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Download Russian TTS Svox Hacked for Android. Speech Synthesizer from Google

Language engines and synthesizers ( TTS. Text-to-Speech) for Russian language has never been something perfect. Unlike English, whose development went constantly and steadily, the best representative of domestic synthesizers has been a male voice for more than ten years Nikolai from ACAPELA. Competition in recent years has been two quite decent female options - Alena (Acapela) and Katerina, later - Katerina II (Scansoft Realspeak).

For everyday use, certain efforts were required, and for mobile platforms, first of all Android, they were suitable only in conjunction with personal computer, Forcing the text to the sound to later reproduce the standard MP3 player on the final device.

Some hope for progress, as it is often happening, Gota Google Corporation, see our material:
. Until recently, the maximum of the capabilities provided by the search giant, online work With their synthesizer. The result, frankly, was not something revolutionary. With an example of Google API TTS, you can find on with general information About the club.

There were several more solutions, sharpened directly to use with smartphones:

  • The default Pico TTS - without Russian
  • Ivona Text-to-Speech - Unfortunately, the support of Russian is not yet implemented, although Tatyana's official voice is presented on the developer's website
  • SVOX Classic Text to Speech Engine - the only working model. Software installation - free, trial period For familiarization. Ultimate price ~ 3USD
As you can see, it really works only Svox.. With all the "reality", the system is working out badly. That is, the main purpose is to read in Russian, formally it performs, but reads bad.

And now, at the end of May 2014 in Google Play. The newly free Google speech synthesizer appears. This product is easy to plug past solutions for the belt using Russian TTS systems, moreover, in my humble opinion, this female voice is better than affordable solutions for personal computers.

Below is a small demofragment received from the smartphone with the Google speech synthesizer - the Russian female voice (so far the only one is available)

Recording received through standard Program For FB2 FBReader with a connected read module Even if you do not perceive a computer speech in the context of voicing books, this decision will allow you to upgrade your mobile friend. Google navigation will start reading the names of the streets, special applications Will be able to voice the text of SMS and numbers with incoming calls.

In addition, and this is very useful for visually impaired or blind users, you can now fully use TalkBack - an analogue of a friend to many at work on the Jaws screen speech. This system implements Android potential for voice alerts about all events on the phone, allowing you to manage it without seeing the screen.

    Disadvantages in working with synthesizer
  • A significant minus for an audiobook amateur - increased energy consumption, in a couple of hours of voicing you will lose up to half the battery charge
  • The trouble, fixed only while playing through the speaker of the phone: Easy Fade In - Sound level attenuation at the beginning of the offer. Via wired headset, external device and Bluetooth This effect is absent
  • No support for user stresses and dictionaries

Special wonders do not have to wait - this is just a computer, however, some coldness during reading someone may seem like a pleasant rest after an excess of theatricality in the work of individual performers.

Setting the synthesizer is extremely simple.
We go to the product page in the store. Google Play, as usual, will notify you about compatibility with your device - Android required 4.0.3 And higher, then download and installation will occur. After that you need to download "Voice":
Settings -\u003e Special abilities -\u003e Conclusion of the text function in Speech -\u003e Google Speech Synthesizer (do not be afraid of a formidable warning, nothing new about you manufacturer through this program will not know, it is still known to him) -\u003e download. And for calm - to restart.

    UPD: October 2016
For Android 4.2 (better than 4.4) and 6 new ones are added to the basic female voice - three men and three female:

Synthesizer Speech is the main means of receiving the content information information for the blind user computer equipmentAnd when there is no alternative in the form of a braille display, then in general the only one. Due to the fact that support for working with tactile displays in android platform It is only at the stage of becoming, the value of Text-to-Speech for users with violations is becoming even more.

At the time of writing, the Android OS users have several solutions to the synthesis of Russian speech with various synthesis and deficiencies set. We offer to get acquainted with them closer and listen to their sound.

Since the Android system does not provide the user with the possibility of switching speech synthesizers "on the fly", a situation often arises when one voice engine has to read multilingual texts, at a minimum, with the presence of Russian and English. Even the full transition to the English interface does not solve this problem, as to read Russian-language web pages or messages, you still have to switch to the Russian speech synthesizer, passing the entire path of the menu. In addition, work using speech synthesizers as a whole is inferior in performance to visual perception of data from the screen, so many experienced blind users to compensate for this lag prefer to configure TTS to maximize reading speed.

In view of this, in this review We will also pay considerable attention not only to the quality of speech synthesis as such, but also such as aspects as reading Latin text and speech speed, which are important for people using Text-to-Speech in screen access programs.

At the end of the review, you can find a consolidated assessment table. existing solutions Three key parameters: the quality of synthesis, speech speed and the support of the Latin text reading.

Acapela TTS Voices.

ACAPELA GROUP under the Android operating system was ported by several dozen of its speech synthesizers, among which there are and well-known Russian voice Alena. In general, on the quality of the synthesis of speech, this commercial solution is at a fairly high level, but the product is not deprived of a number of flaws, although, for the sake of justice, it is worth noting that at the time of writing, it has the status of Beta.

First, the entire engine is extremely unstable and prone to errors on all supporting Android versions, after which it has to be restarted.

Secondly, Alena has a common mistake with the lack of pronunciation of separate Russian silent letters, such as soft and solid signs.

From the positive features, it is possible to distinguish the fact that this is a high-quality voice that simultaneously suits not only for one-time tasks for video sounding, but also on screen access programs, as it has a faster response than SVOX engines and has no problems with Reading separately standing Latin letters.

Reading the text written by Latin letters is carried out according to the rules of the English language, although with a pronunciation, extremely far from the right one.

The maximum speed of Alena is not very high, so fancy work lovers will most likely be disappointed.

To start work, first from Play Market. You should download common aCAPELA engine TTS VOICES, in the menu of which you want to select the voice of interest. Next, in the menu that opens, click on the "Buy" button and go through the standard purchase procedure, after which you again open the menu of this voice and load the synthesizer by clicking on the "Download" button.

Captin TTS Engine

Under the Android operating system, Anatoly Kamynin was ported widely known in the narrow circles synthesizer of speech captain.

At the time of writing the review, the product is at the stage of public testing, but now some are used as the main voice of the system.

Of the existing deficiencies and specific features, the following can be noted.

First, on some devices, the synthesizer duplicates the first symbol of the text segment, which creates an effect of slight stuttering at the beginning of the phrases.

From positive features, you can mark a record response speed, superior to all existing analogs, as well as the possibility of more flexible configuration, in particular a multi-stage indication of the details of the reading of non-alphabeth signs: from rare punctuation characters to each sign of a space.

Latin text reading The synthesizer is carried out strictly according to the rules of Latin, which, when knowledge of the relevant reading principles, allows you to work with almost any language on the basis of Latin writing.

With respect to the speed of speech, the captain may also qualify for prizes, issuing some of the highest results.

System Requirements: Android 2.2 to 3.0.

System Requirements: Android 4.0 and above.

espeak TTS.

Some of the main developers of a specialized software Under Android, the Eyes-Free Project community, the well-known non-commercial Speech Speech Specter Espeak has ported this operating system.

As heard from the demonstration, his speech in Russian has a number of significant drawbacks.

First, in the Russian text, the synthesizer does not read the synthesis in the upper case, as it happened in the above record with the words "Hello, I my, my details."

Secondly, the entire row of Cyrillic symbols of ESPEAK split into a variety of small fragments consisting of several, or in general from one letter. What is explained by such a tagged speech. This is especially noticeable if there is a soft sign at the end of the words, which is almost always read separately.

Third, the overall quality sound signal Low enough, which is particularly noticeable when working in headphones.

From positive qualities, you can mark a slightly higher response rate, compared to the analogues, and also mainly free.

Reading this synthesizer of Latin text is carried out according to the rules of English and is characterized by acceptable quality.

Regarding the maximum speech speed of Espeak, unfortunately, it does not boast of high indicators, so on this side you should not wait much from it.

System Requirements: Android 2.2 and above.

Milena in the Mobile Accessibility Package RU

This speech synthesizer from Vocolazer is a non-universal voice engine embedded in the Android system TTS service, and the built-in component of the Russian-speaking software package Mobile Accessibility screen access.

The synthesizer has a sufficiently high sound quality, as well as a decent response speed, although comprehensive testing of this aspect is complicated by the engine's built-in into a specific application.

In general, this is a very high-quality solution on the synthesis of speech, which is known in many other platforms, but it also has some drawbacks.

First, due to the built-in Milen, the Code Factory product, the user has the ability to work with it either inside the Mobile Accessibility environment, or in the Android system, but exclusively when using the on-screen access program from MA.

Secondly, Milena's voice itself is characterized by a peculiar pronunciation of some letters, for example, the letters "h", with some configurations of the neighboring litera, which in particular is observed in such a weighteress when the word interfaces are "noted".

From positive aspects, you can also note the fact that due to the built-in synthesizer in the Mobile Accessibility package, the user is available more thin settingsthan those who are provided by voice system service Android, for example, adjustment of punctuation marks or phonetic reading characters.

Milena Latin text reads according to the rules of English, but the correctness of pronunciation is often on a rather low level, although general rules Approximately observed.

In the ratio of speech speed, this is one of the fastest synthesizers.


Within the framework of another solution, two commercial Russian-speaking voices from SVOX are offered.

From differences, you can only note the voice of Yuri's rich in low frequencies, as well as, in our opinion, its more correct intonation. True, it is also worth mentioning the weakly catchy defects of Yuri's speech when pronouncing hissing consonants that, for example, one can notice with respect to the letter "h" in the word "point".

Regardy overall characteristics, how to hear from the demonstration files, here the quality of the synthesis is high enough and readable information is perceived without much difficulty. Nevertheless, these voices have a number of flaws.

First, fragments of the text, which are a set of letters and non-complicated signs, the synthesizer often utters across symbols, not supposedly, as it happened with part of the "WWW.Site" link. It also manifests itself on E-mail addresses And simply on the text where the rules for laying gaps, for example, in SMS are not clearly complied.

Secondly, when entering text, the letters I, V, X, L, C, D and M, the synthesizer reads as Roman numbers that for the blind user using TTS not only for reading books, but also for absolutely all work, it is extremely not conveniently. Moreover, reading Roman numbers also suffers from errors, for example, Mi is considered to be the number 101, and not 1001.

Fourth, the synthesizer as a whole has a lesser response rate than many analogues, although with an extremely minor difference.

Unfortunately, in relation to reading the Latin text, the voice of SVOX is not able to boast of good intelligibility.

As you hear from the demonstration record, Svox as a whole reads Latin according to Latin's reading rules, but it is trying to pronounce it into English manners, for example, the word "Voice" is read as "war", and not "war".

With respect to maximum speed, these votes are also not characterized by high indicators.

System Requirements: Availability of SVOX Classic Text to Speech Engine and Android 2.1 and above.

TTS Online

This synthesizer developed by Sergey Nechiporenko and distributed free of charge is cloud serviceUsing Google TTS API in its work. In essence, the program is not engaged in synthesizing speech, it is only embedded in Android's voice service, sends text information to Google server and reproduces the returned audio signal.

This causes the fact that an active Internet connection is needed to operate the synthesizer with a sufficiently high data transfer rate.

As you hear from demonstration audio recordings, Google TTS uses the familiar voice of Katya from SVOX, so it is characterized by all the same features that were covered in the Svox Classic TTS review.

Separately, it is worth noting that TTS Online does not support the speech speed setting, so the user will have to accept his leisurely tempo.

In addition, at the time of writing, TTS Online does not support work in the Android 4.0.x Ice Cream Sandwich environment, and the change in this, according to the developer's application, is not planned in the foreseeable future.

System Requirements: Android from 2.2 to 3.x.


Below is a summary table of existing Russian speech synthesizers under Android OS, which reflects such characteristics as voice quality applied by the Latin text reading rules and the maximum speech speed.

Screen speaker for android or smartphone for a visually impaired or blind man

The modern world is constantly progressing. Released wonderful software - Screen speaker, thanks to which a person undesirable can plunge into the world of high technologies. We previously wrote, and in this review, consider applications for the smartphone.

Speech synthesizer software looks like an application that provides translation text information in voice.

A wide variety of these products does not cease to amaze users, I propose to consider the most popular.

Application classification

Already developed and produced a large number of speech synthesizers, with their help, one pleasure not only to perceive visually useful information, but also hear.

These programs are divided into two types: paid and free.

Those programs that "ball" have a more scarce arsenal of opportunities, but also subject to use, with paid versions things are more fun, their extensity does not know the limit.

Russian-speaking synthesizers of speech

For such operating systems as Android, there are a lot of variants of speech synthesizers, but most of them do not have Russian-speaking versions.

Consider several of the most popular screen speakers:

This program is designed for Android. It has high synthesis of speech synthesis, multilingual, has 25 different languages, including Russified.

Developers are ACAPELA Group S.A. approximate cost Makes up 4 euros.

Multilingual speech synthesizer, which is not commercial. Processing information in 37-languages, voice acting is a lot of votes.

Works on several operating linux systems, Mac OS, Microsoft Windows. and RISC OS. For proper voice reproduction, an extended dictionary was developed.

Due to non-commercial activity the program works a little worse than paid applicationsBut developer plans have ideas for improving performance.

Setting TTS.

Initially, it is necessary to determine which speech synthesizers is most suitable. Download and install the application, then go to TTS settings. We will analyze step-by-step instructions:

  1. You need to start from startup;
  2. After that, it is necessary to go to the application settings;
  3. Select and install the required language;
  4. Determine the synthesis of speech;
  5. You should choose the engine, most often "automatically";
  6. Set the speed of speech that is suitable;
  7. At your discretion extra optionsnecessary for work.

When all the parameters are exhibited, if necessary, you can start exploiting.

TalkBack is a standard utility that is usually embedded in Android OS. This feature It was designed for people with problem vision, visually impaired people thanks to TalkBack, can use gadgets without any particular problems.

At the initial start of the program, you can use the instruction. In the screen speaker, very extensive settings. In all devices, on different types of firmware, there are small differences in service settings.

The main features of TalkBack are considered:

  • Changing level of playback volume;
  • The ability to change the tone of the voice;
  • Voice of each keystroke;
  • There is a distance sensor due to which the sound level is adjusted;
  • The device reports information on incoming challenges and SMS, the principle of AON;
  • Transformation of speech into text and vice versa;
  • Gesture management.

These are the main features, but there are also a wide variety of secondary.

TalkBack - an indispensable application for people who have lost the opportunity to see, use the same devices as

For the visually impaired this is a real find. People with full-fledged vision this application It will not be convenient, it can irritate and slow down the work process on the device.

A person who can not see anything will be enough to customize the program independently, so it is best to seek help from surrounding people.

For Android gadgets, there is an opportunity voice Aid. in management. Talkback utters all the icons to which you can click your finger, or simply during the movement on the screen.

This helps the "Study-Touch" function. there is detailed instructionsexactly how to use this feature.

After familiarizing with the instructions, users do not have problems with work in the device.

In order to select the desired icon and activate the element, it is enough to press a finger to the icon, while the voice prompt will play. The scrolling also gives the accompaniment of which there is a different tonality.

Video: Acapela TTS Voices for Android


Observing with the work and functionality of screen speakers, you can draw the following conclusions:

  1. Speakers are an indispensable program for people with problem vision and blindness;
  2. With the help of such programs, you can voice any test information;
  3. Information reproduced by voice is easy to turn into written text;
  4. The cost of voice speakers is small, there are even free.

Svox Classic Text to Speech Engine Votor Engine for the Platform is a program that allows you to play any text Document in the form of speech stream. On each device running android, there is a built-in program that allows you to convert text into human speech. However, the disadvantage of this program is that it supports only foreign languages. The feature of the SVOX Classic Text to Speech Engine is just that this program Able to "speak" in Russian.

Using SVOX Classic Text opens a lot of new features. Thanks to him you can voice various programs, reproduce e-books and important messages. SVOX Classic Text supports work with more than 25 languages. Thanks to such a set, this program is unique in its own way. It also has the opportunity to choose voice accompaniment - they are all forty options here. To reproduce text in Russian, you need to download a special addition to the program that is easy to find on the Internet. For further work, it is enough to install the program along with this addition and all - your smartphone speaks Russian!

SVOX Classic Text Settings When playing text allow you to install this default program. To do this, it is enough to go to the application settings and go to the "Voice Enter - Output" section. There you need to mark the "System, Installation By Default" checkbox. After that, the user can also choose and the default voice.

On our site you can download Russian voice engines on your android smartphone. Included the program itself, already activated by the key And does not require registration, as well as 40 male and female votes in 25 languages, naturally including Russian. Now your smart phone truly becomes such, give him any text or team and it will read any array of text for you, in the language you need.

Speech synthesizers are convenient and reliable assistants for android users. With their help, you can "voice out" applications to the most popular languages \u200b\u200bof the world, configure voice timbre and other important parameters, as well as listening to the sound of different words. Most Android applications TTS are available free of charge, however, it is necessary to pay extra for the installation of individual votes and functions. We picked up for you the most convenient speech synthesizers, downloadable on our website.

Synthesis speech from Google

Genre Instruments
Rating 4,1
Installations 1 000 000 000–5 000 000 000
Developer Google Llc.
Russian language there is
Ratings 1 107 289
Version 3.14.9
Size APK 14.7 MB.

The most popular and affordable TTS utility compatible with many android devices. Using the program, you can voice the text on the screen, as well as perform a number of important functions:

  • Voice books google Apps Play books.
  • Translate and voice the words from.
  • Include voice prompts using the TalkBack service.

Activate the Synthesis of Speech Speech from Google can be directly on your device. To do this, open the "Settings" menu item, where go to the "Language and Input Methods" subsection, and there - "Synthesis of Speech". Select a speech synthesis system from Google, after which the application is activated automatically.

The program supports more than 40 languages, including English, Russian, French, German, Japanese, Spanish, Danish, Hindi and many others. IN latest version Utilities added 3 new languages \u200b\u200b- Romanian, Estonian and Slovak, as well as improved voice quality as a whole.

Acapela TTS Voices.

Genre Communication
Rating 3,5
Installations 100 000–500 000
Developer Acapela Group S.A.
Russian language not
Ratings 3 883
Size APK 9.3 MB.

Another high-quality speech synthesizer on android, which is available on our portal. The program is conditionally free, while buying an app, you can listen to demo versions of male and female votes online. The utility allows you to buy and install programs with high quality voice, such as Google Talkback, translators and news voicing.

To select and install voice in the application, log in to the menu, and then press voice and hold for a few seconds. A yellow star icon will appear near the selected voice, and it will be installed by default. Now you can use this program with your favorite book reader.

The Acapela TTS VOICES application can be activated by the following actions.

  • Download the service on our website or Google Play portal.
  • After installing the application, click on the program icon. Make sure the Internet connections are available.
  • Check out the list of votes that are downloaded from the server.
  • Click on the menu opposite each voice where you can listen to your own text or go to purchase.
  • After buying and paying the voice will be loaded, and you can use it at any time.

The Acapela TTS VOICES application is compatible with Android 2.2 OS and later.

Vocalizer TTS Voice

Genre Work
Rating 3,3
Installations 500 000–1 000 000
Developer Code Factory.
Russian language there is
Ratings 3 405
Version 2.0.8
Size APK 5.4 MB.

Speech synthesizer with menu on english language. The program has an integrated TTS engine supporting more than 50 languages. The service is advantageously highlighted by a pleasant and clean sound, the timbre of which can be configured at its discretion.

Vocalizer allows you to voice popular android applications, such as books, and rehabilitation software.

Among other important functions, Vocalizer TTS VOICE should be noted:

  • Support 50 languages \u200b\u200band 100 votes.
  • Support for Emotori (and you knew what to eat?).
  • Voice in words in dictionaries.
  • Read speed settings.
  • Punctuation voice settings.

After the program is installed on your device, you can activate it through the settings menu in the "Language and Input Methods" section - Text-to-Speech and install Vocalizer TTS as the default system.

The application is compatible with the system Android version 4.0 and hereinafter.

If you like this app, and you are looking for similar applications - see the review. And if you are in an unfamiliar country, and you are not up to the voice of the text, you need to translate this text - you can take a picture of it and translate.