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A detailed guide to using Microsoft Word. A Detailed Guide to Using Microsoft Word How to Move Text Using the Ruler

A new version of the famous office suite Microsoft. Updates did not pass by the powerful text editor Word. In this article, using the example of drawing up instructions, we will consider the main innovations and changes in this component.

The beginning of time

For those not yet accustomed to the ribbon menus of newer versions of Office, the bad news is that Microsoft intends to implement them everywhere. But it is only a couple of days to work with such a tape, and you completely wean from the old idea of \u200b\u200bthe office. In Office 2010, the developers gave even more attention to the ribbon, significantly redesigning start pageby making the "File" tab. It contains all the settings and options for Word.

The first item "Information" reflects all the properties of the document, as well as the parameters of its protection and restrictions on working with it. The second is "The Last". Here are all the latest open documentsand with right side there is a list of places in which they are located, the so-called fast access to the directories where the files are located.

The third item is “Create”. This is a collection of templates, which contains various templates: envelopes, questionnaires, resumes and much more. In addition to the built-in templates, the user has the opportunity to find the blanks he needs on the official website of the company, especially for this there is a built-in search field on the site.

One of the most noticeable is the "Print" item, which greatly simplifies the work with printers. All the main parameters of print management are placed on this page, so the user does not have to dig in a heap dialog boxesto find “those” settings. Everything is clearly laid out on the shelves. The number of copies, the choice of the printer, the print parameters - all this is in plain sight.

The last item "Save and Send" is an innovation that was not in Office 2007. Starting with the new version of the office, Microsoft decided to create the most favorable environment for transferring documents and creating a document with general access... Now several people can work on the same document - of course, this find is not new, but still it deserves praise. And it became easier to transfer files to colleagues: automatic conversion to PDF, sending to the specified email address.

Text Formatting Features in Word 2010

In the new word versions 2010 greatly expanded the possibilities of text formatting. A prime example is creating text glow, shading and reflection. This module is called "Animation Options", it is very similar to all the familiar Word Art, which was present in previous versions, but has significant differences. Text to which one of the types of animation is applied - glow, shadow, reflection - can be edited like any other text in the document. That is, the program recognizes it not as an image, but as plain text.

To apply one of these settings to the text, you need to select a section of text, go to "Main → Font" and on already on open tab find the letter "A" highlighted in blue. In the drop-down menu, you will be offered one of the design styles, as well as individual options for shadow, glow and reflection. These effects are similar in function to the same effects that previously could only be applied to images.

The second improvement to text formatting is the ability to format OpenType fonts. These fonts were developed by Microsoft and Adobe and until recently were used only in professional applications. With their help, it became possible to work with ligatures (several characters connected to each other), as well as change existing fonts. For this purpose, a special section on setting up OpenType fonts has been created in the Font dialog box on the Advanced page.

Also introduced is such a concept as stylistic sets. These are new features for editing fonts that affect the characteristics of characters - for example, their elongation. Choosing one of the stylistic options, you slightly change the font, thereby choosing the best and most liked one.


An example of preparing a document will serve as instructions for working with a text editor Word. In our case, the instruction is taken from the official Microsoft website and will consist of separate articles, which together will make it up. First, let's copy the text from the company's website. In Word 2010, the insert function has been improved, the user, when clicking on the insert shortcut, can quickly select the parameters of the inserted object: keep the original formatting, combine formatting, keep only the text. If after pasting you press ctrl key, then using the arrows you can switch the insert mode, immediately observing the result. The Enter key confirms the selection.

All basic settings for editing text are located on the "Home" tab. The first thing we will do is change the font of the text in the "Font" section to Times New Roman, and set its size to 14.

Next, let's choose a one and a half interval. The "spacing" button is located in the "Paragraph" section and is an icon with several lines and two vertical arrows. Select the text and click on this button, after which a list will appear consisting of numeric line spacing parameters - set the value to 1.5.

To keep the text in the document nice and not torn, it needs to be aligned. For the design of abstracts, articles and other documents for the main text, "Justification" is most often used. To apply alignment to the text, you need to select it and click on the "Width Alignment" button located in the "Paragraph" section. In this case, our text will be stretched to the width of the entire page, and its right side will be flat.

In order not to repeat these steps several times in each section, the easiest way is to create a new style... To do this, select a piece of text to which we have already applied the necessary formatting, go to the "Styles" and, expanding the entire list, we find the parameter "Create selected fragment as a new express style".

Click on it and in the window that appears, enter the name of our style, if necessary, you can immediately edit it by clicking on the "Change" button.

After the name has been specified, click the "OK" button, and our style will appear in the list of basic styles in Microsoft Word. Later it can be quickly applied to different parts of the text.

To focus the reader's attention on a specific phrase or important word, they can be highlighted in the text using bold, italic and underlined text. These elements are located in the "Font" section, the text color is also edited here. With the help of bold text, we will highlight the basic commands that are first encountered in the instructions, so that the user can easily find them in the already read text. We mark information from the "Attention!" Category in red, that is, the main mistakes that a user can make.

But the text editing is not over yet. We need to create bullet or numbered lists in the places where they are needed. To do this, select those lines that should later become a list, and in the "Paragraph" section, click on the "Marker" or "Numbering" button, depending on what we need. This is where we will finish editing the text and move on to inserting graphic elements into our document.

Inserting graphic elements

Any instruction should be supplied with explanatory pictures, and our instruction is no exception. Therefore, we go to the beginning of the document and, in order, begin to add images to it that illustrate the described actions. To insert an image into a document, go to the "Insert" tab, the "Illustrations" section, here we press the "Picture" button. An explorer will open, with which we must select the images to insert. We find it on our computer and click the "OK" button. After that, the image will be inserted where the cursor was.

You can change the parameters of the inserted image at any time. First, select the image by clicking on it with the left mouse button once and align it to the center. When the picture is selected, you will notice black cubes in its corners, which indicate the possibility of resizing. If you drag on the corners of the picture, it will change its size.

When an element is selected, a special tab "Picture Tools (Format)" is open, it contains all the image settings. In the section "Text wrapping" you can choose different options for the position of the picture in the text. In our case, it is necessary to mark "Top and Bottom", and it is desirable to indent after the image by pressing the Enter key.

In Word 2010, there is another such interesting function, like "Cropping Image", with its help you can not refer to graphic editors, and "on the fly" change the image by cropping those parts that should not appear in the document.

Also in the new version of the popular text editor the function of capturing the monitor screen appeared. It is located in the same section as Picture and is called Snapshot. When you run the function, you have to select the area of \u200b\u200bthe screen that you want to capture. After you “cut out” a part of the screen, this part will be automatically inserted where the cursor was. This new feature is very useful when writing instructions or explanatory articles where screenshots need to be inserted into the text. In our instructions, we will actively use this function and take several such screenshots.

In addition to it, Microsoft added interesting graphics and called them SmartArt. They are ready-made blocks, diagrams, arrows, made at a high level. When grouped correctly, these can be used to create professional illustrations. We will use this function to emphasize the interaction of elements and add a closed circuit to our instruction.

To do this, go to "Insert → Illustrations → SmartArt" and select the scheme you like from the elements that appear. After pressing the "OK" button, this picture will be automatically inserted into the document page where the cursor was. For each individual block there are editable fields, which allows you to spend less effort on the design, immediately starting to edit it. Let's fill in the text in each block, and this will complete the work with SmartArt elements.

Headers, footers and footnotes. To be or not to be?

As with any article, instruction or other material, we need to organize footnotes and create headers and footers. Footnotes are needed to indicate a description of a new term or an explanation of a statement. For example, in term papers and graduation projects for a student, the creation of footnotes and references is the main condition for the design of his scientific work. We will also follow this principle and create some footnotes in our text.

Suppose we have a quote indicating that the new version of Word has the ability to change certain parts of the image - for example, remove the background. First, we highlight the sentence that deals with this new function, then go to the "Links" section of the menu and select the "Insert footnote" item. After that, a footnote in the form of the number "1" will appear at the end of the sheet, here you can describe the thought in detail or indicate the source. We will write that this function appeared only in a new version and had not been used anywhere before. Now in the text you can notice that at the end of the sentence, just above the letters, there is a small number "1", which indicates the number of the footnote. If you hold down the Ctrl key and click on a sentence, then we will automatically be thrown to the footnote. Similarly, you can go back from the footnote to the text.

Headers and footers are designed to display brief information at the top or bottom of the page. Such information can be the title of a book, article, author's name, etc. In our instructions, we will create headers and footers for odd and even pages. To do this, you need to double-click on the upper empty area of \u200b\u200bthe page, so we will switch to the editing mode for headers and footers. On the settings panel, mark the item " Different headers and footers for even and odd pages ". After that, in addition to the text "header" Word will note which group it belongs to (odd or even). On the even pages we indicate “Brief instructions for working in Word 2010”, and on the odd ones - “Taken from the site of Microsoft”. You can exit editing mode by clicking on any area outside the header.

In addition to the settings for odd and even pages, you can create a special header and footer for the first page. Since it is almost always the title page, therefore, the header must be empty. When the footnotes and headers and footers are created, let's proceed to the crucial stage - creating a table of contents.

Everything is clear and on the shelves

After the headings are created, the design of the text and its main elements are highlighted - you can start creating the table of contents. It is organized literally in two clicks. Select the "Links" tab in the menu and find the "Table of Contents" there.

From the proposed templates, choose the one you like or edit the style of the table of contents for the design of the document. After we have selected a template, the table of contents will be inserted where the cursor was.

The title page is created in the same way. So, open "Insert → Title Page". Here, as with the table of contents, you can choose a template. Advantage ready-made templates in that they help to save time and at the same time you do not have to deal with formatting the text and its arrangement on the sheet, everything is done automatically. We indicate the name of our instructions, authorship and year. This concludes our work - the instruction is ready for use.


In this article, we looked at some new microsoft capabilities Word 2010 and also learned how to create a guide. Based on the experience gained, you can easily issue a diploma, abstract or book - everything is done by analogy with the example given. You only need a text editor Word 2010, from partners of the 1Soft network.


Microsoft Office 2010. Self-instruction book (Y. Stotsky, A. Vasiliev, I. Telina)

ISBN: 78-5-49807-947-9
Format: PDF, OCR without errors
Y. Stotsky, A. Vasiliev, I. Telina
Year of issue: 2011
Genre: Textbooks, reference books, encyclopedias
Publisher: Peter
Russian language
Number of pages: 432

Description: The Microsoft Office 2010 Self-Tutorial is intended for those readers who already have some experience with a computer and want to get acquainted with the capabilities of applications of a widely used software package from Microsoft.

The book describes the standard methods of working in the Windows operating system, the Word text editor, electronic editor excel spreadsheets... In addition, you will become familiar with the capabilities of PowerPoint for preparing presentations with a professional database management system access data.

Particular attention is paid to the interaction of Office 2010 applications with each other. Numerous exercises will help you master the knowledge gained and put it into practice.


Microsoft Office Excel 2010 (Victor Dolzhenkov, Alexander Stuchenkov)

ISBN: 978-5-9775-0594-9

Authors: Victor Dolzhenkov, Alexander Stuchenkov
Year of issue: 2011
Genre: Computer literature
Publisher: BHV-Petersburg
Series: In the original
Russian language
Number of pages: 816/919
Description: The book is the most complete guidance, dedicated to working with spreadsheets, and contains comprehensive information on almost all functions of Microsoft Office Excel 2010. Reflects changes and innovations introduced by Microsoft in latest version... The complete cycle of data processing, presentation and analysis is described. Consider ...


Self-study guide Microsoft Windows 7 (Lyudmila Omelchenko, Arkady Tikhonov)

ISBN: 978-5-9775-0494-2
Format: PDF, eBook (originally computer)
Authors: Lyudmila Omelchenko, Arkady Tikhonov
Year of issue: 2010
Genre: Computer literature
Publisher: BHV-Petersburg
Russian language
Number of pages: 594
Description: Provides all the necessary information for mastering the operating room windows systems 7 including detailed description new graphical interface, use of files, folders, user libraries, built-in multimedia, adjusting system settings and administration tools, using network shares and accessing the Internet. Considered in ...


Tutorial Microsoft Windows 8 (Denis Kolisnichenko)

ISBN: 978-5-9775-0903-9
Format: PDF, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Denis Kolisnichenko
Year of issue: 2013
Genre: Computer literature
Publisher: BHV-Petersburg
Series: Tutorial
Russian language
Number of pages: 288
Description: Describes the main innovations in Windows 8, paying special attention to using the system on a tablet. Considered the installation of the system as on physical computer (stationary, laptop, netbook, tablet) and virtual (VMware, Virtual Box). The description of the new interface of the Metro system, standard Metro applications, the new version internet browser Ex ...


Microsoft Excel 2010. User's Bible (+ CD-ROM) (John Walkenbach)

ISBN: 978-5-8459-1711-9
Format: PDF, OCR without errors
By John Walkenbach
Translator: N. Voronin
Year of issue: 2013
Genre: Computer literature
Publisher: Dialectics
Russian language
Number of pages: 912
Description: This book is intended for both beginner and intermediate spreadsheet developers and users, and advanced users who want to learn more about the capabilities of Excel in general and about the nuances of working with the new version of Excel - Excel 2010 - in particular. Written by an Excel guru, this book will show you how to use Excel 2010 to work with spreadsheets, ...


Microsoft Excel 2010. Most Necessary (Nikita Kultin, Larisa Tsoi)

ISBN: 978-5-9775-0583-3
Format: PDF, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Nikita Kultin, Larisa Tsoi
Year of issue: 2010
Genre: Computer literature
Publisher: BHV-Petersburg
Series: The Most Necessary
Russian language
Number of pages: 208
Description: The book is a practical guide for those who start working with Microsoft Excel 2010. It provides the most necessary information for solving typical tasks: performing calculations, formatting and formatting tables, building diagrams and graphs. Attention is paid to data processing, the use of templates and macros. The book is excellent ...


A self-explanatory tutorial Excel 2010 (V. Volkov)

ISBN: ISBN 978-5-49807-771-0

Author: V. Volkov
Year of issue: 2010
Genre: Computer literature
Publisher: Peter
Russian language
Number of pages: 252
Description: Microsoft Excel is one of the most mysterious and interesting programs in the MS Office 2010 package. It is interesting for the numerous means of work automation, paperwork and rich computing capabilities. Its mysteriousness lies in the fact that most users use only a fraction of what Excel can give them. This is all the more surprising since the range of program features is pr ...

but I

Microsoft Excel 2010 for the qualified user (Ivanov I.I.)

Format: PDF, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Ivanov I.I.
Year of issue: 2011
Genre: Computer literature
Publisher: Academy of IT
Russian language
Number of pages: 244
Description: This book is intended for those spreadsheet users who want to learn more about the capabilities of Excel 2010.
Add. information: Microsoft program Excel is designed to work with spreadsheets, allowing you to collect, analyze and present in convenient form quantitative and text information... FROM with Microsoft Excel,
You can: Create various documents for collection and analysis ...


User work in Microsoft Excel 2010 (Zudilova T.V., Odinochkina S.V., Osetrova I.S., Osipov N.A.)

Format: PDF, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Zudilova T.V., Odinochkina S.V., Osetrova I.S., Osipov N.A.
Year of issue: 2012

Russian language
Number of pages: 87
Description: The tutorial provides a guide to the basic techniques of working in Microsoft Excel 2010 in the discipline "Introduction to the specialty". It is intended for students studying in all profiles of training bachelors of the direction: 210700 "Infocommunication technologies and communication systems".
You will be able to: master the MS Excel interface; enter and change information on p ...


Office 2010 Manuals (Microsoft)

Format: PDF, OCR without errors
Year of issue: 2010
Genre: Reference literature
Publisher: Microsoft
Russian language
Number of books: 13
Description: Manuals for all products included in Office Professional Plus 2010.
List of Books: Microsoft Access 2010 Microsoft Excel 2010 Microsoft InfoPath 2010 Microsoft Office 2010 Microsoft Office Mobile 2010 Microsoft Office Web Apps Microsoft OneNote 2010 Microsoft Outlook 2010 Microsoft Outlook 2010 with BCM Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Microsoft Publisher 2010 Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 2010 Microsoft Word 2010
Add. Information: To view ...


Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Step by Step 2010 (Michael Halvorson)

Format: PDF, OCR without errors
Year of issue: 2010
Genre: Programming
Publisher: Microsoft Press
English language
Number of pages: 548
Description: This book will help you create different applications in Microsoft Visual Basic 2010. Do not forget to say thank you !!!


Microsoft Word 2010 from beginner to professional (Nesen A.V.)

ISBN: 978-5-91359-096-1, 978-5-94074-713-0
Format: PDF, OCR without errors
Author: Nesen A.V.
Year of issue: 2011
Genre: Computer literature
Publisher: Solon-Press, DMK Press
Russian language
Number of pages: 444
Description: A new version most popular text microsoft editor Word has been updated and expanded to make working with documents even more convenient and efficient. Many features have been added in Word 2010 to help you create even more impactful documents and work on them as a team. To quickly understand how the application works and use its capabilities on ...


Database development in Microsoft Access 2010 (Odinochkina S.V.)

Format: PDF, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Odinochkina S.V.
Year of issue: 2012
Genre: Textbooks, reference books, encyclopedias
Russian language
Number of pages: 83
Description: The manual sets out guidelines for implementation laboratory work in the discipline "Introduction to the specialty". It is intended for students studying in all profiles of training bachelors of the direction 210700 "Infocommunication technologies and communication systems". You will get acquainted with: technologies and concepts of relational databases; principles for the development of a data representation structure in ...


Formulas in Microsoft Excel 2010 + CD with examples (John Walkenbach)

ISBN: 978-5-8459-1704-1
Format: PDF, OCR without errors
By John Walkenbach
Year of issue: 2011

Publisher: Dialectics
Russian language
Number of pages: 684
Summary: Experts estimate that only ten percent of Excel users are proficient in using worksheet formulas. If you want to be among those ten percent, this is a book for professionals. First of all, you will learn what formulas are, how to create them, and what you can do with them. Then you will learn how to use functions in formulas. Finally, special ...


Microsoft Access 2010. Application development on a real example + CD (Gurvits G.A.)

ISBN: 978-5-9775-0579-6
Format: PDF, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Gurvits G.A.
Year of issue: 2010
Genre: Computer literature, programming
Publisher: BHV-Petersburg
Russian language
Number of pages: 496
Description: Explains the stages of creating database applications in file-server and client-server architectures. Describes how to work with Microsoft Access 2010 (client) and Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (server). Using a small but real database as an example, the process of creating a simple Access application is shown and modified to give the application the basic features of a professional ...


Windows 7 and Office 2010. Computer for beginners. Go to work tomorrow! (Lebedev A.N.))