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All drivers for ASUS laptop. How to reinstall Windows on ASUS laptop? Step-by-step instruction

Good day, blog visitors.

Any computer, regardless of the "filling" and used by, sooner or later needs a clean installation of the operating system. This is due to different reasons - appeared a new version, the old failed, a desire to remove errors and others. Of course, all these issues will help reinstall Windows on a laptop on ASUS or any other manufacturer. But today I will just tell about the process associated with the equipment from this computer giant.

If the installed operating system still allows you to work, first it is necessary to perform three fundamentally important steps:

    Prepare the necessary drivers (on a video card, network). It is having them, you can find the rest of the elements in the future.

    Check computer for viruses with Comodo Internet Security or AVG AntiVirus Free

    Copy Documents S. system Disc.

If your device does not allow you to perform the above items, try to find another with which it can still be done.

Important drivers on the Eee PC model or any others are on the official website.

But copy documents from the system disk in the event of the inoperability of the laptop, it will not be so easy. If the device allows you to do it - move to a safe place. If not - we open a laptop, get hDD And we try to connect it to other equipment. Pull the necessary data.

Creating a boot portable memory( )

Immediately it is worth saying that you can reinstall the OS different ways. Early enjoyed popular from the disk, since uSB memory Simply was not. Immediately after the appearance of many motherboards Not supported such devices. But over time, it became an available opportunity the necessary procedure to carry out from the flash drive. And today, this option often becomes the only one, since it simply may not be a suitable actuator on many models.

We will look at the option without a disk using only compact portable memory:

BIOS setup( )

Now we need to set up the boot through the BIOS and some other items. To do this, carry out a number of actions:

Installation( )

Well, now let's go to the direct location of Windows 8 or any other version of the OS on the device:

Using a backup area( )

Also on some models, like x54h, It is possible to use the recovery area. This is some place on the hard disk, which allows you to restore the system without a removable disk.

Not much different from the installation of the OS on stationary computer. Therefore, let's go through all the steps of the installation together so that if necessary, you could do it yourself.
Hello everyone, today on the blog we will install Windows 7 on the ASUS laptop.

So begin by S. first step, and Laptop-preparing laptop to perform this action and the installation itself.

  • If the operating system is installed for the first time, it is necessary to break the hard disk to at least two sections. On one will be Windows7, on the other, all that you are in it.
    This can be done by various programs, but I usually use Acronis DISK. Director 11 Home, which can be downloaded on the Internet for free. I will not describe how to use it, since there is enough information on this topic on the Internet.
  • Click the Laptop Start button asus and almost immediately the F2 key, and several times before opening the main BIOS window.
  • Using the navigation keys, go to the section Boot. And set the priority for CD / DVD to the first position. To do this with navigation keys "Light" CD / DVD item and press ENTER. Next, we put it in the first position and again ENTER. After the changes are made by pressing F10 and then Enter, thereby confirming their actions.

  • The laptop will go on a reboot, so waiting for starting starts intermittently several times press the Space key. At the same time, the actuator CD / DVD will be launched and the Windows 7 installation window opens to your ASUS laptop.
  • Choose the section to install the OS, usually it local disk "FROM". Next, wait for the installation of Windows 7 installation.
  • After that, we make the installation of additional Soft-A, this is done using the WPI application launch, which is also on the installation disk.
  • Next, we make a restart of the laptop and go back to the BIOS, where we repeat all the actions of paragraph 3, but
    Return a priority for a hard disk by putting it in the first position, or FIRST..
  • If you have a drivers with drivers for the ASUS laptop, inserting it in the CD / DVD drive waiting for its launch and install the drivers. You can make the update setting.
  • In the case when you do not have such a disk go to the official website of ASUS and download the package
    Drivers specifically for this operating system and computer configuration or laptop.

Website address:

How to determine the configuration of a laptop

In the Windows 7 operating system, this is done in two clicks, and itself:

  1. We bring the cursor to the "Computer" icon;
  2. Right-click Open the "Properties" section and get information.

Basic information As shown in the screenshot, I emphasized the red line. But I think that specifically for this case, the main type will be the type of system, that is, its discharge.

In this article, we disassemble the main steps windows installation 7 on ASUS laptop, If you are questions, ask them in the comments, none of them will not be ignored.

It will be the right decision to start searching the driver from the official website of the device manufacturer. Next will be described, possibly obvious things. However, many users still have difficulty when proper searchupdating and removing software.

Sites companies

Global page - Next, the site will automatically determine your geographic location and redirect to the page with the desired localization (


Appearance of the site

Navigation and search

Click on "Service", "Support" at the top of the page.
The support page will open.

Search by model

Search form

We use the search form. For example, we introduce the "model name" - K53SV. A page with the results will appear where you need to select "Drivers and Utilities".

If there are difficulties with the identification of the device, pay attention to the help guide located under the form "How to determine the name of the model (P / N, Part Number)"

The form worked correctly, but there is a couple of comments:

  • It is best to enter the name of the model, for example, X550CL, and not ASUS X550CL. Otherwise, get an irrelevant result.
  • The form "does not like", for example, tabs. Therefore, if you copy the name of the model from another resource (copy / paste), you need to remove all unnecessary characters and spaces.
Manual search "or choose a product"

Here, too, everything is intuitive, but there is a couple of nuances that are recommended to consider when searching for drivers.

For example, choose the "product type" - "laptops", then "product series" - "K series". However, when you click on the "Product Model", the drop-down list does not work. When you hover the mouse cursor, an informant icon appears on the impossibility of interaction with the block. Based on the example, we have nowhere to enter K53SV.

Field form is not active

Solutions are several:

  • select in the "Product Series" The "ALL" value, the "Product Model" section will be active and you can select the desired value from the list.
  • select another language, such as Ukraine / Russian. Localization switch menu is at the bottom of the site. In this case, everything will also work correctly. The names of the drop-down lists (not their contents) will be in English.

Now, when everything happened, choosing "drivers and utilities" on the right. It will not be superfluous with the sections of the "knowledge base" and "manuals and documentation".

List of drivers and download utilities

Install all drivers that do not need on the page. It is important to remember the order of installation of the driver for a laptop (or other device) and take into account that several versions of the same software are proposed on the site. For example, if you select VGA, as in the screenshot above, six drivers are available. In fact, you only need two. Choose the very same latest versions NVIDIA Graphics Driver v8.17.12.6856 and Intel Graphics. Driver v8.15.10.2291. The remaining versions do not need to download, unless difficulties have arisen with the installation of more recent drivers, which is rare. If the versions are the same, both in the LAN section, focus on the release date.

ASUS X555LN is a productive device designed to solve many engineering tasks. The device is equipped with high-quality, widescreen screen high resolutionwhich allows you to comfortably work with text, edit images and reproduce a varied media content. Also in ASUS X555LN installed HDMI interfaceallows you to connect to a laptop additional devices, including displays for expansion desktop, in including big TVs and projectors for viewing high-definition video files and presentations. Productive components ASUS X555LN allow you to achieve decent speed and run any applications, including modern games. Thanks to productive components, all applications and processes start quickly and correctly, and a large amount of memory placed allows you to store all the necessary information without thinking about free space. ASUS X555LN All in this device is intended to solve all occurring tasks, and the built-in modern interfaces will always stay online.

Despite all the efforts of software developers in Microsoft, come up with something better than simple and functional Windows 7, they have not yet succeeded. Yes, with a clean conscience, you can state that those who at least manage to work on a laptop with this operating system, hardly want to go back to your old windows XP or even to the new Windows 8. But what to do if as a reward for your laptop ASUS to get such an OS failed? What? Yes, install it on your PC and forget about the problem, setting something OS Windows 7 on the ASUS laptop - the case is simple!

Step number 1: Prepare PC to install OS

How does the reinstalling of any operating system on the laptop begins? Right! With appropriate preparation for it. Note that in order to reinstall Windows, it is initially necessary to take care of the execution of two extremely important actions:

  1. prepare drivers for a laptop ASUS;
  2. copy valuable data with hard disk.

In principle, every task is clear as a white day. In particular, in order to prepare the driver for a laptop ASUS, it is enough to download them from the official site ( of the manufacturer's company and write to the disk or flash drive:

At the same time, no matter how wonderful system of Windows 7, sake her sample the graduation work / Annual report / family archive and other valuable documents stored on a C disc in a laptop would be stupid. In this case, it is intended to reinstall the operating system, it is necessary to copy data from the hard disk to the USB flash drive or DVD. To do this, it is enough to use windows conductor and the notorious combination of Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V buttons on the keyboard.

However, if you part, for example, with licensed operating room windows system 8 I finally do not want to, you can install it at all on SSD. This is "difficult" process in detail you can read.

Step number 2: Record the boot flash drive

Note that installing, as in principle, and reinstall, you can not only install Windows 7 on a laptop with a flash drive, but also from the disk. Differences for installation (reinstallation) will not be almost no. However, based on the fact that many modern models ASUS laptops No drives, even having a licensed disk with Windows 7, it will not be easy to use it directly. At the same time, the USB connector is absolutely on all PCs. So the option with a flash drive, as you can see, will be universal.

What do you do? First, you download the original image of Windows 7 from the Internet or copy it to installation disk on computer. Then set the Ultraiso program and run it in test mode (" Trial period"). In it through the "File" menu - "Open ..." add to record virtual image Windows 7:

Now insert the flash drive to the computer to which Windows 7 image will be installed, open the "Self-loading" section in the Ultraiso program and click the "Write an image ...". Next, select in the new USB-HDD window as the recording method and click "format":

The next step is to resolve the program to format the USB flash drive, and then select "write" in the new window:

With this difficulties did not arise? Still want to reinstall Windows? Then go to the next step of installing our adorable Windows 7 on the asus laptop.

Step number 3: Perform the BIOS settings

In order to establish without the slightest problems on the Windows 7 ASUS laptop, you will need to make a number of settings in the BIOS. To begin with, of course, you need to enter it. How to do it? When the computer is loaded, click on the Del / F2 / Tab + F2 / SHIFT + F2 keyboard.

In the same tab, we find the Launch CSM item and select the Enabled parameter for this option instead of disabled. Next, we go to the adjacent SECURITY section next to the Boot and deactivate the option. Secure Boot Control using the disabled parameter. Click F10, save the settings (Yes) and exit from the BIOS. Now the smallest thing remains to be directly installed (reinstall) OS on ASUS laptop.

Step number 4: Install the operating system

So, after all the preparatory actions are completed, it remains only to install on a laptop prepared by Windows 7. In principle, this process will start at that very moment when the computer comes out of the BIOS. A window will appear on the screen, which will not be able to click any key to load the flash drive. What do you do? Click, of course, and immediately go to the WINDOVS setting. First of all, select the language, click "Next" and then "Set":

After that, we read and agree with licenses, and then select in a new window as an option for installation (reinstallation) on a Windows laptop of Windows 7 "Full Setup" item:

Now we are determined with the disk that we want to reinstall Windows 7, click on it by the mouse, click the "Disc Setup" item, and then "format":

Note that at this stage of Windows 7 may ascend to install the drivers. Not a problem? Of course not, we worried about them at the very beginning. Now simply load them yourself, using tips on the screen:

Step number 5: Select custom settings and complete the installation

In principle, to reinstall the asus Windows 7 on the laptop, the smallest is left. What will required? Just choose the parameters you need to work on the laptop. Act will have to be in this order:

In principle, S. recent step The installation process (reinstallation) of Windows 7 on a laptop from ASUS will be completed. Simply? What did you think? In order to reinstall Windows on the computer in principle there is nothing complicated! Enjoy your work with Windows 7!