you need to change their extensions to .txt.

If user wants to create application console utilities using Windows tools, he should write the script itself in Notepad or a similar program. To run Text Document as a program, you need to change its extension to .bat. If necessary, make adjustments - back to .txt.

How to configure Windows 7 to see the extension

You can make the extension visible for convenience - then the user does not have to constantly go to "Properties". In addition, the display of the file type is configured for security reasons. The fact is that virus authors often use a trick designed to make the user inconsiderate.

Example: an object called File.avi was downloaded from the Internet. The extension is the same as for a video file. But if the system is not configured to show the type, then the name should not contain .avi. When the extension is displayed, the full name of the object will become visible - File.avi.exe. Disguised under the video is an executable application, which is actually a virus.

To eliminate the threat of PC infection, it is better to make the extension visible. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Open the "Control Panel" through the "Start" menu.
  2. Click on "Folder Options".
  3. If the parameter settings are categorized, change the view mode to Large Icons.
  4. In the "Folder Options" window go to the "View" tab, find the line "Hide extensions for registered file types" in the list of additional parameters and uncheck the box. Then confirm the action.

The file extension can now be seen in the title. To remove it, you need to check the box back.

How to show, change the file extension and hide it: video

How to change the file extension

First of all, the user must understand that by installing a different file extension, he will not change the content. For example, if you write.doc instead of .pdf, then the object will not become a document for Microsoft Word... Conversion is performed through special software.

How to enable display of data type using a standard tool

First, you need to make the extension visible using the above algorithm. Then you should proceed like this:

How to find the extension and change it through Total Commander

Unlike the previous one, this method does not require changing the settings in the "Folder Options". An initialization file is used as an example. Necessary:

  1. Select the file and press F2.
  2. Change extension to .txt.
  3. Then press Enter. The file is now a simple text document that will open in Notepad and Notepad.

How to make an extension visible and rename a file using the command line

First, you need to launch the Run tool through the Win + R key combination, enter cmd into the line and click OK.

Now you should go to the folder where the file is located. The command depends on the location of the object.

Now the folder is defined, you can install the new extension. The command is the same for both cases: ren [file_name] [new_file_name]. For example ren Example.ini Example.txt.

To change the extension of several files in one folder at once, you need to go to the directory and enter the command: ren [* .extension] [* .new extension]. For example ren * .ini * .txt.

Using the system tools, the user can display or remove the file name extension. It is also able to change the data type, but the contents of the object will remain the same.

The file extension is seemingly a trifle, and does not play a special role. However, this opinion is false, in fact, it plays a rather significant role. Depending on which extension is assigned to the file, the system will determine in which program the document needs to be opened. For example, a computer will open an mp3 music file in a multimedia player, doc resolution in text editor, for example, in, etc.

V operating system Windows 7 file permission is usually not displayed, however, to change it, you need to activate this very permission and fix it to something else. In this article, we will deal with the question of how to display the windows 7 file extension, as well as how to hide the windows 7 file extension, if required.

How to display file extension

First we go to the start menu, then to the “Control Panel”, where we select the active line “Folder Options”, and in it - the “View” tab. Next, you will see a long list of additional parameters that will need to be changed a little. So, you need to uncheck the box next to "Hide extensions for registered file types" and, finally, "OK".

Then we go into Explorer, and we see that each of the files available there has an extension that is put there after the name with a dot. Please note that after these innovations, after each change of the extension, a dialog box will appear that will warn you that the file may become inaccessible. However, you still make the changes.

How to hide file extension

Hiding an extension is no more difficult than making it visible. The principle does not differ from the previous method, and in order not to rewrite everything anew, I will present everything in a simplified form. So, Start - Control Panel - Folder Options - View - Advanced Options - Hide Extensions for Registered File Types - OK. In addition, in the same window “Additional parameters” you can still allow.

However, this method is not the only one; you can also use a file manager, for example, the popular Total Commander. To do this, go to the Configuration menu, then to Settings, then select "Panel Content", in it "File Display" - Show hidden / system files - OK. That's all, absolutely nothing complicated.

I hope you have now learned how to show windows 7 file extensions on your computer, as well as hide it, and do this in several ways, and this question is no longer scary for you.

How to enable showing file extensions in Windows 7, what is a file extension and what is it for? These questions need to be answered, as well as talk about the extension change and when the user may need it.

What is the file extension?

Let's start with an example of an analogy. Let's say you have a variety of different opaque spice jars at home. All the information is written on the jars - the name of the seasoning or spice, the brand, the manufacturer is indicated, the date of manufacture is spelled out, and so on. Now imagine that the name of the content has been removed from all the jars. What will happen? You won't be able to use them because you don't know what is where.

You will be interested in:

The file extension is something like the name of the content. It is most often denoted by three characters (there are also extensions with four or even five characters) and is written at the end of the file name after a period. For example, you created a document in Notepad and saved it under the name Zametka. When saving the file, the application will automatically add the extension at the end, and the file name will be displayed as Zametka.txt. It should also be noted that the programs themselves have their own extension (exe, com, msi and others). For example, the same Notepad looks like Notepad.exe.

If the file does not have an extension, then Windows will not be able to determine the program with which it opens, so it will open a window for independent selection of programs.

What to do to show file extensions in Windows 7

The operating system, by default, hides extensions for all files that it does not know. We need to change the display function. We will consider the whole process in Windows environment 7. The system will show file extensions after just a few clicks:

  • You must open any folder in open window in the upper left corner, find the "Arrange" button. When you click on it, a pop-up menu will appear, in it you need to find the line "Folder and search options" and click on it.
  • In the "Folder Options" window that appears, go to the "View" tab. Below there is an inscription "Additional parameters", and under it - a list of these parameters. The function we need is almost at the very end of the list. Move the slider to the bottom and find the line "Hide extension for registered file types." Uncheck the box and click OK.
  • Such simple manipulations are enough to show file extensions in Windows 7.

    Why it is necessary to enable the display of extensions

    Suppose you have found and downloaded an audio recording - a file called New_Year_music.mp3. Naturally, the music file should be opened by a player, for example AIMP. But after it did not start, and in general nothing seemed to happen. And later it turns out that viruses appeared on the computer.

    The fact is that, in fact, the name of the downloaded file is New_Year_music.mp3.exe. That is, the system has hidden the familiar EXE extension and you, being deluded, launched a virus. This could have been avoided if Windows 7 had shown the extensions of all files.

    As we wrote above, according to Windows default 7 will not show file extensions if it knows what programs to open them with. Now let's imagine that you need to upload a file to some site and you need to specify the full path to it. If the extension is hidden, you will fail.

    How to change file extensions in Windows 7 and what you might need it for

    Changing the file extension is easy. To do this, right-click the file and select the "Rename" line in the context menu that appears.

    Why would you need to change the file extension? Let's say a user needs to mask the file "My_passwords.txt" so that no one can run it. If you just change the name to Windows, it will still open in Notepad. But if you rename, for example, like this: System.asd, no one will be able to open it by accident.

    There is also another option: some Internet resources do not allow you to download certain types of files. You can work around this limitation simply by changing the extension.