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What is a Router Dir 320 NRU. Changing the system parameters of the router


In order to get to the web interface of the router, you need to open your internet browser and in the address string to dial 192. 168.0.1, Username - admin. , Password - admin. (Provided that the router has factory settings, and its IP has not changed).

Changing the factory password

Default: Login admin., Password admin..

System (System), Menu Administrator Password (Administrator Password).

In field NEW PASSWORD Enter new password.

In field Confirm Password) repeat new password.

After that, the router will suggest re-entering its settings.

Connecting Internet Connection

In the router interface you need to go to the tab Net, Menu Compound (Here you can add, edit and delete connections). Click on the button Add.

Configuring PPPOE Connection

  1. In the field, select PPPoe
  2. In field MAC
  3. Your login from the contract
  4. Password (password): Your password from the contract
  5. Repeat password
  6. Authentication Algorithm: AUTO.
  7. Keep Alive.
  8. Leave the remaining fields by default

Setting up L2TP connection

Main settings

Specify the type of connection L2TP.

Name - Do not change the name

Allow - Leave a tick

Physical level

Physical interface - Port5.

MTU. - Leave without change

MAS - If the provider uses a binding to the MAS-address, write the MAC address of your network adapter. If there are no bindings, the field of mass; Leave unchanged.

Rest Main settings and Physical level Leave unchanged.

In the Setup field L2TP:

Connect automatically - Put a tick

How to set the name of the service - specify URL or IP

Service name - Propy the address VPN Server provider

PPP username - Push the login to access the Internet issued by the provider

Password - Push the password to access the Internet issued by the provider

Password confirmation - repeated password

Encryption - if the provider does not use MPPE encryption. Leave without encryption; If encryption is used, install MPPE AutoLi specify the type of encryption from the provider.

Algorithm authentication - Leave AUTO

Keepalive. - The connection will be permanently on.

MTU. - Change the value by 1450 or less

In field miscellanea Check the checkboxes NAT.and Network screen.

If the provider provides an Internet television service, check the checkbox Igmp.

Setting up PPTP (VPN) with automatic receipt of the local IP address (DHCP)

  1. In field Connection Type: Choose PPTP. (PPTP and L2TP - point-point tunnel protocols that allow the computer to install a secure connection to the server due to the creation of a special tunnel in a standard, unprotected network.)
  2. In field MAC Enter your number network card (you can find it in the connection state local network or through command line "IPCONFIG / All")
  3. PPP Username (PPP Username): Your login from the contract
  4. Password (password): Your password from the contract
  5. CONFIRM PASSWORD: Repeat password
  6. Service Name (Service Name): - IP / Provider Server Name
  7. Value MTU. - 1372
  8. Authentication Algorithm: AUTO.
  9. Keep Alive. - put a tick for permanent connection
  10. We save the settings with the reload router button.

NAT with automatic receipt of IP address (DHCP)

  1. In field Connection Type: Choose IPoe
  2. In field MAC Enter your network card number (you can find it in a local network connection state or via the "IPConfig / All" command line)
  3. In point IP Setup Choose get IP automatically
  4. In point IP Setup Choose get the address DNS automatically
  5. Save the settings button Save. And reboot the router.

Setting up Wi-Fi on the router

In the router interface you need to go to the tab Wi-Fi , Menu Basic Settings.

1. SSID. Your name is wireless network.

2. In the tab Wi-Fi, Select security settings.

3. In the drop-down list Network authentications: Network Authentication: Choose WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK Mixed - This is the most safe method Protect your wireless network.

In the Encryption key field PSK. You must enter any set of numbers, length from 8 to 63. They also need to be remembered so that you can specify them when connected to the network. Click on the button ChangeTo apply and save the settings.

Check the status of connecting to the Internet

In the router interface you need to go to the tab Status (Status),menu Network Statistics (Network Statics)

Saving / restoring the router settings

  1. Select Saving the current configuration, to save the current router settings, the settings file will be saved to the specified place on the hard disk.
  2. To restore settings from the file, you must click and select Loading early saved configuration into the device, Specify the path to the file with the settings, then click the button.

The DIR-320 router is the brainchild of the popular company "D-Link" - is a wireless router with a data transfer rate of 54 Mbps and Support "USB 2.0".

Unfortunately, at present this model already practically not relevant because specifications Router - according to current requests - leave much to be desired.

Therefore, relatively recently - in 2011, D-Link has released an updated "DIR-320 NRU" with support for WiMAX, 3G GSM, "CDMA" and data transfer speed up to 150 Mbps - for 2011 it is enough Good indicators.

Brief overview of the router DIR 320

A detailed list of technical characteristics of the router is presented in the following illustrations:

The housing of the router is made in black color with one external antenna and on right side router.

The indicator panel consists of 8 elements:

  • "Nutrition" - powered enabled / off;
  • "Internet" - if the indicator flashes - traffic is transmitted, if it is simply "burning" - the connection is established;
  • "Wireless Network" - Flashing - Data Transfer, "Light" is active;
  • "Local Network 1-4" - Flashing - Traffic Transfer, "burning" - on the corresponding port - network device connected;
  • "USB" - "burns" - the external USB device is connected, flashes - the connection is established.

Rear panel router dir. 320:

  • "LAN 1-4" - ports for connecting network devices;
  • "Internet" - port for connecting to "Ethernet line" or DSL modem;
  • "USB" - port for connecting USB modems;
  • "5V-2A" - connector for connecting the power adapter;
  • "Reset" is a button with which the factory settings are reset.

How to configure Internet connection on the D LINK DIR 320 router?

Prepare a contract with the service provider in advance, since the authorization data required to configure the Internet connection will be specified in it.

To go to the router settings, you need to connect the D LINK DIR 320 router to and B. address line Browser enter the address When requesting a login and password, enter "Admin / Admin".

If your router has been in operation before, it is necessary to reset its configuration to the factory using the RESET button. Otherwise, authorization errors may occur (for example, an invalid login and password will be specified) and problems with the device setup.

Below is presented appearance Router interface D LINK DIR 320 from version of "1-2-94", which is the default stock.

After the first login to the Web interface, you need to change the administrator password (in order to protect the network from a possible unauthorized login), then click the "Save" button.

To create a new Internet connection, open the "Network" section, then "Connection", click the Add button and do the following:

  • "Name" - Leave unchanged;
  • "Connection Type" - This parameter depends on authorization data from the contract with the provider.

Select one of the options:


  • in the PPP Setup unit, enter the "username" and "password" (twice);
  • tick \u200b\u200bthe checkbox: "Keep Alive" - \u200b\u200bSupport Connection, NAT and "Network Screen";
  • optionally, you can enable "Debugging PPP" - the introduction of debugging records for the connection and "PPPOE promotion".


  • install the checkboxes in the "Get IP Address automatically" lines and "Get the DNS address - Server automatically" address ";
  • "Vendor ID" - if required by the provider.


  • if you need that the connection is automatically conducted - select "Connect automatically";
  • "Service Name" - Enter the IP or URL address of the authentication server;
  • specify the "username" and "password";
  • in the "Encryption" string, select one of the options: "off", "MPPE 40/128 bit", "MPPE 40 bit" or "MPPE 128 bits".


  • in the "Mode" row, select - "Auto";
  • authorization data is filled by analogy with the above;
  • "APN" - the name of the access point;
  • "Dial number" is a number for connecting to the operator authorization server.

WiFi Setup on Router d Link Dir 320

To configure the wireless network, select " General settings"And click" Enable wireless connection».

  • specify in the "SSID" line, the name of the network being generated;
  • "Country" and " Wireless mode" - without changes;
  • in the "Channel" line - select or "Auto" or from 1 to 13;
  • if you plan to limit the number of network connections - specify the desired number in the "Maximum number of customers" string.

After that, open "Security Settings".

Select one of the proposed options in the "Network Authentication" line:

but). "Open", "Shared" or "WEPAUTO"

b). "Open-IEEE8021X"

c) "WPA-PSK", "WPA2-PSK" or "WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK Mixed"

Depending on the selection, enter the security key that will be required for the subsequent connection. wiFi devices to the wireless network.

Setup IPTV.

Please note that the "IPTV" section is only in versions of "1_3_3" and "1_4_0".

Settings are held in the "IPTV Settings Wizard" menu.

Here you only need to select the port number to which the television prefix is \u200b\u200bconnected.

  • click "Add";
  • "Type" - for "IPTV" select "Transparent";
  • "VLAN ID" indicate if this is required by the provider;
  • in the "Port" row, select the port number to which the prefix is \u200b\u200bconnected.

To complete the ROTEER settings D LINK DIR 320, click "Save Changes".

In the version "1-2-94" section "IPTV Setup Wizard" is not. In the "Advanced" menu, check if "IGMP" is enabled:

Additional Router DIR 320 Router Features

As an additional settings, it is worth paying attention to "WMM" (Wi-Fi Multimedia). In short, this is a protocol for setting voice traffic priority (AC_VO), videoTrapp (AC_V), traffic from devices that do not have a QoS mechanism (AC_BE), and traffic that does not have any delay and performance requirements (AC_BK), before ordinary traffic passing through Wireless network.

  • "Aifsn" (the coefficient of variable intercadron interval): the smaller the value, the higher the priority;
  • CWMIN / CWMAX (minimum and maximum size Competitive access windows);
  • "TXOP" (the ability to transfer data);
  • "ACM" (mandatory control of admission);
  • "ACK" (confirmation of reception).

Big difference in the external component " web interface»Between the versions" 1_2_94 "and" 1_3_3 "is not.

However, starting with the version "1_4_0" the router interface is more similar to: the main elements can be found in the following illustrations:

At home or in a small office. Moreover, with it, you can implement both the wireless connection of devices and using twisted pair. In the latter case, the restriction is superimposed: ports of only 4, which is so much the devices can be connected.


The next complete set boasts D-Link Dir-320:

    user's manual;

  • power supply with a non-removable cord and plug;

    meter twisted pair, compressed from two ends with appropriate tips;

    disk with drivers and electronic version of the documentation for the router.

Appearance and assignment of connection items, indication and management

The front part of the device withdraws the information panel, which consists of the following LED indicators:

    Power: in the process of operation, it glows continuously and indicates that the device is included in the network.

    Status: With the normal operation of the router, it constantly flashes. If the same glows continuously, then an error occurred and the device must be restarted.

    Internet: can simply continuously glow (if there is a connection, but in the absence of data exchange) or flash (if there is an connection and transmission of information).

    The following 4 ports are tied to wired. If you have a connection, they are continuously shining, and when exchanging the data flashes. If the port is not used during operation, the corresponding indicator is disabled.

    The last LED indicator is tied to the printer. It just burns continuously when the printing device is connected, and blinks during the document output.

The following communication and control elements are located on the back of the device:

    antenna wireless connection;

    uSB port To connect the printer;

    4 LAN ports to create a wired part of the LAN;

    input port for connecting twisted pair from the provider;

    power supply connections socket;

    rESET button to restart the router.

Selection of installation sites

At the first stage, we correctly choose a place to install and here is not so simple, as it seems at first glance. On the one hand, all wires should be approached to the place of installation of the router, there must be a socket for nutrition. On the other hand, the most correct router is located to the center of the room: this will provide excellent transmission speed and reception, the high level of the Wi-Fi signal. The router can also be distinguished near the metal sheets that can extinguish the wireless network signal. Stripping from the recommendations previously provided, you need to select the location of the router.

D-LINK DIR-320 sequence

The order of this model of the network device is as follows:

    we collect a temporary scheme for the initial setup;

    turn on the device and set it properly;

    we disassemble the temporary scheme;

    install the router on a permanent place;

    collect a constant scheme of a local computing network;

    turn on the router;

    we test the correctness of the setting in the wired network segment;

    check the performance of the Wi-Fi wireless network.

Router can be configured at a permanent location, provided that the computer is constantly connected to it wired method. Since this condition does not always be fulfilled, it is recommended to make a setting in 2 stages.

Temporary connection for configuration

The next step of configuring the D-Link DIR-320 router is a collection of a temporary schema for configuring a network device. To do this, set it next to a PC or laptop. Complete fascinated use to connect a computer and a router to connect. Its end is installed in the PC network card port, and the second in any of the 4 wired router ports (but not one that is intended to exchange data with the equipment of the provider). The power supply is installed in any nearest free outlet, and the cord from it in the power of the router power. Temporary scheme is ready.

Set the parameters

Now you need to set software d-LINK settings DIR-320. For this we do the following:

    turn on the connected computer and router;

    we wait for the end of the computer and the mains device;

    we launch any of the available browsers available on PC;

    in the address line of the browser, we gain a combination of digits (this is the network address of our router) and click Enter.;

    a request will appear in response with login and, of course, password. In the first field, enter Admin. The second field during the first launch is left blank. If this is not the first launch, we enter a password in the second field, which was previously set;

    in the configuration interface, the router settings select "Connection Wizard" item;

    then we set a new administrator password and confirm it if necessary;

    at the next step, you need to set the connection settings for the provider's network equipment. These data provides an Internet service provider, they are usually indicated in the contract. This includes a connection type (for example, PPPoE or L2TP), a login and password for installing the connection (if required), the network address is static or dynamic;

    after making everyone required settings Press the Connect button. Then there will be a reboot of the router;

    after rebooting the router, we go in the previous way in the setup menu and select the "Wireless Setup Wire" item;

    then we specify the name of the wireless network at its discretion;

    the next step is set to a wireless network password. Again, at its discretion;

    we maintain changes and forcibly rebooting the router.

    Pre-tuning is over, you can turn off the computer and the network device and disassemble the temporary scheme.

    Install the router to a permanent place and connect

    Now install d-LINK router DIR-320 for a permanent place that best features previously provided conditions. Tighten all the wired communications here: vitua couple From the provider and other devices that are connected to the LAN in this way. In the Internet port, connect the incoming wire from the Internet service provider. In the remaining 4 ports, connect the equipment that will use a wired connection. The power supply is installed in the outlet, its cord to the jack of the router. After the complete collection of a permanent circuit and checking the correctness of the connections, turn on the router.

    Checking a wired LAN segment

    After the D-Link DIR-320 NRU router is loaded, you can test the wired part of the LAN. To do this, on any computer connected to the router using a twisted pair, go into the network settings (Start \\ Control Panel \\ Network Connections). Next, create a new connection and save it. Close all windows. Run any browser and enter any Internet address and press ENTER. After that should open start page. If this did not happen, check the settings that must be configured to automatically receive the network address.

    We test the wireless part of the local computing network

    Next it is necessary to check the performance of the wireless wiFi connections. The D-Link DIR-320 router allows you to transfer information at speeds up to 54 Mbps. The order of connection in this case is such:

      The router must be enabled and in operation, and not at the download stage.

      On any mobile device Activate the Wi-Fi transmitter.

      We go to the "Device settings", select WLAN and click on the "Search" button. At its end, a complete list of all available wireless LANs will appear.

      We choose exactly the network whose name was set at the setup stage and connect to it. After the request for entering the password, we enter it. It is important not to confuse the administrator password on the D-Link DIR -320 and password to access the wireless network. You must enter the second one, and they must be different.

      In the future, the color of the Wi-Fi indicator should change: two triangles should appear on it.


    After configuring the D-Link DIR-320 router, this network device will serve you not one year. This operation, as a rule, has to be performed only when the equipment is first started. In the future, it functions with specified values, and any problems with it should not be.

The D-Link DIR-320 router is considered one of the most popular. The situation is not rare when the Router D Link is buying, will bring home, and then calls the Internet provider and says: "That's, I bought and not configure." Consider brief specifications and appearance.

Appearance and characteristics

Regarding the characteristics, there is little that can be said, because all routers are extremely similar. The standard wireless network 802.1g / b is used. On a Wi-Fi router, in addition to LAN ports, there is 1 USB port. The antenna on the modem is removable. To be more accurate, then it is only one antenna. The device itself supports PPPOE, L2TP, PPTP connection protocols.

On the front of the apparatus there are various indicators, light bulbs that allow you to monitor the state of those or other characteristics:

  • First there is a standard power indicator showing whether the router is enabled
  • Next, indicators showing the status of the Internet, Wi-Fi wireless network.
  • After there are 4 indicators of local ports. They show if there is any connection of the router via the LAN cable, and if so, then through which port.
  • The last USB indicator, which shows whether the USB port is enabled.

On the back of the apparatus there are various ports and connectors in which you need to insert cords and cables for proper Installation:

  • First there is one antenna that allows communication to get further around the house or apartment.
  • Then there is one USB connector, it has a green stroke.
  • Then there are 4 blue local ports, they are needed to attach with the LAN cable.
  • Then one WAN or Internet connector for connecting the Internet to our modem.
  • The penultimate connector is needed to connect the power supply.
  • The last button is signed as "Reset". It is needed to reset the settings, using it to reset the password. The button is located inside the hole, which protects it from accidental press, because after resetting the password, the router has to configure again.

Installing the router

Before you configure anything, the modem needs to be unpacked and installed on a convenient place for us. It is important that the rosette was near, so that I got the Internet cable there, so that there was a PC nearby.

There is nothing complicated in the installation. For the correct installation, you just need to connect the electricity to the router, attach the computer and the Internet through the cords. Internet cable is provided by Internet company. At this stage, the configuration and installation D Link DNS on the required place ended.

Full setting of the router

Before starting to configure the Internet and wireless network, before setting up a D LINK DIR 320 router, we need to check if the computer is connected correctly to the modem.

Check compound

To check the computer connection that works on the operating room windows system 7, we need to go to "Start", then in the standard computer control panel. (It's easier to do as in the instructions in screenshots, it will help you configure D Link Dir 320).

Now we need to choose "View network status and tasks."

After you have chosen the necessary item, we need to click "Change the parameters of the adapter".

Now you need to look at the "Local Connection" properties.

We need to be viewed whether the properties of the Internet protocol version 4 are standing there.

Here we put ticks if they are not, all opposite automatic settinglike a screenshot. And click "OK".

In the event that you have Windows 10 on your PC, then follow another instruction. "Start", and then you need to click on "Parameters".

Click on subparagraph "Network and Internet".

On the left in the menu you need to click on Ethernet, then we look at the adapter parameter setting, as in the first instruction.

Now also see the properties of the LAN network.

We see properties for the fourth version.

Again, install automatic configurations and click "OK".

Now we are confident that the connection is working properly if not, then update by software. And on the updated router now you can already perform some actions.

Configuring Internet Connection

To do any next stepsWe need to enter the router settings. This happens through the browser, we go to or - these are sites. This should be done on a PC, which has no connection to the Internet.

In that window, which has revealed, we are offered to enter Login & Password. According to the standard, the name and password are identical to Admin.

Now we entered the center of all configurations, we need to change the language of the interface into Russian, so it was easier. In the upper right corner, where Languag, choose "Russian".


Consider standard setting PPPoE. The latter is the type of compound, it needs to be clarified by the provider. All important information By setting can be in the contract. So, first of all, look there.

In the "Network" block we click on WAN. In the window, which was discovered just that, you need to click "Add". Here we do as shown in the screenshot.

The connection type must be selected PPPoE, or the one that is registered by the Internet company in your contract.

Then you specify the username and password, they are numbered 2 and 3.4. This data is in the contract with the Internet company.

After that, click "Apply". Now online should appear on your computer.

PPTP with a dynamic address

First, to execute debugs, we need to follow the WAN link, which is in the "Network" block. On the new Stanza, click "Add".

1. Connection type, as in the name of this subparagraph, PPTP with a dynamic address.

3. Then we need to specify the username and password. These data must be provided by the provider.

4. Also itself and with the VPN server. It must be provided by the provider.

5. Click apply.

PPTP with static address

In order to configure the static connection, you must add a new connection. It must be done in the WAN window, it is in the "Network" block. The connection type is chosen the one that we need is PPTP + static.

1. After you need to fill in the fields in IP item. All fields that are required to be completed must be spelled out. And the data we can request the provider, support services, or found in paper contracts.

2. Now settings of the VPN item. Immediately a tick opposite the automatic configuration. After prescribe all selected fields. This is the username and twice password, they must be in the contract. Like the address of the VPN server.

3. Click apply.

Setting up a wireless network

Configure Wi-Fi is even easier. To do this, select the basic settings in the Wi-Fi block (if you can't find, you first need to click on the advanced settings at the bottom of the page).

After you need to put a tick opposite "Enable Wireless Connection". Then you specify the necessary data. SSID is the name of your wai fi. Here we write any, just in English letters. Click "Apply."

Now you need to put a password on Wi-Fi. To pass the wi fi, select "Security Settings".

In the "Network Authentication" field, select WPA2-PSK. Encryption key, which is number 2, this is a wifi password. After the new password was introduced, we need to be preserved. To do this, click on "Save and reboot", it is at number 3.

Now all questions about how the router D Link DIR 320 NRU is configured, must disappear. Sometimes, before setting up a router, we need to learn how to flash the D LINK DIR 320 router. But about this, and how to create a network storage with a router D-LINK DIR, we will tell in another article.

Video on the topic

Quickly you internet!

The DIR-320 router, like many of his "300th" counterparts, actively displaces more modern DIR-6XX. It has a limited radius of Wi-Fi coating and highly trimmed speed characteristics. But for small cottages, apartments and DIR-300 offices - an adequate solution.

Description and parameters of the router D-Link DIR-320

The DIR-320 router is not much different from his fellows, for example, DIR-300: the same ports and connections from the back, the front panel front.

Extremely informative DIR-320 indication panel

One Wi-Fi antenna indicates a limited coverage area: the router can cover the area of \u200b\u200btwo three-bedroom apartments in a house of reinforced concrete or two neighboring floors in both directions.

DIR-320 "Dilvanism" can be increased only by using a special narrow (for detachable) antenna (for example, to cover the corridor or assembly hall).

From behind there is a USB port for external disks and printers. There are 5 LAN ports, one of them is designed for the provider cable.

One Wi-Fi antenna and modest multi-megabit

There is also a power connector and a reset button of the router settings protected from randomly pressed. The antenna is fixed on Wi-Fi radios near the USB port.

Table: DIR-320 router characteristics

ParameterValue or its tolerance
CPUBroadcom BCM5354 (240 MHz)
Flash disc4 MB
Standard, Range and Wi-Fi Speed802.11bgu Mixed (2.4 GHz), up to 54 Mbps
Standard I. bandwidth Ethernet802.1X, LAN / WAN speed up to 100 Mbps
Wi-Fi Radio System Protectionany encryption (up to WPA-2)
USB port, its functionsconnecting network drives and printers, connection 3G / 4G modem (third-party firmware)
Router hardware managementreset button of settings, disconnected power, WPS button
Network protocols and functionsstatic / Dynamic IP / DNS, PPPoE / PPTP (with DualAccess), L2TP, DHCP Server, Mac Filter, NAT, SPI, Network Screen
Otherguest network Wi-Fi (support for up to 2 simultaneously working SSIDs)

In general, the DIR-320, despite the order of obsolete speed, is still able to solve a significant majority of tasks in the user, somehow: high-speed wireless Internet based on PON / 3G / 4G on Wi-Fi at a speed of up to 50 Mbps, comfortable Working with disks and PCs connected via DIR-320 into a single network.

The first inclusion and verification of the connection with DIR-320

First, make sure that the IP settings in the PC from which you configure the connection to the router are correct. As an example - verification with using windows 10.

With any, even incomplete changes, at least one of the IP addresses, you should restart Windows.

The router also tries to connect to the network using default settings - as a rule, it is accessible with dynamic IP. Turn on Also open network Wi-Fi named in DIR-320_ format<концовка_MAC-адреса>" If there is no connection to the Internet, and you do not plan to make your traffic available to everyone around - it's time to do the configuration of the DIR-320 seriously.

Extended setting DIR-320

As an example, various options for the DIR-320 web interface (up to four). It is not a problem to reflash the router by anyone like, if it is compatible with the DIR-320.

Change Admin Password on DIR-320

First of all, connect yourself by changing the DIR-320 password on your DIR-320 on your own.

DIR-320 will restart. To further configure the router, log in again by the installed password.

Setting up LAN and DHCP on DIR-320

Do not rush to connect the provider cable to the WAN jack - before you go online, configure the local network, somehow: LAN functionality, DHCP, Wi-Fi functions, etc. This will allow you not to repeat the same actions twice.

The DIR-320 router will restart with new IP settings. Your PC or laptop from which the settings are made will reconnect automatically to the router.

Wi-Fi setting on DIR-320

Wi-Fi makes it possible to connect to the router not only PCs and laptops, but also smartphones and tablets.

More and more people refuse home PCs, preferring to use tablets and smartphones even to solve business issues. Your humble servant writes articles from a Windows tablet to which a common keyboard and a mouse running on Bluetooth are relying; 4G-access is allowed through one of d-Link routers Dir.

Make the following.

The router will restart with new Wi-Fi settings. Connect to all PCs and gadgets by entering just set password WPA-2 from your network.

Setting up PPPoE connection on the DIR-320 router

PPPoE - a high-speed connection protocol with a login and password authorization. PPPoE communication is used both in cable and fiber optic and in cellular networks.

The router will automatically enter the network (after a possible restart).

Setting L2TP communication on the DIR-320 router

It will be suitable for setting up from the DIR-620 model - it is identical to the 320th.

The router reconnects to the L2TP network with the specified settings.

Setting up PPTP communication with a provider on DIR-320

PPTP, like L2TP, is a variety of VPN encryption. Facilitates Internet censorship in a particular country - for example, if access to the P2P protocol (BitTorrent, EDONKEY, DirectConnect (++) and similar services of peergaging networks are closed. Roughly speaking, if the provider closed torrents - and the desire to download something volumetric from the torrent tracker is left.

The DIR-320 will enter the network using the PPTP connection.

Setting up static IP on DIR-320 router

If you are connected to the "Static IP" service, you will need the corresponding setting on the DIR-320 router. This service allows you to access your local network from the Internet (from any place), for example, to organize video surveillance for your office or an enterprise from home.

As an example, the updated D-Link interface.

  1. Give the "Network - Connection" command and select WAN profile, click the Add button.

    Create a new profile in the DIR-320 settings

  2. In the main settings, select the IPOE protocol and 5th (physical) port, check the MAC address (if specified in the contract - it must match) and enter the MTU value, smaller 1450.

    Specifying port and Mac for Static IP

  3. In additional settings, specify the main IP received from the provider, as well as the DNS address.

    Assignment of the IP Gateway and DNS addresses

  4. In secondary settings, enable the NAT, IMGP function and network screen, click the Save button.

    Turning on additional features Static IP, including for IPTV

  5. Click the "Save" button again - already in the connection profile selection menu.

    Check and save the STATIC IP profile in DIR-320

The DIR-320 router will be released using static IP issued by the provider.

Video: Internet configuration on DIR-320

Setting up IP television on the DIR-320 router

IPTV service is supported by all providers supporting an ultrahigh-speed Internet connection to the fiber optic cable. Technology (G) PON allows you to get a speed of 35-300 Mbps (tariffs for ultra-speed unlimited Internet In 2017-2018).

  1. On the router it is desirable to include a composite protocol, for example, PPTP with dual access (in already familiar connection settings).

    Not all DIR-320 web interfaces are limited to the choice of LAN ports for IPTV

  2. Check the familiar LAN and DHCP settings.
  3. Give the command "Optional - Additional settings"And turn on (or check the presence)" UPNP "(the function facilitates the configuration of the devices in a pending one-to-peer network)," Ping polling on the WAN network.

    Enabling advanced IPTV functions

  4. Check out the availability of the WAN port autotlow mode in the router, also include the "Multi-Threadable Broadcast" functions and "Superior Wireless Mode". The latter is necessary if the IPTV prefix has a USB port for connecting external module Wi-Fi or built-in wi-Fi adapter. Click the Save Settings button.
  5. Check that you enabled the RTSP protocol, by giving the "Advanced Settings - Network Screen and DMZ" command.

    Completion of IPTV settings on DIR-320

  6. Click the Save Settings button in this window.

The router is ready to work with IPTV service.

The RTSP protocol is one of the multimedia broadcasting protocols on the network. Many players work on it - from Windows Media Player. In Windows to the RealPlayer program, applied on smartphones Nokia. running Symbian. It is similar to the main HTTP protocol - now it uses it, along with the IGMP protocol, the service "IP-television" (earlier, RTSP was used in Mobile TV from MegaFon, who worked back in 2G / EDGE networks).

Connect the IPTV console to any of the router LAN ports, turn on the monitor. The list of available TV channels should be displayed on the screen, select any of them.

Ports of ports through the DIR-320 router

Routher ports are needed, for example, when you distribute torrents, or install game Server On the local network.

The latter used to be widely used in the Internet cafe, where there were network games one of the services. Through the PC "Admin" or the LAN router, a port program was carried out.

As an example, the updated D-LINK web interface. Make the following.

  1. Switch to advanced settings and give the command Firewall - Virtual servers. "

    Select Advanced Settings for DIR-320 Ports

  2. Add a new profile virtual Server Dir.

    Click the Add New Settings button.

  3. Assign the initial and end port that set the range of "Problem" values.

    You will have a new profile responsible for the ports

The router will restart with new settings. Selected ports will be open to all PCs and gadgets connected to the Internet.

Configuring the repeater on the DIR-300 router

Full operation in repeater mode on DIR-3XX routers is not possible without a third-party firmware (OpenWRT, DD-WRT programs and their analogues). But set up a router as a "client with a Wi-Fi distributor" can be.

As an example, the classic B-LINK web interface, widely used during the peak period of the popularity of DIR-3XX routers. The sequence of actions is true for some DIR-6XX models.

The DIR-320 router will restart in the bridge mode, connect to another router, the parameters of which it is configured, and will be released on its Internet Wi-Fi.

The repeater mode allows you to create a relay network. Wi-Fi any length and topology. You can significantly save on the laying "Twisted Couple" and Wolves, organizing the Wi-Fi radio access to the use of directed antennas and heights that dominate the surrounding area.

Reset, save, preload settings and restart DIR-320

To reset the DIR-320 settings to the factory, not only the reset button, located behind, but also the submenu of the appropriate settings. In the updated web interface, give the "Settings - System - Configuration" command.

Use all these DIR-320 settings control buttons

To reset the settings, the "Factory Settings" button serves. To save the current settings, use the appropriate button. Equally, how to restart the router there is a "Reload" button.

To save the fully current configuration in separate file., click " Backup copy"And select a place to save the file. To preload previously saved configuration, use the Overview button with the file path indication panel, from which this copy of the settings will be downloaded to the DIR-320.

DIR-320 firmware update

Unlike the current routers, in which the update wizard itself downloads and installs last version The firmware, the DIR-3XX series devices use the old method - loading over the "wire" in advance of the downloaded firmware file.

The firmware will be loaded into the router's memory. When restarting the DIR-320 will update its firmware. Perhaps the functional of the router will expand - functions will be available that did not have before, for example, an improved and more understandable configuration of the DIR-320 in the repeater mode.

Video: Updating Firmware DIR-320 on Side Ledeproject