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Internet travel guide - all the fun on the web. How to use Waves Maxx Audio software and troubleshoot the system not responding after reformatting the OS Why dell audio equalizer does not work

The article is more about wired Internet or Wi-Fi, not mobile, but it will be instructive for everyone. Let's divide the connection problems into two types: physical and software. Physical - this is everything related to equipment, wires and problems at the provider itself. Software is what depends on Windows settings and / or router.

How to check if the Internet is working or the problem is different

Sometimes updating the device's firmware helps. Especially useful if your router has been infected with a virus. Yes, yes, and this is no longer a rarity! How to do this, read on the website of your router, everything is very individual here. Step by step instructions, even in general terms, I will not give, tk. I believe that this should be done by a specialist.

If you know how to reconfigure the Internet on a router, then I advise you by default first. Another sure sign to exclude a router is to connect the cable to the computer directly, bypassing the router.

Software problems and solutions

For a number of understandable reasons, within the framework of the article, I can help with specific recommendations only on this point.

Incorrect connection settings

You are connected directly, without a router

It happens that the network connection settings are lost in Windows 7/8/10. When you hover the mouse over the network icon, you can observe the permanent status of the network "Identification ...". There may be no obvious errors. To fix this, right-click on the connection icon and select "Network Control Center and general access»

The screenshot shows the icon Wi-Fi connections if you are connected with a wire, then it will be in the form of a computer. We click on the connection, in my case it is "Wireless Network Connection"

A window should open in which you need to click the "Properties" button

Next, you need to enter the IP and DNS addresses that the Internet provider gives. Usually, they are spelled out in the contract, but you can call and ask. But, as a rule, there is no need for this and it is enough to put the switches as in the screenshot, i.e. on automatic receipt settings:

As one of the most common solutions to the problem, I advise you to uncheck the TCP / IP version 6 protocol. We reboot. In the video, all this is also there.

WiFi without internet access

When using a router, in 99% of cases, it should also be indicated that the automatic obtaining of addresses is correct (see above). To make sure that the network settings on your computer are correct, just try to go to. Everyone has different devices, but how to do it in general, I showed at the end. Check if it enters the admin panel, but the Internet does not work, then there are problems in the WAN network settings on the router.

Also, a sure sign of the lack of access to the Internet for the router itself will be the following icon in the system tray:

When you hover over which, the inscription "Without access to the Internet" will appear. This means that the connection with Wi-Fi router installed, but the Internet is not connected to it.

This can only be fixed by knowing correct settings, which must be spelled out in the contract with the provider. You can use and automatic detection parameters. General principles and an example of setting up a router are described in the article "", it is also suitable for a wired connection. All are described in another article.

Corrupted TCP / IP and Winsock parameters

Without going into technical details, I'll just write what needs to be done, and you will repeat it at your place. Do this if none of the above has worked for you. And it is advisable to restore the system before executing commands. Then, if something goes wrong, you can roll back.

And the last piece of advice, but no less effective. Windows has such a thing as a firewall, it is also called a firewall. it software tool protects your computer from external threats, such as hacker attacks. But, with incorrect or damaged settings, it can block access to the network. So try Windows.

If after that the Internet works, then you need to reset the firewall settings and then turn it back on. If you have an antivirus with a firewall function, then you need to disable it in its settings. This is usually done by right-clicking on the antivirus icon next to the watch. Using ESET NOD32 as an example:

You need to reset the antivirus settings through its interface.

And here is the promised video with examples from the article:

The overwhelming majority of PC owners use their equipment to access the Internet. Naturally, it is very unpleasant when such an opportunity is absent and a person has a question - what to do if the Internet does not work?

Of course, you should first make sure that such a function is available. For example, if the Internet does not work via cable, then you need to make sure that it is correct connection... Also, do not forget about the timely payment for the provider's services, as well as the fact that the problem may appear due to some failures on the part of the provider of such services.

If all these options have already been checked by the user, and there is still no access to the Network, then you should go to system settings, which can become the reason that the Internet does not work through a router or in another way accessible to a person.

Naturally, several situations are possible, each of which should be considered separately.

Preliminary check

Perhaps this stage will be enough to fully answer the question - why the Internet does not work on the computer.

To implement it, you need to follow many well-known steps to check the connection:

  1. Press "Win" and "R" at the same time.
  2. Drive "ncpa.cpl" into the line.
  3. Pay attention to the status available options... It must be enabled. If this is not the case, use the right button computer mouse rectify the situation.
  4. Reporting problems with network cable means that you need to make sure it is connected, the router is malfunctioning or some kind of work on the part of the provider. In the second option, it is advisable to make sure that such a device is working, in the third, contact the technical support service for clarification.
  5. The absence of any icons in the window usually means that the PC does not see the network card in use. You need to go to the device manager, go to the parameters of such equipment and update the driver.

In some cases, the user can observe on the screen that everything seems to be normal, but, nevertheless, in reality, the Internet does not work for him via Wi-Fi, cable or in any other way. If so, then a transition to the next stage is required.

Treatment method

The owner of the PC is required to implement the following instructions:

  1. Recheck all cables for correctness and integrity. It is better to turn them off and then put them back in place.
  2. Restart the router by pressing a special button on the body of such a product. Check its settings according to the instructions from the model manufacturer.
  3. Contact the representatives of the provider company and find out - perhaps the reason for the lack of communication is precisely from their side. If so, wait for the repair or maintenance work to be carried out.

The next step is to recheck the settings. This requires:

  1. Right-click on the Internet connection icon and go to properties.
  2. Select "IP version 4" from the offered list. Go to its properties through a dedicated button.
  3. Put in manual mode DNS server addresses to "" and "".
  4. If these numbers are already present, then stop at the automatic detection option.
  5. Through the "Start" button, go to the control panel and go to the "Internet Options". Further into connections and settings.
  6. If there are checkmarks in one of the items, deactivate them all. If they are absent initially - put only on against the automatic detection function.

The occurrence of such a nuisance after reinstalling the operating system

A very common case - the user just put new system, he wants to start the planned actions, but he cannot connect to the Network. Usually, normal OS installation packages already install everything needed for this in a standalone mode.

However, sometimes manual installation may be required:

  1. Press the already known combination of two keys (Win and the English "P") and drive in "devmgmt.msc".
  2. Thus, a person will immediately gain access to network devices.
  3. For all those required from the list, it is advisable to install the current drivers by going to the properties menu of these systems.
  4. It is almost always sufficient to specify as the installation path the file package that was used to install the new operating system.
    With absence necessary components you will have to download them from the Web using other equipment.

Card activation via BIOS

It so happens that in order to gain access to the vast Global web, a person needs to initially activate the network card in BIOSe:

  1. Start restarting the technique.
  2. Click on "Del" to launch the BIOS menu.
  3. Find the point where there is one of the words: "Lan", "NIC" or "Ethernet".
  4. They can usually be found in the categories of device configuration, integrated peripheral devices or in Advanced.
  5. Change the value to "Enabled".
  6. Save the changes made and reload the equipment.

Make sure everything is working properly.

If there is no Internet connection, then this unpleasant circumstance can be preceded by many different problems, ranging from a broken cable to the software of the equipment. For example, the most common reasons for not having a network are: incorrect settings router, damaged cable, or difficulty with the Internet provider, etc.

Therefore, the most important thing is to identify the reasons why there is no Internet in the computer, and only by finding out they can effectively solve the problem that has arisen.

It may just be necessary to replace the cable with a new one and the problem will be eliminated immediately. Below in the article, a computer user will find several common situations due to which it is not possible to connect to the network, as well as specific recommendations on what to do in this case.

Where to start to act?

If you cannot connect to global network, then the stage of manifestation of the problem should be identified. Perhaps the Internet disappeared after installing a program, replacing equipment and cables, or after an incident latest updates computer software? If the user answers this question positively, then it is required to determine these changes. Also, it often happens that the connection disappears after the intervention of the PC owner himself, for example, if he changed the router, i.e. the reason for the malfunction in this device, if you replaced the cable, then the reason is also obvious.

Internet provider

The very first in the chain is the Internet provider at the opposite end of the cable, so let's start with him. Often the network is missing due to a problem with the provider. First of all, it is necessary to make sure that the payment by the user for the services provided by the Internet provider is timely.

If everything is in order here, then you need to find out if the connection was lost before, for example, to talk to neighbors if they have the same provider, and if they have access to the network now. At frequent problems on the part of the provider, the user has no choice but to conclude an agreement with another provider.

Cause analysis in a communication tool

Sometimes the modem notifies the owner of the computer about errors, thus stopping access to the Internet. It is necessary to identify the meaning of the errors issued by the modem. Defects in connections are especially common (cables, plugs, connections, not enough good contacts And much more). It is recommended to check them by disconnecting and reconnecting them or replacing them with new units. If the reason for the lack of Internet in the modem, then you will have to use the services service repair... In case of defects in the cable or connecting elements, they must be replaced with new ones.

When using wireless communication, there are operating system displays the notification "No Internet connection". In this case, the task is usually solved by updating the modem drivers. It is recommended to analyze the technical serviceability of the equipment (whether there is a burnt board, whether liquid has spilled onto the device, etc.).

A computer

If there are no questions to the Internet provider, and the modem is working well, then you should look at the computer itself. If the user has recently installed a new OS and then the Internet connection is lost, then you just need to make some settings.

It is required to perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. Open the "control panel" through the "Start" menu;
  2. Next, click on "network and Internet" and through it go to the "control center. networks and general. access ";
  3. A window with information about the network and connections will be displayed. It is recommended to analyze the parameters here: network map, active networks, local network. Find out if there are any changes;
  4. Enter the "troubleshoot" tab, even if the problems are not fixed, the user will have more information;
  5. Open the tab "changing adapter parameters", through it you can enable network connections, analyze whether it is disabled, if so, you need to enable it;
  6. We recommend that you try a new connection.


If the computer, the modem function perfectly and there are no comments to the provider, but the router still does not connect, then there is a high probability of the reason for the lack of Internet in this particular device. First you need to find out when it disappeared wireless connection WiFi. The device may have been broken or the settings have changed.

If there are mechanical defects, you will have to use the services service center... If there is a failure in the router settings, the user needs to do the procedure for setting up the router software. To do this, enter the device parameters (using the address or, and entering the code and name "admin"). Check if the router is connected to the Internet, etc.

Change connection method to dynamic IP

IP is the identifier of the user on the Internet. Changing the connection method helps if the PC is able to directly connect to the Internet, but an error occurs when connecting through a router. This mostly happens due to address conflicts. What to do in such a situation?

It is necessary to take the following sequential steps:

  1. Enter the "control panel" through the "Start" button;
  2. Summon context menu at the point "connection by local network"And click on the line" properties ";
  3. A menu of properties will be displayed, through it you need to call the context menu on the section "Internet protocol" and again click on the line "properties";
  4. Next, in the menu that appears, change the IP or check the box “get an IP address automatically”.

Change router IP

Since the router operates locally, it can have any "IP", but it still sometimes happens that the ip conflicts with each other. Let's take a TP-LINK router as an example.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

The problem with MAC addresses

MAC can be called a kind of passport or identity network card... If there are 2 identical "MAC" in the same network of the Internet provider, errors occur and as a result, some of the owners of the computer loses the connection to the Internet. The reasons may be in the address of the router and in the address of the network card of the PC.

If the user is dealing with 1 case, then you need to take the steps described in the above section on replacing the IP router.

Different router models require different steps.

For example:

  1. If the user " Zyxel Keenetic", Then in the" Internet "tab, click on" connection ". Next, in the displayed menu, find the item "apply MAC" and specify for it - "from the computer", then click on "Apply" and reboot the router;
  2. If the user has "D-Link", then you need to go along the same path of the above router and then click "Manual Internet Connection Setup". Then click on "Clone MAC Address";
  3. If the user has “ASUS, then open the“ IPConfig ”tab and go to the“ WAN & LAN ”section. Then, in the lower part of the VAN and LAN window, in the MAC line, enter the required and click on "Apply".

Replacing the PC MAC will require the following operations:

  1. First, you need to define the MAC. To this end, through the "Start" enter the "Standard" section and run " command line". Then enter "cmd" and press "Enter";
  2. In the displayed program menu, type "getmac", click "Enter". After that, the user's MAC will be displayed;
  3. Then through the "Start" enter the "Control Panel" and click "Network Connections". In the window "settings wireless adapter"Specify the required adapter and by calling the context menu click on the" Properties "line. Then click on the "Configure" button;
  4. Enter the "Additional" tab and click on "Locally Administered Address", then in the "value" section type the address that is recognized using the command line and click on "Ok".

If all attempts of the user were unsuccessful

Of course, it happens that all the above actions do not lead to success and the computer, for some reason, does not have access to the network. There can be many reasons why this happens. What to do in this case? If the Internet is still not available after all the operations, then it is recommended to start solving the problem through the provider. Experts can do free consultations for clients and often quickly find the reasons why the user has no network. As a rule, they very soon deal with problems, whether they are in a cable or LAN, etc., so that the owner of the computer quickly ceases to be tormented by the situation when there is no access to the network.

Solving the problem through a professional master

A significant number of users prefer to do everything through professional specialists and call craftsmen who have a rich store of knowledge, experience and the necessary components and tools for repairing (from cable to screwdriver), which an ordinary user does not always have at his disposal. But some people still prefer to get out on their own, and this guide should help them with that.

Internet connection problem can occur under different circumstances. This could be due to a problem with the cable, wrong setting modem or router, or problems arising directly from the provider providing Internet access.

All problems, with the exception of the last one, can be corrected by yourself. To begin with, the main thing is to understand what exactly caused the malfunction, and further actions will depend on this.

What means

Often, when you turn on the device, you may find that there is no connection.

This is indicated by the following signs.:

The list contains the most common symptoms. The presence of one of them indicates that there was some kind of failure in network settings or hardware... To eliminate it, let's find out the cause first.


If your device works over WiFi, then first of all you need to check the router.

In this case, the reasons may be as follows:

  1. power failures of the router associated with overload or cable defects;
  2. problems in the software (for example, the wireless driver has crashed);
  3. a malfunction of the router itself (the contacts on the microcircuit burned out, the socket was damaged, the firmware flew off).

The same problems can occur with the modem and adapter wireless network(it is built-in on most laptops). Often, an error can occur in the operation of a program provided by an Internet service provider. But faults do not necessarily originate in the hardware of the internet connection.

Reasons not related to modem and router:

Having figured out what was the reason, you can start to eliminate them.

Solutions to the error "no internet connection"

The first thing to do is let the computer solve the problem on its own. Find in the lower right corner of the screen and right-click on the network icon or WiFi access icon and select "Troubleshoot".

After verification, a notification about the results will appear in the window that appears. Sometimes such actions immediately solve the problem with the connection, but if the system still does not find any problems, you will have to find out on your own why there is no Internet connection.

Follow these steps:

  1. check all the connected cables and the jacks in which they are located (the modem or router must be connected to a working telephone line, and also correctly installed to your computer or laptop);
  2. restart the router or modem, or reset their parameters with the button (as a last resort, you can turn off the power for a few seconds);
  3. check additional software for a modem or router (as a rule, a CD with drivers is included in the package).

However, the problem may not always be so simple, and much more serious steps will have to be taken to solve it.

Video: what to do if there is no Internet connection

Changing the method of connecting to the network to Dynamic IP

An IP address is a kind of user's passport for accessing the Internet. Changing the connection method is necessary in cases where the computer can directly connect to the network, but it gives an error through the router, or does not connect at all.

This could be caused by an address conflict.


Changing the IP address of the router

The router participates only in the work of the local network and does not go beyond it, so absolutely any IP address can be assigned to it. However, this does not exclude the possibility of IP-address conflicts.

Procedure for a routerTP-LINK:

Cloning the MAC address

MAC address is unique identificator network card. Meeting two identical MAC addresses from one provider can cause errors and lead to the fact that one of the users will not be able to connect to the Internet.

The problem can arise both in the address of the router and in the address of the computer's network card.

For the first case, you need to do the same as for changing the IP address of the router.

After you have entered the configuration service, different actions follow for different routers:

In order to change the MAC address of a computer or laptop, you first need to:

Change MTU (Maximum Allowed Packet Size)

Maximum transmission unitmaximum size packet of data transmitted over the network.

Appointed in connection with:

  1. the need to reduce the time for transferring information in case of packet loss or defects;
  2. reducing the waiting time for sending subsequent packets;
  3. insufficient network buffers for large blocks of information.

For regular user the need to change the value appears extremely rarely, but if the connection problem has not been resolved, and others possible options no, you have to get here too.

You can customize the packet size:

  1. via the command line (via the ifconfig command). By default, it is the largest possible size to achieve maximum performance;
  2. in order to change it, go to the command line and enter the following:
  • ifconfig fddiO netmask mtu 1500, where the last number defines the maximum allowable packet size.

Any problems with the connection on your side can be corrected with your own hands, but sometimes unforeseen situations happen that so many a specialist can handle. In case this article did not help you, try contacting your provider for help.