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How to put a black theme in Windows 10. Dark theme in Windows settings

Before we start, we want to warn you that any operations with Windows registry are potentially dangerous. Although the trick described below is extremely simple and has been tested many times, we still recommend that you be very careful and back up the registry and important data beforehand.

Well, now that the formalities have been met, let's start the magic. To activate the dark theme built into Windows 10, you will need to follow these steps.

1. Click on the search icon on the toolbar and enter the word Regedit . Click on the topmost result. You will launch the Registry Editor program.

2. Find in the left pane the folder at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Themes \ Personalize.

3. If you do not have such a section, then you need to create it. To do this, right-click on the Themes section and select in context menu the line "Create" → "Section". Give it the name Personalize.

4. Now right-click on the Personalize folder and create new key("New" → "DWORD Parameter (32 bit)"). Name it AppsUseLightTheme.

5. The key we have created is automatically assigned the value "0". This is what we need, so we should not change it.

6. Go to the registry key at HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Themes \ Personalize.

7. In this section you need to perform all the same actions as in the previous one. That is, open the Personalize folder (if it is absent, create it), and then create a new key called AppsUseLightTheme. Its value must also be "0".

8. Log out of the system. To do this, click on your avatar in the Start menu and select the Exit command. The new design settings will take effect after you log in again.

That's all. Now you can admire the dark colors of the settings windows, the app store and some other built-in Windows programs... Unfortunately, this topic registration does not apply to third party applications, so a global transformation, alas, will not happen.

To return to the light theme, you will need to start the registry editor again and change the value of the keys you created from "0" to "1".

Do you like black Windows or white is still more familiar?

Dark conductor like night mode added to the Windows 10 operating system to reduce the strain on the user's eyes at night. The current method shows how you can enable the dark theme using a new item in the system parameters.

The ability to select the default application mode appeared only in October Windows update 10 version 1809. Therefore, if you have not updated yet, then we recommend installing the latest actual update systems. The default is a light explorer and options theme.

You can also enable the dark explorer theme using the Registry Editor. But as always, we recommend first of all before adding. The previously established backup copy allows you to always return the changes made by the user to the standard ones.

If the AppsUseLightTheme parameter is not found in the current location, then create such a DWORD (32-bit) parameter yourself. After all the operations, you will need to restart the explorer or restart the computer completely. Therefore, in order to save time on rebooting the device, we recommend that you read the instructions.

High contrast mode makes text and applications easier to see by using distinctive colors. High contrast mode can also be used to make File Explorer dark in Windows 10.

You can enable or disable high contrast mode using the keyboard shortcut Alt + Shift + PrintScreen... Or, as an alternative, you can go Start> Settings> Special abilities> High contrast and drag the high contrast mode enable slider to Included.

After turning on, it is recommended to adjust the high-contrast colors for yourself, since by default the standard colors are very striking, although the theme of the conductor itself will be dark. You can turn off the high contrast mode in the same way as in the instructions for turning on.


The dark conductor theme can help reduce eye strain in dimly lit rooms. Therefore, we looked at how to enable the dark explorer theme in Windows 10. different ways... The ability to enable the dark explorer theme was introduced in the latest October update to version 1809 of the operating system. sis Windows themes 10.

Windows 10 introduced a dark theme with the Anniversary Update. It is enabled in the settings, but after its activation, not the entire operating system and not all applications receive a dark interface. How to fix this - read our article.

Dark theme in Windows settings

Open "Options" (Win + I or the gear button in the start menu), go to the personalization settings, select the "Colors" subsection and indicate that you want to use the "Dark" mode. The appearance of Windows and some applications will be partially changed.

Dark theme in Microsoft Office

If you are using office applications Microsoft, go to the settings of any of them and select a dark theme in the psonalization section. These settings affect all installed Microsoft applications Office.

Dark theme in Microsoft Edge

Launch your browser Microsoft Edge, open the menu in the upper right corner, go to "Options" and instead of the light theme, select the dark one.

In the same way, you can change the design of the interface in some others. standard applications Windows that were not affected by the global setting of the dark theme in the system options.

Dark theme in Chrome or Firefox

Go to the theme store for the Chrome or Firefox browser and select suitable topic... In Chrome, you can use, for example, Morpheon Dark, and High Contrast for Chrome allows you to modify even sites: invert colors or change their design to monochrome.

Dark theme in desktop programs

Open the System Settings app, go to Personalization> Themes, and click Theme Options. Choose any of the contrasting black themes. After that, almost all windows in Windows and desktop applications will receive a dark interface. This way of modifying the Windows interface is overly aggressive, so not everyone will like the result. There are special dark themes for Windows, for example,

Good time everyone, dear readers! Today I will tell you how to make a black VK on android, and if in simple words- change the background instead of white to dark. Users change the background mainly so as not to be distracted by something dark, and I personally like a dark background. So let's go?

In general, there are a couple of ways to change the background, we will talk about them in this article. The developers thought of many settings in their application, but they did not think about the design. But after the elapsed time, they realized that they had made a mistake and began to correct it.

Attention! Before changing the background of VKontakte to dark, first change the light of the text, because it will simply merge with your background and you will not see anything!

Dark VK theme for iOS

And so, if you use an iPhone and you have version 5.2 of the program installed. then you will be able to change the theme with ease. To do these shenanigans to begin with;

  1. Go to the section "Appearance".
  2. Next, select the option "Dark theme".

That's all, now on your iPhone, when you visit VKontakte, you will save your eyesight. It is convenient to read with this topic both day and night.

How to make black VK on android

In order to change the background of VK on android, you just have to do the same thing that I described above. First, go to the section "Appearance" and already there we change and choose the design we need.

How to make a black (dark) theme for your computer

This option will help those who have a Yandex browser installed and not only. For all this, you need to do some shenanigans, namely:

  1. Find the section "Settings", which is located in the upper right corner.
  2. When you see the search string, enter the words there "Darkened theme".
  3. As soon as you see a section with a dark theme, check the box there.

If in this case you did not succeed, then you need to go to the section "Supplements", and then find the item "Interface"... And already there you can find and put a tick in front of the line "Night theme".

As soon as you do all this, do not forget to immediately refresh the page, only after that everything will work. Well, if nothing has helped now, then this may only be due to the lack of Stylish extensions. You can install it, for this we will do the following:

  • Go to Stylish official website by this link.
  • Click on the button with the name Install for and choosing the right browser.
  • Next, you need to confirm the installation of the extension and refresh the page.

Friends, in this way you can make a black VK on android and computer. If something didn't work out for you, be sure to write about it in the comments, and I will answer you and gladly help you. I wish all readers good health and peace!

With Windows 8, Microsoft began to actively promote in its operating system Metro interface, which provides flat design. The minimum of unnecessary objects on the screen and the most vivid elements are the postulates that were adhered to by the developers of not only Windows 8, but also the more modern operating system Windows 10. It is interesting to design the system is quite difficult, and maximum customization Windows tools- this is the choice of color for the decoration of menu items. At the same time, the dark theme of Windows 10 is embedded directly in the operating system itself, which cannot be enabled through the standard settings, but it can be activated in the registry editor.

Activating the dark theme in Windows 10 causes all system applications to change their interface. Fonts and other menu items are displayed, instead of the usual white background, on black. Due to this, you can achieve an interesting effect and slightly diversify Windows interface 10.

With the instruction below, the black background can only be set in system applications Windows 10 that were released by Microsoft. In particular, these applications include: store Windows Store, calculator, parameter setting menu and some others. You shouldn't expect drastic changes after activating the Windows 10 dark theme, but the system will look, at least, unusual.

To enable the black theme in Windows 10 you need to:

  1. Press the key combination Windows + R on the keyboard and register the Regedit command, confirming its execution with the Enter key to enter the registry editor.
  2. The registry tree will be displayed on the left. In it you need to go to the address:

Attention: Even if you have it installed, you still need to create a 32-bit DWORD key.

  1. It is important that the value "0" is automatically assigned to the new key upon creation. When installing the Windows 10 dark theme, it is he who should be registered in the parameter values, so nothing needs to be changed.
  2. The next step is to find another folder in the registry tree at:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Themes \ Personalize.

The result of performing the above actions will be the activation of the dark theme in Windows 10. To return back to the usual White background in system applications, it is necessary to set the value "1" instead of 0 in the AppsUseLightTheme keys, which were changed (created) during the instruction.