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I can not delete the Avast folder what to do. Removing Antivirus Avast! Removal using standard Windows tools

Use the Internet without any means of protection is too risky lesson in our time. More and more distribution are obtained viral and spywarewho hide behind links to free jumps, advantageous offers or interesting news. Users are trying to secure their computer using various "Security Software" and antiviruses, one of which is Avast.

It attracts that completely free. Using it for personal purposes, you do not have to look for keys, pay monthly bills for the program and count the time for next translation funds. However, if you are not satisfied with the work of the Avast application and want to completely remove it, then some difficulties may arise. A legitimate question may arise - why is it going on? The fact is that this antivirus leaves behind the many "tailings", both in the registry and in personal documents. These tailings are best removed to avoid conflict with other antivirus applications and clogging of the computer.

Removal using standard Windows tools

This method will require the registry cleansing, therefore, for inexperienced users it may seem too latur. But if you are not afraid of difficulties or do not want to use third-party programs To remove Avast, it will suit you perfectly.

So, first go into a standard Windows tool to remove programs. To do this, click "Start", subsequently the "control panel", we find the program "Programs" and click on the line under it, which is called "Removing the Program". A window with a list of all installed applications installed on your computer, drivers, etc. We are looking for our avast antivirus on this list (it will be called here " avast Internet SECURITY ") and clay on it 2 times with the left mouse button. A special utility will open in which we need to select the latest tab "Delete" and click on the "Next" button. The removal process is activated, at the end of which you will be asked to restart the computer. We agree and proceed to the cleaning of the registry after the reboot.

To get into the registry menu, call the "Run" string. This can be done by pressing the Win + R key (the first is between the Ctrl and Alt buttons). We print in it the phrase "regedit" and press ENTER. In the registry window that appears, we allocate the "Computer" point, and then we bring the cursor to the Edit tab and click on the "Find" menu item. In the appeared local line Enter the word "Avast" and click on the "Find Next" button. The search service will find you registry entries that remained after the avast antivirus, you need to remove them. You need to repeat actions with search until no traces remain in the registry.

Delete with third-party applications

For those who do not want to bother with the registry, there are more convenient way uninstalling. The fact is that the developers of Avast'a created a special utility, which completely removes the antivirus without leaving no trace. You can download this program by a special link from the official site It contains both the installer file itself and the short instruction for its use.

Another option can be special sentences of uninstallator programs, for example, Revo Uninstaller. In it, as well as in the standard windows service Everyone will be listed installed applications, among which you need to find avast again. A utility opens with a delete tab, however, upon completion of this process, you need to postpone the reboot of the computer. Instead, you return to the Revo Uninstaller window, check the "Advanced" item and click the "Scan" button. Upon completion of the scanning, the program will show you all registry entries remaining after removal. We wash them, click "Next" and see a list of files that left the antivirus. Similarly, we remove them all, reboot the computer and rejoice in what finally cleaned it from the presence of this antivirus program.


That's all. We hope that at least one of the listed methods you liked and helps to correctly remove the avast antivirus from your computer.

Free anti-virus software, installed on computers, users are not always suitable, at least because of the limited features of such programs. Usually there are only basic tools that are not provided with comprehensive protection. Worse - when they pass threats or triggered falsely. Unfortunately, one of these applications can be called Avast Free Antivirus.. How to delete this right next.

There is nothing particularly difficult in the proposed methods, however, in the process of uninstalling this package, you need to pay attention to some nuances.

Why do users refuse free avast antivirus?

This free package Many users have an obvious distrust. This is due not only with its limited opportunities to ensure comprehensive protection computer system and personal user data. Even the unlimited toolkit affects the fact that users, using this application, are trying to completely uninstall it.

The saddest thing is that current Package It can easily ignore suspicious threats that have the status of trusted applications, without even trying to analyze signatures. The second point is no less serious, is associated with false responses when even the official software Installing the computer is not possible (at least without disabling the antivirus at least for a time). But that's not all. As practice shows, after installing the package in the system, already installed programs can stop working, without any problems functioning before.

Therefore, many are trying to go to other packages. But if in parallel to install another package, nothing but conflict will not receive anything. As someone correctly noticed, it's like to close in the same room Stalin and Hitler (the older generation understands what it is about). Thus, it is necessary to clearly understand how to delete the Avast Free AntiVirus program so that it does not become and the trace. Incomplete or incorrect uninstallation can also provoke the emergence of conflict situations.

How to remove avast free antivirus with computer tools

To begin with, consider the simplest, although far and not the best method of uninstalling. How to remove avast free antivirus using any tools windows version? Everything is simple.

To do this, you can use your own antivirus uninstaller, which can be found through the "Start" menu, or use the Software and Components section, which is in the "Control Panel".

It should simply select the string with the name of the program and click on the removal button on top. After that, the built-in means of uninstalling the antivirus itself will work (and not the Windows uninstaller).

Note: If the removal in standard variant It will be impossible, perhaps you will first need to enter the program settings and disable self-defense. If it does not help, all actions will have to be performed in mode safe download (F8 when starting, in Windows 10 - restarting system with special options Downloads - Select a reboot in the "Start" menu while pressing the SHIFT key).

Check keys registry

Whatever it was, this method is completely to get rid of the package does not allow, since the registry remains the keys of the program. How to remove avast free antivirus from a computer so that these records are left? In this case, you need to call the appropriate editor (REGEDIT in the "Run" console).

It needs to use the built-in search enginewhich is called either through file menuor through fast combination Ctrl + F, after which as a criterion set the value "Avast" (without quotes). The keys found by moving from one to another through the "Find Next" button or press the F3 key, you need to delete, and then make a full system restart.

In order not to make a manual registry cleaner, you can use special utilities (even portable) like Regcleaner, which will search for incorrect or residual keys and remove them automatically.

How to completely remove avast free antivirus special utility?

But there is a simpler method. The question of how to remove avast free antivirus can be completely elementary solved by applying special utility AvastCleaner, which can be downloaded directly from the official resource of the antivirus developer.

With it, too, everything is simple, however, its start needs to be performed exclusively in the secure download mode. It is enough to run the program (it is presented in the form of one executable EXE file, that is, is portable), choose from name set version, activate the start of uninstalling, wait for its completion and reboot (the program itself will propose to do this).

Removing antivirus with default applications

But for the question of how to remove Avast Free Antivirus, there is another similar solution that can be used not only for uninstalling this particular package, but also for other programs, browsers panels, system components, or even "sewn" in Windows appletwhich are impossible to delete any other ways.

Of course, we are talking about such powerful packages as Iobit Uninstaller and Revo Uninstaller, not counting others. similar programs. We use the Iobit Uninstaller application as an example. List installed programs Almost one in one repeats the same list of program sections and windows components. As usual, you first need to find the antivirus in it and press the uninstall button, indicated by the basket icon.

First, the built-in anti-virus package uninstaller starts, and after standard removal it will be necessary to use powerful scanning For the search for residual components, among which files, registry entries and directories can be found.

At the end of the search, the application itself will completely mark all the elements. If this did not happen, they will have to choose themselves (although it is unlikely that it will happen). Then already for full cleaning Systems will need to be mandatory to set the box opposite the file destruction item and click on the removal button. Perhaps a message appears that some elements will be deleted when rebooting. We agree and produce restart. Now you can definitely give a one hundred percent guarantee that Avast from the system was removed entirely and completely. Next, you can install any other antivirus package, without fearing the occurrence of conflicts or its incorrect work.

Short outcome

As you can see, the question of how to remove Avast Free Antivirus is solved quite simple. In order not to study unnecessary things, it is better to immediately download a special utility to delete a package or install special uninstallasts. But the utility removes only the antivirus, and the uninstaller can come in handy in other situations, so that preference is better to give it to him.

Due to the fact that on the Internet today it circulates not one million malicious programs, windows users In the main mass, finally understood that without antivirus, it was difficult to do. Today, users of Windows 8 were winning, which includes a good program of this class.

Some newbies are so in general prefer to try a dozen other antiviruses, in order to estimate their effective experience in their own experience. Often, this leads to the fact that multiple "tailings" from old programs remain in the system, because of which it becomes impossible to put a new "defender". Today we will talk about how to remove the "avast". The choice is not accidental: it is this antivirus (because of its free) most often put newcomers on their computers, it is he who leaves behind a lot of tracks in the registry and on a hard disk.

The easiest way

However, it is not necessary to brand that the program itself is not worth it. Often, users themselves make such nonsense that without reinstalling the entire system it is impossible to do. For example, instead of normal uninstalling the program, they prefer simply delete its folder with hard disk. It is not worth saying that the result of such "self-government" is very sad. To remove the "avast" correctly, do the following:

Standard "Wizard Uninstall" will start, which will delete the remnants of the program from your computer. To ensure that its traces left in the registry, we recommend using the CCleaner utility. Of course, 100% guarantees it does not give, but still the system can "improve".

Uninstall in safe mode

Before removing "Avast-6" in this way, you should load the system in safe mode. To do this, click the F8 button from the moment the bios logo appears. In safe mode, the removal process is no different from its sequence from the one that was described by us above. So what are the advantages of this method? The fact is that in this case the system starts only vital required drivers and processes. Nothing is not hanging in memory, and therefore the likelihood of problems is very low. Naturally, the uninstall program in such conditions is much easier to perform its work, completely cleaning all the traces of antivirus from the registry and from the hard disk. Unfortunately, the simplest and most obvious method gives a good result. It often happens that after standard uninstalling it is impossible to install another antivirus, since its installer refers to the protection program that remains in the system. So that this does not happen, we propose to use the special utility.

Revo Uninstaller Pr.

The name of this program is known to many experienced users. It not only allows "correctly" to delete other applications from the disk so that there are no traces after them, but also helps to remove from the system their remains after incorrect installation or uninstall.

Before removing "Avast", download and install trial version. It is valid for 30 days, so it's not necessary to buy it for your purposes. Run the program, after which in the window that opens, you see a list of all applications (except OS updates), which are available on your system. Also looking there "Avast", then poke the "Delete" button, which is located in the upper part of the working window. Do not worry: at first, the standard "Master" of the uninstallation of the antivirus itself will also be revealed. After completing it, click the "Restart later" button, then click on the "Advanced Scan / Start" item. The application scans the entire system, its registry and all catalogs on the hard disk, after which you will be issued full list The remaining files and registry keys. Choose the item "Select All", then click on the "Delete" button. Restart the computer.

We remove the remnants of the antivirus after its wrong removal

But it often happens that you have already managed to remove anti-virus software. How to remove his remnants in this case? There is nothing difficult here. Run Revo Uninstaller Pro again, then click on the "Forced Uninstall" button. A dialog box opens in which you will need to specify the name of the program (Avast), as well as its location on the disk (the "Overview" button).

After you click on the "Scan" button, the utility will try to find standard Program uninstalling. If it is not, it will be held full search All remaining files and ways in the registry based on the information received. Further - as in the previous case. The user will be shown a complete list of "tailings" to be removed.

Special utility

Before removing the "avast", you can do it even easier: go to the manufacturer's official website, after which you download from there special programdesigned to remove antivirus, as well as high-quality system cleansing from all its traces. Working with this utility is easier than simple: the downloaded file does not need installation, so click on it with the right mouse button, select the item "Run on the name of the administrator", after which I confirm your intention to delete the program.

As a rule, in this case uninstalling is really reliable, the remains in the registry does not happen.

Clean the computer manually

Sometimes it happens even so that even after all of the above actions, some keys of this malicious antivirus continue to remain in the registry. Of course, you can simply reinstall the system, but not all users want to spend a bunch of time, restoring all programs and documents from the "pure sheet". To B to manual mode Clean the registry (I warn you immediately that it is a long time) you need to open the "Start" menu, find the "Run" field there, after which you enter the REGEDIT command there. The registry editor opens, after which it will be necessary to press the F5 button. The search field will open to which you want to enter the word avast and click on ENTER. The program will search in the registry all the keys in which this value will occur. A window opens with search results. Select the found values \u200b\u200bof the left mouse button, then remove them by pressing the DEL button. To move to next key To remove it, you must press the F3 button.

By the way, are there any reasons because of which this antivirus is so difficult to remove? After all, his release is engaged in a completely respected company, whose programmers should not allow such gross miscalculations! Indeed, often problems with deleting it is better to solve before you decide to click on the "Delete" button. To do this, go to the "Avast" settings and remove the checkbox from the "Enable Avast self-defense" item.

This service for incomprehensible reasons in other cases continues to be on the computer even after its program has been removed. Of course, other antiviruses do it, and because they refuse to be installed.


Finally, in the most difficult cases, you can try to update the version of the "Avast" you use. It happens that problems with correct removal are manifested only on the old species. Try to put a new one on top of it, then delete the application by any of the ways we have already written above. So you can get rid of "avast". It is not so difficult to delete it, but it does not prevent the instructions for sure.

Usually, fREE version antivirus Avast. Installed on the computer quickly and without any problems. However, if you want to delete this utility, then a whole bunch of errors and warnings arises. To avoid them, you need to know how to remove avast correctly. We will talk about correct uninstalling antivirus in this article.

There are three ways at once, how to remove Avast from your computer. Consider each of them in more detail.

Removal through standard windows tools

Operational developers wINDOVS systems Created a built-in utility that allows you to completely remove any program from the computer. And the system uninstaller is in each version of Windows. Works utility for removal pretty slowly. Nevertheless, after uninstalling using standard OS tools, your PC is guaranteed by all the components of the antivirus. So, to run the system utility to remove programs, you need:

When the computer reappears, it is necessary to remove all the records about Avast from the registry. It is necessary to prevent the antivirus re-install. So, to clean your PC from records, it is necessary:

Removal through the official uninstaller

Almost all companies create uninstallator for their software products. In this regard, Avast is no exception. You can download the branded uninstaller on the manufacturer's official website ( Go to the specified Internet resource and follow the following instructions:

Removal through third-party

To remove antivirus Avast, you can use software from third-party developers. On the scope World Wide Web You can find a bunch of utilities that allow you to remove unnecessary software from the computer. We will use a fairly famous software called Cclener. So, in order to remove avast, do the following:

After the program completely removes avast, it is necessary

You can remove avast antivirus standard microsoft | Windows or using a special utility.

Select a removal method:


2. Select the menu item " Control Panel»:

3. In the window " Control Panel" Choose a section " Programs and components"(Or section" Programs", and then - " Programs and components»):

4. In the window " Programs and components

Avast. Select the " Removal" and press " Further»:

8. Click " Yes" (or " Yes

To restart a computer" and press " Ready»:

Program Files.

1. In the lower left corner of the screen, click on the button " Start»;

2. Select the menu item " Control Panel»:

3. In the window " Control Panel" Choose a section "":

4. In the window " The installing and deleting of programms»Select the program you want to delete;

5. Click on the "button" Delete"(Or on the button" Change»);

Avast. Select the " Removal" and press " Further»:

7. Click " Yes" (or " Yes") If a removal request appears:

To restart a computer" and press " Ready»:

When removing third-party antivirus with standard means Microsoft Windows. Some folders and files can remain in the system, so you need to check the folder " Program Files."After rebooting the computer. If folders and third-party files are located in the folder, they also need to be deleted and reload the computer.


Avast. ESET NOD32..

Safe mode" or " Safe Mode.»:

5. Then click " Uninstall

To independently delete third-party antivirus with standard Microsoft Windows tools, follow these steps:

Specify the operating system. For users of the operating room windows systems Vista / 7. For users operating system Windows XP.

1. In the lower left corner of the screen, click on the button " Start»;

2. Select the menu item " Control Panel»:

3. In the window " Control Panel" Choose a section " Programs and components"(Or section" Programs", and then - " Programs and components»):

4. In the window " Programs and components»Select the program you want to delete;

5. Double-click the left mouse button to the program name;

6. Confirm that you really want to delete the program;

7. In the antivirus removal program opens Avast. Select the " Removal" and press " Further»:

8. Click " Yes" (or " Yes") If a removal request appears:

9. Wait for the end of deletion, check the item " To restart a computer" and press " Ready»:

When removing third-party antivirus with standard Microsoft Windows tools in the system, some folders and files may remain in the system, so you need to check the folder " Program Files."After rebooting the computer. If folders and third-party files are located in the folder, they also need to be deleted and reload the computer.

1. In the lower left corner of the screen, click on the button " Start»;

2. Select the menu item " Control Panel»:

3. In the window " Control Panel" Choose a section " The installing and deleting of programms»:

4. In the window " The installing and deleting of programms»Select the program you want to delete;

5. Click on the "button" Delete"(Or on the button" Change»);

6. In the antivirus removal program opened window Avast. Select the " Removal" and press " Further»:

7. Click " Yes" (or " Yes") If a removal request appears:

8. Wait for the end of deletion, check the item " To restart a computer" and press " Ready»:

When removing third-party antivirus with standard Microsoft Windows tools in the system, some folders and files may remain in the system, so you need to check the folder " Program Files."After rebooting the computer. If folders and third-party files are located in the folder, they also need to be deleted and reload the computer.

To independently delete third-party antivirus with standard Microsoft Windows tools, follow these steps:

Specify the operating system. For users of the Windows Vista / 7 operating system. For users of the Windows XP operating system.

1. In the lower left corner of the screen, click on the button " Start»;

2. Select the menu item " Control Panel»:

3. In the window " Control Panel" Choose a section " Programs and components"(Or section" Programs", and then - " Programs and components»):

4. In the window " Programs and components»Select the program you want to delete;

5. Double-click the left mouse button to the program name;

6. Confirm that you really want to delete the program;

7. In the antivirus removal program opens Avast. Select the " Removal" and press " Further»:

8. Click " Yes" (or " Yes") If a removal request appears:

9. Wait for the end of deletion, check the item " To restart a computer" and press " Ready»:

When removing third-party antivirus with standard Microsoft Windows tools in the system, some folders and files may remain in the system, so you need to check the folder " Program Files."After rebooting the computer. If folders and third-party files are located in the folder, they also need to be deleted and reload the computer.

1. In the lower left corner of the screen, click on the button " Start»;

2. Select the menu item " Control Panel»:

3. In the window " Control Panel" Choose a section " The installing and deleting of programms»:

4. In the window " The installing and deleting of programms»Select the program you want to delete;

5. Click on the "button" Delete"(Or on the button" Change»);

6. In the antivirus removal program opened window Avast. Select the " Removal" and press " Further»:

7. Click " Yes" (or " Yes") If a removal request appears:

8. Wait for the end of deletion, check the item " To restart a computer" and press " Ready»:

When removing third-party antivirus with standard Microsoft Windows tools in the system, some folders and files may remain in the system, so you need to check the folder " Program Files."After rebooting the computer. If folders and third-party files are located in the folder, they also need to be deleted and reload the computer.

You need to first try to remove antivirus Avast. Standard Microsoft Windows.

In some cases, after removal of antivirus Avast. and rebooting the computer, in system Registry The operating system may not be recorded, due to which antivirus cannot be installed ESET NOD32..

To resolve this situation, follow the instructions:

1. Save the special utility (file aswclear.exe) on your computer desktop:

2. Restart the computer in "Safe Mode" - when downloading a computer, press the F8 key and in the download selection window that appears, select " Safe mode" or " Safe Mode.»:

3. After downloading in "Safe Mode", find and run the downloaded file aswclear.exe;

4. In the window that opens, select the product to delete if it has not been selected automatically:

5. Then click " Uninstall"And confirm that you want to delete this program:

6. If the deletion passed successfully you will see the line " PROGRAM WAS SUCCESSFULLY REMOVED" After that close the window and restart the computer:

ESET does not take responsibility for the result of the work of this utility, since this software Provided by a third-party antivirus developer.
We strongly recommend when using a special utility to remove third-party antivirus to seek help from specialists.

You need to first try to remove antivirus Avast. Standard Microsoft Windows.

In some cases, after removal of antivirus Avast. and restarting the computer, in the system register of the operating system may remain recording, due to which antivirus cannot be installed ESET NOD32..

To resolve this situation, follow the instructions:

1. Save the special utility (file aswclear.exe) on your computer desktop:

2. Restart the computer in "Safe Mode" - when downloading a computer, press the F8 key and in the download selection window that appears, select " Safe mode" or " Safe Mode.»:

3. After downloading in "Safe Mode", find and run the downloaded file aswclear.exe;

4. In the window that opens, select the product to delete if it has not been selected automatically:

5. Then click " Uninstall"And confirm that you want to delete this program:

6. If the deletion passed successfully you will see the line " PROGRAM WAS SUCCESSFULLY REMOVED" After that close the window and restart the computer:

ESET does not assume responsibility for the result of the work of this utility, since this software product is provided by a third-party antivirus developer.
We strongly recommend when using a special utility to remove third-party antivirus to seek help from specialists.

If you need help in removing third-party antivirus, you can contact our free technical support.